Indoor flowers for home well-being: signs, superstitions, traditions. Plants that bring money and prosperity to the house What flower brings good luck at home

  • 20.06.2020

There is only one happiness in life - to love and be loved George Sand

The fact that plants have a magical ability to influence events in people's lives is an undeniable, proven fact. There are home flowers, the vocation of which is to attract and preserve what the relationship of two people is based on - love.

Patrons of unmarried girls

Stop suffering, dreaming of a prince. It's time to act and strongly recommend that love finally settle in your home. Home plants that attract love will help you. They have powerful love energy, which the future half cannot pass by.

Hoya Kerrii

This beauty is from Thailand. Hoya is a symbol of the perfect fusion of feminine and masculine energy. meaty, dense leaves it is shaped like hearts.

  • Hoya loves the sun, the best place for her is the southern windows of the apartment.

Kerry will help not only attract a soul mate, but also turn future relationships into harmonious, strong alliance love and fidelity.

Oxalis (Oxalis)

She is also called Kislitsa. The sultry African has a mysterious power, the energy of love. The leaves of a clover-like plant can grant any wish, especially if you make them in the evening, after sunset.

  • Oxalis is a pampered heat-loving plant that does not tolerate direct sunlight. Place it on the east side of the house.

Oxalis knows how to sleep by closing its flowers at night and folding its leaves.

Beautiful creations of nature, plants with powerful energy, working to attract love. Happy owners of a magical flower are happy in relationships and divinely attractive.

  • her places are the southeast or southwest areas of the house. The orchid prefers partial shade, where it acquires even greater strength.

According to legend, the first Orchid saw the light at the place where the goddess Venus dropped her shoe.

The magical plant was born in the Far East. She patronizes tender, romantic feelings, charming first kisses, eternal, true love.

  • place it at least a meter away from the window. Ideal under air conditioning (Chrysanthemum loves a light breath of fresh wind).

Indoor chrysanthemums have especially great power of love magic. yellow color.

Keepers of couples

Indoor plants carry different charges of energy (there are "female" plants, there are "male" ones). If the majority of flowers in the apartment are feminine, it is difficult for a man to survive among such conditions. Take care of the balance in this regard, so that the "female" plants harmoniously coexist in your house with the "male" ones.

Spathiphyllum (Spathiphyllum)

It is not for nothing that this Colombian princess is called “a magical exquisite flower that will bring you a tender feeling based on trust and mutual understanding.

  • put the plant in a semi-dark shady and warm place. Under the sun's rays, the flower can get burned.

Get it for harmonization and indoor Anthurium with strong masculine energy. Put them together.

The symbol of true love is also known to us under the affectionate name Pansies. Violet is a strong magnet for good family relationships, relieves tension, disposes to confidential communication.

  • Violets love well-lit areas, but beware of direct sun exposure. The ideal place for her is the windows in the west and east of the apartment.

These magical plants create a magical aura of peace, charming, relaxing comfort. Violet is a great family peacemaker.

Aichryson (Aichryson)

Or the "Tree of Love", as it is popularly called. This flower was created to attract strong, long-term family relationships. He will be able to fill them with harmony, a second youth.

  • Aihrizon prefers diffused light; western or eastern windows are best for him.

There is a sign: the brighter, juicier the color of the leaves of the plant, the more prosperous things are in love, family relationships.

A small tree of family happiness, where there is everything: harmony in relationships, healthy children, material well-being. Pomegranate works to attract family well-being, which is based on trusting, eternal love.

  • in summer, move the tree to a sunny, open balcony, and in winter, shelter it from the cold on the southern windows in the house.

Dwarf pomegranate can bear fruit. Its fruits are considered magical. Both spouses need to eat them - this will strengthen the love between them, and make domestic relationships stronger.

Men's helpers

What does a man need? To have success with women, power over life, reverence among colleagues and, of course, your soul mate, whom you can completely trust and selflessly idolize. Indoor flowers with a strong masculine charge can help with this.

Male patron, "Male happiness", as he is called. For single men, he will call for a meeting with his soul mate, give an unforgettable romance in love, create relationships where happiness reigns.

  • put Anthurium away from drafts, blown places. Ideally on the southern windows, place a container of water next to it (he loves water vapor).

When your soulmate is already with you, make a gift to your plant talisman - buy him Satiphyllum ("Women's happiness") and put it next to him.

Hippeastrum (Hippeastrum)

The Cavalier Star (its other name) has a special effect on unmarried men. He works to attract passionate, even adventurous novels filled with vivid feelings, where eternal love reigns.

  • the ideal place for him is away from the places where you rest. These plants are able to absorb energy. The best place for them on the south, illuminated side of the apartment.

Its stormy energy surge falls at the time of flowering (December-February). At this wonderful time, a magical enveloping aroma will reign in the house.

It is not enough just to have patron flowers in the house. Just like love, they require attention and care. You need to follow them, communicate, trust secrets, ask for advice.

Do you want love to knock on your door? Get houseplants that attract her. And plunge into a new, unforgettable life, where this feeling commands.

Hello! All people want happiness so much, but many do not know where to get it! Wise nature has come up with many useful means for people to know joy and happiness. One of these remedies is home flowers that bring happiness to the house.

Where there is love, there is happiness!

Many lovers of green pets breed indoor flowers to decorate the interior, without even realizing what benefits they can bring. But some flowers can turn the course of your life into a new, happy direction.

Yes, and just dreaming, meeting with loved ones in a romantic setting, will add warmth and happiness to relationships.

List of lucky flowers

What green spaces will bring love and happiness to the house?


You have to give first place. In the people it is called "Women's happiness". It came to us from the southern forests of America. Caring for him is not difficult: he loves daily spraying, watering not from above into the soil, but into a pot.

Who will he help?

  • unmarried girls will find their destiny;
  • if you do not have children for a long time, then you will soon acquire offspring, you just need to properly care for and believe in its strength;
  • "Women's happiness" has a positive effect on family people bringing love, respect, mutual understanding to the house.

Next to the female, lives "Male happiness" or. It is believed that this passionate flower multiplies male power.

Usambar violet

In order for a delicate plant to please you with lush bouquets, do not be lazy to take care of it. Violets love a lot of light, do not tolerate cold hard water. - a symbol of great love, she maintains peace in the family, does not allow to be offended, quarrel.

Many flower growers note the ability of violets to relieve stress and calm the soul. If you have a difficult period in your life, then plant a violet. It will help to get out of the "black stripe" without mental loss.

It is important to consider the shade of the plant:

  • whites are favorable for families with children;
  • violet absorb bad energy;
  • violets blue color stimulate creativity;
  • pink - help to lose weight!

Experts remind that saintpaulia can be a vampire. At night, the flower emits carbon dioxide, so you should not keep more than 15 pots in the bedroom.

Chinese rose

We will give the third place to the Chinese rose or hibiscus, which has beautiful, rather large flowers. The plant loves warmth proper watering.

As soon as the Chinese rose begins to bloom, wait for the height of passion and love between spouses.

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Hello dear flower growers! There are many arguments that the rose is an insidious plant, so it has no place in houses and ...

wax ivy

fourth happy flower may be called hoya, or "wax ivy". It is noticed that beautiful bouquets bloom on Valentine's Day. The lovers put him in the bedroom and assure that their love never ends.

Hoya has a lot different types, but the plant with fleshy leaves is most often bred.

evergreen myrtle

Among the lucky flowers, evergreen myrtle occupies a special place, delighting its owners with miniature bouquets. white color.

In addition to beauty, this flower is endowed with healing properties, because its name "myrtle" in Greek means "balm".

If you want to wish the newlyweds happiness and love, give them this home shrub. It is believed that in new familymyrtle will bring good luck and love, make marriage happy and faithful.

Aichrizon is popularly called “the tree of love” or “the tree of happiness”. Look at its leaves, they resemble the shape of hearts. These potted flowers will bring happiness to the house, peace in relationships.

His little yellow suns will delight with their solar warmth.

The leaves of this modest must be sprayed from time to time, so that at the end of spring it blooms with yellow, and sometimes red flowers. There is a sign that dried shoots begin to "pull out" the well-being of the owner, therefore, dry branches must be cut.

The next lucky plant is the unpretentious calathea, which came to us from America. It is grown for beautiful leaves, not suspecting that this green pet strengthens family happiness.

Grow calathea to love, peace, harmony in relationships reigned in the house.

The next flower created to strengthen the family is chlorophytum. They call it “family happiness”.

Most unpretentious plant, but loves abundant watering, especially in summer. The flower not only purifies the air in the apartment, but also will make your life calm, happy.

Do you want to keep family happiness? Get sour (oxalis). The sour juice is filled with oxalic acid, which is why the seedling received such a “sour” name. In addition to the ability to strengthen families, it has many healing properties.

Oxalis helps single people find their soul mate. If you have not yet found your happiness, then plant an oxalis, which will certainly help you.

It is believed that in order for the plant to reveal its ability to attract happiness, good luck, it should be presented by someone from close people. But oxalis can be a capricious pet if it gets too hot or gets flooded.

Dracaena is one of the amazing flowers from the series: bringing happiness to the house. If you want to believe in yourself, then decorate the interior of the house with this exotic tree.

The popular name for the tree is "Dragon Tree". It is covered with a beautiful legend: once, a very long time ago, one Aztec warrior had to water a lifeless dry stick so that his beloved girl would be his wife.

The girl's father promised to let her daughter marry if the dry stick was covered with leaves in five days. After 5 days, the dry bush turned green. Since then, the dracaena has acquired the status of a symbol of perseverance to achieve happiness. If single guys want to start a family, then dracaena should grow in their home.

It is important to water it properly: in summer - 2 times a week, and in winter - 1 time. The tree blooms very rarely.

But if it bloomed, expect the best changes in life. And if it drooped, then expect losses. Do not despair, start caring for the flower and it will come to life again.

Cyclamen is famous for attracts money, luck, love, and also improves sleep.

There is such a sign!

The most connected with pets different signs. If potted plants rush up, then career, luck will also strive up. On the contrary, drooping plants predict: something is wrong with you!

Dear flower growers, many are afraid to plant because it sheds leaves, which promises a loss of money. There are many superstitions about other green pets. Take care of green seedlings in accordance with all the rules and no superstitions will be terrible for you.

We present indoor flowers for family happiness, home well-being and love in the house. Prepared 5 of the most powerful indoor plants, each of which helps in different situations.

Protecting a family from divorce, fighting loneliness and finding happy love or a talisman for a young family. As well as indoor flower"Women's Happiness" and "Men's Happiness".

Indoor flowers for family happiness and love in the house: an age-old connection

We all know perfectly well that plants can bring prosperity, happiness, love, good luck and harmony in personal and family life.

Houseplants have an amazing energy that can be negative or positive.

Indoor flowers for family happiness and love in the house have the ability to transfer their positive energy to others and absorb negativity.

Certain houseplants improve the home atmosphere and create a foundation for spiritual harmony and peace.

People have long noticed that some home flowers affect the comfort and coziness in the family, help to find love.

  • Home plants for family well-being have been tested for centuries and have helped millions of people to establish and strengthen relationships between loving hearts.

Indoor flowers for home well-being and happiness in the family are a proven tool and an important assistant in creating harmonious relationships.

People have noticed that strong couples most often grow certain indoor plants at home, which smooth out sharp corners and give a person wisdom, patience and understanding.

  • Every adult understands how difficult it is to establish a joint life and how many obstacles one often has to go through in order to find family happiness and maintain strong love.

Life brings to loving people sometimes a lot of trials that you need to be able to overcome and save love for many years.

Indoor flowers for family happiness and well-being in the house help to quickly part with the bad and let the good into the house.

A woman, as a keeper of the hearth, should be well aware of such moments and use proven helpers.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to home flowers that bring family happiness, strengthen marriage and preserve love.

Which indoor flowers to choose for home well-being and strengthening love?

We begin to consider in more detail indoor flowers for home well-being and harmony in the family. We have specially selected indoor plants that have a positive effect in various life situations.

  • Each person and family may have different problems or desires to change something.

Someone wants to establish mutual understanding and strengthen their relationship, and he needs an appropriate flower.

Someone needs indoor plants that will help find their love and get rid of loneliness. It is better for newlyweds to grow flowers at home, allowing them to smooth out sharp corners and come to an agreement in the family.

  • In addition, there are special home flowers, which the people gave their names for their beneficial effect on humans.

This is an indoor flower "Women's happiness" and "Men's happiness", intended for women and men. And opens our list home plant with unique properties.

Calathea: protection against premature divorce

This flower protects family happiness and love. It is especially useful to grow calathea for disintegrating families.

For example, it happens that for some spouses, literally all efforts aimed at the common good and improving relations lead to the opposite result.

  • As a result, the husband and wife cannot understand how it turns out that they are trying for each other, and mutual understanding is only getting worse.

Oksalis - a flower of family happiness

The oxalis flower (oxalis), in addition to being a beautiful and not particularly whimsical plant, has many healing properties.

However, for us the most important thing is that oxalis helps lonely hearts to meet true love. And after gaining pure love, sour helps to preserve and strengthen it.

  • Therefore, among the people, oxalis is known as a flower of family happiness, and recently it has also been called - oxalis - a flower of love or a winner of loneliness.

Various folk names only confirm the powerful influence of the plant on relationships between people.

We believe that sorrel strengthens family happiness and helps to meet true love. Oxalis undoubtedly brings benefits and positive energy to the house.

Oxalis (sour)

Myrtle: strengthens the family happiness of the young

This small evergreen shrub has been known since ancient times for its healing properties and is now successfully grown at home in the form of bonsai.

  • Myrtle is the best gift for newlyweds, it strengthens the marriage and helps the newlyweds to find family happiness and home well-being.

Myrtle brings understanding, respect, harmony and patience to the house. These are exactly the qualities that young people often lack in order to build a strong and happy family.

  • The plant is also useful for established couples, helping them maintain strong love for many years.

Anthurium: indoor flower "Male happiness"

Anthurium in many countries is a symbol of "male happiness". That many people do not even know its official name, but simply call it a flower " male happiness».

  • According to ancient legends, anthurium increases "male strength" and helps a man in a relationship with a woman to become more self-confident.

According to experts, the maximum beneficial effect of a flower is achieved with a conscious desire of a man to make his woman happier. Anthurium acts as a catalyst and invisible support.

The plant itself is poisonous, so you need to take some precautions and not place the "male happiness" flower in the kitchen.

Spathiphyllum: indoor flower "Women's happiness"

Of course, we could not ignore the patron of the fair sex of the whole world.

And we present the indoor flower "female happiness" - spathiphyllum. This home plant is a comprehensive and reliable assistant to every girl and woman.

Indoor flower spathiphyllum "female happiness" is an indispensable friend for every lady. It allows you to get loving husband, grateful children and family well-being.

  • According to folk signs, the beneficial effect of the flower is most evident during the flowering period of the spathiphyllum.
  1. Spathiphyllum fights loneliness and helps to meet your love, and unmarried girls get married faster.
  2. Those who wish to have children, spathiphyllum helps to conceive a child.
  3. For those who have children and a family, it helps to make marriage stronger, more durable and happier.
  4. It surrounds its mistress with positive energy, improves the aura and fills the room with positive vibes.
  • According to some signs, an indoor flower "female happiness" must certainly be presented to a girl or woman in order to bring maximum benefit.

The magical properties of spathiphyllum, of course, are not all powerful, but for those who sincerely believe and reverently take care of " female happiness"Luck will smile rather.



Today, these are all indoor flowers for family happiness, strong love and home well-being that we wanted to show you.


Additional material coming soon with more folk omens and the secrets of indoor plants.

We hope that these flowers will bring harmony to the house and make you and your family happier!

Since ancient times, plants have been attributed the role of healers and amulets, our ancestors treated them as living beings that have a soul, their own character and the ability to fill their owner and his house with favorable energy.

AT modern world old traditions are being revived again, because many are really able to attract happiness, prosperity and love to the family.

Flowers that bring happiness and prosperity to the house


A versatile house plant, revered in many homes. As the legend says, it was he who gave leaves to cover nakedness, as well as fruits and shelter to the first people - Adam and Eve, who were expelled from the Gardens of Eden. Ficus can be placed in any of the rooms, because it has a positive effect on the energy of all households.


A pretty plant in the form of small bushes with velvety heart-shaped foliage, blooms with small flowers of different colors that have a pleasant aroma.

Many romantic and mystical legends are associated with the violet, one of which says that its flowers are the tears of Adam. In ancient times, this flower was used as a decoration for the marriage bed of newly-married spouses, and in France it symbolized fidelity and devotion.

With all its appearance, it symbolizes endless love, harmony, comfort and warmth of the hearth. White violet flowers promote mutual understanding between spouses, and purple ones promote creative development. This plant will be an excellent amulet for maintaining comfort and peace in the house, if placed on the windowsill in the bedroom.


These delicate flowers are known to all. However, few people know about amazing property plants to shoot nervous tension, to bring peace, tranquility and mutual respect to the joint life of spouses. In order to forget about frequent quarrels and conflict situations in the family, it is recommended to place a pot with pansies opposite windows facing west or east.


A small shrub with a massive stem and many fleshy, heart-shaped leaves. The people have a romantic name - "the tree of love." It is believed that this plant contributes to the revival of cooled relationships, the return of passion and vivid emotions to them.

In addition, aichrizon can be called a kind of indicator of a family atmosphere - the rich and bright color of the foliage speaks of complete harmony, peace and fidelity.


A hardy plant native to South America, its large foliage with a pale pattern gives severity and restraint to the flower, which is in perfect harmony with its role as the guardian of the hearth, lasting marriage, family happiness and prosperity.


A plant with foliage of an oblong shape in the color of juicy greens. It can often be seen not only on the windowsills of residential apartments, but also office space. People call chlorophytum "family happiness" and believe that it will really fill family life with happiness and prosperity.

It is worth noting that its ability to purify the air, relieve stress and strengthen nervous system due to the presence in it essential oils helps to literally defuse the tense atmosphere in the family. In gratitude, he requires only frequent watering and an abundance of sunlight.

Dwarf pomegranate

A miniature tree with bright flowers and deep green foliage has a beneficial effect on the health of all the inhabitants of the house, contributes to their trust relationship and brings prosperity in material terms.


This fragrant plant is able to bring good luck, happiness, trust and peace to the family. That is why it is popular as a wedding gift for newlyweds. Superstition says that family well-being will not leave a house in which there is myrtle, conflicts will be minimized, and spouses will always be able to find support from each other and come to a compromise.

GERANIUM (Pelargonium)

Since ancient times, this plant has been considered a source of positive energy that can instill self-confidence, tune in a positive way, cope with stress and depressive conditions, as well as soften a sharp and quick-tempered character, bring peace and tranquility to the family.

Geranium is best kept in the hallway, as it has a sharp aroma that can cause headaches.


Flowers symbolizing chastity and marital fidelity. By placing them in the bedroom, you can protect your marriage from lies, betrayal and betrayal.


The energy of this plant has a beneficial effect on the mood of all family members, brings good luck and prosperity to the house.

What plants bring love?


This beautiful flower with a sensual fragrance is called the flower of undying love. In addition, it is a symbol of prosperity, serves to attract romance and love.

A flower placed in the bedroom of a lonely girl helps her find a soul mate, creates beneficial energy to attract a caring and reliable man. A peony placed at the entrance to the apartment will help maintain warmth and harmony in relationships.


A sun-loving plant with fleshy, heart-shaped leaves is considered a symbol of the harmony of the union of a man and a woman. The flower attracts love into life, contributes to the formation of harmonious relationships filled with trust and fidelity.

In some countries, it is customary to give hoya kerries on Valentine's Day as a Valentine. The plant will have the most beneficial effect if placed in the bedroom.


This heat-loving plant with extraordinary energy is popularly called, it attracts love to a house where it is taken care of.

According to the sign, single girls should put a spathiphyllum in their bedroom and soon they will be lucky enough to meet their soul mate. It will also be an excellent assistant for young couples who dream of replenishing the family.


The flower is capricious, but magnificent in beauty. Orchid owners will never be deprived of the attention of the opposite sex, it bestows attraction and attracts love into their lives.

Oxalis (Oxalis)

A heat-loving representative of the plant world, possessing thin leaves, shaped like a large clover. As well as clover, the four-leaf sour is highly valued, which must certainly bring good luck to its owner.

To find your soul mate as soon as possible, you should plant this unusual plant at home. It is believed that at proper care, the flower will be able to, made after sunset.


A flower from the Far East, considered a symbol of nascent love. Despite the superstitions associated with yellow flowers, it is this color of chrysanthemums that gives them the greatest magical power, attracting true and happy love to the fate of its owner.


The heat-loving plant, which came to us from the subtropical forests of Central and South America, has large, dark green foliage that resembles a heart shape.

With proper care, anthurium blooms throughout the year with interesting-looking fluffy spikelets of white or yellow, framed by a red or white border.

White anthurium inflorescences are a symbol of innocence, purity of feelings, purity and boundless fidelity, and red ones are the personification of passion, energy and passionate love feelings. Belief says that stopping flowering and withering of a plant means the extinction of a man's passion or the appearance of an insidious rival in a woman.

In the people, the flower is called "male happiness", it is believed that it is especially favorable to the representatives of the stronger sex. The plant gives the owner real masculine qualities: courage and strength, stamina and confidence.

In addition, he will help a single man gain success with the opposite sex and attract true love into fate, and he will provide strong marriages to a married man. family relationships and fidelity of the chosen one.

HIBISCUS (Chinese rose)

The appearance of this heat-loving plant in the house foreshadows lonely people in the near future, relationships filled with passion and romance. And for successful couples, the Chinese rose will become an indispensable amulet against the fading of feelings, it will help to maintain a vibrant relationship for many years.

Hibiscus is an integral part of a variety of Asian customs. For example, women use large flower not only as a decoration, but also to show readiness for new love relationship, placing it above the left ear.