Why do you need a green inhabitant in minecraft. Summon a resident with the desired parameters

  • 20.09.2019

The game world of Minecraft is inhabited by various creatures. Some of them are dangerous and try to injure your character, while others, on the contrary, contribute to your growth and prosperity in the world. Accordingly, such creatures need to be propagated and promote their prosperity. One of these creatures are the villagers. So how to multiply inhabitants in minecraft 1.8?

Villager- a rather useful unit, with the help of it you can get the necessary resources quite quickly and in large quantities through trade. In settlements, they appear automatically: if the program defines the dwelling you built as a house, then it inhabits the settlers there. Going out of your way to create ideal living conditions for each resident is not necessary. It is enough just to limit the space with a wall and put a door. But if you really care about your inhabitants, then you can build a dwelling in which you yourself would agree to live. Although they are unlikely to thank you for it!

One feature of the breeding method that will be discussed is the number of doors in the houses. Because it is on the basis of this figure that the computer creates inhabitants. There must be 3 doors per inhabitant. That is, there should always be 35% more doors than residents.

Reproduction by building a cellar

So, the first way is to create a cellar with doors. You can dig it in the backyard of an already built house, after forcing the entrance with a stone so that already populated residents cannot get inside, thereby limiting the appearance of new characters. We lay enough high roof, we put torches (torches are not an unimportant moment, because another condition of the dwelling is the condition under which during the day it should be darker in the dwelling than on the street, and at night, on the contrary, it should be lighter), we dig out a large room, and put doors in it. To increase the number of inhabitants, install the doors in rows. The computer will interpret the shaded area as new house. And voila, soon the premises will be occupied by new residents.

Also, this method can be used without unnecessary troubles. We just put rows of doors in ready-made dwellings, fill them with lanterns and wait for new settlers.

The second way to multiply residents in Minecraft 1.8

Another option - attic. Thus, you will not reduce the area of ​​​​an already inhabited house, and add new residents to yourself. When building a new house, you can leave a place under the attic, completely blocking it with a stone, and when changing an already finished one, simply reduce the height of the ceiling.

That's actually all. Now you know, how to breed villagers in minecraft 1.8. Come into the game and turn from a small village into a big prosperous city.

We breed inhabitants in Minecraft - building houses.

Today, millions of people play Minecraft, a game where you can build own world. It is very often called a "sandbox", since everything in it is built from separate cubes or modules and the player can influence the events taking place in the game.

Almost any game has its own specific subtleties and nuances. For example, if you want your Minecraft world to be interesting and evolving, you can increase the population.

In the game, a situation may arise when a lot of houses have been built in the village, but there are not enough inhabitants. Then you need to somehow propagate them.

We propagate the inhabitants

The main factor influencing the reproduction of residents is the number of houses built. Houses can be built by the players themselves.

In order to breed inhabitants in Minecraft, you need to understand the principles of their spawning. For example, how do villagers “see” houses? For them, this is a wooden door, on one side of which is the street, and on the other - the inside of the house.

From the point of view of lighting, this description can look like this: for a resident during the daytime, a house is a place where there is the least amount of sunlight, and at night, this place makes the most use of artificial lighting.

Thus, a house for a villager in Minecraft will be a 4X4X4 building, which necessarily has a wooden door.

The game algorithm is configured in such a way that as soon as empty houses appear (performed according to the parameters described above), the inhabitants will multiply on their own. And this process will continue until the number of these residents reaches 135% of the number of doors available in the village (which, as already mentioned, are associated with houses). Moreover, everyone will be able to choose their own profession.

Residents in Minecraft

It should be noted that the inhabitants in Minecraft (and we are talking about villagers) are added as passive mobs. At the same time, the inhabitants can outwardly resemble the player himself: they have green eyes, a large head, thick eyebrows. The hands of the inhabitants are crossed on their chests.

They can move, and not only in the village and its environs, but also in the houses located in the village. In the event that a resident enters the house, then he receives a profession, depending on which building he entered.

Minecraft is a game familiar to millions of Internet users and computers running on all currently known operating systems Oh. This is a virtual reality with an open game world, which is also called a "sandbox", for the ability to create your own setting through the use of numerous independent modules.

Despite the uncomplicated plot and rather primitive graphics, it has its own secrets and features, the knowledge of which allows the gamer to significantly increase the amount of pleasure received from the gameplay. For example, in order for the world you built to develop dynamically, not be boring and boring, you can increase the number of virtual characters “living” in it.

There seems to be nothing difficult in this task - you need to build many, many houses and wait for computer "mobs" to settle in them. However, quite often the provided “living space” remains empty. This happens due to a misunderstanding of the logic of the computer.

What to do to signify "welcome!"

Having been able to build houses in the virtual space around the miner's hut, the gamer must remember to do everything exactly as he did when building his own "house". That is, in addition to four walls, it must have a door.

According to the logic of the computer, “home” is a place where it is darker during the day than outside, and vice versa at night. Such a gradient of illumination makes him understand that this is a place suitable for habitation. But, until there is a door in one of the walls of the "house", the machine will not be able to run the character cloning program.

In addition to understanding that it is the “door” that is the “trigger” for starting virtual reproduction of characters, you need to know that the number of inhabitants is always 35 percent greater than the number of doors (in some houses two characters live).

Armed with the knowledge of such subtleties of the game, the gamer can regulate the population of his world. For example, to build not all houses with doors, but only a part. The rest are used as decorations.

Who are my neighbors?

It is possible that before arranging virtual doors in houses, you will want to know: “who are they, my future neighbors, and what will they look like?” Those who settle in the houses you suggested will look like the main character.

The only difference is the absence of a mining tool (pick) in the hands. They will move both inside the houses and in the built virtual world. When visiting houses marked with a profession, they will acquire it. They will not interact with the main character, although when installing the “Zombies” module, they will try to run away or hide from him.

Scattered throughout the world of Minecraft are villages in which residents live. I already wrote.

These settlers can trade with you. The list of their products is quite extensive, but they also have rather big requests. Sometimes you come across residents selling rare goods at an attractive price. Of course, you want to have such a merchant somewhere nearby. In this case, the instructions below will help you.

Let's start with an introduction.

Residents live in houses where they hide from zombies every night.

And the zombies, in turn, try to knock out the doors and attack them.

Sometimes residents turn into zombies, and can attack both other residents and you.

Taming a Villager

If in the village where the inhabitants live, all the houses are dismantled, then they will look for a place where they can hide. And this is where you can help them. It is only necessary to build a house for them within the village, and they will gather in it. Then you can push them to different corners and enclose them with blocks. This way they won't get out and run away, and you can trade with them at any time. And you will not need to look for the resident you need. They will all be in one place!

There are also zombie residents. They can spawn like a regular mob, or they can spawn after a zombie kills a villager. They can be healed, but will require a Level 1 Explosive Weakness Potion and a Golden Apple. You need to throw a potion at the zombie and feed him an apple. If everything works out, then he will begin to tremble and red particles will come from him.

After successful treatment, a resident receives a profession, and you can trade with him. The disadvantage of this method is that you need to brew a potion and craft an apple from gold and an ordinary apple, and this is quite expensive. And besides, you will not know what a resident will sell you. But on the other hand, such a zombie is easier to transport! He will simply follow you, and you can lead him where you need.

If you want to move a villager or zombie villager closer to your house and lock it there, then the portal gun mod will help you. Guns that can create portals and move blocks and creatures will help you a lot. But alas, this mod is only suitable for Minecraft versions 1.5.x and 1.6.x.

Help the village!

Zombies can attack villages and turn their inhabitants into zombies. In mode hardcore(Hardcore) or difficulty level Difficult(Hard) zombies can break even wooden doors. You cannot exchange items with a zombie villager, and you can die if he attacks you. Villagers do not respawn quickly, they can accidentally die by stepping on lava or falling into a well. So the population is easily reduced.

To heal a zombie, isolate it, throw a Weakness Potion at it, and feed it a golden apple. The villager will shake for several minutes before recovering

How to help save the village

Go to bed as soon as it gets dark. At the same time, the game time will change, and a new day will come. The night will be "skipped" along with the darkness in which mobs can spawn. This allows you to minimize the number of zombies that appear. Kill them in the morning.

Fence off the village. Lock residents in their homes until the end of work to keep them safe.

Remove ladders in front of doors, replace broken doors, and make sure doors are properly installed on the outside. (Do not add a door to the forge. The nature of this building confuses the inhabitants, and they begin to gather outside.)

Light up the area around the village to prevent mobs from spawning.

Get rid of cacti, lava pools and caves where mobs spawn.

If possible, heal zombies by throwing a Weakness Potion at them and feeding them a golden apple. It will take a few minutes to restore the health of a villager, so isolate him so that he does not harm himself and other villagers.

You can protect the villagers with Iron Golems, build new houses to expand the village and increase the chances of its inhabitants to survive.

iron golems

Iron golems spawn on their own if the village has ten inhabitants and twenty-one houses. If there is no Iron Golem in the village, create one. You will need a Pumpkin or Jack-O-Lantern and four blocks of Iron placed on the ground (not in the crafting grid) in a "T" pattern. Iron golems only protect the villagers and can leave if they are outside the village. You can keep Iron Golems in a fenced-in pen, or put them on a leash.

When creating an Iron Golem, place a pumpkin or lamp last.


A villager, depending on his occupation, offers you certain items. As a rule, you buy and sell for emeralds. On the first exchange with a villager, he makes only one offer. He will make new ones when you exchange the last item on his list and close the inventory window. If the villagers are ready to offer you something new, you will see green and purple particles above their heads.

If the villagers have a new offer for you, you will see green and purple particles above their heads

There are hundreds of offers and opportunities for sharing. From the farmer (in brown clothes) you can buy flint, steel, shears and arrows. The butcher (in a white apron) has leather armor and saddles, and the blacksmith (in a black apron) has iron and diamond objects, as well as chain mail. From the priest (in purple clothes) you can buy an Eye of Edge, a glowing stone, an enchantment vial and a red stone, and from a librarian (in white clothes) - books with spells, bookshelves, clocks and compasses. The cleric can enchant an item, such as iron or diamond armor. Grow wheat, which can be exchanged for emeralds at the farmer. Use these emeralds to buy other items from the villagers.

Five types of villagers: priest, blacksmith, librarian, butcher and farmer

Boost your population

Add new houses. In order for the game to "understand" that you have created a new home, it must first "see" new door. A door is considered part of a house if there is a roof on one side of the door. As long as this rule is respected, you can create houses as you like. You can only build a door with one roof block. After the door is created, the program checks the five blocks in front of and behind the door for roof blocks. A roof block is any block that blocks sunlight from the ground. There may be more roof blocks on one side of the door than on the other. (If you don't have enough resources, you can create a house out of a door and one block of dirt.) Finally, to count as a house, a door must be near a villager. For every three and a half doors, a new inhabitant is created, so seven doors would have to be made to create two dwellers. There must be at least two residents in order for them to have children.

To build a simple village house, you only need a door and one roof block behind it

Be polite!

In each village you earn popularity points. The countdown starts at 0 and can go up to 10 and down to -30. Buying the last item in your inventory from a villager adds 1 point. Attacking a villager will deduct 1 point, killing - 2 points, killing a child of a villager - 3 points, destroying an Iron Golem - 5 points. At -15, the iron golem of the village will attack you.

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