For pregnant women in the 1st trimester. First trimester of pregnancy

  • 02.07.2020

Proper nutrition during the entire period of pregnancy helps a woman reduce the risk of health complications and provide the unborn child with the necessary vitamins and minerals. The inclusion of vegetables and fruits, dairy and meat products in the diet should occur even during the planning of the baby. Expectant mom and dad should give up smoking and alcohol, fatty and sugary foods, reduce caffeine intake and start consuming more folic acid.

Proper nutrition during the first trimester of pregnancy helps a woman cope with fatigue and lack of energy, reduce the risk of gestational diabetes and quickly lose excess weight gained during pregnancy. When compiling a diet, it is necessary to go to the consultation of a gynecologist and a nutritionist to exclude allergenic foods.

Basic nutrition rules

In the early stages of pregnancy, the woman's body begins to prepare for the development and birth of the baby. High levels of hormones lead to changes in taste buds, fatigue, abdominal cramps, constipation and nausea in the morning. Some of these symptoms can be managed by including certain foods in the diet.

Fruits and vegetables: 3-6 servings per day. A pregnant girl should definitely consume fresh or steamed frozen vegetables, dried fruits and freshly squeezed fruit juices. They contain vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, as well as dietary fiber. Vitamin C, found in many fruits and vegetables, helps absorb iron. Dark green vegetables contain vitamin A, iron and folic acid, important nutrients during pregnancy.

Eat one dark green vegetable (broccoli, spinach, lettuce, and green beans) and one colored vegetable (carrot, pumpkin, sweet potato) per day. They can be steamed, baked or used as an ingredient in various salads with a little olive oil.

Instead of apples and oranges, you can add apricot, mango, pineapple, sweet potatoes or spinach to your diet. Fruit juice is also considered beneficial, however, its consumption in large quantities leads to unwanted weight gain.

Attention! Eating one orange for breakfast, a plate of salad at lunchtime and a vegetable side dish in the evening helps to strengthen the immunity of a pregnant woman and a child.

Poultry and fish meat: 2-3 servings per day. Lean poultry and seafood are high in protein, B vitamins, and iron. All three components ensure the correct formation of the baby's nervous system, help in the development of mental abilities and protect the expectant mother from possible complications during pregnancy.

In the first months of gestation, a woman needs to double her iron intake. It supplies the body of the fetus with the oxygen necessary for growth and development, reducing the risk of premature birth and the birth of a child with low weight.

Fish is not only a great source of protein, it also contains omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which contribute to the development of the brain functions of an unborn child. Pregnant women should avoid eating high-mercury fish such as shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and sea bass.

Folic acid foods: 2-4 servings per day. A feature of the development of the fetus in the first trimester of pregnancy is the rapid reproduction of cells. Starting from the third week, the process of organ formation takes place in the embryo, in which folic acid is directly involved.

Vitamin deficiency during planning and in the early stages of pregnancy can lead to one of the most common congenital malformations - a neural tube defect. To avoid pathology will help the use of leafy vegetables (broccoli, lettuce, spinach), legumes, whole grain bread and chicken eggs.

Nutrition in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

10 essential products

Because of the constant feeling of nausea and aversion to many types of food, some women eat only crackers with water in the first weeks of pregnancy. To cope with these symptoms, the gradual inclusion of fresh vegetables and citrus fruits in the diet, as well as a snack in the morning before getting out of bed, will help.

1. Spinach

Spinach contains a large amount of folic acid, which ensures the proper formation of the neural tube in the unborn child and reduces the risk of infectious diseases throughout his life. Greens should be stored in the freezer and added in small portions to scrambled eggs or salads.

Spinach is also rich in vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and C, manganese, zinc, magnesium, iron and calcium. Its use reduces swelling and irritation of the eyes, reduces the risk of developing cataracts and normalizes blood pressure.

2. Lentils

Of all the legumes and nuts, lentils contain the largest amount of protein, which contributes to the proper growth of the tissues and muscles of the unborn baby. Lentil soup is the easiest way to add the plant to your diet. It can also be used as an ingredient in salads, pies and in the preparation of buns.

Another important benefit of eating lentils is the reduced risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The fiber contained in the plant relieves the body of cholesterol, and the magnesium included in its composition improves blood circulation and oxygen supply to all parts of the body.

Citrus fruits contain high amounts of folic acid and vitamin C, which prevent the development of intrauterine complications in the fetus. Freshly squeezed juices can be made from oranges and grapefruits, lemon can be used as a dressing for salads. Also, fruits go well with chicken meat and fish, they are a decoration for pastries and cakes.

Tangerines and oranges contain a large amount of fiber, which improves intestinal motility and promotes weight loss. Just 2 cups of citrus fruits and vegetables cover the daily requirement of dietary fiber for pregnant women.

4. Walnuts

Starting from the first trimester of pregnancy, a woman needs to consume 60 g of protein per day more. A good source of this organic compound is shelled walnuts, which contain 23.3 g of protein per 100 grams. They can be used as an ingredient in salads, added to yogurt or muesli.

Walnuts are also rich in healthy fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. Due to the rich composition, they reduce the risk of cancerous tumors, cardiovascular diseases and improve brain function.

5. Eggs

In addition to containing a large amount of protein, eggs are a source of calcium and vitamin D, necessary for the fetus to form bones properly. Boiled chicken eggs should be used in salmon salad or Italian frittata omelet.

The choline or vitamin B4 found in eggs is involved in the development of fetal brain activity and memory functions in early pregnancy. Eating two eggs a day provides half of the recommended amount of the vitamin for an expectant mother. However, if you are overweight or have high cholesterol, you should reduce your egg intake as the risk of complications increases.

An annual vegetable plant of the Cabbage family is rich in potassium, calcium and iron. The latter is necessary in the first trimester of pregnancy for the formation of red blood cells in the unborn child. Broccoli can be eaten raw, steamed with meat, or used as an ingredient in salads and casseroles.

100 grams of the plant contains 2.6 g of dietary fiber, the use of which prevents constipation, maintains optimal blood sugar levels and prevents overeating. A sufficiently high amount of protein in a vegetable makes it ideal for people who have refused to eat meat, poultry, fish and seafood.

7. Yogurt

Natural yogurt without dyes and additives contains calcium and vitamin D. A sufficient amount of these nutrients in the body of the expectant mother prevents possible complications of the fetal motor apparatus. The dairy product also contains phosphorus, B vitamins, magnesium and zinc.

Yogurt should be consumed with granola, berries, added to fruit salads, or used as a sauce for meat dishes. An alternative to high-calorie ice cream is frozen vanilla yogurt premixed with dark chocolate chips.

8. Chicken meat

Chicken breast is an excellent source of protein, B vitamins, magnesium and iron.

Iron is involved in the creation of red blood cells, which provide the body with enough oxygen. Low levels of the mineral in early gestation can cause iron deficiency anemia, which increases the risk of preterm birth and low birth weight.

Magnesium interacts closely with calcium: the first relaxes the muscles, the second stimulates the muscles to contract. During pregnancy, a woman should consume 350 mg of magnesium per day. A mineral deficiency causes nausea, loss of appetite, fatigue, insomnia, muscle twitching, irregular heartbeat, and weakness.

9. Salmon

Salmon, along with hake and scallops, is a safe type of seafood to eat during pregnancy. Fish is rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, calcium and vitamin D. The diet in the first trimester of pregnancy should include no more than two servings of salmon per week.

10. Asparagus

Compared to other vegetables, asparagus contains the highest amount of folic acid, which is deficient in many women during pregnancy. The presence of a microelement in the body of a future mother reduces the risk of a neural tube defect in the fetus and minimizes the likelihood of developing preeclampsia.

Vitamin C helps in the formation of collagen in the baby and acts as an immunity booster. Vitamin B6 normalizes glucose levels and promotes the development of the baby's nervous system and brain. Vitamin D regulates the content of calcium and phosphate in a woman's body. 100 g of asparagus contains only 24 calories.

List of harmful products

Most foods are safe to eat during pregnancy. However, some of them can pose a threat to the health of the baby or cause diseases of the digestive system in the expectant mother.

Before the onset of pregnancy and throughout its entire period, tobacco products and alcohol should be abandoned, as well as coffee consumption should be reduced to 1-2 cups per day. Raw, undercooked and undercooked meat should be removed from the diet. Smoked and salted fish should also be avoided. If possible, exclude unpasteurized milk cheeses, ice cream, mayonnaise and some types of desserts (mousse, tiramisu and meringue) from the menu.

11 harmful foods for pregnant women:

  1. Fish and shellfish high in mercury (shark, swordfish, yellowfin tuna).
  2. Unpasteurized milk and juices.
  3. Purchased salads and ready meals.
  4. Raw or undercooked poultry and fish.
  5. Unwashed vegetables and fruits.
  6. Unpasteurized cheese (camembert, gorgonzola and roquefort).
  7. Energy drinks and caffeine.
  8. Unripe papaya.
  9. Smoked products and fast food.
  10. Carbonated drinks.
  11. Foods high in sodium.

Approximate diet

Breakfast (425-450 kcal):
  • tea without sugar;
  • 1 boiled egg;
  • 150 ml grape juice without sugar.
Lunch (750 kcal):
  • pasta with trout and tomatoes: 250 g of boiled pasta, 100 g of trout, 100 ml of tomato sauce, 2 cloves of garlic and 40 g of grated cheese;
  • vegetable salad dressed with olive oil and lemon juice;
  • fresh fruit salad (150-200g).
Dinner (650-680 kcal):
  • grated carrots (100 g) with herbs, seasoned with 10 g of rapeseed oil;
  • beetroot casserole: 200 g boiled beets, 100 ml skim milk, 8 g cornmeal and 15 g grated cheese;
  • pork filet mignon (100-120g);
  • a slice of whole grain bread;
  • 1 medium orange

The gestational age is not calculated in months; for convenience, gynecologists adhere to the obstetric method of calculating the period of gestation by weeks. The first week is the most mysterious of all upcoming. Its calculation is made by a gynecologist purely theoretically, based on the calculation of the first days of the cycle and the estimated day of ovulation.

In medicine, the countdown is from the first to the last menstruation. This is due to the fact that it is quite difficult to determine the exact day of conception - each woman ovulates on different days of the cycle, depending on its duration and the physiological characteristics of the expectant mother. For this reason, gynecologists always focus on the obstetric period, and not the embryonic one.

A normal pregnancy lasts 40 obstetric weeks, 280 days or 10 lunar months.

From a scientific point of view, in the first week of pregnancy, the follicle matures - a fluid-filled vial in which the egg is located. After leaving the shell, she lives from 24 to 48 hours. The inner layer of the walls of the follicle produces estrogen hormones, which contribute to the restoration and growth of the mucous layer in the uterus, preparing its cavity for the upcoming pregnancy.

Are you wondering what rules to follow in each of the weeks of pregnancy?

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the detailed pregnancy calendar on our website, which describes in detail what happens to the formation of the fetus at each of the 42 weeks -.

Over time, the egg will be fertilized by the sperm. After the cells merge, they begin to divide and the zygote from the fallopian tube enters the uterine cavity. This is a special cell - it stores the genetic material of the father and mother. The unborn child will acquire genetic characteristics from both parents.

Implantation takes place within 7 days. In the uterus, the zygote will attach to the wall and in the new house it will develop further, gradually turning into a little man.

The embryonic period is the most important. The woman is not yet aware of the onset of pregnancy, and the embryo goes through successive stages of development. At this time, one or more fetuses are determined to develop in the uterus and a chorion is formed, which is involved in the formation of the placenta.

Symptoms and sensations in the early stages

1 week of pregnancy coincides with the beginning of the menstrual cycle. The muscles of the uterus contract, expelling the rejected layer of the endometrium, and the woman's well-being improves.

At this time, the woman does not know anything about her "interesting" position. Accordingly, all the symptoms and signs are still absent - the mammary glands do not swell, there is no toxicosis, fatigue and intolerance to odors. During this period, the nature of vaginal discharge changes slightly, which is considered the norm.

Do not determine pregnancy by donating blood to the level of hCG. The test will not show changes either - if the body is healthy and there are no hormonal disruptions, only one strip will appear on it.

There are a number of symptoms that women rarely experience at 1 week:

  • mucous discharge with thin blood streaks, threads, as evidence of the attachment of the embryo;
  • stretching and pressure in the pubic area;
  • denial of smoking and alcohol - a protective reaction of the body at a subconscious level;
  • emotional instability.

Fatigue increases in the first week of pregnancy. A woman gets tired faster and cannot cope with ordinary physical exertion. The body seems to turn on the “delicate mode” and tries to save strength.

Such symptoms do not appear in all expectant mothers, they can be noticed only if you constantly listen to your own body.

It is impossible to confirm 1 week of pregnancy, despite all the achievements of modern medicine. It remains only to wait until the characteristic signs appear. No gynecologist can determine the onset of pregnancy in the first week.

Video - pregnancy symptoms

Changes in the mother's body at 1 week of pregnancy

Immediately after conception, the female body begins a global restructuring, trying to provide itself and the nascent embryo with everything necessary.

  1. The release of large amounts of estrogen can affect the mammary glands. They increase in size, the nipple halos become darker and swell. The chest becomes painful.
  2. There are changes in the central nervous system. The influence of the vagus nerve increases and the expectant mother becomes inattentive, distracted, taste perception changes, salivation increases. Frequent companion is weakness and dizziness.
  3. The restructuring of the circulatory system begins: the uterine blood flow increases, the volume of circulating blood increases. The woman's body is trying to tune in to the ability to supply a sufficient amount of oxygen to the fetus.
  4. The basal temperature changes and if this method of ovulation control is used during planning, the expectant mother will know about the onset of pregnancy at the earliest possible date.

Nausea and vomiting appear much later. If you are visited by attacks of toxicosis in the mornings or evenings, perhaps your term is already a little longer than you think.

What happens to the fetus at 1 week of pregnancy

The fusion of the ovum released from the follicle with the sperm symbolizes the birth of a new life. This is just one cell that has a long way to go in the womb.

From the moment of fertilization in the zygote, there is an active division of cells, which from an unorganized mass form a hollow ball - a blastocyst.

Despite the fact that the size of the embryo is now only 0.2 mm, the sex of the unborn child has already been determined - it depends on the X or Y sex chromosome received from the father. The rest of the chromosome set contains data in accordance with which all systems and organs of the fetus will develop.

The outer layer of the blastocyst, penetrating the walls of the uterus, begins to synthesize the hormone of pregnancy - human chorionic gonadotropin. The level of hCG determines the onset of pregnancy in the early stages, this is one of the most reliable indicators.


The menu of a woman planning to become a mother is different from the usual diet. Nutrition should be complete and balanced, saturated with proteins and a moderate amount of fat.

A third of the entire diet should be fresh vegetables and fruits, raw or thermally processed. Be sure to eat oily fish which is of great benefit to the brain.

Obstetrician-gynecologists and nutritionists give some nutritional advice to expectant mothers at 1 week of pregnancy.

Vitamins and minerals, if they are not enough in the products, should be taken in separate complexes. This will reduce the risk of malformations in the development of the fetus caused by a deficiency of nutrients.

Special attention should be paid to vitamin B9, or folic acid. It is able to reduce the negative impact of external and hereditary factors on the embryo, favorably affect the formation of the nervous system and the general condition of the fetus.

Other vitamin preparations will be prescribed by the doctor after examination, test results and registration.

During the first week of pregnancy, it is highly recommended not to adhere to strict diets and severe dietary restrictions. If a pregnant woman is overweight, you should seek the help of a qualified dietitian. The specialist will create a balanced menu on an individual basis, taking into account all the nuances.

Very often during pregnancy, a woman begins to eat for two. You don't need to do this! Overeating will only lead to excess weight. Extra pounds will harm the unborn child, and constant weight gain will negatively affect the health of the pregnant woman in the last stages.

Medical recommendations and advice on the lifestyle of the expectant mother at this time

Assuming pregnancy, a woman should think about her lifestyle and adjust it according to the recommendations. Tremulous care of yourself even before conception significantly increases the chances of enduring and giving birth to a healthy child.

  1. Mentally prepare for the coming changes. For the next 9 months, unusual processes will occur in your body, most of which are unpleasant. Toxicosis, abdominal pain, changes in figure, drowsiness and frequent urge to urinate are natural processes. Treat them with patience, without irritation. After all, in 39 weeks everything will be over and you will have a long-awaited baby in your arms.
  2. Try to rest more and just sleep. Set aside some time for daytime sleep, surround yourself with beautiful things.
  3. Limit communication with unpleasant people, try to avoid conflicts and stressful situations at work and at home.
  4. Refrain from going to the sauna, bath and taking hot baths.
  5. As soon as you find out that you are pregnant, immediately go to the doctor. A specialist with the help of an examination or ultrasound will confirm that there is a fetal egg in the uterus and assess your general condition. If necessary, the gynecologist will prescribe supportive drugs and do everything necessary to maintain the pregnancy.
  6. Take medicines with caution, only as directed by your doctor. Treat the common cold with folk remedies, resorting to pharmacological medicines last. Avoid contact with sick people, do not visit crowded places during epidemics, beware of hypothermia.
  7. Avoid alcohol, smoking and strong psychotropic drugs.
  8. Extreme sports are not for you now - take care of yourself and your unborn child. A sudden burst of adrenaline won't do you any good.
  9. It is forbidden to be irradiated with x-rays and do fluorography.

Dangers at 1 week of pregnancy

In the first week of pregnancy, spontaneous abortions often occur - miscarriages that a woman does not even suspect about, mistaking them for another menstruation.

Another danger is an ectopic pregnancy. It occurs when, for some reason, a fertilized cell attaches itself to the fallopian tube or enters the abdominal cavity. This condition threatens the woman's life and requires surgical intervention. The first ultrasound is prescribed specifically to exclude improper attachment.

Chromosomal abnormalities are another reason for early self-abortions. The fetus stops developing, and the mother's body rejects it.

Due to hormonal disruptions, inflammation of the endometrium, scars and synechia in the uterine cavity, implantation of the blastocyst is difficult, the embryo dies and is removed during the next menstruation.

Risk factors include taking strong medications or antibiotics. This leads to termination of pregnancy or to severe consequences for the fetus during its subsequent development.

ultrasound of fetal development

In the first week of pregnancy, by performing an ultrasound examination, a thickened layer of the endometrium can be seen in the uterine cavity, which is preparing for the attachment of a fertilized egg.

An examination of the ovaries is also carried out in order to determine in which of them the dominant follicle has matured. It looks like a rounded dark cavity and differs in size from others.

The maturing follicle has an irregular shape, an egg-bearing tubercle appears on it, which is the basis for the future egg.

The corpus luteum looks like a dark spot with irregular contours. It develops in the place where the follicle burst and produces progesterone.

Video - 1 week of pregnancy description, sensations, discharge, fetal development, photo and ultrasound

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The 1-12th week of pregnancy is the period of laying and differentiation of all future organs and systems, so the first trimester is important and responsible for the development of the baby. Rational nutrition of a pregnant woman is the first step to the health of the unborn child, which will allow his small body to cope with infections, prevent the appearance, have strong bones, good learning abilities at any age.

Of all environmental factors, nutrition plays a major role. Improper and insufficient intake of nutrients during pregnancy can cause miscarriage, birth defects, developmental delay. And the lack of certain vitamins, micro- and macroelements can affect both the development of the fetus and the further health of the child.

Features of the diet of a pregnant woman

In the first trimester, the nature of nutrition and lifestyle does not differ much from that to which a woman is accustomed to before pregnancy. When the fetus is still small, it is most sensitive to a lack of nutrients and nutrients, so it is important that a pregnant woman in the first trimester eat as varied as possible, including as many different foods as possible, using daily sources of natural vitamins and minerals: be sure to greens, seafood, nuts , seeds, dairy products.

The energy value of food should be increased by only 100 kcal, i.e. 2200-2700 kcal / day, distributed as follows: carbohydrates - 55%, fats - 30%, proteins - 15%.


Protein must be present in the diet of a pregnant woman. It is necessary for the growth of the uterus and the proper development of the fetus.

Protein is necessary for the growth of the fetus, uterus and placenta, amniotic fluid, increasing the volume of a woman's circulating blood. From the first months of pregnancy, there is an increased need for proteins, 1.5 g per 1 kg of the pregnant woman per day, which is approximately 60–90 g. Not only their quantity is important, but also their quality. The diet should account for 50% of vegetable protein, 50% of animal origin (of which 25% are meat and fish, 20% are dairy products and 5% are eggs). Long-term consequences for the child as a result of insufficient protein intake are the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension.


Fats as sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins ensure the normal development of the brain, visual apparatus, and intellectual abilities. Fats should come in the form of vegetable oils, but lamb, pork and beef should be kept to a minimum. You can eat up to 80 g of fat per day, 25 g of which can be butter.


Carbohydrates are the main source of energy, moreover, their regular use will save a pregnant woman from such a problem as constipation. Carbohydrates are supposed to be 500 g / day, but with initially overweight, 300-350 g / day should be limited. They should come with cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), fresh vegetables, fruits (it is recommended to eat fruits of six different colors per day), bread (1-2 pieces per day).

Interesting to know! Scientists from New Zealand (University of Southampton) have proven that a diet low in sugar and starch in early pregnancy can change the DNA of the unborn child. Subsequently, these children may have problems with weight (by the age of 7–9 years), and the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases also increases.


In the early stages of pregnancy, the amount of fluid you drink can not be limited. Together with soups and cereals, it should receive about 2 liters. When choosing drinks, stop at fresh fruit compotes, fruit drinks, natural juices. It is better to drink juices freshly squeezed from domestic fruits and vegetables.

  • There should be freshly prepared homemade food.
  • In order for food to be better absorbed, one must not be lazy and chew longer (up to 40 times one food lump), so, by the way, saturation will come faster.
  • Do not combine with potatoes.
  • Season salads, not mayonnaise or sour cream.
  • What to eat daily:
  1. Meat or fish - 150 g / day,
  2. Milk (kefir) - no more than 240 ml / day,
  3. Cottage cheese - 50 g,
  4. Bread - 150 g,
  5. Vegetables - up to 500 g,
  6. Fresh berries and fruits - up to 500 g / day.
  • It is advisable to have a full breakfast, lunch and dinner, distributing calories as follows: for breakfast 25-30%, second breakfast 10%, lunch - 40%, afternoon tea - 10%, dinner - 10%. In between, eat fruit or yogurt.
  • You need to eat in small portions.
  • The main meal (lunch) should be received before 13:30.
  • And of course, do not eat after 19:00, before going to bed you can drink a glass of kefir, yogurt or eat a little cottage cheese.
  • In the summer, fruits and greens should be consumed up to 60%, and 40% are vegetables, nuts, and legumes. In winter, the opposite is true.
  • Fruits and vegetables are recommended to be consumed locally because they are less likely to cause allergies. There are seeds and nuts.
  • Include foods enriched with pectin in the diet, it stimulates the intestines and prevents constipation.

What vitamins and nutrients should be paid attention to in the first trimester of pregnancy

In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is extremely important for a woman to get enough folic acid.

It is known that the embryo in the early stages is very sensitive to changes in the amount of vitamins and minerals. Deficiency of various nutrients leads to congenital malformations in the fetus, miscarriage, placental insufficiency, anemia, preeclampsia and other complications of pregnancy. Vitamins ensure the normal course of pregnancy and intrauterine development of the fetus. With a varied and proper diet, a pregnant woman does not need to take vitamin preparations, only in the autumn-winter period is it recommended for all pregnant women to take complex vitamin preparations, specialized products for pregnant women and.

On a note! It should be remembered: the longer a vegetable or fruit is stored, the less vitamins are stored in it. During drying, freezing and heat treatment, products also lose a number of vitamins.

In products during heat treatment:

  • Folic acid. She refers to. Folic acid deficiency in the early stages often leads to malformations of the baby's neural tube. The norm for a pregnant woman is at least 400 mcg / day. It is found in broccoli, spinach, pepper (green), citrus fruits. The long-term consequences of a lack of folic acid are neuropsychiatric disorders, cardiovascular diseases, therefore folic acid is prescribed to absolutely all women in the first trimester of pregnancy.
  • Vitamin A. This is the only vitamin that requires special strictness during pregnancy. It has been experimentally proven that with a deficiency of vitamin A, various malformations of the organs of vision, the cardiovascular system, the respiratory and genitourinary systems of the fetus can occur. But even a small increase in its dose can lead to serious problems for both the mother and the baby. Therefore, when taking complex vitamins, you need to choose only intended for pregnant women with a vitamin A content of 1200-1400 mcg (3900-4620 IU).
  • . It plays a very important role for the first time at 14 weeks of pregnancy: it ensures the normal functioning of the placenta, normalizes blood flow between the woman’s body and the fetus, contributes to normal hormonal balance, thereby maintaining pregnancy and preventing miscarriage, participates in the formation of organs and prevents intrauterine developmental disorders of the fetus, smoothes out the harmful effects of the environment environment.
  • Iron. It is worth noting iron: its deficiency can cause premature birth, the development of anemia in a newborn baby. The daily requirement is 15–20 mg.

From the practice of a local pediatrician! Women with normal hemoglobin levels and those who are anemic but take iron supplements are more likely to have children with normal hemoglobin levels. But in women who have a low level of hemoglobin and refuse to take iron supplements, children are more often born with hemoglobin below normal and it is not always possible to restore it up to a year with iron supplements the first time.

  • Iodine. With insufficient intake, it can cause miscarriage, impaired intellectual, neuropsychic development, hypothyroidism. Long-term consequences - a violation of neuropsychic development, short stature, delayed sexual development, so it is worth eating seafood and walnuts. In iodine-deficient areas, all pregnant women are prescribed.
  • calcium and phosphorus. Calcium needs 1 g / day, phosphorus - twice as much. Foods rich in calcium: cheese, yolks, milk.

On a note! 0.8–1.2 liters of milk per day will fully provide the body of a pregnant woman with calcium and phosphorus.

Additional vitamin and mineral supplements are needed:

  • With insufficient volume and caloric intake - folic acid,.
  • With multiple pregnancy - vitamin C.
  • In the presence of bad habits - iron, zinc, copper, calcium.
  • Strict vegetarians - vitamin B12, vitamin D, calcium.
  • Residents of the northern regions -.

weight gain

In the first half of pregnancy, the weight gain is insignificant - 1.5-2 kg, the pregnant woman should not lose weight. And it would be nice to get floor scales.

Interesting to know! It turns out that if a pregnant woman is malnourished, then the gene starts working in the fetus, which contributes to the maximum absorption of nutrients from a limited amount of food. Then, when the child is born, it begins to grow and develop, and enough food will come in, it can develop, because the gene “turned on” in the prenatal period further contributes to the maximum absorption of nutrients, as if they are still not enough.

Nutrition for toxicosis of the first half of pregnancy

Considered as a complication of pregnancy. The cause of this condition is unknown, but the fact that by the 12-14th week it passes is encouraging. Toxicosis is manifested by nausea and vomiting in the morning, intolerance to odors.
Tips to help cope with toxicosis:

  • With nausea, you need to eat small portions.
  • Exclude sweets (when eating sweets, the level of sugar in the blood changes dramatically, which can provoke vomiting), high-calorie and fatty foods.
  • Avoid foods that cause nausea.
  • Eat food warm and never hot.
  • Do not make sudden movements, they can provoke vomiting.
  • Stop smoking, nicotine increases the secretion of gastric juice, which can cause vomiting;
  • For persistent vomiting, drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day;
  • With toxicosis, you should eat more foods rich in vitamins C and group B.
  • Lemon, sauerkraut, dried apricots, ginger, decoction of dill seeds, decoctions of herbs (mint, valerian root, calendula, yarrow leaves) help to cope with attacks of vomiting. When taking decoctions of herbs, it must be borne in mind that their effect on the fetus has not been studied!

Anemia during pregnancy

To prevent the development of anemia, a woman needs to eat foods rich in iron.

A decrease in hemoglobin during pregnancy is no exception and occurs in almost half of women. Anemia is manifested by a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood test, fatigue, pallor of the skin and mucous membranes, flashing "flies" before the eyes. With hemoglobin values ​​less than 100, you need to contact a gynecologist for the choice of an iron-containing drug.

To keep hemoglobin within normal limits (not lower than 120), meat and vegetable dishes should be included in the diet. Among meat products, the leader in iron content is beef (pork is inferior, poultry meat is not considered iron-containing), liver, kidneys and heart lose a little to beef. Among the products of plant origin are apples, pomegranates, peaches, tomatoes, herbs, buckwheat.

With anemia, it is desirable to reduce the number of dairy and carbohydrate foods, exclude black tea and coffee (they disrupt the absorption of iron in the digestive organs). But foods rich in vitamin C and copper must be eaten, they, on the contrary, help iron to be absorbed in the body.

You should also take iron-containing drugs and follow a diet after hemoglobin levels are restored, because due to the growth of the fetus, the load on the body increases, plus it is necessary to prepare for blood loss during childbirth.

What foods should be avoided in the first trimester of pregnancy?

  1. Alcohol. Alcohol is one of the most toxic substances that are dangerous for the baby, especially in the first trimester, when the baby's organs are just beginning to develop. Alcohol easily crosses the placenta to the fetus, disrupts the blood circulation between the mother and child, as a result, nutrients do not reach the child in full. It is important to know that drinking alcohol can cause birth defects, more often the nervous system, and insufficient weight gain.
  2. Caffeine. Along with alcohol, it is a dangerous product during the laying of the baby's organs. These include: tea (black and green), natural coffee, energy drinks, cola. It is advisable to refuse these drinks completely or at least limit the intake. Caffeine easily crosses the placenta and can affect the baby's heart and respiratory system. Consequences: miscarriages, sudden infant death syndrome, low weight, in addition, high doses of caffeine can cause congenital anomalies.
  3. Medicines. To date, the effect of drugs on the body of the unborn child has not been sufficiently studied. Therefore, it is recommended not to take any medications on your own, and in case of any complaints, contact a gynecologist, because he, having experience, will be able to choose the right drug if necessary and in the right dosage, and only if their benefit exceeds the harm to the child and mother. And in the first trimester, since the laying of organs is underway, any drugs are contraindicated. The gynecologist will prescribe folic acid, vitamin E, possibly iron and iodine - these harmless and very necessary drugs, the expectant mother should definitely drink and conscientiously.
  4. Vitamin A. It is necessary for the body of a pregnant woman, it should not be taken above the permissible dosage, and the use of foods high in it should be limited. It is for this reason that liver dishes should be avoided in the diet.
  5. And of course, it should be remembered that fried, smoked, fast food, sweets and pastries, food stuffed with chemical additives will not benefit either the mother or her unborn child.

Special diets

  • Vegetarianism.

It is possible for women who are vegetarians to maintain their lifestyle during pregnancy. It is necessary to eat vegetable protein, additional intake of iron preparations, vitamins B12, D is possible.

  • Lactose intolerance.

Dairy products are a source of calcium, but some people experience discomfort after eating them: bloating, loosening or fixing stools, rumbling, gas formation are signs of lactase deficiency, i.e. intolerance to milk and milk products. During pregnancy, these symptoms decrease slightly, but if, nevertheless, discomfort makes a woman refuse them, then you should eat more foods rich in calcium (cheese, salmon, cabbage (especially broccoli), spinach, almonds, figs, beans).

Healthy and balanced nutrition of a pregnant woman is the most effective and natural method of preventing diseases of the unborn baby. Guided by simple rules, a woman can and should give the world a beautiful strong man.

Hello lovely women! Almost all of us sooner or later become mothers. But this is preceded by long months of waiting for the baby, queues at the antenatal clinic, endless tests, examinations and ... dreams of a healthy baby.

But did you know that most of them, if not all, are destined to come true? And you need quite a bit for this - a healthy lifestyle, good mood and proper nutrition for pregnant women. 1 trimester, the menu of which is discussed in this article, is considered one of the most important. Simply because it is during this period that all organs and systems of the fetus are laid, and it gradually develops.

And in the best case, if I may say so, the lack of useful substances now in the future can turn into a pathology for him, and in the worst case, become fatal.

It is not worth radically changing the diet in the first months of pregnancy! It's much smarter to just tweak it.

Help with this simple general rules of nutrition:

  • The pregnant menu should be as diverse as possible and contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the right quantities. Of course, only a nutritionist can determine these amounts in each individual case. If there is an opportunity to turn to him - great, if not - do not be upset. Especially if before pregnancy there were no problems with being overweight. After all, this means that the diet is correct and does not need changes. If they were, it needs to be reviewed by reducing the amount of fats and carbohydrates (sweets) consumed. Eat more than usual and eat for two in the first trimester is not worth it.
  • At first it is desirable increase portions of fruits and vegetables eaten. The latter can be filled with oil. In this form, they are not only absorbed faster, but also improve digestion.
  • Important take care of your diet. It is advisable to replace three meals during this period with 5-6. The key is to keep the portions small.
  • We must not forget about drinking. The expectant mother needs 2 liters of fluid per day. Moreover, it can be not only water, but also fruit juices, compotes, milk or cocoa.
  • The last factor is how the food is prepared. During pregnancy it is better to avoid fried foods in favor of boiled, baked or steamed.

2. What should be in the diet

Proper nutrition of the expectant mother can reduce the risk of developing congenital abnormalities of the fetus. That is why it must be thought through with great care.

What does a pregnant woman need?

In vitamins, because they play an important role. Judge for yourself:

  1. Vitamin B9 or folic acid. Doctors prescribe it from the first days. Do you know why? It is responsible for the proper development of the nervous system and protects the fetus from anencephaly, hydrocephalus, spinal fissures and other dangerous ailments. It is found in nuts, legumes, apples, citrus fruits, mushrooms and greens.
  2. Vitamin E. He is also heard by many, as it prevents miscarriage. You can find it in vegetable oils, eggs, nuts, liver and greens or ... in a pharmacy.
  3. Vitamin C. It not only increases the immunity of the future mother during pregnancy, but also strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the placenta, and also promotes the absorption of iron, on which, by the way, the level of hemoglobin depends. But keep in mind that too much vitamin C can be harmful, because. vitamin C stimulates the immune system, which is undesirable in the 1st trimester.
  4. Vitamin D Do you want to preserve the health and beauty of your teeth? Do not forget about fish, seafood, egg yolks and butter, which contain it. This vitamin allows the future crumbs not only to form a strong skeletal system, but also to prevent the development of allergic reactions in it.
  5. Vitamin B12. It is needed by women suffering from anemia. It is found in fish, eggs, meat and milk.
  6. Vitamin A. It affects the condition of the placenta and is found in eggs, dairy products, green and yellow vegetables.

In addition to them, a pregnant woman needs zinc, iron, selenium, honey, cobalt and other microelements, on which the development of the fetus depends. How not to get confused in all this diversity and enrich your body with all the useful substances?

Just make sure that there is a place in the diet for all food groups, namely:

  • vegetables and fruits;
  • cereals and cereals;
  • meat and fish;
  • dairy products.

3. What can not be a pregnant woman in the first trimester

  • Fast food products and semi-finished products.
  • Chips, crackers and any excessively salty and spicy dishes - they disrupt the metabolic processes in the body, provoke swelling.
  • Coffee and drinks containing caffeine. They increase blood pressure, which can result in a miscarriage. Meanwhile, doctors still allow coffee lovers 1 cup of coffee a day.
  • Canned food, carbonated drinks.
  • alcohol.

4. Approximate food menu for a week in the first trimester

And now let's look at a sample menu for a week that will provide mom and baby with all the necessary nutrients:

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