Painting tool. Tools and fixtures for painting work

  • 29.08.2019

The surface to be painted usually has dents, shells, scratches and other defects, which are eliminated and leveled with fillers. Puttying does not increase the protective properties of coatings: too thick and insufficiently elastic putty layer is subject to cracking, as a result of which the strength of the entire coating is impaired.

Putties are applied to well-dried soil with a wooden, plastic or metal spatula (Fig. 33, a-e) (for flat surfaces) or a piece of sheet rubber (for curved surfaces). Putties can also be applied with a paint sprayer or special fishing rods with a nozzle with a diameter of 6 mm.

Rice. 33. Hand tools:
a-e - spatulas, g - block for sandpaper, h - scrapers, and - a device for grinding the surface; 1 - cloth, 2 - overlay, 3 - cap, 4 - handle, 5 - bath, 6 - holder, 7 - pads, 8 - soft base, 9 - sandpaper, 10 - clamping screw, 11 - figured scraper, 12 - Scraper with extended handle, 13 - steel brushes

For better adhesion of putty to the ground, the surface is plastered to give it a roughness, and then the dust is removed. The latter is mandatory, since even the thinnest layer of dust sharply impairs adhesion.

For more effective leveling, the surface is first puttied in the most recessed places. After drying, the puttied areas are treated with sandpaper (Fig. 33, g-i), if necessary, these areas or the entire surface are puttied again.

Puttying the surface in more than 3 layers is inefficient. The thickness of each putty layer should not exceed 0.5 mm for oil, varnish and perchlorovinyl putties, 1 mm for epoxy and other similar putties.

Application paintwork materials brush - one of oldest methods staining, known for many centuries. Now this operation is used when painting small and complex configurations of areas and surfaces with high-quality and alpine finishes, to correct defects during repairs, etc.

In addition, the method of staining with a brush has a number of advantages - it is simple, the paintwork material adheres well to the base when shaded, materials are economically consumed. The disadvantages include high labor intensity (1m 2 for 4-6 minutes).

The coloring composition is applied with a brush cone without strong pressure, while the material lies in wide stripes, which are then shaded in horizontal and vertical directions. The brush is held at an angle of 45-60° to the surface to be painted.

Rice. 34. Hand tools and fixtures:
a - a tray for rollers and brushes, b - a glass cleaning knife, c - a roller with a lead, d - wallpaper scissors, e - a roller knife, e - a brush, g - a paint roller, h - a device for cleaning and painting pipes ; 1 - body, 2 - handle, 3 - mesh for rollers, 4 - cells for brushes, 5 - pads, 6 - blade, 7 - clamping screw, 8 - lead clamping screw, 9 - lead, 10 - rail, 11 - roller , 12, 15 - movable clip, 13 - clamp, 14 - brush, 16 - coated writing roller, 17 - working part, 18 - fixed clip, 19 - ejector

There is a wide variety of brushes that differ in size, weight, shape, material and are designed to perform many operations. best material- Pig bristle, which has a naturally conical shape and bifurcation of the ends of the hair, which makes it possible to achieve a high quality of coverage. For ordinary dyeing, combined brushes made of pig bristle and hair of other animal or vegetable fibers, as well as synthetic materials (nylon, nylon, etc.) are used. The latter are more durable.

The size of the brush corresponds to the type of work. The largest are called flywheels, they are used for painting walls, ceilings, floors, roofs, etc. By weight of bristles they are made in 200, 300, 400 and 600 g, for which the bundles are tied with twine and put on the pointed end of a handle with a length of 1 up to 1.5 m. From above by 1/2-2/3 of the beam length working part also wrapped with twine. The remaining free bristles have different lengths for different coloring compositions: shorter - for oil, enamel (with rubbing over the surface), longer - for water.

As the brush wears, the turns are gradually removed. Select with fly brushes with two hands.

Smaller brushes for working with one hand are called handbrakes - round and flat. In round handbrakes, the bristles are glued in a recess at the end of the handle, and in flat ones, they are clamped in a tin or plastic frame of the brush. Handbrake sizes are indicated by even numbers from 6 to 30.

When staining with a stencil, stencil brushes are used, which have shorter and stiffer bristles.

To perform fine lines, stroke (circle) brushes made of long squirrel hair are used.

Rice. 35. Paint brushes(a-g) and trimming (h, i)

Wide soft brushes made of long badger hair - flutes - are used to smooth the freshly painted surface and remove strokes and strokes from the brush. Flutes are made round and flat. When working, the flute is not dipped into the paint, but is used dry and held perpendicular to the surface without pressure.

Trimming brushes are used to roughen the surface. They are made from short bleached bristles mounted on a wooden mandrel measuring 100 x 200 mm. When working with a dry trimming, they strike a freshly painted surface.

For other purposes, special brushes are used: maklovitsy, curly, panel, etc.

For successful work, you must follow certain rules for working with brushes.

Any new brush contains dust and broken hairs and should be washed in warm soapy water and dried.

The best results are obtained with a cone-shaped brush, therefore it is rational to work with a new brush on irresponsible operations on a rough surface (priming), then clean and apply for cover layers.

Before starting work, the brush is “developed” - dipped into the coloring composition, squeezed against the wall, rotated, etc. until the hair bundle is evenly moistened half the length. During operation, the brush is dipped shallowly, tapping on the edge of the working container to evenly distribute the paint.

The paintwork material is applied in a thick layer and then shaded with a brush. It is more convenient to paint large surfaces in parts, making the final hatching in all areas in the same direction to make the borders of adjacent areas invisible. It is necessary to overlap the layer of paint and varnish material before the “wet edge” of the previous surface section begins to dry, otherwise the layer thickens at the border of the sections and, after drying, may wrinkle or differ in color from the rest of the surface.

This technology is suitable for most coloring compositions, but may be partially changed in individual cases. Thus, paints and varnishes for intermediate layers quickly lose their fluidity, especially at elevated temperatures, so they must be applied and covered with "raw" edges skillfully and quickly. In conclusion, it is necessary to hatch enamels, oil and other similar compositions from the bottom up to reduce paint flow. When painting wood, the finishing touches are made along the fibers, when painting ceilings - towards the light.

Staining with a brush is used mainly for slow-drying compositions.

It is much more difficult to apply with a brush fast-drying materials with active volatile solvents, since when applied with repeated layers or when smudged, the underlying layers dissolve and the coating is discontinuous and uneven. If necessary, the first layer should be applied only in one direction without shading, and after drying - the second in the other direction.

At the end of the work, the paintwork material is squeezed from the brush with a spatula or scraper, the brush is wiped, washed in a solvent and dried by rotating in air.

The appearance of fungi and insects on the brush should be avoided, so it should be stored dry wrapped in oiled paper or cellophane.

Brushes made of squirrel, badger and ferret hair are washed from paint warm water with soap.

Most effective hand tool for applying most coloring compositions, especially water-based and water-borne, are paint rollers (Fig. 36) of various designs. The essence of the method of dyeing them is that the paintwork material preliminarily evenly fills the pores of the foam sheathing or the space between the hair of the sheared sheepskin, and when rolling over the surface of the product, it transfers the coloring composition to it and partially shade it.

Rice. 36. Roller with a set of rollers:
1 - knurling roller, 2, 6 - clamping screws, 3 - feed roller, 4 - axle, 5 - detachable bracket, 7 - handle

This method is more productive than the brush method, but it has a limitation, since it can only be used for flat surfaces, although a number of organizations have developed special curly rollers for painting pipes, heating radiators, etc.

When painting flat surfaces, the roller is moved up and down (walls, doors, etc.) or back and forth (ceilings, floors) until the paint on the roller is used up. At the same time, the painter moves along the front of the work, and then back and shade the painted surface with a dry roller. The roller is filled with paint, partially immersed in the paint bath, and rolled over the overlay mesh for its uniform distribution and excess paint flowing back into the paint bath. There are designs with forced ink supply directly into the roller body or through an intermediate roller.

When knurling drawings or a stencil, a variety is used paint roller with replaceable rubber tips.

Depending on the purpose, the length of the roller may be different.

Tools for painting works.
There are several varieties, each of which has its own name. The use of one or another type of brush depends on the type of work performed.
Fly brushes- are used when painting large surfaces of walls and ceilings. Fly brushes are produced mainly in large sizes (diameter 60-65 mm). The length of the flywheel hair is about 100mm, the hair itself can be additionally strengthened with a metal ring. Work with a brush like this long hair not very convenient, therefore, for convenience in work, they resort to shortening the length of the hair by tying (winding) it with strong twine 2-3 mm thick. The width of the winding must be at least 50mm.

Handbrakes- these are small-sized brushes (26-54 mm in diameter) with a short handle, used when painting small surfaces with glue and oil paints. Handbrakes are pre-tied with twine, which is gradually unwound during work, as the hair wears out, thereby increasing its length. Handbrake binding is performed in such a way that the length of the remaining hair is no more than 40 mm for large handbrakes and 25-30 mm for small ones.

Flutes- wide flat brushes, 25-100 mm wide, used for leveling irregularities in paint and varnish coatings after performing work with a fly brush or handbrake. Often flutes are used directly for staining.

Whitewash brushes- serve for finishing surfaces with glue and casein paints. Outwardly, the whitewash brush resembles a flute, has a width of 200mm, a thickness of 45-65mm, and a hair length of up to 100mm. The use of whitewash brushes allows you to achieve a cleaner coloring of the surface than when using fly brushes. In addition, whitewash brushes are 2 times more productive than flywheels.

Maklovitsa- consists of a block with bristles and a handle attached to the middle of the block (with screws or tightly). Pads can be round and rectangular shape. The bristle length of this brush is up to 100mm. Maclovitz, as well as whitewash brushes, are recommended for use on glue and casein stains. As well as fly brushes, maklovits are used for painting large surfaces.

Trimming- a rectangular brush made of hard spinal bristles. Used on freshly painted surfaces. Trimming is applied evenly, smoothing out the unevenness of the paint applied with a brush. Usually surfaces painted with glue and oil paint are subject to trimming. Trimming must remain dry and clean, therefore, in the process of work, it must be wiped as often as possible.

Panel brushes- designed to pull out narrow strips, called panels, painting small surfaces, as well as hard-to-reach places where the handbrake does not go. Panel brushes can be round and flat. They are made of white stiff bristles fixed in a metal frame with a diameter of 6-18mm. If necessary, panel brushes, like handbrakes, can be tied.

rollers- often used when carrying out painting work instead of a brush. With their help, you can get a textured surface “under the shagreen”.

Rollers are fur and foam rubber. For painting surfaces with oil and enamel compositions, fur rollers are used, for painting with water-based compositions, foam rubber rollers are used. Rollers are made with a diameter of 40 to 70 mm and a length of 100 to 300 mm. To work with a roller, a machine is required, consisting of a handle, a rod and an axis. The roller is put on the axis of the machine and fixed on it with a washer and nut.

Spatulas- used in the production of painting works for applying and leveling (smoothing) a putty layer on surfaces prepared for painting, as well as for cleaning these surfaces. Spatulas can be metal and wooden, can have a variety of shapes and differ somewhat from each other in their design.

A metal spatula consists of a blade cut from elastic thin steel (0.5-1 mm), a shank attached to the blade, and a handle mounted on the shank.

For the manufacture of wooden spatulas, dry hardwood is used. To prevent warping, wooden spatulas are additionally impregnated with hot drying oil, and after puttying work they are stored by inserting them into a crevice between two boards knocked down at an angle.

Spatulas with wide blades are used for puttying large surfaces, with narrow blades for puttying bars, doors, bindings, etc. Spatulas with teeth at the end of the blade are used when applying mastics and adhesives to surfaces.

While working, it is advisable to have several different spatulas on hand. In some cases, hard rubber strips with evenly cut edges are used instead of metal spatulas. In order to make it convenient to use such strips, they are clamped into a wooden or metal handle.

When performing painting work by hand, as a rule, they use various tools and fixtures.

At the end of the work, the tools are cleaned of mortar and paint, wiped dry with a rag and put in a box.

To increase the service life of the brushes, they must be properly cared for: - after working with aqueous compositions, the brushes are washed in clean water, wipe and dry; - after working with oil compositions, the brushes are washed in a solvent. With minor interruptions in work with oil paints, they can be temporarily stored in water. In this case, it is recommended to hang them in a vessel, and not lower them to the bottom.

A clip with a bream is used to clean the plaster from sand and mortar splashes.

Wooden grater is designed for grouting plaster.

Spatulas are different types and appointments. To clean the surface of the plaster from large splashes of mortar, cut cracks, apply lubricants and a second layer of putty, steel spatulas with a wooden and metal handle are used.

To apply the lubrication composition and the first layer of putty, different spatulas are used.

To level and smooth the putty layer applied by brush or mechanically, use a spatula with a rubber tip.
A curved spatula is used to apply putty on profile planes.

Applying putty over large areas is carried out with a spatula with a replaceable set of blades made of birch, textolite, rubber.

A profiled spatula is used to apply putty to trim and skirting boards.

Ceiling spatula is designed for leveling putty.

The rubber trowel is intended for leveling and smoothing the putty layer applied by mechanized method.

Devices for clamping sandpaper and for grinding surfaces are used in wall decoration.

The matting brush is intended for wetting the surface with water, for applying aqueous compositions, the steel brush is for cleaning metal surfaces from rust and solution splashes.

Steel brushes are used to clean radiators and narrow openings in metal structures.

Steel scrapers are used to clean surfaces from old nabel.

Chisels are used to remove old oil films.

A device for marking surfaces is used to draw the junction line at the border of two sections of the wall to be painted different colors(at the ceiling).
The steel trowel is designed for applying a layer of sandless coating.

For applying water-based priming and painting compositions over large areas, a KM-type brush is used.

A flywheel type KM brush with a diameter of 60, 65 mm is used for applying primers and paints over large areas, a handbrake is used for small areas. Curly cysts are used when painting radiators.

The roller is used for applying water and oil painting compositions.

The tray for the rollers is designed to place the paint when working with the roller.

For painting fences and gratings, a twin roller of the Babak design is used, for painting radiators - a foam roller, for painting structures in the corners - an angled roller with a diameter of 60 mm,

A mechanized roller is used for painting floors.

Pneumatic rollers are of two types: with internal supply of paint and with external supply. The first roller is used to apply non-aqueous paint compositions supplied under pressure, the second - for aqueous compositions.

The spray mug is used for applying mastics on surfaces for velvet finishes, etc.

A flange brush is used for flanging (feathering and smoothing with a dry brush) freshly painted surfaces with oil paints.

Trimming brush is used for shock treatment (trimming) of a freshly applied paint layer to create a rough texture. Rubber trim is used for the same purpose.

Panel brushes are used for drawing panels, performing alfreine painting and other small operations in the production of alfreine work.

A flat brush of the KP type is used for cutting surfaces for precious wood and stone, for painting in hard-to-reach places.

Splicing brush type KRA is designed for drawing a pattern when cutting painted surfaces under valuable wood species.

A steel scalpel is used for cutting patterns in stencils.

A metal punch is used to punch round pattern elements and control points in stencils.
A wooden ruler is used when marking surfaces and pulling out panels.

Devices for pulling panels are used in two types: for narrow and wide panels.

Two-roller knurling is used for knurling a pattern on painted walls.

The spray machine is used for spray finishing.

The embossed roller is used for curly surface finishing.

Spongy rubber blunt is used when finishing the painted surface of the walls with a blunt.

A rubber semi-roller is used when cutting a subtree.

Combs of steel and rubber are also used when cutting a subtree.

The tap ruler is used to protect the painted surface during mechanized paint application.

The hinged ruler serves to protect the painted surface of the wall during mechanized painting of the door with platbands.

The protective shield is used when painting skirting boards.

Shield-ruler design

Belikov is used for the same purposes when painting with an elongated paint sprayer.

It would seem that there is nothing complicated in painting tools. Did you know that there are several types of brushes alone? You can find them and other tools for painting work below.

Brushes, rollers and other complex tools

Hand brushes- small brushes with a round whisk and handle. Functionally almost universal. They work with lacquer, oil paints, wallpaper and other adhesives, whitewash, etc. (see article). There are brushes made of spinal bristle and horsehair, which are considered second-rate. And also with adhesive fastening of the villi (used only for paints), and fastening in a metal frame.

The bristles on new handbrakes are usually too long. Therefore, it is tied with twine. One way is to make a double loop of twine at the base of the bristles. Hold the last one with your finger and rotate the brush so that the long end of the twine is wound. At the same time, the short one coming from the loop is wrapped with bristles. The winding should reach somewhere up to half the length of the bristles. Then the long end of the twine is tied to the short one. The second time they are tied at the base of the brush.

Flute brushes are flat, more specialized brushes. With their help, paint not large surfaces and smooth paint after rough brushes. And that's it. The width of the panicle varies from 3 cm (for hard-to-reach places) to 12 cm. Badger fur brushes are considered the best flute brushes.

Brush-brush- used for whitewashing the ceiling or spreading glue on the wallpaper. Its dimensions are impressive. The width of the panicle sometimes reaches 18 cm, and the length of the bristles is 11 cm. The muffler is rectangular and round, removable and attached to the block. And also from pig bristles, horsehair or nylon.

end brush- resembles a rectangular maklovitsa. Only its handle is fixed not perpendicularly, but parallel to the panicle. With the help of an end brush, they do not paint, but create a rough texture of surfaces. To tap the brush on the still wet paint - the result will not disappoint!

fly brush- this is, in fact, a large flute brush. The diameter of the panicle is 7-9 cm. The front of work is the same as that of the double. Plus washing of walls and ceilings.

Panel brushes- from the word "panel", i.e. narrow stripe, straight line. It will go where the handbrake can't go. They are round, with a hair length of up to 4 cm, and flat, up to 1 cm.

Bast brush- made from linden bark. Serves for applying whitewash on the facades of houses, tree trunks, fences, etc. Previously used for internal works- she whitewashed the stoves and walls in the house.

In the life of many brushes, a reboot happens. This is when they are washed from paint compositions. Brushes after oil paints are washed with turpentine or kerosene, after nitro paints - in a nitro solvent. Then both of them are washed with warm water and soap. Brushes smeared in glue or lime are simply washed with clean warm water.

rollers- are divided into fur, velor (for enamels and oil paints), foam rubber (varnishes, primers and water-based paints), and textured - for textural finishing materials. Fur rollers are long-haired, which paint over uneven surfaces well, and with a short haircut - for smooth surfaces.

wallpaper knife- consists of a body and a retractable blade. It happens that there are several blades in the clip. And it happens that one thing, but it can be replaced with a new one. However, no one does this, since the tool costs a penny. Serves for cutting wallpaper, cardboard, thick paper etc.

mixing nozzle- with its help, several multi-colored paints are mixed, varnishes are stirred, etc. Outwardly, it can be similar to a sphere, a motor boat blade or a spiral with stirrup branches and a lifebuoy at the end.

Tray for paint- a small tank It consists of two zones - recesses where paint is poured. And the grid on which the roller is squeezed from this very paint. To do this, simply roll the roller on the grid back and forth.

Paint Sprayers- used when you need to paint, well, so much! There are good old manual sprayers and pneumatic ones. As an example, an airbrush, or a vacuum cleaner with a special spray nozzle.

Also, for painting work, you may need an extension handle for a roller, which is also a wooden handle. Stepladder, she is a table covered with newspapers. And also a bucket as a container for diluting paints. And a ruler, scissors, masking tape as themselves.

The painting tool is a set of various devices that are necessary for applying paints and varnishes.

Types of painting tools

  • rollers (fur, velor, foam rubber)
  • brushes (handbrakes, flywheels, flat brushes)
  • spatulas (rubber, flexible, facade, steel, chrome)


This tool is a reliable and easy-to-use assistant for the painter. Rollers are distinguished by the size and design of the nozzle, the material of the fur coat, the length of the pile and the application.

Rollers with a core diameter of less than 40 mm (30 mm, 15 mm) are used for varnishing work, as well as for painting surfaces in hard-to-reach places.

There is a wide choice of rollers from various materials- both from natural (lamb, velor) and artificial (polyamide, polyacryl, polyester, on a fabric or knitted basis, foam rubber) materials:

  • with a fur nozzle for works with oil paint, enamel and varnish
  • with a lamella nozzle provide the most uniform application of paint
  • with velor help to achieve a very smooth surface
  • with a polyamide nozzle are designed for applying all types of water-dispersion and solvent-based paints
  • with polyacrylic nozzle used for applying water-based paints or paints with a limited solvent content
  • with polyester nozzle are used for applying emulsion paints, wall and ceiling paints
  • with a foam nozzle paint surfaces only with water-adhesive compounds

Special rollers are also used. For example, polyamide corner and panel rolls. The first are used for knurling internal corners. With the help of the latter, it is very convenient to apply panels, since for this you do not need to cut stencils or make a special ruler.

Roller-scissors - due to its cunning design, it is indispensable for painting various pipes, balcony and stair railings and other objects. Rollers with three movable polyamide ring nozzles are also suitable for painting pipes. If air bubbles appear when coating viscous materials, then special rollers will come to the rescue.

Today there is a large selection of tools for applying various materials with decorative effect. Among them are embossed rubber rollers with 18 designs for the treatment of plasters and thick paints, moltoprene sponge rollers with different pore sizes, as well as natural sponges for achieving a wide variety of effects.

The size of the roller-nozzle refers to the length and diameter of its core. The larger the surface to be painted, the larger the nozzle should be, which will reduce the amount of material consumed.


Today, there are a number of specific requirements for the quality of the brush: it must pick up and hold paint, and during its transfer from the container to the surface to be treated, it is desirable that the paint does not drip from the brush.

If the brush is good, then it evenly applies paint to the surface to be treated, and the tool distributes the paint over the entire surface cleanly, without additional finishing.

The brushes are produced with a plastic, metal clip and thread bandage, with wooden or plastic handles. As a working material, natural (horse, badger, squirrel hair), synthetic or mixed fibers are used.

All brushes have a different purpose:

  • round brushes are designed for painting windows, doors, flat and profiled surfaces
  • flat brushes are used for varnishing, glazing large areas of wood (doors, furniture, etc.)
  • special brushes are used in hard-to-reach places for painting heating radiators, pipes, metal wire structures, etc.

A distinctive feature of these brushes is a long handle and an angled clip with bristles.

  • whitewash brushes (maklovitsa) are used in work on large surfaces (ceilings, walls, floors) for applying primers, lime and dispersion paints, impregnating agents. They are quite large, but very productive.
  • the fly brush is a bundle of bristles up to 180 mm long, stretched over a stick up to 2 meters long and tied with twine. It is intended for painting large surfaces.
  • handbrake is a small round brush with a short handle used for painting and priming small areas and narrow places
  • the flute is a spatula brush up to 100 mm wide, used to process a freshly painted surface, more precisely, to destroy traces of a fly brush or handbrake. In addition, flutes are convenient as independent tools that color any kind of paint and varnish materials.
  • panel brushes - round brushes of small diameter (from 6 to 18 mm). It is rather a tool for finishing painted surfaces: drawing out panels, finishing stencil drawings, applying paint where other brushes do not go.
  • trimming is the only type of brush that allows the use of synthetic bristles. Designed for the treatment of freshly painted surfaces with glue and oil paints to create a rough-matt texture (“shagreen”).


It is advisable to have several spatulas - with a wide (180-200 mm) and narrow (45-100 mm) blade made of metal, wood and rubber.

Spatula steel, chrome-plated with plastic handle, with wooden handle. Used to apply the solution to the surface.

Facade spatula: steel with a plastic handle, steel with a plastic handle, stainless steel with a plastic handle.
Convenient to work on a large surface. Serves for uniform distribution of the adhesive solution.

Spatula rubber, flexible. Indispensable for filling convex surfaces. Leaves no marks on surfaces.


With pneumatic sprayers, large surfaces can be painted even faster. In this way it is very convenient to paint ceilings.

by the most simple device, which is used in everyday life, is a manual sprayer suitable for applying lime and glue paints.

Recently, paint sprayers have been produced that are suitable for almost all types of paints and varnishes. For household work, a sprayer powered by a vacuum cleaner is most suitable. Use and special device supplied with the vacuum cleaner. The hose from it is extended using vacuum pipes. You can move freely if you fix the vacuum cleaner on a belt that is worn on the shoulder.

Painting work using a paint sprayer, airbrush are of high quality and uniformity of the resulting coating. The gain in painting speed is especially evident when painting large, uniform, open surfaces. But even when painting in hard-to-reach places, this method also has advantages.

The disadvantage of sprayers is that it is necessary to cover with paper or film all the areas adjacent to the surface to be painted and the need for constant monitoring of the level of the paint composition in the spray tank. If there is a lack of paint composition in the tank or an excessive tilt of the sprayer, it begins to “spit”, capturing air with the nozzle and throwing out an uncontrolled amount of paint composition.

Spatula for stripping

It is used to remove various contaminants and rust from metal surfaces. It has a hardened blade.

The spatula is designed to seal cracks and irregularities, as well as to eliminate other defects found on the surface intended for painting. A spatula is a thin metal, wooden or rubber plate (substrate) with a handle made of wood or plastic. Smoothing the machined surface reverse side spatula. The spatula itself is applied with a shortened side to the wall at an angle of 10-15 °, after which, with a movement opposite to that with which the putty was applied, the treated surface is smoothed.