It is necessary for painting walls with water-based paint. Painting the ceiling with water-based paint over old paint

  • 14.06.2019

Painting requires care, attention and right choice suitable suspension. To date, the most widely used water-based paint, which compares favorably with its counterparts in many advantages.

But how versatile is it and what surfaces is it suitable for? This is what we will try to understand in this article.

General provisions

To begin with, let's define what water-dispersion paint is.


The water emulsion consists of ordinary water, in which binders and color pigments are dispersed. After being applied to the surface, H 2 O molecules evaporate, leaving a durable polymer layer of the desired shade. It is also possible the presence of various modifying additives that endow the solution with additional properties.


After getting acquainted with strengths water emulsion, it will become much easier to determine the types of materials that go well with it.

  • Full environmental friendliness. As can be seen from its structure, at the moment of solidification, only absolutely safe water. That allows the use of this solution even in the children's room.

  • Low price. The absence of expensive solvents in the composition makes water-based paint cheaper than most similar suspensions.
  • Variety of possible colors. It is also possible to mix available colors to obtain rare original shades.

  • Ease of manual operation. Does not form streaks, creates a uniform even layer.
  • High resistance to high humidity, abrasion, temperature extremes, alkaline attack, physical damage and UV radiation.

Tip: with increased aggression environment recommended for use finishing works a kind of water-dispersion acrylic paint.
Although it is more expensive, acrylates acting in its structure as binders significantly increase all specifications making the coating even more reliable and durable.

  • Ease of maintenance. The instruction manual allows the use during cleaning household chemicals making it easy to get rid of any dirt stains.
  • High vapor permeability. Which is important for many types of materials that need to "breathe".
  • Elasticity. Does not crack even if cracks appear in the base material. It is successfully used for processing small and moving parts of furniture or interior.
  • Easily rinses off hands and tools with ordinary soap.
  • Long service life. With proper care reaches ten years.

Types of matching surfaces

Based structural features water emulsion and its characteristic advantages, we can conclude that it is suitable for almost all types of surfaces.

But let's look at individual cases in more detail:

  1. Wood. Can wood be painted with water-based paint? Quite, the water emulsion will perfectly protect the wood from the harmful effects of excessive moisture, which will favorably affect the increase in its service life.

  1. Oil suspension. Is it possible to paint with water-based paint over oil? The fact is that such a surface is covered with the thinnest layer of acids and oils, which prevent the water-based emulsion from moistening the base with high quality. As a result, the adhesion is very weak, and the result is very far from high-quality.
    So before painting with water-based paint, it is necessary to completely clean the area to be treated from traces of the old paintwork material.

Tip: When removing old oil slurry, it is recommended to use an industrial hair dryer.
Under the influence of hot air, the paint layer will swell and peel off, which will greatly simplify its elimination.

  1. Lime. Is it possible to paint with water-based paint on lime? Yes, since it has a sufficient level of steam transmission, which is necessary condition for the successful exploitation of lime and plastered surfaces. But at the same time, it is advisable to start painting no earlier than a month after finishing the finishing work. This will make it possible to have time to ripen the facing material as much as possible.

  1. Iron. Is it possible to paint metal with water-based paint? As we already know, the basis of the solution in question is water. And iron is susceptible to corrosion. That is, such painting can cause the occurrence and spread of rust under the finishing layer.
    To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to make a preliminary deep penetration, which will create a polymer layer that reliably protects the steel from contact with water particles of the emulsion.

  1. Brick and concrete. How to paint a brick or concrete surface with water-based paint? It can be done. It goes well with these materials, both on the inside and outside of the building.


Water based paint wins over its competitors due to the peculiarities of its structure.

The presence of a water base guarantees it:

  • environmental cleanliness;
  • high moisture resistance;
  • fire safety;
  • affordable cost;
  • many other undeniable and very important advantages.

It is compatible with almost any material, although some require pre-treatment with other special formulations to improve the quality of the coating.

The video in this article can provide you Additional information related to the material under consideration. Water emulsion is best choice to conduct at the moment from the available paintwork materials.

Naturally, before starting work on preparing the walls and painting them, it is necessary to choose the right tools. So, in the process of painting you will need:

Brushes (wide and narrow)

You will also need:

  • masking tape
  • Dye

As well as when painting the ceiling, we will begin painting the walls with surface preparation. The preparatory work includes the following list of processes:

    Alignment of the wall and elimination of all existing defects on it

    Surface putty

    Sanding and priming

Now we will not describe in detail each of these processes, since all information about them can be found in the article.

Since water-based paint is sold quite thick, it must be diluted with water. Liquids are usually added 5-10%. Then the paint should be mixed to the consistency of milk using a drill with a mixer nozzle.

After reaching the desired density, the paint can be given the desired color. To do this, you can use one or more colors.

Important! Prepare all the required amount of paint at once, otherwise the shade may later turn out to be not the same and uneven.

Now you need to wait until the foam settles on the paint after mixing and you can proceed to further work.

When all preparatory stages successfully completed, you can proceed to the staining process itself. As in the case of painting the ceiling, you can paint the walls with both a roller and a brush.

To begin with, soak the roller in a container of paint so that it is well saturated, and then roll it out on a clean surface (thus removing excess paint).

It is better to start staining from a light source and move down the wall from top to bottom. Apply paint to the wall using parallel vertical stripes. It should also be remembered that each subsequent strip should go a little on the previous one.

Painting the walls with a brush

Painting walls with a brush will take a little longer than with a roller, so experts advise using this tool only for painting over narrow places and corners. But we will also tell you how to paint over the entire wall with a brush.

If you still decide to abandon the roller, then you need to choose a wide brush (100-125 mm). First, it should be wetted by a third in a container of paint, and then lightly touch the walls to remove excess. You need to start painting from above, but paint should be applied in vertical and horizontal stripes that overlap each other. At the same time, it is necessary to paint over at least 1 sq.m. in one run, and you cannot stop until the entire wall is painted.

We continue to tell the nuances self repair. In this article, we will look at how to paint walls with water-based paint. Where we consider the main points of the process of painting walls - what to do, what not to do, what is desirable and what is undesirable. How to paint walls with water-based paint? In principle, it is very simple - I took a brush (roller), dipped it in paint - and go ahead. Pair of three dozen painted square meters walls - and you yourself can write such an article. That is, the main interesting point of painting walls is experience.

We continue to tell the nuances of independent. In this article, we will look at as a water-based paint. Where we consider the main points of the process of painting walls - what to do, what not to do, what is desirable and what is undesirable.

How to paint walls with water-based paint? In principle, it is very simple - I took a brush (roller), dipped it in paint - and go ahead. A couple of dozens of painted square meters of walls - and you yourself can write such an article. That is, the main interesting point of painting walls is experience.

Well, now let's look at some points of painting walls, obtained from someone else's experience. So the key information is:
Or, in other words, if you hurry, you will make people laugh.

Clear out the room as much as possible before starting work. Put the remaining things in the center of the room and cover with a dustproof film. Use this film also for floor protection. Also, newspapers, paper, cardboard, old unnecessary wallpaper, etc. can be used to protect the floor.
Plaster any bumps and cracks, then rinse the walls and joinery with a solution of soda ash or sodium phosphate. Don't forget your respirator protective gloves and glasses, since baking soda and sodium phosphate can cause skin irritation when dusted. Rinse off the solution clean water and let the surfaces dry. In some cases, walls and ceilings may require putty, primer or sealant.
It should be remembered that matte water-based paints are less demanding on surface quality than glossy ones. When painting putty walls (without), three layers of paint should be applied, and the first layer is a primer. As a primer, you can use water-based paint, which is supposed to be the main color of the walls, although it is most preferable to use a primer recommended by the manufacturer of this paint. When painting, two coats of paint are sufficient (primer is excluded).
Paint step by step. When painting large surfaces, such as the ceiling and walls, you need to move from a window or other light source to the opposite end of the room. Apply paint in overlapping parallel stripes.
Painting (including priming) of the walls should be started from the corner of the wall that is least demanding on the quality of painting. In order not to damage the corner or frieze with the edge of the roller, it is necessary to first paint the wall (to the width of the strip) with a brush 3-5 cm from the corner. The paint is applied to the walls in vertical parallel stripes, as wide as a roller.

Stir the paint and fill the paint container about a third full. Take a wide brush (size 100-125 mm) and dip it into the paint so as to cover a third of the bristles. Press the brush against the side of the container to get rid of excess paint. Don't run your brush over the rim, or you'll skim off too much and build up paint buildup on the edge of the container.
Start at the top of the wall and apply paint in short overlapping vertical and horizontal strokes. In one run, try to process an area of ​​​​about 1 square. m, while each new area should overlap the previous one, while its edges are still wet.
Apply paint successively to the entire wall. Try to finish work on one wall before you take a break, otherwise there will be a noticeable change in tone where you stop. The less you drip onto the floor, the more paint you will put on the wall.
Applying paint with a roller is the fastest way to treat large areas, although this may require more coats than with a brush because the roller distributes the paint in a thinner layer.
Fill the tray with paint about a third. Dip the roller into the paint and roll it over the ribbed surface of the tray back and forth. This will evenly distribute the paint on the roller.
Pass the roller along the surface of the wall in different directions, evenly pressing on it. Don't rush or the paint will splatter. After each dip of the roller into the paint, start working on the unpainted surface and return to the already painted one, applying strokes to the still wet edge.
When you're done, don't forget to cover up any leftover paint and wash your brushes!

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint?

Since ancient times, a person has been decorating his home, trying to make it harmonious and comfortable. To do this, he used a variety of techniques. Ceiling decoration has been used since ancient times. The Greeks and Romans decorated their ceilings with silk, and some of them impregnated the fabric with lime mortar. When the fabric dried, a perfectly flat surface formed, which hid all the flaws and cracks. In India, rich rajahs used tiger skins as a special sign of wealth and luxury. Wall and ceiling painting was also a sign of wealth. Even from Egypt, you can trace the painting in the tombs of the pharaohs. Thanks to these murals, we have learned not a single history of our civilization. In palaces and temples, whole pictures were painted on the ceilings, in which whole stories could be traced. The ceiling was decorated with gold, ornaments, carvings and frescoes. Thanks to these murals, the already high ceilings seemed even higher, the building seemed lighter and more luxurious. Man has always sought to make his home not only warm, but also cozy, harmonious and comfortable. With the help of a properly designed or painted ceiling, you can visually expand the space, raise the ceiling or, conversely, lower it for more comfort.
Currently, there are many ways to decorate the ceiling, but painting the ceiling remains the most reliable and classic way.
How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint? What does success depend on?

Ceiling painting is one of the most responsible works during the repair. In order to achieve the desired result and increase the life of the painted surface of our ceiling, it is necessary to properly prepare the surface. Preliminary preparation of the surface has an important influence on the final result, and in no case should it be neglected. Careful preparation of the surface improves the adhesion of the paint to the surface, and so on. significantly increases the service life of the finished coating. What exactly do we mean here? The choice of paint and tools plays a big role in this. The roller to a certain extent significantly affects the quality of the ceiling painting, so you need to pay special attention to the choice of the roller. Of all the variety of rollers, the best result for painters is achieved when working with a roller with a long pile (threads). But if you want to use a foam roller, then it is not suitable, because. gives bubbles, a velor roller is also not suitable - it does not take enough paint. So, to paint our ceiling, we take a roller with long threads!
Now let's talk about paint. We will consider water-based paint. Why? water-based paint - this is a long-tried and reliable way when the painted surface as a result looks even and uniform. The paint is well applied and has no smell. The choice of paint and its manufacturer - important point, it should take into account not so much the initial cost of painting the ceiling as the type of room where repair work. We will consider water-based paints using the example of the manufacturer Tikkurila, because. this company has been engaged in the production of coatings for a long time and it has its own large research and development center equipped with modern equipment for the manufacture and testing of products in a variety of conditions.

A range of modern paints and varnishes for interior decoration quite large, it can be difficult to choose the necessary paint for walls and ceilings.

When choosing finishing materials, it is important to know what their characteristics are. Attention should be paid to environmental friendliness, vapor and water permeability, durability of the coating.

It should be noted that the quality of the application of paint depends appearance finished wall. If you apply paint on an uneven surface or a surface with cracks, it will not only not hide existing defects, but also emphasize them.

The walls of residential premises are best painted with water-based paints. They are produced on the basis of aqueous solutions and synthetic dispersions and differ in their properties. For example, the degree of resistance of such a paint to moisture depends on the amount of thickening components and pigments contained in it. Water-based paints adhere well to the surface, dry quickly, and most importantly, they are non-toxic. These paints serve as an excellent coating for stone, concrete and wooden surfaces. When applied to porous surfaces, they create a decorative and protective layer. When dry, the emulsion forms a strong film that protects the paint layer from damage. Walls painted with water-based paint create a healthy microclimate in the room, form a beautiful matte finish that does not lose brightness for a long time.

Mosaic, or granite, paint. There is a misconception that this paint contains granite dust, but this is not true. This finishing material consists of tiny bubbles of acrylic paint. The surface is painted using a special spray gun. Upon impact, the droplets are broken against the wall, a pattern resembling the texture of granite is formed on the surface.

Before starting work, the mass must be thoroughly mixed. Spray it from left to right with uniform movements. After 2-3 hours, it is necessary to apply a second layer from top to bottom.
Granite paint is suitable for such types of treated surfaces as concrete, wood, plywood, chipboard, drywall, metal.

The wall painted with granite paint washes well, damaged areas can be easily restored.

Velor effect paints. This effect is achieved due to bubbles, which include solid colored particles. After complete drying, a thin elastic film resistant to chemical influences is formed on the surface, outwardly resembling a soft velor fabric.

The coating is completely smooth flat surface, easy to clean with detergents.

The paint with a pearl effect has a translucent structure, it contains natural mother-of-pearl. Thanks to this composition, it changes color depending on the lighting.

It is better to paint parts with such paint, and not entire surfaces. It is perfect for finishing cornices, window sills, elements of columns and other fragments of the interior.

The paint can be applied to finishing putty, cement, wood, drywall, plywood, chipboard.

Decorative paints are applied to almost any surface. They have a fairly wide range of applications. After drying, the surfaces can be washed and cleaned with any detergents. The painted surface is generally smooth to the touch, dust does not accumulate on it. Working with paints does not require special preparation, and they are sold ready for use.

wall painting technology

Need to prepare a room for painting work
It is necessary to mark the boundaries of the territory to be painted with a molar ribbon. Especially door and window frames, as well as the ceiling surface adjacent to the walls.

The base should be processed:
Concrete walls must be cleaned, leveled, cracks patched, and a quality primer applied to the walls.
When the primer is dry, walk sandpaper all rough spots. If the grainy surface is covered with dust during processing and the graininess has worn off, replace it with a new sanding sheet.

After you have finished sanding the ground surface, wipe the entire base with a damp cloth to remove the resulting dust.
Work should be in glasses to avoid getting dust and paint in your eyes.

It is necessary to pour the paint into the bucket and mix it well with a stick, you can use an electric beater, stir until a homogeneous mass is formed.

The brush should be placed one third into the paint, lift it up and hold it over the paint so that the excess can drain back into the bucket.

Start painting the walls from the corner of the room. Strokes are applied crosswise, spreading the brush from left to right or from top to bottom. An even coverage should be achieved.

How to paint the ceiling with water-based paint? Color options.

Consider water-based paints for in, living room, hallway and other dry rooms. Recently, many of our fellow citizens began to make their own ceilings from suspended plasterboard, and such people, of course, are concerned about the question: how to paint plasterboard ceilings. What paint is better to choose? So. Try Finnish paints Joker and Harmony - paints that give surfaces a velvety finish and excellent wash resistance. Tikkurila paints Siro Mat Plus and Syroplast-2 are completely matt paints with excellent hiding power, they perfectly withstand cleaning with a wet cloth or easy wash. Euro 7 is matte paint, which also withstands light brushing, but is not suitable, for example, for a room, due to the high moisture content in. A large assortment Tikkurila allows you to choose a special paint for wet rooms containing an antifungal component, in this case you can use Luja, Euro 20, Remontti-Yassya (Tikkurila) wet room paints or Dulux Reallife Kitchen & Bathroom paint for kitchen and bathroom.

Surface preparation. If the surface was previously painted, then we remove the old paint from it, for this we wash the surface with Maalipesu solution (alkaline detergent for cleaning and pre-treatment of internal surfaces). Then thoroughly rinse the surface with water and let dry. After that, with the help of putty, we level the surface, having previously “opened” and sealed the cracks. To do this, it is best to use finishing putties Shitrok (Sheetrock) or Proform (Proform) [USA] or Maxi (Dulux), which are easily sanded to a perfectly smooth state and are well suited for puttying false ceiling from drywall, and ordinary plastered (for example, gypsum plaster Rothband (Rotband)) ceiling. We grind the dried surface, remove the dust. Next, we prime the surface using deep-penetrating acrylic primers Putzgrund (Putzgrund) and Tiefgrunt LF (Dufa), Euro Primer (Tikkurila), Maestro (Marshal). We paint the surface prepared in this way. Paint should only be applied to dry surfaces. The paint is applied to the surface with a brush or spray gun. Water-based paint usually dries in one to two hours. The surface of the ceiling becomes porous and breathable, which ensures freedom of breathing in the room.
Water-based paint application technology. In order for us not to be disappointed after painting the ceiling, it is necessary to observe a few simple but essential remarks on painting.
1. We dilute the paint to the desired density in accordance with the instructions. Often the manufacturer recommends diluting the paint by 5-10% with water. If the manufacturer does not recommend diluting the paint, then we do not dilute it, but only mix it. We do this with a mixer with a special nozzle. Usually, for painting the ceiling in one layer, this mixing is enough., which have excellent resistance to washing and contain an anti-mold component.
2. First, paint the edges of the ceiling, for this we take a brush or a narrow roller and stepping back 3-5 cm from the corner of the ceiling with the wall along the entire perimeter, paint over this narrow strip. We need this so that during subsequent painting we do not accidentally smear the walls with a roller in the corners.
3. Then we take a roller, dip it into a bucket of paint, but at the same time we do not completely lower it into the bucket, but we dip it. As a rule, the roller gets wet on one side, and we need to ensure that the entire circumference of the roller is evenly filled with paint. To do this, we roll the roller on a grid or tray (they are often sold in paint kits) or on clean slate linoleum or hardboard, but not on the ceiling! If necessary, once again dip the roller into the paint and roll it out again. As the painting work is carried out, this operation will be repeated regularly.
4. After we rolled out the roller and its threads were evenly filled with paint, we begin painting the ceiling.

When painting the ceiling, we must remember that the first movement must always be carried out in one direction, and each subsequent layer must be applied perpendicular to the previous one. The last (top) layer of paint is applied exclusively in the direction from the window. We wish you success in this difficult and interesting business and hope that our advice and recommendations will help you achieve an impeccable result.
We also advise you to pay your attention to water-based paints for ceilings from other manufacturers, for example: Beckers 3 and Beckers 7 (Beckers), Bindo 3, Bindo 7, Innetak, Supermatt and Magic White (Dulux), Maestro White Ceiling Suite, Maestro Interior Classic ", Maestro Interior "Fantasy", Export 2, Export 7 (Marshal), Eurobalance 2, Eurobalance 7 (Symphony).

How to paint the walls

How to paint the walls inaccessible to the roller, in this case, a brush is used for painting. These are places located 20 - 30 cm in each corner, the same rule applies to places near the borders marked with masking tape.

Rinse the roller well under running water beforehand and it is important to make sure that the bristles of the roller do not crumble and are firmly fixed.

After that, dip the roller in the paint, only you should follow the axis of the roller, it should not be immersed in the paint. To saturate the roller with paint, rotate its cylinder 3-4 times.
Now carefully apply the paint to the base of the wall. Work should start from the top of the wall, move the roller up and down, the movements should resemble the English W. In no case should you paint only vertically, as this will leave ugly stains and marks on the wall.

With a roller, very carefully paint over the places next to which the tape is pasted, just do not go beyond its line.

After the work with the paint is finished, place the roller overnight in a bucket of water, then you can use the roller again.

If necessary, you can apply another layer of paint.

Now you should remove the tape and paint the remaining places with a thin brush.

What are the walls painted with?

So, than in the room, let's see. As a rule, water-based and Oil paint and also enamel. To obtain the necessary color palette of paint, color is added to it, which is thoroughly mixed. Thus, you can choose the one you need color scheme. At the same time, it must be remembered that the color in the paint should be no more than 5%, and also that when dried, oil paint and enamel darken, and water-based paint brightens.

More about paints.

Water-based paints have a soft matte and velvety surface. Such paints are non-toxic, which gives them a significant advantage over enamels. Easy to use and remove from clothes, furniture and tools. However, such paints are less elastic than oil paints, and therefore their consumption is slightly higher. Another disadvantage of water-based paints is the phobia of wet and damp surfaces. Although at present there are varieties of water-based paints adapted to such conditions.
In turn, oil paints are very well tolerated by everything related to moisture and dampness. The main requirement when working with such paints is a well-ventilated area due to the presence of toxic components in the composition of the paint.

About the tool.

What of the whole variety of tools can be useful to us when? First of all, it is a paint application tool, which is played by a roller and a brush. To facilitate the painting process, a telescopic tube or a long “holder” will not be superfluous, which will help you to safely do without a stepladder.

For equilateral wetting of the roller in the paint, you can not do without a bath with rolling, which will help remove excess liquid from the tool, evenly distributing it over the entire surface of the roller. Excess paint on the roller causes streaks, dirt and streaks.

Which brush should you choose? Oddly enough, but the brush is useful to you only for cutting corners and edges, so optimal size for the brush will be in the range of 5-10 cm.

It is difficult to find a person who has not heard anything about water-based paint. water-based paint allows you to make the apartment beautiful and cozy.

Water-based paint is used to paint the walls of the bathroom.

For wall decoration, a huge number of various types building materials. With their help, you can create any design. Painting walls with water-based paint does not lose its relevance due to its availability, simplicity and environmental friendliness.

Features of choice

Water-based paint is an aqueous mixture of the smallest polymer particles and various additives. All these components are in suspension. The basis is made up of polymeric substances that form a film when dried. To give white color contains zinc oxide or titanium dioxide. In addition, various fillers, plasticizers, antiseptics, etc. are added. An adhesive composition (usually CMC glue) is used as a thickener.

The solvent for the paint is water. The following composition is most common: polymeric substance - 50%; pigment and filler - 37%; plasticizer - 7%, other elements - 6%.

Depending on the type of polymer used, modern water-based paints are divided into the following types: acrylic, silicone, silicate and mineral. Acrylic water-based paints, which are based on acrylic resins, are most widely used. Latex is added to high-quality dyes. Coatings with such paint have sufficient water resistance, have a density, and have good adhesion to many materials.

Silicone paint refers to coatings that form a vapor-permeable layer. This allows you to apply the material on the walls of rooms where there is often high humidity. It is resistant to the formation of fungi and mold. By its density, the paint is able to mask cracks up to 2 mm. The disadvantages include the increased cost.

Silicate water-based paints are based on liquid glass with colored pigments. They have increased resistance to atmospheric factors, very high permeability to steam and air. Its service life is quite high. In terms of moisture resistance, this type is somewhat inferior to silicone paint. Mineral water-based paints may contain slaked lime or cement. Therefore, such paint easily falls on concrete walls. Polyvinyl acetate paint of this type has high strength after film formation, withstands water, fats and oils quite well. An important positive property is high light fastness.

Water-based paint has a number of parameters that should be considered when purchasing it for painting walls. The main characteristics should include:

  • paint base;
  • consumption during coloring;
  • viscosity during implementation;
  • specific gravity;
  • storage period;
  • best before date.

High-quality paint has a consumption (when painting in one layer) of 150-200 ml / m². The specific gravity should be approximately 1.35 kg/l. Drying time should not exceed 24 hours. At the same time, high-quality paints dry in 2 hours.

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Paint preparation

Water-based paint is sold in polymer or metal containers of various sizes. The factory container contains instructions or recommendations for use. Including the expense is usually indicated, which allows you to estimate the amount of paint required for the purchase.

In addition, water-based paint is sold in various consistencies. It may be ready for use (indicated in the instructions) or requires stirring in water to a suitable consistency. If the paint is too thick, then it must be diluted with water and mixed evenly. Usually, before painting walls with water-based paint, construction material mix by hand to the consistency of milk. However, the most the best way- mixing with a mixer or an electric drill with a mixer hen. If a voluminous texture is provided on the wall, then the material is not diluted, but applied in a very thick form. Immediately before applying to the walls, the emulsion must be re-mixed thoroughly.

Painting bathroom walls helps protect them from moisture.

In the case when the painted walls must have a certain color, you should take care of the color in advance. Water-based paints are currently on sale different colors, but if you choose desired color failed, then you should take a white paint and add the desired color or a combination of several colors to it. When selecting the desired color, you should first check in a container of no more than 100 ml. Color is gradually added to the paint with thorough mixing. Control smears are made periodically. When the desired color is reached, the desired color concentration is fixed. Only after such a check is a larger amount of paint colored. It should be borne in mind that the color of the paint changes when it dries, so the control strokes must be given time to dry.

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Preparing for painting

Modern water-based paints are able to lay down on almost any surface, including concrete. However, all wall irregularities will show through the coating. This requires preliminary preparation of the wall surface before painting. The surface of the wall must be smooth and level.

To do this, a thin layer of finishing putty is applied to the entire surface. After the putty dries, the wall is grouted and sanded with a sanding mesh or fine sandpaper. Immediately before painting the walls with water-based paint, they must be cleaned of dust.

The wall itself must be freed from any objects (including nails, screws, etc.). The space in front of the wall should be free of furniture. It is recommended to cover the floor area, the plinth with a film from splashes.

Water-based paint has long been one of the most used materials in any repair. This is not surprising, since the "water emulsion" in comparison with other finishing materials has a lot of advantages: it is completely harmless and does not have a strong smell, dries very quickly, and mixing different colors, you can get almost any color and shade. In addition, it is very economical, and the technology for painting surfaces with such paint is quite simple and does not require special tools and skills. Of course, it is still necessary to have certain knowledge. So how to paint the walls with water-based paint?

Features of water-based paint

Water-based paints differ not only in color, but also in properties and chemical composition.

Depending on the components included in the composition, water-based paints are divided into the following main groups: silicate, mineral, polyvinyl acetate, acrylic and silicone. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

silicate paint

The composition of such paints includes bonding agents based on liquid glass. Silicate paint is one of the most durable: the painted surface can maintain an attractive appearance for ten or more years.

Silicate paint contains alkalis, so when working with it, it is imperative to observe safety regulations and follow the manufacturer's instructions exactly.

mineral paint

This is a paint based on cement and slaked lime. Excellent for painting raw concrete and brick surfaces. Works with mineral paint can be carried out even in rooms with increased level humidity.

Polyvinyl acetate paint

This emulsion can be diluted with water and used in unventilated areas. Another advantage is that after drying, a film forms on its surface, which is resistant not only to the penetration of moisture, but also to more aggressive liquids, such as oils. Therefore, this type of paint is often used in industrial premises.

The most popular water-based paint is acrylic

Probably the most popular of water-based paints. It is produced on the basis of acrylic and latex resins and is of very high quality and durability. However, it should be noted that the cost acrylic paints is the highest.

silicone paint

This paint is based on an aqueous dispersion of resins. The paint has an excellent moisture and vapor repellent effect and can be used to paint almost any surface, with the exception of reinforced concrete.

Silicone paint is perfectly combined with any other types of paints, which is also an important advantage.

Preparatory work

When using water-based paints, preparatory work is a very important step, on which the quality of the final result will depend on almost 50%.

Necessary tools and materials

To prepare the surface of the walls and ceiling for painting, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • putty dry or ready;

Putty can be sold both in dry and ready-made form

If the walls have only minor defects, you can get by with finishing putty. Otherwise, for preparatory work you will need a starter.

Without this set of tools, it will not be possible to qualitatively prepare the walls for painting.

  • a set of spatulas;
  • a container for preparing a solution;
  • drill or screwdriver with drill function;
  • construction mixer;
  • level;
  • primer;
  • roller or brush for applying a primer;
  • plaster mesh or sandpaper;
  • plastic wrap or wrapping paper;
  • Scotch.

Room preparation

Already before the start of the preparatory work, the room in which the painting will be carried out must be prepared in a certain way.

Ideally, you need to completely free the room from furniture. But if this is not possible (for example, there is a closet in the room that needs to be disassembled), then the remaining items should be carefully covered with film or paper. It is also recommended to cover the floors of the room, and not only near the wall that will be painted, but also in the place where the putty mortar is prepared and the paint is mixed.

If possible, it is better to close the floor completely.

Surface preparation

If the walls or ceiling have practically no visual defects (this situation is most often found in "new buildings"), then as a preparation it will be enough to thoroughly clean them of dust and dirt - for this purpose you can use a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle - and rinse with water. After the surface is completely dry, a layer of primer is applied to it, after which it dries, you can proceed directly to painting.

If you are going to paint old walls that already had some kind of coating, then the amount of preparatory work will be somewhat larger.

First of all, the remains of the past coating must be completely removed from the walls.

Removing the old coating with a spatula

After that, the remaining dust is removed and the wall is covered with a layer of primer for putty.

Priming the walls with a roller

If not the entire surface of the wall needs to be leveled, then only “working areas” can be primed to save material.

When the primer is dry, apply the first layer of putty.

Leveling the wall with putty

Depending on the condition of the walls, it can become like finishing layer(and the only one), and the starting one, which after processing will be covered with another layer of putty.

Eliminate minor defects with a grout mesh

And the final step in preparing the walls for painting is to cover the putty surface with another layer of primer.

Given that each layer needs to dry completely, a full cycle of wall preparation can take up to 72 hours.

Another option for preparing walls is pasting them. special wallpaper"for painting". In this case, of course, the final layer of primer does not need to be applied.

Paint preparation

If you are satisfied with the color of the purchased paint, then before applying it to the walls, it will be enough just to mix it thoroughly, lifting all the clots from the bottom of the container. You can do this with a construction mixer, but you can get by with any plastic or wooden lath.

If the paint is too thick, then it can be slightly diluted with water.

If you are going to create a combined color, then in this case the paint will have to be mixed, adhering to a certain technology.

By mixing paints, you can get almost any shade.

First, determine which paint will be the main one and add the rest of the colors to it. Secondly, keep in mind that the final color of the paint will “appear” only after it has been completely mixed, so do not rush to add one or another component if the solution seems insufficiently saturated to you. Thirdly, after each mixing of the paint with a mixer, be sure to wait for the foam to completely disappear. And lastly, prepare the paint at once in sufficient quantity to cover the entire surface. It will be impossible to reproduce exactly the resulting shade!

Painting technologies

Consider the question of how to apply water-based paint. This can be done in three main ways: spray gun, brush and roller.

Three basic painting tools

The easiest way to apply 'water emulsion' to walls

One of the simplest and quick ways painting. For it, you will need a roller with interchangeable nozzles (it is better to use not foam rubber, but with a pile), a brush for painting hard-to-reach places and a paint cuvette.

If you have to paint the ceiling or high walls, it is better to purchase a roller with a telescopic handle.

Pour some paint into the pan and dip the roller well in it. Excess paint is removed by rolling the roller along the corrugated edge of the cuvette. After that, from the corner of the room, start applying paint with a roller to the surface of the wall. You need to do this from top to bottom. When the paint on the roller runs out, it must be re-moistened in a cuvette. Each subsequent layer should slightly overlap the previous one.

Each next layer of paint should be perpendicular to the previous one.

If you are painting plastered walls, you will need to apply three coats of paint. In this case, the first and third layers are applied vertically, and the second - horizontally. Thus, you will be able to evenly cover the entire surface of the wall with paint and avoid streaks and tone differences. If you are painting wallpaper, then two layers will be enough: the first horizontal and the second vertical.

Angles and hard-to-reach places painted over with a brush.

The 'classic' brush is also suitable for applying 'water emulsion'

The brush can be used not only as an auxiliary element when working with a roller, but also as the main tool.

Pour the paint into a container (with this technology it is not necessary to use a cuvette) and dip a brush into it, the width of which should be at least 100 millimeters, into the paint about a third of the bristle length. Excess paint can be removed by brushing along the edge of the container.

When removing paint residue, do not press too hard, as this is fraught with splashing and removal of too much a large number paints.

We begin to paint from top to bottom, in small strokes, periodically changing their direction. When applying each subsequent layer, the alternation of the direction of the strokes should be changed so that they overlap each other perpendicularly.

Try to apply a layer of paint to the entire wall in one go, otherwise you may notice differences in tone.

Using a spray gun, you can get an almost perfect surface

The spray gun is classified as a professional painting tools. With it, you can achieve an almost perfect application of paint, without streaks and streaks.

There are several models of spray guns, but the principle of working with them is approximately the same.

The required amount of paint is poured into the tank of the device. Make a "blank shot" on the paper prepared in advance. This is done in order to clean the nozzle of excess paint that may remain on the wall in the form of streaks. When the paint began to spray evenly, start painting the surface.

The spray gun must be held perpendicular to the wall to be painted at a distance of 30-50 centimeters. The spray gun is moved with smooth rotational movements, evenly covering the wall with paint. After the first layer has dried, the procedure is repeated until a smooth uniform color is formed.

Decorative painting

With the help of water-based paint, you can also create beautiful and unusual patterns and even real paintings on surfaces. To do this, you can use the following technologies:

With the help of a figured roller, you can apply both an abstract texture and patterns

There are various rollers that allow you to get an interesting textured painting and even apply original patterns to the walls. Working with them is practically no different from working with a conventional roller. Naturally, decorative painting begins only after the main layer of paint is completely dry.

Painting with masking tape

Using adhesive tape, you can create the correct geometric patterns

If you want to apply the correct geometric patterns to the walls, then you can use special masking tape for this. It is glued to the drawing applied to the wall and then the necessary area is painted over. Thanks to the adhesive tape, the paint does not get beyond the borders of the pattern, forming an even straight line at the joints.

Painting with a stencil

You can make a stencil yourself, but it is better to use ready-made forms with drawings that are sold in construction supermarkets. The procedure for using the stencils and the required paint colors for each layer can be found in the instructions attached to them. The paint is applied to the stencil using a foam swab.

The swab should not be pressed very hard against the surface, otherwise paint streaks may get under the stencil.

Video: an unusual way to paint with a texture roller

Application of water-based paint on problem surfaces

We figured out the painting of prepared surfaces, but there are situations when smooth surface walls that do not require alignment are already covered with whitewash, paint or wallpaper. How to act in such situations, we will consider further.


Despite the fact that there are “paintable” wallpapers, it is categorically not recommended to apply a water-based emulsion on ordinary, even perfectly glued wallpapers. Plain paper will definitely get wet from the ink, which will lead to wrinkling of the surface and the formation of “pellets”. Thus, old wallpaper must be removed from the wall. After that, the surface is prepared for painting according to the above technology.


No matter how smooth a wall with whitewash (no matter chalk or lime) looks, it will have to be washed off before painting. This is due to the fact that it can begin to crack and bubble, and even if this does not happen, then in a year or two it will begin to peel off the walls along with the paint. So if you do not want to repaint the walls once a year, then it is better to wash off the whitewash and prepare the walls.


Drywall walls are smooth and do not seem to require additional putty. This is true if you are going to wallpaper them. But if you want to paint drywall with water-based paint, then a layer finishing putty must be applied to the entire surface.

The fact is that putty at the joints and more dark color drywall will give a different shade of "water emulsion". And even painting in 2-3 layers will not fix it.

Oil paint

The only coating that can not be washed off is oil paint, of course, provided that it itself has not begun to lag behind the walls. It is enough to clean such a surface with a fine “sandpaper”, wash it thoroughly and cover with a primer layer. After that, you can safely apply a “water emulsion” on it.

As you can see, painting the surface with water-based paint is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is quite possible to do this work with your own hands, and even the first experience of such work can give excellent results. Good luck with your repair!