Dream Interpretation why dream of collecting eggs. Interpretation of sleep about chicken eggs

  • 20.09.2019

Why dream that you had to collect chicken eggs? The dream interpretation prophesies a variety of chores that will be associated with children. The exact interpretation of the plot directly depends on the various circumstances that happened to be seen in a dream.

Miller's note

Miller's dream interpreter, for example, insists that egg collection may dream of adding a family and fun, but exclusively family holidays.

Uncertainty or total luck?

Why dream of a lot of eggs? This is a sign of false rumors and empty talk.

Did you dream of a chicken coop that had a lot of eggs? To all dreamers, without exception, the vision promises well-being, a successful marriage and an abundance of obedient children.

Sometimes the interpretation of sleep is extremely ambiguous. So too many eggs symbolize the uncertainty of the current situation, because it is not always known exactly what is inside the shell.

However, the dream book reminds: the same plot marks the receipt of a cherished position or job.

You will be happy!

Did you have a chance to collect chicken eggs in a dream? One day you will experience an all-consuming happiness. The same vision promises a rich win and unexpected profits.

Have you collected the testicles to put them on for the hen to hatch? This means that great joy is in store for you in the near future.

The dream interpretation believes that the same picture symbolizes the dreamer's personal dreams of a friendly family. Did you dream that you wandered between the nests and collected eggs? Soon positive changes will come in life.

Do not hurry!

Why dream of picking a chicken product yet? Dream Interpretation believes that ideas or projects are swarming in your head.

Seeing a container filled with eggs in a dream is good. Things will get better and luck will come. But only if you show prudence, do not rush things and take risks.

Sometimes this same vision marks the beginning of a period of intense search and acquisition. But having received material well-being, do not forget about your spiritual development.


In a dream, did you have to collect chicken eggs in a huge basket? Soon, partners will offer to participate in a very profitable and profitable business.

Seeing a basket with testicles means that financial transactions will bring profit, and the most cherished dreams will soon come true.

Specific Details

However, the dream book advises taking into account which products appeared in the dream. It is worth recalling their color and quality.

  • Small - modest income.
  • Large - the use of other people's works, knowledge.
  • Black - evil thoughts, intentions.
  • Whites are wealth.
  • Yellow - success.
  • Variegated, strange - the result will be worse than planned.
  • Rotten - loss, decline.
  • Broken - the collapse of hopes.

Take action!

Why else dream that it happened to collect chicken eggs? The dream interpretation believes that a certain event or personal achievement will help to reveal the hidden potentials of the soul and character.

Rebirth and great chaos. The process of collecting eggs is interpreted as an agreement or a deal with someone, as well as the upbringing of the younger generation, the transfer of one's knowledge and skills to children or students. Next, we will take a closer look at what dreams of collecting a lot of chicken eggs.

What does sleep mean?

    Miller's dream book

    Collect eggs in the chicken coop portends an addition to the family, the celebration of an event exclusively in the family circle. He prophesies to unmarried girls a large number of admirers and romantic interests.

    If the eggs turned out to be broken, then this indicates that the sleeper will become the favorite of society for his high moral principles and intellectual ability . If the eggs turned out to be rotten, spoiled, this predicts the loss of property or livelihood.

    Collect eggs in someone else's chicken coop reflects the sleeper's fears of being in an awkward situation. Collect a whole basket of eggs - to financial well-being and a profitable investment.

    Wangi's Dream Interpretation

    The seer thought that collecting eggs in a dream speaks of preparing for hostilities in reality. This does not have to be a world-wide war - in most cases, this indicates a willingness to declare a personal war on someone, to fight not for life, but for death, for their happiness.

    If all the collected eggs turned out to be rotten, this indicates the poisoning of the dreamer's body with dangerous chemicals. Most likely, such poisoning was a malicious act on the part of ill-wishers.

    Break all the eggs in a dream indicates a danger that will come from outer space. Perhaps soon a meteorite will fall on the planet.

    Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

    Collecting eggs in the chicken coop indicates a hidden dreamer to commit something illegal, criminal and forbidden. Breaking eggs means that a person has already committed a crime and is now afraid that someone will expose him.

    Seeing someone else picking eggs in a chicken coop means to become in reality a witness or an accidental accomplice of a murder.

    Dream Interpretation of Kopalinsky

    Egg collection indicates gossip and gossip, weaving conspiracies against the dreamer. Collecting bright red eggs in a chicken coop portends an unusual event soon, the disclosure of some secret.

    To break eggs means to be a victim of other people's intrigues or a scapegoat in some kind of conflict.

    Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

    Collect two eggs means to expect the arrival of welcome guests who have come from afar. Collecting a large number of eggs means an unprecedented, stunning success, a breakthrough in any business.

    Damaged, broken eggs indicate big waste, unintentional losses.

    Dream Interpretation Grishina

    Collecting eggs in a dream indicates the dreamer's uncertainty, that some of his actions had catastrophic consequences, which cannot be corrected. Another interpretation of the vision is the dreamer's subconscious desire to return several years ago to his happy past.

    ABC of dream interpretation

    Collect a lot of eggs means to experience in reality anxiety, some kind of nervousness. This state is born as a result of received unpleasant news, shocking information, as well as the publication terrible secret sleeping. Broken eggs dream of misfortune and loss.

    English dream book

    Collecting a lot of eggs in a dream means that in reality a person will have a successful marriage / marriage, which will last for many years, as well as the birth and upbringing of several children. Lonely people similar dream indicates successful completion important work and promotion.

    If the collected eggs turned out to be rotten, stale, this indicates treacherous, unfaithful friends. in the retinue of the dreamer, who are just waiting for his failure.

    Erotic dream book

    Collecting eggs in a dream portends an interesting acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex who is very good at intimate pleasures. To break an egg in a dream means that in his own words the dreamer offended some sensitive, notorious person. In this case, it is better not to try to apologize, but simply avoid this person for a while.

    New dream book

    Collecting a lot of eggs in a chicken coop indicates that a person has extrasensory abilities, a subtle instinct, and the disclosure of some creative talents. The dream indicates that in order to acquire and even cash in on the discovered abilities, the dreamer must work hard.

    Russian dream book

    Collecting eggs in the chicken coop indicates the dreamer's love adventures in the near future. A large number of collected eggs portends the receipt of gifts, awards, as well as the arrival of unexpected but welcome guests.

    To accidentally break one or more eggs in a dream means that in reality the dreamer behaves carelessly and can harm his family.

    Family dream book

    Collecting eggs in the chicken coop prophesies wealth and prosperity, a happy family life. For women, such a dream means that she behaves unnecessarily frivolously and brings shame to her man.

    Break the collected eggs speaks of an unexpected gift of fate, of wealth that fell from the sky and respect for others. If the broken eggs turned out to be rotten, portends despondency and mental decline.

    collect the whole basket fresh eggs speaks of an imminent important event in which the dreamer will play an important role.

    Dream Interpretation of Winter

    Collecting eggs in a dream suggests that in reality the dreamer is doing well, that he is succeeding in his business. And the more eggs collected, the more deafening will be the success of the sleeper in reality.

    To be in a chicken coop and see how the hen laid a new egg, speaks of profit, obtaining new opportunities for the implementation of plans. To see how a rooster laid an egg means in a dubious dispute, a bet.

    Break the collected eggs warns that the dreamer's incontinence and impulsiveness will cause him significant harm.

What will the chickens say?

Chickens in a dream come to auspicious events, cheerful, pleasant gatherings with family or friends. For married people, a dream prophesies family well-being and marital understanding. For childless couples, a dream promises an addition to the family. For women with children, a dreaming chicken prophesies the loss of a husband, a divorce from a spouse.

To see in a dream how a rooster chases a chicken around the yard, portends a family quarrel, divorce caused by the spouse. If a chicken attacked a rooster in a dream, then a quarrel in the family will be provoked by a woman.

Black chickens dream of self-sacrifice for the sake of the interests of a loved one. Such a sacrifice will not go unnoticed and the dreamer will be rewarded with interest. Red hens in a dream warn of the danger that threatens the home. In particular, such a dream portends a fire in the house, problems with electricity.

White chickens portend a quick wedding. If the dreamer is already married, then the wedding will take place with relatives or friends, and the sleeping person will be invited to it. Plucked chickens in a dream reflect personal qualities dreamers such as greed, pettiness and selfishness. Such a person cares only about his own well-being and does not take into account the interests and desires of even close people.

To a young girl to see how a chicken lays eggs portends happy love, and to young men - the receipt of funds, getting a profitable job. Hearing the loud clucking of a chicken prophesies a pleasant journey, a sudden business trip, which will turn out to be good luck for the dreamer.

In general, the egg is considered a kind of receptacle, which contains one element from each thing existing in the world. All of them unite in the embryo, which remains inert and inanimate until the moment when higher power will not fertilize it. Only after this chaos (which also personifies the egg) is stabilized, and order is restored. This is how life develops in the world - cyclically and measuredly.

In the Slavic tradition, the egg is perceived as the victory of the sun over darkness, spring over winter, etc.

Interpretations of different sources

Fresh eggs that appeared to you in a dream symbolize generosity and
the favor of fate - in the future it will bestow high spirituality, and this will allow you to eventually become a role model.

If you dream of collecting eggs, then, according to Miller, this vision should be interpreted in a business plane. This process promises in the future:

  • extremely profitable deals;
  • capital growth;
  • success in a variety of projects.

For unmarried ladies at a critical age, the plot in question promises a long-awaited marriage. And it will still be a prince with a big bag of money and an abyss of tact. The union will come out strong and very happy.

For young women, this same dream, on the contrary, promises a boring alcove life with extremely dubious prospects. There will be many men, but such relationships will not go beyond carnal pleasures.

But the detection of empty eggshells is not very good sign- they dream mostly late.

On the other hand, broken eggs promise the sleeper great popularity. People will love and respect him for his integrity and heightened sense of justice.

In dreams where rotten eggs are present, the meaning is negative. They promise:

  • heavy expenses;
  • loss of property;
  • decline in business.

What does it mean when you see a full basket of testicles? Soon your financial affairs will go uphill. In order for this to happen quickly, be frugal and save all secondary expensive purchases for the future.

Interpretation of different situations

Had a dream that you found the eggs of an unknown bird in the forest? Such a plot means one thing - a great inheritance will come from afar.

The medieval soothsayer Nostradamus notes that a dream where you break an egg should be taken as a warning. You will probably have to commit a crime in the future. Most likely, this will happen by accident, so be extremely careful and control all your actions.

Did you see in a dream how someone breaks an egg? Become an eyewitness to a murder.

In general, most authors believe that the correct interpretation of dreams with chicken eggs depends on their quality and integrity. So, according to Kopalinsky, the beaten ones predict difficulties for the sleeper, and they will arise due to rumors spread by someone.

I had to find a bunch of shells - this is the completion of a certain business or the end of a certain life period.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov indicates - to find a couple of eggs for the guests. When a lot of them are found, the success of your projects is guaranteed.

A cracked shell predicts hefty spending.

According to Grishina, if in a dream it happened to collect eggs directly from the nest, then the sleeping person subconsciously wants to return to the recent past and reconsider hastily made decisions.

Many dream books pay special attention to Easter eggs, and in particular their color scheme. Thus, if the shade of the dye is brownish-black, then long-dead relatives intend to contact you and tell you something very important.

Greens promise:

  • the birth of children;
  • big harvest;
  • guests.

For creative people, this dream is interpreted allegorically - they will come up with many creative and successful ideas in the future. And many of them will be embodied in real projects.

Red Easter eggs promise wealth and general stability. No troubles can shake your well-being.

Atypical plots

One of your loved ones will become a dependent if you dreamed that someone was stealing eggs from someone else's chicken coop. And only his own laziness will be to blame for this. You will spend a lot of time trying to set him on the right path, but this will not help. Ultimately, your attempts to "cut off his oxygen" will lead to the fact that the slacker will start stealing from you.

In your dreams, did you see how you get duck (or any other) eggs from chicken nests? You are full of doubts. The people around you behave strangely, but which of them has conceived dirty tricks, and who is trying to really help - you do not understand.

According to the New Dream Book, sucking out a newly found egg is a rather bad vision. It means the emergence of large obstacles to the implementation of a promising idea.

To see how chickens hatch from eggs stored for sale - your immediate plans will fail, but in the medium term they will also bring big profits. Stock up on patience.

Finding raw eggs in a bowl where you keep boiled ones is to the deceit of business partners. Think carefully before signing any documents. Do not rush to accept the offer without detailed analysis and expert risk assessment.

Did you get eggs directly from the nest? Make rash acts that you will regret for a long time. Perhaps you are too carried away by one dubious and unpromising idea.

Digging chicken eggs out of the ground indicates the machinations of envious people. Be very careful and keep a close eye on your co-workers. Most likely, one of them will try to set you up. Read all business papers. In general, try not to sign anything.

Chicken eggs cooked in any way can appear in a person’s dreams if he goes to bed hungry. In this case, the dream does not require any special interpretation. And why dream of chicken eggs under other conditions, popular dream books will tell you.

Dream interpretation: why dream of raw chicken eggs?

In Miller's dream book about chicken eggs, it is said that they symbolize wealth and large financial profit. If the product turned out to be rotten and fetid inside, it means that the sleeper will face a major monetary deception. If broken, but fresh, then it is worth waiting for the most real material gift of fate, which the dreamer will receive in the very near future.

In D. Lynn's dream book, it is noted that the discussed symbol from a dream promises a man or woman new opportunities. A person will have many chances to reveal his creative potential. Watching someone else cook eggs is a life change. They can touch any area. Did you have to peel the product from the shell? In reality, you can expect an interesting acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex. In the future, strong bright feelings will flare up between people.

In the Mayan dream book, information about the eggs seen is very contradictory. They simultaneously symbolize both troubles and honors. Representatives of this ancient people suggested that what was eaten immediately after waking up a raw egg help protect yourself from possible problems.

According to Erotic dream book, a large number of eggs for a free lonely sleeper turns out to be a clue that he is subconsciously thinking about procreation. If in a woman's dream tiny chickens are released from their shells, this may promise her an early pregnancy.

IN Women's dream book buying dirty and / or broken eggs symbolizes deceit. It is he who must be feared in real life. But this interpretation is relevant for those cases when the buyer did not notice the problem at first. If he consciously decided to purchase a low-quality product, it means that in reality he may soon make a serious mistake.

It is well known that the egg is a symbol of the birth of life, has the power of rebirth and renewal.

In dreams, this symbol can have several meanings and interpretations. According to ancient legends, sorcerers and magicians, whose actions were associated with evil spirits, ate an egg in a shell to double their strength.

You probably remember that the fabulous villain Koschey the Immortal kept his life in an egg. In some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality, longevity, infinity. The custom of painting and eating eggs is still very popular.

Folk wisdom keeps many sayings and proverbs associated with this symbol. They said about an empty and insignificant matter: "It's not worth a damn." In another case, the egg was considered a symbol of infancy.

They said about a caressed and spoiled child: "A stale egg is always a talker." It was believed that no serious deeds should be expected from such a person.

If in a dream you eat an egg, it means that in reality you pay too much attention to an empty and unnecessary business.

The dream in which you dropped and broke an egg means that with your careless actions you can destroy your own happiness.

Seeing broken eggshells in a dream is a sign that you need to take care of your health.

To dream about how you collect eggs in nests means that significant changes for the better will come in your life.

If you saw in a dream how you hatch eggs yourself, it means that someone close to you will need your attention and help.

A dream in which you treat someone with a dish of eggs indicates that a person will appear in your life who will turn your whole life upside down.

Seeing rotten eggs in a dream is a bad sign.

Seeing a two-yolk egg in a dream means a dual situation.

If in a dream you are trying to cook scrambled eggs, and from broken egg a live chicken crawls out - this is a sign that you are unwisely using your chance.

To dream of a huge mountain of eggs - to well-being.

The dream in which you saw a snake devouring an egg means evil and illness.

Seeing in a dream how a pike hatches eggs is a sign that you are overly passionate about your fantasies, which replace real life for you.

A dream in which you are waiting for the chicken to finally hatch from the eggs means that you are too passionate about what has long been in the past. They say about this: "These are hatched eggs."

If in a dream you are trying to break and peel an egg shell, in reality you will have to be more careful. They will try to deceive you and introduce you into significant monetary expenses. People say: "They peeled off like a testicle."

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient dream book

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