We plant pineapple at home. How to grow pineapple at home

  • 12.06.2019

The overseas fruit pineapple is a herbaceous plant from the bromeliad family. This species is characterized by the fact that the plants are adapted to live in drought conditions, have fleshy leaves that form a funnel in the center.

Morning dew flows into a makeshift container and feeds the plant from above. This ability to absorb moisture through the leaves at the top of the fruit, their connection with the heart of the plant suggested a way to plant a pineapple.

It is possible to root the top and get a new plant at home if the breeding conditions are observed.

Ways to grow pineapple

In an average climate, pineapples can only be grown in greenhouse conditions, greenhouses or on a windowsill. One of the reasons is the long-term cultivation of pineapple until a mature fruit is obtained.

Several years, up to 4, pass in anticipation of the formation of an inflorescence. And half a year is required for filling and ripening of the fruit.

Later, the plant dies off, leaving behind numerous shoots, which are bred on an industrial scale.

At home, fruiting occurs after 26 months of plant development. After the fruit is removed, the plant dies, leaving many offspring with which it is propagated. AT room conditions the plant blooms with a height of 25 cm and at the age of 16 months. Flowering will begin in two months, lasts two weeks. One flower blooms for 1 day. The fruit is formed and ripens up to six months.

So, you can grow a pineapple:

  • seeds obtained from a mature fruit;
  • shoots from an adult or dead bush;
  • top of a ripe pineapple.

The seed method of breeding is rarely used, as it is associated with a lengthening of the growing season. For those who like to start everything from scratch, you need to know what from a ripe exotic fruit seeds can be collected.

At home, for cross-pollination, two adjacent plants should bloom at the same time.

In the future, the seeds are sown in light soil and after the emergence of seedlings they are grown up to 6 cm and planted in a permanent pot.

How to plant a pineapple from the top

The most common way is to get a pineapple seedling from a tuft on the top of the fruit. Selecting a pineapple from a recently received batch fresh harvest. A sign will be a powerful bunch of leaves on top of a pineapple cone. The leaves should be alive, not dried out and as little as possible dented. The fruit must be mature in all respects.

  1. Firmly grasping the fruit with one hand, with the other, with a smooth screw movement, unscrew the rosette of leaves from the base. It's better to do it together. If this is not possible, then the crown is cut off with a sharp disinfected knife. Then the soft part is carefully removed from the resulting cone so that it does not rot in the ground during rooting.
  2. We clean the base by 2-3 cm, gently pinching off the leaves. In this place, roots will appear and grow, as in the bottom of an onion or garlic clove. Sprinkle the cut with crushed coal or ground cinnamon.
  3. During the week, we dry the plant at room conditions, hanging the scalp with the cut part up. This is to speed up root formation.
  4. We lower the bottom of the pineapple seedling into the water and wait for the roots to appear. The place for the jar should be chosen bright and warm. Drafts and temperature fluctuations are unacceptable. Glass must be chosen dark or wrap the container in black paper. Change the water every two days, avoiding souring.
  5. Pot for young seedling choose no more than a volume of 0.5 liters, with a good drainage hole. The soil is composed of equal parts of sand, peat and leaf humus. You can buy soil for bromeliads, but any composition must first be cleaned of pathogens and possible insect pests. Before planting, watering with hot potassium permanganate and subsequent drying is required.
  6. We plant a pineapple with roots in a pot with a pre-laid layer of drainage. The ground should be moist, but not damp. If the plant is already rooted, then leave the plant open and monitor the humidity. If, after drying, the pineapple seedling was not placed in water, then rooting is carried out under a cap to create a microclimate.

How to plant a pineapple from the top is clear. It remains to wait for the results of rooting. If the plant is accepted, young leaves will appear. And only then and subsequently to water young plant you need from above so that there is always water in the funnel of leaves.

How long to wait for rooting results depends on external conditions and on compliance with all conditions. The plant can take root in 6-8 weeks.

When rooting, the leaves will gradually dry out, and the tips should be cut off. At the same time, replacement greens grow. Over time, the bush will lose the old hair completely.

Water the plant once a week for up to a year. Transplant the flood into a larger pot in cactus soil.

In winter, pineapple will not grow leaves, this is a dormant period. This means that watering and fertilizing should be reduced.

How to plant a pineapple at home - video

Source: http://www.glav-dacha.ru/kak-posadit-ananas/

Home breeding of pineapple is very simple. It is enough to buy this fruit in the store and properly root its top. The plant looks very attractive, so even before the first fruits appear, it will undoubtedly be a wonderful decoration for the house.

Is it possible to grow it at home and how to grow a pineapple at home from the top step by step, how to properly root - we will tell in this article. Pineapple belongs to plants of the bromeliad family and has the same appearance and requirements, like other plants of this family. The size of the fruit depends on the method of cultivation and the place of origin, as well as the conditions prevailing there.

On sale there are fruits, the mass of which is approximately from 1 to 2 kg, however, on plantations, some samples reach a weight of five or more kilograms. In Brazil, the plant grows up to 1.5 m in height, while in other conditions it can be much more compact.

The largest plantations are located in China, Mexico, Hawaii and the Philippines.

Fruit grown in a pot usually reaches small size(a little over 50 cm in height). It forms a rosette of long leaves arranged in a spiral. At proper cultivation you can get a fairly large plant that can bloom and even bear fruit.

Three forms of pineapple are grown at home and in greenhouses.

  1. The variety A. comosus is characterized by green, narrow leaves and bears fruit well.
  2. A.comosus Variegatus variety has shorter and wider striped leaves. This plant looks very beautiful in the interior, decorating it, but rarely bears fruit.
  3. Variety A. bracteatus Striatus - the most large plant compared to those listed above. Characterized by green-yellow leaves.

Growing pineapple - step by step, instructions with photos and videos

To grow it on my own beautiful plant with a tasty fruit, first of all, you should buy a fruit along with a rosette of leaves located on the top of the fruit. This socket is relatively easy to root. How to do this, we will describe below, starting with the purchase of fruit.

Buying fruit

First you need to choose the right pineapple in the store. You should pay attention to whether it has a full rosette of leaves along with the center. It is important to choose a fruit that is ripe and healthy, with beautifully colored green leaves. The plant should not have a browning top. A flower sprout should protrude from the outlet - this will give us a guarantee that the plant will bloom.

How to properly root?

To sprout roots, it is important to properly prepare the tail for planting so that the plant gives roots. First, you should cut off the rosette of leaves in the upper part, leaving 1-2 cm of the fruit near the rosette, a photo of the correct cut is shown below.

A fragment of the fruit must be peeled with a knife in the form of a slightly rounded heel. Then we cut off the remnants of the pulp with a knife so that the fibrous part remains. It is important to remove all the pulp when preparing seedlings, otherwise it will begin to rot. If white dots are visible on the cut, these are root nodules, it is advisable not to damage them during cleaning.

Growing the fruit of their tail, photo

Leaves should be torn off from the bottom of the outlet in a section of about 2 cm. To avoid damage to the roots sprouting from under the leaves, clear the trunk of leaves by tearing them off perpendicular to the trunk. On some pineapples, after removing the leaves, already at this stage we can see small germinated roots.

Germination and planting

The planting material obtained in this way is soaked in water up to half of the fragment of torn leaves. After about 1-2 weeks, they begin to take root.

When the roots reach a length of several centimeters, you should take the seedling out of the water and place it on paper towel. Let it dry for 2-3 hours. After drying, the seedlings are planted in soil intended for growing palm trees.

The soil in the pot should not be too wet, but only slightly moist. It is necessary to dig into the ground the entire section of the stem without leaves.

Growing pineapple - video

Of course, our little palm needs proper care.

  • Pot for this exotic plant, it should be large enough so that after planting the seedlings, there is about 2 cm of earth around the plant to the edge. Usually suitable pots with a diameter of 12 to 14 centimeters. When new leaves appear in the center of the rosette, it means that a well-established plant is starting to grow. After that, you should put the pot in the sunniest place in the apartment. Pineapple is transplanted once a year, it is better to do this in early summer. Be sure to select the diameter of the pot so that the plant was about 2 cm from its edge.
  • The soil: In garden stores, it is easy to buy special soil designed for palm trees. The plant is quite tolerant of the earth, so you can use a universal soil. A drainage layer should be created at the bottom of the pot to minimize the risk of flooding and thereby reduce the risk of root rot. Such soil is fertile enough for pineapple, so it does not require top dressing.
  • Bloom: The first flowers begin to appear about 1.5-2 years after planting. In very sunny places, the flowers develop into fruits.
  • Temperature: Pineapples thrive at room temperature - 25°C in summer and 20°C in winter period.
  • Watering: the seedling does not need constantly moist soil. In summer, pineapple grown in pots is watered 2-3 times a week; in the cold season, at a temperature of about 20 degrees, the plant should be watered no more than once a week. Water can be poured into the outlet. Tap water should be prepared before irrigation - filtered or at least defended so that it does not contain harmful salts and chlorine. The plant loves regular spraying.

Diseases and their symptoms

  • pale leaves: This means that the plant is not getting enough light. It should be moved to a more lit position.
  • No bloom: you should help the plant a little. Some pineapples bloom after 18 or even 30 months. Such a long period on an industrial scale is not economically justified. However, people have learned to speed up this process. Wise scientists have noticed that pineapple blooms much faster if it is treated with ethylene gas. This gas is released, among other things, by some fruits. At home, we can get it with apples. To do this, cut the apple in half, place one half of the fruit flat on the ground (cut to the soil), place the other half on a leaf rosette. Cover the entire plant with a plastic bag and leave for 2 to 4 weeks. At this time, the apple will begin to release ethylene, which, going to the roots, will stimulate the appearance of flowers. When we see the first flowers, we should remove the bag and remove the apple pieces.
  • The lower leaves are drying up., wrinkle and curl: this usually means that the plant is standing in a draft. It should be moved to a place more protected from drafts.
  • dust on the leaves: The leaves should be wiped with a damp cloth.
  • Leaves wrinkled and dying: This always happens after fruiting. Pineapple dies after fruiting, but new plants can be grown from the outlet.
  • slow growth: may mean that there is a lack of trace elements in the soil. The plant should be fed with fertilizer for flowering plants.
  • drying leaves usually appear if the plant is in a too hot and dry place. It should be watered and moved to a cooler place.
  • yellow spots on leaves usually associated with the fact that our exotic plant shields attacked. This manifests itself as follows - brown spots begin to appear on the underside under the sheet. Pests can be removed with a cotton swab or Q-tip for ears soaked in soap.

Beneficial features

This fruit is valued for its delicious, juicy and highly aromatic fruits, which are eaten both raw and cooked. We can buy it in canned form, in jams, compotes, juices and many other types.

A very important feature is that pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which facilitates digestion and helps to lose weight. excess weight. Most vitamins contain fresh fruits.

Fruits from cans during processing lose some of their beneficial properties.

  1. Pineapple is a great fruit for people who are on a diet because it contains a lot of fiber. Fiber speeds up digestion and removes toxic metabolic products.
  2. Bromelain, found in pineapples, promotes weight loss, and also acts as an anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous and analgesic agent, and prevents blood clots.
  3. The fruit is used adjunctively in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.
  4. The fruits contain disinfectants, and also have the ability to remove dead tissues without damaging new ones, therefore they are used to heal wounds, treat burns, bites, bruises and swelling.
  5. As an aid, they can be used in the treatment of allergies and respiratory diseases, as well as digestive problems.
  6. Pineapples are also used in cosmetics. Vitamin C contained in the fruit removes age spots and brightens the skin.
  7. This fruit strengthens blood vessels. Organic acids and bromelain contained in the fruits gently exfoliate dead skin cells, while minerals nourish it. Pineapples are especially recommended for people with skin pigmentation and acne.
  8. Pineapple is often used as an aphrodisiac.

Helper in the fight against snoring

If someone in the house snores a lot, there is an ideal solution. Peaceful sleep will be provided by a pineapple in a pot. Statistics show that the problem of snoring affects one in four adults - usually men.

According to NASA research, pineapple plants produce oxygen and improve air quality throughout the night. Thus, they help to sleep better and quieter. For anyone who has had to run from bedroom to room due to their partner's snoring, this discovery may be a godsend.

Plants grow from 21 months to 2 years and eventually produce a small fruit. If there are no problems with snoring in the house, they can just bring a little exotic to the interior.

Pineapple is one of those exotic fruits that we can grow ourselves. It is enough to cut off the upper leaf outlet and plant it in a pot. It is very important that this part of the pineapple, which we put in the ground with leaves, is dry, without pulp, otherwise the plant will rot. As a result, we will get ornamental plant, which improves the air and may even bear fruit.

Source: http://rem-stroitelstvo.ru/kak-vyrastit-ananas-doma

Growing pineapple at home

If you want to grow some exotic plant in your apartment, then choose pineapple for growing. Growing pineapple at home is easy.. And the result will exceed all your expectations. After 3-4 years you can get fragrant fruits.

How to grow a pineapple at home from a store-bought fruit?

Step 1 - choose a pineapple

In any grocery store, you need to choose a ripe pineapple, the main condition is that the leaves are firm, healthy, green (not yellow or brown).

Read on the topic:

The peel of the fruit itself should also be golden yellow and not green. I recommend you buy 2 pineapples for cultivation at once - more chances.

At the first symptoms of poultry disease, contact the Friend Center for Veterinary Medicine. On http://www.vetdrug.com.ua/ you can make a reservation at a hotel for pets, get acquainted with the list of services and prices in a beauty salon for pets, or order a call back to call a doctor at home.

Carefully check the base of the leaves for gray spots that indicate insect infestation - such a plant is not worth buying. Also, do not buy overripe fruits.

A simple test for maturity is to gently pull back the pineapple leaf, if it easily returns to its original position, then the fruit is overripe.

Step 2 - preparing the top

Take the entire bunch of leaves in your hand. Twist it hard and it will come out with a little stem.

Rice. 1 - Top twisting method

(You can also just cut off the top with pulp, but in this case you need to make sure that all the pulp is removed from the trunk, otherwise it will rot and destroy the whole plant).

Rice. 2 - Top cutting method

All pieces of pulp adhering to the trunk must be cleaned in order to prevent rotting after planting. After cleaning from the pulp, it is necessary to carefully cut off the bottom of the crown until the appearance of root buds (small dots or circles on the surface around the circumference of the stem).

Rice. 3 - Root buds

It is necessary to cut as little as possible so as not to damage the rudiments of the roots. Next, you need to remove a few lower leaves from the bunch, exposing 2-3 cm of the top trunk.
Rice. 4 - We clean 2-3 cm of the pineapple trunk

Also, at the base of the top, there may already be brown small roots. In the future, they will not grow, but they cannot be removed or damaged.

After trimming, cleaning, leave the top to dry for a couple of days before the next step. This will heal the scars on the tips of the roots and leaves and prevent rotting.

Rice. 5 - Dry the top of the pineapple

Step 3 - sprouting the roots of the top

Exist various ways how to make the top take root, but the simplest and most reliable is growing roots in water. It is necessary to lower 3-4 cm of the trunk into the water. A glass of water should be placed away from drafts, heaters and places with temperature changes.

Rice. 6 - Sprouting pineapple roots

Water needs to be changed every 2-3 days. There is an opinion that in dishes made of dark glass or plastic, root germination is more efficient.

Rice. 7 - Sprouted roots

Step 4 - rooting the top

After the roots appear, the pineapple must be planted in fast-draining soil. Ready mixes "Cactus" or "Bromeliads" are suitable. The diameter of the pot should be the diameter of the crown of the top (about 10-15cm). Availability required drainage hole in a pot.

At the bottom of the pot lay out 2-3 cm of drainage. Fill the bottom of the pots with drainage. Then we fill in the soil mixture. The pots are ready for planting the pineapple. Then we plant the top of the pineapple in the ground and put it in a bright place.

Rice. 8 - Planted pineapples

Watering should be moderate, the soil should always be moist, but not wet.
A pineapple. How to grow your own pineapple. How to grow pineapple.

Preparing a container for planting pineapple

Choose a small container. Its diameter should be slightly larger than the size of the crest. The volume of the container should be no more than 0.6 liters. You can choose normal flower pot right size. We lay drainage at the bottom of the pot with a layer of 2-3 cm. Pebbles or Karamzit will do. Then we lay the soil substrate, not sleeping 1.5-2 cm to the edges of the pot.

How to plant a pineapple

In the center of the pot we dig a hole with a diameter slightly larger than a tuft, the depth of the hole is 2-2.5 cm. Pour some charcoal into the hole. This will protect the edges of the socket from rotting. We insert the crest into the hole.

We dig in a few sticks, 2-4, along the edges of the pot, and tie a crest to them with threads to secure. We sprinkle the earth and the crest with water and cover it with a cap from a glass jar, plastic bottle or plastic bag. We put the pot in a warm, bright place, but not under direct sunlight.

Optimum temperature for rooting 25-27 degrees. In winter, the pot can be placed directly on the battery by placing a plank under it. Rooting occurs after 1.5-2 months. Its sign is the appearance of new leaves. "Mini-greenhouse" can be removed after 2 months.
pineapple at home

Pineapple is a photophilous plant. Therefore, the optimal temperature for growing pineapple

  • in summer - 28-30 degrees, minimum - 25 degrees.
  • in winter, the temperature should be maintained at 22-24 degrees, a minimum of 18 degrees.

If this minimum is reached, the plant will simply die. Hypothermia of the root system can also lead to the death of the plant. Therefore, you can not put a pot of pineapple on a cold windowsill.

Light day for growing pineapple should be 12 hours. Therefore, in winter, with a lack of pineapple at home, it should be highlighted with a fluorescent lamp.

A pineapple requires moderate watering. Water is used melt or rain, can be replaced with boiled or settled water. Before watering, water should be acidified with oxalic or citric acid up to pH 5-6.

Citric acid can be replaced with lemon juice. The acidity of water can be checked using universal indicator litmus paper. Pineapple at home should be watered only with water heated to 30 degrees.

Water must be poured into the outlet. Watering should be moderate, as waterlogging of the earth can lead to decay. The soil should dry out slightly between waterings. It is also necessary to frequently spray the leaves with warm water. It is good for pineapple to have water in the axils of the lower leaves. Additional pineapple roots perfectly absorb it.

Top dressing pineapple

During the growing season, which lasts from late February to September, pineapple should be fed every 10-15 days. The best fertilizer is an infusion of cow or horse manure. A complex of mineral fertilizers such as "Azalea" is useful.

It must be applied at a rate two times smaller than required by other plants. Be sure to water and spray the pineapple with a solution of ferrous sulfate 1 or 2 times a month. It is prepared at the rate of 1 g per 1 liter of water.

It is also acidified.

Pineapple transplant

Pineapple at home must be replanted every year. The roots of the plant should not be allowed to grow strongly. Each year the size of the pot should increase slightly. The root system of pineapple is small.

For an adult plant, a pot of 3-4 liters is enough. For transplantation, the transshipment method is used. It is carried out very carefully, trying not to destroy the coma of the earth. The depth of the root neck is increased by 0.5 cm.

Flowering stimulation

Pineapple at home proper care can bloom in 3-4 years. By this time, the length of the pineapple leaves is already 80-90 cm, and the diameter of the rosette is 10 cm. But sometimes the pineapple must be forced to bloom. There are several ways to stimulate flowering.

  • 1 way: Most simple stimulant - ethylene. To obtain it, we dissolve 1 teaspoon of calcium carbide (it is used in gas welding) in 0.5 liter of water. We close the jar and insist for a day. After that, the settled liquid is drained, leaving sediment and impurities. 50 g of this solution is poured into the center of the outlet daily for a week. After such stimulation, flowering is guaranteed in a month and a half.
  • 2 way: Fumigation. We put a plastic bag on the plant. Near the pot for 10 minutes we put a few lighted cigarettes or smoking coals. Be careful, observe fire safety measures. Fumigation is carried out 2-3 times in 7-10 days. After 2-2.5 months, the pineapple blooms.
  • 3 way: We put the pot in a large plastic bag. We put 3-4 ripe apples or tomatoes there. This method is simple, but does not always lead to flowering.

Flowering and fruiting of pineapple

Flowering lasts approximately 2 weeks. As soon as the flowers appeared, we replace the top dressing with organic matter with a top dressing with a complex of mineral fertilizers. Good "Kemira", "Agricola" or other fertilizers for flower crops. The fruit ripens in 5-7 months. The main indicator of maturity is a strong sweet smell and sufficient fruit weight. At home, pineapples can reach 0.3 - 1.5 kg.

At the base of an adult plant, lateral layers often appear - “kids”. There can be up to 20 such children. They can be seated in the same way as the crest. Over time, you can get a real pineapple plantation to your delight and the envy of your friends.

Did you know what?

Despite the exotic nature of this fruit, pineapples were grown in Russia in the time of Catherine the Great in greenhouses. Those. potatoes were not yet common in Russia, but every “advanced” landowner already grew pineapples, in imitation of the imperial court.

Pineapples are used in many recipes.

Starting from the notorious "pineapple in champagne", ending with various salads with pineapple (which pineapple gives a very piquant taste and some lightness to the dish) and even fried pork with pineapple.

Pineapple in general, due to its rich sweet and sour taste and high juice content, goes well with meat dishes. Pineapple juice can be sprinkled on both fish and meat instead of lemon juice.

According to some information, pineapple is very useful for those who want to lose weight. Since its juice breaks down fats well.

Giving a feeling of fullness, pineapple does not lead to the accumulation of fat, as it simply does not contain them.

vitamin C in pineapple is also high, which makes it a very useful prophylactic cold and at the same time a very tasty remedy. Which is especially important for children.

Personal experience "Indoorplants.com.ua" growing pineapple at home- The easiest way))

If you are confused by the described methods of growing pineapple at home, but you still want to try it, try it. Everything can be much easier.

Perhaps the most important thing is pick up a good pineapple in the store. And here the tips given in the article above will help. Our pineapple was personally brought from Sri Lanka, so there was no question of choice. The idea to germinate arose spontaneously, I just remembered that it was enough to plant its top.

And so it was done. The cut off, not peeled, not dried, and generally not prepared in any way, the top was simply thrust into the ground (some kind of simple flower).

It was summer, warm and sunny on the open balcony. Until autumn, the anas did not show signs of revival, but it did not die completely either, only the leaves dried up a little.

Already in September, it became clear that everything was successful - young leaves appeared in the middle. Already from the windowsill, a cat once threw him off - they transplanted him into a new pot, put him on the window.

Pineapples are delicious, healthy fruits that are added to many dishes. Some are wondering how to grow a pineapple at home from the top. In fact, pineapples are very easy to grow as houseplants, providing them with favorable conditions.

Some general information

Many do not even know how pineapple grows in natural conditions, but imagine a tall palm tree from which ripened pineapple fruits fall.

Pineapple is actually a herbaceous perennial with long, sword-like leaves arranged in a spiral around a central stem. He is a member of the bromeliad family, which is interesting in that plants absorb water and nutrients mainly not by roots, but by leaves from moist air. However, pineapple can also be considered as an ordinary indoor plant, because the root system is also involved in its growth.

It can take 2-3 years from planting to fruiting. Pineapples don't need a lot of water to live. They have very tough leaves so they don't lose much liquid through evaporation.

There is no need for over-nutrient soil, as pineapples do not have a large root system. This tropical plant loves direct sunlight, the air temperature should not fall below +15°C.

It is necessary to consider how to grow pineapple at home according to all the rules.

Choosing a Pineapple for Planting

In any grocery store or supermarket, you need to choose a ripe, but not overripe, fruit. You can check this by pulling on the top: if it crumbles, the fruit is overripe. Particular attention should be paid to the leaves, they should have a healthy appearance, be firm, green in color without brown spots. The skin of the pineapple should be golden brown and firm to the touch. To be sure the fruit is ripe, you just have to smell it: it should give off a sweet, intoxicating aroma, indicating that the choice has been made at the right time to start growing a new pineapple.

In order for a pineapple in a pot to feel comfortable, it is necessary to choose the right soil for it. You can buy ready-made soil mixture for succulents and tropical plants in the store, but it’s easy to prepare the necessary substrate yourself by taking 2 parts of humus and soil and mixing them with 1 part of sand. Since the root system of pineapples is not very developed, a deep pot is not needed for planting. But to prevent rotting of the roots at the bottom of the container, it is necessary to arrange good drainage from expanded clay, pebbles or clay shards, trying not to close the holes to remove excess moisture.

In order to understand how to plant a pineapple from the top, you need to learn how to properly prepare the planting material. First, you should separate the crown of the leaves from its main part. You can simply cut it off with a sharp knife and remove the remnants of the pulp. And it’s better to just take the top with 1 hand and try to unscrew it from the main part, like a cork. If the fetus is initially chosen correctly, this procedure will be easy. The result should be leaves collected in 1 bunch with a stem and a cone-shaped base. Be sure to cut off all the pulp of the fruit, otherwise the plant will simply rot. A few lower leaves can be removed to expose the trunk. The resulting workpiece must be dried upside down for a week so that the cut hardens.

Top rooting

You can skip this step and plant the dried crown immediately into the prepared soil. But in order for the planted plant to definitely take root, it should still be germinated. To do this, you need to pierce the stem of the crown with 2 toothpicks crosswise and put the resulting structure on a glass of water so that the liquid covers only the base in order to avoid rotting and molding of the stem of the plant. Leave the structure in a warm dry place, avoiding direct sunlight, for about 5 days until the roots germinate at least 1 cm. In order for the roots to grow well and not rot, it is important to change the water daily at this stage.

Landing and care

First you need to learn a few rules on how to plant a pineapple. First of all, you need to pull out the toothpicks, and dry the roots for a couple of hours in the air. Then, a shallow hole should be made in the prepared soil mixture and the sprout should be placed so that its roots are in the ground and the trunk is on the surface. The planted plant should be well tamped around the base of the crown to keep it upright. Pour half a glass of water as follows: pour the liquid not on the plant itself, but simply moisten the soil around. It is best to put the plant in the sunniest place in the house, in summer it is advisable to keep it outdoors in the sun, avoid drafts and cold.

Pineapples mainly get their nutrition through the leaves, and for the first few months after planting they generally rely only on them. To obtain the necessary top dressing, you should dilute a special fertilizer complex for tropical plants in water, add a little lemon juice, and spray the leaves with this solution. The color of pineapple leaves will tell about the need for top dressing: if they have a reddish or purple hue, then it means that the pineapple is starving or it lacks light, and it needs a little help.

Overmoistening and overfeeding is 2 the best way kill the pineapple. Water the plant should not be more than once a week, warm water it is necessary to pour directly on top of the pineapple so that the liquid flows into the outlet. Well, if she stays there for a while. But so that the cultivation of pineapple does not end at this stage, you cannot make a swamp in the ground around the seedling, otherwise its roots will simply rot.

You can understand that the plant has taken root and feels good by the appearance of new young leaves in the center of the seedling. Pineapples grow very slowly, the process of rooting and the appearance of new leaves takes from 1 to 3 months. You can verify that everything went well by gently pulling on the top. A well-established shoot will firmly hold its roots in the ground.

Six months after planting the pineapple, it should be transplanted into a slightly larger pot. It would be a mistake to plant the plant immediately in a large container, since in this case the root system will begin to grow strongly, taking nutrients from the leaves. Therefore, throughout life, it must be transplanted in several stages, each time choosing a pot a couple of centimeters wider than the previous one. When transplanting, all the rules for preparing the soil are observed, as with 1 landing. The easiest way to transplant a pineapple is by moving it with a clod of earth, so the pineapple in a pot takes root better.

Pineapple actively grows in the warm season and slows down its growth with a reduction in daylight hours. Therefore, the cultivation of the future fetus can be started even in winter. A plant needs at least 6 hours of sunlight per day to grow well.

As new leaves grow, the old outer ones will die off. There is nothing wrong with this, you just need to carefully remove them.

Flowering and harvest

Like other members of the bromeliad family, pineapple can be difficult to get to flower. From the planting period to the first flowering, 2-3 years can pass. If no flowers have grown during this growing season, the most popular way to induce flowering is to use ethylene gas. Pineapple can be placed for a while in a transparent plastic container, spread a few apples around and cover with a lid. Apples just emit the same ethylene that will help stimulate the flowering of pineapple.

When the pineapple's flowering period arrives, the stem begins to elongate and release clusters of small purple or red flowers, each with a pointed bract. Pineapple is a self-pollinating plant, so it does not need bees and other seedlings for the pollination process. Flowering lasts from 20 to 40 days. Then, individual fruits ripen from each flower, which gradually merge into 1 large cylindrical fruit with a crown of leaves at the top. The process from flowering to ripening pineapple usually takes about 6 months.

At the same time, active propagation of cuttings from the main stem occurs, which begin to grow rapidly. These babies should be cut off from the mother plant and can be used for new plantings. The cuttings should be dried in the shade for a couple of days, rooted in water, planted in the ground and grown in the same way as the top of a pineapple. All children must be removed, otherwise they will take energy from the main plant, and the fetus simply cannot develop fully.

Pineapples can be cut from the stem of the plant when at least a third of the fruit's skin has turned from green to yellow-brown. You should not wait for the full ripening of the fruit on the main plant, otherwise it may rot or wither. It is better to leave the fruit in a warm, dry place and wait until the peel is all brown and the characteristic aroma of pineapple appears, which will be a worthy reward for all the work.

Pests and diseases

By nature and with proper care, pineapples are more resistant to diseases and pests than other fruit plants.

The most dangerous disease that affects the core of the fetus is root rot caused by fungi from contaminated soil at excessively high humidity. At the same time, the central leaves wither, turn black and are easily pulled out of the core, bad smell, midges can start. You can try to save the plant by pouring fungicide into the core. If this stops the infection from spreading, a side shoot will start to grow and need to be transplanted into another pot.

During the ripening of the fruit, it can be affected by fruit rot. The first symptom is the release of bubbles of gas and juice through cracks or injuries in the skin where the infection has occurred. At the same time, the peel of the fruit becomes dark brown and rough, an unpleasant smell of decay appears, the flesh becomes loose. It will not be possible to save this fruit, but in order to avoid such a problem, a sharp temperature drop should be avoided during the ripening of the pineapple, which can lead to cracking of the peel and the ingress of bacteria that cause decay.

After flowering and fruit ripening, the plant always dies off, this is a normal process. If the desire to grow fruits has not disappeared, you should start growing pineapple from the very beginning, cutting off the crown of a ripe fruit, and you can also use shoots.

Of course, growing pineapple at home is a very long process. Without a large greenhouse for plants, you will not grow many pineapples. A planted pineapple in a pot is more of a hobby, even if you fail to get fruits, such a plant will become an exotic and beautiful addition to your home winter garden. Yes and will practical experience how to grow a pineapple from the top.

Be honest, are you one of those people who think that pineapple grows on palm trees? If yes, then this article will completely change the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfruit! You will not only discover an exotic fruit from a new perspective, but also learn how to plant a pineapple and grow it at home.

is an annual plant of the bromeliad family. Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, the fruits do not grow on trees, but on grassy shrubs, no more than 90 cm high. In the center of a spiral of thick and long leaves there is an inflorescence from which one new fruit appears. Immediately after ripening, lateral shoots are formed, and the maternal outlet dies off. Thanks to a similar life cycle, you can grow a pineapple at home from the top of a purchased fruit.

You can also grow pineapple from seeds. You will have to try very hard and find a wild, "not domesticated" plant - all cultivars of pineapple are fruitless.

Is it possible to grow pineapple at home

By learning how to grow a pineapple at home, you can easily cope with this long, but not difficult process, especially if you have experience in floriculture. To taste sweet homemade fruits, you need to do the following steps correctly:

  1. Select planting material;
  2. Prepare the ground;
  3. Sprout the green top;
  4. Root a pineapple crest in a container;
  5. Provide appropriate care

If you follow the instructions for growing pineapple step by step, after 2.5-3 years there is a high probability of eating the fruit. Of course, the grown pineapple will be smaller than the purchased ones, but it will completely retain its unique taste and magical aroma.

Choosing a Pineapple for Planting

It is impossible to grow a fruitful pineapple if you carelessly approach the choice planting material. When choosing, carefully inspect the selected fruit. It should be ripe, as evidenced by the attractive yellow-brown color of the skin. Hard skin means immaturity, and softness when pressed, on the contrary, indicates overripe fruit.

Do not trust the information that green pineapple ripens at home if you hold the fruit upside down for a couple of days or place it in a bag of apples. Without a doubt, the pulp itself, due to the processes taking place in it, will become sweeter. The starch will turn into sugar and spread evenly throughout the fruit. However, the rosette needed to grow a pineapple will die off.

Choose pineapple with juicy, green, whole leaves with slightly dried edges. Gray spots indicate damage by worms; it is better not to acquire such a fruit. A small sprout may appear in the outlet - a guarantee of future flowering, allowing you to grow homemade fruit.

Smell is one of the main reference points. To grow a delicious pineapple, sniff at its base. Suitable specimens beckon with a sweet aroma. A sour smell means overripe.

Buying a pineapple in spring or summer increases your chances of growing the fruit. To be safe, purchase and root two fruits, but in different stores. It is very likely that at least one of them will take root.

Top preparation

Before growing a pineapple at home, you need to prepare it for germination. For further reproduction, only the top of the leaves, resembling a green crown, is required. You can separate it from two ways:

  • Grasp the leaves with your hand and carefully twist them out, as if you were unscrewing the cap from a bottle. You will be left with a leafy top with a small dense stem.
  • Cut off the green rosette along with 1-2 cm of the fruit and remove the remaining pulp with a knife to prevent rotting of the planting material.

In both cases, the "tail" is left, ready for landing. If white dots are visible at the base, do not damage them - these are the beginnings of future roots. Clear the lower part of the outlet from the leaves by 1-2 cm. Tear off the leaves perpendicular to the stem so as not to injure the small roots. Treat all cuts with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate, epin or ground charcoal, which will reduce the risk of decay and accelerate the germination of the root system.

Leave the top for a couple of days to dry out and prevent the pineapple from rotting. It is advisable to hang the planting material so that it does not touch anything. It is believed that this increases the likelihood of growing pineapple.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to grow a pineapple without the formation of roots. Be patient, put the dishes with the seedling in a bright place and change the water every 2-3 days. After 2-4 weeks, the roots will sprout and the pineapple can be transplanted into a pot, after drying the outlet for 2-3 hours on a paper towel.

Capacity and soil

The selection of soil mixture and capacity is an important condition for growing pineapple. Choose a pot that is 2 cm larger than the cut diameter of the planting top. Flowerpots from 15 cm in diameter and a volume of 3-4 liters will do. The plant has a weak, shallow root system, so choose a container that is not too deep. To drain water, a drainage layer of expanded clay or pebbles, 3-4 cm wide, is laid on the bottom. This will protect the root system from decay.

As a soil for pineapple, a universal mixture that does not require additional fertilizer, or special soil for palm trees or tropical (bromeliad) plants, is suitable. To grow pineapple, you can prepare the substrate for planting yourself by mixing peat and river sand in a 1: 1 ratio. The main thing is that the soil is permeable to both moisture and oxygen.

To grow and protect a healthy pineapple, you need to decontaminate or prepare the ground. Spill it with boiling water or a solution of potassium permanganate. After a day, the dried green socket can be planted in a pot. Slightly moist soil is considered optimal for pineapple.

planting pineapple

Gradually, we got to the main stage, where we learn how to properly plant and grow a pineapple. After the seedlings and the future “place of residence” are ready, make a hole 5-6 cm deep, taking into account the dimensions of the cutting. It is not advisable to plant the bottom layer of leaves in the ground. The soil around the young plant is carefully crushed, trying not to damage the underdeveloped root system. The planting recess can be sprinkled with a small amount of ash or crushed coal.

After planting, pour the pineapple with settled water at room temperature and provide it with a suitable microclimate. To grow a tropical seedling, a temperature in the range of 20-25 ° C is required. To do this, build a mini-greenhouse out of polyethylene, a glass jar or a plastic bottle and place the pot in a well-lit area, avoiding direct sunlight.

Homemade pineapple takes root and takes root for about 2-3 months. At temperatures above 25 degrees, the process will be reduced to 1.5-2 months. The appearance of new leaves is a sure signal of development and growth. The leaves of the rosette will dry out and be replaced by new ones. Try to carefully cut and remove dead parts of the plant.

To grow a fruit, during the rooting period it is important:

  1. Protect the crest from condensation, which provokes rotting and mold;
  2. Water the soil once a week;
  3. Ventilate the greenhouse;
  4. Protect the plant from temperature changes and cooling;
  5. AT daytime move the pot out of direct sunlight so the pineapple doesn't suffocate

plant care

Often, experienced flower growers argue about the nature and whimsicalness of a homemade pineapple. One side believes that the plant is capricious and requires a lot of attention. On the other hand, there is a completely opposite opinion. It will be possible to understand this as soon as you decide to grow a pineapple yourself. We'll show you how to take care of it.

The basic rules of care include watering, observing the temperature and light conditions, timely feeding and transplanting. In addition to observing these conditions, it is necessary to ensure the correct place in the apartment, depending on the season. For example, in the summer the pot can be taken out to the balcony. When it rains, it is better to bring pineapple into the apartment, protecting it from excess moisture.

In autumn and winter, pineapple will fit perfectly on the windowsill by the window. Make sure that the fruit does not fall under the draft and is at a sufficient distance from the hot battery. If the leaves begin to dry and curl, then the pineapple is standing in a draft and needs to be moved to another place.


As you already understood, temperature is one of the decisive factors in caring for pineapple at home. The plant is very afraid of the cold (at 18 degrees it falls into "hibernation"), at the same time, it is difficult to tolerate heat. Optimal temperature conditions the following:

  • Spring and summer from 22 to 30 °C;
  • In autumn and winter, from 18 to 21 ° C. The maximum mark in winter is 27 ° C


The fruit lives in the tropics, so it feels good in arid soil. On the contrary, excessive moisture can cause weakness, and possibly death. Water the plant when the soil in the container becomes dry. The earth should not dry out completely, but stagnation of liquid is best avoided. Moisten the substrate once a week with settled or filtered water at room temperature.

In summer, a tropical guest needs more moisture (up to 3 times a week). In winter, watering can be reduced to once every two weeks. Unfortunately, you won't be able to grow a healthy pineapple if you don't "feel" the plant. For example, drying leaves will indicate a lack of water, and an unpleasant smell in the container, or, even worse, the appearance of mold, are sure signs of excessive watering. If mold is found, it is best to move the pineapple to another pot, otherwise it may die. If the trunk rots, stop watering until the condition stabilizes.

If the new home resident is standing in an open and ventilated area, you can lightly spray the greens. The leaves will absorb moisture, and the excess will simply evaporate. In other cases, it is good to irrigate the soil with a spray bottle, and wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. So you protect the outlet from the accumulation of moisture and decay.


6-8 hours is the minimum required for proper development. AT summer time put the pot on the window or take it out to the balcony, or to the garden, shading a little. It is optimal to place the plant on a warm, sunny, south side, however, eastern and western windowsills are also suitable. In winter, you need to remember about the short daylight hours, it can be extended with the help of fluorescent lamps.

Pale leaves indicate insufficient lighting - the pineapple needs to be moved to another place and highlighted with a lamp.

top dressing

Of course, in order to grow a pineapple fruit in a pot, you need to fertilize the soil. The plant itself cannot be called overly demanding on top dressing, but during the growing season (April to October) nutritional support is needed. Enrich the soil with organic fertilizers 2 times a month. Special flower mixtures, a 0.01% solution of ferrous sulfate or humus from cow dung. If you intend to grow fruits without the use of chemicals, then use natural top dressing. Read the information on the composition of the mixture on the package, alkali and wood ash adversely affect the growth of pineapple.

In winter, top dressing is not necessary.


A year after planting, move the pineapple to a larger pot. It is advisable to carry out this procedure in early summer. About a third of the new capacity should be occupied by a drainage layer. Fill the rest of the volume with soil: peat, river sand and fertile soil in the ratio 2:1:3.

An annual transplant and an increase in capacity will allow you to grow a healthy pineapple. Gently move the earthen ball with roots into a new pot using the transshipment method.


Along with how to grow, many beginner flower growers are concerned about the question of how to make pineapple bloom. In nature, the first flowers appear at the 26th month of the plant's life. At home, this happens after 1.5-2, most often for 3 years.

The green rosette of leaves begins to grow and form small root buds that can later be used to grow new fruit. In a few months, a bud is formed, and a flowering period begins, lasting about two weeks. Numerous blue-violet bright flowers open for just one day. At the end of flowering, remove dried leaves, and the pineapple will move into the stage of fruit development.

It is possible that the flowering period will not come, even if all the conditions for proper development have been met. Do not despair and give up trying to grow a homemade pineapple. Flowering can be stimulated by fumigation or treatment with an aqueous solution of acetylene and ethylene. AT last version ordinary apples will come to the rescue, releasing ethylene during storage. Just put a couple of fruits in a pot with a house plant.

If these measures did not work, it means that the pineapple has not reached the desired age or is susceptible to some kind of disease that prevents flowering.


The fruit ripens within 3-7 months, depending on the conditions of care and the variety of pineapple. If you followed all the instructions in trying to grow a pineapple, you can enjoy a sweet homemade fruit. Since the plant is herbaceous, it will die immediately after fruiting, leaving small lateral shoots suitable for propagation.

Pineapples, which first came to Europe in the 16th century, quickly fell in love with the local nobility. Travel in that era was extremely expensive and lengthy, so plants from the Brazilian highlands began to be grown in greenhouses and conservatories. Not far behind the European powers and Russia. Here, for more than a century, outlandish "cones" have grown almost on an industrial scale in St. Petersburg and even further north, on Solovki. But the steamboats that appeared in the 19th century changed the situation, and juicy fruits began to be brought from South America.

This is happening today, but still, interest in growing pineapples at home does not weaken. Despite the overseas disposition, the plant turned out to be rather picky, and a viable and fruitful bush can be obtained even from a tuft cut from a fresh fruit.

In nature, the culture grows up to 60–80 cm and consists of a small stem, studded with sharp long leaves, a fibrous root and seedlings, which form at the top of the main shoot that lengthens after flowering. It is thanks to this seed, which hides the juicy pulp under the keratinized skin, the plant has become one of the most valuable crops not only on the South American continent, but also in Africa and Southeast Asia.

In a warm tropical climate, a rosette of pineapple leaves can reach a diameter of two meters. In an apartment, it will not be possible to achieve a plant of this size, but after 2-4 years, with due attention and care, an edible fragrant fruit will grow on a pineapple at home. And although you will have to be patient to achieve success, the unusual development of the plant is worth the effort and time spent.

To grow a pineapple, you can use seeds or cuttings that form on the stem of an adult plant. But the easiest way to grow a pineapple at home is from the top, cut from a ripe fresh fruit.

How to grow pineapple from seeds at home

The most difficult and time-consuming method is considered to be propagation by seeds. Firstly, seedlings can only be obtained from purchased seeds. In the fruits sold in supermarkets, seeds either do not exist at all, or only their whitish immature rudiments can be found.

A germinating pineapple seed has a somewhat flattened semicircular shape, reaches a length of 3–4 mm and is colored with a brown or reddish tint of brown.

Before planting, seeds are placed between layers for 18–24 hours. wet wipes and, covered, put in a warm place. Then, when they swell a little, they are planted in a wet mixture of cleaned and sand. So that small seeds can easily sprout, they are deepened by no more than 1–2 cm.

The containers must be covered with a film or glass and put in heat. It is from the temperature provided to the seeds that their germination and the timing of the appearance of the first sprouts will depend:

  • At normal room temperature, germination can take from 3-4 weeks to one and a half months.
  • If, however, the seeds are kept at a temperature of about 30–32 ° C, sprouts can be seen in 2–3 weeks.

It is important to support not only temperature regime, but also moisten the soil in time, and also do not forget about feeding the seedlings. To do this, with an interval of 15–20 days, crops are fertilized with complex compositions, including the main nutrients and trace elements.

When several leaves appear on young rosettes, they swoop down, transferring them together with a small lump of earthlings to the ground for adult plants. Such soil can be made independently by mixing peat, humus, garden soil and sand. To give structure and a kind of protection against infections, crushed charcoal is added to the soil up to 5% by volume. And part of the sand can be replaced with perlite.

How to grow a pineapple from the top at home

If you can not always and not everywhere find seeds of an exotic culture, then growing a pineapple at home from the top of a fruit bought in a store is quite possible even without special knowledge. True, it is worth approaching the choice of delicacy, which is destined to give planting material, with full responsibility. The pineapple should be fresh, with a green, springy rosette of foliage, with no signs of spoilage, cold damage, or wilting. On examination, you need to pay attention to the growth point of the outlet, if it is rotten, dried up or simply absent, it will be extremely difficult to get a new plant.

At home, when growing pineapple, the upper part is cut off with a sharp, clean knife, capturing not only a leafy rosette, but also a section of the fruit three centimeters lower. If the pineapple is fully ripe, you can carefully unscrew the socket, holding the tuft tightly with one hand and the stem with the other.

When the future planting material is received, all remnants of juicy pulp, which can become a source of rot, are carefully removed from the outlet. Short lower leaves removed to get a cylindrical stalk up to 3 centimeters long.

Sections must be treated with a saturated solution of potassium permanganate, crushed charcoal, or, which will speed up the appearance of roots, with a solution of epin.

To protect the cutting from rotting, it is advised to leave the pineapple for drying for a day or two before rooting. And it is better to hang the outlet so that it does not come into contact with any surfaces. A video on how to grow pineapple at home will reveal all the intricacies of the process and clearly show all its stages.

Rooting is carried out by immersing the part of the cutting cleared of foliage in water. To hold at the desired level, you can use a cardboard circle or toothpicks, as shown in the photo.

When the first roots appeared on the pineapple, the outlet can be planted in the ground, and it is not worth burying the young plant above the lower tier of leaves. The substrate around the seedling carefully, trying not to damage the numerical roots a little, is crushed and compacted.

Further cultivation of pineapple at home takes place under a film at a temperature not lower than 20–22 ° C. If it is possible to achieve warming of the air and soil to 25 ° C, in about a month new bright leaves will appear in the center of the outlet.

While acclimatization and rooting of the pineapple plant is in progress, it is important:

  • protect against drops of condensate falling on the outlet, which causes the development of mold and rotting of foliage;
  • regularly moisten the soil;
  • ventilate the plantings, preventing the plants from cooling.

A pot with a pineapple plant is exposed to a lighted place where the outlet will not be threatened by the direct rays of the sun.

Reproduction of pineapple by basal cuttings

If there is already an adult pineapple plant in the house, it can be propagated using the daughter processes formed in the lower part of the stem or under the seedlings, which are easy to break and root. As planting material, you can use cuttings that have already given several rows of leaves and have reached a length of 15–20 cm.

Like the rosette from the top of a pineapple, the stalk can be unscrewed or carefully cut with a sharp blade. The place of the cut should be sprinkled with coal chips, and then they act with the handle by analogy with growing pineapple from the top at home.

If the rosette already has the beginnings of roots, it can be immediately planted in light soil from a mixture of peat, perlite and a ready-made substrate for indoor plants.

How to care for pineapple at home?

Caring for homemade pineapple is to provide all the conditions for the growth and development of the plant.

  • For pineapple, it is important to select and maintain loose nutrient soil.
  • Create acceptable lighting, temperature and humidity conditions.
  • Pineapple needs well-organized watering and feeding.

When planting a pineapple and caring for it at home, you need to remember that the plant does not have a very powerful surface-type root system:

  • The soil must be permeable to both moisture and oxygen.
  • The pot must provide a decent layer of drainage.
  • The container itself should not be deep, but pineapple treats wide pots very well.

It is best to grow a light-loving southern pineapple at home on the southern, western or eastern windows. At the same time, in the summer, when the sun is the hottest, it is better to shade pineapples on the south side, but in winter, plants need lighting that extends daylight hours by 6–8 hours.

In a healthy specimen, young foliage has a bright green tint. And the leaves from the lower rows are not dry and withered, but gray, tight and juicy. With a sufficient level of light, the rosette is formed symmetrically.

The lower air temperature limit for pineapple at home is 18 ° C. in such air the plant falls into "hibernation". And for active development, the air must be warmer. In spring and summer, the optimum temperature can be between 22 and 30 °C.

Home pineapple care includes regular, infrequent, but plentiful watering, for which warm, ambient temperature, settled water is taken.

On hot days, the plants are irrigated, but wet foliage on cold days inevitably causes disease and wilting. The same effect should be expected if the pineapple gets cold air from an open window, or there is a withering effect of a hot radiator.

From mid-spring, when active vegetation begins, and until October, pineapples are fed at home in the scope of care. The schedule is organized depending on the condition of the plant, but more often organic matter and mineral fertilizers are applied once every 1-2 weeks.

In winter, top dressing is canceled, watering is reduced, and the temperature of the content is reduced.

How to make homemade pineapple bloom and care for it?

The time of fruiting in pineapples begins 2-4 years after the formation of the rosette. True, even with industrial plantings, fruits are obtained by treating plants with acetylene or acetic acid using a special technology. At home, when growing pineapple, such methods are not very acceptable, but even here you can force the obstinate plant to form an inflorescence.

Regular feeding of the plant with liquid becomes a good stimulant. If a pineapple receives such top dressing twice a month during the entire growing season, then after 2-3 months you can wait for flowering. Some experts advise shedding for several days inner part sockets with a solution of acetylene obtained from a liter of water and 15 grams of carbide.

A similar effect is given by placing a jar with a small amount of water and a piece of smoking carbide next to the pot. During the procedure, it is better to cover the pot with a bag or put it in a greenhouse. Ordinary apples, which emit ethylene during storage, can also provoke a plant. To do this, next to the pot standing in the greenhouse, fresh apples are laid out for several days.

Most often, flower growers use fumigation of the plant with ordinary smoke to activate flowering. This procedure should last 10-15 minutes and be repeated 2-3 times a week.

2-3 months after treatment, with proper care for pineapple at home, an inflorescence appears first, and then, after 30 days, the ovary. The ripening of the fruit lasts from 4 to 6 months, after which you can try your own grown pineapple.

How to grow pineapple at home - video

Cucumbers, tomatoes, dates, avocados, lemons and even oranges - today gardeners (and not only!) grow vegetables and fruits right on their windowsills. Many do not even realize that at home you can grow such a tropical plant as pineapple. All you need is proper care, following all the recommendations and a little patience.

Is it possible to grow pineapple at home

Although the fruit is still considered outlandish in our latitudes, you should not be afraid of it. Growing pineapple at home is possible in three ways:

  1. Ripe fruit seeds. Rarely used, tk. this method requires a long growing season. But, if you decide to grow a plant from seeds, then you can do it in the following way:
    • Extract the seeds from a well-ripened fruit.
    • Pre-wash the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate, dry.
    • You can plant seeds in leafy soil, sand and peat, broken into equal parts. Immerse the seeds to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.
    • Pour abundantly with warm water, cover with a film on top.
    • Keep the pot with the plant in a warm place: the plant loves heat.
  2. The tip of a ripe fruit. The most common method of reproduction.
  3. Overgrowth from an adult fruit or a dead bush.

How to sprout a pineapple

To grow a good pineapple with the help of the top, you need to carefully consider the choice of the fruit. There are several rules for this:

  • It is better to choose pineapple from the end of summer to mid-autumn - during this period there is a great chance of buying a fresh fruit.
  • Smell the fruit - a ripe fruit should exude a pleasant, sweet smell. If the smell is too strong, then most likely you have an overripe fruit in front of you.
  • Examine the fetus carefully. The leaves should be firm, without any spots, holes, cuts. The top should not be dry. Choose fruit only with a hard tuft, with elastic green leaves. Fruit color must be uniform.
  • Press on the fruit with your finger - if it is ripe, then you will feel elasticity, and the peel will spring a little. If the fruit is very hard, then most likely it has not yet ripened. If soft - overripe.
  • Tap the pineapple with your palm - the sound of a ripe fruit should be deaf.

Before planting, remove the crest from the fruit. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the core. To do this, use the method convenient for you. The first is twisting. Grab the leaves with one hand and hold the fruit firmly with the other. Then slowly unscrew the top from the fruit. The second is cutting. Cut off the top of the fruit with a clean knife. Leave a distance of about 5 cm to the leaves, and remove the lower leaves. Cut the pulp to a root 2 cm long.

Planting pineapple at home is carried out in the following way:

  1. Carry out the process of disinfection of the resulting apex of the fetus. To do this, use a solution of potassium permanganate or crushed activated carbon: sprinkle a slice with it.
  2. The next step is to dry the top with the leaves down. Hang the plant with a rope in the room and leave for a week.
  3. Wait for the roots to appear. Place the seedling in a jar of water. It is better to wrap the jar in dark paper, put it in a bright and warm place without drafts. Change the water every two days.
  4. For a plant, a pot up to 0.5 liters in size with drainage for draining water is suitable. Put a small layer of pebbles on the bottom of the pot. Fill the container with soil: sand, peat and humus in equal proportions.
  5. To protect the soil from pests, treat it with a solution before planting. hot potassium permanganate dry thoroughly.
  6. Plant the root to a depth of 4-5 cm, sprinkle with earth. To prevent the top from tilting, fix it around the edges with sticks and threads. The soil should be slightly damp. If the plant is without roots, then to create greenhouse effect cover it with a bag. The top will give roots in about a month and a half - only after that the package can be removed.

Pineapple care at home

Having figured out how to plant a pineapple, another question arises: is it possible to stimulate the flowering of a pineapple? Not everyone wants to wait until the long-awaited plant blooms. Flowers will appear naturally after about a year of indoor growth. But before that, you need to transplant the plant into a larger pot and add the soil mixture. A red flower will appear from the center of the leaves, later it will turn blue. From the flower, the fruit will appear in about six months. To make the pineapple bloom faster, add acetylene solution to the plant outlet in the warm season. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

Growing conditions

A pineapple unpretentious plant: all he needs is warmth and moderate lighting. The optimum growing temperature is 23-26°C. In winter, he needs additional heat: install a lamp or heater nearby. Fresh air will help the plant grow quickly, but avoid drafts. In winter, the plant receives the maximum amount of sunlight, put the pot on the south side.


Pineapple easily tolerates heat and lack of moisture, as it is a tropical plant. It does not need to be watered often - twice a week is enough. In winter, you need to water the plant even less often. Irrigate with warm water. In addition to the soil, do not forget to spray the leaves. Too much water will cause the roots to rot and the plant will need to be repotted immediately.

top dressing

Pineapple does not need frequent fertilizing. About 2 times a year, fertilize it with an organic or complex fertilizer for indoor plants. Do not use alkaline fertilizers - they can kill the plant. If you want to enhance vegetative growth, then after three years you can feed the plant with any organic fertilizer, for example, mullein infusion. If you use the infusion every 2 weeks, then after a month and a half a peduncle will appear.

Disease prevention

With proper care, indoor pineapple will not be affected by pests and will not get sick. But it's always better to play it safe, so here are some tips.