The former dream smiles at me. Miller promises favorable events

  • 22.09.2019

A dreamed smile is a symbol of a pleasant activity, pastime, conversations with relatives. who exactly smiled, the details are very important for the interpretation of sleep. For example, if it does, the dream warns of danger, intrigues, impending troubles.


Who smiled in a dream?

I dreamed that a man gives a smile ▼

If you dream that he sends you a smile, then a pleasant communication with a person of the opposite sex is expected, which will make a good impression on you. You will enjoy the conversation, have fun together.

The smile of a girl in a dream ▼

I dreamed about how he looks at you and sends a smile - be sure that you are attractive to this beauty, she would like to say, to do something pleasant for you, but shyness interferes.

Help the shy girl, start the conversation first, create a pleasant friendly atmosphere so that the girl decides to talk.

The smile of a child according to the dream book ▼

What smile did you have?

Snow-white smile according to the dream book ▼

A clean, sparkling, snow-white smile, according to Felomena's dream book, symbolizes the health and well-being of your home, and what you see can also predict the replenishment of the family.

Why dream of a bared smile ▼

A bared smile in a dream portends the appearance in your environment of a dangerous aggressive person who can harm you. Be careful when choosing acquaintances and friends, watch your words and actions in the presence of strangers.

How do other dream books interpret?

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I dreamed of a Smile, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Smile is dreaming of in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    I once dreamed that I was at a wedding and I was sitting at the table, and in front of me was a guy who really liked me a lot and in a dream I said something funny (I don’t remember what) and he looked at me and smiled so sweetly.
    what does this mean???

    • I very often dream of a person whom I have known for many years: he looks at me somehow with tenderness, his eyes are burning, and he smiles strangely, he seems to be sad ... Moreover, in a dream it seems that he wants to say something and is silent ... Why this ??? And once I dreamed that he suddenly took my hand and asked: “Do you love me?”, And my eyes were furious, I was even a little scared. Why is this ??? see?

  • From Thursday to Friday I dreamed that my ex-husband was drunk and bitterly told me that his woman, with whom he lives, is pregnant. In response to this message, I smiled and congratulated him, although I really wanted to cry. And he began to reproach me for the fact that she was pregnant. Dad did nothing, just stood there. Tell me, please, what does this mean.

    Hello, I dreamed of a whole crowd of brides and grooms in wedding dresses stand in the middle of the square, and I joined this crowd and stand. In front of me is a couple in wedding dresses, the groom in which is mine. ex-boyfriend with his wife. They looked around, discussing me and laughing at me. I just smiled at them in response.

    Hi :) I dreamed of a boy from Saturday to Sunday that I like, but we are not together, he has another! I dreamed that we met with him and he smiled very gently at me :) what would it be? ..

    I dreamed of a man whom I love very much. He smiled so sweetly at me, I didn’t want to wake up! and this smile is still before my eyes, what is it for? Usually sleep in real life they say the opposite happens, how true is that?

    It’s like I’m sleeping, but it’s like I’m not there, it’s like it’s pulling a blanket, I seem to have already fallen asleep in a dream, I’m sleeping and then I wake up, but it’s not clear to me that it sits and breathes on my side that I’m crying, trying to scream, but it sits and smiles, I scream, but I don’t it turns out that I somehow wake up and run to my mother, my mother says that she also had this, and my mother’s sofa was complicated and she never sleeps like that only during the day, so it’s like some kind of Doberman sitting in the hall where the door is, such an angry mother he doesn’t notice him and some kind of lump is hiding, I think that he was bullied by the home-based teabaldo (brownie) and in the place where he sits I start to beat something and it runs away and then I apologize and this lump returns

    I dreamed that I was at work (and I work as a teacher) teaching a lesson, a young unfamiliar man was teaching it with me. At one point, I was facing the window, he came up behind and stroked my head, I was surprised. He took my hand and we left the office. Suddenly turned out to be a store. He said that he needed to buy socks and went to choose, and I went to choose shoes. I take a boot, and it is children's and rubber, but bright, multi-colored. Didn't take it. She returned to the man, we again joined hands and left the store

    I like the guy (in reality). In a dream, I stood talking, and he came up, I turned, he smiled and looked at me, I also smiled, (he said something like) I turned away (shy), he said something again (I think: "see you") and left with a smile

    I dreamed that I was standing on a bus and talking with my friend. A friend was standing in front of me, and behind her stood a handsome guy, looking at me point-blank and smiling. He winks, then smiles even more 32) I remember him well: light blond thick hair, tall, athletic build, eyes, in my opinion, brown or green. There was nothing else, I woke up. But I liked this dream so much, I felt so comfortable and pleasant there ... So I wanted to know why a handsome guy is dreaming, or a guy smiling at me.

    i dreamed of a guy who I like, but in life we ​​didn’t communicate for several months. It didn’t work out to build a relationship with him, he simply didn’t accept my tenderness and love, I had to let him go with torment and pain. Now he has a girlfriend, but my female intuition tells me that he does not love her, and does not feel truly happy. But I can be wrong. In a dream, he smiled at me, very warmly and sincerely, as once

    I dreamed of a guy that I like. He smiled at me and I smiled back at him ... He also complimented me (which I don’t remember exactly), to which I smiled embarrassedly and said “Thank you” ... The dream was so bright ... Bright ... In real life, we don’t communicate with him AT ALL . I'm shy, he doesn't seem to pay attention to me. What does it mean? After a dream, I woke up in a great mood ... By the way, after dreams, I have never woken up in such a good mood.

    i dreamed that I constantly smiled at everyone, said that everything was fine, but in fact it was the other way around. a fake smile, in general. then I dreamed that I was fighting with one girl, with another, and then with a guy. the fight was not strong, it was more like a fight. then, I was riding a bus, and there was some kind of puddle under me. and then I met all these girls from subsequent stops. one had a short haircut and blond hair, and the other was also blonde, only my hair is longer, I also dreamed that I was swimming and seemed to be waiting for something. and then my ex-young man began to climb into my bath in clothes, and, it seems not very clean, I started to drive him. (In real life, we they didn’t part very well. he acted meanly. I have no feelings for him, there can be no talk of returning) everything seems to be.

    Hello Tatiana!!! I dreamed of an ex-girlfriend, we broke up about a month ago, I made prerequisites to return her, but all in vain !!! In a dream, she smiled at me so charmingly, everything was colorful around, then I saw an apple tree, the apples were ruddy, the whole apple tree was in such apples, I picked one and took a bite, it was sweet and tasty, then the dream was interrupted! Can you please tell me what this means? Thanks for the early!!!

    i dreamed of my ex-boyfriend whom I loved and now I love, we are sitting with a guy on the couch, he wants to like a ghost all in black, his face is not visible when he turned around, it was my ex-boyfriend and he smiled

    me and my girlfriend katya ran around the corridors at school in a dream, she smiled and laughed at me all the time, and when an older guy came out of the class, she sharply said don’t touch me and went to the class and when I entered the class she smiled at me and laughed .

    I was sitting in the kitchen and looked sharply out the window, I was watching my ex and his best friend play snowballs there, I looked at them, the former smiled at me, and he came to me, he was sitting in my kitchen and talking about something, and he smiled

    Today I dreamed of a man who was drawing water into an aquarium, there were a lot of fish in it different size and in general there was still a large aquarium in the room. It was as if this man offered me to swim in it. Then I had another dream with his participation, as if we were talking on the phone with him. In reality, I talked with this man on the Internet. I like him .. At the same time, in a dream he smiled at me ....

    I have been very sympathetic to a person for a long time, but we are at different levels with him. We had meetings ... He often dreams of me, even if I don’t think about him ... Sometimes it seems to me that when I forget about him a little, he deliberately makes himself felt. .Today he smiled so sincerely and warmly, I smiled back ..

    in the weightlifting competition hall, was mirror ceiling and through him I looked at the guy I like, after a moment he also looked at me, and so we sat, looked at each other, and smiled at each other.

    There was a guy. Which I like, looked into my eyes and smiled, looked without blinking. I woke up several times at night and fell asleep again, but at the same time I dreamed of him again in the same position and clothes, and so 3 times a night

    I came to watch the basketball game. A team from my city played. During the game, one player ran into the stands. He looked at me for a long time and smiled. I was very embarrassed and moved to another place. He also said that we have the same tattoos.
    Then I played basketball myself and was a captain.

    Hello. I'm in college. A guy from my college, from a different specialty and from my course, rides with me every morning in a minibus, but we don’t communicate. And now I have a dream that I am riding in a minibus and sitting opposite him, I was sitting in a dream with my girlfriend, and he was with a girl with whom she communicates in college, and then she said something funny in a dream, and this guy said something to her then we all laughed, and he looks at me and smiles, and I smiled at him in response, but on this I woke up, as the alarm clock rang. I had this dream this week from Wednesday to Thursday.

    I had a dream: I was with my relative in some unfamiliar place. I looked around and suddenly I noticed some guys in military uniform among whom sat Denis (the guy I like). I was standing and suddenly a friend of Denis comes up to me and says that Denis will still make himself felt. I smiled. And then we met with Denis in various places, he smiled at me.

    I had a dream: I was with my relative in some unfamiliar place. I looked around and suddenly noticed guys in military uniform, among whom was Denis (the guy I like). I was standing and a friend of Denis approached me and said that Denis would still make himself felt. And then we met with Denis in various places and smiled at each other

    good morning) I dreamed that I was looking out the window, and there was a guy riding a bicycle outside the window. He looked at the window, I smiled at him and he smiled back, and then he stopped, left his bike under the window, said that he would come to me now, went to the entrance, entered, saw me, but did not recognize me. He went looking around the building, there were still people there, and no one could understand who he was talking about. He sat down near the window from which I smiled at him, after which his face became sad. And not like this guy, no one noticed me at all. like I don't exist. Then I went outside and saw a familiar mother with a child, said hello, took the baby in her arms, wanted to play with him a little, but my mother gave me an empty look, took the child away and quickly left me.

    I know one guy, but he doesn’t know me. I dreamed that he was smiling, that we were walking together. I also had dreams with him, how we also walked, met. I want to know why I dream about him

    Good morning. I dreamed that I was writing a history test at school. And then, it is not clear why, I moved from the first desk to the teacher's table and continued my work there. While doing the work, she talked to the teacher and laughed. (I work at school). I woke up with a smile on my face.

    I don’t know what month it was and whether it was winter at all, I know for sure that it was quite warm and there were snowdrifts all around, there was also a light fog. I was returning from the institute with my friends (but the fact is that I am still in school) we were having fun. Two girls went in their direction, after walking a little, another girl and two guys left, but at the time when we were saying goodbye, there was a guy in front of about 10-15 m, he looked at me, I saw him and our eyes crossed at that moment I was embarrassed and sharply lowered her head, and it seems like I don’t know him, but the look seemed familiar to me. Having said goodbye, I was already walking along the birch alley, until the end of which there was just a little bit left, I completely forgot about the guy at that moment, other thoughts occupied my head. Suddenly I felt that a snowball flew into my back and I turned around, it was the same guy, he smiled at me, and I, in turn, smiled at him, and in the same way, in response, I threw a snowball at him, the hit was accurate, in the face, and we laughed even harder, he threw me into the snow, but did not wash it like everyone else does, including the girls, which pleasantly surprised me. We played in the snow and lay in it, it took about 10 minutes, and I was not even embarrassed by the fact that everyone was looking at us, and in the same I was in a skirt. We sat opposite each other and threw snow and all this time we laughed occasionally said short phrases. And somehow, having played, I felt that I was falling back, he grabbed my arm with his left hand and subsequently formed a lock, and with his right hand at my waist. My eyes were closed from the pleasure received during the game, and my face was shining with a smile, and he had a laugh on his face, he approached and kissed on the lips (it was a light kiss), while falling back, he broke away from me, and I even I was not shocked by this kiss, I was lying on my back, and he managed to grab my other hand and hang over me. We laughed again and started to get up, because it was already getting dark, passers-by were staring at us, but it didn’t bother me in the slightest, we said goodbye and I went on, and he turned around and went into the yards, (a smile shone on our face ). But I didn’t have time to take even 5 steps, when I remembered that I didn’t have a hat on (although I remembered that I was walking without it, it’s strange) and I rushed to him that hour and asked if he had seen, he grinned, looked at my package and said that I didn’t see it, and started to leave, I wondered why he looked there, it turns out my hat was lying there, I was very embarrassed because I looked stupid, it turns out he knew that I would forget it and immediately put it to me, I immediately grabbed it and hit him on the back with it, we laughed again and parted ways. End. Later in a dream, I realized that this guy was dreaming of me, he was 11 years old, I was 9-10 years old, we were at a summer camp then and met and became inseparable, apparently it was a continuation of that dream, we just grew up here and I apparently forgot. This guy was a very bright soul, and he always smiled at me, light blond with gray-black eyes, sooo handsome, and by the way, in this dream I had dark blond hair and he called me Anya, although my name is Polina, since I introduced myself that way but he knew my real name, he knew that I lied to him, he was a little ashamed ... Please tell me its meaning!

A smile in a dream promises the dreamer a happy change in personal life. Why dream: handsome man smiles at the girl and clearly likes her? A dream in which an unfamiliar handsome man smiles at a woman often portends joyful events. But in order to understand the exact meaning of the dreamed plot, the dreamer needs to pay attention to its details.

What if a handsome man is smiling in a dream?

A dream where a beautiful stranger gave a woman a smile is unlikely to leave her indifferent. How to understand the meaning of such night vision? Dream interpretation of the XXI century image unknown man in a dream, the fairer sex connects with her guardian angel. The prettier and more pleasant the dreaming person turned out to be, the happier the changes await her in her personal life. For single women, a dream promises a meeting with a future husband. If a smiling stranger dreamed of a pregnant woman, then in the near future she will have healthy baby and childbirth will be easy and without complications. For a married lady, such a dream portends harmony in relations with her husband.

If in a dream an ugly man smiles at the dreamer and says pleasant words, then in reality she should not be afraid of problems. Night vision with such a plot promises a prosperous period in life.

Did a young girl dream of a handsome smiling young man whom she had never met in reality? An erotic dream book promises her happy changes in the intimate sphere. For a married lady, a dream promises a meeting with a man who will become her lover.

The alphabetical dream book promises a woman who sees a smiling stranger in a dream a change for the better in business. If a dreaming man gave her a seat in public transport, then in reality she will meet a gallant man who will beautifully look after her.

If a handsome man smiles in a dream, then, according to the Astrological Dream Book, a kind and pleasant person will soon appear in the dreamer's life, who will treat him with sympathy.

An intimate dream book of a beautiful stranger in night dreams is also associated with pleasant events. If in a dream a smiling man dreamed of a girl, then in real life she will have a fan with whom she wants to start a family. married woman the smile of a pretty stranger in a dream prophesies a love affair on the side.

What portends?

Why dream: a handsome man smiles at the representative of the stronger sex? In the near future, the dreamer will meet a charming young lady who will receive pleasant attention. Unfortunately, the relationship with the new lover will not last long and will end due to the fault of the sleeping person.

A dream, whose hero turned out to be a handsome smiling stranger, is not always a good omen. According to the Muslim dream book, a night vision with a stranger, no matter how he looked and what he did, warns the sleeping person about the appearance of a dangerous enemy in his life. But the Newest Dream Book warns a person who sees a smiling handsome man in a dream, at a great risk of getting into an accident. To avoid a bad omen, the dreamer should avoid car trips for 7 days.

A dream in which an unfamiliar handsome man smiles, in most cases, portends favorable changes in his personal life to the sleeping person. Romantic passion, which often promises similar dream, will develop into a strong feeling if the dreamer treats his soulmate with tenderness and love.

Do you always remember your dreams, or is it a rarity for you? Do you like to sort out vivid dreams in your memory or do you not attach importance to them?

Either way, you probably know that dreams matter. Absolutely every dream can be interpreted and understood what it promises for the dreamer. And this means that you can feel much more confident in reality, control fate and avoid mistakes. And the dream book will help in this!

A smile is an absolutely positive sign that always evokes only good emotions and pleasant associations. With its help, you can cheer up, express love and friendliness, cheer up for the whole day. What does she mean in a dream? The dream book will tell you why a smile is dreaming, and you just need to remember the details of the dream. There are many options:

  • To see a smile in a dream.
  • Smiling.
  • A stranger smiled at you.
  • Seeing a happy loved one.
  • The smile of a loved one or friend.
  • Smile yourself.
  • Rejoice,.

All those pleasant dreams have interesting values, and the dream book will tell about them in detail and in detail. Do not miss a single detail, and if you also remember other visions from your dream, be sure to interpret them separately. You can combine these values, and the picture of your future will be full and colorful!

See and don't forget

Consider what the dream book says about such dreams in which you had to see someone's smile, happy face, joy, friendliness. It's nice, and you probably feel yourself - a dream promises something good. Right! But what exactly, we now see.

1. As the dream book says, a smile in dreams is a symbol of great joys. Fate has prepared a surprise for you! Happiness will literally fall on you, you will be delighted! Open up, believe - and soon there will be many reasons for joy!

2. Children's smile is considered to be the happiest sign. Each dream book says that this is an omen of great, serene happiness! Harmony and peace will come in all areas of your life, things will get better, and relationships will bring happiness every day.

3. If a stranger smiled at you in a dream, quite unexpectedly in reality you will receive great joy. A pleasant surprise is just around the corner!

4. Why dream of a smile of a loved one? This pleasant symbol indicates that there will be a new, even more joyful and happy period in your relationship.

5. Happy face loved one, relative or friend - this is advice. Pay attention to loved ones, find time to communicate with them, and you will be surprised at how much joy and strength it will give you!

6. Seeing a lot of smiling faces is a sign that you will never be left in trouble. You are not alone, you are loved and appreciated!

Give joy to others

What does it mean to smile in your dreams, dream books will tell us. First of all, the main meaning is joy and a pleasant surprise. This is an auspicious sign that can mean all the best. Rejoice and laugh in a dream - to good, joyful news.

If in your dreams, being at a serious event, you could not restrain your joy and keep a serious face, then there will be many surprises in life, and the most pleasant ones for you.

If you didn’t just smile, but to someone, it doesn’t matter - a friend or to a stranger, a child or even a dog, this promises you a new acquaintance. Do not close from people, do not avoid new connections. Your new acquaintance, perhaps, will bring new, bright colors to fate!

A smile can work wonders, magically changing a person's life for the better. Believe in the brightest dreams, they always come true!
Author: Vasilina Serova

A smile seen in a dream, as a rule, symbolizes the onset of serene happiness. Based on how the smile is perceived by the sleeping person, what sensations it causes in a person in a dream, and the most correct interpretation of the dream will be determined.

What if a smiling person is dreaming?

To understand why a smiling person is dreaming, it is necessary to take into account the following features. A dream in which a person sees himself smiling means that in reality he is accompanied by success and good luck.

If the sleeper smiles a lot for no apparent reason, then in reality he has a streak of failures, incomprehensible anxiety and fear of his own future arise.

To see a familiar person smiling in a dream - the closest friend or relative needs help, but he is afraid or embarrassed to turn to the sleeping person for her.

It is considered a favorable sign if the sleeping person sees a smiling child in a dream. This means that in reality he will have unlimited happiness, filled with interesting events and pleasant surprises. A lonely person is likely to meet his soul mate.

A man to whom a beautiful stranger smiles in a dream means that he will show special interest in beautiful girl, which he himself will seduce. Communication will be short and stormy.

The young lady dreamed of a smiling man - soon she will meet a worthy gentleman who will become her husband.

A married lady saw in a dream a smiling handsome stranger - in reality, a passionate admirer will appear who will fill her life with passion and ardent love. The dream warns that a fleeting fatal infatuation can destroy a marriage.

What portends?

If the smiling person seen in a dream is completely unfamiliar, then in reality there is a threat of an accident. You should be extremely careful on the road or in crowded places.

In a dream, an acquaintance or a good friend smiles - the sleeping person offended this person earlier, so he wants to take revenge or defame him in the eyes of others.

A smile in a dream is unfriendly and with a smirk - someone is starting dangerous game against a sleeping person and wants to hit harder with the help of other people. This is a hidden enemy, deftly manipulating others.

If a person dreams that a crowd of people is smiling, then in reality he is the soul of the company, he is loved and respected. In a person's life, cheerful carefree days have come that he spends with his friends. Such a dream indicates that there is nothing to worry about, the time has come for the holiday.

In general, to see a smiling person in a dream means that everything is fine in the life of the sleeping person. Even if something spoils the mood or causes unpleasant emotions, then this indicates minor difficulties or envy on the part of others. However, you should not worry, as the stars are favorable, so all troubles will bypass him.

Eastern dream book

Why dream of a Smile in a dream from a dream book?

A smile is a favorable sign.

The smile of a child promises serene happiness.

If you dreamed that you could not hold back a smile at a time when the utmost seriousness is required of you, it means that you begin a period of uncertainty, disorder and anxiety.

Dream Interpretation 2012

A smile is a reflection of friendliness, joy and fun. The need to fill yourself with joy. A reminder that sullenness robs you of strength, but a smile is the opposite.

Dream Interpretation Longo

A smile is able to decorate any person in reality, but in a dream it makes him simply irresistible. But what does a smile in a dream mean? Is it a bad sign or, conversely, a good sign?

If you yourself smile, your satisfaction with life has reached its climax. There is nothing wrong with this, of course, but if you relax and stop realistically assessing the situation, being in euphoria from previous successes, you can lose everything. Be carefull.

If someone smiles at you in a dream - this can be regarded as a warning, this person is not completely sincere, and you should not trust him.

If you do not pay attention to this sign and do not change your relationship with this person, you cannot avoid major troubles.

If someone close to you smiles, this means the following: you are so immersed in business that you do not pay due attention to the closest people, and this offends them. Try to devote at least a little time to the family so that the people you love do not feel left out.

It is not at all necessary to communicate with them from morning to night - just do not forget to give them at least small signs of attention, thereby you will let them know that you love them, appreciate them and always think about them.

Freud's dream book

Smile in a dream - symbolizes sexual experience and emancipation in a relationship.

Esoteric dream book

Smile - on the face of a stranger, danger awaits you from people: transport drivers, construction workers, etc.

The smile of a friend - you were guilty of something before this person. He can hold a grudge and someday take revenge on you. Better take action early. You yourself smile in a dream does not bode well in reality.

Erotic dream book

A man who sees a smiling person in a dream - in reality he will be interested in a charming girl who will allow him to seduce herself. In her eyes, you will be able to appear in the most favorable light, which will give rise to serious feelings in her heart. However, your relationship will be short-lived, and by the way, through your fault.

If a young girl dreamed of a smiling man, this means that in the near future she will have a worthy admirer, a connection with which will open up excellent prospects. happy marriage.

If a married woman saw such a dream, expect a fatal meeting that will blow up your calm, measured life.

Online dream book

The meaning of sleep: A smile from a dream book?

Smiling is a sign that you are open to others and can enjoy communication.

Dream book smile

A smile in a dream, just like in real life, is exclusively auspicious sign. However, depending on the various details, its value may vary somewhat. The dream interpretation will tell about everything that this positive moment is dreaming of.

Smile and problems will go away!

If in a dream you happened to see your smile in a mirror or in a photograph, then your happiness and well-being have reached a peak point.

If you dreamed that this smile was not at all pleasant, but rather terrible, then you can’t count on success.

The dream interpretation is sure that a smile in a dream is a sign that in reality you need to be more friendly and open to the world. And then all the problems will go away by themselves.

Don't forget about relatives!

Why dream of a sad smile of a loved one and a loved one in general? This means that you devote too much time to business and work, forgetting about your loved ones.

The artificial smile of a beloved man indicates his insincerity. The dream interpretation claims that if you dreamed of an evil grin of a stranger, then intrigues are woven against you. And if you do not take action, you can get into serious trouble.

Affairs of love

By the way, the snow-white smile of an unfamiliar man, for a young girl, means a new guy with whom a close relationship will develop. If a married woman had such a dream, then he promises a meeting that will turn her usual life upside down.

For a man, the sweet smile of an unfamiliar girl means that a person will appear in reality who will allow her to be seduced. Such a dream warns - the connection will not last long and will be interrupted solely through your fault.

A touch of negativity

Why else dream that another person is smiling at you? If on the street you had to see not the most pleasant smirk on the face of a passerby, then you should be careful when driving a car and in general in transport. The dream interpretation claims that this is a clear sign of a traffic accident.

But the smile of a friend clearly indicates that you are somehow to blame for him. Moreover, the sad mood of a beloved guy, while he laughs, predicts difficulties in relationships and even parting.


The dream interpretation believes that special attention should be paid to deciphering the vision in which children smile at you. So a cheerful smile of a child promises a new feeling without betrayal and disappointment.

Trying to understand why a child’s sly grin is dreaming, it is necessary to take into account that children in a dream symbolize chores. This dream can be considered a kind of challenge. This means that you have to work hard and work hard.

Miller's opinion

But best of all, to see in a dream the smiling face of a newborn. The dream book claims that a baby's smile promises success to everything that is just beginning, whether it's a relationship or work.

Moreover, Mr. Miller assures that if you dreamed of a smiling face of a newborn, then this is a clear hint of a pleasant surprise.

Nuances of interpretation

The interpretation of sleep will be incomplete if you do not take into account the type and condition of the teeth. So a snow-white smile guarantees an exceptional positive, and a grin with bad teeth definitely gives a negative prediction. If you dreamed that a passerby grinned, and you saw his unrealistically sharp teeth, then the dream book foresees the activation of enemies.

It is not difficult to guess why one dreams that teeth flashed in the grin of a friend. Probably, this person harbored a grudge against you and will definitely take the chance to take revenge. The teeth in the smile of the girl promise that your beloved will show her character.

The dead will tell!

And, of course, the dream book cannot ignore the dreams in which dead people come. The kind smile of the deceased guarantees longevity, good health and well-being. If you are planning some business, then the approving smile of the deceased dad in a dream guarantees complete success.

Why dream of smiling

The latest dream book

In a dream, why dream of Smiling?

Smiling - to tears, sadness, depression.

Russian dream book

Smiling is an invitation to visit.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Smile - the budget will be put in order.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Smile - you will be very worried.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep: Smiling from a dream book?

Smiling is calm; regret.

Dream Interpretation: Smile why dream

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Smile

A smile in a dream is a good omen.

If someone smiles at you in a dream, then this dream predicts a meeting with pleasant and cordial people in whose company you really feel good.

If in a dream your smile is, as they say, "mouth to ear", then this dream predicts that you will receive good news and have a good time in the company of cheerful friends.

In our dream book you can learn not only about what dreams about a smile mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see a smile in a dream in Miller's online dream book.

The smile of a child

Dream Interpretation Child Smile dreamed of why in a dream a child's smile? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a child smile in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Smile

Dream Interpretation - Smile

Dream Interpretation - Smile, smile

Dream Interpretation - Smile

Dream Interpretation - Smile

On the face of the enemy - to danger.

Dream Interpretation - Smile

Dream Interpretation - Child

The child is a symbol of hope, the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by a beast, then this dream indicates that in the future there will appear on Earth a large number of vampires, which in the first place will pose a serious danger to children. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who wants to make him his disciple.

See in a dream pregnant man- a sign that in the future, what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, a man will become pregnant and give birth to a child. Perhaps this will not happen without intervention. dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child to the whole world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere. For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will very much need his help.

To dream of a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger. In the future, SP & Home will be infected with an unprecedented number of people, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction. But when it seems that the plight will not change anything, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who had no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in real danger. Because of Environment very heavily polluted, a lot of children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

To dream of a healthy smiling child is a lucky sign. A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world. People will no longer be afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore they will give birth to many healthy beautiful children.

To dream of a child running across the earth means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to that life line when you need to reconsider and change your life.

To see a crying child is to endanger your future.

Searching for your child in a dream is trying to find lost hope.

To dream of a child picking flowers means spiritual enlightenment.

To hold a baby in your arms in a dream is to try to find a way out of a predicament.

Dream Interpretation - Child

A cheerful, cute child dreams of mutual love and strong friendship.

A crying child - to poor health and disappointment.

A child walking alone is a sign of independence.

A woman who nurses a child in a dream is deceived by the person she trusts the most.

Nostradamus believed that the child dreams as a symbol of hope, the future. He interpreted dreams about a child as follows.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then this dream prophesies to the dreamer a meeting with a person who will very much need his help.

To dream of a healthy, smiling child is a happy sign. A dream in which a child runs on the ground means renewal.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, then you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

When you see a crying baby, know that you are endangering your future.

They were looking for their child in a dream - you will find lost hope.

A dream about a child picking flowers means spiritual enlightenment.

They held a baby in their arms in a dream - try to find a way out of a predicament.

And here is the interpretation of D. Loff: “As an object of your dreams, a child is something that requires care and attention. Here it is important to determine whether the sense of responsibility comes from yourself or it is imposed from outside.

A dream involving a child can be dreamed of by women of childbearing age as a reflection of the instinct of childbearing inherent in them. In men, such dreams signal a certain amount of anxiety, especially for sexually active men, which seems to be associated with fear of the obligations of fatherhood.

Dream Interpretation - Child

Child - dream: to spoil a child is wealth. How a plump child dreams - these are worries for good; thin, weeping worries about the bad. Seeing a small child in a dream is a big chore. A child is a dispute, a brawl. If a woman dreams that she is pregnant or nursing a newborn, there will be profit. The same dream will be seen by an old woman - heralds severe illness and death. If you dream that a child is sucking a pile, then there will be poverty that cannot be unhooked. Child - attack, quarrel, chores. The child is on the table, comes to life - the death of this child. Many children are alarm. A child on the shoulders (on korkoshas) of a man - a pregnant woman will have a boy, on the shoulders of a woman - a girl will be born.

Dream Interpretation - Child, child

When they care too much about someone or take care of them, then in this case they say: "Seven nannies have a child without an eye."

Probably one of the most common expressions is the following: "Whatever the child amuses, if only he does not cry."

A child is a symbol of trouble, anxiety, capriciousness, inconstancy, so if you dreamed of a child, then we can say with confidence that you are very worried about what is happening around you, something does not give you rest, and as a signal of your state of mind in a dream it appears child.

If you dreamed of a crying baby, then this is a sign that despite all your efforts, you will not get what you want.

Holding a child in your arms, rocking him, putting him to sleep - in reality you will need a lot of work, because the path to success will be very difficult.

The dream in which you feed the child promises you a troublesome business that will end with a benefit for you, will bring moral and material satisfaction.

Punishing a child in a dream - in reality, experiencing inconvenience, discomfort, because you will do work that you do not like.

Your smile

Dream Interpretation Your smile dreamed of why in a dream you dream of your smile? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Your smile in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Smile

A constantly smiling face - someone's ridicule will bring you trouble.

To feel a smile on your face in a dream is fortunately.

A smile on the faces of friends is a good pastime.

A smile on the face of an enemy is in danger.

Dream Interpretation - Smile

Smile - On the face of a stranger - you are in danger from people: transport drivers, construction workers, etc. (accident). The smile of a friend - you were guilty of something before this person. He can hold a grudge and someday take revenge on you. Better take action early. You yourself smile - in a dream it does not bode well in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Smile, smile

If you smiled in a dream, this indicates that you are immensely satisfied with your own life.

Of course, there is nothing reprehensible in this, but keep in mind that by allowing yourself to relax, you run the risk of no longer assessing the situation realistically.

The euphoria of success can lead you to lose everything, so be careful.

Someone's smile in your dream is a warning: do not trust this person, because he cannot be called completely sincere.

If you do not take into account this sign and leave the relationship with this person unchanged, you will earn big trouble.

The smile of a loved one indicates that because of your enormous employment, you offend the closest people with your inattention.

No one requires you to communicate around the clock.

Just small tokens of affection are enough to make them feel that you love and cherish them.

Dream Interpretation - Smile

indicates in a dream joy, beneficence and following the Sunnah, for the laughter of the Prophet, peace be upon him, never went beyond a smile.

Dream Interpretation - Smile

Smiling in a dream, seeing a smile on the face of a friend or relative is a pleasant pastime.

On the face of the enemy - to danger.

Dream Interpretation - Smile

If you dreamed that you were smiling, then in the near future you will have to laugh a lot. To make this time last longer, carry any violet leaf with you for a week.

If you dreamed that you were smiling, someone close to you needs your help, but is afraid to ask for it. In order for the person to ask for your help, draw a smile on your back and wear a red ribbon wrapped around your left wrist for a week.

Dream Interpretation - Smile

Dream Interpretation - Smile

Dream Interpretation - See your face with a white-toothed smile

To see your face with a white-toothed smile - watch the Blendamed advertisement less.

Dream Interpretation - Smile for a passport

It seems that you may have a situation in your life in which you have to learn something. Hostel - sharing this situation with anyone. Perhaps your former man will try to do something to somehow "hurt" you. You will hide from him behind a mask of officiality (passport). It may also be that you use your personal qualities (passport) to get out of some unpleasant situation with dignity. Good luck!

The deceased smiles

Dream Interpretation The deceased smiles dreamed of why the deceased smiles in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see the deceased smiling in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Deceased, deceased

to see your deceased father or grandfather, mother or grandmother alive in a dream - to get rid of difficulties and problems. See living loved ones people dead , means that their life will be extended. A dream in which the deceased beats the dreamer means that he has committed some kind of sin. Whoever sees that he has found a dead man will soon get rich. If the deceased, whom you see in a dream, does something bad, then he warns you against doing this. To see a single dead man - to marriage, and a married deceased - to separation from relatives or divorce. If the deceased, whom you saw in a dream, did some kind of good deed, then this is a sign for you to do something similar. To dream of a dead person alive and testifying that he is alive and everything is fine with him indicates a very good position of this person in the next world. The Qur'an says: "No, they are alive! They find their inheritance from their Lord." (Sura-Imran, 169). If the dreamer hugs and talks with the deceased, then the days of his life will be extended. If in a dream the dreamer kisses an unfamiliar dead person, he will receive blessings and wealth from where he did not expect. And if he does this with a familiar dead person, he will acquire from him the necessary knowledge or money left by him after himself. Whoever sees that he is having sexual intercourse with the deceased (who is dead, will achieve what he has long lost hope for. Whoever sees in a dream that a dead woman came to life and had sexual intercourse with him will be successful in all his endeavors. See silent in a dream of a deceased person, which means that from the next world he favors the person who saw this dream.He who sees that the deceased gives him some good and pure thing will receive something good and pleasing from the other side in life ", from where he does not count. And if the thing is dirty, then he may commit a bad deed in the future. Seeing the deceased rich in a dream means that everything is fine with him in the next world. To greet the deceased in a dream is to receive favor from Allah. If the deceased naked in a dream, it means that in life he did not do good deeds. If the deceased notifies the dreamer of his imminent death, then soon he will really die. The blackened face of the deceased in a dream indicates that he died without faith in Allah. The Koran says: "And those whose faces blackened, (it will sound): “Have you not renounced the faith that you accepted?” (Sura-Imran, 106). Whoever sees that he, along with the deceased, enters the house, and does not leave it, he will be within a hair's breadth of death, but then he will be saved. Seeing yourself in a dream sleeping on the same bed with a deceased person is for longevity. Whoever sees in a dream that the deceased is calling him to himself will die just as the deceased died. Seeing in a dream the deceased performing Namaz in the place where he usually performed it during his lifetime means that he is not very well in the afterlife. To see him performing Namaz in a place other than where he performed it during his lifetime means that in the next world he is destined for a great reward for earthly affairs. The dream in which the deceased is in the mosque indicates that he is devoid of torment, for the mosque in a dream means peace and security. If in a dream the deceased leads the prayer of those who are alive in reality, then the life of these people will be shortened, for in their prayer they follow the actions of the dead. If someone sees in a dream how some previously deceased righteous people came to life in some place, this will mean that good, joy, justice from their ruler will come to the inhabitants of this place, and the affairs of their leader will go smoothly.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

To see dead relatives, friends or loved ones - the fulfillment of secret desires / help in a difficult situation / your desire to receive support, longing for the warmth of relationships, for loved ones / change of weather or very coldy begin.

But if the deceased kisses, calls, leads, or you yourself follow in his wake - serious illnesses and troubles / death.

It is even worse to give them money, food, clothes, etc. - serious illness / danger to life.

Give the deceased a photo - the one in the portrait will die.

Take something from the deceased in a dream - happiness, wealth.

Congratulating him is a good deed to do.

His thirsty to see - he is badly remembered.

Talking to a dead friend in a dream is important news.

Everything that the deceased says in a dream is true, "ambassadors of the future."

Seeing a portrait of the deceased is spiritual help in material need.

Seeing both deceased parents together is happiness, wealth.

Mother - with her appearance most often warns against rash acts.

Father - warns against what you will be ashamed of later.

The deceased grandfather or grandmother appears in a dream before significant ceremonies.

Dead brother - fortunately.

The deceased sister - to an obscure, uncertain future.

Sleeping with a dead husband is a nuisance

Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality (appeared in a dream)

Those people who are no longer in reality continue to live (exist!) in our minds. IN popular belief"to see the dead in a dream for a change in the weather." And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp changes in atmospheric pressure in the image of loved ones of the deceased, either the phantoms of deceased acquaintances, or lucifages from the non-physical dimensions of the earth's noosphere in order to study, contact and influence the sleeping person most easily penetrate into dreams. The essence of the latter can be clarified by special techniques only in lucid dreams. And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (inhuman), it is quite easy to determine their arrival. And although Lucifagi very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones who have gone to another world of loved ones, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, for some reason, instead of joy, we experience special discomfort, great excitement and even fear! However, the absence of a full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., the unawareness that, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them, saves us from reaching direct destructive energy contact with the true representatives of the underground infernal spaces. Nevertheless, quite often we can also see “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of loved ones who once lived with us. In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent. In this case, we can receive good parting words, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual and energy support and protection from deceased relatives (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime). In other cases, dead people in a dream are our own projections, showing the so-called "incomplete gestalt", an unfinished relationship with this person. Such non-physically continuing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, resolution of past conflicts. As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by a feeling of sadness, guilt, regret, remorse, spiritual cleansing.

Dream Interpretation - Smile

Smile - worry a lot.

Dream Interpretation - Smile

Smiling in a dream - to meet friends.

Dream Interpretation - Dead parents in a dream (who died earlier in reality)

Their coming into a dream to a person after his physical death has several aspects of interpretation. Among them: an attempt psychological protection neutralize strong feelings of loss, grief, loss in connection with what happened; which, as a result, leads to the harmonization of the mental activity of the sleeping person. At the same time, the deceased parents (relatives) act as a connecting element of human consciousness with the world beyond, otherworldly. And in this case, the meaning of their image in a dream is greatly enhanced. Our dead parents come "from there" in the responsible periods of the life of the sleeping person and serve as a sign of guidance, advice, warning, blessing. Sometimes they become messengers of the death of the dreamer himself and even take and accompany a person to another world (these are prophetic dreams about their own death!).

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Mean negativity various kinds, stereotypes of regressive behavior or a specific pathology associated with a deceased person. The only exception is the image of a deceased person if it was positive during life, or if a rigorous analysis of the dream shows that this image turns out to be the voice of providence.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Nothing good is promised by a dream in which your deceased relatives or friends visit you. If they are sad, a dream means that you are in for mental anguish and heavy thoughts. However, if you dream of dead people cheerful and happy, then everything in your life will work out in the best way.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Deceased - If you dreamed of a deceased loved one, you will have to face the betrayal of a loved one.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

Dead ancestors examine you or ask you for food - fortunately.

Their dead ancestors, respectable people - a great happiness.

Smiling woman

Dream Interpretation Woman Smile dreamed of why in a dream a woman's smile? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a woman smile in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Smile

A constantly smiling face - someone's ridicule will bring you trouble.

To feel a smile on your face in a dream is fortunately.

A smile on the faces of friends is a good pastime.

A smile on the face of an enemy is in danger.

Dream Interpretation - Smile

Smile - On the face of a stranger - you are in danger from people: transport drivers, construction workers, etc. (accident). The smile of a friend - you were guilty of something before this person. He can hold a grudge and someday take revenge on you. Better take action early. You yourself smile - in a dream it does not bode well in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Smile, smile

If you smiled in a dream, this indicates that you are immensely satisfied with your own life.

Of course, there is nothing reprehensible in this, but keep in mind that by allowing yourself to relax, you run the risk of no longer assessing the situation realistically.

The euphoria of success can lead you to lose everything, so be careful.

Someone's smile in your dream is a warning: do not trust this person, because he cannot be called completely sincere.

If you do not take into account this sign and leave the relationship with this person unchanged, you will earn big trouble.

The smile of a loved one indicates that because of your enormous employment, you offend the closest people with your inattention.

No one requires you to communicate around the clock.

Just small tokens of affection are enough to make them feel that you love and cherish them.

Dream Interpretation - Smile

indicates in a dream joy, beneficence and following the Sunnah, for the laughter of the Prophet, peace be upon him, never went beyond a smile.

Dream Interpretation - Smile

Smiling in a dream, seeing a smile on the face of a friend or relative is a pleasant pastime.

On the face of the enemy - to danger.

Dream Interpretation - Smile

If you dreamed that you were smiling, then in the near future you will have to laugh a lot. To make this time last longer, carry any violet leaf with you for a week.

If you dreamed that you were smiling, someone close to you needs your help, but is afraid to ask for it. In order for the person to ask for your help, draw a smile on your back and wear a red ribbon wrapped around your left wrist for a week.

Dream Interpretation - Smile

A man who sees a smiling person in a dream will in reality be interested in a charming girl who will allow him to seduce herself. In her eyes, you will be able to appear in the most favorable light, which will give rise to serious feelings in her heart. However, your relationship will be short-lived, and by the way, through your fault.

If a young girl dreamed of a smiling man, this means that in the near future she will have a worthy admirer, a connection with which will open up excellent prospects for a happy marriage. If a married woman saw such a dream, expect a fatal meeting that will blow up your calm, measured life.

Dream Interpretation - Smile

Someone kind to you is located in reality.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

Any dream about women is a harbinger of intrigue and quarrels. For a woman to see herself in a dream with a beard is a sign of imminent widowhood or separation from her lover. For a woman to see herself naked in a dream is a sign of dishonor and humiliation. For a man to see a naked woman in a dream is a sign big trouble because of the lies that he himself will invent. Arguing with a woman in a dream means that you should not blindly believe what you are told. Trust but check. A man to see in a dream a pleasant, but unknown woman- a sign that his chances of a successful end to the case are small; sometimes a dream predicts risky ventures and gambling, which you should try to avoid. If a woman has red hair, then do not expect a quiet life. Blondes dream of good news and a relaxing pastime. In general, to see in a dream a woman of pleasant appearance, smiling affably at you, means that this day will bring you good luck and joy. Kissing a woman in a dream is a sign of grief or disappointment. To see or meet an old and ugly woman in a dream is a harbinger of bad talk about you. Such a dream warns you that you should be more careful and not give rise to gossip. If you dream that you liked a stranger, then be afraid of fake friends and do not trust strangers. A laughing woman in a dream is a sign of disappointment due to unfulfilled hopes. Seeing a disheveled or ill-dressed woman in a dream is a sign that you should take care of your health and condition. A woman praying is a sign of consolation in misfortune; pregnant - to worries and troubles; with a child in her arms - to a lot of trouble. See interpretation: lady, girl, hair, eyes, clothes.

Dream Interpretation - Woman

For a man to see himself lying between two women is an improvement in health and business.

Lying next to a pregnant woman is a pleasant hope.

For a woman to see herself among other women is a big chore.

In general, young, beautiful, with long hair a woman - to health, new opportunities, joy, pleasure.

Old, ugly, crooked or with disheveled hair - to gossip, quarrels, squabbles, longing.

A naked woman is a symbol of illness, grief, lies.

To meet a young stranger for a woman is a nuisance.

For a man - a temptation.

Kissing a stranger is for money.

To be fascinated, to look back at some woman - to deceit from friends.

If some woman stops you, beware of failure, this is a warning.

A woman under a veil - to death.

Many women, disputes with them are intrigues and a violation of your plans.

The American tradition even interprets the dependence of the interpretation of sleep on the color of hair, eyes, the shape of a woman's nose in a dream: a blonde - to pleasant deeds and hobbies.

A brunette with blue eyes and a snub nose is a sign that you have retreated before the vicissitudes of fate.

A brown-haired or red-haired woman with a straight nose - to difficulties and troubles.

Brown-eyed with a Roman nose - a warning about the dangers in speculation and stock trading.

Beloved wife smiles

Dream interpretation Wife of a loved one smiles dreamed of why in a dream the wife of a loved one smiles? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see a beloved wife smiling in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Smile

Smile - worry a lot.

Dream Interpretation - Smile

Smiling in a dream - to meet friends.

Dream Interpretation - Wife

The wife is pregnant - she says that she has connections on the side.

The wife beats you - misfortune, trouble.

The wife sees a dragon - portends the birth of a noble offspring.

The wife gives her husband water - happiness.

Wife and husband give each other combs - portends happiness.

A wife or a concubine beats you - misfortune, trouble.

The wife puts on brocade clothes - portends the birth of a noble offspring.

A wife with loose hair means she has a secret connection, a lover.

You strike your wife, Taking powder, a beautiful daughter will be born.

Wife's genitals See - hassle.

His wife Seeing a naked body is a great happiness.

If you beat your wife or concubine, you will lose strength.

You go somewhere with your spouse (wife) - soon there will be misfortune.

The empress or the wife of the ruler calls you and offers you a drink - there will be a disease.

Husband and wife beat each other, fight - portends the imminent establishment of harmonious relations.

Husband and wife share hairpins, head jewelry - portends parting in

Husband and wife enter the market - portends the acquisition of real estate.

Husband and wife feast together - portends separation.

Husband and wife greet each other with a ritual bow - portends parting.

Husband and wife scold each other - portends illness.

Hugging your wife is a joyful situation.

You rise to heaven in search of a wife - sons and daughters will reach a noble position.

Traveling with your wife is a loss of wealth.

Sitting with your wife is a great joy.

Connecting with your wife is the existence of otherworldly spells, obsessions.

To sue your wife for housing is happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Wife

For a man to see his wife (real or former) in a dream - to family troubles and unfinished business.

Seeing a smart wife is a hassle.

Ragged, in rags - to worries.

Sick - to pleasure.

Beauty - to a quarrel.

Fight with her - to reconciliation.

Swearing - to the illness of one of the spouses.

A very affectionate wife is a great income for the family.

Wife's discontent in a dream - complaints about fate, failure in business in reality.

If you dreamed that your wife was marrying another, a sad change in business or a divorce awaits you.

Beat your wife in a dream - find out that she cheated in reality.

Sleeping with a friend's wife - to separation from a friend and enmity.

Seeing your wife in a brothel in a dream is a symbol of your dishonest enrichment in reality, illegal profits under the cover of false decency.

To kill a wife is to commit an act harmful to the honor of your family.

When a woman dreams that she is a wife, and she has a very affectionate husband, this is a symbol of grief in her real family.

If she dreams that her husband is beating her, she will commit an unseemly act that will cause condemnation of others, a mess in her own house.

If you are going to marry another in a dream as a wife, this means that you will outlive your husband or divorce him.

An angry wife - to a storm in nature.

A wife with a child in her arms - to sadness.

Dream Interpretation - Marry

Marriage in a dream means a new business, big changes in life - good or bad. If you dream that someone wants to marry you, then soon you will have an important conversation about a profitable business or plans for the future. If you talk about children, then the matter will have great lasting success. Hearing that someone close to you of the opposite sex married in a dream is a sign of a break in relations with this person. If in a dream they ask you if you are going to get married (get married), while you don’t even think about it, then such a dream predicts quick and unexpected changes in your personal life, which may surprise you very much. For a man to dream that he married a girl, the dream portends success in a new business with the help of a man who had previously promised to help; if he marries a widow, then this means a successful and profitable resolution of old cases. A woman marrying a widower in a dream means that she should be careful and not trust unfamiliar people. If she marries a foreigner, then she is in danger of trouble, which she does not expect. Going to get married in a dream is a sign of imminent changes in business and position. This dream is a warning to those who frivolously burn their lives and spend money thoughtlessly. For a married woman to dream that she is getting married means that she will outlive her husband or divorce him. If a pregnant woman sees such a dream, then the dream portends her the birth of a daughter, whom she will successfully marry. For patients, such a dream portends death. A girl getting married in a dream is a sign that she is building castles in the air and her dreams will not come true for a long time. If you dream that you forbade someone to marry someone, and you yourself married that woman, then your marriage will be short-lived or unsuccessful, and your affairs will go awry. Sometimes such a dream portends that some woman will bring you a lot of evil. See interpretation: husband, wife.

Dream Interpretation - Marry

To joyful events. You yourself lead the celebration - the worries of the last days will give invaluable results. Young people marry - for an unexpected love date. Marrying people aged - to the fulfillment of an old dream. To receive an offer to marry in a dream - to a proposal for a profitable joint business. Marry yourself - a relationship that has become a burden for you will end without claims to each other. To see how your best friend gets married - get support from a loved one. Marry a widow - you will defeat a long-standing serious illness. Marrying a foreigner is a pleasant vacation with new acquaintances. One of your loved ones is getting married - to add to your family.

Recall the details of the marriage in as much detail as possible. Imagine the feelings of joy you experienced. Try during the day as long as possible to stay under the impression of experienced feelings.

Dream Interpretation - Wife

To see a smartly dressed wife is a hassle.

Rags on the wife - to worries.

Seeing a sick wife is a pleasure.

To see a beautiful wife - to a family quarrel.

To see a pregnant wife is fortunately.

To beat a wife in a dream is to her well-being.

Caressing his wife, hugging - to anger or great luck.

Dream Interpretation - Wife

If in a dream you hug your wife, then in reality you will hear about those who are absent, perhaps about their imminent return. Often such a dream portends success in some endeavor. Seeing your wife happy and beautiful in a dream is a harbinger of deceit, deceit and lies. Seeing your wife in a dream surrounded by all the household - to well-being, a successful trip. If you dream that your wife is offended, then this portends the defeat of your enemies. If you dream that your wife is cheerful and dancing, then joy awaits you, and if she cries, expect difficulties. If you dream that your wife has died, then in reality someone's ingratitude hurts your heart.

Dream Interpretation - Wife

The dream in which you see your husband making love to someone else's wife naturally gives you a reason for suspicion and, as a result, portends sooner or later a major showdown to find out the true state of affairs. Seeing or meeting someone else's wife in your house portends a family scandal.

To dream that someone else's wife is unusually friendly with your spouse means that soon you will receive a decent amount of money from your husband, but you will not get from him from what source they came. If in a dream a strange wife accuses you of having a love affair with her husband and publicly insults you, this predicts that the husband will have a reason to accuse you of poor performance of his household and marital duties.

For a young girl to see herself in a dream as a wife portends a happy marriage with an ideal, in her opinion, man and wonderful, healthy children. If a husband sets other wives as an example for you in a dream, this is a sign that you, not wanting to hear such statements in reality, will do everything in order to get rid of your own shortcomings and thereby receive well-deserved compliments in the family.

Dream Interpretation - Groom

We will consider the symbol "groom" in the abstract.

All specific bindings are inappropriate in this case.

Naturally, on the eve of the wedding, a girl dreams of her fiancé, and if it didn’t come to the wedding and she dreams of her boyfriend: a dream simply means that the young man thinks, is bored and is waiting for a meeting.

So, if you dreamed of a groom (in a dark suit, snow-white shirt, with a bouquet and other attributes): the dream marks a change in your personal life.

Perhaps you will finally meet your future second half.

In any case, the timing is favorable.

You dreamed of a groom without a bride: you feel that the integrity, harmony of your relationship with the opposite sex is somehow violated.

You need to urgently restore this harmony.

If you dream of the groom with the bride, then nothing threatens your relationship, because you and your loved one are kind to each other and respect each other's feelings.

This is generally a good sign.