Construction on a high roof. Mansard roofs of private houses: types, options, device

  • 13.06.2019

Roof construction: types of roofs, photos, features. During the entire service life, the roof must protect the dwelling from rain, snow, wind, scorching rays of the sun and winter frosts keeping the warmth and comfort in the house. Only a properly designed roof for a private house will cope with the tasks. Types of roofs by design include many various options arrangement, each of which must take into account all the architectural nuances of housing construction, and also be appropriate in a particular climatic zone.

The choice of roof structure is an important stage in the construction of a private house

Existing types of roofs of houses

Choosing the right and reliable roof is a serious and responsible mission. After all, it is being built not for one season, but for decades. In addition, a beautiful roof is also a worthy appearance your house. Photos of private houses, the beautiful roofs of which flawlessly complete the architectural composition, are a clear confirmation of this. Also, each developer seeks to give the roof of the house being built a rational form that can endure all the vagaries of the weather.

Combined roof type country house

The forms of roofs for private houses, photos of which can be found on the Internet, are surprisingly diverse. Numerous design models can become the basis for bold ideas and help you make the right choice. Modern projects roofs of private houses allow you to realize the most original ideas in any style.

Before dwelling on the best option for the roof of a private house, you should familiarize yourself with existing forms and design features of roofs. The main criteria by which roofs are classified various types, are:

  • roof pitch;
  • form of construction;
  • roof material.

The choice of a particular roof structure depends on many factors, for example, the climate in the region

How ideally one or another type of roof for a house is suitable depends on the correct selection of all three parameters. The main factor influencing the design of the roof is climate zone. Features of the climate and will affect the slope of the structure, its shape and the choice of roofing material. It makes no sense to build a roof with a slight slope in an area where a large amount of snow falls: they will accumulate and destroy the structure.

Flat roofs are relatively inexpensive to make, as they require minimum costs for materials and construction work. You don't have to worry about the roof being blown off by the wind. Many on flat roofs equip additional open areas for various needs. But it should be borne in mind that precipitation will spoil such a roof, forming puddles on the surface.

AT modern design houses can often be found a combination various kinds roofs

Helpful advice! To ensure a natural drainage of water for a flat structure, it is recommended to pour a layer of expanded clay at a slight angle.

There is also a division of roofs into unexploited and exploited, attic and non-attic. The exploited roofs are just used as areas for recreation and sports, covering them special material. The area of ​​​​such a roof, as a rule, is equal to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house itself, so many owners are thinking about the rational use of this space. A serious disadvantage is the insecurity of the coating from precipitation.

Attic structures are called when the distance between the ceiling and the roof surface is not more than 1.5 m. Usually, the space under such a roof is used for technical purposes. Atticless roofs are used when there is an idea to use the space under the roof as a living room - an attic. In addition, such an additional floor can be built on top of an existing house.

AT large group distinguish varieties of roofs according to the geometric shape and number of slopes. A pitched roof is called if the angle of its inclination exceeds 10 °. Roofs come with one, two and four slopes. More complex structures have combined slopes - these are hipped, multi-gable roofs. Less common in private construction are domed or conical models. Roofs that include several different shapes are called combined.

Operated type of roof: a recreation area is equipped on a flat surface

Types of roofs for private houses: we select the optimal slope

Depending on the slope, flat and pitched roofs are distinguished. Under the slope understand the angle of inclination of the slope relative to the horizon. It is measured in degrees or as a percentage of the height of the roof to the length of the span. So, 100% slope corresponds to 45°. For the convenience of translating these indicators, a special table has been developed.

The main reason for the slope is the timely removal of precipitation from the roof. Roofs with a slight slope (up to 1%) will often leak and cause inconvenience to the owners. In addition, in terms of design, the surfaces of such roofs do not look aesthetically pleasing for private houses. Photos of flat roofs indicate that most often such structures are used for change houses, garages and outbuildings.

For the convenience of determining the angle of the roof, you can use special tables and graphs.

In addition to precipitation, wind also affects the roof. With an increase in the slope by 20-30 °, the wind load increases by 5 times. And if the slope is small, the wind flow can penetrate the roof through the joints of the coating and easily disrupt the structure. With the help of a competently selected private house roof project, you can get the right slope angle and avoid possible consequences elements.

Helpful advice! When choosing a roof option, it should be taken into account that the maximum snow load on the roof is achieved when the slope is 30°. In order for the roof to be able to clean itself, the slope must be 45 °.

Shed roof is often erected for garages, outbuildings, change houses

In order to correctly determine the required slope, it is necessary to calculate the ratio of the size of the ridge to ½ of the width of the house. Multiply the resulting value by 100 - this will be the value of the roof slope. For the convenience of determining the angle of the roof, professional builders use special calculations and graphs. They can be easily found on the Internet. As for the cost of building a roof, the greater the slope, the more expensive the construction will cost.

Despite the fact that the construction of pitched roofs is more expensive, for each developer, the reliability of the roof will be a priority, rather than the cost of its construction. Thus, the pitched model will be the correct type of roof for a private house. The slope of such a roof will be determined by the wind and snow load on the structure, as well as an attractive appearance. In addition, the angle of inclination is determined by the use of a particular roofing. For laying each type of material, manufacturing companies recommend an appropriate slope.

A roof with steep slopes can be overturned by strong gusts of wind, with gentle slopes - lift

Use of roof coverings depending on the slope of the roof

In order for the roof to become a reliable protection for the house, the angle of inclination of the slopes must be taken into account when choosing a roofing:

  • slate (asbestos-cement corrugated sheets) - such a coating can be used with a roof slope of 13 to 60 °. If the angle of inclination is less than 13 °, water will seep into the joints, and in winter snow will clog. This will lead to a significant reduction in the life of the roof;
  • ceramic tiles - the optimal slope for this material lies in the range from 30 to 60 °. When laying such tiles on roofs with a slope of less than 25 °, measures should be taken to improve ventilation and waterproofing;
  • metal tile - the popularity of using this material for the roof of a private house (photos confirm this) is very high. In addition to many advantages, when laying metal tiles, the maximum angle of inclination is not standardized. Minimum slope– 15°;

When choosing a roofing, it is necessary to take into account the slope of the slopes

  • corrugated board - used mainly for outbuildings. Laying is carried out at a slope of 10 ° without a limit limit;
  • bituminous tiles - the coating is applicable for roofs with a slope of more than 12 °. The maximum tilt angle is unlimited. Suitable for roofs of intricate shape, as it perfectly repeats the surface of any curvature;
  • bituminous slate - corrugated sheets of this material are used with a slope of 5 °. There is no maximum restriction, however, the pitch of the crate depends on the angle of inclination, and with a slope of 5 to 10 °, it will be necessary to equip a continuous flooring;
  • seam steel roofing - this material is laid with slopes starting from 20 °. There is no maximum tilt angle limitation.

Diagram showing the preferred roofing material depending on the angle of the roof

Helpful advice! When choosing a roofing, you should follow this rule: the denser the structure of the material, the smaller the angle of inclination of the roof slopes should be.

Given the slope of the roof when using roofing, it is possible to achieve high-quality laying of the material, prevent leaks and increase the life of the entire structure.

Classification of types of roofs according to the structure of the frame

Pitched roofs, depending on the configuration of the frame, may have different shape with certain features. Distinguish the following types roofs:

  • lean-to;
  • gable;
  • attic;
  • hip;

Example harmonious combination several types of roofs: gable, single-pitched, hipped roof

  • half hip;
  • tent;
  • multi-forceps;
  • domed;
  • vaulted;
  • spire-shaped.

Single sided option. Such a roof has a fairly simple design. Its only slope is located between two walls of different heights. The greater the difference between the height of the walls, the greater the slope of the roof. Any materials can be used for its construction. In private construction, it is mainly used for household blocks, garages or small garden houses.

Shed roof looks modern and stylish

Helpful advice! For private houses, shed roofs are used if it is necessary to reduce the removal of water or snow to the roadway or sidewalk.

Photos of the flat roof of a private house often illustrate the unpresentable appearance of the structure, especially if the building is low. In addition, this option almost eliminates the possibility of arranging an attic. But in modern building design, this roof option is quite popular.

Gable roof. The type of gable roof is a structure of two slopes connected to each other by means of a ridge. This roof is the most common among pitched models for private houses. Photos of gable roof types illustrate that the slopes can be located both symmetrically and with different slopes. The length of the slopes can also be different.

The gable roof option is the most popular among pitched types.

Due to the fact that under such roofs it is possible to equip an attic or attic, they are considered quite practical. The elements of the walls of the structure that limit the attic or attic space are called gables. Gable roof structures provide unhindered rainfall and minimize the possibility of leakage. It should be noted that in regions where storm winds are frequent, the roof can be torn off due to poor streamlining.

Attic structure. Such a roof is a kind of gable construction with a broken profile. Each slope of the mansard roof has two levels: the upper slope with a gentle slope, the lower one with a falling one. The main advantage of such a roof is the possibility of maximizing the use of space under the roof. Due to the fact that the structures are unstable to strong winds, the mansard roof projects of private houses assume additional fixation of the roofing in the area of ​​the falling slope.

Drawing with mounting dimensions of a gable roof with a broken profile

Helpful advice! If the attic room is small, designers recommend not to hem the ceiling. Interior decoration can be done up to the ridge, which will add space to the room.

Hip roof. This type of roof is a combination of gable and tent structure. Here, the pediments replace the slopes in the shape of a triangle, which are called hips. The other two slopes have the shape of an isosceles trapezoid. The upper parts of the slopes are equipped with dormer windows. The frame of the structure can be built on a rectangular base. The space under the roof can also be used as an attic.

The hip roof is a combination of a gable and a hip design

The hip roof has a streamlined shape, is perfectly self-cleaning and resists winds, however, it has a more complex design of the truss system. In this regard, the construction of such a roof is recommended to be entrusted only to specialists. With regard to construction costs, it should be noted that during the construction there is a large percentage of roofing waste and significant costs for skylights.

Half hip designs. An intermediate model between a hip and gable roof. A feature of this design is that the pediment of the gable roof is covered at the top with a small half-hip, which protects the ridge from wind load. The streamlining of this form makes it appropriate to erect such roofs in regions where strong gusts of wind prevail.

An example of a semi-hip roof of a private house

The appearance of the roof is quite attractive in terms of design. In the triangular parts of the gables, you can equip full-sized dormers. Half hips serve as decorative elements. In terms of design, this type of roof is quite complex and requires the participation of professionals.

Tent roof models. One of the varieties of the hip structure includes a hipped roof. Such a model has 3 or more triangular slopes that converge at the top at one point. All slopes are performed symmetrically to each other. Hipped roofs are used in cases where houses have the correct shape of a square or polygon. They are very attractive in appearance.

The tent structure is sufficiently resistant to winds. The complexity of the construction of the truss system is explained by the strictly symmetrical geometric shape of the roof. If the cover is sheet material, the amount of waste will be large. The installation of roof window structures will also affect the cost.

Various types of roofs for country houses and cottages

Helpful advice! To make the hipped roof look aesthetically attractive, it is recommended to use tiles as roofing.

Multi-gable roofs. Such roofs are considered one of the most complex structures, both in terms of the construction of the truss system and in terms of laying the roofing. This is due to the presence in the device of a large number of ribs, valleys and other structural elements. It is used in houses that have a complex polygonal shape.

The appearance of the multi-gable roof is very distinctive. Thanks to modern roof coverings with a rich color palette, the roof can be made bright and lively. In addition, under such a roof, you can equip side attics of a small area.

By combining different types of roofs, you can get an interesting look of the building

dome structures. The domed or conical structure is a rounded roof without ribs, converging at the highest point. This is a rather rare type of roof of a private house. Photos of such structures show that in most cases such a roof is used only for individual elements of the building, for example, such as small turrets or round terraces.

Vaulted roofs. This design is based on a base of rafters curved into an arc. It is rarely used as a roof for a private house. This roof shape is rational for large buildings such as sports facilities or public buildings. In private buildings, it can be used as an additional element in combination with a structure of a different form.

The domed roof structure is most often used for individual building elements.

Spike roofs. The main difference between such exclusive roofs is the sharp angle created by sharp slopes. The construction of the spire takes a lot of time, since here it is very important to choose the slope and material for the roof. As a rule, the spire is erected as a decorative element crowning domed roofs or turrets.

Due to its complexity and laboriousness of execution, such a design is built only by professionals. Spiers are very rarely used in the design of roofs of private houses. Photos show that they are mainly used in the construction of temples, buildings in the Gothic style and other monumental structures.

Helpful advice! Even a single minor mistake made in the construction of a spire roof can spoil the appearance of the entire structure.

In the design of the roof of the house in the Victorian style there is a spire-shaped type of roof.

There is also such a thing as combined roofs. Such roofs in their design contain several types at once, for example, a combination of tent, hip, multi-gable and other forms. Combined roofs are difficult to design, build and maintain, but they always have an interesting and sophisticated look.

Mansard roof of a private house. Photo and description of structures

A mansard type of roof is an excellent option to profitably increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200ba private house. Dimensions additional premises and will determine the shape and appearance of the mansard roof. The geometric shapes of such a roof can have a different configuration, and the roof itself can cover the entire building or a small part of it.

Thanks to the attic, you can significantly increase the useful area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, for example, by placing bedrooms there

Types of mansard roofs. Photo of private houses with a functional roof

There are several types of mansard roofs:

  • lean-to;
  • symmetrical;
  • asymmetrical;
  • tent;
  • broken line.

Single pitched mansard roof. Mansard roofs in a shed version look peculiar. Such structures are quite simple in construction due to the lack of a ridge and the difficulties that its arrangement entails. The attic is formed due to the different heights of the walls on which the structural beams rest. The attic floor under such a roof is quite miniature.

Schemes for arranging an insulated attic and ventilation of the under-roof space

Symmetrical mansard roof. This type of roof is built on the basis of a gable model. The walls of the attic room in this embodiment will have an identical width and height. This form provides the possibility of installing full-fledged window structures and doors leading to a balcony or terrace in the room.

Asymmetrical shape. Such roofs are obtained as a result of the hip placement of slopes. It should be borne in mind that the room under the asymmetrical roof will have a small area. The outlines of the opposite walls of such a room will be as follows: two in the shape of a triangle, two in the shape of a trapezoid.

Tent attic structure. The room under such a roof can have a specific configuration: round, conical or pyramidal. In this regard, it is very difficult to fit windows or doors into the walls of such attics. Window structures of this form will need to be made to order according to a special project, which will cause a significant increase in the cost of construction.

When building a roof, it is necessary to carefully consider the location and design of the roof window.

Helpful advice! equipping window structures in the attic room, pay attention to how they will open. Windows that open inwards and downwards can cause injury to the person who opens them. The best would be to open the window outward with a handle located at the top.

Broken roof. If you want to make the most of the space under the roof, the right choice is a sloping roof. In this case, it is possible to significantly reduce the so-called dead zones, the area of ​​which cannot be used as useful. Thanks to the external breaks of the edges, it is possible to expand the attic room, while the choice of a straight roof limits the rational use of the space under it.

Under the combined roof of a country house there is an attic floor

The broken roof structures are distinguished by the small height of the walls of the rooms that have turned out under them. The installation of such a roof is justified when the attic is built on an already erected building. In this case, you do not have to worry about the additional load on the foundation, the design of which did not initially involve the presence of an additional residential floor.

The roof is considered popular, the design of which is based on triangular figures: upper and lower. The design scheme of the upper triangles assumes both a hanging and a layered truss system, and the lower ones only a layered one. The upper slopes are based on isosceles triangles, and the lower ones have two right-angled triangles at the base.

Living room located on the attic floor of a private house

Insulation and waterproofing of mansard roofs

The design of a mansard roof depends on the load that the roof will be subjected to from above and below. We should not forget that warm air currents rise and settle in the form of condensate on inner surface roofs. Therefore, the technology for erecting mansard roofs of private houses must necessarily take into account high-quality heat, steam and waterproofing.

Helpful advice! When building a mansard roof, pay attention to the distribution of ventilation risers and chimneys: do not allow them to be located in valleys.

Scheme of the device of the insulated mansard roof

In order to be comfortable in the attic, it is necessary to use such a heat-insulating material that will contribute to this regardless of the time of year. If the roofing cake is made in compliance with all technological rules, the microclimate in the room will be normal.

Do right choice thermal insulation materials It will help to know their main characteristics, which include:

  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • moisture resistance;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • fire safety;
  • density up to 250 kg/m³.

The technology for erecting mansard roofs must necessarily take into account high-quality heat, steam and waterproofing

The technology of thermal insulation in the attic is similar to the insulation of conventional roofs, however, due to certain criteria, it is subject to increased requirements. The role of the walls in the attic rooms is performed by slopes and gables, due to which they overheat in the summer and cool quickly in the cold season. Therefore, the sequence of layers of the pie must be strictly observed:

  1. Vapor barrier layer.
  2. Insulation material.
  3. Ventilation (air) gap.
  4. waterproofing layer.
  5. Roofing material.

When applying insulation, you should pay attention to its thermal conductivity (the ability to retain and transmit heat). The lower the thermal conductivity, the better material will keep the heat in the room, protecting it from cooling. Mansard roofs more susceptible to heat loss winter time, as the heat flows go up, approaching the roofing.

Mansard roof insulation process with mineral wool

In winter, the following process is observed: the snow covering the surface of the roof acts as a kind of heat insulator. If the heat loss is large, the snow on the roof begins to melt, turning into a dense crust of ice, which does not retain heat and creates an additional load on the roof. Properly laid thermal insulation will prevent snow from melting and ice from forming.

In extreme heat, the attic room is very hot. To avoid this, arrange thermal insulation with inside. The number of layers for internal protection depends on the properties of the material. For these purposes, they usually use: polyurethane foam, mineral wool, extruded polystyrene, slag wool, glass wool, foamed glass. From natural heaters, straw, slag, wood chips, reed panels.

Mineral wool is one of the most popular materials for roof insulation.

Roof for a private house. Types of roofs by design: form matters

Modern roof design involves many different and original designs. The shape of the roof determines not only the proper degree of protection of the house from external influences, but also provides architectural expressiveness. In private construction, the choice of design is limited only by the financial capabilities of the owner of the house, which allows the roof to become the main decorative element in the decoration of the whole house.

It is possible to definitely advise the optimal type of roof, taking into account not only the construction technology, but also the wishes of the owner of the house. Architectural preferences in the private sector also depend on the area where the house is located, since since ancient times each region has been distinguished by its style and originality. To find out what the roofs of private houses are like (photos of numerous options are available on the Internet), you need to study this issue, after which choosing the most acceptable option will not be difficult.

Despite the simple design, there are many ways to combine a flat roof with a modern one. designer style private construction. The monopitch version of the roof has an insignificant set of components and does not require significant financial investments. In the design of flat roofs, many use a new original direction - landscaping. The roof covered with flowers and greenery will add a portion of romance to the whole house.

The most popular in suburban villages is gable roof. Photos of private houses show typical models of gable structures. The gable roof with slopes that are different in length and slope looks original, the classic model with symmetrical inclined planes is more strict. Important detail- the possibility of arranging an attic under a gable roof of a one-story private house. The photo characterizes the simplicity and functionality of this type of roofing.

Timber house with a complex combined roof

Photos of the hip roofs of private houses indicate that this roof design is used mainly for large cottages. Houses with such roofs look more solid and presentable. Due to the absence of gables in the design, the height of houses with a hip roof visually seems smaller, but this feeling is completely compensated by the presence of attic and dormer windows. They perfectly illuminate the attic space and make the facade of the whole house more picturesque.

Broken roof structures have exceptional ergonomic advantages. Photos of broken roofs of private houses clearly illustrate the maximum efficiency of usable space. Despite the fact that the construction of such a structure entails high costs, these models are actively used in private construction.

Classic gable roof model with symmetrical slopes

Helpful advice! Those who dream of a two-story cottage, but are financially limited, should pay attention to the mansard types of roofs. This will be an excellent option with minimal investment.

lovers unusual design as impossible better fit multi-gable roof. Such designs can be attributed to real masterpieces. Their uniqueness lies in the large number of ribs, faces, forceps and slopes. This form of roof has become popular in modern private construction of cottages with attic rooms. If a successful project is chosen, you can build a unique structure associated with the roofs of fairy-tale towers.

Having considered all the options for roofs for private houses and carefully understanding the features and advantages of each of them, you can make the best decision in your case. The main thing is that your home should be under reliable protection.

The roof is the element that encloses the upper part of the building and is considered one of the most important in the construction of the building. The roof consists of load-bearing elements: trusses, rafters, girders and roofs. The supporting structure is designed to transfer the load to the walls, and the roof protects the building from the external environment. The roof allows you to provide the house with high-quality waterproofing, creates a kind of thermal protection and protects the building from the wind.

Main types of roofs

The roofs of buildings are divided into several categories depending on the shape and design features. They are chosen after taking into account the nuances, such as the amount of precipitation, wind strength, and the features of the house itself. Let's analyze what types of roofs of private houses are used today, and which option is most preferable in this or that case.

The variety of different roof options used for the construction of private buildings is amazing. In addition to protective functions, roofs can also carry a decorative load, and can also be made more functional. Roofs can be classified according to many properties, the most common of which is the slope of the slopes.

flat roofs

This option is the easiest to implement and the cheapest. Based on the name, it is not difficult to guess that the angle of inclination of the slopes in such a roof is almost absent, and it relies on walls of the same height. As a rule, the slope of such a roof is made quite small, up to three percent. Its main design feature is also the biggest drawback.

Due to the fact that the roof slopes very badly, precipitation in the form of snow accumulates on it and, in the end, it may leak. In order to prevent these problems, it is necessary to remove snow from the roof in a timely manner, which, accordingly, obliges the owners to carry out periodic maintenance.

It should be noted that such roofs are not very popular in the construction of residential private buildings, which cannot be said about industrial buildings, where this version of the roof is used very often.

flat roof house plan

Now about the advantages of roofs of this design. If you compare flat and pitched roofs, then you can definitely see significant differences in size. This fact allows flat roofs to be the most budgetary, and their use significantly reduces the cost of installation and purchase of materials. In addition, flat structures are easier to install, because for this you do not have to climb slopes and risk your health. Maintenance of such a roof is just as convenient, because there is no need to stock up on climbing equipment and balance at a height.

In some cases, flat roofs allow the owners of structures to acquire a larger usable area without resorting to expanding the contour of the building.

To do this, the roof will be converted into a mini-garden or a walking platform. An example of such use is European countries where the flat roofs of high-rise and private houses are used in a similar way.
By design flat roof is the following.

Diagram of a flat roof device

The basis of everything is the carrier element in the form reinforced concrete floor or profiled sheet, on which vapor barrier, thermal insulation and a layer of waterproofing materials are alternately laid. In order not to worry about the service life of such a design, do not neglect any of these layers. Deviations from generally accepted recommendations are possible only with a careful study of the local climate and the properties of the materials used.

  • Rafters and other auxiliary elements for arranging the frame (struts, crossbars, racks, etc.);
  • Waterproofing;
  • Thermal insulation;
  • crate;
  • Various types roofing materials.

Detailed scheme with the dimensions of the mansard roof

Despite the fact that such designs have some features, their installation does not cause difficulties. Most often, such roofs are used to protect country houses and cottages, when the owners plan to save space on the site. During construction, it is necessary to focus on roof insulation and the choice of insulation materials, because the roof will be the only obstacle to the penetration of cold into the living space.

The height of the roof, starting from the interfloor ceiling to the ridge, is usually about three meters, because if you make this distance smaller, the slopes will “eat up” the usable space in the attic much more. Thanks to the use of a mansard roof, you can not only increase the functionality of the house, but also embellish it and give it an unusual shape.

hip roofs

Such types of roofs are distinguished by the presence of four slopes, two of which have the form of an isosceles trapezium, and the other two, called hips, are triangles. Precipitation is perfectly removed from the hip roof, and, despite the fact that its slopes are quite steep, it perfectly resists strong gusts of wind. The presence of steep slopes makes obligatory arrangement sewerage system. It is very difficult to make such a roof with your own hands, because it has a complex system of rafters.

If there is a need for such a roof, it is best to seek help from professional builders.

Structural components of the hip roof:

As you can see, the device of the hip roof is very complex, and the slightest miscalculations can lead to sad consequences.

Half hip roofs

Such a roof can be described as a hybrid of a gable and hip roof. The design of half-hipped roofs does not imply the presence of sharp corners, thanks to which it perfectly resists the wind. This feature is useful when erecting buildings in areas where strong gusts of wind are normal.

The project of a cottage with a half-hipped roof

Depending on the region in which it is planned to build a house, the roof design can be changed in terms of arranging steep slopes or large overhangs.

hipped roofs

This type of roof is considered a variation of the previous version. In order to be able to build such a structure, it is necessary to have a house of the correct form. Then all the slopes will be in the form of triangles and will close in one place. The correct type of such a roof transforms the structure and makes it unique. As with hip roofs, hipped roofs are very difficult to construct, and do-it-yourself work requires in-depth knowledge of the construction industry.

Multi-gable roofs

This type of roofing is used in the construction of houses. irregular shape with many outbuildings.

Ready-made project of a house with a multi-gable roof

The presence of many corners, both internal and external, obliges you to approach the arrangement of the roof very carefully, so you cannot do without the help of qualified specialists.

Dome type roofs

This know-how in the construction industry is gaining more and more popularity among developers. A feature of buildings with domed roofs is the unusual ratio of the height of the walls and the roof. As a rule, the walls in such houses occupy only a fifth of the height of the building, and the rest is reserved for the roof.

The frame of such structures will be curved, and flexible or soft types of roofing, such as galvanized steel, roofing felt, etc., should be used as roofing materials.

Each of which can have its own type of construction, protection method and original design. Before deciding on the type of roof for your home, you need to understand the design characteristics.

The main selection criteria are:

  • type of material;
  • type and form of construction;
  • roof pitch.

Only with the right choice of these components is it possible to create a strong, durable and reliable coating that can withstand any weather conditions. Giving preference to one or another type of roofing, you need to focus on the climate in the area. So, a roof with a gentle slope in the area of ​​active precipitation in winter is not the best way. Otherwise, the constant accumulation of snow will subsequently only destroy the structure.

Roofs are classified according to the number and shape of slopes. There are single, double and four pitched roofs. Under the slope is meant the slope of the roof itself more than 10 °. There are also complex designs with combined slopes. Examples of these are hipped and multi-gable roofs. Less commonly, in the construction of a private house, you can find conical and domed types of roofing. Often, several forms are used in structures; this type of roof is combined.

We will analyze in detail each of the listed types of roofs of private houses, taking into account placement in certain climatic conditions.

Shed roof - the simplest design that does not require significant labor and cash costs.

A gable roof is the same inexpensive design that is often used for houses of a wide variety of shapes. Great for snowy areas.

Mansard roof - a type of gable roof, characterized by a broken profile, that is, when each slope has two levels - gentle and falling.

The hip roof is designed for high winds, this is an excellent option for houses with large areas.

Hip roof with a curved slope. It is quite difficult to make such a design, but outwardly it attracts attention very much.

Hip roof - one of the types of hip. Perfect option for square houses. This type of roof consists of four identical triangles, connecting at the top like a tent.

A multi-gable roof is a complex design, suitable for rectangular and square houses.

Vaulted roof - in the form of a vault, more often used as an addition to the main roof.

Diamond roof - has the form of four rhombuses reduced to the center, suitable for buildings with a square-shaped base.

In modern times, the surface of roofs is increasingly being used to create magnificent landscape design.

On the practical side, mounting solar panels on the roofs of private houses as alternative source energy - great way energy saving.

Choosing a slope for the roof

By type of slope, the roof surface is divided into flat and pitched. The slope refers to the angle of the roof in relation to the horizon. Typically measured in degrees.

The arrangement of the roof slope is due to the need to remove various precipitation from its coating. If there is no slope, the roof leak is inevitable. And the appearance of such coatings is more suitable for buildings for household purposes.

When choosing the degree of slope of the roof, it must be borne in mind that the greatest load from snow precipitation on the roof is achieved when the angle of inclination is 30 degrees. Self-cleaning of the roof (snow rolls down on its own) occurs at 45 degrees of inclination.

In addition to precipitation, strong gusts of wind also affect the roof surface. Increasing the slope angle up to 30% increases the wind load by 5 times. But a small slope is also unacceptable, since in this case the wind, penetrating through the joints of the coating, can disrupt the structure. Therefore, it would be wise to entrust the choice of the slope and shape of the roof to experienced professionals who will take into account all the nuances.

Obviously, pitched roofs are much more expensive than flat roofs. But still, durability, strength and reliability are much more important. initial costs. Therefore, the pitched roof remains the most popular among the coverings of private houses. As mentioned earlier, the slope of this type of roof is due to snow and wind loads. But besides this, aesthetic appearance is of no small importance.

Choice of building materials

The choice of roofing materials directly depends on the angle of inclination of the slopes.

Slate (wavy asbestos-cement sheet) - used when the roof slope is from 13-60 degrees.

Ceramic tiles - this type of coating provides for a roof slope of 30-60 degrees. With a slope of less than 30 degrees, the installation of ceramic tiles is allowed, but in this case it is necessary to additionally organize waterproofing and ventilation of the roof.

Metal tile is the most popular material in the construction of private houses. The main advantage of this roof is that the largest slope angle is not standardized, but the minimum is 15 degrees.

Decking - as the main material for roofs, it is used quite rarely, more often - for garages and outbuildings. Laying is carried out with a slope of the roof, starting from 10 degrees. The maximum angle is not standardized.

Bitumen shingles are a great option for roofs with arched original shapes. The angle of inclination should not be less than 12 degrees.

Bituminous slate - this type of roof is quite rare and with a slope of at least 5 degrees. The maximum limit is not standardized, however, the slope angle must be taken into account in order to calculate the crate. As a rule, a slope within the limits of 5-10 degrees provides for the arrangement of a continuous flooring.

Seam steel roof - used with an angular slope of 20 degrees.

A special group of roofing materials include a sheet of tempered glass and a double-glazed window. Basically, only part of the roof is made of them. More often it is a visor at the veranda, sometimes - a living room or kitchen. Undoubtedly, this design is incredibly beautiful. What is the aesthetic appearance of the ceiling indoors worth! But to afford such an architectural composition, you will need to allocate a considerable budget. Glass reliably withstands snowfalls and winds. As a rule, it is attached to a metal profile.

When choosing a roof covering, always take into account the climatic conditions in your area and remember - the denser the roof structure, the smaller the slope angle. This is the only way to ensure the durability and strength of the structure.

Aesthetic design

The color palette of roofing materials in collections modern manufacturers very wide. With the help of color, you can highlight the roof with a bright contrast, thus highlighting it against the general background of the environment, or vice versa, create a harmonious tint ensemble, when the color of the roof will practically merge with the rest of the exterior elements.

All of the listed roofing options play not only a significant functional role in the structures of private houses, but can also serve as an excellent aesthetic addition to an impeccable exterior.

In modern private construction, there are a great many varieties of roofs of houses, and in our material we will talk about their most popular options. Such important roof structures can be divided depending on the shape, design features and what materials were used in its construction.

Tilt angle

First, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with what the forms of the roof are. Depending on the angle of inclination, two main categories of structures can be defined:

  1. Flat, with an angle of inclination not exceeding 3 degrees relative to the horizon. Since their maintenance is very difficult, and precipitation stagnates in them, such options are quite rare. From good points here you can note inexpensive installation and a small amount Supplies. On this design, you can equip an open-air terrace, which can also be attributed to the advantages.
  2. Pitched, with an angle of inclination of 10 degrees or more. Such samples are easy to use, and therefore their popularity is very high. There is no accumulation of precipitation, and water is perfectly discharged through storm drains.

Roofs with pitched surfaces, in turn, are divided into subcategories:

  • lean-to;
  • gable steep;
  • gable gentle;
  • gable attic with a broken configuration;
  • four-slope semi-hip;
  • four-pitched hipped roofs;
  • four-slope hip.

The most convenient in the implementation include single-pitched roof structures, the surface slope of which is from 4 to 6 degrees. It makes sense to install them on garages, sheds and other outbuildings.

What are the types of roofing

If you need to build an attic, give preference to a mansard roof, which can consist of two slopes and have a broken contour configuration. Hip samples are practical, they adequately withstand the wind load, but their installation cannot be called simple.

It will require materials in large quantities, and you can not do without a professional installation team. When choosing roof types, be sure to consider all factors, and do not limit yourself solely to information about the service life and cost of the project.

In order for the design to please the eye and be a real decoration of the house, it is necessary to pay special attention to its design.

Popular types of roofs of private houses and their characteristics

Of course, the popularity of this or that type of roofing is explained by the ease of installation, saving money and time, the climatic features of the region and the personal preferences of the owners. Let's move on to detailed review presented in modern construction options.


This type is the most popular and has been built in our country since ancient times. Another name for a structure with two slopes, which rest on walls of the same height, is a “gable roof”. Installation is more difficult than single-sided version, but the facing materials here can be completely different, which allows you to meet any design requirements of the developer.


In this case, we are dealing with four slopes, the shape of two of which repeats the trapezoid, and the remaining two are made in the form of triangles. The name of the design comes from the word "hips" (frontal triangular slopes).

During the installation process, beams are installed here using a double tightening and drains are necessarily mounted at an angle of 45 degrees on each slope. The construction of such structures requires additional efforts and skills, because the construction of the truss system in this case is quite complicated.

Half hip

This is one of the options for hip roofs, with the only difference being that a truncated triangular slope is formed here, and it is installed higher than its trapezoidal counterparts. Of the shortcomings, it is fashionable to note only additional costs for materials, because you will have to finish those sections of the planes that are adjacent to the roof ribs. Such structures are well used in regions with a windy climate.

Attic (broken lines)

Another type of gable samples, characterized by broken slopes, which allows you to significantly increase the attic space, called the attic. Pentagonal pediments leave no one indifferent, and their construction will not cause any particular difficulties for experienced craftsmen. The only thing you will have to face is to buy materials for warming the living space and install them, thereby increasing the energy efficiency of the house, which is not required in the case of an ordinary attic that is not intended for living.

On average, the cost of building a roof is about 20% of the total construction costs, but we can make the most of the usable building area and get a two-story house with virtually one level.


Forgotten for a while, these types of roofs of houses are gradually returning to construction thanks to unusual design solutions modern architects. Flat roofs allow you to build a flower garden, tennis court or outdoor mini pool, especially if your home is located in a region with a warm climate. They can be improved with removable canopies made of glass or other materials that will reliably protect the recreation area from precipitation and pollution. The transparent dome will provide the space with natural light, and lighting fixtures will help out in the evening. Here you can also install solar panels and water heaters, if you need them, of course.

Of the advantages, I would especially like to note the affordable costs of materials and installation work. Do not forget about a high-quality storm system, with the help of which all precipitation will leave the roof without a trace, besides, the flat surface still has a slope, although it is invisible at first glance. As for the shortcomings, there may be problems with thermal insulation, and here we are primarily talking about heating the plane in the summer heat, but you can fight the cold in the same way as in the case of a mansard roof.

If the structure of the roof with slopes has its own heat exchanger in the form of an attic, then flat options cannot boast of such a feature, therefore, in case of urgent need, you will have to resort to its construction separately.

The main rule here is to create ventilation between the ceiling of the living space and the roof, no matter what shape it will be.

It is possible to equip both a ventilated attic and ventilation ducts that will hide the roof truss and cladding materials.

Less popular roof types

In addition to the most common roof structures, there are other options that can also be found in private construction, albeit less frequently. Their shape is somewhat different from those specimens that we considered above, but from this they can be no less beautiful. It is necessary to approach the creation of such samples seriously, because their implementation may be feasible only for professionals.


A distinctive feature of this type of construction is the rafter system, which rests on walls of different levels, due to which a slope is formed. Such structures are easy to build, and any, even the most inexpensive materials, are suitable for their cladding.

As for practicality, it is obvious, because precipitation does not linger here, so you don’t have to worry about maintaining such a building. The disadvantage is also significant - you will not be able to equip the attic or attic, and perhaps that is why today it is rare to find shed specimens on new houses.


The shape of such a roof is made in the form of four symmetrically arranged triangles along each wall of the building, which form a kind of tent. It has an unusual chic look, but it is very difficult to build it because of the overly sophisticated truss system.


It has another name - valley, and is characterized by one of the most complex truss systems. Many outdoor and internal corners at the junctions of two slopes they are not easy to mount, moreover, the valleys provoke the accumulation of snow and rainwater, which can lead to leaks.

Wealthy people who build polygonal houses with a large number of outbuildings and attic rooms can afford multi-gable samples.


Such types of roofs only in rare cases cover the entire area of ​​​​the building and are mainly installed above its part. To mount the frame, you will need flexible elements, and as decorative coating suitable flexible or soft lining. As a rule, dome solutions are preferred by lovers of antiquity, oriental style, ancient castles and everything unusual, transferring it to their home.


Recently, spherical roofs are slowly gaining popularity among our compatriots, although this rarely applies to residential buildings. They cover gazebos, sports grounds, church buildings, so that we can observe these types of construction almost every day.


The point here is not the color of the decorative coating, as it might seem at first glance. As a cladding, if you can call it that, we are dealing with natural soil, in which plants are planted that serve as a real decoration for such an exotic design. Here you can mark everything positive traits flat samples, improved by a special ventilation system. Thanks to this laying, the roots of bushes and trees are limited in growth, they always have enough moisture for irrigation, and besides, conditions are created here for healthy aeration of the roots of green spaces.

The undoubted advantage is the uniqueness of the open greenhouse, because it is very rare to meet such green living structures, if possible. Looking at the rapid development of new technologies and the popularity of environmental projects, it is not difficult to predict that soon such plantings on the tops of houses will become much more widespread. Do you want to stand out from your neighbors and are not afraid to face the need for careful care of plants in the open air? Then green the roof will do you and you can enjoy its beauty.

Decorative cladding: what to choose?

In addition to personal preferences and financial capabilities, in this matter, you need to take into account design features that can both limit your choice and allow you to expand it. To date, the following materials are most common:

  • metal tile;
  • bituminous tiles;
  • ceramic tiles;
  • slate;
  • sandwich panels.

All these roofing materials differ from each other in technical specifications, composition and design, and are also installed on the surface of the structure using different technologies, so before choosing, you should carefully read their description, manufacturer's recommendations and warnings. If you carefully approach this issue and study all the subtleties and nuances of the roof device, you can create reliable protection and at the same time a decoration for your home.

The architectural image of the building is built up brick by brick from the material used for construction, planning, number of storeys and into a single picture. In order for the house to look harmonious and whole, it is necessary that all these elements are mutually compatible.

Since the construction of the roof is practically the last stage of construction, many refer to the choice of roofing and the type of construction according to the residual principle. But professional architects and designers know that the design of the roof of a house is the final touch that brings together the look of the building, giving it a finished look.

The roof is called complex structure, which covers the upper floor of the structure in order to protect the interior of the building from the penetration of rain, wind, snow or cold. It consists of a kind of skeleton, a frame that gives the roof shape and slope, as well as a coating - a waterproofing material that provides protection from atmospheric moisture. The roof performs the following functions:

  1. Cold protection. The roof of the house is the first barrier that stands between the cold of the environment and the living spaces inside. It helps to keep the house warm in winter, and in summer it protects them from overheating as a result of exposure to sunlight.
  2. Wind protection. The roof must protect the structure from the penetration of cold air or wind, which are often the cause of serious heat loss.
  3. The logical completion of the architectural appearance of the house. Only a well-designed roof can harmoniously complete the architectural design of the structure, emphasize its style.

It is important to understand that the roof is not only a unitary structure, it also has a great aesthetic, decorative potential, which makes the architectural appearance of the structure complete, organic. Therefore, it is so important to take the design of the roof structure seriously.

Warm or cold

The roof of the house is a natural barrier between the unfavorable environment and internal living quarters, thanks to which they maintain the optimal temperature regime for a person. From the point of view of thermal insulation, there are the following types of roof arrangement:

  • Cold roof. This is a traditional and simpler way to construct the roof of a private house. His distinguishing feature in that the roofing cake does not include a layer of thermal insulation. Instead, thermal insulation material is placed on the attic floor. This option is used if the second floor is not heated.
  • Warm roof. A warm roof is a roof structure, the roofing pie of which includes one or even several layers of insulation. This option is used when arranging houses with an upper floor or an attic. A warm roof is more expensive than a cold one due to the larger area of ​​​​thermal insulation and the complexity of installation.


An important parameter of the roof of a private house is the slope. This term refers to the angle of inclination of the roof slopes in relation to its base. The slope can be in the range of 0-60 degrees, it is chosen in accordance with the climatic conditions in the area where the house is located, the roofing used and the architectural style. The following types of roofs are distinguished by the slope angle:

  • Flat. Flat roofs are called floors with a slope of 0 degrees. The structure consists of concrete floors, thermal insulation and waterproofing material.
  • Low-slope. Roofs with a slope of up to 15 degrees are considered low-slope. Usually these are shed structures, popular for arranging terraces, arbors, sheds or baths. They are economical due to the low consumption of roofing material.
  • Medium slope. Roofs with a slope of 15-35 degrees are medium-slope. They are cheaper and easier to install than steep slopes, but they drain water and snow masses much better than structures with a lower slope angle.
  • Steep. Structures with a slope of more than 35 degrees are called steep. A large angle of inclination of the slopes requires the arrangement of a massive truss frame, as well as a greater consumption of roofing material, so they are more expensive.

Important! To choose the right roof slope, you must consider climatic conditions in the construction zone. The greater the amount of precipitation that falls in the winter, the greater should be the angle of inclination of the slopes. And vice versa - if there is an intense wind load in the area, then it is better to reduce the slope of the roof to prevent tearing off the roofing.

The form

The shape of the roof renders big influence on the visual perception of the house as a whole. The main thing is that the height of the roof is proportional to the height of the building. At the same time, the low-slope design with wide overhangs makes the house visually more squat. A medium-slope roof stretches the silhouette of the house, balancing its proportions. According to the shape of the roof, they are conditionally divided into the following types:

  1. Dvuhskatnaya. A gable roof is a simple structure consisting of two inclined slopes. The design of such a roof is quite simple, uncomplicated, but it is easy to design and build.
  2. Double broken line. A gable roof, the slopes of which change their slope, is called broken or mansard. By changing the angle of inclination, it is possible to more rationally use the free space in the attic, to increase the height of the attic ceiling.
  3. Hip. A hip roof is a design in which the gables are replaced with shortened slopes, which reduces the wind load on the roof, and also gives an original, unusual appearance.
  4. Shatrovaya. A hipped roof is a construction consisting of many slopes connected at one point. The minimum number of slopes in such a roof is 4.

It is interesting that there are more complex types of roofing - dome, arch, lancet, but they are used much less frequently due to the high complexity of installation, uneconomical cutting of roofing material.

Roofing materials

The appearance of the house in general and the roof in particular is highly dependent on the choice of roofing material. The color, surface texture and weight of the coating all influence the design of the roof, so it is important to make an informed choice. There are the following types of waterproofing materials:

  • Metal. For the manufacture of roofing materials, corrosion-resistant types of metals are used - galvanized steel, aluminum, copper. They can be separate sheets from which roofing paintings are made, or profiled sheets with a pronounced relief. Metal roofing is considered durable, strong, but their weaknesses noise is considered.
  • Bituminous. The second most popular roof coverings are various bases impregnated with bitumen. This category includes roofing material, stekloizol, rubemast, ondulin, as well as shingles. They are flexible and lightweight. Their weak point is low mechanical strength.
  • Ceramic. Ceramic tiles are a traditional way of arranging a roof. It has high decorative potential, good insulating ability. True, ceramic tiles weigh a lot, and are also quite expensive.
  • Asbestos-cement. Slate is sheets of asbestos cement that are used to cover the roof. It is quite cheap, but has low decorative potential.

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