Tool for hand sanding wood. Recommendations for polishing wood at home. Stages of polishing work

  • 13.07.2018

After any machining defects remain on the surface of the wood (scratches, chips, roughness, potholes, etc.) and the surface requires additional, finishing, processing before further finishing the material. The most popular way of such processing is - grinding.

Grinding is the final process in preparation for further processing. Produced grinding with abrasive ingredients.

In the case of particulate wood dust, which is a carcinogen, being below the limit value does not mean that action is not required to reduce exposure to as low a level as technically possible. Sampling and analysis will preferably be carried out using the procedures described in the methods of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Sanding flat surfaces

Determination of particulate matter in the air - Gravimetric method. . The measurement strategy, including the number of samples, duration, and feasibility, may take into account the provisions of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Chemicals Technical Guidelines in order to assess and prevent workplace hazards associated with chemical agents.

Consider the main points that you should know in order for wood sanding not to harm the material:

  1. What is wood sanding?
  2. Basic grinding mechanisms.

Why is wood sanding necessary?

Once exposure has been sufficiently controlled, exposure will be controlled to ensure proper prevention and protection. It is advisable to include periodic monitoring of the parameters of localized secretions and general ventilation, the correct use of personal protective equipment and means and personal hygiene products.

Let's consider the main points that you should know so that wood sanding does not harm the material.

When, in accordance with the results of the exhibition evaluation and with the criteria of the Technical Manual, it is necessary to establish a program of periodic measurements, this will be done in such a way that they can be comparable and allow trends to be established and the effectiveness of the control measure to be evaluated. This will set the parameters of the particular task that is being executed and other variables such as the measurement type.

This question, for sure, arises for all beginners working with wood. The answer to it is obvious - grinding is needed to improve the appearance. wooden structure. Wood, in the process of preparing it for use in construction, interior decoration, furniture manufacturing or in other areas, endures a number of mechanical influences. Such as sawing, planing, sharpening, etc. All these processes leave marks on the wood that spoil it. appearance. Covering such wood with varnish or paint right away, without additional grinding, you will get an unsightly, uneven surface. Here, to eliminate such defects that arise in the process of mechanical processing of wood, it is used grinding.

Information for workers. The employer must inform and provide instructions to employees on the following aspects. Damage to health by inhalation and contact with wood dust, risk assessment of various workplaces and tasks, preventive measures and evaluation of their effectiveness and results of exposure assessment, methods, as well as information on actions in response to emergencies and a request for external assistance. The employer will guarantee training, theoretical and practical, adequate and sufficient information about the risks, health consequences and preventive measures that need to be taken to avoid and control them both at the time of the conclusion of the contract and when changes are made to the functions.

Grinding is carried out not only after mechanical processing of wood, but also after priming, puttying, to level the surface before coating with paints and varnishes, and also, directly, in the process of applying varnish or paint, since after applying the first layer of water-based varnish, the villi wood can rise and create roughness on the surface.

Hand sanding - tips from the masters

Particular attention will be given correct use exhaust and ventilation systems, working methods and proper use of products personal protection. Employee consultation and participation. Workers and their representatives should consult on the implementation and development of preventive measures to mitigate risks and associated grinding and cleaning operations.

The employer is obliged to guarantee periodic monitoring of the health of employees. Workers normally exposed to the described situation should be subject to specific monitoring of their health. In order for the medical surveillance program to be adjusted to the risks associated with chemical agents present in the workplace, the employer must provide information on the assessment of these risks and the compositions of the forests used for the medical unit responsible for health surveillance.

Grinding- This is a process whose purpose is to quickly and efficiently eliminate defects from the surface and prepare it for further processing.

What is wood sanding?

Wood grinding, regardless of the method, is carried out using abrasive materials.

On the other hand, for monitoring the health of workers exposed to wood dust, there are guidelines established in guidelines or protocols, such as the protocols of the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs: Occupational dermatoses, occupational asthma and pneumonitis due to hypersensitivity or allergic alveolitis. external.

In this section, only specific sources of information related to the described work situation are linked. No references to occupational hazard provisions applicable to chemical agents or other documents general use, whose links are indicated and available in "links of interest".

If you need to sand a small area, and you are going to do it manually, you will need:

1. sandpaper- this is a canvas on which abrasive particles are fixed with glue.

There are several types of sandpaper:

Depending on the abrasive component - glass, flint and corundum;

Guidance on technical improvements available for the manufacturing sector wooden furniture in the Valencian region. In: Encyclopedia of Workplace Health and Safety 3rd Ed.

  • Safety of woodworking machines.
  • Chip and dust collection system with fixed installation.
  • Lumber and roundwood.
  • Nomenclature of forests used in Europe.
  • Hygiene risks when working with hardwood.
  • Wood dust: occupational risk and its prevention.
  • Sanding system for wood, wood waste and varnishes.
In addition to the free space of the room, i.e. remove all furniture and objects, it is necessary to remove with a lever all moldings and baseboards present in the room, as a recommendation, number each of the parts so you know where to put them.

Depending on the basis - on paper and linen basis. The emery cloth is characterized by high elasticity in comparison with paper, which greatly facilitates the work when grinding uneven, curly surfaces;

Depending on the size of the abrasive - the most fine-grained ones are called "nulls", the higher the number of sandpaper, the larger the abrasive particles.

You must also place a tape or plastic film the artist on vents, vessels and objects that cannot be removed. Lastly, you should inspect the entire floor looking for nails, splinters or defects to take into account when resolving them, in case there are breaks or leaks, it is recommended to use putty tapes.

Features of wood sanding

To sand the floor you need one of the wood floor polishers, if you don't have it you can rent one. It is very important that you sand the room in 1st sections to keep the quality, you should always do it on wood. It is important that you use wood polishing tools in at least three sanding pens, always using coarse to fine sandpaper i.e. you have to sand the whole room with the coarsest sandpaper and then re-sand the whole surface with sandpaper and finally you repeat the process with the finest sandpaper.

wood sanding rarely carried out with fine-grained sandpaper, since wood is soft material its dust quickly clogs abrasive particles and they stop working.

2. brush - for cleaning the surface from dust;

3. a piece of felt - for light polishing of the surface.

If you are going to grind a large surface (for example, floors, walls, the exterior of a building), it is better to use special grinders. This will significantly save your time and effort.

Sockets and Decoration Materials should be sanded by hand with fine sandpaper. If you want to learn how to polish a wooden floor by hand, you need to pay attention to this step, you must remove all the dust from the room with a vacuum cleaner, many of the wooden floors from polishing machines have a built-in vacuum cleaner. You must start with the most high places from the ground. When you finish the process of vacuuming the dust, you should carefully examine the floor, those imperfect marks that remain, you should remove them with a sanding block; and done so, you will be back in the area.

Grinding machines are:




The prices for such equipment are quite high, but grinders can also be rented. You will need two of them: one for basic grinding, and one for hard-to-reach places(corners, etc.).

Basic grinding mechanisms.

When you're done vacuuming the dust, you should remove the paint strip and the plastic sheets you put down and run the damp cloth over the walls and openings, rinsing it to remove all the dust. Once this is done, the floor will be ready for the plasticizing process if you wish to complete the job.

When polishing floors, there are several factors to consider. Sanding is often a necessary step to provide smooth support before painting or painting. The method used, manual or electric, will depend largely on the surface to be treated. As for the abrasive to be used, this will depend on the nature of the material to be sanded and the desired result.

Grinding should only be carried out parallel to the wood fibers, otherwise the material can be very damaged. The result of improper grinding will be an uneven surface on which the coating will lie unevenly.

The best grinding result is achieved by using several types of abrasive. First, a coarse-grained abrasive is used and the level of graininess of the emery surface is gradually reduced. A coarse abrasive eliminates defects well, but leaves scratches and roughness on the surface, while a fine-grained material helps to smooth them out.

It should be noted that the use of goggles is recommended, however a mask should be mandatory. 3 types of masks should be used according to your work. Most abrasives can be used by hand or on machines. The power of the abrasive depends on the size and density of its grains: the larger they are, the stronger the abrasive and starts the surface. The smaller they are, the slower and smoother they are to the surface.

Sandpaper classification

It is recommended to act in several stages and therefore in several successive grains, more and more beautiful. Sandpaper is mainly used for flat surfaces. Abrasive cloths, for their flexibility, are used on round wood or metal surfaces. Durable steel fabric is used on wood or plastic. Dense powder that covers the entire surface of the paper, great for sanding by hand.

In order to assess the quality of the grinding, the surface should be viewed at an oblique angle. When light is reflected, it is easier to see defects on the surface. When viewed from a right angle, the surface may appear perfectly flat.

If you are sanding the surface by hand, use a brush and felt to remove dust, it is easier to see areas that have not yet been sanded, as the dust clogs small cracks and creates the effect of a flat surface.

Abrasive particles are more or less tightly fixed on the support, this is called dense or scattered dust. When sprayed, the particles cover only 40-70% of the surface. These abrasives are suitable for machines. Grinding felt made from fibers impregnated with fibers is mainly used for deburring or polishing. The sanding sponge, available in different sizes and used on both dry and wet surfaces, lasts 10 times longer than paper.

What is wood sanding?

The weight of paper is related to its thickness. The latter is mainly used in industry, while the others are used in carpentry. Use a sanding block, cork, plastic or rubber for quick sanding without the risk of injury. The work will be done gently and in the direction of the fibers of the treated substrate. For the last pass, lightly dampen the support and then transfer the best paper. Leave to dry and saturate with white spirit.

Also, if grinding made by hand, it is better to use a special bar on which sandpaper is glued. The surface of the wood may have different density in different areas. Under the pressure of the fingers, areas with different densities may be unevenly sanded, and recesses may appear in softer places. The bar, on the other hand, makes it possible to evenly distribute pressure on the surface. Such a bar can be purchased at the store, or you can make it yourself.

On the large surfaces better to use electric grinding machine.

It is used during heavy work such as sanding or sanding parquet floors, doors or beams. In the latter case, it allows you to form rounded ones with the help of two hands.

It favorably replaces the grinding wedge for large flat surfaces. Just move back and forth without pressing, in any direction, and also in areas that are already being sanded. Recommended for finishing more than for deep etching. For this last use, prefer an eccentric sander.

When using grinders, you should first go through old or unwanted wood several times first, this is done in order to grind off coarse abrasive particles that can damage the wood. When working with the machine, avoid high speeds, this can lead to unevenness.

With any grinding method, protective methods should be used (mask, respirator, gloves). Wood dust is very fine and quickly enters the eyes and respiratory tract.

For more information on how the wood is polished, see the video.

Irina Zheleznyak, Correspondent of the online publication "AtmWood. Wood-Industrial Bulletin"

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Perhaps for sophisticated people this will seem strange, but the request, how to sand a tree, is quite relevant. Therefore, it needs to be given due attention. We will provide you with all possible answers on the topic, as well as show a visual video in this article.

Different ways to sand wood

Classification of sandpaper and types of abrasive

Note. Basically, all sandpaper is classified by grit. That is, by the size of the grain of the abrasive.

Purpose Marking (GOST 3647-80) Marking (ISO-6344) Grain number (µm)
coarse paper


80-N P22 800-1000
63-N P24 630-800
50-N P36 500-630

Rough processing

40-N P40 400-500
32-N P46 315-400
25-N P60 250-315

Primary grinding

20-N P80 200-250
16-N P90 160-200
12-N P100 125-160
10-N P120 100-125
Finishing and paints 8-N P150 80-100
6-N P180 63-80
Fine paper
Polishing and wet sanding at the finish 5-N,M63 P240 50-63
4-N,M50 P280 40-50
For metal, plastic and ceramics M40\N-3 P400 28-40
The finest grinding and polishing M28\N-2 P600 20-28
M20\N-1 P1000 14-20
M14 P1200 10-14
М10/Н-0 P1500 7-10

Marking and grit table


  • a mixture of bauxite agglomerate, iron shavings and carbonaceous material is melted in arc furnaces, from which electrocorundum abrasive is obtained;
  • it has a high density and excellent cutting ability, but in some cases these properties are improved by adding alloying additives to the dressing, for example, chromium oxide (the abrasive in this case has a ruby ​​​​color, as in the photo above);
  • sandpaper with electrocorundum is produced most often.

Silicon carbide:

  • to obtain an abrasive in Acheson furnaces, graphite is sintered with silica, resulting in shiny, irregularly shaped crystals with sharp edges;
  • Silicon corundum is convenient in that during operation, the crystals break and form new cutting edges. This property allows for a long time to keep the work surface, avoiding clogging.


  • for grinding wood, garnet is the highest quality abrasive, despite its softness (6.5-7.5 according to Mohs);
  • paper wears out quite quickly, but due to the same grain sizes, grinding gives more smooth surface compared to other abrasives.

Diamond, elbor:

  • diamond has the highest hardness and is slightly inferior to it in this elbor, therefore, such abrasives can be called the best in the world;
  • the problem is that the price of these minerals is too high, so they are rarely used for sandpaper.

Sanding methods

Note. For sanding wood, the instruction recommends two main methods for use - manual and mechanical. But each of them has several options, which we will now discuss.

The most common is the manual method of wood sanding, and this is not surprising despite the technological progress. The fact is that it is often necessary to process rather small, hard-to-reach or embossed surfaces, where it is impossible to get close to various electrical devices.

For embossed surfaces, of course, it is better not to use anything at all and keep the paper in your hand - the wood sandpaper will repeat all the curves that you will feel with your fingers. So the processing will be of the highest quality.

In extreme cases, a piece of foam rubber is placed between the fingers and paper - the sensitivity, of course, decreases. But, nevertheless, such a device is able to go around all the contours, for example, on a baguette or baseboard, evenly grinding the surface.

For flat surfaces, an ordinary bar is often used, wrapping it with sandpaper. So you get two flat planes - one machined and the other influencing, which leads to the greatest production efficiency.

And, of course, there is special device called a block. The sheet on it is simply stretched with clamps that are located along the upper edges of the board - this device is shown in the top photo.

Then, sandpaper of the desired grain size is applied to this disk. But such a device is effective in rough handling, for example, when sanding log or bar buildings.

A better surface treatment of wood can be done with a belt sander, but it is designed exclusively for flat surfaces. For example, if you need to sand the floor with your own hands, then directly on handmade this is out of the question due to the too large processing area.

But the machine will cope with this pretty quickly. Narrow paper (specially produced for this purpose) of the desired grain size is put on the broaching mechanism - grinding is of high quality.


We hope that you understand how to properly sand a tree and you just have to choose the right paper grain. But if you still have questions, then you can ask them to our specialists in the comments section - we are ready to answer all questions.