Is pineapple an appetizing fruit, a ripe berry, an exotic vegetable or an unusual herb? Pineapple - what is a berry or fruit and how does it grow? Is it correct to call a pineapple a fruit?

  • 15.06.2019

A pineapple- a tropical fruit that came to our region from Paraguay and Brazil. The person who brought the pineapple to Europe is H. Columbus. This fruit, being not only tasty, but also having a peculiar shape in the form of a cone (see photo), immediately won the love of the local population. The pineapple fruit has a dark skin and a yellow-orange color. The weight of the fruit can reach from 2 to 15 kilograms. Pineapple has a pleasant aroma, and its taste is unique.

Where and how do pineapples grow in nature?

Where and how do pineapples grow in nature? This question has been asked at least once by every fan of this product. The answer to it can be easily found by reading the label on a can of canned food or on a tag attached to each fresh fruit. But this information applies only to the country of origin. But about how exactly pineapple grows, you can read in this section of the article. And not only read, but also see the process with your own eyes on the attached video.

Most often on the shelves you can see fruits brought from Thailand. But it happens that the product is imported from other countries, climatic conditions which allow the cultivation of pineapples. In nature, pineapples grow on herbaceous plants, the name of which is consonant with the name of the fruit. Plants are perennial and quite large in size. The height of some bushes can exceed two meters, and the width of the plant can cover an area of ​​up to three square meters.

Pineapple fruits ripen at a small distance from the ground, forming in the axils of the leaves. The leaves themselves are dense and on the cut have a rather large thickness and juicy pulp. Along the edges, they are dotted with thorns, which outwardly may resemble a plant familiar to us, popularly referred to as agave.

In tropical countries, whose economy is based on agriculture and the cultivation of all kinds of exotic fruits for us, pineapples are cultivated in huge plantations. In addition, it should be noted that the climate of these regions allows you to collect two or even three harvests of this product per year, because the ripening time of pineapple in nature ranges from three months to six months. All kinds of technologies help pineapple farmers to get the maximum number of ovaries and fruits big size.

Like any other direction Agriculture, growing pineapples is not complete without pesticides and various complex fertilizers. It is the latter that make it possible to obtain a product of the highest quality, which will not only be sweet and large, but will also be able to endure long-term transportation.

Many farms, whose climatic conditions and location are not so favorable for growing this exotic plant, cultivate pineapples in conditions close to natural. For this, greenhouses with a special microclimate are being built. Harvest in such farms can also be harvested two or three times a year.

Having learned about this, some summer residents are also trying to grow a plant on their site, and many successfully grow pineapple in a pot on a windowsill in an ordinary apartment. Undoubtedly, a lot of effort will have to be made for this, as well as creating the conditions for the native climate of the tropics for the plant, but still many manage to do this. On the big harvest Of course, you don’t have to count, but getting a small pineapple, as well as showing the children how much and how it grows live (and not just in the pictures), will definitely work!

plant species

There are many types of pineapple plants, but the following will focus on the most common.

  • Large-tufted pineapple is a plant with a rosette of linear leaves. After flowering, it forms a golden yellow fruit. Brazil is considered the birthplace of this plant species.
  • Pineapple bracts - this type of plant is considered the most beautiful, it has bright greenish flowers with yellow and white stripes. The fruits of this plant are very beautiful. Pink colour. Rarely bears fruit at home.
  • Pineapple dwarf - a dwarf variety, its leaves reach a length of only 20-30 cm. This plant is not used for gastronomic purposes, it is grown as ornamental plant. It can be used in flower arrangements.
  • Sowing pineapple is practically not grown as an ornamental plant.

You can get acquainted in more detail with each of the types of pineapple mentioned here and view its photo in the photo gallery at the end of the article.

Is pineapple a vegetable, fruit or berry? The answer to this popular question has not yet been found by scientists. And all this happens because the plant combines a large number of different properties, based on the assessment of which, pineapple can be equally attributed to many types of plants. Although scientists, after analyzing the similarities and agreeing, decided to classify the product as a “pineapple fruit”. It is customary for us to add the definition of “exotic” to this name.

How to identify and select a ripe pineapple?

How to identify and select a ripe pineapple? The question is far from simple and relevant, because every buyer wants to receive an exceptionally high-quality product.

The main criterion for the quality of pineapple for the consumer can be called the ripeness of the product, and many have doubts about this issue. This is due to the fact that the fruits are removed some time before their maturity. They ripen already in the process of transportation to the final consumer. The dense scaly peel that covers the pineapple segments allows the product to endure long flights, but it is not resistant to various shocks and temperature changes. Incorrect conditions can affect the taste of the fruit.

The first thing a buyer should pay attention to is appearance fetus. A quality product has a brown skin color and will also be very firm to the touch. Such a fruit is sure to be sweet and tasty.

The rest of the criteria that you should pay attention to when choosing a pineapple in a store are shown in the table below.

Tap sound

Must be exceptionally deaf. A ringing echo inside the fruit indicates that the pineapple is not fully ripe.

Peel defects

None. Stains and scratches, as well as various violations of the integrity of the shell, indicate improper transportation of the product.

Should be green. A slight yellowing of the tips is allowed. The leaf rosette itself should be easily separated from the fruit. If the leaf is separated with effort, then such a pineapple should not be purchased.

Well expressed, sweetish, but at the same time very thin. A sugary smell occurs in an overripe fruit, which may turn out to be too soft inside. If the pineapple has no smell at all, then this indicates that the fruit is immature.

Fragrant, has a sweet taste, tinged with sourness, and pleasantly crunchy.

Quality pineapple cannot be easy. If the fruit of a large size by weight does not reach half a kilogram, then it is definitely worth refusing to purchase it. When cutting such a pineapple, you will see clearly defined fibers and feel a little juiciness.. And it’s not worth talking about the density of the pulp at all.

The cost of a properly grown and imported pineapple from warm countries cannot be low. Although this criterion should not be guided by, without considering all the above indicators.

Where and how to store and how to ripen fruits at home?

Where and how to store and how to ripen fruits at home? You will find the answer to this question in this section of the article.

When buying this exotic fruit, housewives often ask themselves this very question. This is because the product may not be fully ripe or very large, which is why even a small family does not always succeed in eating pineapple in one sitting.

First, we will solve the problem of product safety. Some housewives recommend storing the fruit in the refrigerator, packing it well in a plastic bag. But this is not quite the right approach, and it is not necessary to do so.

The correct storage conditions for pineapple can be considered as follows:

  1. The air temperature is not lower than room temperature. The fruit does not tolerate sudden changes in humidity and should not be in the cold. Keep the pineapple exclusively warm and never turn it upside down with a leaf socket.
  2. Separate storage due to the high degree of retraction of foreign odors. A container with a membrane for air access will be the best solution.
  3. Protecting the fetus from bright light. For storage, a secluded place with good ventilation and a constant air temperature is suitable.

Subject to the above, a ripe peeled pineapple can retain its qualities for ten days.

In the case when a fruit of improper ripeness was purchased, many housewives are tormented by the question: “What should I do to make the pineapple ripe?”. Let's try to answer it. Having tried many ways to own experience, we offer the best of them.

First, provide the fruit with a favorable neighborhood and be sure to cover it tightly terry towel. It’s good if the “neighbor” is the second pineapple, but if this is not possible, then red apples, ripe bananas or juicy oranges are quite suitable.

The secret of the process lies in ethylene, which is released by the fruits of plants when ripe. Science knows that the fruits of plants have the ability to ripen when there are other fruits next to them and the flow is limited. fresh air. This is how bunches of bananas and even tomatoes, taken from plants greenish, ripen. Ripening can take up to one week.

Secondly, you can resort to more easy way: Wrap a pineapple with several layers of newspaper or ordinary thin writing paper, and then lay it on a sunny windowsill for three days. Turn the fruit periodically to ensure more even heating.

In order to determine if the fruit is ripe, carry out a simple test every day: gently pull the leaf rosette up. If she easily succumbed, and even more so separated, then you can safely use pineapple!

Cultivation and care

Grow it exotic plant possible at home. The plant is light-loving, with a lack of sunlight, installation will be required. artificial lighting, especially in autumn-winter period. It is recommended to use fluorescent lamps as an artificial light source.

Pineapple is very photophilous. It should receive sunlight for 8-10 hours a day.

Growing pineapple on the windowsill, you need to create all the conditions for it. It is not recommended to turn the pineapple as this will slow down its growth. The plant will be quite enough one-sided lighting. If the pineapple has large leaves with light crimson tips, it means that it is getting enough sunlight. With a lack of sunlight, the leaves of the plant become pale. If the pineapple grows in conditions of insufficient moisture, then its leaves turn brown and dry out.

The soil for planting pineapple should consist of humus and sand. You can also use soil designed for orchids. Pineapple is a very moisture-loving plant; in the warm season, its outlet should be filled with water by 2/3. The soil must be allowed to dry out between waterings. The plant should be watered with soft rain water, you can also use boiled tap water, slightly acidified. Pineapple needs constant spraying, in the summer it is sprayed twice a week. Feed the plant with nitrogen fertilizers.

Beneficial features

Pineapple has a fairly extensive composition of vitamins and minerals that cannot be compared with any other fruit. It contains vitamins C and A - the guards of our immunity, as well as B vitamins that take care of the nervous and digestive systems.

A pineapple considered a dietary product, so it is approved by many diets. It has special enzymes that burn fat.

Pineapple is actively used in cosmetic care. It is used for facial skin care. A pineapple has antibacterial properties, fights oily skin, it is used as an exfoliating agent.

Diets on pineapples for weight loss

There are many diets on pineapples for weight loss. Nutritionists testify that this product perfectly breaks down fats and can help get rid of two to three kilograms in three days.

Many are interested in the question of how true this statement is, and whether pineapple is really miraculous.

As for the veracity, the proven effect of the active substance of pineapple on body fat should be noted. Bromelain is able to actively break down proteins and fats, but this will only be possible if their formation process in the body is not associated with hormonal changes. This suggests that a person who is prone to obesity or has a history of this disease cannot rely only on the "magic" effect of this fruit. The pineapple diet will only help those who do not have a significant excess of BMI and are not sick with diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

I would like to draw attention to the fact that in order to actively work in terms of burning fat, a person losing weight in this way must consume a fairly large amount of the product in the daily diet. A day will require at least two kilograms of fresh pineapple and about two liters of natural juice of this fruit. The canned product does not have a positive effect on the body and is just a delicacy.

Here are some examples of unloading diets of various durations. For convenience, we organize the data in a table.


Weight loss overall

Daily consumption

Methodology and principle of nutrition

One day

Pineapple - 2 kg;

pineapple juice - 1 l.

Peeled pineapple is divided into four parts, and then eaten instead of four meals after an equal period of time. Between pineapple meals equal parts drink juice. Other foods and water are not consumed on this day.

two day

Pineapple - 2 kg;

pineapple juice - 1 l;

beef or chicken breast boiled - 100 grams;

low-fat cottage cheese - 100 grams;

wholemeal or rye bread - 30 grams.

All products are divided into four parts and eaten after an equal period of time. Pineapple juice is used to quench thirst. Take it no earlier than an hour after a meal..


Pineapple - 0.5 kg;

mineral water without gas, herbal tea or compote without sugar - 2 liters;

dairy products (cottage cheese, cheese) - 150 grams;

boiled lean meat or fish - 100 grams.

Allowed in the diet is bread baked from wholemeal flour, boiled egg soft-boiled, cereals (oatmeal, rice), as well as non-starchy vegetables in small quantities. You can also eat vegetable broths. Mustard, horseradish, spices and herbs are not prohibited. You can eat mushrooms.

It involves eating a certain combination for breakfast: 100 grams of pineapple pulp, whipped in a blender, 100 ml of yogurt and 30 grams of dry oatmeal. It is impossible to break the menu of the first breakfast. The second breakfast must be protein. Lunch should be exclusively one-component. It can consist of cereals or protein, and it is recommended to alternate them throughout the diet. Dinner should consist exclusively of vegetables. For each meal, you need to add 100-150 grams of chopped pineapples.

Pineapples are not prohibited in the diet and in many other food systems. This is all due to their low calorie content and rich composition, including big number useful substances. At the same time, one should always remember that only healthy people who do not have persistent digestive or metabolic disorders and allergic reactions can resort to food restriction, based only on personal desires.

Use in cooking

The use of pineapple in cooking is very extensive. This king of tropical fruits will not only be a wonderful decoration for any dish, but also add an exquisite taste to it. A pineapple used to make jams, sweets, preserves, drinks, desserts, cocktails, jelly. In many restaurants, pineapple serves as one of the ingredients for salads (both fruit and vegetable, and meat), sauces, seafood, soups, meat marinades, chicken dishes and other types of meat. Very often, pineapple is put in dishes that are cooked in the oven, it adds a special flavor.

How to clean and cut?

How to peel and cut a pineapple, you will learn in this section of the article. This can be done in several ways. Let's start with cleaning. This process can be done in at least two ways..

The first is to turn the fruit into a "cylinder" without sparing the pulp. Further cutting will depend on the desire of the cook.

The second way is more laborious. It is made as follows: the pineapple fruit cut into rings is carefully and thoroughly cleaned with a sharp knife with a short blade. The result is a "flower", from which the middle is removed, pushing a round hole. The last action is performed not only for aesthetic purposes. Few people know, but the middle of the pineapple is very tough and at the same time quite bitter in taste..

How beautiful to cut and serve?

Beautifully cut and serve pineapple in several ways. The simplest and most familiar of them can be called cutting and serving in pieces. To do this, the peeled fruit is cut into circles of even and equal thickness, and then each of them is crushed into cubes. It is in this form that canned pineapple is familiar to many.

The second serving method is no less known for the canned product. These are rings. The slicing method is described in the previous section.

How pineapple is served in restaurants will be shown by the culinary specialist in the attached video.

What can replace pineapple in dishes?

Replace pineapple in dishes, according to some chefs, you can sour apples. This, of course, will not become a full-fledged replacement, but to some extent it will help emphasize the taste of other components.

For those who still do not intend to do this and love experiments, we offer an interesting recipe.

You will need a liter jar and a lid for it, as well as:

  • 2 cups peeled and diced zucchini or squash;
  • a glass of yellow cherry plum with a bone;
  • half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • water.

The latter needs as much as will enter the jar filled with products. There are recipes in which water is combined with pineapple juice, but, in our opinion, it is better not to do this. It is difficult to buy natural pineapple juice from us, and if you find a similar product, then most likely it will be flavored nectar. Do not risk your health and use only natural products!

Let's get back to cooking. Put zucchini in a sterile jar, and pour cherry plum on them. After that, fill the contents of the jar with boiling water and cover the container with a lid. Now wrap the workpiece for twenty minutes with a terry towel. After the time has elapsed, drain the water into a clean ladle and heat. Dissolve sugar in it and boil the syrup. At the end, just before the liquid boils, add a lemon. Pour zucchini with cherry plum with boiling syrup. After that, roll up the jars with lids and wrap them in a warm blanket.

Leave the workpiece overnight, and after complete cooling, transfer it to a cool room. You can evaluate the taste of the product two months after canning, and you can store such a blank for a calendar year. Everyone will definitely like homemade "pineapples" as an independent dessert, and will also be an excellent substitute for the real fruit indicated in salad recipes!

The benefits of pineapple and treatment

The benefits of solar fruits are very great. So, pineapple is saturated with magnesium and potassium, so this fruit is very useful for patients with arrhythmia, hypertension, as well as people with other heart and kidney diseases. Also this fruit removes excess fluid from the body that protects the body from unnecessary edema. Pineapple is also recommended for those people who have a risk of thrombosis and thrombophlebitis, as it thins the blood.

Also useful properties of pineapple help with atherosclerosis of blood vessels, since he relieves muscle and joint pain. Due to the content of vitamins B and C, pineapple has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps to overcome arthritis, sore throat, pneumonia. Pineapple Helps quick release from wounds, restoration of metabolic functions.

The use of pineapple contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive system, pancreas. Due to its properties to burn excess fats in the body, it is also used in the fight against cellulite.

Research is currently underway on the positive properties of pineapples for the treatment of cancer, due to the content of beneficial enzymes in them, but so far this is only speculation.

For women

For women, eating pineapple is very beneficial. This is due to the chemical composition of the product. Thanks to the trypsin contained in the fruits of pineapple, the work of the gastrointestinal tract is normalized. This allows you to optimize the process of removing toxins and contributes to the overall cleansing of the body. In women, this is manifested by healthy skin and beautiful hair. The nails are also strengthened. Bromelain also contributes to this. This enzyme not only makes the skin healthy from the inside, but also contributes to its rejuvenation.

It will be useful to use a sweet exotic fruit with a breakdown in critical days, as well as in complex conditions directly related to PMS. The product is able to relieve pain and reduce the abundance of secretions.

Only here you should not use pineapple for pregnant women in order to avoid undesirable consequences: in this interesting position, the vitamin fruit will bring only harm, because it can cause contractions and start the process of childbirth, including premature ones.

For men

The beneficial properties of pineapple for men are due to the same factors as for women. But, based on the fact that organisms and processes in them are slightly different, I would like to note that pineapple has a beneficial effect on the sexual function of men and increases potency.

Many representatives of the strong half of humanity do not think about the benefits of this fruit, and also do not understand why they eat it, except for gastronomic pleasure. But in fact, men have a lot of reasons to eat pineapples! It is worth noting that, for example, bromelain, which promotes (as already described above) the burning of fats and the breakdown of proteins, triggers many other processes in the male body. Such is the counteraction to the development of insidious male diseases associated with the genitourinary system and fertility.

Pineapple is also useful for men involved in active sports. The use of an exotic fruit has a positive effect on testosterone levels, and also helps to stabilize cardiovascular activity and reduces the risk of stroke. For men who are subject to frequent power loads, eating pineapple helps to repair damaged muscles..

Harm of pineapple and contraindications

Pineapple in large quantities can be harmful. It should be used in moderation by patients with ulcers, gastritis, and those who have increased stomach acidity.. Pineapple itself has an acidity above normal, which can become an irritant to the digestive tract and mucous membranes. People with sensitive tooth enamel also need to be extremely careful when eating pineapple, due to the content of various acids and sugars in it.

If there are prerequisites for allergies, then the use of pineapple should still be reduced, as it is a strong allergen.

Pregnancy of a woman is most often a contraindication to eating pineapple. The issue of introducing it into your diet for pregnant women should be treated very competently, since an unripe fruit can lead to uterine contractions.

It is impossible to imagine our diet without vegetables and fruits, because they contain a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients. One of the favorite fruits of many people is pineapple, but the question still arises, is pineapple a fruit or a berry?

Fetal History

Pineapple is a tropical herbaceous plant native to South America. Pineapples were first planted by the Portuguese in 1502 on the island of Saint Helena in the Mediterranean Sea. Then the fruit appeared in Africa and India, and only in the 17th century ended up in Europe.

Controversy over pineapple

Disputes about the fruits of this plant have been going on for a long time, some wondered whether pineapple is a vegetable or a fruit? The question of whether pineapple belongs to vegetables, fruits or berries is a common thing.

Many still do not know that pineapple is a herb that is surrounded by rosettes of thick and dense leaves, in the center of these leaves there is a small inflorescence, after fertilization, it turns into a fruit that we all love so much for its sweet and juicy taste. It may seem strange, but pineapple is close in origin to wheat and rye. Despite this, every third person, without much thought, to the question of pineapple - is it a fruit or a berry, will answer that it is a fruit.

Where do pineapples grow?

The leader in the production of this beloved fruit is Hawaii. Pineapples are also grown in Southeast Asia and in South America and tropical islands. Growing pineapples requires enormous effort and time, so any plantation mainly uses manual labor. The hardest part about growing pineapples is the harvesting process. Pineapples that are sent for sale are harvested immature, on the way they will ripen and become juicy and sweet.

Types of pineapples

In nature, there are many types of pineapples:

  1. large-tufted pineapple, this species is also called pineapple pineapple; this type of pineapple is distinguished by white stripes on the leaves; in Europe, such a fruit appeared in 1650;
  2. pineapple bracts; this species is considered the most beautiful, bright green leaves with yellow and white stripes have a curved shape;
  3. dwarf pineapple;
  4. seed pineapple;
  5. cayenne. This type of pineapple is considered the oldest, it is widely distributed in Hawaii, Cuba, Australia and India. The fruit has a cylindrical shape and has a large number of useful properties;
  6. red spanish; this type of pineapple is very common in the South, the fruit is spherical in shape and does not have a special sweet taste, the leaves are covered with thorns;
  7. queen; the fruits of this species ripen before the rest, the leaves are quite tough and, like the leaves of the red Spanish pineapple, are covered with thorns, this variety is widely used in South Africa and Australia.

Useful properties of pineapple

“Pineapple fruits have a lot of useful elements. It contains fiber, pectin, provitamins B1, B12, B2, A, PP, minerals, bromelain.”

Thanks to such a large number of useful properties, pineapple has found wide application:

  1. pineapple is used to improve digestion and speed up metabolism;
  2. for weight loss, as pineapple helps to remove fluid from the body and eliminates digestive disorders;
  3. pineapple improves blood circulation, so it is often used for thrombosis and edema;
  4. pineapple helps to get rid of puffiness, so it is used for heart and kidney disease;
  5. since pineapple is rich in vitamins, it is recommended to use it for colds.

Today, pineapple is considered one of the favorite fruits of many people. This is due to its unique taste and high content of nutrients. Pineapples are eaten both as a dessert and in the preparation of various salads and hot dishes.

Do you care about nature? mass interesting information You will find !

Video: Pineapple: useful properties

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Pineapple is a tropical plant, the belonging of which to one group or another is still debated. But no one can argue with the fact that it contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. And people's love for pineapple is simply boundless, this can be judged by the amount of the product imported from abroad.

Where is the pineapple from?

It is believed that pineapple comes from sunny Brazil, as its wild thickets still grow in its open spaces. They gained wide popularity after the travel of Christopher Columbus, who discovered them in Central America on the island of Guadeloupe. It happened in 1493. Since then, the pineapple continues its solemn procession throughout all European countries.

A rare fruit was brought to unusually cold conditions and, oddly enough, bred in greenhouses. Indoors, pineapple was grown for serving at the royal and imperial tables. There is information that in the XVIII - XIX centuries plants were grown in cold snowy Russia to meet the needs of the yard. Each fruit was worth its weight in gold.

Now pineapples are bred and cultivated in tropical regions such as Australia, North Africa, Hawaii and many others. Thanks to excellent transport links, the fruits come to the table of buyers in abundance.

What does a pineapple look like?

Not everyone knows that pineapple is a perennial herb. Its growth reaches one meter, while the leaves are 80-90 centimeters long. They have thorns on the edges, which is an obstacle when harvesting, which is done by hand.

The fruit is an inflorescence a large number small berries. The color of the pineapple is yellow or slightly brownish, at the time of flowering and depending on the variety, it can reach purple. The weight of the fetus can reach fifteen kilograms, and the smallest has only eight hundred grams. Plantations grow five of the most common and productive varieties.

Breeders have developed a type of pineapple with a smooth rind that is very easy to peel. The size of the fruits of this variety is not very large, and the weight is 800 grams.

Is pineapple a vegetable, fruit or berry?

Until now, since the discovery of the plant by Columbus, people have not stopped arguing about what a pineapple is. There are versions that this plant is cereal, as it resembles the usual cultures of this species. A group of people claim that pineapple is a vegetable. As evidence, the argument is given that it grows on the ground.

Indeed, it is interesting to know whether pineapple is a berry or a fruit? There is substantiated evidence for each version. At the time of growth and ripening, pineapple is a lot of small berries collected in one inflorescence. When the plant matures, they turn into one large fruit, reaching five kilograms. However, the question of whether pineapple is a berry or a fruit does not disappear. Because he has no bones. From this, many conclude that the fetus can be a fruit.

In all disputes on the topic, is a pineapple a berry or a fruit, one thing remains unchanged, the plant is truly unique. It never ceases to amaze with new properties discovered by scientists.

What is a pineapple made of?

Pineapple is not just a tasty treat for children and adults. It has a lot of useful properties that are hidden in its composition. The juicy fruit consists of 86 percent water, 15 percent sucrose. It contains 0.7 percent citric and 50 percent ascorbic acids. All the most valuable vitamins, such as B1, B2, 12, PP and provitamin A, are present in abundance in every fruit.

In addition to the above components, pineapple contains many useful chemical elements. The pulp of the fetus is replete with iron and potassium, which are necessary for the quality work of the heart. And copper, zinc, calcium, manganese and iodine contribute to the overall strengthening and healing of the body. This plant is a storehouse of vitality and health.

Pineapple treatment

All components of pineapple fruits are necessary for the organic functioning of the human body, so it should be included in the diet of constant nutrition for both children and adults. In addition, using it in certain cases, you can avoid unpleasant pain.

For correct operation The digestive system needs to drink one glass of pineapple juice with meals. This effective remedy is especially useful in case of abundant consumption of meat and fatty foods, which, under the influence of enzymes that make up the fruit, are digested faster. This helps to avoid indigestion.

Pineapple in dietetics

Pineapple is a great diet food. It can be used without restrictions by anyone who wants to get rid of excess weight. fresh is only 48 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. Calcium contained in the pulp of the fruit helps to remove excess fluid and get rid of extra pounds. Eating pineapple dessert, you can continue to lose weight, as digestion improves when it is consumed. The calorie content of fresh pineapple is a godsend for modern dietology.

In Russia, since the 18th century, exotic overseas fruit has been eaten not only fresh, but also fermented for the winter in tubs, like cabbage. At the same time, the dish was considered a delicacy and piquant.

at home?

Producers and planters in the southern countries can grow pineapples in open field, which they have been doing for many centuries to the delight of customers. In conditions temperate climate this is much more difficult to do, but nothing is real if there is a desire.

You can grow a pineapple in a city apartment by creating suitable conditions. Since the fruit does not have seeds, it is planted in the form of a rosette or a cut of the top without pulp. This part of the fruit is placed in a pot filled with earth and charcoal. As the top layer, you can use humus mixed with sand.

In order for the plant to take root, it must be kept warm at a temperature of 27 degrees, while covering it with polyethylene. So in a humid warm environment, the sprout should be two months. After that, it is permissible to open it. The first lower shoots that have appeared must be buried.

Water the pineapple with an acidic aqueous solution with lemon juice. It is necessary to replant the plant annually in large pots, while not forgetting to fertilize. With proper care, fruits can be obtained four years after planting.

How to determine the ripeness of the fruit?

Ripe pineapple is very tasty, juicy and fragrant, with various beneficial properties. But it is necessary to purchase and eat ripened fruits. The green fruit does not have the qualities that are needed.

First of all, an unripe pineapple is very sour, it will be difficult to eat, and subsequently cracks may form in the corners of the lips and in the mouth. This causes unpleasant pain.

Secondly, from the use of unripe pineapple, diarrhea can begin, which will lead to dehydration.

To the question of how to choose a delicious pineapple, you can answer the following: you need to pay attention to the top feathers. If they are easily pulled out, then the fruit is ready to eat.

Buying a pineapple

In order to purchase a really high-quality tropical fruit, you need to know how to choose a pineapple in a store. The following rules will help with this:

  • An intact pineapple does not have a characteristic odor when carried from the nose at arm's length. Otherwise, the sellers clearly took advantage of the flavorings. And if you smell the fruit, bringing it to your face, and do not feel a subtle aroma, then this is a stale product that has been subjected to " water procedures". It was simply washed to remove mold and bad smell.
  • When buying, you need to examine the pineapple well so as not to purchase a moldy product. It is dangerous to eat it.
  • The color of a ripe and tasty fruit should be yellow with a grayish tinge without any green blotches. Greens indicate an unripe fruit, and it is best to avoid eating it.
  • Scales should be elastic. A soft fruit can be rotten from the inside, which will spoil the mood of the buyer, given the high cost of the goods.
  • The tips of the scales of a ripe pineapple are usually dried out, otherwise it can be concluded that the storage conditions were not met, and this leads to damage to the fruit.
  • The tail of a ripe pineapple should sit loose and scroll. In this case, you can be sure of the ripeness of the product.

Knowing these subtleties, one can question how to choose a pineapple in a store, remove it from the agenda and boldly go shopping. But at the same time, it must be borne in mind that throwing out this exotic product is not very profitable, so sellers often go for various tricks.

Canned pineapple

Exotic fruit compote is considered a very popular delicacy among children. Canned pineapples are sold in various sized cans.

When buying such a product, it is necessary to pay attention first of all to the expiration date of the product, it should not exceed allowable norms. Usually information of this kind can be found on the cover.

You won’t be able to look inside, so you need to inspect the jar from the outside. Dents and damage indicate poor-quality transportation. In such a case, the product contained in the package could be depressurized and become hazardous to health.

Swollen jars indicate a violation in the preparation and storage process. Most likely, the contents will be sour and fermented, that is, unfit for food. When buying canned pineapples, you need to be very careful not to harm your health.

pineapple cooking

Since pineapple is a very healthy and tasty product, it is an ingredient in many savory and unusual dishes. Culinary delights based on fruit are quite diverse. It is included in salads, desserts and second courses.

Pineapple recipes can be found in cookbooks. The housewives are offered a tasty and fragrant hot dish. It's called Chicken Stuffed Pineapple.

To prepare it, you will need one large fruit, chicken fillet, cheese and seasonings.

Pineapple must be cut lengthwise and the pulp cleaned out of it. Sliced ​​chicken meat is fried on vegetable oil with salt and curry. Before removing from heat, put pineapple slices in the pan and simmer for another three minutes. Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater.

Filling is laid out in pineapple baskets and sprinkled with cheese. Then this culinary preparation is placed on a baking sheet and baked for 15 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. It is better to eat the dish hot.

Pineapple recipes are very popular with kids. For little gourmets, you can prepare a fruit salad. You can put a banana, kiwi, apple, seedless grapes and tangerine in it. All fruits and berries are crushed, including pineapple, and mixed. Products are best taken in the same proportions. The resulting mixture is poured with yogurt, mixed and laid out in portions. The dish is prepared quickly and the children really like it.

Pineapple is a wonderful product that not only evokes pleasant emotions from consumption, but also produces a healing effect. This exotic fruit should be included in the diet of every person, as it will help to avoid many health problems.

Is pineapple a fruit, berry or vegetable?

For more than a year there have been disputes about what is pineapple. The most common opinion is that it is a fruit. But many claim that he is a berry. The most exotic suggestion is that the juicy sweet fruit is a vegetable. But all the opinions of pineapple lovers on this issue diverge from the conclusions of scientists.

Structural features

To correctly answer the question of what a pineapple is, you need to find out what this plant and its fruit are. After all, scientific classification is always based on certain features.

Important! Pineapple has a good effect on digestion, helps the body absorb fatty foods. Its juice is used in weight loss diets.

The plant is relatively small, undersized. Its leaves rise from the ground like a bush of grass. But they are quite dense, have a length of 30 cm to 1 m, and in some species grow up to 2 m. The edges of the leaf are decorated with thorns, like the top of the fruit. Another feature that pineapple has in common with cacti is the ability of leaves to accumulate moisture.

Strong elastic leaves grow in a rosette that produces many adventitious roots. This allows you to absorb more moisture during the wet period, so that later you can safely survive the drought. There are few underground roots: they go into the soil only to a depth of 25-30 cm. Such a bush can be conveniently grown in greenhouses.

An inflorescence up to 60 cm long appears at the top of the rosette. About 10 small buds bloom on this stem every day. Flowering lasts about 3 weeks, then mini-fruits begin to ripen. In the future, they grow together and the usual pineapple is formed. Its peel is the keratinized remains of the petals.

In the wild, flowers are pollinated and seeds ripen. But pineapples with seeds are considered less tasty, so for gastronomic purposes they are protected from pollination.

Advice. Buy only ripe pineapples. Greens have a pungent taste and can lead to indigestion.

The plant reproduces not only by seeds. When the fruit is ripe, the bush throws out shoots for vegetative propagation. Can be grown by rooting a tuft.

What type of plant resembles all of the listed features of pineapples?

Berry, vegetable or fruit?

In everyday life, pineapples are most often called fruits. But from a scientific point of view, they cannot be called that. Fruits in botany include the fruits of trees or shrubs. Pineapples don't grow on trees. Culture cannot also be attributed to shrubs. Thus, the hypothesis about the relationship of this juicy delicacy with fruit disappears.

Scientists call berries fruits with a thin edible peel, juicy pulp and seeds. Very similar, but not completely. The prickly delicacy does not fit into this category because of its tough peel.

The last of the common assumptions claims that the beautiful golden fruits with a prickly tuft are vegetables. Scientists call vegetables fruits, tubers or greens of herbaceous plants. Therefore, the statement that pineapple is a vegetable is closest to the truth. Botany really classifies it as a herbaceous plant. However, scientists do not call pineapples vegetables. They claim it's grass, just like the banana. This is the correct answer to the question "What is a pineapple?".

How to grow a pineapple: video

(storing moisture), covered with a thick epidermis. Under the epidermis is a layer of large cells of water-storing tissue, where moisture accumulates during the rainy season. Inside the leaf is a network of air channels surrounded by chlorophyll-bearing cells. Thus, gas exchange processes in pineapple can occur even with closed stomata.

Distribution and ecology

Significance and application

Pineapple fruit is a valuable food product. Thanks to the complex of biologically active substances, pineapple has useful properties: it stimulates digestion, sanitizes the intestines, and reduces blood viscosity.


In case of indigestion: to increase enzymatic activity gastric juice during meals, it is recommended to drink a glass of pineapple juice or eat a fresh slice of fruit. This is especially useful when eating a large meal, eating a large amount of fiber, meat. A glass of pineapple juice will relieve nausea during an air flight or travel by sea.

If overweight: pineapple is a low-calorie food, 100 g of the fruit contains only 48 kcal. The high content of potassium salts will help get rid of excess fluid and several kilograms of weight. Pineapple dessert will enhance the digestion of fat and improve the metabolism in the body.

For thrombosis and edema: drink 200-250 ml of pineapple juice daily or eat half a fresh pineapple.

For calluses: Apply the pulp of pineapple to the area of ​​callus at night, then steam the skin into hot water then remove the corn. The procedure can be repeated.

Cosmetic mask: for oily skin, it is useful to wipe it with a fresh slice of pineapple.

It must be remembered that pineapple is a spicy product and it is not recommended to use it for stomach diseases.

There are numerous strong fibers in the leaves, which is why pineapple is also used as a spinning crop.

Chemical composition

Pineapple pulp is 86% water, it contains quite a lot of simple sugars (12-15 mg%), represented mainly by sucrose, organic acids (0.7 mg%) - the advantage of citric acid, and up to 50 mg% ascorbic acid. In addition, pineapple contains vitamins B1, B2, B12, PP, provitamin A.

The pulp of the fruit is rich in minerals - potassium (up to 320 mg%), iron, copper, zinc, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iodine.

The largest pineapple plantations are concentrated at the beginning of the 21st century in the Hawaiian Islands (about 30% of world production).

Pineapple fruit is depicted on the modern coat of arms of Jamaica, and the coat of arms of Antigua and Barbuda

Agricultural technology

In order to induce flowering, acetylene is widely used, obtained by mixing water and calcium carbide. This mixture is poured in a small amount into the axils of the upper leaves of the rosette. The released acetylene acts as a flowering stimulator, and as a result year-round production of pineapples has become possible. Pineapple is a very labour-intensive crop requiring abundant fertilization and manual harvesting. The latter requires plantation workers to take various precautions, as the whole plant is extremely prickly.

For propagation of pineapple, shoots arising from axillary buds are used. The "tuft" of the seed can be cut and rooted, since the growth point is preserved.

see also

  • Real pineapple - a plant whose seedlings are commonly called simply "pineapples"



  • // Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • A pineapple: information on the site GRIN(English) (Retrieved November 16, 2009)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


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