Ceiling in the living room and hall - design options. What design ceiling can be made in the hall with your own hands? Is it worth it to make mirrored ceilings in the hall

  • 23.06.2020

The ceiling in the main room of an apartment or house, namely in the hall, attracts special attention from the first seconds of being here. But in addition to the aesthetic function, it performs many other tasks: it hides defects, provides competent lighting, maintains the overall style of the room, and implements zoning. Any apartment renovation begins with the design of this part, so the project must be thought out in advance, before all work begins. There are a huge number of options and ways to implement a design idea today: from classic whitewashing and painting, ending with the creation of two-level structures. To decide which ceiling design to implement in the hall, it is necessary to answer many questions related to the purpose of the room, common style interior, financial capabilities of the owners.

Where to begin

In order for the ceiling in the hall to emphasize the dignity of the room and perform its work with high quality, it is necessary to install and arrange it in accordance with the building requirements. This can be achieved through several steps:

  1. Measure your height. This will give an adequate assessment of the possibilities of interior design. A high ceiling will allow you to make the design multi-level, pay attention to beauty, while with a low ceiling, importance will be attached visual magnification space.
  2. Determine what function the room will carry. If the hall is combined with the kitchen, then one of the tasks will be the zoning of the room, if the hall is also a bedroom, then the lighting should be thought out in such a way as to create an intimate atmosphere.
  3. Create a design sketch based on the received data and the general concept of interior decor.

area and height

The larger the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room and the higher the ceiling, the more complex its design should be. In a large room, a flat top will look boring and will not allow the lighting to be distributed correctly. As a rule, if the height of the walls is at least 2.7 m, then the designers create a two-level structure. If the ceiling of the hall is below this height, then it is drawn on the same level. It should be remembered that almost all types of modern ceiling systems eat up height. This means that in especially low living rooms, painting and wallpapering remain the most relevant. Some volume can be achieved by adding molding, other decorative elements. In addition to height, the footage of the room plays an important role. A small living room, even with a sufficient height, is suitable for smooth, light ceilings with a glossy surface that can visually expand the space.

Decide on the purpose of the room

Often the living room of studio apartments is combined with a kitchen, dining room or serves as a bedroom at the same time. Then the ceiling structure should visually indicate the boundaries of the zones. If the living room is combined with the kitchen, then an interesting interior solution will help to make a two-level system, where the stretch fabric borders on the plasterboard structure. In this case, the stretched canvas may vary in color or pattern. As lighting fixtures, you can hang a large chandelier above the living area, and small spotlights above the kitchen. The advantage of a stretch fabric in the kitchen over other types is that it is easy to clean. This is relevant, given that burning and fat appear on the walls and ceiling of the cooking area, even with good ventilation and a powerful hood.
If the hall is used as a bedroom, consider installing curly plasterboard structures. With its help, you can make an interesting imitation of the sky, which at night will be illuminated by small bulbs installed in a bizarre order, and during active wakefulness - by a large round chandelier that looks like the sun. If the ceilings are too low and the use of drywall is impractical, decorative elements will help create a three-dimensional pattern.


As mentioned earlier, the ceiling is the focus of the person entering the room from the first seconds, so it is important that its design matches the design of the entire room. And if the flaws in the design of the walls can be covered with furniture or accessories, then the ceiling is made out once for many years, and then it appearance not corrected in any way. In the old days, the interior was not unique. Each house had the same furniture, and the same wallpaper was glued on the walls. As for the ceiling, it was only whitewashed, and a chandelier was hung in the center, which, like everything else, was not original. Today ceiling structures can be implemented in absolutely any style: minimalism, baroque, ethnic, country, and many others.


Among the modern styles, the most beloved in the design of the halls are: minimalism, hi-tech, eco-style, country. Interior designed in modern styles characterized by straight lines, contrasting colors, a clear shape of the furniture and good lighting. The ceiling should be functional, comfortable, but at the same time as simple as possible. If the room of the hall is decorated in a minimalist style, then the designers prefer a monochromatic light design with a large number of lamps that scatter soft light. Two-level structures are illuminated with LED strips around the entire perimeter of the room. The hi-tech style is similar to minimalism, but it is characterized by cold shades, both in the color of the design and in the lighting. Hanging structures with neon lighting are well suited to this style.

Ecostyle, unlike the previous ones, involves the use of natural materials. One-level stretch fabrics will help to create the illusion of a natural corner inside the apartment in the living room, but painting or plastic structures in this case will not work. If the ceiling is high enough, wooden beams will add volume to it. To illuminate the hall, energy-saving and LED lamps are used, whose light is as close as possible to natural sunlight. Country style is a bit similar in design to eco. Its design also includes natural materials, wooden beams. Chrome or mirrors are not allowed on the ceiling. Relevant stretch fabrics of white or Brown with one or more hanging chandeliers.

classic styles

The classic interior styles include: baroque, Greek, modern, Provence and others. They are distinguished by high cost, an abundance of sculptures and antiques, heavy wooden furniture. Constructions decorated in the Baroque style are a heavy object that carries many details at the same time: stucco, frescoes, various textures. This option is available only to large halls. An interesting zest will be added to such a ceiling by the recreation of classical works by famous artists. As for lighting, bulky chandeliers with a large number of lamps are appropriate here.

The Greek style, on the contrary, strives for discreet sophistication, lack of pomposity. When designing this direction, mostly white is used with bright blue accents, so the ceilings can simply be whitewashed, decorated with blue or white wooden beams. The Greek style is one of the few in which a plastered and whitewashed ceiling will look very successful and attractive.

Modern is smooth lines and shapes, wide space, pastel colors. Constructions made of drywall look very good, while more than two levels, as a rule, are not equipped. Wall murals often involve a floral pattern. The main task of the ceiling, made in Art Nouveau: to focus on furniture, decorative elements of the room. Similar style decisions are also welcome when creating the Provence style. Wooden beams and staining are often used here.

Ethnic style

Ethnic style is an opportunity to travel to another country or another historical period. Africa, Japan, Mexico and many other countries with their cultural characteristics may appear inside your apartment. So, the Japanese style in the ceiling is light single-level structures, decorated with wooden beams and square-shaped lamps. The Indian ceiling is the real center of the hall, which includes original painting on the surface of the canvas, ethnic ornaments, plasterboard structures stylized as an arch or dome of a palace. Mexican style involves the use of canvases in red, blue, yellow.

What color scheme to choose

The choice of decoration color is based on the type of ceiling. So, a traditional ceiling covered with putty is painted with white paint on top, although hardware stores suggest some expansion of the range in last years. Suspension systems can be pasted over with any wallpaper or painted. Armstrong ceilings are made in various modifications of colored panels, the only difficulty in selecting this material will be a combination of several shades, since their range is limited to traditional colors. Stretch fabrics, in turn, are sold in any color and shade, here the designer is absolutely free to choose. Before you finally choose materials, it is worth considering a few points:

  • In a room where the ceiling is at a height of less than 2.7 m, the ceiling should be several tones lighter than the walls and floor and vice versa.
  • Rooms with poor access to natural light are best decorated with bright colors, such as yellow or orange.
  • A bright ceiling above the kitchen area can increase appetite, and cold shades can reduce it.
  • If the hall is used as a bedroom, then it is better to stop the choice on plain pastel colors of the ceiling.


Whatever the ceiling, there are basic rules for installing lighting fixtures. Firstly, when the main light is turned on, it should be distributed evenly in all directions of the hall. Secondly, a single group of fixtures, for example, all lamps in a chandelier or all spotlights, must have the same power and brightness. Thirdly, the lamps should gently affect the eyes without blinding them. In addition to general rules, designers also focus on design features. So, suspended and plasterboard structures are illuminated with spotlights, LED strips and light chandeliers. When installing stretch fabrics, spotlights are selected. Multi-level structures are highlighted with LED strips. Volumetric heavy chandeliers Easily mounts to concrete or wood ceiling systems.

Design option

All types of ceilings have their own characteristics, advantages, disadvantages. Some of them are relevant for ethnic styles, others are ideal for classic ones. If you are ready to invite specialists, then all ceiling design options become available. If you are only considering independent work, then painting, wallpapering, installation of plastic plates are suitable.

Coloring and whitewashing

This option was used everywhere some 20 years ago. Today, a whitewashed ceiling is much less common. Most often, the ceiling is painted from concrete slabs, drywall and wood. At the same time, the preparatory stage of the work is important. You can whitewash and paint a room only after all the furniture has been removed from it, the chandelier has been removed, and the floor and walls have been covered. In other words, it is best to use this ceiling design option long before you move into the room, at the first stage of the repair.

Wallpaper on the ceiling

Vinyl, liquid, non-woven, glass wall papers are used for gluing. This design option allows you to achieve a smooth, but textured ceiling. At the same time, it is budgetary and simple in execution; you can paste over the ceiling in the hall yourself, without the involvement of specialists. Another noticeable plus of wallpaper is a huge assortment. You can find suitable ones for almost any style, ranging from classic interior ending with ethnic style. However, before starting work on gluing the ceiling of the living room, it will have to be carefully aligned.

Styrofoam boards

Styrofoam boards are glued in much the same way as wallpaper. However, unlike them, the plates can hide minor defects and are more resistant to moisture. You should carefully consider the choice of material, because cheap sloppy plates will spoil the whole appearance of the living room, give the interior an excessive cheapness. In addition, this type of finish will add a fire hazard to the apartment. But there is also whole line advantages that distinguish polystyrene foam over other ceiling design options:

  1. Provides good sound insulation, which is important in the apartments of old houses.
  2. Has a large assortment.
  3. Unlike wallpaper, there will be no visible joints on the slabs, and this will create a holistic ceiling design.

Finishing with plastic plates

Finishing the living room ceiling with plastic plates is one of the easiest design options to install. The panels are durable, can last for many years, are not afraid of high humidity and temperatures, and therefore various spotlights, halogen lamps, led strip in accordance with the style of the interior. In addition, plastic panels can be placed on an uneven ceiling and even hidden electrical wires under them, which greatly reduces and simplifies repairs in the room. Hardware stores present a huge number of inexpensive plastic panels: plain or patterned, in all colors and shades. Professionals rightly call the design of the ceiling plastic plates affordable analogue suspension systems.

From drywall

Plasterboard constructions are the favorites of the owners of large halls. They are able to implement the most complex classic style, give the ceiling a multi-level. In addition, drywall is durable, environmentally friendly, reliable. In addition to its own texture, drywall is easily decorated with mirrors and lamps. Various decorative elements. Plus, you can hide behind it. electrical cables and wires. If we are talking about creating a plasterboard ceiling, then in the context of giving it several levels. A two- and three-level ceiling gives room for imagination both in terms of lighting the room and in zoning the room.

Drywall eats at least 20 cm at each of its levels, so installing it in low rooms is unacceptable.


This type of ceiling is created from fiberboard and MDF panels. They are fixed directly to the metal profile frame. A significant disadvantage is the limited installation of lighting fixtures, so they are more often used in bright rooms designed in eco-style. Benefits false ceilings much more than disadvantages. In addition to environmental friendliness, the panels are also moisture resistant, durable, and easy to install. And the appearance of such a ceiling will not change for many decades. If there was some kind of breakdown, then replacing one of the panels with a new one is not difficult.


Suspended structures skillfully present lighting in the room and accentuate the style of the interior. Their advantages are similar to stretch canvases, however, suspended ones are quite difficult to mount. First, a frame is created from a metal profile, and then cassette, rack, mirror plates or an Armstrong ceiling are suspended on it. Cassette and rack ceiling mainly used in manufacturing and office space. They are simple and functional. Mirrored ceilings look very specific and relevant only as decorative elements or when creating a disco style. Armstrong ceilings consist of a special mineral fiber. They look spectacular in interior styles such as minimalism and hi-tech.


Stretch fabrics are the best option for decorating the ceiling, not only in the living room, but also in any other room. They are easy to install and maintain, easy to clean, withstand the most severe flooding, and are available in all possible colors and shades. Although most often in the interior there are monophonic tension systems, it is also possible to apply a pattern through photo printing. Therefore, you can use such a ceiling in any style decisions. The most popular are matte and glossy stretch fabrics. Gloss visually increases the space of the room, increases the height, so it is used in small living rooms. The only significant disadvantage of stretch ceilings is the inability to install them indoors without the help of specialists.


The use of concrete ceilings in the interior of the hall is interestingly combined with wooden and metal structures, so they are often used when creating a room in the style of minimalism or loft. Of the advantages of this choice, one can note its low cost, environmental friendliness, resistance to moisture and low fire hazard. but concrete ceilings look neat only in high rooms. In addition, it may be difficult to fill the ceiling with this material, most likely, the help of specialists will be required. Concrete is finished using traditional methods, namely paint and plaster. Even light-colored concrete requires special lighting. The lack of bright light in the room will lead to the weight of the entire structure and can greatly harm the style of the room. Therefore, preference is given to massive chandeliers and halogen lamps.

Decoration with wooden beams

Wooden beams are present in living rooms made in eco, country, loft and many other styles. They create multi-level, hide electrical communications, zone the room, add originality to the interior. Large halls with high ceilings and a decorative or real fireplace look especially cozy. Even in apartments, this design creates the illusion of a private country house, proximity to nature. TO wooden beams you can hang chandeliers or embed spotlights in them. An additional advantage will be the use of the same wood in furniture items from which the beams are made.

Combined ceilings

No matter how good this or that type of ceiling is, when it comes to installing it in a large hall, designers prefer a combination of several types, for example, plasterboard and stretch, or glossy and matte. Connecting several types of ceilings allows you to give the room desired parameters: improve lighting, raise or lower the height, reduce the final cost. In a word, the combination of several ceiling options will allow you to avoid the disadvantages of some of them, while giving all the advantages at once.

In order for the ceiling in the hall to please you and your friends with its appearance, you will have to work hard. And to begin with, you should decide what material for finishing you will use. There are enough a large number of, and not everything you can fix yourself. For example, in order to, you should definitely invite a specialist. So, there may be:

  • painted with whitewash or colored paint;
  • trimmed with various materials, including fabric, wallpaper, oilcloth, wooden clapboard or chipboard, metal sheets, natural stone, mirrors, mineral wool to improve insulation, plastic panels, foam boards and others;
  • tension;
  • made of plaster or stucco.

If you want to have a beautiful ceiling, then you can decorate it with stretch ceilings, which are now very popular.

Keep in mind that with the help of competent design, you can solve some of the problems of the room. For example, light ceilings will help visually enlarge the room. If the room, on the contrary, is large, then you can divide the ceiling into several zones. Decorate each with your own color and material. Irregularities will beautifully hide any kind of panels: plastic, wood or metal. And comfort in the house is best created with the help of fabric trim.

Preparatory work

If you opted for wallpaper, fabric or whitewash, you need to get rid of all surface irregularities. This is not just a decorative requirement.

If you do not make the ceiling even enough, then one day, far from perfect, its trim may begin to fall on you.

For preparatory work you will need: brushes, roller, rubber gloves and other tools.

So take this process seriously. You will need:

  • metal spatula;
  • sponge;
  • primer;
  • brush, roller or spray gun;
  • ladder or sturdy table.

The first step is to scrape off the remnants of the previous finish with a spatula. When you managed to completely get rid of old paint or plaster, use a sponge and thoroughly wash the ceiling. Now go have lunch or take a walk - the ceiling must dry well before the primer, otherwise it will not “adhere” enough.

Carefully examine the ceiling, perhaps streaks or mold have formed somewhere, you should get rid of them. The streaks are “treated” with the help of concentrated soil, and the mold must be removed mechanically, and then an antiseptic should be applied to this place. If there is high humidity in the hall, then you should apply an antiseptic to the entire surface of the ceiling.

Now you can do the priming. You can choose the method of application that is convenient for you: using a roller, brush or spray gun. It is best to apply the primer in two coats, allowing the first to dry properly.

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Alignment Methods

Only after that you can proceed to the hall. If the difference between the heights of the ceiling is no more than 5 cm, then you can level it with the help of special mixtures. This method of alignment is called "raw". If the difference is greater, then you will have to use improvised materials: rivers, beams, etc. This leveling method is called “dry”.

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"Raw" alignment

This process is time-consuming, because during the repair a large amount of dust and debris rises.

For the "raw" alignment method, you'll need:

  • serpyanka (mesh fiberglass);
  • reinforcing mesh (metal or painting);
  • plaster;
  • putty;
  • lighthouses;
  • sandpaper of different grain sizes;
  • PVA glue;
  • tools and consumables (see text).

Before you get started, you should know that in this way you can only get rid of minor ceiling irregularities. If you have significant coverage flaws, and you really want to Beautiful design, it is better to immediately go to the "dry" leveling.

So, using PVA, seal the joints of the plates and cracks with a sickle. With a difference in ceiling height of 2-3 cm, glue the reinforcing mesh so that the plaster layer does not crumble. If you need to apply more than 3 cm of plaster, use a metal reinforcing mesh. It is usually fixed with nails or staples.

To make it beautiful, in the hall, set up beacons. They will show you how much plaster to apply. Let it dry properly, if you need to perform work urgently, use a building hair dryer. After that, apply putty and let it dry. Sand for perfect results sandpaper- first coarse-grained, and then with smaller grains.

If you are going to cover the ceiling with paint, then you can pre-prime the surface for better adhesion or cover the ceiling with a mixture of putty and PVA. After puttying, it is recommended to cover the ceiling with another layer of primer, so that the paint lays down better. Priming can be replaced with putty mixed with PVA glue.

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"Dry" leveling

Dry alignment of the ceiling is done with a hinged grater.

The “dry” leveling method is more durable and easier to do on your own. But it will “eat off” 10-15 cm of ceiling height from you, since you will need to create a “false ceiling”. From this, the room will become lower and darker. you can choose the method of work that is convenient for you: sheathing, suspension or tension.

For ceiling sheathing you will need:

  • metal rails;
  • construction pistol;
  • dowels, screws;
  • sheathing material.

Attach metal battens to the ceiling in the hall with concrete dowels or screws for softer ceiling materials. A beautiful ceiling can only be achieved if you form a flat surface with battens, so pay close attention to your height calculations. Then fix the sheathing material on the rails. It can be drywall, laminate, chipboard, plywood, gypsum fiber, lining and others. you can "play" with the shape and color of the ceiling according to your taste and desire.

In order to hang the ceiling, you will need: a profile, a hanger, a crab and dowels.

To hang the ceiling you will need:

  • metal profile or slats;
  • suspension tires;
  • decorative panels;
  • tool.

There are two mounting options false ceiling. It is possible, using hanging tires, to fix metal slats on the ceiling or to make metal profile a frame with square cells measuring 60 by 60, where the plates are subsequently inserted. Create a frame in a way that is convenient for you, and then beautifully fix decorative panels on it. They are most often made of aluminum, chipboard, mineral fiber, drywall, pressed paper and other materials.

You most likely will not be able to create beautiful ones, since this requires an expensive specialized tool. So we recommend that you turn to professionals.

Whichever way you choose to create a ceiling, we hope that our tips will help you!

Stretch ceiling are becoming more popular every day. After all, they create a special atmosphere in the room, allow you to completely change its style, add solemnity and gloss.

Especially often they are used in large rooms, for example, halls and living rooms. After viewing the photo in this article various options stretch ceilings in the apartment, believe me, you will find many interesting solutions.

What are stretch ceilings?

Main the advantage of such coatings is that thanks to them you can perfectly align the ceiling.

They can be used even in very large-scale premises, because thanks to proper processing the junctions of several elements become completely invisible.

The materials from which they are made are environmentally friendly and safe for health. They do not have bad smell and do not emit toxic substances even when heated strongly.

In addition, they allow you to completely change the style of the room in a short time, refresh it and fill it with unexpected colors.

There are such types of stretch ceilings:

By material:

By canvas width:

According to the texture of the canvas:

Stretch ceilings can become fixed in several ways: Directly to the main ceiling, custom frame, wall or drywall profile.

The main thing is that stretch ceilings for the hall in any case are attached as firmly and reliably as possible. To prevent unforeseen situations and possible breakdowns.

What are "single-level" ceilings?

single level stretch ceiling – This is one type of coating applied in one layer. This is the easiest installation option in terms of form and type of installation, because it does not require preliminary preparation.

Mostly such ceilings can be seen in strict and restrained interiors, where the main emphasis can be placed only on a deep and rich shade of the surface.

For example, the color of burgundy, dark gray, looks very cool, pastel shades, as well as traditional shades of beige, milk and chocolate.

The canvas of this coating needs minimal maintenance, it has heat-resistant properties. Moisture and sunlight are also not afraid of him.

Features of multi-level ceiling coverings

As the name implies, such ceilings consist of several levels, that is, blocks that differ in height.

Usually between them are special modules made of drywall, wood or other rigid material that holds its shape well.

This technology allows you to create structures of any shape and change the space depending on the shortcomings that are observed in it.

In addition, the types of coatings in these areas can be completely different, creating an interesting contrast, narrowing or expanding the space.

As options for decoration, there are often graphic designs that imitate a rectangular or oval frame around the perimeter of the room.

Often you can see abstract forms that intertwine on the ceiling, recreate some fantastic patterns and combinations.

With the help of such a decorative technique, you can designate zones in a room, shift accents in it, or hide the disproportion and excessive angularity of the room.

Among the most fashionable combinations multi-level stretch ceilings you can find coffee and ivory, scarlet and black, pearl gray and blue.

In addition, very bright accents on a calm white background also look great. These include rich lime, lemon, pink, tangerine, lilac and lavender.

What kind of photo printing is suitable for decorating a living room?

High-quality photo printing allows you to apply absolutely any image to the ceiling covering, while maintaining its clarity, proportions and identical shades. This task is carried out with the help of specialized printers, many of which can accommodate a single canvas up to 5 meters in size.

There are several types of printing:

Among the most unusual options design large rooms it is worth noting the images of stained-glass windows and ancient frescoes.

They fill the room with spirituality and grandeur, look expensive and cause sincere admiration.

And natural landscapes allow you to completely relax and tune in to a pleasant conversation.

It is necessary to give preference to calm pictures with sunsets or images of winter weight - they pacify and enchant with their magnificence.

The best patterns for large and small spaces

The most common ceilings with imitation of the starry sky. They are considered a practical and very stylish option for any room.

What can be more spectacular than twinkling stars and comets? Their image is able to brighten up the simplicity of any room, fill it with endless space and a fantastic mood.

According to the main design canons, large patterns and drawings should be chosen for spacious rooms with high ceilings. And small and elegant - for elegant and small rooms.

In principle, this rule still applies today. But who said that you can't make an exception out of it? Indeed, in each individual case, an individual approach is required.

Look at these examples of beautiful stretch ceilings for the hall, which are shown in the following photos.

How much grace and gloss, beauty and luxury are in them. Do you want everything in your interior to look just as well thought out and beautiful?

Then allow yourself to take a chance and choose something completely unexpected and even provocative. Believe me, after such a decision, your hall or living room will simply have no equal.

When should matte finishes be used?

Matt stretch ceilings this is a classic noble solution that is perfect for a cozy and relaxed living room.

This is because in appearance they resemble a traditional whitewashed surface.

Most often, this coating is used in large rooms with high ceilings. After all, a matte canvas does not reflect light, which means it visually reduces the space, which is unacceptable in an already tiny room.

For which interior are glossy stretch ceilings suitable?

Whatever design of the stretch ceiling for the hall you look at, you will notice a number of notable features.

There are no restrictions on the use of a glossy finish. It has not lost its relevance for many years, continuing to delight with its light brilliance.

Reflecting electric and natural light, such a ceiling rushes up, stretching the space and pushing its walls apart. Depending on the shade used and the type of pattern, such a ceiling can be used in any interior.

Is it worth doing mirror ceilings in the hall?

Mirrored ceilings always look extremely expensive and stylish.

In addition, they allow you to significantly increase the height of the walls and visually expand the space, fill it with air and light.

Smooth material, reflecting all pieces of furniture and accessories, erases the boundaries of the room. It literally glows from within, shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow.

Despite the fact that it seems to be a very fragile and capricious option for a house or apartment, the mirror coating does not need specific care.

It does not darken, keeps its shape well and retains its original appearance for a long time.

Such a ceiling can be safely used in rooms of any size. It goes well with classic massive lamps or silk lampshades, as well as light modern sconces.

The overall picture, of course, depends on carefully selected decorative elements, textiles and stylistic direction.

But in any case, the mirror coating will deepen the existing atmosphere and make it possible to fully enjoy it.

What lamps: chandeliers or spots should be selected for stretch ceilings?

It's no secret that stretch ceilings are afraid of high temperatures. Under their influence, they can be quite deformed.

Therefore, it is worth taking care in advance not only of beautiful, but also lamps that are safe for its integrity.

By by and large it does not matter whether the ceiling is decorated with one large or many miniature lamps. Or even combine, a whole composition of sconces and spots of various sizes.

The main thing is that incandescent bulbs up to 50 kW should be installed in them.

In this case, energy-saving lamps are rightfully the best option, especially if they are additionally equipped with special reflectors.

For a soft romantic and mysterious glow around the perimeter of the ceiling structure, you can use LED strip lighting.

It is quickly installed, has several color modes and adds brightness and charm to the room.

The chandelier in the hall, as in any other room, must be fixed to the stretch ceiling using strong brackets. They are attached to the main ceiling, guaranteeing a secure grip.

In this case, all additional elements are hidden behind the tension surface. And you see only the lamp itself and its shadow, which is cast on the ceiling.

All lamps can create a strict graphic composition or create a chaotic and non-standard pattern. The main thing is that the lighting in the room is sufficient and does not make the room too dark and gloomy.

Stretch coatings in various interior styles

The number of options for decorating ceilings in living rooms and other intended premises tends to infinity.

All of them are different in style, have their own specific features and require careful consideration of all the details of the composition.

Thanks to this, the interior of your room can turn out to be holistic and harmonious. So let's see what the main features are characteristic of the ceiling in various stylistic directions:

If you do not know what style you like or want, become the owner of a one-of-a-kind room, stop at eclecticism.

This style allows you to combine the features of several directions in the decor. So keep it up.

On what parameters does the cost of such a ceiling design depend?

It should be remembered that when choosing stretch ceilings for the hall, you need to know how the final price of their manufacture and installation is formed.

So what exactly determines their value?

Actual advice from designers on the right choice of tension coatings

Designers from all over the world never cease to amaze with their original ideas and non-standard combinations.

New trends appear literally every day, and among them you can find not only nice-looking, but also functional, easily applicable in the living conditions of a residential building, summer house or apartment.

Among the latest trends, it is worth noting the reconstruction of the floor structure on the ceiling: for example, parquet masonry, mosaic tiles various forms or a stunning carpet pattern.

Such a move completely changes the perception of space, makes it noble and truly unique in its kind.

In addition, hypnotic prints with images of spirals and outlandish weaves are in fashion. According to experts, they work well to expand the space, add mystery and fabulousness to it.

For attic rooms, you can try to stretch the coating not only on the part of the ceiling parallel to the floor, but also on the beveled one.

It will not be so easy to do this, even for a professional with great experience. But such a composition looks just magical.

And, finally, ceilings imitating a dome or arch. There is so much aristocracy and splendor in them that they will surely arouse universal admiration.

They stretch the ceiling towards the sky, add roundness and comfort to the room, smooth out sharp corners and rough details. With them, a room in the style of "Provence" or a classic design acquires a truly complete and unique image.

As you can see in our photos, the types of stretch ceilings for the hall are a grandiose collection of ideas that will help transform your room beyond recognition. Any of them can be implemented, just choose and enjoy the result.

Basic rules for care

In order for the stretch ceiling to retain its luxurious appearance for a long time, it is worth adhering to a few simple rules for care and use:

Each of them will definitely find their fans.

Therefore, choose the most suitable of them, and rather start updating the central room for receiving guests and holding emotional family holidays.

Nowadays, you will not surprise anyone with a white classic ceiling, and if the ceiling decoration is beautiful, then all guests will admire it. Following fashion trends, ceiling, designers pay special attention, because it is one of the tools to correct the imperfections of the room.

Of course, if you ask how you can make a beautiful ceiling in the hall, then you can answer, call the designer to create a design project and a builder who would implement this project (see). But it is quite possible to repair the ceiling yourself, if there is a desire and imagination, then it is not so difficult to make unusual ceilings with your own hands.

To figure out how to make a beautiful ceiling with your own hands, you need to collect a lot of information about the repair and the materials from which your ceiling will be (see).

Choosing a material

First you need to decide what material your future ceiling will be made of. After all ceiling decoration will help you hide some room errors. For example, too large, you can make it more comfortable by dividing the ceiling into certain zones, a small room can be made more spacious if the ceiling is lighter.

In our time, suspended and stretch ceilings are popular, because. they are practical and with them you can realize any design idea.

In general, ceilings according to the method of finishing, depending on the type of finishing material, are divided into:

  • painted (if the ceiling is painted with paint or whitewash);
  • trimmed with fabric (if fabric is glued to the ceiling);
  • finished with wallpaper or oilcloth;
  • wooden (lined with clapboard or chipboard) (see);
  • metal (stainless steel, aluminum, etc.);
  • from natural stone(limestone - shell rock);
  • mirror (with mirror cassettes);
  • gypsum ("stucco" or drywall);
  • from mineral wool materials for sound insulation;
  • from PVC or acrylic plastic panels;
  • from MDF panels;
  • from foam boards;
  • stretch ceilings made of vinyl;
  • combined (from several types).

It is necessary to choose the material based on the characteristics of the room. If we mount the ceiling in a room with high humidity, then it is better to choose plastic, laminated, foam, metal materials or stretch ceilings. Well, if the ceiling is in a dry room, then it all depends on your imagination and the money you want to spend on it.

You can write a lot about all the pros and cons of all types of finishing materials, but still, the look of your ceiling will depend only on you. Of course, you can trust the professionals, but if you want to do the ceiling with your own hands, below are some tips for repairing the ceiling.

Tip: During the event repair work in the room before starting, it is necessary to take out all the furniture or cover it with a cloth to protect it from pollution

Ceiling preparation

If you opted for painting, whitewashing or wallpapering, then in order for the ceiling to end up really beautiful, it must be made absolutely even, because flaws are always striking. But first of all, you need to preparatory work, because if the preparation is not done qualitatively, cracks may occur in the future, and even worse, it will simply crumble.

How to make a good ceiling with your own hands?

  1. Using a sharpened metal spatula, it is necessary to scrape off the entire layer of old paint or plaster to the concrete. Especially carefully scrape off all joints and cracks;
  2. After cleaning, the ceiling should be washed well with a sponge so that lime does not remain on your ceiling;
  3. Wet ceilings should be allowed to dry.
  4. If there are streaks or mold on the ceiling, it is better to “cure” the ceiling before priming. Leaks or traces of leaks can be "cured" with a concentrated primer. And the mold is scraped off and treated with a special antiseptic.
  5. If the ceiling is clean, then you can immediately apply a primer. The primer can be applied with a brush, roller or spray gun.
  6. Let dry and apply 1 more coat to avoid missing spots.
  7. After priming, you can start molar work.

Tip: the primer is usually a transparent color, to make sure you don't miss a 1 cm, you can add a little color to it.

Ceiling leveling

How to make a beautiful ceiling with your own hands? It needs to be levelled. Ceiling leveling is done after preparatory phase. Ceiling leveling methods are usually divided into "dry" and "wet" leveling.

With the "dry" method of leveling, apply Decoration Materials, such as tiles, slats and beams, and with the “raw” leveling method, special mixtures that are applied to a pre-prepared ceiling.

"Raw" alignment method

After priming, you need:

  1. The existing joints between the plates must be glued with a self-adhesive sickle - this is a construction bandage made of fiberglass mesh.
  2. To align the ceiling, you need to set the beacons.
  3. All irregularities are leveled with plaster.
  4. Then, after the plaster has dried, we apply putty.
  5. After the putty dries, we grind it with sandpaper.
  6. After puttying, it is recommended to cover the ceiling with another layer of primer so that the paint lays down better. Priming can be replaced with putty mixed with PVA glue.

If the difference in the height levels of your ceiling reaches from 2 to 3 cm, then you will have to install a reinforcing mesh, i.e. "put on a bandage" Grids are of 2 types - metal and painting.

Paint grids are glued to the ceiling with PVA glue or other glue.. If the thickness of the plaster is more than 3 cm, then it is better to attach a metal mesh. It is attached to the ceiling with staples, nails or hooks.

The "cons" of this "raw" leveling method is that it will only get rid of light irregularities, besides, this method is very laborious and it removes a lot of dirt. And with a leak in the ceiling, you will have to repair the ceiling again.

Tip: If your ceiling has flaws that are difficult to align with the "raw" method, then your salvation is only in the "dry" method of alignment.

"Dry" leveling method

The “dry” leveling method is called the method of creating a “false ceiling”. This method differs from the "raw" method in greater simplicity and durability, and after it there is practically no dirt. False ceilings are made in 3 ways: by sheathing ceiling tiles, as well as by hanging and stretching. This method of leveling the ceiling is by far one of the most optimal.

  1. Clean the ceiling surface from the old finish;
  2. Attach a crate of metal slats. On concrete with dowels, and if the floor is made of soft material then with the help of screws.
  3. It is very important to fix the crate evenly, because. the entire ceiling canvas will be attached to it.

Decorative coating for the ceiling are made of various materials: Chipboard, laminate, drywall, lining, plywood, and even metal.

We hope that we have answered your question at least a little.

The hall is the largest room in your house (apartment) and its design should be approached very carefully, because there is a long-known fact: the larger and longer the room, the more attention visitors pay to the design of the ceiling and walls. And, as you know, guests love to peer into a variety of little things, so the design in the hall should be as close to ideal as possible.

In any residential building, the first role of the hall is a room for communicating with guests. Therefore, it must combine beautiful design and functional features. Before choosing the necessary design solution, the first step is to calculate the approximate number of people who will be in the room in order to comfortably accommodate them and take into account the minimum needs, such as a TV, clock, sofas and armchairs, etc. But today we will not consider the entire interior of this part of the house, but will direct your gaze to design solutions on the design of the ceiling in the hall.

First of all, the ceiling in the hall should beautifully emphasize all the advantages of the room and put the final point. The main rule is not to disturb the harmony of the house and choose a ceiling that complements the design, and does not change it. Remember, the room should be as comfortable as possible, cozy and match your tastes.

Do not forget about the high-quality lighting of the hall, because the room is very large and requires more light than rest rooms.

You should not choose flashy, bright ceilings, opt for the color that will delight your eye.

If you are a born designer, you can paint the stretch or plasterboard ceiling yourself as you please.

If you wish to stay in blue or blue color, you should get used to the fact that it will blow cold in the hall. Warmer room will make yellow, beige and light orange shades. You should not choose a light green or green ceiling. Although these colors are pleasing to the eye, it is unlikely that you will be able to combine them perfectly in a room with a common interior. Consider the two most popular types of ceilings for the hall.

A modern coating that differs in the method of fastening and material. The main component of stretch ceilings is vinyl or polyester fabric. The covering is installed on the frame, placed along the perimeter of the hall.

To be honest, the design of the ceiling in the hall from the stretch ceiling is an ideal solution, but relatively expensive.

Now he takes first place in terms of quality and ease of installation of the ceiling.

Stretch ceiling films are produced with a variety of textures. A material of this kind will allow you to make unusual corner design solutions in the hall or make a multi-level ceiling. In addition to standard textures, you can apply your own patterns, drawings and even photographs. It is impossible not to notice such a ceiling!

The films will be ideally combined with fiber optic lighting fixtures, light diffusers and other interior elements.

The main problem that you may have when installing ceilings is unevenness. A stretch ceiling can solve this small, but very noticeable minus. If you live in high-rise building and you are afraid that the neighbors from above can flood you, stretch ceilings are again an ideal option. Under the weight of the liquid, the stretch ceiling will stretch, but will hold moisture, preventing it from seeping into the apartment. Service life of films – 25 years. Needs a wipe from time to time wet wipe or a rag.

Stretch ceiling features include:

  • Lighting optimization.
  • · Unique design of a stretch ceiling in a hall.
  • Visual increase in space.

If you get the feeling that the hall is not as spacious as you would like, take a glossy stretch ceiling. With it, you can create a visual effect of increasing space. Halls are usually decorated in a traditional classic matte style. You can appreciate the design of the ceiling in the photo hall with a stretch ceiling:

This type of ceiling The best way connect beautiful game light, style and get rid of bumps on the surface.

Installation and design of the ceiling in the plasterboard hall will give you the opportunity to place several caissons

(stylish recesses that emphasize the accent of the hall lighting).

Suspended ceilings have a lot of advantages and disadvantages:

  • Compliance with proportions and scale.
  • Easy detection of intersections.
  • Asymmetric and symmetrical balance.
  • Reliability.
  • Aesthetics.
  • Long years of service.
  • Environmentally friendly material.
  • Removes defects in the main frame of the ceiling.
  • Excellent soundproofing.
  • Fire resistant.
  • Rapid restoration of the integrity of the material by painting.

There are many other types of ceilings that we will not consider now, and we will analyze the selection of colors in more detail.

Ceiling color selection

Italian designers advise to be more original when choosing the colors of the hall and not to go in cycles in one primary color. Here is an example of the harmony of colors in the hall:

  • If you have a dark floor in the hall, pick up a bright and light ceiling for it. This will give more visual stability.
  • With a dark ceiling and light walls, a visual effect of expanding the space will be created. Perfect option for apartments with a small room.
  • The harmonious combination of several light colors on the ceiling will make your room deep and large.
  • Cool colors (blue, purple, light blue) will visually enliven the interior of the hall.
  • With a large hall, it is better to use rich colors, which will add a positive mood to your guests.
  • A large pattern on the ceiling of cold colors can visually increase its height, while with small patterns the ceiling will seem much lower.

But do not get hung up on one color scheme, make room for decorations, unusual ceiling lights and lamps.

Spread many small lamps throughout the hall, making some kind of pattern out of them. By doing this, you will not only achieve excellent lighting, but also add originality to your ceiling.