What kind of septic tank is needed with high groundwater. Septic tanks for high ground water

  • 03.03.2020

Septic tank with high GWL

Building country house does not end with the construction of the box. Ahead is the most difficult and crucial stage - the construction of engineering communications. It is they who determine the comfort of living outside the city.

Perhaps one of the most important systems water supply remains. In most suburban villages there is no central sewage system, which means that its construction is the concern of the owner of the house. It is especially difficult to organize a sewer network if the house stands on a plot of quicksand or has high level ground water.

Are you ready to give up the usual city comfort and want to live in a country house with "comfort in the yard"? Probably not. So it's time to choose equipment for the drainage system.

There are two possible options: a flow-through septic tank or autonomous local treatment facilities. At first glance, it may seem that both options have their advantages and disadvantages, and this would be true if we were talking about areas with normal GWL. With quicksand, everything is much more complicated. Let's look at all this in more detail.

The nuances of installing a septic tank in quicksand

Installing a septic tank for a private house with a high level of groundwater in quicksand is incredibly difficult. Quicksand is a mixture of sand and water. It quickly erodes the walls of the pit, filling it. In clays and loams, installing a septic tank in a quicksand is easier, but not by much. In any case, such work is very labor-intensive.

Digging a pit for a septic tank in quicksand easier in winter, since the soil freezes, does not float, and the level of groundwater and flood waters decreases. Despite this, there remains a risk that groundwater will not fall below the required depth.

In the summer, when groundwater reaches its maximum level, the installation of a septic tank in the country is necessarily carried out with the installation of formwork. This complex, time-consuming work is carried out in several stages:

  1. The pit for the installation of a septic tank is dug until water appears. The depth depends on the characteristics of the site.
  2. After the appearance of water, the assembly of the formwork begins. With high groundwater, formwork with a frame is required. The frame is assembled from a durable beam, on which guide boards are attached. Their choice is also simple task, because in case of an incorrect calculation, the soil pressure will simply crush the entire formwork.
  3. If there is a lot of water coming in, then it is necessary to additionally dig a drainage pit into which water will leave the pit. A drainage pump for dirty water is installed in the pit and groundwater is constantly pumped out.
  4. Formwork installation. After assembly, the frame is lowered to the current bottom of the pit and earthworks continue. As the depth is deepened, the frame is lowered and new boards are stuffed on top. Constant pumping and installation of boards occurs until the required depth is reached.
  5. A septic tank is lowered into the resulting pit. Regardless of the model of the septic tank, all installation work is carried out manually, without the use of special equipment. Immediately after installing the station in the pit and leveling it in level, it is necessary to fill all the chambers with water as quickly as possible.
  6. At the last stage, the development of a sewer trench takes place, this stage also complicates the fluidity of the soil, a pipeline is laid and sewage pipe connects to the station.

In practice, the installation of a septic tank at a high level of groundwater can be complicated by other factors, for example, complex terrain site or the special location of the station, the lack of the possibility of a quick intake of water or the impossibility of its rapid discharge, for example, into a storm drain, etc.

Having understood the nuances of installation at high groundwater, let's return to the question of choosing the right type of septic tank.

Flow septic tank

Simple 3-chamber septic tanks without aeration, sometimes with a submersible ruff bioload, such as Eurolos Eco. They differ low price, ease of installation and operation. The lineup allows you to choose the device of the desired performance. It would seem that flowing septic tanks - the best choice by cost. In practice, everything is different.

A flow septic tank cannot ensure the degree of wastewater treatment to sanitary standards, which means will require the arrangement of post-treatment systems- one or more drainage elements or a whole filtration field.

High groundwater is always a risk that some of the untreated sewage will fall into the ground and poison everything around. Therefore, in such conditions, it is impossible to install septic tanks with post-treatment of wastewater with soil.

And then a logical question arises: - “Then what is suitable?”

Local treatment facilities

These are biological wastewater treatment plants with gravity or forced discharge of treated water. Their distinctive feature is the treatment of wastewater directly inside the septic tank, i.e. soil treatment is not required. After passing through all stages of treatment, wastewater meets the requirements of SanPin "Hygienic requirements for the protection of surface waters".

Within the framework of a single house built on a site with a high GWL, this also means savings during operation. Treated wastewater is suitable for technical use, such as lawn irrigation. They can also be safely dumped into the ground, which means that the arrangement of post-treatment systems is not required. After analyzing these advantages, we get an almost ideal septic tank for a high level of groundwater - Eurolos Grunt.

What if it's a complicated installation?

Let's go back to the installation, if at the time of installation there is groundwater on your site, then additional efforts must be made to carry out the installation of a septic tank.

The production of formwork, various pits, the rental of a motor pump for pumping out constantly arriving water, additional labor, and so on are superimposed.

In this case, it is easiest to bury the septic tank of the smallest size in height. Those. least depth.

It is for such cases as installation in quicksand, as well as for any other complex soils, such as rocky soil, that there is a specialized Eurolos Grunt station.

Price Eurolos Primer

m 3 per day
dimensions and weight Gravity
water discharge
Standard mounting
Eurolos GROUND 3 0.6 , for 2-4 people 149kg 1.5x 1.2x 1.7m 86000 rubles 92000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GROUND 4 0.8 , for 3-5 people 162kg 2.0x 1.2x 1.7m 91000 rubles 99000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GROUND 5 1 , for 4-6 people 188kg 2.5x 1.2x 1.7m 102200 rubles 110200 rubles rubles
Eurolos GROUND 6 1.3 , for 5-7 persons 223kg 3.0x 1.2x 1.7m 108000 rubles 116000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GROUND 8 1.6 , for 7-9 people 267kg 4.0x 1.2x 1.7m 119000 rubles 131000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GROUND 10 2 , for 9-11 people 325kg 5.0x 1.2x 1.7m 155000 rubles 163000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GROUND 12 2.4 , for 11-13 people 359kg 6.0x 1.2x 1.7m 167500 rubles 175500 rubles rubles
Eurolos GROUND 15 3 , for 13-17 people 409kg 7.5x 1.2x 1.7m 195000 rubles 203000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GROUND 20 4 , for 18-22 people 492kg 9.0x 1.2x 1.7m 245000 rubles 253000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GROUND 25 5 , for 23-27 people 560kg 11.0x 1.2x 1.7m 295000 rubles 303000 rubles rubles
Eurolos GROUND 30 6 , for 28-32 people 636kg 13.5x 1.2x 1.7m 370000 rubles 378000 rubles rubles

The Eurolos Grunt aeration unit, with the lowest housing height on the market, requires a depth of only 1.5 meters from the ground, which greatly simplifies its installation.

A cylindrical body with large lugs, a minimum of external seams and seven internal chambers provide the strongest structure in the segment of on-site treatment plants, as well as installation that does not require anchoring or a concrete slab.

The selection of septic tanks for a summer residence or a private house is an important household task. The installation should serve for a long time, coping well with its function. We will analyze which option is better if the groundwater is at a high level. Features of the installation of prefabricated structures and options for installing septic tanks using various materials in difficult geological conditions.

Small treatment facilities for private households or summer cottages differ in a number of parameters, they are divided into the following types:

  • accumulative;
  • models that require filtering fields;
  • aerobic, with the possibility of cleaning up to 98%.

The process of installing a septic tank suburban area

Industrially manufactured septic tanks are able to filter effluent to such a high quality that industrial water is obtained at the outlet without the need for additional post-treatment. These units require a power connection to operate as they are equipped with air compressors. Their price is quite high, but such expenses cannot be called unreasonable.

Positive feedback from the owners was earned by the Tank septic tanks with a deep biological treatment system. The installation is characterized as unpretentious, not requiring intervention in the work.

Storage septic tanks represent the tank made of material, steady against biologically active substances. From time to time, you will have to resort to forced pumping.

The design has a number of advantages, these are:

  • ease of installation;
  • durability;
  • security for environment.

The scheme of operation of a septic tank with a filtration field

Septic tanks, involving filter fields, have a multi-chamber device, purify drains by about 75%. For its post-treatment, a drainage system is arranged from pipelines with special holes. Water gets through them on a cushion of rubble and sand. The system is built on the ability of the soil to self-purify. Such septic tanks do not require pumping. But for the arrangement of filtration fields and calculation of their area, many points must be taken into account, for example:

  • depth of freezing of the earth;
  • tank volume.
  • soil composition.

According to the recommendations of experts, it is impossible to organize such drainage system aftertreatment, if the distance between groundwater and pipes is less than 1 m. Therefore, in areas with a complicated geological picture, it is necessary to resort to the services of professionals.

Important! You can not neglect the rules and technical recommendations when installing any septic tank on your site. Sewer drains can pollute groundwater in a short time. Household negligence can lead to a local environmental disaster.

Materials of the body of septic tanks

For the production of septic tanks and their independent design, they are mainly used:

  1. concrete rings.
  2. Metal.
  3. Different types of plastic.
  4. Monolithic concrete.
  5. Brick.

Modern industrial septic tanks are made plastic. The tanks are equipped with stiffeners, the material is highly resistant to biological aggressive environment. Penetration of liquid from such reservoirs into the environment is practically excluded.

plastic septic tank

Polypropylene structure "Astra-3", used mainly for country houses, has earned flattering reviews from the owners. It is characterized by the owners as an installation that gives urban comfort in the field. Consumers write that maintenance is required once a year.

At competent installation a plastic septic tank is suitable for areas with a close occurrence of groundwater. But for such an area it is better to avoid structures made of concrete rings or brick. The prefabricated material cannot provide the necessary sealing. What threatens with the ingress of liquid from the septic tank into the soil and the flow of melt or groundwater inside. This is fraught with disruption of the ecosystem and pumping out the contents too often.

Septic Astra 3

Monolithic device concrete septic tank is associated with a number of difficulties. Reinforcement, a solid foundation, formwork, cement mixture will be required. The technology is complex, time-consuming and costly in finance. But on the other hand, tightness is ensured, the design is very durable.

metal containers for independent device septic tanks are used quite often. It can be barrels or tanks. They are recommended to be treated with anti-corrosion substances both outside and inside. The advantages of septic tanks from metal tanks are the relative ease of installation, relatively light weight. Cons: short life and limited volume.

Determination of the height of groundwater

The most comprehensive information on this issue will be provided by geological surveys carried out at the site. It is worth ordering such a service if other construction work is being carried out simultaneously with the sewerage device. However, if a small country house is bought, expensive methods of studying the soil are impractical.

You can do simple research yourself. spend them better in spring, after the snow melts, when the groundwater level is at its maximum. To do this, at different points of the site (for accuracy and reliability), observation wells are drilled at least 1.5 m deep. If there is a well on the site, you can measure the water level in it. It would be useful to interview neighbors, people who have lived nearby for a long time have probably come across this pressing issue.

You can determine the level of groundwater by observing the plants

The latter method, no matter how archaic it may seem, gives an objective idea of ​​the desired depth of groundwater. You need to look at the vegetation on the site. This method has been used since ancient times. It is based on a simple principle - grass with juicy fleshy leaves or stems on a dry (at first glance) site is a sure sign of close groundwater. Plants-indicators of the location of underground veins at a depth of only 0.5-1 m:

  • coltsfoot;
  • horse sorrel;
  • sedge;
  • cattail;
  • hemlock;
  • horsetail.

Features of installing a septic tank on a flooded area

The container must be sealed. Even small holes and cracks will serve as a source of groundwater pollution. Select plastic version- the right balanced approach in difficult geological conditions. In this case, the ideal solution would be to purchase an industrially manufactured septic tank that has passed factory tests. The choice of a specific model, technological complexity and volume depends on private needs. So, in the country, where they do not live permanently, they do not install a complex sewer system of a large volume. And for a cottage, the most serious approach is needed, even if it is associated with financial costs.

Installation of a septic tank on a concrete base

Need to take care of correct installation septic tank. The close occurrence of groundwater can lead to heaving, pushing the reservoir to the surface of the earth. This accident will rupture the sewer system, mechanical damage pipeline and violation of the integrity of the septic tank itself. To prevent these consequences, it is recommended to install it on a concrete base. When pouring such a slab, it is necessary to provide it with lugs made of bent reinforcement. A septic tank is attached to them with cables, nylon ropes, slings.

Advice. If the house is planned to install a minimum sanitary equipment, for example, in the country, simple solution problems can be the arrangement of the drive without deepening it into the soil.

The sewerage device is always associated with earthworks. In conditions of high location of groundwater, this can be difficult. It is recommended to carry out all manipulations during the dry period, when underground water veins dry out as much as possible. But this is not always possible. V difficult cases you have to work standing in liquid mud or water. Then you need to resort to the use of a drainage pump.

Utilization of purified water

Whatever material or design of the septic tank is chosen, special attention must be paid to its installation. Each of us is responsible for the cleanliness and preservation of the environment. We must not forget about the danger of its pollution by sewage.

Sewerage for a country house: video

Company Trans-Unit help organize the sewerage of a country house in short time and by pleasant prices in Moscow.

The septic tank is a completely unique building. It can not only accumulate waste for some time, but also purify it, and even dispose of it. Therefore, these devices win in comparison with conventional drain pits.

Many people would like to install this equipment on their site. But they don't know which model to choose. For example, there is a special septic tank for high groundwater. What is its advantage over others?

Elevated water levels are a common phenomenon in Russia. Water can be found by dropping as little as 20 cm deep. This is a challenge, but there are sewerage systems that are not afraid of this, and they are able to cope with this problem.

Below are models that are ideal for areas with high water tables.

Catalog of septic tanks for high groundwater


Number of conditional people: 5

Salvo drop: 210

Processing volume, m3/day: 1

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Model price:
RUB 77,615-5%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 2

Volley Drop: 200

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Model price:
RUB 84,740-5%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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?The most popular septic tank according to the results of 3 months of sales, having only positive reviews buyers.

Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 6

Salvo Drop: 270

Processing volume, m3/day: 1.3

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Model price:
RUB 85,500-5%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Salvo Drop: 390

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Model price: 90 100 rub.

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Volley Drop: 250

Processing volume, m3/day: 1

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Model price: RUB 90,800

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Volley Drop: 250

Processing volume, m3/day: 1

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Model price: RUB 93,000

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Volley Drop: 200

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Model price:
RUB 85,950-10%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 2

Volley Drop: 200

Processing volume, m3/day: 0.5

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Model price:
RUB 92,815-5%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Volley Drop: 200

Processing volume, m3/day: 0.75

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Model price:
RUB 88,200-10%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Salvo Drop: 320

Processing volume, m3/day: 0.9

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Model price: RUB 99,450

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Salvo Drop: 390

Processing volume, m3/day: 0.9

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Model price: RUB 102,000

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Volley Drop: 250

Processing volume, m3/day: 1

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Model price:
RUB 89,250-15%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 3

Volley Drop: 250

Processing volume, m3/day: 0.75

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Model price:
RUB 100,035-5%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 5

Salvo Drop: 320

Processing volume, m3/day: 0.9

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Model price: RUB 106,000

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 8

Salvo drop: 370

Processing volume, m3/day: 1.6

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Model price:
RUB 100,700-5%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 7

Salvo Drop: 550

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Model price: RUB 113,000

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 7

Volley Drop: 500

Processing volume, m3/day: 1.2

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Model price: RUB 117,000

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Purpose: for high groundwater levels

Number of conditional people: 3

Volley Drop: 250

Processing volume, m3/day: 0.75

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Model price:
RUB 111,245-5%

Turnkey price: See the estimate

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Popular manufacturers of septic tanks for high groundwater levels

The autonomous Topas septic tank is well suited for areas with a high level of groundwater. It is he who is chosen by many owners of suburban areas. The point is the variety of advantages of this equipment:

  • Natural waste recycling;
  • No sounds;
  • Does not require pumping;
  • Not bad smell;
  • Installation, both in the process of building a house, and after its completion;
  • Service life of 50 years;
  • Works at any temperature;
  • Acceptable cost.

Suitable devices can also be found in the Unilos Astra range. Their features are as follows:

  • The septic tank combines 2 types of cleaning: mechanical and natural. Thanks to this, waste treatment reaches 95%;
  • No unpleasant odors;
  • The whole system weighs very little, which makes it easy to transport and install;
  • The body of the septic tank is made of ecological waterproof material;
  • Acceptable cost;
  • Does not require pumping;
  • Shelf life of 50 years.

Eco Grand septic tanks have a biological waste treatment system. You can use them both regularly and periodically. This does not affect the degree of waste treatment.

System advantages:

  • Waste pumping is not required;
  • No bad smell;
  • Made of durable material, eco-friendly;
  • Can be used within all year round, regardless of the ambient temperature;
  • Long service life.

Why autonomous septic tanks should be chosen for high groundwater

When you have to choose a septic tank for a summer cottage, a high level of groundwater can become a hindrance. Therefore, experts recommend choosing not storage systems, but autonomous.

The choice is made on the basis of how many people will need to be served. For example, if in country house live only in the summer and no more than 3 people, you can buy a septic tank with a tank, up to 5 m3 in a cube. It is clear that for continuous use of the device for a year or for more people, you need to choose a system with a large reservoir volume.

Important! Most importantly, with a high level of groundwater, the system should have a forced release of water. In other words, you should opt for septic tank models with a pump. Thanks to this, the purified water will be discharged to the surface of the soil, which means that groundwater will not enter the device.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • The body of the septic tank must be made of durable and durable material;
  • The device should weigh little;
  • The system should be easy to install.

When choosing, it is important to seek the advice of specialists. It is they who will be able to advise a septic tank adapted to the Russian climate, purifying waste up to 98%, without an unpleasant smell and sounds.

Some people do not want to install septic tanks on the site just because they do not want to spoil appearance territory. However, experts have found a way out of the situation here. After installing the cleaning system, you can give it the look of a beautiful alpine slide! And the problem is solved.

Important nuances:

  • It is advisable to install a septic tank at a distance of at least two meters from a residential building;
  • If it is installed at a distance of 15 meters from the house and further, it must be equipped with intermediate wells;
  • It is necessary to install from a source of drinking water at a distance of 15 meters.

Take everything into account important points only a specialist can. Therefore, do not engage in amateur activities. It is necessary to involve professionals in the installation of a septic tank!

We are located at:
Moscow, Leninsky prospect, 131

Installation of a septic tank at a high groundwater level (GWL) is a rather complicated, but possible procedure. Before starting construction work, it is important to find out the exact value of the groundwater level, for this you can use both professional and folk methods.

Based on this parameter and the required volume of the tank, models of septic tanks should be selected. It is best to install ready-made factory designs.

They are more expensive, but compare favorably with the service life and the need for less effort during installation.

How to accurately determine GWL

There are several ways to determine the level of groundwater. The most effective and simplest is to contact a special organization that conducts geological examinations.

As a result, the owner of the site will receive a detailed report on the groundwater level, on the basis of which it is possible to design subsequent construction work. However, this is a rather expensive procedure, so it is not suitable for everyone. There are other methods for self-determining the level. These include the following methods:

  1. through a drilling rig;
  2. by flora;
  3. by nearby water sources;
  4. old folk technique;
  5. by omens.

For the first method, you will need a garden drill and a rod with a length of more than 2 meters. On the rod, mark under the tape measure with a 10-centimeter interval. Then you will need to dig a hole to the maximum length of the drilling tool.

Sometimes water comes through immediately when drilling, but most often you need to wait a day for it to appear there. The rod is lowered to the entire length of the well, and then it is removed and the level to which the water has reached is checked.

This procedure must be repeated several more times, fixing the marks obtained. If the results differ, then you need to take the minimum option. For the objectivity of the check, it is desirable to carry out the procedure in autumn or early spring, when the depth of groundwater is minimal.

You can also recognize the GWL by the vegetation that develops in the area without additional irrigation. In the image below you can find the most common plants.

The free growth of sorrel and currant bushes can also testify to the close location of water. By the angle of inclination of birch, maple and willow, you can find the place of minimum depth groundwater.

Quite often, there are water sources in the nearest area: wells (even small ones dug for irrigation), reservoirs, etc. According to their depth, you can also come to the desired conclusion. Also, the presence of swampy reservoirs testifies to the high level of groundwater.

You can always find out about the waters from the owners of neighboring plots, it is likely that they carried out an examination when building houses, building septic tanks or connecting to a central sewer.

There is also a folk method: remove upper layer soil from a small area, put defatted wool, a fresh egg on top of it. Then this composition is covered with ceramic dishes and not touched during the night.

Then they remove it and check the items. If the wool is a little wet, and there are no drops on the egg, the level is low. If there are drops on the egg, then the GWL is high. However, this method will not help you find out the exact value.

O high humidity soil may indicate an abundance of midges, mosquitoes and other insects; the minimum number of rodents and anthills; love of cats to such places; the presence of fog and dew in the morning even in hot weather.

Problems arising from high GWL

With such a feature, the owner of the site will face difficulties:

  • the complexity of installing a septic tank with a high level of groundwater. Despite the frequent assurances of sellers, this procedure will require a large amount of time and resources;
  • it is necessary to immediately design a septic tank with drainage, otherwise the nearby area will turn into a swamp;
  • the possibility that the sewer system will be completely flooded, because. new water continuously flows;
  • it is necessary to pay attention to mounting the base and fixing the septic tank with cables or fastening straps. If you don't do this, then storage septic tank at a high level of groundwater, it will rise, as a result of which sewage will enter the site, and the integrity of the system will be violated;
  • you will need to use special materials for the construction of sewers and ensure its tightness. For example, the use of concrete rings can cause liquid to enter through the walls;
  • when runoff water enters the groundwater, they will quickly spread throughout the area. As a result of this, it will not be possible to use water from the well, and the nearest reservoirs will begin to bloom. Because for the accelerated decomposition of sewage, a large number of bacteria live in the septic tank; if they enter human food or water, they can lead to indigestion, as well as to various infections and diseases;
  • when the septic tank overflows, drain liquids can go in the opposite direction, as a result of which the pipes will break. Together with liquids will pass fine sand and other elements that can cause damage to the material of the pipeline and plumbing, which will require repair or replacement of appliances located in the house.

TOP 10 manufacturers of septic tanks for high GWL

According to customer reviews, we can distinguish the TOP of the best manufacturers of autonomous sewers with an increased level of groundwater:

  1. The septic tank "Tank" is designed in such a way as to prevent the structure from floating. Designed for a large volume of liquid, copes well with temperature changes. Models are made of plastic, do not require external energy sources and have 17 mm walls.
  2. "Leader". 6-chamber septic tanks with aeration and airlift. Do not require additional use of bioactive drugs.
  3. "Leopard". There are models that require and do not require power. 3-chamber septic tanks with 2 levels of waste filtration. Differ in durability and a possibility of long operation.
  4. "Yubas". The main difference between these models is that they can be used intermittently up to 3 months without reducing the efficiency of functioning. Ideal for suburban housing.
  5. Ecopan. Counts best septic tank for installation at high groundwater levels. Models are able to withstand heavy loads without loss of performance.
  6. "Tver". Require additional source power supply and regular maintenance, however, they have a large capacity and cope well with large volumes.
  7. "Triton". Septic tanks must be anchored with nylon cables or chains. They have a long service life.
  8. "Topas". These stand-alone models are known for their high reliability and durability. They are made from modern high-quality materials with increased wear resistance. In this article, you can more.
  9. Unilos. Filtration and drainage of waste liquids in a septic tank is carried out in several stages. Models do not require complex maintenance and are completely safe for the ecological situation of the area.
  10. "Poplar". They are resistant to temperature changes and external pressure. Septic tanks have aeration, compressors, airlifts. You can eliminate drains manually or with the help of special sewage equipment.

Choosing a place for a septic tank

To determine optimal location for the construction of a septic tank, you should study the current rules and regulations. There are several conditions that must be taken into account:

  • the septic tank must be at least 5 meters from the house or any building ();
  • the road zone should be located at a distance of 5 meters;
  • sewerage and aeration station should be located at a distance of 30 meters from an open reservoir or reservoir and 50 meters from a well with drinking water.

Which septic tank to choose for the site

The choice of a suitable model primarily depends on the required volume. As a rule, for an approximate calculation, the daily volume of liquid from the house, multiplied by three, is used. Most often, ready-made septic tanks are used for construction on a suburban area, or they are assembled directly during installation with independent provision of tightness.

Sometimes owners decide to install a surface sewer system independent of groundwater. However, this solution is associated with certain difficulties, because. you will need to install numerous pumps, and for such a septic tank you need a lot of space on the site.

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Despite the rather high cost of this type of system, the absence of the need for the services of vacuum trucks allows the price to pay off within a few years.

Another possible problem is soil heaving. This process involves an increase in the volume of the earth due to freezing, when the water in the soil becomes ice. The higher the GWL, the stronger this property manifests itself.

To prevent the negative effects of heaving, a mixture of sand (5) and cement (1) should be used. During the construction of a septic tank, with a high level of groundwater, a small space is left between the two walls (about 15-25 cm). In the resulting "pocket" it is required to fill in layers and tamp the mixture diluted with water.

When backfilling, water is poured in parallel so that both levels coincide. This action will protect the septic tank from cracks and other damage.

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Sometimes the groundwater level is so high that it leaks even when a well is dug to check the groundwater level. Then the simplest solution would be to postpone the installation procedure until the time of the year when the depth of the passage will be maximum, i.e. hot summer.

However, sometimes it is not possible to postpone the construction for various reasons, so it is necessary to immediately solve the problem. To do this, most often the incoming liquid is scooped out in parallel with digging the pit.

As a rule, sewer equipment is used for this. You can also use a regular hose with a mechanical pump, but it must be of large diameter in order to pump out water with small stones, sand and other elements.

To simplify pumping, it is recommended to first dig a trench at the lowest point, then proceed to dig the rest of the area. This will lead to the fact that in the process all the water will be collected in one place, from which it can be easily pumped out with a pump.

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However, all of the above recommendations apply only to the manual creation of a pit. If this process is carried out using special equipment, then quick digging will not allow a large amount of liquid to enter the trench, therefore, this will not interfere with the construction work.

To ensure the stable and efficient functioning of a septic tank in a country house or in a private house with a high level of groundwater, you should follow some tips:

  • large waste and durable garbage cannot be dumped into an autonomous sewer;
  • the entire system must be qualitatively insulated and waterproofed;
  • if there is no drainage, then it is required to independently pump out sewage liquids manually with a sewer pump or using the services of sewers;
  • it is advisable to install grease traps on plumbing fixtures (especially in the kitchen), which will prevent grease from entering the septic tank. It is the formation of a fatty layer and silt on the walls and bottom that is the main reason fast filling containers;
  • if there is a biological cleaning stage, it is forbidden to use strong chemicals to clean plumbing fixtures. Also, alkalis, acidic substances, alcohol should not be allowed to enter the septic tank in other ways, because. they are able to destroy beneficial microorganisms that process sewage.

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Installing a septic tank at a high GWL is a serious procedure that requires a lot of time. It is important to choose the right material and type of construction, determine how many chambers and what capacity is needed.

Before starting installation, it is necessary to accurately know the level of the depth of groundwater, this can be done using a drilling device or in another way.

A high-quality septic tank with a high GWL can work without problems for many decades.

If the central sewerage system is unavailable, the owners of houses and cottages install an autonomous system for wastewater treatment. A septic tank for high groundwater is built according to special rules, otherwise the device will quickly become unusable. If the groundwater level (GWL) in the area is less than 1 meter, the septic tank model is carefully selected and measures are taken to protect it from the harmful effects of subsoil moisture.

Problems of arranging sewerage at high GWL

The installation and operation of a septic tank at high groundwater is complicated for several reasons:

  1. Labor intensity manual execution earthworks. Digging a pit or backfilling while standing in the water is difficult and uncomfortable.
  2. Difficulty in soil cleanup. It is practically impossible, since damp soil is not able to absorb water. For this reason, the construction of a filtration well or filtration fields is inefficient. To get out of the situation, the filter elements are placed above the ground, on a special platform. Such a technical solution requires additional costs - a drainage pump that pumps the contents of the septic tank into infiltration tunnels (cassettes). So that shallow cassettes are not torn apart by frost in winter, they are covered with earth: such a mound can be disguised as a flower bed.
  3. The inefficiency of a prefabricated septic tank made of concrete rings. The most popular option for local sewerage, due to high humidity, almost always loses its tightness. As a result, runoff seeps into the soil, and external moisture enters the well. What to do if there is groundwater in the septic tank? The answer is obvious: you have to call a sewer. Otherwise, liquid from an overfilled container may flow in the opposite direction through the outer pipes.
  4. The possibility of "floating" a plastic tank under the pressure of groundwater. The phenomenon, due to the low weight of the structure, threatens to rupture the sewer pipeline. To "anchor" the container, it is mounted on a concrete base and rigidly fixed to it. If the septic tank pops up, it will have to be pumped out of it, dismantled and flushed, and then reinstalled.

Neutralize the disadvantages of high GWL will help preventive measures at the design stage of sewerage, the choice of the optimal model treatment plant.

Requirements for a septic tank and its placement

When choosing a septic tank for a summer residence or a house on a site with high groundwater, the following design characteristics are taken into account:

  1. tightness. Since the hull will be in constant contact with wet ground, even the most thorough waterproofing will eventually deteriorate. The best option is a one-piece plastic container. If you choose a cast concrete tank, you will have to ensure the possibility of entry and work in the area of ​​​​the crane and trucks. In addition, concrete gradually begins to pass water, even if its surface is treated with hydrophobic compounds.
  2. Dimensions. When choosing a model in size, take into account the features of close ground moisture. The height of the tank should not be too large: you will have to dig a deep hole under it, and it will be filled with water all the time.
  3. Volume. It is determined by counting the average three-day amount of wastewater entering the sewer. They take into account the number of residents and devices connected to the sewer: toilet, washing and dishwashers, shower, bath (plays a role and its capacity). A small margin is added to the calculated volume of liquid drain. It is important that the container is not empty, otherwise the microorganisms that process waste may die due to lack of nutrition.
  4. Design . So that the septic tank does not float at high GWL , it is securely fixed with clamps or ties. In this regard, the design is more convenient, in which there are already loops or eyes for fixing.

The cleaning system is located, maintaining the generally accepted sanitary norms: at a distance of at least 5 meters from a house or road, at least 15 meters from a well or well. There must be at least 30 meters to open water.

Mounting Features

When deciding how to make a septic tank, if groundwater is close, sometimes developers install a conventional single-chamber storage tank without deepening it into the soil. Such a scheme allows you to save materials, reduce the complexity of installation and speed it up. But accumulative autonomous sewage is justified only during maintenance small dacha with a small number of residents and sanitary facilities. In other cases, the dimensions of the tank will turn out to be too large, but, despite this, you will often have to call a sewage truck.

The most rational with a high GWL will be one of three options:

  1. Installation of a three-section anaerobic septic tank. In the first compartment, the effluents are settled and divided into fractions, and in the second and third, they are further purified. Thanks to infiltrators used in factory models instead of filter wells, 95% of the purified liquid is absorbed into the soil. Typically, the product is sold unassembled: its components are assembled at the installation site according to the scheme attached by the manufacturer.
  2. Self-assembly of a sewer system with an infiltrator from suitable sealed plastic tanks or eurocubes. The resulting compartments are interconnected by pipes.
  3. Installation of an aerobic septic tank. It is a bio-purification station, which is supplied with oxygen necessary for the activity of aerobic bacteria. To ensure a natural flow of air, a biofilter is installed - a plastic tank with expanded clay and a special ventilation system. There are volatile filter models in which air is forced in, using an air compressor for aeration.

To independently install an anaerobic wastewater treatment system in the presence of high groundwater, proceed as follows:

  1. Dig two wells at a distance of 2 meters from each other. The dimensions of the pits are calculated so that there are 15 cm on each side between the walls of the containers and the earthen slopes. Laid on a sand bed reinforced concrete slab with special mortgage loops. If the passage of lifting equipment for laying a massive reinforced concrete slab is difficult, the bottom of the wells is independently poured concrete mix, having previously installed embedded parts for fixing the tanks.
  2. With the help of a bandage, each container is attached to concrete base(the straps pass through its top cover). The manufactured sections are connected by a pipe for water flow. The drain from the house is brought to the first tank. Without filling the wells with earth, proceed to the next stage.
  3. They dig a hole no more than 0.5 meters deep, along the perimeter half a meter more than the cassette. The excavation is filled to the top with sand and rammed; concrete slabs 250 mm high are placed along its contour. The resulting container is covered with crushed stone of the middle fraction (20-40 mm).
  4. Cassettes are placed on a crushed stone pillow. They are connected to the second tank, in which a submersible drainage pump is installed (before that, electrical wiring is installed to connect the equipment). Be sure to install a float switch with a moisture-resistant cable to start the pump when the tank is full and turn it off when the minimum level is reached. It is better to play it safe and install two pumps: the float of the backup unit is set to a higher switching level so that it will work if the main one fails.
  5. In the manufacture of sewerage, the factory infiltration cassette can be replaced homemade device. For this purpose, take an oblong plastic container without a bottom (similar to a pipe), many small holes are made in it to exit the settled liquid into the ground. The cassette is used only in conjunction with a septic tank, otherwise the holes will become clogged with untreated drains. At the outlet of the infiltration tunnel, a ventilation pipe is equipped.
  6. backfilling. To protect the plastic from interseasonal heaving of the soil, the wells are covered with a special composition: 5 parts of sand to 1 part of dry cement. Backfilling is carried out gradually, compacting and spilling water on each layer. To prevent flexible plastic from bending, the chambers are gradually filled with water - so that the liquid level constantly exceeds the level of the soil backfill.

Installation work it is more convenient to perform in the summer, when the GWL is the lowest. If the container is still filled with water, it is pumped out, and then the installation continues. It is recommended to equip an annular drainage around the treatment plant. They dig a trench, deepened by 20 cm in relation to the border of soil freezing. They make a sand cushion, lay perforated drainage pipes to drain groundwater in a geotextile shell, fill them with sand and gravel.

Industrial production models

If preference is given to purchased installations, the question arises: what is the best septic tank with high groundwater? There is no single answer here, since equipment is produced with different technical data, in a wide price range.

  • "Tank" (producer "Triton Plastic"). Universal three-chamber septic tank made of plastic. In the second section, anaerobic treatment takes place, the third one can act as a biofilter.
  • "Mole" (Aquamaster company). It is equipped with a body float protection and a compact biofilter.
  • "Multplast". Multi-chamber model equipped with drainage pump. If desired, you can install an aerator and upgrade the installation to the level of a deep cleaning station.
  • "Bioton-B" (PolymerProPlus company). It consists of three sections, also includes a biofilter and a compartment in which a drainage pump can be placed.