Volumetric tree on the wall. Imitation of wood on the wall in the interior - an unusual design element

  • 23.06.2020

What will help modern man, daily exposed to various stresses and aggressive environmental influences, to regain lost strength? What will warm, calm, give vivacity to the spirit, and physical strength to the body? Of course, nature! Who else is able to take care of a person with such warmth, if not mother nature?

Eco-friendly motifs are gaining popularity in modern interiors

A short walk through a park or forest is enough to restore lost strength, breathing in the life-giving clean air, enjoying the tranquility and rustle of leaves. However, such a walk for a person living in the stone jungle, who does not see the “white light” from morning to night because of the abundance of work, is a very rare phenomenon. Having missed a quiet, cozy, life-giving corner of nature, a person began to return him to his home.

Wood motif: soothes, invigorates, revitalizes

The wall on which it is planned to depict a wood pattern may be dominant in the interior space, and, perhaps, a decorative tree appears on the wall after the interior has been created, for example, to mask any defects.

The genealogical tree is not only an interior decoration, it is a link between generations.

The family tree, located on one of the walls, is also popular. Sometimes a tree appears on the walls in order to bring something new to an already boring interior. The advantage of this decoration of the interior space is that such an element will never go unnoticed and will give individuality to even the most ordinary room.

The appearance of wood motifs on the wall can completely transform the interior decoration. It can become the compositional center of the interior, or it can simply successfully complement it without attracting attention and without distracting from the main details.

The next, indisputable plus of choosing this finish is the ability to embody it with your own hands. Yes, yes, it is not necessary to invite a designer or an artist to freshen up interior decoration thus. A little imagination, skills in drawing or creating applications - and go! How is a tree created on the wall with your own hands? The most important thing before starting creativity is to accurately determine the material, or even, if possible, sketch out a sketch of the future composition. After the decision on the type of finish is made, you can begin to create a cozy natural corner.

Natural wood materials in the interior

Perhaps the most obvious way to use wood motifs is to actually use natural branches, saw cuts, boards, even tree trunks as they are. This option is good for those who appreciate naturalness, environmentally friendly materials.

The use of natural ingredients in decor is called ecodesign.

This method is suitable for spaces decorated in the eco-design style, as well as for spaces in which the presence of natural components is necessary.

If necessary, these elements are covered with paint, as well as protective compounds preventing biological damage to wood.

Blades are perfect for country house, where, in addition to them, wooden components will also be present in the interior. A bold, almost avant-garde solution for the room is the presence of real tree trunks in it. This option is suitable for extraordinary individuals who want to see their home special, unique.

Wall-paper and photowall-paper with wood pattern

The easiest way to add a woody image to the interior is to paste wallpaper with such a pattern. For each interior, you can choose something that suits well in terms of style and overall compositional design.

Among all the variety, you can find wallpapers with a pattern of a variety of wood elements, boards (including in a fashionable vintage style with traces of time on the surface), various branches, cuts. The choice of such material, of course, depends on the style in which the space is planned to be decorated, or which style prevails at the moment. Wall murals with a pattern of a forest or a wooden texture are also great for highlighting one or more planes.

Modern printing technologies give maximum realism to photo wallpapers.

For lovers of wooden textures, there are wallpapers that imitate a solid wooden canvas from boards. This material, in comparison with the construction of a real wooden canvas, is much more affordable, but the effect after gluing is almost the same. Moreover, pasted on the wall, they will create a special atmosphere in the room, as wood finishes are a real luxury.

Wallpaper is a convenient material, especially if the main pattern is on only one wall surface. If necessary, it can be replaced, leaving the finish of the remaining surfaces the same - the new kind rooms are guaranteed, and by picking up a couple of new decorative pillows to match the new wallpaper, you can achieve the integrity of the interior composition.

Stencils and stickers: the fastest way to spice up your interior

If there is a catastrophic lack of time, you don’t want to collect branches, there are few skills for drawing, and sticking wallpaper does not cause the most pleasant feelings, you can use vinyl stickers for decoration. There are a great many of them, so you still have to spend a few minutes choosing. To illustrate the options for such a decor as a tree on the wall, photo examples will help more clearly.

The main advantage of stickers is that they can be removed without damaging the surface on which they were pasted, as soon as they no longer suit their owner. Stickers can be appropriate in any room, be it a kitchen, living room, bedroom, children's room, hallway or bathroom, as they have a universal appearance and resistant to moisture. In operation, such elements are very simple, and their service life is approximately five years.

Affordability is another distinguishing feature of stickers made from vinyl. Due to their price, as well as the speed of installation, they have gained considerable popularity.

Compared to vinyl decals, hand-painted wall stencils are not that easy to apply because it's not enough to just stick them on. In addition, you need to observe a certain accuracy in gluing and applying paint so as not to damage nearby surfaces.

Stencils and stickers allow you to a short time make major changes to the interior.

However, this type of finish will last much longer (of course, this depends on the quality of the applied paint) and looks much more solid. In addition, you can create a stencil with your own hands. In order to create such a decor as a tree on the wall, environmentally friendly clean paints water-based, most often acrylic, because they dry quickly and are odorless.

It is with the help of stencils and stickers that can often be done family trees on the walls of dwellings - a trunk with branches can be glued or drawn using a stencil, and frames with photographs of family members are “hung” on the branches. These frames can be different in color and design.

We draw a tree on the wall: sculptural works with artistic painting

If ordinary vinyl stickers and filling the stencils with paint is still not enough, real art will come to the rescue - painting with acrylic or oil paints and sculpture. With the help of gypsum, you can create not only unique sculptural compositions that will impress with their scope, but also rather modest elements of the room, however, no less unique and special.

Stucco gypsum wood is a rather time-consuming and costly process, but the result can exceed all expectations, especially if you entrust the work to a professional. This decor can be a bas-relief, protrude quite a bit above the wall surface, or maybe a full-fledged sculptural work. Sometimes the trunk of the tree is made with voids, which is very functional and subsequently used with success.

Drawings in the interior are individuality and originality.

Decorative wall painting is used when the room is really planned to be unique. The price of this service is relatively high, but varies depending on the skills of the master, as well as the complexity of the applied pattern. It is the professional who knows exactly how to make the tree on the wall the way it was intended.

There are a lot of options for painted trees - these can be stylized, primitive silhouettes or complex photorealistic landscapes - it all depends on the taste preferences in decorating the owner of the home.

Decorative shelves, holders and branch brackets

In continuation of the conversation about the form in which trees can be present on the walls of various rooms, it is worth noting a few more unusual options:

  • Shelves for books
  • Holders for various small items
  • Brackets and hooks for clothes

The advantage of these options is that they are all made not so much for decoration, but for functionality. Such elements will give liveliness and completeness to any room, make it unique.

Wooden motifs on the walls: longing for nature

Wood is a unique, natural, special material. The warmth and beauty of real wood has been valued by people for centuries. A piece of nature at home today is not uncommon. Many interiors are filled with environmentally friendly materials, and naturalness is valued more and more. In addition, wood trim has always been famous as a symbol of wealth, style and beauty - in palaces, by the way, it was used quite often.

If we talk about the means that help to transfer wood motifs as an element of nature into a home, the most important thing is the use of wood in its classic natural form. When there is not enough time and money to build a wooden finish at home, you can use simpler and available ways- wallpapers, stencils, stickers and components of real wood.

If the plans are grandiose and the interior space is planned to be turned into a work of art, the forces of artists and sculptors are used. Any of these solutions, to one degree or another, will help transform old interior or set the tone for something new, and the aesthetics of wood will add comfort to everyday life.

Video: master class on drawing a tree on the wall







Tree on the wall: add color to your life

The sages once said that even the walls of the house heal. But, indeed, only in your home, your "world" you feel comfort, warmth, peace and security. Do you want your home interior evoked admiring exclamations not only of the inhabitants of the dwelling, but also of close friends?

The uniqueness of this method of decoration lies not only in the unusual decoration of unsightly walls, but can also become a “lifesaver” for those who want to “disguise” some interior flaws, for example, painted walls or wallpaper by “young artists”, without resorting to cosmetic repairs. Yes, and if the repair is not scheduled soon, but still you want something new, "Dream House" assures: the image of a tree on the wall will bring a touch of novelty to the familiar interior.

Trees on the walls as decoration: improvised masterpieces

Before starting “wall sculptures”, first of all, it is worth entrusting your dreams and thoughts to paper, that is, creating a sketch of a tree that will be combined with the current situation. Worth considering color scheme walls, the location of lighting, the presence of furniture. When in doubt, you can turn to the advice of designers. But, nevertheless, it is much more pleasant to create a tree on the wall with your own hands. We hope our advice will help you make your choice and create an unusual creation, spending a minimum of money.

Here are a few options on how and from what you can make a decorative tree on the wall:

  1. Glue the real ones onto the outline of the tree drawn on the wall, using larger specimens for the trunk and large branches. Or attach round timbers of small, but various diameters.
  2. Using the prepared template, cut a tree out of paper of the desired color and glue it to the wall.
  3. From multi-colored paper, pieces of the remaining wallpaper, shreds, foam balls, you will also get an unusual application of a tree on the wall.
  4. scraps toilet paper impregnated with glue and warm water in equal parts, can be attached to a wall sketch of a tree, and after complete drying, paint.
  5. The gypsum tree looks elegant on the wall.
  6. The created image of a tree with the help of dense materials differs in originality. different colors. In this case, you can use burlap, linen, cotton or furniture fabric.
  7. Yarn, harsh threads, thick threads, twine and pushpins with a long stem will help in creating a wonderful tree. To do this, wrap the threads around the buttons in different directions, following the contour of the tree.
  8. Small pieces of foam, glued to the wall with high quality and masterfully "filled" mounting foam, will create a three-dimensional tree on your wall.
  9. Carved wood details from self-adhesive film will easily decorate the selected wall.
  10. A very interesting technique is sgraffito, which involves scratching the outline of trees through several layers of wall paint.
  11. An improvised electric tree will enhance the festive mood.

How to make a tree on the wall

DIY tree on the wall photo

Decorative tree on the wall

And here are a few more little tricks that will help improve the masterpiece you create:

  • the created wall tree will perfectly “make friends” with such neighbors as birds, butterflies, flowers, fruits, so find a place for them too;
  • try to create an asymmetric pattern of a tree on the wall, because in nature trees have a clumsy structure;
  • it is not necessary to draw the whole tree, you can use only a fragment of it in the interior decor.

Tree on the wall drawing

Trees on the wall in the interior

A tree on the wall in a couple of minutes: one, two and you're done!

The examples given will, of course, require a significant investment of time. Hardware stores offer an alternative to long handmade- with the image of a tree, presented in a huge assortment. Their big plus is instant gluing, the possibility wet cleaning when contaminated and traceless removal from the walls.

Tree on the wall in a children's photo

Also, in a matter of minutes, a stencil will transform the room decorative tree on the wall. To do this, it is worth fixing the attached one on the wall and blotting its cut-out parts with special paint. To achieve a volumetric effect, it is necessary to use acrylic putty.

Tree stencils for wall decor

Nursery Vinyl Wall Stickers - Tree

Tree wall stickers

Trees on the wall in the interior: not only an aesthetic appearance

The image on the wall of trees, branches, trunks, small twigs can not only transform the interior, but also perform various functions. So, a tree on the wall in the children's room will please the baby with a wall picture, and will also become the basis for placing several shelves for toys or books.

An attached tree made of natural branches will be an excellent hanging storage for women's jewelry: beads, chains, and necklaces will “forget” about confusion.

A real decoration of the living room, bedroom, nursery will be a family tree. Photos in various frames will "tell" about the pleasant moments of life.

Don't be afraid to make creative changes to a cohesive home interior. Experiment, transform your home. We hope that your interest in the decor of the room will allow you to realize the idea of ​​depicting a tree on the wall and add brightness to your life.

natural wood has a number of advantages:

  • thermal insulation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • practicality;
  • combination with all colors, textures and other finishing materials.

Wood in the interior goes well with stone, brick, leather, plaster. Mirrors are acceptable and metal inserts are undesirable.


An expensive tree on the wall in the interior is not afraid of moisture and looks luxurious, in addition, an array of rocks always fills the room with a pleasant aroma. Wood panels are treated with varnish, wax and oil stains for a longer service life.

A more economical option for finishing is the use of lining and laminate. The panels can cover all or one wall, be used as decorative inserts for window sills, TV sets, beds.

Pictured is a living room in natural shades with wood trim floor, which smoothly passes into the wall decoration. White color makes the interior lighter, and the texture of the wood adds coziness.

Horizontal placement of boards on the wall (as in the photo) will make the room wider, and vertical placement - higher.


A wooden floor is a coating that has been tested for centuries, it can be made of solid, parquet boards, cork or laminate.

In the photo in the bedroom, the diagonal laying of the laminate will help expand the space.

Wood color: red, white, gray

The tree can be not only brown and beige, but also other colors. Board, parquet and laminate are presented in different shades, which can be used to create a certain style in residential and office space.

  • Mahogany in the interior is suitable for creating a luxurious Empire style in the living room. Furniture can be with patterns and curves, and textured walls and carpet floor will create an atmosphere of comfort and wealth. It is combined with brick color (sets off the tree, but does not stand out against its background), as well as with pistachio in a small amount.

  • White wood in the interior creates space and a feeling of cleanliness. Most often found in modern style and minimalism. The white floor emphasizes the brightness of the walls, wooden ceiling makes the room longer, white furniture is suitable for the bedroom, dining room, less often the living room and kitchen.

  • Gray wood in the interior soothes, evokes a feeling of coolness. Gray laminate is well suited for the floor in the bedroom, living room. Such a floor, depending on the pattern, resembles an aged tree and is appropriate for retro and country. Suitable for rooms with two contrasting colors. Wenge furniture and other cool shades go well with gray trim in a modern interior.

Combination with stone and brick

Combination with different materials in the interior: glass, stone, plastic, gives a different end result, but invariably, wood is a versatile and popular finish.

  • Stone and wood in the interior as two natural materials complement each other. Warm and soft wood with strong stone are indispensable for creating eco-style, provence and country. Pebble mosaic and plank floor, fragments from decorative stone, parquet board and beams are perfectly combined and suitable for any interior.

In the photo, a wooden wall and a wild stone fireplace remind of the origins and fill the room with comfort.

  • Brick and wood in the interior or imitation brickwork suitable for corridor, living room, stairs. Brick can be whitewashed, aged, plain and different-sized, such variations create a different image of the room. The use of wood in an interior with brick is necessary to create an unusual design for a country house: wooden frames and doors, stairs, partitions and floor made of red rocks, combined with antique chests of drawers.

Wood in the interior of the kitchen

In the interior of the kitchen, it is appropriate in the form of furniture, an accent wall in the dining area.

  • As floor covering it is better to choose a tile or linoleum.
  • Wooden utensils will create coziness and are suitable for Provence, country, rustic style.
  • Light ergonomic furniture, glossy surfaces and mirror inserts are suitable for a small room.
  • The beamed ceiling is suitable for creating a rustic style.
  • Deep dark shades appropriate in the kitchen big window and wide space.

Furniture in neutral natural colors is combined with bright colors of countertops, refrigerators, etc. For example, a combination of wood color and greenery look natural and appropriate in a kitchen of any size.

In the photo, the kitchen is enlarged by combining with a balcony and the correct selection of colors. Wooden table and light laminate work well with white furniture. Eco wall made of boards and grass is an object of attention for all guests.

Living room decoration

The tree in the interior of the living room always looks very impressive and is appropriate in almost any design. If this Scandinavian style, then the use of light rocks emphasizes the connection with nature, wooden furniture pastel shades suitable for Provence. Small and simple wood details are appropriate in minimalism and high-tech.

In the photo, an unusual shelf imitating a branch creates modern style living room in neutral natural shades.

The photo shows the interior of the living room in classical style, carved wood panels and parquet with a small carpet are suitable for decoration.

Stumps and large cuts in the interior of the living room can play a role coffee table and become the main focus of attention of guests. From saw cuts and pebbles, you can make an accent wall near the TV, from processed sticks and branches - a cornice, a lamp and other accessories.

In the photo there is a wall of cuts in the living room. Natural wood promotes relaxation, in addition, it smells good and keeps the aroma of essential oils for a long time.

Using wood in the bedroom

For the bedroom, it is better to choose light woods and cover with matte varnish in order to emphasize the naturalness of the wood.

You can choose a paint and emphasize the texture, or apply it in 3 layers and cover the natural color. It is better to give preference to natural shades of beige, pistachio, mustard, woody. But if the type of wood is dark, then you do not need to paint it in light colors.

Wood can be sheathed all or just one wall, floor and ceiling. How much wood can be within a bedroom depends on the size of the room and the requirements of its style.

In the photo, a simple mattress on pallets and a headboard made of saw cuts look unusual in modern apartment. Such simplicity is combined with environmental friendliness and style at the same time.

Central lighting is acceptable, but it is better to make it diffused due to several light sources. Cloth, linen, coarse calico and knitted blankets go well with wood in the interior of the house.

The combination of eco-style and high-tech creates an attractive eclecticism. In the photo, birch trunks serve as a spectacular accent. It is important to remember that natural wood should be treated with oils and varnish to prevent mold

tree in the nursery

This material in the interior of the nursery is most appropriate in terms of environmental friendliness. It is advisable to use wood both for decoration and decoration. If the walls do not have to be wooden, then the floor and furniture simply need to be selected from wood materials.

A light-colored laminate floor will be decorated with a home-made hand-drawn carpet; to develop a child’s mobility, you can hang a hammock and a rope ladder. For an unusual look, you can use branches in the interior to create small compositions, an organizer of jewelry, photos and notes, they can also beat wall shelves.

In the photo, light wood in the interior of the nursery goes well with light Roman curtains, its color is easy to change with paint, or refresh with varnish.

Light colors, delicate textiles, bright toys and a dark floor are suitable for decorating a nursery for both a girl and a boy.

Bathroom decoration

The wood in the interior of the bathroom creates the feeling of a sauna or a Russian bath. wooden walls and stone floor, or vice versa, create a unique design. To finish the bathroom, you need to select moisture-resistant rocks (Brazil walnut or bamboo, as in the photo below).

The photo shows a bathroom with massive doors and hanging chains. As a material for such a table, a long-cut tree is suitable.

For the bathroom in the apartment, you can use wood-like tiles, wooden accessories and inserts.

Photo gallery

Below are photo examples of the use of wood in the decoration of rooms for various functional purposes.

In interiors, the use of natural motifs is becoming more and more relevant. The painted tree will look amazing on the walls of the room. But the question arises: how to make a tree on the wall with your own hands and get a beautiful result at the same time?


Drawings and various images will be an interesting addition to the interior, especially if you choose the right style. Wall trees can most often be seen in the interior in the form of photo wallpapers or special vinyl stickers on the walls. Similar options can be considered as examples or ideas. But if you draw trees on the wall, the interior looks completely different. Paints, lively strokes, a stream of fantasy - they look much more complete, rich and visually attractive.

Many people worry that because of the inability to draw, it will be difficult or simply impossible to create such a design. However, this is not the case, phased drawing with detailed plan make the process understandable even for a small child.

A minimalistic image of regular shapes, created with the help of 1-2 colors, even without shades (solid color), will fit into a modern interior. This option is the easiest to implement. In a Soviet design or loft, oak with twisting branches, a play of light and a combination of many tones will look good. However, baroque, like empire, will require the highest skill in artistic painting, these styles are best left to a professional.

Bonsai is perfect for a Japanese-style room with lanterns and images of geishas. You can also draw a sakura tree on the wall, which will look very elegant, especially in a delicate color scheme. Having drawn the trunk, crown and flowers can be applied with asymmetrical strokes, like a mosaic.

Color spectrum

In addition to the style of the image, the choice of colors plays a significant role. Shades can be luminescent, pastel or muted dark. The tree divided into four seasons will look original. Make part of the crown autumn in fiery red tones, part - light green with buds. Some branches can be covered artificial snow, making the image voluminous. In the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots, it is worth adding details: depict flowers or “scatter” acorns.

Black and white versions are popular. They are often performed in a graphic style - through strokes and lines. Black drawing may seem too dark, sinister to many, but there are very airy variations of trees in this style that completely dispel this feeling. The black and white combination, due to its conciseness, is optimally suited to various color design. Yes, and it is much easier to draw a tree on the wall in one color with your own hands.

Children's theme

Many people may find a stylish black and white combination boring, especially since you can use not only a natural color palette, but also a fantasy one. Who said that a tree cannot be made with purple, blue, yellow paints? Combination Pink colour with purple is perfect for the bedroom of a little princess. A painted castle in the same color scheme or flowers in the background may rise next to the tree.

Heroes of Russians will help to draw a tree on the wall in the nursery with an amusing motive folk tales: a squirrel sitting on a tree with emerald nuts, a rejuvenating apple tree, Money Tree Pinocchio. Or a learned cat with a chain will walk along the branches, and a mermaid from A.S.'s poem will sit nearby. Pushkin.

Preparatory stage

To paint on the wall beautiful tree, you must first prepare the surface. Even ordinary wallpapers are suitable for this, but it is recommended to use wallpapers with a special coating. Bare walls should be plastered and then primed to ensure the paint adheres well. Walls covered with paint can be painted literally immediately, provided that the coating is not glossy. If you apply a drawing on an unprepared surface, then the paints can literally drain down or remain watery spots.

If there is a suitable finished drawing, we print large details and make a stencil on them. To do this, first cut out a piece of paper of the desired shape, take thick cardboard and repeat the figure from a denser material. The same stencil can be used repeatedly, for example, when drawing leaves.

Drawing process

Before you draw a tree on the wall with paints with your own hands, you need to apply the future drawing with a pencil. The first step will be a sketch, just roughly showing where the main parts of the tree will be located. Next, we outline the contours, leaves and small details, it is better to draw according to the template.

Next, the first, main layer of paint is applied. A large brush is used to paint over the trunk and create a foliage background. Then the shades are placed with a smaller brush. The final element is the elaboration of details. With a thin brush, miniature details are drawn: twigs, highlights, buds.

There is one tricky way to quickly and effortlessly paint a tree on a wall. The main "ingredient" will be a stencil, which will need to be glued tightly to the wall. After that, the shape of the tree can be painted over from a can of paint. The only caveat is uniform spraying, otherwise the color will turn out to be uneven: with spots and poorly dyed areas. Later, on top of the paint, it will not be difficult to draw contours, shadows, details. Markers or acrylic are best.

To create a multi-colored tree, completely painted over with spray paint, you will have to work hard. You will need to cut a multilayer stencil, more often it is done on several sheets. The more layers, the more colors and details in the drawing.


To prepare an old wall for painting, you may need Construction Materials: putty, spatula, primer, several construction brushes. Since you will first have to close up the cracks, level the surface and apply a primer layer susceptible to painting.

Next, you need a simple pencil, an eraser. To draw a tree on the wall with your own hands, it is far from necessary to make templates. This is only recommended if the tree needs to have some identical detail or be symmetrical. To create a stencil, it is better to use a printed pattern, in addition to it, you need scissors, cardboard, and a ruler may be required.

To complete the drawing, you need brushes of different diameters, paints, a palette, a glass of water. On top of the image, you can additionally apply a layer of varnish.

Choice of colors

The final step is the actual application of paints. The most important question: how to choose the right paint? Also, it is worth paying attention to hypoallergenicity if there are small children or allergy sufferers in the house. For water resistance: you can take waterproof paint or varnish the most common gouache.

In no case should you take watercolor to paint a tree with your own hands on the wall, since the paint is very watery and not suitable for walls, gouache is cheap, but far from the best quality and beautiful option.

Acrylic paints are ideal for decorating surfaces, they are used for artistic wall painting.


The crown of the tree painted on the wall can be used as a board for reminders or photos. On the wall, you can place stickers with an adhesive strip, on which there will be reminders of important dates and events, or notes about upcoming business. You can hang a fishing line or thread on the buttons, on top of which photos are easily fixed using paper clips, mini clothespins.

Additional lighting installed above the painted tree will place interesting accents. If the wall has a purely decorative function, then in some places real twigs can be glued onto the drawing. And on the images of leaves - voluminous paper applications. Some designers complement the composition with small pieces of canvas bags, fabric, shreds.

The sight of trees in nature and in paintings always evokes thoughts of space.

The idea of ​​painting trees on the walls in urban housing was developed by apartment interior designers.

Living rooms, children's rooms, bedrooms, hallways, kitchens - it is now fashionable to decorate with trees.

Draw a tree with your own hands

Having decided to decorate the dwelling with a tree as wall decoration, you need to decide how it should look.

You can simply draw it, or you can make it voluminous. It all depends on the color of the wall general style, which decorated the room, lighting, furniture.

Drawing a tree is easy using real dry branches. Having sketched a contour over them, then these branches must be glued along it, the foliage can be made from large and small branches to make it realistic, and the trunk can be laid out with pieces of bark.

A crown can be imitated by cutting out leaflets of the desired shape from colored paper or self-adhesive film and sticking them on the wall. Or paint them with paints - acrylic paints are well suited for painting on the wall. When cutting out leaves, you can use live leaves as a stencil.

You can paint a real sheet with paint, and press it against the wall - like a stamp, then you get realistic prints. You can make leaves from self-adhesive film.

Decorative tree in the interior can be drawn with chalk. A tree drawn with a simple pencil will look very stylish.

Before you draw on the wall, you need to make a sketch on a sheet of paper - draw a tree in detail, correct the drawing, achieving realism, and then accurately transfer it to scale from a sheet of paper to the wall.

You can cut the product out of paper - an unnecessary roll of wallpaper or thick roll paper will do. First you need to draw a contour, and then color it with colored pencils or watercolors.

The finished drawing can be glued to the prepared place completely, or you can cut the tree along the contour. It will be easier if you draw on self-adhesive paper.

If a lot of old glossy magazines have accumulated at home, you can cut a tree out of them. It will turn out extraordinary and colorful, and will not require money for materials at all.

Using fantasy, such a tree can be made very unusual, for example, its branches can be made themed by decorating them with pictures of the same theme: in the kitchen, a tree with branches on a culinary theme will be relevant, in a child’s room - on a cartoon or toy theme.

You can make wood and fabric. Drawing on fabric desired tree, then cut out and attach the application to the wall.

A thick fabric is best, you can take burlap, canvas, a piece of linen or upholstery fabric. With the help of multi-colored flaps, the application will turn out to be creative.

To simplify the work of creating a decorative tree, a stencil made of thick cardboard will help. To make the drawing clear, the stencil can be glued to the wall with tape.

Any hand-made tree is a masterpiece. A selection of photos of decorative trees will help you decide which one is better to do, or give you an idea, as well as see how such trees look in different interiors.

Ideas for trees in the interior

If shelves hang on the wall, then the tree can be entered between them, then the shelves will be its branches, and on the branches there will be books, vases or figurines.

The original version is a family tree, its branches will not be decorated with leaves, but with family photos in frames, the tree will look especially stylish if all the frames are the same.

Tree branches can be decorated with images of butterflies, bees, birds, flowers, fruits.

A tree does not have to be even, because in nature there are no perfect trees. It is not necessary to draw it completely - with a trunk and foliage, you can depict a part of a tree that simply fits into the surrounding interior.

In building materials stores, you can buy ready-made stickers with the image of trees made of vinyl - this is fast, if the tree gets bored, it can be removed without a trace, in addition - vinyl makes it easy to wet clean.

Volumetric decorative trees

More interesting, but more difficult to manufacture, will be a three-dimensional tree. It can be made from a foam plate.

Wood can also be made from yarn. To do this, you need pushpins, which must be fixed on the wall, marking the silhouette with them - and the threads are wound between them. Such a tree will look like an exclusive handmade masterpiece.

A three-dimensional image can be obtained using toilet paper. To do this, dry paper is twisted into bundles, moistened and weaved the desired figure.

It is even better to make a gypsum tree; on the packages with gypsum, the technique for working with the material is indicated. A gypsum tree will look expensive and will add luxury to the room.

Functions of ornamental trees

Trees can become not just decoration, but also a functional element of decor. The branches will make it possible to arrange asymmetrically - at different levels - shelves on which you can put various little things or toys.

In this case, it is better to paint green or brown- so that they form a single whole with the tree.

If a tree adorns the kitchen wall, towels and potholders can hang on its branches, and bottles of cosmetics can stand in the bathroom.

But there is nothing better than real wood in the interior. If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house allows, then it is better to start living plant in a pot, putting it in a corner - it will become both a decoration and hide an empty space in the room.

Photo of a decorative tree in the interior