Phlox subulate flowering period. Phlox subulate: planting and caring for spring flowers

  • 13.06.2019

At the sight of bright May rugs of awl-shaped phloxes, an optimistically beautiful thing immediately pops up in my head about ... sewing sundresses and light dresses made of chintz .... Probably because the flowers of awl-shaped phloxes are associated with chintz, and because these are (at least in my garden) the first spring flowers with such chic, almost summer flowering carpets.

Dealing with the names

As a rule, all pillow-shaped phloxes blooming in May are called subulate. In fact, in those varieties and hybrids that grow in our gardens, you can find the genes of several closely related natural species at once. styloid phlox (Phlox subulata), Douglas phlox (Phlox douglasii), northern phlox (Phlox borealis) and some others. These species are very similar to each other both externally and in terms of flowering, but may differ slightly in the shape of the flowers and the rate of growth.

All of them come from the dry highlands or hilly regions of North America, and therefore require similar living conditions in the garden. These low-growing evergreen herbaceous plants or shrubs with needle-like leaves form sprawling der-mimki, decorative all season, and bloom (in the middle lane) in the second half of May.

Modern varieties of awl-shaped phloxes (we will call them that way for simplicity) are different. first of all, in height (from 10 cm to 20 cm), color, corolla shape, flower size, as well as growth rate and density of the turf. There are variegated varieties and varieties with a rather strong aroma. The flowers are white, as well as all shades of pink and lilac, often with a contrasting stripe down the center of the petals.

Styloid phloxes - we grow and propagate

An ideal place for planting styloid phloxes is an alpine hill, a rocky garden, a high flower bed or a retaining wall. The main conditions to be observed are light, well-drained, moderately fertile soil, lack of spring moisture stagnation and maximum sun. Of course, phlox will also grow in the shade, but you will not get lush flowering.

It is often written that it can be affected by various diseases (powdery mildew, etc.) and pests (for example, a nematode). But in more than 15 years of growing styloid phlox, I have never encountered this.

Like other ground covers, phlox has a shallow, but rapidly expanding root system. However, its branches grow very quickly - in 2-3 years up to 40 cm, forming flowering rugs in spring, and green pillows in the rest of the year. Styloid phloxes are quite frost-resistant and perfectly tolerate low temperatures.

tours. However, in very adjacent and warm winters, the shoots and leaves may rot. Fortunately, they are quickly restored, and after a year the plants take on their former appearance.

Phlox care, in fact, consists in cutting them after flowering. This gives the sods a neat appearance and prevents them from growing too much. With an annual haircut, styloid phloxes can grow in one place for more than 10 years and do not require dividing the bush and transplanting.

Phlox breeds just fine, and throughout the season. To do this, just pinch off a rooted piece of his shoot. It instantly takes root in a new place and quickly begins to grow.

You can also use for propagation the shoots 5-7 cm long remaining from the shearing. They are rooted in a light substrate (preferably in a greenhouse or under a jar). Cuttings give roots without any stimulants, but if you decide to play it safe, use only powdered ones. In water, the cuttings rot in a matter of hours.

And if you need to take them somewhere, then in no case wrap them in wet paper or cloth. Just put them in a plastic bag and tie it up. So the cuttings can be stored for several days. I once kept them like this in the shade (in anticipation of a friend who was intended) for almost two weeks, after which they took root perfectly.

My container experiments

Since I really like to grow everything in containers, I tried to do this with styloid phlox as well. This is very convenient - at the time of flowering, the plants can be placed in the most prominent place, and then removed, replacing them with the next actively flowering ones. For a couple of years my experiment was quite successful.

Planted in spring in large (about 12-15 l) plastic low (like basins) phlox pots, by autumn they have grown perfectly.

For the winter, just in case, I covered them with spruce branches, and in early spring exposed to the sunniest place on the south side of the house, near the porch. In May (even earlier than the phlox growing in the ground), my container plantings delighted me with rapid flowering. Under the blooming pillows of different shades, the basins were not visible!

Alas, after a couple of years the experiment ended by itself. Somehow, either because of a too harsh winter, or because of a very long and wet spring, or because of something else, the bushes, alas, almost completely died.

And I also have a dream - a high retaining wall of stones and multi-colored waterfalls of awl-shaped phloxes falling from it. And what could be more beautiful than flowers that make you dream!

Phlox carpets

We are used to the fact that phloxes are the favorite "grandmother's" flowers that delight us most of the summer. But in nature there are also phloxes that bloom in spring. main feature of such phloxes lies in the fact that they form dense cushions and carpets on the ground. There are several types of spring-flowering phlox, but the most common is the awl-shaped phlox, it also has varieties with flowers of different colors - pink, white, lilac, etc.

Phlox subulate I saw once in a magazine in the picture; since the article was not about him alone, only the name was signed there - and a couple of words about this plant. I searched and found several varieties of this plant. In general, there are not so many varieties of creeping phlox compared to bush species, but I still find them and successfully grow them.

place for them

Carpet phlox love to grow in the sun, where they form lush curtains. Well, maybe in a very light penumbra they will also show their beauty. But mine all grow in sunny places. Plant height is small - about 10-15 cm.

Thickets spread over the ground, when they bloom, cause wild delight, and even after flowering they are good, because lush greenery remains. There is no need to invent a lawn. The land they need is loose and fertile.

The foliage of awl-shaped phloxes is preserved under the snow, and when spring comes, when the sun shines with might and main, the snow melts, but the soil is still cold, the plants are at risk of drying out. I advise you to cover the foliage during this period with translucent agrofabric ( white color). Moisture will not evaporate so much from the foliage.

As soon as the soil warms up, all processes will go naturally, and the shelter can be removed. With a protracted spring, there is a danger of the leaves of such phloxes dying out. But here we can only hope for a successful exit from under the snow.

I grow varieties of styloid phlox with different flowers. In the Aurora variety, the flowers are white with a delicate pink tint, their petals are narrow. I found it with difficulty. White flowers with wide petals, a yellow eye and a red ring in Avalanche. Phlox Sprite has elegant pink-crimson flowers, and its ring is darker. Pastel pink flowers with a raspberry ring in Nettleton Variegata.

It is unusual not for flowers, but for variegated light green foliage with cream edging. But Phlox Candy Stripes boasts original flowers: its petals are pink, outlined by a white border around the edges, the eye is purple with a raspberry ring. Delicate lavender blue G.F. Wilson has small star-shaped flowers. Lilac petals with a purple ring in Tellaria.

With large inflorescences of fragrant flowers, this species is distinguished by its miniature size. In nature, this species grows in North America, preferring dry sandy slopes. in the gardens natural look does not occur. Numerous varieties and hybrids created on the basis of it are grown.

The name Phlox subulate comes from the shape of the leaves. They are narrow, pointed and rigid, densely covering the stems, which have nodes. The length of the leaves is up to 2 cm. The shoots are creeping, about 20 cm long, at the nodes they can sprout roots and take root in moist soil. In this way, the ground cover phlox bushes grow in width, gradually taking up more and more space.

Flowering time from mid-May to mid-June, may bloom again at the end of summer. The flowering of the styloid phlox is so abundant that the greenery of the shoots and leaves is hidden under a continuous cover of flowers. Phlox subulate flowers are small, no more than 2 cm in diameter, collected in a small inflorescence or solitary. The color is white, pink, lilac or purple, monophonic or with spots and strokes, there are varieties with eyes of a contrasting color in the middle and with a border along the edge of the petals. Petals notched at the edges.

The life of the plant is quite long, you can grow several years in one place. Old bushes gradually thin out in the middle, bald spots appear on the green carpet. It is recommended to renew plantings every few years, dividing the bushes.

Use in garden design

Phlox subulate is used in all types of flower beds. It can become a real decoration of an alpine slide, gradually occupying all the free space between the stones.

He is planted on foreground in mixborders, where it harmonizes perfectly with bulbous and primroses. Fluffy green mats serve as a beautiful backdrop for other perennials, and when the phlox blooms, this plant becomes dominant, delighting the eye with its many bright flowers.

The styloid phlox is valued as a plant for borders, especially because from early spring to frost its curtains remain green, they retain their color even under snow. landscape designers often offer this plant for decorating steps from natural stone. The groundcover phlox fills all the gaps between the stone slabs, develops well on the slopes and is unusually beautiful during flowering.

Location and landing. The styloid phlox is a non-capricious, drought-resistant plant, but it requires well-lit areas for beautiful flowering. Rocky or sandy slopes where water does not stagnate are the most the best place for the ground cover type of phlox. The root system is shallow, can be planted in small earthen pockets.

To obtain a continuous flowering carpet, young plants are planted at a distance of 30 cm from each other, and then the growing stems are laid out on the soil in the right direction and pinned to the ground at the branching nodes. They quickly take root and give new shoots in places of rooting.

The soil. Styloid phloxes grow best on infertile, dry, loose soils. Soil acidity is neutral or slightly alkaline. On soils rich in organic matter, there will be a lot of greenery, which is also very beautiful, but there are few flowers. On heavy soils, for the successful cultivation of creeping phlox, sand must be applied before planting.

It is useful to add wood ash to the soil or occasionally water it with an ash solution. It can be used both as a foliar top dressing and as a remedy for phlox pests.

Wintering. Creeping phloxes are considered winter-hardy plants, they are classified as 3-4 frost resistance zones. The ability to tolerate winter cold is highly dependent on the variety.

Like any evergreen, styloid phlox should be planted where there is sufficient snow cover during the winter. The danger is not so much frost as winter thaws. In warm and humid winters, styloid phlox bushes can rot.

reproduction. The simplest and effective way breeding creeping phlox is the division of the bushes. Overgrown bushes are dug up and divided into parts so that each of them has at least a few roots.

The second convenient way is to pin shoots to the soil or sprinkle them with earth. In places where the nodes of the stems are pressed against the moist soil, roots appear. When new shoots begin to appear at the rooting site, the stems can be cut off from the old bush and young plant transplant.

It is not difficult to propagate styloid phlox and cuttings. When dividing bushes or transplanting, accidentally broken branches always remain. They can be used for cuttings. Leaves are removed from their lower part and added dropwise in a slightly shaded place. These cuttings root easily.

The appearance of the styloid phlox (Phlox subulata) in floriculture was called by the English plant collector R. Farrer a happy event. The plant does not lose its attractiveness all season. In spring and summer, the sods are completely covered with small flowers that look like bright stars, and with the advent of cold weather, even under snow, they retain juicy greenery.

Choosing a place and soil for planting

Phlox subulate has no special requirements for growing conditions. He is flexible and easily puts up with difficulties. But he will show himself as much as possible in open and sunny rocky or sandy areas. Hilly areas and small slopes are preferred. The main thing is that moisture should not stagnate in the landing sites. Otherwise, the phlox grows poorly, the sods will not be dense and may rot.

Soils for styloid phlox should be loose and poor with neutral acidity. Acidic soils are limed, the lime consumption rate is 150-200 g / sq. m. V clay soils add river sand.

Landing in open ground

The root system of the plant is superficial, therefore, when planting, phloxes do not deepen much. When digging the soil, weed rhizomes are carefully removed so that they do not interfere with the growth of sods. Until the phlox plantings have turned into a solid carpet, regular weeding is a mandatory care procedure in the first 1–2 years.

Phlox seedlings are planted in prepared pits or holes to a depth of 10–15 cm at a distance of 25–30 cm from each other. After planting, they are watered abundantly.

The article "", which describes the varieties of all known perennial phloxes, will help you choose the seeds of styloid phloxes.



Phlox subulate is drought-resistant. This is one of the benefits of the plant. It is regularly (2-3 times a week) watered only in severe drought. The rest of the time there is enough natural precipitation.

top dressing

During the season, the plant is fed 2-3 times. The introduction of nitrogen-potassium fertilizers in the spring will give impetus to active growth, top dressing with complex mineral fertilizers in the middle of summer contributes to lush bloom. A good effect is given by root and foliar ash top dressing. contains micro and macro elements necessary for phlox. At the same time, it lacks nitrogen, the increased doses of which adversely affect flowering. In addition, ash solutions protect phlox from pests. Top dressing is best combined with watering, so as not to burn the leaves.

You can feed the styloid phlox in a different way. In the spring, after the snow melts and the earth dries up, the soil around the phloxes is loosened and mulched with humus mixed with wood ash. In the summer they do without top dressing, and in the fall the bushes are re-mulched with humus.

Shelter for the winter

Phlox subulate is frost-resistant and middle lane does not need shelter. But since the plant has a superficial root system, in the spring, after the snow melts, the roots are exposed. A layer of compost or humus 1–2 cm thick, sprinkled in autumn, will protect them, and phloxes will successfully overwinter.


Phlox subulate well tolerates a haircut. In early spring, it is recommended to cut only yellowed or dried stems at the ends. After the end of flowering, strongly overgrown shoots and parts of the stems are cut with withered flowers. Pruning a bush by 30-50% is a strong anti-aging procedure. She returns the former beauty to the plant.


After 4–5 years, phlox plantings are rejuvenated, as old bushes become bare, get sick more often, and the flowers become smaller.

Phloxes propagate vegetatively: dividing bushes, cuttings and layering.

seed method

It is rarely used, since most modern varieties are complex hybrids. Phloxes planted on the site can be pollinated and propagate by self-sowing. The new plants do not look like their parents, the flowers will receive and retain their unique color.

You can help phlox - in late autumn, collect boxes with seeds that have fallen to the ground. Peel them and put the seeds in a container with a mixture of sand and soil to a depth of 1.5 cm. In winter, you can throw snow on top. The sprouts that appeared in the spring are sent for growing in a greenhouse, and with the onset of heat they are planted in a permanent place.

The division of the bushes

In spring or autumn, after flowering, the bushes are dug up, divided into several parts with roots. Before landing in a new place, the shoots on the divisions are shortened, leaving parts no more than 10 cm in length. Young plants will not waste energy on feeding excess green mass.


For rooting cuttings in spring before budding or in autumn after flowering, shoots with 2–3 internodes are cut. The lower leaflets up to the first node are removed. The cutting is placed in wet sand or in a mixture of sand and humus. The container with shoots is covered with a glass jar or a transparent bag, creating greenhouse conditions. During the rooting process, which lasts about 3 weeks, the cuttings are aired daily and kept moist.

Propagation by stem cuttings

Phlox subulate well propagated by stem layering. Under the stems, grooves are made in the ground 3.5–4 cm deep. They are watered, then the shoots are laid out in the recess and covered with earth not completely, leaving the ends of the stems above the surface. Soon, the layers begin to grow their own roots. Rooted shoots are separated from the mother bush and transplanted to a permanent place.

Diseases and pests

Phlox styloid may be affected variegation virus, less often powdery mildew. Phlox cannot be saved from viruses. If the shoots of the plant are stunted, twisted and ugly, then it is better to get rid of such specimens.

From powdery mildew fungicides are used. As a preventive measure, the bushes and the soil around them are sprayed in May with a solution of Epin or Zircon.

Of the pests, in rare cases, styloid phlox can settle nematode. To reduce the risk of pests, preventive measures are important. Phlox is not planted in areas previously occupied, and crop precursors can be,.

Phlox subulate - an ideal plant for rocky areas, retaining walls. Flowering bushes will decorate the lawn and garden paths, smooth out clear lines and add naturalness to the garden.

You can learn more about styloid phlox from the video.

Photo: Phlox subulata - Phlox subulata

It just so happened that our gardens and flower beds are simply unthinkable without spectacular and impressive phloxes. They, like guards, rise above the general background or in a single landing. Bright flowers, collected in a lush inflorescence, and a wide variety of colors allow you to choose a variety for every taste and for the most demanding garden interior. Translated from Greek, the name "phlox" means "flame". It was first presented to the plant by Carl Linnaeus, apparently having met a certain tall species with a fiery color of petals. Now it is simply impossible to list the entire palette of colors. Among the selected varieties and garden forms, the styloid phlox attracts attention, which will be discussed further.

Botanical description

Phlox subulate (Phlox subulata) is a typical representative of the cyanide family. It is named so due to its leaves, resembling an awl in shape - the same narrow, pointed, strong. Often it can be found under the name carpet or creeping, and in its homeland (North America) it is called moss carnation. The original biological species is practically not found in gardens; numerous hybrids and varieties are common. The real subulate phlox is low - 15-17 cm. On the surface of the earth it forms a kind of carpets that remain under the snow. The creeping stems are strewn with small leaves. In their upper part, peduncles with flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter.

Selection and varieties

For the first time, varietal plants appeared in Foggy Albion. Initially, in the gardens of aristocrats, the specific form imported from the New World was actively used. Over time, breeders have selected the most desirable and outstanding forms with the necessary traits resulting from hybridization and natural mutations. Therefore, it would be completely fair to say that the current phloxes have little in common with the original appearance, since they were created over several centuries. The earliest written report about the styloid phlox dates back to 1696. You will not find domestic hybrids in stores, all that is - foreign varieties, originally from England, Germany, France, Holland and, of course, the USA. When buying plants, the information on the package will help you decide on the variety: height, shade, shape of flowers and their size. Photo: Phlox subulata - Phlox subulata - popular varieties

Some varieties known among experienced flower growers:
Aurora - large flowers star-shaped (up to 2.4 cm in diameter) at first glance in a group planting they look white, but in fact they have a barely noticeable pink tint, like the first glimpses of dawn in the sky. When growing, it forms real rugs up to 12 cm high, resembling rather snowdrifts against a general background of greenery.
G.F. Wilson - lavender-blue flowers have a diameter of up to 1.8 cm. This variety of styloid phlox grows quickly, branches profusely and forms an even carpet up to 20 cm high
Thumbelina - plant height up to 15 cm, dark green leaves and stems grow quickly, flowers of a pale pink cold shade, reach 1.6 cm in diameter, the middle is carmine red.
Nettleton Variegata - variety with pink flowers up to 2 cm in diameter, has decorative dark green leaves with a pink-white border.
Whatever variety you prefer, know that all styloid phloxes after spring flowering retain decorative look until late autumn, withstanding the first frosts, their emerald green sods go under the snow. The flowers of the plant are not very large, however, there are so many of them that they form "pillows" of a wide variety of shades. It is thanks to these qualities that phlox is valued in garden floriculture and among landscape designers.

Place on the site

The styloid phlox can be safely attributed to the group of the most unpretentious and easy-to-care plants. Another advantage is its ability to adapt to the conditions environment, but sometimes to the detriment of decorativeness. To achieve lush and long flowering every year you should create an environment for the plant as close to natural as possible - rocky slopes, dry sandy hills with good drainage system and without stagnant moisture. Phlox is demanding on lighting and heat-loving - this must be taken into account first of all. Secondly, exclude areas where moisture constantly accumulates. On them, the flower will be weak, flowering will be poor, and eventually this will lead to decay of the root system. Thirdly, like all plants, styloid phlox can be affected by diseases and pests. Therefore, it is useful to observe competent prevention. Since the styloid phlox is most susceptible to the nematode, its best predecessors at the planting site will be various perennial lawn grasses, calendula, marigolds, and saffron. The pest does not like them, in this regard, the soil will be safe. Do not use areas where it previously grew garden strawberry. Fourth, the plant needs shelter in winter, so give preference to a place where there is a high snow cover in winter.

The soil

The original species phlox, which gave rise to many hybrids and garden forms, grows in nature on mountain slopes. Therefore, the plant prefers poor soils, but dry and well-drained. The same conditions are required for the garden subulate phlox. The soil environment should ideally approach neutral. Too acidic soil prevents the plant from absorbing macronutrients, while alkaline soil, on the contrary, prevents micronutrients. In this regard, before planting, soil liming is practiced, that is, lime is applied in certain quantities. If the soils are clayey and heavy, then in addition it is recommended to add coarse river sand to loosen the structure. Land rich in organic matter, where manure, humus or compost was previously applied, is also not very good for this. garden plant. Of course, it will develop well, only all its “forces” will go into the green, and flowering will be minimized.

Planting a styloid phlox

The plant is a ground cover, therefore it has a specific root system. It lies shallow (up to 15 cm), but grows to the sides quickly enough. You can even take it off before boarding. upper layer soil and, having mixed it with lime and sand, having cleared the roots of perennial plants and weeds, place it back. In this place, you need to plant awl-shaped phloxes at a distance of 25-30 cm, then in a year or two, with proper care, you will have a solid flower carpet. You can regulate the shoots of the plant yourself in the right direction, digging them in certain places or securing them with a metal arc for quick rooting and the formation of a new bush. Evergreen characterized by rapid growth, their branches grow in 2-3 years to a length of up to 40 cm. The most favorable time for planting is spring, when the weather is quite warm during the day, and the soil is still saturated with moisture. At the same place, the styloid phlox can grow up to 5 years, after which it is advisable to renew or plant the bush in order to avoid the development of the disease and the loss of a decorative appearance.

Photo: Examples of the use of styloid phlox in landscape design

plant care

This group of garden flowers is very unpretentious, the main care for them is the timely weeding, watering and feeding with complex organic and mineral preparations during a certain growing season. The first point is of particular importance. The styloid phlox covers the ground with a solid carpet, weeds growing from under it spoil not only appearance, but can also damage the root system with inaccurate pulling or in the process of active growth. Well-chosen position on the site and good soil allow you to grow strong and beautiful plants in one place for 4-5 years. Phloxes are quite frost-resistant and, in the presence of deep snow cover, perfectly tolerate low temperatures. However, in the snowiest and warmest winters, shoots and leaves can rot, losing their attractiveness. No need to get upset, proper care the plant recovers quickly.
All flower growers should remember that it is not necessary to “overfeed” awl-shaped phloxes with organic matter and potash fertilizers, as the green mass will actively increase, and flowering will slow down. The best option is to mulch the soil around the bush in spring and autumn with good humus, as well as top dressing with a solution of wood ash, which also has disinfecting properties and prevents the development of diseases and the appearance of pests. It is not difficult to prepare it. Pour 300 g of ash with two liters of water, and boil the solution for 5-10 minutes, after which it should be cooled. The liquid is quite concentrated, so before use, dilute it in 10 liters of water.
If winters in your region are very severe, then it is recommended to cover the phlox for the winter with coniferous spruce branches. Spruce is best suited for these purposes. Do not use fallen dry leaves, under them the shoots will most likely sag and rot. Like many other perennial plants, phlox requires rejuvenation.

Pests and diseases

Reproduction of styloid phlox

There are two ways to get new plants: seed (vegetative phlox is very rare) and vegetative (cutting and dividing the bush). In the first case, sowing should be carried out in early spring, then by autumn you will have a small, but stronger plant. This method is suitable for those who want to grow new and exclusive varieties on their site. Dividing a bush is a less time-consuming, but very effective way. Due to the fact that small bushes separated from the mother plant already have their own roots, development and growth is faster, and the turf is dense and more durable. In the process of dividing the bush, one way or another, small broken sections of the stem remain from the plant, which are small branches without roots. They can be used for propagation by cuttings. To do this, remove the leaves from the bottom of the stem and dig it in, keep the soil moist constantly until rooting occurs. At first, it is best to shade the plants with a special woven material. Cuttings can be carried out both before flowering and after, but the division of the bushes is best done towards the end of summer.

On the video: Carpets of styloid phlox during flowering in one of the parks in Japan.

In the field landscape design and landscaping styloid phlox is considered to be a real lifesaver. In a short time, it is able to form lush floral carpets of the most diverse palette of colors, while it is unpretentious and resistant to weather conditions. The plant will look most harmoniously and naturally on alpine hills, warm slopes, in group plantings on a green lawn or along garden paths from natural stone and tiles.

"Site about plants"

After all, they perform two main functions - protecting the soil and roots of perennial plants from drying out and decorating the site with emphasizing the beauty of rock gardens and rockeries. One of the brightest representatives of such plants is the subulate phlox. We will talk about planting and caring for it in this article. This flower is very popular when creating flower arrangements among ordinary gardeners and professional designers landscape. Photos of styloid phlox can often be found in popular catalogs and magazines about decorative design garden plots. All this is due to the beauty of the plant and its unpretentiousness in care.


Phlox subulate - frost-resistant plentifully flowering plant which came to us from North America. He received special love thanks to the widest range colors and varieties. On average, the height of the plant does not exceed twenty centimeters. Phlox stems densely line the surface of the earth with sharp dark green leaves. At the top of each shoot is a peduncle. During the flowering period, which lasts about three weeks (from May to June), the plant is covered with a large number of flowers of small diameter - from two to four centimeters. The most common are white, lilac and pink shades. Repeated flowering in August and September can be achieved with more painstaking and thorough care.

The most beautiful varieties

The best representatives styloid phlox are considered to be two-color varieties such as Flame Eyes, Mint Twist and Bavaria. The latter is distinguished by magnificent lilac flowers, bordered by snow-white stripes. The delicate aroma exuded by the flower during the flowering period is another advantage of this variety over others. Phlox Bavaria - hardy and pretty unpretentious plant with rich flowering. Varieties of styloid phlox Maischnee, White Delight, Apple Blossom are often used to complement mixborders and retaining walls.

Soil selection

In general, the plant does not require special soil fertility. Light dry soil preferred after cultivation lawn grass or calendula. Too nutritious soil does not allow abundant flowering due to excessive growth of the root system and stems.

If the soil in your area is too hard, then you can loosen it by mixing with sand. But the increased acidity of the soil will return to normal with a small amount of lime or dolomite.

Planting Phlox subulate

The ideal time for planting this plant is mid-April. In the spring, these flowers take root better and begin to bloom a little later than those planted in the fall. autumn planting produced in late September or early October, so that the plant has time to take root before the first serious frost. The first two weeks after planting, phlox should be watered abundantly and often. And for a better engraftment of rhizomes before planting, they should be immersed in the Kornevin solution.

The site chosen for planting styloid phlox should be cleared of weed plants, since it will be much more difficult to do this during the period of growth and flowering. Planting of undersized varieties is carried out at a distance of at least 20 centimeters, tall ones - about 80 centimeters between plants. Acceleration of the fouling process can be achieved by fixing the stems with hairpins and sprinkling with earth, with their further direction in the right direction. Flower transplantation is carried out only after the end of the flowering period.

Growing Features

To obtain hybrid and especially valuable varieties of this plant, experienced gardeners use seeds. It is very important to properly prepare them for the landing process. In this section, we will focus on stratification - a procedure without which the seeds simply will not germinate. It is held in the fall, before winter planting. The site for planting phlox is cleared of snow, the seeds are laid out on the ground (at a distance of at least five centimeters from each other), then sprinkled with a layer of earth and sand, and on top with a thin layer of snow. Such preparation increases the percentage of seed germination up to eighty percent. The main thing is not to stratify in late autumn, when frosts become constant.

The first shoots appear in early spring. Strengthened sprouts are transplanted into prepared, fertilized beds only after the appearance of two or three leaves. The distance between planted plants should be from twenty to thirty centimeters. One and a half to two weeks after transplanting the phlox, it should be fertilized with saltpeter.


Phlox subulate, like any other plant, requires only timely watering, hilling and moderate fertilization. In extreme heat, watering should be increased to 2-3 sprays per day.

The most effective fertilizer for styloid phlox is the simplest wood ash. All micro and macro elements contained in its composition fully nourish and saturate the plant. Yes, and preparing such a solution is very simple: for this, about 200 grams of ash is diluted in a liter of water, after which it is boiled, cooled and filtered. The finished solution is diluted in ten liters of water and used as a foliar fertilizer. Too frequent and intensive enrichment of the soil with minerals leads to excessive leaf development and poor flowering.

For the winter period, phlox should be sheltered from frost. The spruce spruce branches are considered the best option, since, unlike autumn foliage, it does not allow phlox to be banned. Humus can be used to restore the plant after wintering. This nutrient will quickly bring styloid phlox in order, accelerate the process of growth and flowering.

The plant is rejuvenated every five years. Since at this age the stems of the plant coarsen, flowering becomes less intense and decorative. Moreover, an older plant becomes weaker and more prone to various diseases much stronger than younger ones.

Propagation of Phlox subulate

One of the methods of reproduction of this plant is the division of rhizomes. To do this, use adult flowers that have a formed, overgrown root system. A phlox bush is dug up, which is divided into several parts with a shovel. An important condition for the survival of such a plant in the future is the presence of several roots and a growth point on each of the obtained parts. Delenki are planted in pre-dug holes with prepared, loose soil.

Phlox styloid can also be propagated by cuttings. This method is preferred by most gardeners because of its ease. WITH different parts plants need to be cut off the strongest and healthiest shoots that are planted in a slightly shaded place. For faster rooting, frequent and plentiful watering is important. It is best to use stems, shoots, petioles and roots collected in the spring. Such planting material takes root better over the summer and gives next year profuse, dense flowers.

To obtain valuable varieties, use the method of propagation by leaf cuttings. To do this, the stalk with a leaf is planted in moistened sand and covered with a glass or plastic jar, the use of a film is acceptable. Planting and care of styloid phlox in open ground in this case, it is carried out after the final engraftment of the cutting, which must be often sprayed with water.

Diseases and pests

During the period of reproduction and growth, styloid phlox is quite often affected by powdery mildew. Recognizing this disease is quite simple - it is indicated by the presence white plaque on the leaves and flowers of the plant. Treatment is carried out by using various chemicals.

This plant is also attractive for many pests, such as caterpillars and nematodes. Their invasion most often leads to the complete death of the plant due to the destruction of most of the leaves, stems and flowers. Having found a damaged flower, it should be immediately eliminated, and the soil infected with pests should be treated with insecticides for three to four weeks.

Frequent watering and excessive fertilization leads to the appearance of various kinds of rot and rust. That is why it is important to follow the rules for caring for styloid phlox, especially since it is not at all difficult.


Today we shared with you a photo of the styloid phlox, planting and caring for which is not difficult at all - you could see this by reading our article. Do not be afraid to experiment with the design of your site, and it will definitely delight you with its appearance.