Bearberry flower money tree. Money tree care

  • 13.06.2019

Money Tree(also called a fat woman and crassula) - an unpretentious houseplant. His historical homeland is Africa. Harsh conditions and frequent droughts ideally prepared the fat woman for the difficult conditions of city apartments. However, you still need to know about the money tree itself, care, flowering and possible pests. This will allow you to grow a healthy crassula at home, which will delight the owners.

This plant is a succulent, that is, it has the ability to store moisture in its leaves and stems. Thanks to this skill, Crassula easily tolerates long periods without watering, so a money tree can be planted by those who often have to travel somewhere.

Temperature features, lighting, humidity

Fat girls love the light, but they don't like direct sunlight. It is recommended to put them on stands or shelves under the window so that they receive diffused light. The best window orientation is southeast. There is always a lot of light from this side, but when the sun is at its zenith, it already passes to the other side of the house and does not singe the leaves.

If the windows face south or southwest, it is recommended to shade the glass in the summer so that the houseplant does not get burned. On the north side of the house, Crassula will miss the light. To make up for the deficiency, it can be put on the windowsill.

Important! With a lack of light, a fat woman often gets sick.

Will benefit air baths: the money tree is advised to be taken out into the open air when it is warm outside, but not hot. For example, in the spring it can be put on a balcony or loggia.


Despite her African roots, the fat woman does not like the heat. In summer, she tolerates it easier than in winter. For a period of heating season it is recommended to rearrange the money tree away from the batteries. Ideal temperature regime in winter from 14 to 17°С, in summer - 19-25°С.

Air humidity

An important parameter for most plants. For Crassula too, but to a lesser extent. Due to the fact that the plant is a succulent, it easily tolerates dry air. Namely, this is it during the period when the batteries are turned on. The most difficult fat woman tolerates frequent changes in humidity levels, it is difficult for her to adapt to changeable conditions.

If the air is very dry, then you can spray the plant with a spray bottle. But much more he will like rubbing the leaves with a damp cloth or sponge. Besides, this great way remove dust, clean the surface of the plant itself from various contaminants.

Soil requirements and transplant

The money tree has a developed fibrous root system, i.e. underground part quite weak and growing in breadth. Therefore, the pot must be selected taking into account this feature: wide and not very deep.

The soil should be loose so that water does not stagnate near the roots. Otherwise, they may rot. It is desirable to provide drainage.

Such an earthen mixture is considered optimal: soddy soil (4 parts) + 1 part each of sand, humus and hardwood. You can also purchase any ready-made substrate. However, you need to carefully read for which plants it is suitable.


The money tree grows rather slowly, so it will need to be replanted no more than 1 time in 2-3 years. In some cases, the need for this procedure occurs less frequently. Adult plants do not like this procedure very much, therefore, without objective reasons, transplantation is not necessary.

Crassula's roots are rather weak. At the same time, the stem and leaves are thick and heavy. In some cases, it may be necessary to strengthen the plant in the new soil mixture using spacers. They are set up for a few weeks and then removed.

Watering and feeding the fat woman

It is very important to observe the watering regimen. The money tree does not like excess moisture. From this, his roots rot, which leads to the death of the plant. In spring and summer, crassula grows actively, it needs more frequent watering - once every 7-10 days. In winter and autumn there is a period of calm. Watering becomes less frequent - 1 time in 3-4 weeks. The plant likes good water: soft, settled, room temperature.

Attention! In the case of a fat woman, it is safer to forget about watering than to over-moisten the soil.

1 more important point- the money tree does not like frequent feeding. It is enough to do this 1-2 times a year in the spring and summer. There must be 3 main elements: nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. You can purchase a specially prepared preparation for succulents at a flower shop. In winter and autumn, only half the dose (or less) is applied. "Overfeeding" a fat woman will not lead to anything good.

Pruning and crown shaping

It is necessary to form the crown of the fat woman. Otherwise, the shoots will grow uncontrollably, the crassula will become untidy. In some cases, it is even possible to overturn the plant. The crown is formed using 2 procedures: pinching and pruning.

Pinching is carried out when 3-4 pairs of leaves have grown on the branch. The new kidney is carefully pinched with tweezers or nails. Then several ovaries will appear here, and the tree will branch.

Cut long branches of 6-7 pairs of leaves or more. Pruning is done above the growing point and sprinkled with activated charcoal. In this way, the crown of a fat woman is formed.

flowering money tree

The plant blooms very beautifully. In order to rejoice more often, it is necessary to properly care for the money tree: ensure optimal temperature and light conditions, timely watering, and moderate feeding. Flowers are more likely to appear if the plant is transplanted on time: in March or the first half of April.

Propagation of a houseplant

The main method of reproduction is cuttings. Even an accidentally broken twig can be quite suitable planting material. However, breaking stems is not recommended. The leaf or stem cutting is carefully cut with a knife. Sprinkle with crushed activated carbon for disinfection and dry the cut site a little both on the plant and on the shoot. After a couple of days, the shoot is planted in the soil.

Another way is to use seeds. It is less effective and less common. However, you also need to know about it: the seeds of the money tree are sown in a prepared substrate consisting of sand and leafy soil. Seedlings need to be sprayed and aired every day. For growing seedlings, a flat and wide cup with holes in the bottom is also used to drain excess moisture.

Pests and diseases of the fat woman

Crassula has enough strong immunity. However, she is also susceptible to some diseases. It can also be attacked by pests.

Most often, a fat woman is affected by any fungal infections. In this case, spots of brown color or a lighter shade appear on the leaves. You can cure the fungus with the help of special fungicides. The drugs are sold in flower shops.

Another disease is root rot. Its cause is excessive watering. It is quite simple to determine it: the leaves become loose, lose turgor. It ends with the fact that they turn yellow and fall off.

If you notice in a timely manner that the plant is unhealthy, then it can still be cured. To do this, the money tree is taken out of the pot. First, gently shake off a clod of earth, then wash off the remnants with water so that only one roots remain. They are carefully examined. If they find rotten ones, they cut them off. The cut site is treated with crushed activated carbon. Then the plant is planted in a new pot with new soil.

Prevention of the disease - reducing the number of irrigations, their volume. excess water from the pallet must be removed immediately.


Sometimes pests, for example, spider mites or scale insects, start up on a fat woman. You can and should fight them. It is acceptable to use both insecticides and homemade, improvised means.

The spider mite is given out by a thin cobweb between the leaves and stems and small specks yellow color. To get rid of it, you can wipe the plant with a cotton swab dipped in 96% alcohol.

The shield causes the appearance of tubercles of brown and yellowish color. From home remedies, a solution of laundry soap helps well.

Due to the mealybug, a plaque appears in the axils of the leaves, resembling dirty cotton wool. Rubbing with garlic infusion or a solution of laundry soap will save him from it.

Insecticides can be used against any pests.

Houseplants are able to give a residential look to any room, they make the room cozy and comfortable. Plants of the Crassulaceae family are especially popular. How to care for a money tree - that's what is interesting for those who decide to have this species at home. The fat woman belongs to the type of succulents, which means an additional amount of tissue for the supply of water. A similar mechanism is explained simply: the birthplace of the fat woman is South and Tropical Africa, areas with an arid climate. To survive in conditions of lack of moisture, you have to accumulate it yourself.

Interesting! The Japanese consider crassula a must-have wedding gift as a symbol of happiness and longevity. The tree of happiness, life, friendship, good luck are common names for the fat woman.

The Crassulaceae family has more than 300 species, but not all are popular outside of Africa.

The popular name is based on the fact that the dense rounded coin-like leaves look like money. The money tree is a shrubby type, which means it has several stems that replace each other. Reaches a height of 1.8 m. Its shrub relatives from Africa can reach 3 m, but with home cultivation there are no such high crassulas. Characteristics:

  1. The main stem has a noticeable lower thickening, turning into an impressive root, the rest of the roots are located close to the soil surface, the type of root system of the fat woman is tap.
  2. The leaves are wedge-shaped, densely arranged, the surface is shiny, like all succulents, rich green on top, it can take on a different shade from below, it depends on the type of fat woman.
  3. The flowers are small, inflorescences of a brush or panicle, have a white or whitish color, the inflorescence appears at the end of the shoot.
  4. The stems resemble the bark of a tree, but their apparent strength is deceptive, they can easily break.

If one day you see a picture of Crassula, then later it is impossible not to recognize her. Stems resembling a trunk, as well as leaves that look like coins, are found only in her.

Information! The scientific name of the fat woman is crassula.

Popular types

The genus is rich in various species. Those that have taken root in other countries have become favorites of flower growers. All of them are unpretentious, they can do without water for quite a long time, and with proper care, they will delight the owners with flowers. In addition, they have medicinal properties which are widely used in folk medicine.

Types of crassula Differences in color and shape of leaves
treelike dark green with a reddish border;
Silvery green with a silvery sheen;
oval strictly oval green with reddish spots with inside;
Fragilis spherical, pressed to the stem, the smallest of all species;
buddha temple dark green, curved upwards;
Pyramidalis green, thin, triangular;
crescent grey-green, semi-oval;
perforated paired, fused into a rhombus;
pellucida bluish round;
Marginalis yellowish with red edging;
dotted green with red dots above, purple below, collected in a loose rosette;

Information! The pulp from the leaves has bactericidal properties.

How to care at home

Fat woman is mentioned among the best indoor plants experienced amateur flower growers. Sometimes it is given for birthdays or housewarmings, implying fame as a plant that brings money, good luck for the owner and harmony to all family members. Such a gift will be a universal gift with meaning, given that care does not require much time or money.

Location, lighting, air humidity

The correct location is the first step after the acquisition. Good lighting is necessary for Crassula. She loves the light, the shadow is fatal for her. Experts recommend windows facing south or east. Sometimes the pot needs to be turned over so that the lighting is distributed evenly.

In the warm season, it can be on a balcony or loggia, but direct sunlight should be limited. The scorching sun can burn, especially young specimens. It is often very hot on balconies in summer, it should be borne in mind that after + 34 ° C, the fat woman stops growing.

Information! An important condition can be called air circulation, the fat girl loves ventilated rooms. Outdoor air is good for her in summer, but experts advise avoiding drafts.


In summer, the temperature regime is from + 20 to + 25 ° С, in winter the crassula rests, gaining strength for future growth and flowering, the temperature can be lowered to + 10, + 12 ° С, but too low temperatures are dangerous for the plant. Below + 5 ° C may threaten with extinction. In winter, a fat woman will feel comfortable on the floor at balcony door away from heating radiators.

top dressing

A prerequisite for maintenance is top dressing with useful substances. Succulents are fed according to the scheme:

  • April-September - monthly top dressing;
  • September - April - 1 time for the entire period.

Fertilizers have a low nitrogen content, this is important, since a supersaturation with nitrogen often leads to rotting of the root system. The growth period is supported by nitrogen-containing fertilizers to adjust the water balance. Top dressing is carried out at the roots, spraying is not suitable for succulents. Fertilizers may contain basic elements to adjust the growth of a particular succulent.

Potassium. Necessary as a source of nutrition, contributes to the thickening of the shoots. With an excess of potassium, fat women stop growing, the root system begins to rot.

Calcium. Promotes growth, development, with a lack of calcium indoor flower becomes brittle, the branches begin to break from any, minor impacts.

Phosphorus. The main load is to promote growth, the development of the root system. With a systematic lack of phosphorus, the crassula, which rarely blooms, may never bloom.

Nitrogen. Impossible without it normal development, but an excess of nitrogen can contribute to the appearance of friability, provoke rapid growth, and then a sharp wilting.

organic fertilizers. Solid organic top dressings are excluded, organic matter comes to succulents only liquid way. Organic fertilizers help protect against insect pests.

Important! Fertilize only healthy plants so that they can absorb top dressing.

Watering in a pot

Watering for a fat woman is an important component of care, the peculiarity is that Crassula does not like excess water. In spring, 1 watering per week is enough for her, in summer - 2 weeks, and in winter and autumn, water access is completely limited. The condition of the soil is taken into account, it is contraindicated to leave water on the pot stand, it is necessary to ensure that it does not stagnate.

High soil moisture leads to rotting. When hot summer days the procedure is carried out in the early morning or late evening. Water is collected in advance for settling.

Important! Crassula is watered with room temperature water.

The soil

Despite the fact that the fat woman is completely unpretentious, flower growers have developed an earthen substrate formula that is ideal for all succulent species:

  • 1 portion of turf;
  • 3 servings of earth leaf;
  • 1 portion of sand.

A high-quality, pre-selected drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, and humus is also added to the substrate.


Crassula reproduces vegetatively and by seed. The vegetative method is more common, which means that regeneration takes place on high level. Vegetative propagation is carried out in the spring by cutting off the shoots. This is done with a sharp knife, then the cut is treated with activated charcoal, left to dry.

Broken cuttings are placed in a glass with an activated charcoal solution and wait for rooting. Cuttings are grown up to 5-10 cm, and roots up to 2-3 cm, after which they are planted. To do this, select small-sized containers.

Information! Activated charcoal prevents putrefactive processes, it is used to disinfect sections.

Seed propagation means sowing seeds in containers with an earthen substrate, covered with glass on top, spraying once a day, after 2 weeks the seeds germinate. After that, it is necessary to put a container with seedlings where they will be provided with non-aggressive light and heat. As soon as they get stronger, you can plant. This path is quite long, since the strengthening of seedlings takes a long period - up to 3 months.


They begin to transplant as needed, that is, when the capacity becomes small for the overgrown root system. This is noticeable at first glance, the tree is not deep in the ground, all the roots are located under the first layer of soil, so it noticeably leans or sags. Pots for transplanting are chosen from a heavy material, as the lungs can turn over under the weight of the flower.

For transplantation, choose the time when daylight hours become long, that is, after two spring months.
The earth mixture must be fertilized with one of the following components:

  • clay;
  • ash;
  • humus;
  • brick chips;
  • activated carbon.

Transplantation is carried out in the following order:

  1. They take the tree out of the pot, shake it off the ground, examine the roots.
  2. Leave on outdoors for 24 hours, so that the root system dries up, recovers.
  3. If there are problem areas, the roots are treated with a solution of manganese.
  4. The dishes for planting are filled with drainage, a thin layer of earth, a fat woman is placed, the soil prepared in advance is filled up.
  5. It is recommended to water the transplant carefully, after a day, to prevent rotting.

Transplantation is carried out annually for young fat women, less often for adults. Need to be transplanted as soon as possible home flower if pot shapes interfere with development.

Information! A feature of succulents is the lack of abundant watering.


A prerequisite for content is cropping. The fat woman is also popular because it can be given any shape. If you do not cut it, then it will grow so that it will be difficult to control the situation.

Information! Pruning starts as early as possible.

There are several main reasons for pruning.:

  • crown formation;
  • giving stability (an overgrown tree can fall on its side);
  • enlargement and centralization of the main stem;
  • improving the quality of care (branches make access difficult).

The main stage occurs at the beginning of the spring months, but before the active growth phase begins. In the summer they make adjustments.

Crown formation is achieved in two ways:

  • pinching, it ensures the appearance of the ovary in the place that needs to be developed;
  • pruning, it is carried out on branches with a 7-8 pair, the place is treated with activated carbon.

To form, it is necessary to trim regularly. Crown formation options:

  1. With one trunk (after 4 pairs of leaves, a bud is plucked off, fallen leaves that can sprout are removed).
  2. In the bonsai style (the lower branches are left, and as they grow, they are regularly cut, thus enlarging the trunk and giving it the shape of a tree).
  3. As a shrub (this method provides for the free growth of shoots, but you need to monitor the size and control the number of shoots).

Trimming is essential as a tool for creating shape for any interior.

How to plant a money tree to make money

The plant is loved by many because of the fame it has gained through the philosophy of Feng Shui. These are philosophical practices for the development of space. The fulfillment of certain conditions for the distribution of space in the apartment and the arrangement of things should bring harmony, comfort, coziness. To attract money, Crassula lands:

  • during the phase of the growing moon;
  • suitable day of the week for planting - Wednesday;
  • several coins are laid out on the drainage;
  • decorative elements for the form to choose green, red or gold colors.

The process must be acquired from those people whose incomes are high. If possible, then you should pinch off the process yourself so that other people's hands do not touch it. If this is not possible, then the process can be purchased at the store. To attract money, only an offshoot is useful, and not an independent adult culture. The sprout should rise according to income. Under the bottom is often placed banknotes, thereby attracting their doubling. Figures of a toad or a dragon are placed next to the flower, which, according to oriental signs, denote wealth.

Information! Chinese coins, symbols of happiness in the form of knots, stones and bracelets are hung on the branches to attract positive energy.

According to the rules, it is necessary to take into account combinations of indoor plants and prioritize them. Crassula is not recommended to be placed next to cacti or climbing flowers, it is believed that they drown out the energy of the flower, take it for themselves. There are special conspiracies that are pronounced during planting and watering.

How to care for a money tree so that it blooms?

This type rarely blooms indoors. Many have seen the money tree, they know what it looks like, but they are surprised if they find out that it has the ability to bloom. There are several rules for the conditions of detention that are ideal for a fat woman. If you follow them, then flowering can be achieved from a mature species. But it will take about 10-12 years to achieve this.

  • year-round optimal lighting;
  • long wintering in conditions from 7 to 12 C;
  • systematic transplantation into a new soil, taking into account all the features of the soil and irrigation.

Flowering occurs in spring, this period lasts up to 3 months, the flowers are small, white, collected in inflorescences. But in some individual species, they can be red or pink.

Why do leaves fall

It is intended by nature that the natural shedding of leaves occurs once every 2 years, but if they fall off more often, then the problem is hidden in something else. To understand the reason why the leaves fall, it is necessary to analyze whether watering is done correctly, whether pruning is carried out.

They can fall off due to excess moisture in winter, before that they wrinkle, become soft. In spring and summer periods, discharge can occur due to lack of moisture, as well as due to watering. cold water.

Common Growing Problems

During growth, problems can arise due to the wrong approach to content, but the money tree is good because it will immediately make it clear what is wrong:

  1. The appearance of black spots is evidence of a sunburn, you need to take care of changing the location, rearranging it so that direct sunlight does not fall on it.
  2. Dryness, lethargy, dense leaves become soft - this is a sign of increased air temperature, it is necessary to ensure the supply of fresh air.
  3. Lack of growth may mean that the capacity has become small for the root system, a transplant is needed.
  4. The trunk darkens due to excess moisture.
  5. Soft wilted leaves they talk about a lack of nutrients in the soil, you should feed the crop with fertilizers containing phosphorus and potassium.
  6. The leaves turn yellow, while the soil remains moist - a direct indication of root rot, it is necessary to pull out and dry the roots;
  7. When the crassula stretches, grows in one direction, takes on curved ugly shapes, this indicates a lack of consecration, the location should be changed.
  8. Brown spots indicate the appearance of small pests, it is necessary to take measures to combat them.
  9. The thinning of the main stem and the elongation of the leaves are a signal of a lack of light.
  10. The appearance of a web is a signal of pest mites.
  11. Fragility and loss of branches - lack of calcium, top dressing is necessary.
  12. Withering, yellowing, withering, lethargy - perhaps the processes interfere with each other, there are too many of them, a transplant is needed.

Interesting! In the Czech Republic, the crassula is called the "family tree" because of its similarity to the generally accepted idea of ​​a family tree.

Diseases and pests

Crassula diseases are usually directly related to the appearance of pests. The most favorable period when insects appear is the end of the heating season in apartments or warming outside. The composition of the air changes significantly, which leads to consequences.

The appearance of yellowish spots and cobweb elements indicates that a spider mite has wound up. Small reddish insects are dangerous because they lay offspring, and use plant cells for food. All elements are treated with soapy water, sprayed with special preparations, and a home flower is exposed to the open air.

Whitish formations where the leaves are attached to the main stem indicate the presence of a mealy worm. The affected areas are treated with a brush, soapy water and special preparations, inspected and sprayed daily.


Crassula does not require excessive attention, like some other plants, the principles of its maintenance can be summarized briefly:

  • rare watering;
  • light room;
  • mandatory pruning.

Crassula is suitable for homes and offices, many believe in its ability to attract money and good luck, but in addition, it looks good in any interior. The money tree will delight the owners with its appearance for a long time, if you figure out how to properly care for it. See detailed video about caring for the money tree.

Crassula, or crassula (Crassula) - a popular indoor plant, belongs to the Crassula family. More than 300 species are found in nature. The most common are succulents, annual and perennial herbaceous plants and shrubs.

The fat woman is not whimsical in care and is very popular among flower growers. "Money tree" is found in so many homes. In offices, one might say, a necessary attribute, like a hole punch or a kettle.

People believe that the "money tree" is well aware of the financial situation of the owners and can attract wealth. In Feng Shui, this tree is given a lot of attention. Where should it be, what kind of ribbon should it be tied with, and so on. We will leave this question to the Feng Shui sites. Let's return to the plant and consider how to properly care for the flower. After all, if you take care of it incorrectly, then it will wither away, and what prosperity after that!

The fat woman belongs to the genus Crassulus. These are the most diverse plants that can be. Even aquarium plants belong to this genus. Consider the care of the most popular plant of this genus - the tree-like fat woman. The fat woman belongs to succulents. Even a novice florist who does not have any experience in growing indoor plants will have no trouble caring for a plant.

Location and lighting

Indoors, the fat woman should be placed on the southeast windows, as even Feng Shui recommends. Direct sunlight should be avoided, from this the leaves will turn red, wither and fall off. The leaves of the "money tree" can also fall off from a lack of fresh air.

In summer, Crassula can be taken out to the balcony, where she will be quite comfortable, besides Fresh air will only benefit. In winter, it is better to move the plant to the south side.

Watering a flower

On very hot days, water twice a week. At normal temperatures, once is enough. Carefully observe the earthy clod, do not let it dry out much, but do not flood it either. It is very important not to flood the fat woman, and at the same time, so that the earth does not dry out in any way. Perhaps this is the most important moment when caring for Crassula. In winter, the flower needs to be watered even less often - about once every two weeks.

Temperature for a fat woman

In spring and summer, the optimum temperature for keeping a fat woman will be 20-25 degrees. In summer, it is advisable to take out the crassula outside, the plant needs fresh air. The most suitable temperature in autumn and winter is 15 degrees or less, but not lower than 4 degrees. A fat woman can also overwinter at room temperature, but in this case, it is highly likely that her leaves will begin to fade and fall off.

Important! The fat woman should not be placed near batteries and heating appliances.

Plant nutrition

You can feed the flower in the summer, twice a month will be enough. Good fertilizer for cacti and succulents. The rest of the time, the fat woman needs to be fed only once a month, and the concentration of the fertilizer should be diluted twice. Top dressing should only be applied to moist soil, so feed Crassula after watering.

Crassula transplant

It is not recommended to transplant a fat woman often. It is necessary to transplant a flower only if it has grown strongly or it is necessary to divide the bush, at least once every 2-3 years. Transplanting a fat woman is best done in the spring. For this, the usual purchased land for cacti and succulents is suitable.

Note! Remember to take care of good drainage.

The fat woman is propagated by dividing the bush or cuttings, and seeds.

Reproduction by cuttings

When propagated by cuttings, they are planted in water to germinate the roots. For faster root formation, charcoal can be added to the water. If desired, the cuttings can be immediately rooted in the ground, but it is still better to germinate them first in the water. After the cuttings of Crassula give roots, they are planted in small pots with soil from leafy and soddy soil, with the addition of sand in equal proportions. Further, pots with small crassulas must be kept at a temperature of 16-18 degrees. Watering is carried out once a day. This is the most common and easiest way to breed a fat woman.

Reproduction by seeds

Propagation by seeds is less common among flower growers, although care for germinated seeds is exactly the same as for cuttings.

It turns out that the fat woman can bloom, but this phenomenon is quite rare. Even experienced florists can't always get the Money Tree to bloom. If you have never seen how beautiful white flowers bloom on your plant, then most likely the problem lies in the lack of illumination of the fat woman. Especially often Crassula begins to bloom during its active growth.

So that the fat woman has a beautiful and decorative look, it is necessary to form its crown. To do this, you need to prune heavily overgrown tree branches. The cut must be carried out so that four leaves remain on the branch.

Diseases and pests

  • In the event of damage to the Crassula by a spider mite, a barely noticeable web is formed on its leaves and stem. In such a situation, a soap solution or medicinal preparations Fufanon, Fitoverm will help.
  • When the scale insect is damaged, yellow and brown spots appear on the leaves. It is necessary to treat a fat woman in the same way as with the defeat of a spider mite.
  • If the plant is affected by mealybugs, then it is necessary to carry out medical procedures with a solution of laundry soap, and if it does not help, then insecticides should be used. You can also try to get rid of the worm with a piece of cotton dipped in alcohol.

  • The greatest danger to the fat woman is an excess of moisture. If the soil is too moist, then the roots and even the base of the trunk may rot.
  • If the fat woman does not have enough moisture, then the leaves in this case may become lethargic.
  • If you water the fat woman with cold water, then the leaves may completely crumble.
  • Crassula does not tolerate drafts, because of them the leaves can dry out and fall off.
  • It is impossible for direct sunlight to fall on the bottom (base) of the fat woman.

The healing properties of the fat woman

Fat woman according to Chinese Feng Shui brings good luck and success in financial matters. In addition, Crassula is a symbol of wealth, not without reason is it called the Money Tree. But in addition to Feng Shui, the fat woman has healing properties: it purifies the air, relieves stress and tension, improves the microflora, which reduces pathogenic formations in the room. All this in general has a positive effect on human health.

Growing a fat woman at home (video)

Crassula is one of the most unpretentious and well-known indoor plants. Even a novice florist can grow it at home. The money tree is also popular because, according to Feng Shui, it can attract prosperity, love and good luck to the house. That is why on the windowsills of many apartments you can see fat trees with leaves similar to coins. But, despite the whimsical, the plant requires a certain and careful care.

Description, types and photos of fat women

Crassula or Crassula belongs to the succulent family and the fat family. A rather small and neat tree, which we are used to seeing at home, grows up to four meters in nature. On its thick trunk, simple and entire outer leaves grow opposite each other. They can be green, light green, silver and dark with a red border. At good conditions cultivation and proper care the plant can bloom white, blue, yellow or light red flowers. All fat women are distinguished by fleshy leaves and drought tolerance.

There are many various kinds money tree, among which there are annual and perennial plants. Only a few of them are grown at home:

Fat woman: home care, photo

Growing and caring for a money tree is quite simple and interesting. Providing a tropical flower the necessary conditions content, it should be remembered that in spring and summer the plant has a period of active growth, and in winter - a dormant period.

Lighting and air temperature

refers to light-loving plants but does not tolerate direct sunlight. It is better to place it near the southeast windows, where there is enough sun, not too hot and the sun's rays do not burn. In winter, the plant can be placed on the southern windowsill, and in summer it can be taken out to the balcony or garden. In the fresh air, the flower grows well and can bloom. To do this, you need to choose a place protected from the wind and the scorching sun.

In the warm season, home-grown crassula will feel good at air temperatures in the range of + 20- + 25 degrees. In winter, the plant has a dormant period, so it must be kept in a cool room with a temperature of about + 10- + 14 degrees.

If it is not possible to provide the fat woman with the required temperature in winter time year, it is recommended to put it away from heating appliances. Otherwise, from dry air and heat, the leaves from the plant will begin to fall off, and the tree itself will stretch. The money tree begins to shed its leaves even with constant drafts in the room.

Watering and feeding

When caring for a fat woman, it must be remembered that it is impossible to flood a plant with fleshy stems. Regular watering causes root rot and loss of leaves. Crassula is watered only after its earthen clod dries from above by three to four centimeters.

During the dormant period, if the plant is kept in a cool room from November to February, watering practically stops. At this time, you just need to make sure that the substrate in the pot does not dry out completely.

The pot in which the money tree grows must have holes at the bottom through which water enters the pan. Before planting the plant on the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to pour a thick layer of drainage.

In the hot season and when the plant is kept indoors with the batteries turned on several times a month, a money tree is needed rinse under warm shower. The top of the pot with soil must be pre-wrapped with polyethylene so that water does not enter the soil. The fat woman can be taken away to its place only after the water has drained from it. If there is no opportunity to arrange a shower for the plant, then its leaves are periodically sprayed from a spray bottle and wiped with a damp cloth.

It is not recommended to feed fat women often. It is enough to fertilize the plant with nutrient solutions special for succulents once a month in spring and summer, and once every three months during the dormant period. So that fertilizers do not burn the roots and are well absorbed, they are applied a day after watering the flower.

Features of a money tree transplant

Caring for a fat woman at home involves plant transplant once every two years. The roots of Crassula are too small, so the pot for her must match their size. At the same time, the planting container must be heavy, because with a small root system, a large tree may begin to collapse.

You can transplant the plant into a special soil for succulents, which is sold in flower shops. Prepare soil mixture for transplanting a fat woman, you can do it yourself by mixing for this:

  • leaf ground - 1 part;
  • soddy soil - 4 parts;
  • humus - 1 part;
  • sand - 1 part.

Expanded clay, pieces of coal or brick chips are necessarily poured at the bottom of the pot.

In the process of transplanting the roots of the plant, it is recommended to carefully examine and remove the rotten ones. In this case, the cut points are sprinkled crushed activated carbon, the tree is left for a day to dry the roots and only then is planted in a prepared container.

Ways to breed a fat woman

Money tree at home can be propagated in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Reproduction by seeds

plant seeds sown in seedling containers filled with moist soil. From above, crops are covered with glass or polyethylene. Care consists in spraying the soil as it dries and airing the mini greenhouse daily. The first seedlings should appear in two weeks. Glass should be removed immediately, and seedlings should be placed in a well-lit place. It is better not to water the soil around the seedlings of the crassula, but to spray it. As soon as young plants grow up and get stronger, they can be seated in small separate pots.

Reproduction by cuttings

This is the most easy way reproduction of the money tree. It is recommended to harvest and plant cuttings in March or April. In this case, according to experienced flower growers, there is a possibility that the fat woman will bloom.

As cuttings, you can take just a leaf of a plant or a segment of the trunk. The segments are deepened into the prepared soil by about 6 cm, and the leaves by 1 cm. For better rooting, a transparent container is put on top of the cuttings. In such a mini greenhouse, the plant will feel much more comfortable and take root faster. Care should be taken of the cuttings carefully, airing them daily and checking the soil moisture.

Possible problems when growing a money tree

At home, with proper care, the fat woman usually does not get sick and is not affected by pests. Therefore, if with unpretentious plant problems, that's for sure errors in its maintenance and care:

  1. Watering with cold water and excessive watering leads to root rot. The plant first changes color, and the leaves fall off. Then the table becomes soft and the flower gradually dies. In this case, on early stages the soil must be dried and spilled with drugs for fungal diseases. If this does not help, then the plant is pulled out of the pot, and its rotten roots are cut off.
  2. Insufficient lighting can cause the tree to stretch out its stems and become ugly. Therefore, in poorly lit rooms, the plant is recommended to be grown on window sills.
  3. If the air in the room is too dry, the leaves of the crassula may begin to dry and wither. In this case, the tree can be taken out to fresh air, and in winter it can be sprayed regularly.

Crassula are rarely affected by pests, but, nevertheless, they are sometimes attacked by:

  • mealybug in the axils of the leaves forms a white coating;
  • spider mites are very small insect, which leaves sticky cobwebs between the stems and leaves;
  • scale insect in the form of yellow or brown convex spots can be seen on the trunk and leaves.

In all cases, the plant is treated folk remedies or special chemicals.

In order for the money tree to have a neat round shape, and not look like a shrub with thin stems, it is recommended to independently engage in the formation of its crown.

You need to start forming a fat woman still at a young age, when three to four pairs of leaves appear on its branches. To do this, a new kidney located between the leaves is pinched with tweezers or nails. Some time after the procedure, two or three new buds will appear in place of the removed bud, and the tree will begin to branch. At this time, you need to ensure that there are no more than four pairs of leaves on each branch. The top of the grown tree is plucked off.

If Crassula was bought already in an adult state, then its height and splendor can still be adjust by cutting. To do this, a branch is cut off over the fourth pair of leaves, and the place of the cut is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon.

For uniform growth and development of the crown, the fat woman periodically needs to be turned in different directions to the light. It is not recommended to plant several crassula sprouts in one pot at once. In this case, after a while, you will get several shapeless bushes.

An unpretentious and disease-resistant money tree at home can be grown even by a beginner in gardening. With the right care ornamental plant will decorate any room and, according to Feng Shui, will attract prosperity and good luck to the house.

Crassula flower

fat girl, or "Money Tree", - a special plant, which is attributed amazing properties. As they say, this potted tree can improve well-being and "attract" wealth.

Is it a myth or is it true, you can only verify for yourself by planting this amazing indoor flower at home or in the office.

The scientific name of the fat woman - crassula - comes from the Latin word "crassus". In translation, this means “thick”, and this name is not surprising, since the leaves and stems of this plant do not exactly belong to the “thin” ones. But where and when did the magical connection of Crassula with financial flows, is still a mystery. But, one way or another, many give birth to a fat woman precisely in order to attract money.

How to care for a money tree at home?

Even if you have absolutely no experience in breeding indoor plants, caring for a fat woman is not difficult. This is one of the most unpretentious, easy-to-care plants that do not require any special conditions of maintenance or a specific temperature regime.

How to plant a money tree?

Crassula should choose a small wide pot and be sure to make drainage. Crassula is undemanding to soils. The main thing is that the earth is not too loose. For better adaptation, the sprout can be covered with a cap or glass jar.

Watering "Fat Woman"

It doesn't need to be watered very often. Even in summer, once or twice a week is enough. But at the same time, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil. If it is dry, this does not mean that the succulent does not have enough water. The bottom layer may be wet and the roots will rot. To avoid this, do not overdo it with watering and be sure to drain the water from the pan.

In the cold season, watering should be minimal: in autumn - once, maximum twice a week, in winter - once or twice a month. If the plant is at this time in cool conditions, then it does not need to be watered at all.

Houseplant nutrition

Twice a year, a fat woman must be fed (in autumn and spring). At the beginning of spring, nitrogenous complexes are used for top dressing, and in autumn period- fertilizers, potassium and fluorine. It is important not to overdo it with the concentration of the composition so that the tree does not get burned. Additionally, you can monthly feed Crassula with special liquid fertilizers.

How to transplant "Fat Woman"?

A tree should be transplanted only when the pot has become too cramped. As a rule, such a need arises approximately once every three years. The ideal time for this is the beginning of May. In a pot, you need to make a drainage at least two centimeters high, pour soil, carefully place the tree in the center, and add soil. After transplanting, the plant is watered, and the soil is filled up as it settles.

The money tree blooms quite rarely. To achieve the flowering of Crassula, in the warm period it must be kept outdoors (balcony, veranda), avoiding direct sun. In winter, it is better to keep the pot in a cool room, where the temperature is a maximum of 10-12 degrees. Also, the fat woman must be protected from sudden changes in temperature.

Wipe the leaves regularly and make sure that the room has clean air. Promotes flowering and proper stem formation.

Reproduction "with your own hands"

You can propagate the money tree by cuttings, leaves or seeds. At home, it is easiest to use the first two methods, since propagation by seeds is a rather troublesome business. But the leaves and petioles usually take root well even without special preparation. The cuttings are usually immediately planted in the substrate, and the leaves are kept for some time in boiled water, periodically changing it so that the roots germinate.

Diseases and treatment of the money tree

Despite unpretentiousness, Crassula can die due to improper care. One of the main causes of plant death is over-watering. At the same time, the roots begin to rot, the leaves turn yellow and fall off. You can suspect an excess of moisture if the leaves began to lose elasticity. Then you need to reduce watering. If the root system begins to rot, you need to remove the damaged roots, and transplant the plant. But when the base of the trunk is struck, it is no longer possible to save the fat woman.

Also, although this rarely happens, Crassula can suffer from a fungal infection. At the same time, spots appear on the leaves of Crassula - white or brown. Special preparations will save the money tree from the fungus. Also, with the help of drugs it is easy to get rid of pests. But if black circles appear, these are sunburns. In this case, the money tree needs to be rearranged or shaded.

Signs associated with the money tree

It is believed that in order for the money tree to “work” and bring good luck, it must be grown correctly. The main "trick" in turning a fat woman into a talisman is the "pedigree". A leaf for planting should be plucked from a tree growing in a profitable place, and this should be done secretly. If none of your wealthy friends have a fat woman, look for a plant in some successful institution (bank, expensive restaurant). You can not take leaves from the crassula in the hospital and similar places.

It is desirable to place this plant talisman in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui in the wealth sector. The ideal place is a window that faces southeast. To enhance the action, you can bury coins or gold in a pot, and when the tree grows up, tie a red ribbon on the trunk.

You should not give a financial tree and it is advisable not to accept it as a gift. It is also not advised to buy an adult plant - you need to grow it yourself. If there is nowhere to pick a leaf, buy a tiny fat girl for a small fee.

In order for the plant to grow faster, talk to it about money more often - and it will certainly attract prosperity, additional finances and well-being to your home.

Dip a penny into the soil and after a while, with the growth of the tree, you will get financial profit and good luck in money matters.