It is best to plant hazelnuts in spring or autumn. Rules for planting and caring for hazel

  • 13.06.2019

Everyone loves nuts - these gifts of nature, in addition to great taste, also bring rare benefits to the body. In the country, it is best to grow hazelnuts - the plant can feel great in middle lane, as opposed to the more gentle walnut. In addition, along with high productivity fruit tree It also has outstanding decorative qualities. Hazelnut: planting and care - find out everything important points on this topic

Hazelnut is cultivated, adapted to horticulture kind of hazel. The plant is unpretentious - even a novice gardener can plant and grow it. Externally, the hazelnut is a powerful and sprawling tree with an impressive crown, reaching a height of three meters.

Hazelnut, in addition to great taste, is also useful. It contains many amino acids, vitamins that help with chronic fatigue syndrome, neurosis, heart disease, anemia. Hazelnuts restore vitality, rejuvenate.

Hazelnuts are not grown on an industrial scale in our country. All nuts that are sold in stores are brought from other countries: China, Spain, Turkey. However, in private estates, this fruit crop often enough.

The plant gives the first harvest 3-4 years after rooting. Mass collections begin in the fifth or seventh year after planting and continue for the next 10-15 years. Then the yield decreases, and the tree is “rejuvenated” by radical pruning, after which it successfully bears fruit again.

Growing conditions

In order for hazelnuts to actively grow, develop and bear fruit abundantly, it is necessary to pay attention to important details when planting it.

Site selection

In principle, hazelnuts are able to grow safely anywhere in the garden, however, the best way he will show himself in sunny areas, slightly shaded. In the shade, hazelnuts can also grow, however, in this case, you can hardly expect a high yield from it. In addition to productivity, being in the shade negatively affects appearance tree: hazelnut loses its decorative effect, its branches dry, foliage loses its bright color.

However, despite all the love of hazelnuts for lighting, planting it on the south side of the site is not recommended. The ban is connected with our unpredictable weather: in the sun, flower buds can bloom ahead of time, after which night frosts will destroy them.

In addition to light, it is also important to pay attention to the fact that the area chosen for planting hazelnuts is not blown by drafts. At this point, the tree (especially the young one) is very sensitive. As wind protection, you can use hedges (including living ones), buildings, and other methods.

Also, do not forget that this plant has a very spreading crown, so there should be enough free space around the seedling.

The soil

Nutritious, well-moistened soil with a neutral acid reaction is best suited for growing hazelnuts. It is strongly not recommended to choose sandy soils for planting, quickly drying, acidic.


If you are interested in how hazelnuts grow and where, we can answer that this tree can grow both in the lowlands and on the hills. The plant will be pleased with a rich harvest and if it grows on the shore of a reservoir. If this is not possible, it is quite acceptable to plant hazelnuts near the fence, gates in the country. Some gardeners even build real hedges from this plant: beauty, benefit, and harvest - all at once.

Important: since the plant has a very powerful, well-developed root system, hazelnuts can be used as a means of preventing soil erosion.

Consider the main points regarding planting hazelnuts in their summer cottage.

Landing time

It is recommended to plant hazelnuts in autumn, as in spring the plant begins its vegetation very quickly. However, if there is no opportunity to plant hazelnuts in the fall, you can plant in February-March - it is important to be in time before the start of sap flow. In the case when the gardener is still inexperienced, it is better for him to choose the autumn traditional method - a successful result in this case is more predictable.

Consider the climate of the area as well. Check with meteorological observations over the past years: hazelnuts should be planted in the fall a month before the expected frost. In Belarus, in the Moscow region, in Siberia and in Ukraine, the landing time will be different. In the Urals and in the middle lane, it is better to plant hazelnuts in early October: in this case, the roots will take root before frost, and in spring the plant will actively grow.

Landing pattern

Hazelnuts can be planted in the country according to the following schemes: 6x6.6x5, 6x4, 5x4 m. It is highly undesirable to plant plants more densely - the yield will be weak, and the trees themselves will grow frail, low.

Soil preparation

Before you plant a plant directly, you need to start preparing the soil for six months. The earth during this time should be under fallow, so that it has time to accumulate as much nutrients and moisture as possible. It is necessary to remove all weeds from the site, regularly loosen the soil - and quite deep (half a meter). If the land is poor, it must be enriched with phosphorus and potassium - it is better to take complex mineral compositions.

Planting process

A hole for a seedling must be dug a couple of weeks before planting. The depth of the pit is 60 cm, the width and length are half a meter. Immediately after digging, the soil is mixed with manure (5-8 kg), superphosphate (150-200 g), humus (23 buckets), potassium salt (50 g). After mixing, the soil is poured back into the pit, filling its volume by about half.

Attention: adding fertilizer to the soil at planting will provide hazelnuts with all the necessary nutrients for the next three years.

A wooden stake is driven into the center of the pit - then a seedling will be tied to it. The roots of the seedling are straightened, then they must be dipped in a mash of clay and water. The sapling is placed on an elevation in the pit (near the peg). It should be located in such a way that the root neck falls 2-3 cm below the soil surface. However, it is impossible to cover the neck with earth categorically.

The roots of the seedling must be carefully covered with earth, simultaneously compacting the latter. When the pit is completely filled up, the root circle must be mulched with sawdust, humus, peat or any other organic matter. This measure will help to avoid overgrowing the area with weeds, and also provide the roots of the seedling with sufficient moisture. Move the layer of mulch away from the trunk so that the latter does not begin to scorch.

After planting, it is immediately necessary to cut the seedling, leaving a stump 20-25 cm high from it. Pay special attention so that after pruning, 5-6 full-fledged healthy buds remain on the seedling. Thus the landing is completed.


What care measures should be taken to ensure that hazelnuts grow into a beautiful, healthy and abundantly fruitful tree.


Hazelnuts love well-moistened soil, and grow poorly in arid land. During the growing season, the tree is supposed to be watered five to six times - very plentifully. Required watering:

  • after flowering;
  • during the formation of ovaries;
  • during the laying of future kidneys;
  • after leaf fall.

Water for irrigation should be warm, for one adult tree it is necessary to spend 40-50 liters per procedure. After watering, loosen the soil to make the soil light and permeable. We recommend deepening into the soil when loosening by 10-15 cm, no more, so as not to damage the roots of the plant.

Experienced gardeners often do not loosen the soil, but get by with grass mulching. This measure simultaneously retains moisture and protects the plant from weeds, and serves additional source nutrition.

top dressing

As already mentioned, during the first three years after planting, hazelnuts can not be fed, since enough fertilizer was laid in the pit. In subsequent years, in the fall, the near-trunk circle is sprinkled with wood ash to speed up the onset of fruiting and increase productivity.

In summer and spring, hazelnuts are fed with the following fertilizers:

  • compost / manure;
  • humus;
  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • ammonium nitrate.

It is best to grow hazelnuts in the form of a spreading bush: the more shoots and branches, the greater the yield. The ovaries are formed from young shoots, so it is recommended to leave the latter when pruning, cutting off only the old ones. The skeleton of the bush is formed from the lower strong 7-10 branches. The distance between the left branches should be approximately equal to the remote ones: they should not interfere with each other.

In the process of sanitary pruning, it is imperative to get rid of old, diseased and damaged branches. It is impossible to allow the bush to thicken with obsolete branches, as this significantly reduces the productivity of the fruit plant. Yes, in a thickened crown, a favorable environment is created for the reproduction of viruses, microbes, pests often settle in it.

Disease prevention

To minimize the likelihood of pests and diseases infecting hazelnuts, it is imperative to collect and burn fallen leaves in the fall, and dig up the soil under the nuts in the spring. These measures will help to immediately get rid of many pests that have settled on the leaves and destroy powdery mildew spores.

We learned how to plant hazelnuts in the country, and how to properly care for them. With the help of the tips given in the article, you can grow a strong and healthy tree, which every year pleases with a bountiful harvest of delicious nuts.

In our country, hazel fruits have been eaten since ancient times. They went to the forest for nuts, collected, harvested and transplanted walnut trees and bushes closer to the house. Domesticated hazel began to be called. First mentions hazelnut(hazels) are found in the records of the ancient Romans and Greeks. It is believed that they were the first to cultivate it wonderful plant. Scientists believe that hazel was the main plant, the fruits of which ten thousand years ago, at the end of the ice age, saved our ancestors from starvation.

The optimal scheme for planting seedlings is 6 x 6 m or 5 x 5 m, with a shortage of space, you can plant 2 x 5 m, 3 x 5 m. It is important to remember that the more space a tree has, the better it grows and bears fruit.

Half a month before planting, prepare a hole half a meter deep and half a meter in diameter, fill it with a mixture:

  • Soil (top layer)
  • Humus - 2-3 buckets or manure - 5-8 kg
  • Superphosphate - 150 grams
  • Potassium salt - 50 grams
  • Mycorrhiza - 2-3 handfuls to a depth of 15cm.

In the center of the pit, install a peg, near which you place. Before planting, hazelnut roots must be straightened and lowered into a solution-talker (a mixture of earth and water). Deepen the level of the root neck by 3 cm, but the neck itself cannot be covered with earth. Trim the seedling after the fifth or sixth bud, leaving about 25 centimeters in height.

Regardless of weather conditions, seedlings must be watered at the rate of 4 buckets of water under each tree and the soil should be mulched with any suitable material(, needles, humus, etc.). Repeat watering after a week.

In the summer it is recommended to carry out top dressing with ashes. Nitrogen fertilizers reduce the yield of hazelnuts, although they make the bush lush and beautiful, so it is better not to use them when feeding a nut.

To get good, it is important to do the formation of the bush correctly. In the first three years, the root system develops better, after this time, an increased growth of shoots begins, from which trunks are formed. From the second or third year, you need to carry out the bush procedure. Choose 5-8 of the strongest shoots from which the crown of the bush will be formed, cut the rest to the root. At hazelnuts, only young shoots are left, barren ones are removed.

Branches should be cut at the base of the bush.

At the 11th year of nut growth, before the leaves begin to bloom, rejuvenate the tree: cut off three old trunks and shorten the young ones. In one place, hazelnuts can grow for more than a hundred years. It is not necessary to cover hazelnuts for the winter, it is quite frost-resistant.

Tree diseases and pests

Hazelnuts are resistant to and, nevertheless, for prevention, branches can be treated with iron sulphate. This should be done in late October and early spring.

Tree pest and disease control:

  • For hazelnuts, the May beetle is a great danger, the larvae of which love to feast on the roots of the tree. When larvae of the May beetle are found in an amount of more than two per 1 square meter you need to destroy the pest before planting the plant.
  • Nut weevil is capable of destroying up to 50% of the crop. In the spring, before the appearance of beetles, add granulated 10% Bazudin to the soil at the rate of 2.5 grams per 1 sq. meter. After the appearance of beetles, trees are sprayed with Karbofos 0.06 grams per 1 square meter. Gather and destroy prematurely fallen nuts. In the morning, shake off the beetles on canvases spread on the ground.
  • The hazelnut barbel loves to lay its eggs under the bark of young shoots, the beetle larvae gnaw out the core of the shoots, as a result of which they dry out. All dried branches should be 15 cm below the dried place and then burned. In mid-May, spray the plants with 1% Karbofos.

To prevent infection of hazelnuts with diseases and pests, it is necessary to remove and burn fallen leaves in the fall, and then dig up the ground under the bushes of the plant.

It is destroyed in this way, it tolerates winter well on fallen leaves, and weevil larvae. In the summer, collect and destroy affected fruits regularly. proper care hazelnuts are practically not susceptible to diseases and pests.

More information can be found in the video.

Hazel is a tall shrub from the Birch family. Often it grows up to 5 meters in height. Valued for tasty fruits - nuts. Many plant species have been cultivated since ancient times.

In nature, there are about 20 types of hazel:

  • ordinary;
  • large;
  • Pontic;
  • Chinese;
  • Colchis;
  • treelike;
  • horned;
  • Himalayan;
  • variegated, etc.

You can bring a plant seedling from the forest, or buy it from a nursery. Cultivated varieties are more demanding to care for, but bring a higher yield than wild varieties. For decorative purposes, the Contort hazel is planted - a plant with beautifully curved branches, there are varieties with green or burgundy-cherry leaves.

Hazel varieties for growing in the middle lane:

  • "Ivanteevsky red" - interesting plant with red leaves that turn green only in autumn. Harvest from one bush is about 2 kg of nuts;
  • "Moscow early" - low bushes, up to 3 m, red leaves, brings about 3 kg of crop;
  • "Tambov early" - successfully grown in harsh climatic conditions, gives up to 3 kg of large nuts of an oblong shape, golden yellow, which ripen in August;
  • "Akademik Yablokov" - a red-leaved, hybrid variety, no more than 4 m high, is distinguished by the abundant formation of female flowers and the freezing of male flowers, large nuts (3.4 g), dark raspberry, resemble an acorn in shape.
  • "Kudraif" - a bush about 3.5 m with pinkish-red leaves, the fruit of a hazel with a sharp top, yellow-brown, medium in size.

Many modern hybrid varieties with good yield and disease resistance.

Where does hazel grow in Russia

Hazel grows on the territory of Russia in deciduous-coniferous forests, on the edges. Common hazel is found in the Leningrad, Kirov, Vologda regions, Perm region. This plant is distributed throughout Europe. In the south it blooms in February, near St. Petersburg - in early May.

In the Caucasus and in the Crimea, large hazel is grown, which is also called hazelnuts.

Hazel multi-leaved grows in the Amur region. In the North Caucasus and Transcaucasia, you can find tree-like hazel, which is listed in the Red Book of the USSR.

Features of growing hazel

It is desirable to grow several varieties of hazel on the site, as these are cross-pollinated plants. All hazels do not like acidic soils, they prefer soil with neutral acidity, planted on peatlands begin to wither and grow poorly.

Watering needs regular, without it it is impossible to get a decent harvest. If there is not enough moisture, the leaves will begin to shrink. Hazel also needs special top dressing. The first complex fertilizers are applied in the spring, before bud break.

The bush needs pruning every year, it builds up a lot of lateral shoots that need to be cut with secateurs. Without pruning, hazel will grow, drowning out other plants in the garden.

Most hazels are frost-resistant, only some heat-loving species freeze slightly. In early spring, before active sap flow begins, pruning is carried out, removing all dry and frostbitten branches.

Hazel propagation methods

A feature of hazel is that it cannot be grown from seeds. Grown plants will not bear fruit for a long time. Hazel is best propagated by layering. Bushes from layering begin to bear fruit on next year after planting, and retain all the varietal characteristics of the mother plant.

For proper reproduction layering takes root from the mother plant. The lower branches of the hazel are sprinkled with earth and sawdust. In autumn, the shoots that have started roots are separated and planted in the soil, at a distance of 2-3 meters from each other.

You can propagate hazel cuttings. Cuttings take root best in spring. They are cut when cutting a bush, the lower cut is made oblique, and the upper cut is straight, there should be 3 internodes on the handle. In order for the root formation process to go better, succinic acid is used (the cuttings are soaked for 24 hours). Rooted in a small greenhouse, on the street, placing the cutting in the soil at an angle of 45 °. A greenhouse can be made independently from a box and a package. The roots will begin to grow about a month after planting, but it takes several months for a full-fledged root system to form.

Landing in open ground

Plant a seedling in open ground can be in autumn or spring, before bud break. Autumn hazel will begin to bear fruit faster, and spring planting will keep it from freezing.

Hazel is a mycorrhizal plant that needs fungi for the full absorption of nutrients by the roots. When planting, it is recommended to bring in the forest litter (bottom layer) to a depth of 15 cm. Acidic soils must be limed before planting. When growing on acidic peatlands, they make a large hole (80 cm deep and the same in diameter), fill it with neutral soil, and only after that they plant hazel. The root neck must not be covered with earth.

In the first spring after planting, pruning is carried out over 5-6 buds for the appearance of side shoots and root shoots. The plant is grown in the form of a bush.

Hazel is not only useful, it can decorate the site with lush green foliage. You can plant it around the perimeter of the site, creating a living, green hedge, or use it as padding for other, taller plants. Hazel can be planted in a recreation area, it will create an interesting, openwork penumbra near a gazebo or bench. This shrub is well suited for diffused light or partial shade.

Large-fruited hazel, from which they want to harvest a good harvest, is planted in a well-lit place.

Hazel grows as a shrub, so that the nuts are larger, you need to properly form the crown. From 10 to 14 shoots are left around the perimeter, and the middle of the bush is freed from branches. Cut off bent and diseased branches, as well as growing deep into the crown.

The soil around the plant is loosened, deepening the bayonet of a shovel by no more than 10-15 cm, so as not to damage the roots.

In the second year after planting, the hazel is fertilized with manure or compost. Mineral fertilizers are applied in autumn, when male flowers are laid (they resemble earrings), and in spring, when female flowers bloom.

A hazel bush needs to be rejuvenated once every 15–20 years, cutting it almost to the root. In general, this plant is unpretentious, and grows poorly only on marshy, saline, sandy soils and heavy loams.

Treatment of hazel from pests and diseases

Diseases do not bypass the hazel. The main problems are caused by weevils and mites. When the weevil is damaged, larvae are planted in the fruits of the nut, and the crop crumbles ahead of time.

Fight them with insecticides and acaricides. It is impossible to spray plants during the ripening of the crop. This is done in the spring, before the buds open.

If a hazelnut barbel is wound up on the shoots, the branches are cut and burned, the plant is sprayed with Karbofos.

If done right, the hazel tree will grow quickly and produce a bountiful harvest of delicious nuts.

Harvest and storage

Harvest ripens in autumn, in September or October. It is believed that the nuts are ripe when they themselves are separated from the plush. The collected hazelnuts are scattered on the floor in a well-ventilated room with a layer of 3-4 cm, stirring occasionally, dried for about 10 days at an air temperature of 15 to 20 ° C. Then the nuts are collected in cloth or paper bags.

Nuts are well stored for 3-4 years without losing their biological value and excellent taste. Use hazelnuts in the manufacture confectionery- sweets, cakes, halva, ice cream.

Hazel and hazelnuts, what's the difference

Hazelnuts are large-fruited varietal varieties of common hazel, large hazel and Pontian hazel. Turkey grows 75% of the world hazelnut crop. It is also cultivated in Georgia, Azerbaijan, Italy, Greece, and Russia.

The fruit of the varietal hazel is a one-seeded nut, more rounded and larger than that of the wild hazel.

The bush of wild hazel is more powerful than that of hazelnuts, it can reach 5–7 m. Tree-like, bearish or Turkish hazel grows up to 20 m in height - this is a real tree that prefers a warm climate, and freezes in the middle latitudes.

Hazel is one of the most unpretentious plants. Every year it brings a harvest of delicious nuts, and can serve as a hedge on the site.

The garden form of hazel is hazelnut. The plant develops well on any soil, and its fruits are much larger than hazel. The height of the bush reaches 3 meters, the root system is powerful, the harvest is large.

Features of planting hazel in the fall

Hazelnut seedlings are recommended to be placed based on the following planting patterns: 6x6, 5x6, 4x6 and 4x5 m. The more space you allocate for the plant, the more powerful it will grow and the greater the harvest. There is also a nesting method of planting. At the same time, up to 6 plants are placed on a circle of one and a half meters, using a planting pattern of 6x6 meters. The root shoots are removed so that the bush goes into 1 trunk.

If we talk about soil preparation, it is necessary to loosen before planting. If the levels of potassium and phosphorus are low, fertilizers must be added. Nitrogen is introduced as top dressing during the growing season. It is also worth plowing the soil and breaking it down for planting. Hazelnut seedlings are deepened by 60 centimeters. In order for the roots to develop well, several buckets of humus are introduced or fertile soil. At the same time, the nut will begin to bear fruit much earlier.

How to properly care for, grow; when to transplant (photo)

Grooming is no different from caring for other cultures. The soil near the trunk circles loosens, but you should not touch the roots. The walnut is watered several times a season to increase the yield.

Watering is required mainly in June-July. Fertilizers also play a significant role, fruiting also depends on them. The best way- compost and manure, they are applied 2 times a year. Mineral top dressings are introduced every year. During fruit set, urea is fed.

Any varieties of hazelnuts increase their yield gradually, from the 3rd year of life. A bucket of nuts from one bush can be obtained only from the 15th year of life.

The fruits ripen from the end of August. They are harvested after they have acquired a light brown color. The nuts are then dried and stored in a well-ventilated room.

How is the formation of a bush by pruning

Proper formation of the bush helps to get a good harvest. In the early years underground part plants develop better than aboveground. After 3 years, active growth of coppice shoots begins. They form crown trunks. Those branches that are to be removed are cut right at the base of the bush.

Growing hazelnuts involves removing excess shoots from the bush throughout life. At the same time, young branches are left, and barren stems are eliminated.

Starting from the 11th year, the bush is rejuvenated, while 3 old trunks are removed, and new shoots are shortened. These actions should be carried out before the leaves bloom.

Feeding, watering and other care

Hazelnut seedlings have a delicate root system. Therefore, if you loosen the trunk circles, you should be careful not to hurt them. It is better to use mulching with mowed grass. Worms develop well under it, which makes the soil more fertile. The introduction of ash into the soil helps to improve the yield.

Walnut cultivation involves irrigation. It is also necessary to make humus - 2 buckets per year per plant. In summer, top dressing is carried out with ash, in spring - with ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate.

Nut propagation

Propagate different varieties of hazelnuts in different ways.

The division of the bush

The easiest way, all the characteristics of the variety are preserved. The pre-dug plant is divided into parts so that 15 cm stumps are obtained. At the same time, roots and soil should remain on the parts.

Bow breeding

In this case, annual shoots are rooted, but they are not separated from the plant. You can’t take layering older, they won’t take root. When propagating with arches, pits are dug with a depth of 15 cm, their length should be about 40 cm. The shoots are placed in grooves and fixed with wooden hooks. The upper part of the layering is tied to the pegs. In the place where the bend is located, an incision is made and pollinated with the help of a root. Next, the grooves are sprinkled with soil and watered. So the soil is compacted. From one shoot, only one rooted layer will be obtained.

Horizontal layers

laborious, but effective method. From one shoot you can get up to 5 layers. Laying goes into the grooves horizontally. Layers are pinned, but do not fall asleep with soil. Shoots grow vertically from vegetative shoots, then they are mulched. During the summer period, layering is sprinkled with earth several times.

Among other things, watering is carried out. As a result, mounds are obtained above the layering. The growth is shortened to 50 cm in order to enhance root formation. The following year, horizontal layers are dug up and divided into parts.

Vertical layers

Excellent results are obtained with the rejuvenation of the entire bush. Juvenile shoots are obtained from dormant buds of the root zone. In the process of hilling, leaves are removed from the bottom of the shoots. In autumn, part of the rooted shoots is cut out. In the process of shoot growth, constriction occurs. As a result, it takes root and by autumn reaches 1 meter in height. In the place of the constriction, the shoot is broken off with a wire.


When sowing seeds, different offspring are formed, not similar to the mother plant. Such reproduction is used for breeding purposes. The presented method makes it possible to obtain new improved varieties. Nuts are selected well developed and large. Their stratification is preliminary carried out. At spring planting beds must be mulched with dry leaves.


After 5 years, the ability to root cuttings approaches one hundred percent. At the same time, one third of the cuttings first take root, and from it already two thirds.

rhizomatous shoots

Coppice propagation is actively used in horticulture. The lower part of the bush for a long time retains the ability to renew, which is very important. Walnut bushes grow in a circle with the help of rhizomes. Hazelnut shoots are formed in the 3rd year. For reproduction, 2-3-year-old shoots are used, which are separated with an ax. They are called ripoffs. When transplanting shoots, incisions are made to ensure better survival.


Propagation by grafting is difficult. Often, bear nut and hazel seedlings are used for this purpose. Vaccination is carried out in early spring. They tie it up and apply garden pitch. A special cap made of PVC film is also installed. After the kidneys form on the handle, the cap is opened, they wait for two weeks and are completely removed. After the vaccine grows together, all shoots from the rootstock are removed.

Diseases and pests

Hazelnuts are preferred to eat by such animals as wild boars, squirrels, woodpeckers, mouse-like rodents, nuts. Almost all walnut bushes sooner or later are exposed to diseases and pests. The main pests are caterpillars, butterflies, beetles, hares, weevils.

The walnut weevil and barbel are of great danger. Fight him in the following way: they dig the soil, remove worm nuts, shake off insects on a film and treat with pesticides. Powdery mildew may appear in the second half of summer. The affected leaves must be collected and sprayed with a lime-sulfur decoction. Colloidal sulfur is also being processed.

Hazelnut, the benefits of which are beyond doubt, is an unpretentious plant for planting and care. It is breeding different ways- cuttings, rhizome, layering, etc. The harvest is large, but it is necessary to protect the bush from diseases and pests.

Growing hazelnuts (video)

Reviews and comments

(3 ratings, average: 4,17 out of 5)

Nina 28.10.2015

Hazelnut - beautiful and useful plant. We have them planted on the south side suburban area. When shoots were planted a few years ago, they took root for a long time, hard, and then they also grew poorly. But thanks to our careful care and patience, now the shrub gives a pretty good harvest.

Olga 29.10.2015

Last year my husband's sister brought us a hazelnut sprout. But it somehow grows very weakly with us ... Moreover, we had to transplant it again this year. I don’t know when we will eat our nuts, I love them very much! Let's see how he winters, I will hope that he will begin to grow and bear fruit, at least in three years.

Yuri 11/22/2015

In the video, they say a seedling, but they plant a seedling.

Sergey 03/25/2016

I don’t know how long I didn’t plant hazelnuts, I couldn’t grow them. Either it dries up, or it does not bear fruit. Who has already grown, and gave birth to hazelnuts, write how you did it. I will be very grateful. the product is very useful, but it is impossible to grow it.

Goshia 25.03.2016

With such a low yield, on a small personal plot you can plant 2 - 3 hazel bushes. To have such nuts. In my opinion, the most in a simple way receiving seedlings, there will be layering. Plant care is not difficult, to obtain constantly good harvest needs regular pruning.

Yuri 03/26/2016

First of all, you need to find a layer of hazel or hazelnuts, water more often, mulch, since the root system is superficial. Rooting takes 2 years, remove the ovaries. For a stable harvest, it is necessary to plant several specimens of different varieties of hazel, hazelnut or bearnut.

In vain they transplanted, plant anywhere, if only in the sun. Plant more, look for layering. I have two-year-old layers that bloom and set fruit.

Sveta 28.03.2016

A very large hazel bush (hazelnut) grows in the school yard in our village. There she constantly gives birth, everyone who is not too lazy to go collect useful nuts. And at home, in my garden, I tried to plant a shoot - it didn’t take root, I don’t know why! Perhaps I am doing something wrong, but I will try, I really want to grow hazel!

nurlan 19.05.2016

I waited 13 years and but the end of this year I have bloomed.

Alice 23.03.2017

I can't find the answer to my question anywhere. I want to transplant hazelnuts to another place, age 2-4 years (I don’t know for sure), but the height is 3 meters, it bred well last year for the first time, and last year there were no nuts. When (is it possible in the spring?) Can it be transplanted, how best to do it (special soil, hole depth, etc.)? Please reply and give advice or links to related sites. I would appreciate that. Last year, I did not have time to collect - the people who walked past my house, or neighbors, collected nuts for me (the hazelnut is in front of the house, why it was planted there - you need to find out from the previous owners).

Yuri 03/24/2017

It is not necessary to transplant, make layering and plant in another place.

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Hazel is a nut-bearing and decorative culture, which is world-famous. Hazel, called hazelnuts, is winter-hardy and unpretentious.

Hazel is a nut-bearing and ornamental crop that is popular

Breeders have bred many varieties of this plant so that the cultivation of hazel is possible in different climatic and geographical zones. The homeland of hazel is Greece, Asia Minor and the Caucasus, but now you can find it in the gardens of America, Russia, and Europe.

The right variety - a big harvest

Botanists divide the family of tree-like shrubs into several species - there are more than 20 of them. In the Russian regions, summer residents prefer common, tree-like and large hazel, but rarer species are also found.

  1. Common hazel - Russian name hazel, comes from the similarity of the shape of its leaves with bream - they are wide and rounded. The green leaves contrast beautifully with the long yellow catkins. Common hazel is one of the most common species. Some of its varieties are grown in Russia: Pervenets, Akademik Yablokov, Moskovsky. Depending on the variety, the shrub can reach a height of 7 m. The fruits ripen in September, and fall off when ripe.
  2. Tree hazel is also called "bear nut". In cold climates, the tree grows up to 8 m, but in the south it can grow up to 20 m. The bear nut can be used for landscaping: it has a beautiful, graceful appearance. Tree hazel nut gives a larger one than its “ordinary” rival, but most of the weight is occupied by a hard shell, and the nucleolus turns out to be quite small.
  3. The Lombard nut grows up to 10 m. In Russia, it is grown for beauty or for delicious fruits, but it is not found in the wild. Walnut prefers to grow on warm Greek, Italian or Turkish soil.

The timing of fruiting and productivity are related to the climate. In the Urals, many summer residents do not risk planting hazelnuts, fearing not to get a harvest at all. In cold northern regions, it is recommended to plant winter-hardy varieties or varieties of hazel.

Manchurian walnut is one of the most frost-resistant varieties. It is a shrub up to 5 m high, but with small fruits enclosed in a prickly shell. The Manchurian walnut feels great in the northern regions, but is not popular due to low yields and difficulties in cleaning nuts.

landing conditions

In order for the planting of hazel to go “without a hitch, without a hitch”, you need to know a few rules. First you need to pick up seedlings. It is possible to plant a hazel with seeds, but the shrubs with this method of planting are not the same as the mother tree.

Hazel can be planted independently. Choosing the right seedlings

Breeders use seed planting to create hybrid varieties. It is better for summer residents to buy a seedling that retains all the features and traits of the variety.

  1. Buy seedlings from trusted sellers and make sure that planting material there was no damage. Developed roots - the main thing you should pay attention to when buying.
  2. Purchase not one, but several seedlings of different varieties to facilitate pollination.
  3. How to plant hazel? Prepare holes 50 cm deep, with a distance of 4-6 m between them. If you plant plants closer together, they will darken each other and interfere with growth.
  4. The ideal place to land is well lit, but protected from the burning direct rays of the sun and violent gusts of wind. Usually the western part of the site meets these criteria.
  5. The soil should be rich and loose. Acidic soil, dry soil are not suitable for growing hazel. Fill the dug holes with humus and mineral fertilizers, pour a bucket of water over them.
  6. Shorten the seedlings by 20 cm, place the roots with clay mash in the pits, cover with earth and water. Planting usually begins in November or March. At autumn planting the seedling is mulched.

Hazel care

The hazel tree will grow and bear fruit only if you know how to properly care for it. It's not hard: remove weeds, loosen the soil, water and shape the crown.

  1. Loosening the soil in the near-trunk circles should be careful and shallow, otherwise it is easy to harm the planted plant - its roots are located at the very surface.
  2. Shrubs are watered abundantly, but rarely. On ordinary days, no more than once a month, on drought days - more often.
  3. The thickening of the branches prevents the shrub from developing fully. Formative pruning is a necessary step in the care of hazel. Weak and damaged shoots are cut off, leaving up to 10 of the strongest and healthiest, located at a distance from each other. In order for an adult hazelnut to continue to bear fruit abundantly, when it reaches 20 years old, a rejuvenating pruning is carried out - 2 old shoots are cut off every year.
  4. Top dressing is important for the growth of hazelnuts, especially young ones. In autumn, hazel trees are fed with minerals: potassium and phosphorus, and in spring with nitrogen fertilizers. Once every three years, organic fertilizer is added to the soil - manure mixed with potassium salt and superphosphate.
  5. Diseases and pests can completely nullify all work. How to grow hazel so that arthropods and fungi do not damage it? Carry out preventive spraying, compost fallen leaves and pluck damaged and larvally eaten nuts in the summer. If the tree begins to “go bald”, change the color of the leaves, or pests appear on its branches, you should immediately begin to treat the hazel. Identify the source of the problem and use against it special means from the store.

Breeding methods

Summer residents can choose from several hazelnut propagation methods: seeds, root shoots, division, cuttings, grafting, layering.

  1. Seeds are planted in autumn or spring to a depth of 4-5 cm. Disadvantages: the shrub differs from the mother tree, it begins to bear fruit at 4-5 years of age.
  2. Dividing the bush is the easiest method of propagation. For its implementation, you need to divide the bush into branches with roots.
  3. For propagation by root shoots, a part of the rhizome is taken from the shrub and grown separately, in a greenhouse, until the roots develop. The peculiarity of this method of reproduction is the preservation of the varietal qualities of the tree.
  4. When propagating by layering, grooves are dug around the bush and pre-selected shoots are laid in them, the tops of which are left above the ground, pinned to pegs. Layers are sprinkled with earth, watered and cared for like a tree until roots appear.
  5. The beginning of the preparation of green cuttings is determined as the new shoots become woody. The cuttings are planted in sand with peat and watered until they take root.
  6. For grafting, cuttings are cut right before work or they are harvested in advance in the fall and stored all winter until spring.

Hazelnuts contain substances that are beneficial to the health of the body. In stores, such nuts are expensive, so the labor invested in growing a hazel, planting and caring for it will pay off in double volume.