Violet home plant. Soil composition for room violet

  • 12.06.2019

One of the most beloved houseplants among gardeners is violets (lat. Víola or saintpaulias). Their beauty attracts the attention of people even very far from floriculture, violets on the windowsill look great. However, violet home care requires careful attention, so it is considered difficult to breed these indoor flowers.

Externally, the flower is a rosette of leaves. It can be simple or terry. Distinctive feature- lack of a central stem. Blooms with small flowers different color and forms. The plant has a large species diversity.

Homeland violets - tropical countries. Particularly scrupulous is the care of violets in winter - a time characterized by a lack of sunlight and an excess of artificial heat. For proper maintenance, we have prepared the rules for care and reproduction.

Requirements for the conditions of keeping violets:

  • temperature regime: in summer up to +25 C; in winter + 18-20 C;
  • humidity level 50%;
  • illumination level - daylight at least 10 hours a day
  • during the flowering period, additional lighting with fluorescent lamps is required.

IN flower shops you can find both seedlings of violets and a large selection of seeds. Growing violets from seeds on your own is a fascinating process, but it requires certain experience and knowledge, so it is more suitable for experienced flower growers. For beginners, it is recommended to opt for ready-made seedlings. First, you can immediately see the varietal qualities: appearance, color, shape and size of flowers. Secondly, in specialized stores and flower markets, seedlings are sold in pots or phytocassettes that protect the sensitive root system of violets from negative environmental factors.

Growing seedlings

Grow planting material you can do it yourself from seeds. Advantage - the resulting copy may differ from the parent material, and in better side. This big chance withdraw new variety. The mistake of many inexperienced flower growers is to focus only on the front side of the bag when choosing seeds. In fact, the appearance of the flower rarely matches the picture. For example, violet horned growing from seeds, which is most often practiced, has a wide variety of colors, up to black with bright spots of flowers.

The package must contain the following information:

  • name in Russian and Latin;
  • variety (exception when it comes to a species plant);
  • best before date;
  • germination;
  • the number of seeds in one bag (in pieces or grams);
  • description of appearance: size and color of flowers.

Among connoisseurs, heterotic hybrids are highly valued, i.e. hybrids with increased viability. Their names must contain the symbol "F1". The cost of such seeds is much higher, but the highest quality planting material is obtained.

Successful growing of violets at home starts with the right substrate for growing seedlings. Its composition:

  • drainage from ceramic shards;
  • coarse river sand;
  • a thin layer of sphagnum moss;
  • at the end - prepared soil: crushed peat (sifted through a sieve with a cell of 0.5-1 mm) and perlite in a ratio of 1: 1.

All fillers must be sterilized. Moss and soil are processed in a “steam bath”, shards and sand in a hot oven.

Sowing is carried out in special phytocassettes with a lid on the surface of moistened soil. Stored in a warm place away from direct sunlight. Conditions of detention:

  • temperature regime not lower than +20 C;
  • sufficient moisture (do not allow the surface of the soil to dry out).

The predicted emergence of seedlings is on the 20-25th day, with a temperature regime not lower than +250 - seedlings may appear already after 14 days after sowing.

Photo instruction for growing violets from a leaf

seedling care

The secrets of caring for violets at the growing stage lie in correct content seedlings. The main fear of saintpaulia is dry soil and water ingress on the leaves and basal neck.

After the emergence of seedlings, the cover of the cassette is replaced with a covering one. nonwoven fabric(spunbond type) to eliminate the possibility of dripping and improve air exchange.

Bottom watering or drip irrigation, when water constantly or at certain time intervals goes directly to the root system of each plant, which completely eliminates the possibility of wetting the ground part of the violet.

With the advent of two full-fledged leaves, the seedlings are transplanted into individual pots.

Transplantation of violets

Violets planting and care at home, which for most people is akin to a sacrament, delight their breeders with a lush color, only if they are periodically transplanted. Over time, the soil becomes caked and its acidity changes, as a result of a deterioration in air exchange and a lack of nutrients. Replacing the pot when transplanting is not required. If the flower is not crowded, then you can limit yourself to replacing the soil.

When to transplant violets?

The highest percentage of survival in the spring. It is not recommended to transplant violets in the summer heat. If it is possible to compensate for the lack of daylight for plants, which is typical for mid-latitudes in autumn winter period, then transplantation can be done practically all year round.

Souring is indicated by the formation of a white coating on the surface. Air exchange is disturbed in the soil or an excess of minerals accumulates.

Flowering begins only after the root system fills the entire pot with earth. Enlarging the pot requires a plant whose root system is very tightly entangled with an earthen ball. When choosing a container for a flower, we are guided by the rule: the flower should be 3 times larger than the diameter of the pot. It is recommended to use a plastic container. In ceramic and clay pots, the soil dries out faster. Violet leaves wither on contact with these materials.

Transplant rules

Violet transplantation can be carried out in three ways:

  • transplantation with a complete replacement of the soil (recommended for adult plants in case of bare stem, withering or acidification of the soil);
  • transplant with partial soil replacement (optimal for young plants miniature varieties and in cases of changing the pot to a larger one in diameter);
  • transshipment (for urgent transplantation or young children).

A transplant with a complete replacement of the soil makes it possible to clean the root system of harmful elements.

  1. Remove the plant from the pot. Healthy living violet roots have White color and fill the entire space of the pot. Brown dead roots are removed. Can be washed with water. If there is rot, the plant is trimmed down to living tissue. Sections are treated with activated charcoal and dried. With significant damage to the root system, the plant should be re-rooted in sphagnum moss, which has bactericidal properties, or in an aquatic environment.
  2. Remove all yellow leaves and flower stalks.
  3. Sections are processed with coal chips.
  4. If, as a result of cleaning the roots, their number has noticeably decreased, it is necessary to replace the pot with a smaller diameter.
  5. Drainage is laid at the bottom, then a layer of soil on which the roots of the plant are laid out. From above, the earth is filled up to the level of the lower leaves. To make the soil settle down well, tap on the walls of the pot.
  6. Do not water the transplanted plant for 1 day. To ensure the required level of humidity, it can be covered with a plastic bag.
  7. After a day, inspect the violet. If the leg is bare, it is necessary to add soil.

Transplantation with partial soil replacement is carried out similarly to the previous method with one difference. Only the soil that is easily shaken off is removed from the roots of the plant. Advantage - minimal damage to the root system, because. she remains in an earthen coma.

During transshipment, the violet is removed from the old pot along with the entire earthen clod and placed in a new container. If necessary, fresh soil is added.

soil for violets

Whether you are planting a new young plant or repotting an old one, the quality of the soil is essential to the success of the whole event. Violet home care, which is very important, prefers an acidic environment with few nutrients. The ideal substrate should be very light, well pass through itself air and moisture. Its composition:

  • peat (3 parts, sometimes diluted with perlite or vermiculite to retain moisture);
  • dried sphagnum moss (no more than 10% of the total volume);
  • leaf ground (5 parts);
  • sand (1 part);
  • coal (no more than 10% of the total volume).

The soil for violets is poor. On the one hand, this is an advantage, because the plant does not tolerate overfeeding, on the other hand, top dressing is required during the growth period. In winter, a humate solution is added (1 time per year). In spring and summer, special mineral fertilizers for violets are applied.

Watering methods

Important! When watering, you can not fill the flower and allow water to get on the leaves (they are cleaned of dust with a damp cloth) and flowers.

Top watering. The most labor intensive way. To help you - a small watering can with a long spout or a large syringe. The amount of water is determined visually. If moisture begins to drip through drainage holes, watering is completed. The advantage of overhead watering is the leaching of excess salts from the substrate.

For bottom watering, the pot is placed in a container with water (water height ¼ height flower pot) and left for a while until the soil in it darkens, which indicates its sufficient moisture. Experienced flower growers, who know exactly how much water their pets need, pour a certain amount into the pan and wait for it to be absorbed. You can not put several in one pallet flower pots. This is an easy way to spread disease. The disadvantage of this method is that there is no leaching of salts, as with top watering.

Wick watering. We recall the capillary effect from the 7th grade physics course. We place the pot with violet on a container of water, so that its bottom does not touch the surface of the water. In the role of a wick, we use a strip of fabric or a cord. We pass one end into the drainage hole, the other is immersed in water. The flower will take as much moisture as it needs. Wick watering is convenient in conditions of frequent changes in temperature and humidity levels. The amount of moisture consumed is regulated by the needs of the flower at the moment.

Despite the convenience, wick irrigation there are a number of significant shortcomings. Not recommended for irrigation large plants(maximum pot size up to 8 cm in diameter). Risky to use winter time, because the water temperature can drop significantly, and cold water is contraindicated for violets. Some varieties do not perceive watering through the wick.

For watering violets, you must use soft warm (room temperature) water. Cold water leads to the absence of flowering, rotting of the root system, up to the death of the flower. You can soften and purify water by boiling, using household filters, or letting the water stand for a couple of days.

If water with increased hardness after boiling is added to 1 liter of 5 crystals citric acid or 1 tsp vinegar. Watering with acidified water is recommended no more than once a month.

Important! For irrigation, you can not use magnetized water and with a silver content.

Reproduction of violets

Any floriculture forum will reveal all the secrets of growing violets. After studying the opinions of their participants, you come to the conclusion that the most common and easiest way to propagate violets is to root a leaf cutting in water or a substrate.

The optimal time for cuttings is the spring-summer period. We choose the greenest and strongest leaf in an adult young plant medium sizes from the bottom row, if there are several, after watering the flower.

Rooting in the aquatic environment

At the leaf selected for rooting, the stalk is cut so that 3-4 cm is left to the leaf plate. The cut can be at a right angle or an angle of 450. We use only a clean and dry tool with a well-sharpened blade. The sheet is placed in water. The rooting process of violets lasts from 14 days to a month or more, depending on the variety. When the roots reach 1-2 cm, the cutting is transplanted into the ground until the children appear.

If the leaf withered (for example, during transportation) or was plucked from an unwatered plant, it is necessary to resuscitate in order to restore turgor: put the whole leaf in a weak aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. The water temperature is approximately 250. Withstand 2-3 hours.

If, in the process of rooting in the aquatic environment, the process of decay has begun, the cut is updated along the healthy part of the leaf and treated with coal powder. The sheet is placed in a disinfected container with new clean water.

Advantages. Allows you to control the process of root formation and not miss the right moment for further action (provided that a glass or transparent plastic vessel is used).

Rooting in the ground

The leaf cutting is placed directly into the ground, bypassing the aquatic environment. The advantages of the method are that the germination time is reduced (the plant does not have to adapt first to one conditions, then to others) and the children appear faster. The Expert Forum recommends this method for propagating miniature violet varieties. For their rooting, leaves with cuttings of 1-1.5 cm are taken.

Regardless of the method of reproduction, it is important to observe the conditions for keeping the cuttings:

  • keeping in the greenhouse until the appearance of children;
  • stable temperature regime 22-250 (without direct sunlight);
  • lighting 12 hours;
  • good air exchange in the substrate;
  • watering as the substrate dries with prepared water.

Video about caring for violets at home

Violet, also known as saintpaulia (from the Latin Saintpaulia), or uzambar violet, is a houseplant that many people like to grow on their windowsill. It should be noted that she is not a relative of garden violets, known as "Pansies". The flower belongs to the Gesneriaceae family, a genus of flowering herbaceous plants. The homeland of violets is East Africa, where the flower grows on mountain slopes near water bodies. Today, more than 20 species of violets and over 32 thousand varieties are known, many of which are Saintpaulia hybrids. In the article, we will take a closer look at what types of violets are, what are the difficulties of care and the secrets of growing a little beauty.

Variety of types of violets.

Violet flower is a low plant, has short stems, a basal rosette of small rounded leaves. The plant is evergreen, perennial. The leaves are leathery, have hairs and vary in color depending on the "gender". The "leaves-girls" have a light spot at the base, the "leaves-boys" are completely green. The base of the leaf is unequal, has the shape of a heart, the top can be pointed or oval.

The flowers are collected in brushes, in diameter from 2 to 4 cm, one- or two-color, in shape they are:

  1. simple;
  2. corrugated;
  3. terry;
  4. bordered;
  5. star-shaped.

The fruits of violets are dense boxes with a large number of seeds.

Variety of species

Violet houseplant has a wide variety of species. In order to differ from each other, they all have certain specific features. This:

  1. The shape and surface of the leaves are elongated, with raised edges, corrugated, wavy, with teeth and holes.
  2. The size of the outlet is subminiature (less than 7 cm), miniature (up to 20 cm), large - (from 20 to 40 cm).
  3. Flower shape - ordinary, semi-double, terry.
  4. The color of the leaves is variegated and green.
  5. The color of the petals is monophonic, bordered, fantasy, chimera violets (with a central stripe).
  6. The number of petals in a flower.

Some varieties of violets that are widespread among flower growers:

  1. "Macho" - flowers are large, half-double, purple with a burgundy tint and a white border around the edge. The petals are wavy, the leaves are straight, green.
  2. "Caprice" - the flowers are white, double, have a green border. The leaves are wavy, variegated.
  3. "Sea Wolf" - the flowers are very large (up to 8 cm), blue with a mesh pattern. The leaves are dark green.
  4. "Paris Secrets" - terry flowers, large, lilac-black. The petals in the center are collected in a dense ball, resembling a head of cabbage. The leaves are green with white.
  5. "Max Black Pearl" - black flower petals with a purple tint, small leaves.
  6. "Water" - the flowers are blue, pink at the edges, terry. The leaves are light, wavy.

How to care for a plant?

With proper care, indoor violets can bloom all year round. Important factor- good lighting. The plant is afraid of direct sunlight, so it is better to keep it on the north side of the room. If you provide a flower with access to light for 14 hours a day, it will bloom even in winter.

The temperature in the room should be moderate - within 19-24 degrees in both summer and winter. Violet is afraid of drafts and sudden changes in temperature, so even in summer you need to take it out into the fresh air carefully, only in calm weather.

Humidity also needs to be maintained high level. Do not forget about hygiene - if the plant is covered with dust, it can be taken to the bathroom and doused with a shower. The main thing is to give it time to dry completely, and only then return it to the windowsill.

How to water?

The main rule when watering is to avoid getting drops of water on the leaves and flower petals, because. if moisture remains on the leaves and light enters, dark spots form. Violet can be watered in three ways:

  1. Bottom watering. The most preferred way. Water is poured into a deep bowl or pot tray. The plant should stand in it until upper layer the earth will not become wet. Then you need to remove the pot from the water and allow the soil to dry out. The next watering is done only after the topsoil has completely dried. Water should be warm and settled.
  2. Wick watering. A rope is threaded through a hole in the bottom of the pot and lowered into a container of water. One end is in the ground, the other in the water. The bottom must not touch the water.
  3. Top watering. The most complex and painstaking method. Water should be poured carefully, to the edge of the pot. It is better to use a syringe or watering can with a thin spout.

If the leaves are on long petioles, they can be used to judge the need for watering - when the leaves lean towards the ground, the violet needs moisture.

How to fertilize?

Violet is not a very hardy flower, so it needs regular feeding, from the growing season to the dormant period. It is better to use liquid fertilizers for flowering houseplants. You can add them to the water for bottom irrigation every 7-10 days. It is important to take into account the concentration of the applied fertilizer - it should be 2 times less than that indicated in the instructions.

How to cut?

Ideally, the plant should have three tiers of leaves. Violet may need pruning to form a beautiful rosette. To make the bush look aesthetically pleasing, from time to time you need to cut off dry and yellow leaves if they appear at the base. The same is done with lifeless flowers. In general, pruning is done in the following cases:

  1. When old leaves die.
  2. When it is required to rejuvenate an old violet, the top is cut off. On the resulting stump, children germinate over time, which are used for reproduction.
  3. When you need to make the bush more lush, cut off the leaves that interfere with flowering.

With frequent pruning of old leaves, over time, a dense stem is exposed at the Saintpaulia, which does not paint it. To get rid of it, you can simply transplant the plant by deepening the trunk into the ground. Another way is to cut off the entire outlet, place it in a container of water and wait for new roots to appear.

How to plant and transplant?

Violet should be repotted annually, preferably in the spring.

First of all, you need to think about choosing a pot. It should be small - from 5 to 11 cm, depending on the size of the plant. Violet roots do not like a lot of space and fill up all the free space. Only after this, the saintpaulia begins to bloom.

The choice of soil is also important. The potting mix for violets sold in stores is not suitable for all types of plants. It is better to use a universal flower primer, for example "Terra-Vita". You can prepare the soil yourself from:

  1. sod land;
  2. leaf land;
  3. sand;
  4. humus.

Mix all components in a ratio of 0.5:2:1:1. It is also desirable to add 1 tbsp. l. superphosphate. The result should be loose soil that passes water and air well.

Planting rules are simple - pour a layer of drainage into the pot, then a layer of soil mixture. Place the plant in the center, fill the edges with soil, periodically shaking the pot so that there is no empty space left. Press the soil layer on top a little, then the violet should be watered.

The plant should be repotted annually, preferably in March. This is done very carefully in order to cause as little disturbance as possible to the flower. The pot during transplantation can not be changed. The violet is carefully removed from the pot along with a clod of earth, trying not to damage the roots. Then, according to the usual scheme, a new layer of drainage is poured, a flower is placed on it and the space is filled with fresh soil mixture.

Growing from seed

You can grow a violet from seeds collected by hand or bought in a store. For planting, the container is filled with a moist loose substrate. The seeds are laid out on the surface, then the container is covered on top with glass or film and a white sheet of paper. The temperature is maintained at 17-20 degrees, the containers are periodically ventilated.

After the appearance of the first leaves, the seedlings dive, then cover again and grow to a size that allows the plant to be planted in a separate container.

What diseases can affect a flower?

True species plants are very resistant to various diseases and are virtually immune to pests. However, there are many types of violets obtained by crossing. They are already more vulnerable and can be affected:

  1. Powdery mildew. The flower is completely covered with white bloom. They are treated by spraying with solutions of "Fundazol" or "Bentlan" once every 10 days.
  2. Late blight. It is characterized by the appearance of brown spots as a result of damage to the neck of the root by a fungal disease. It will not work to treat it, it remains only to destroy the plant and sterilize the pot.
  3. Fusarium. Signs - the petioles become brown, the leaves begin to fall off, the roots darken. You can cope with the disease by spraying the plant with fungicides.
  4. Rust. This is a fungus that looks like yellow-orange spots and bumps on the outer and inner surface leaves. Fungicide solutions are used for control.

The cause of the main problems in growing violets is improper care.

To prevent any diseases, you must follow the rules of care - do not flood, protect from the scorching sun, monitor the air temperature.

In addition to diseases, various pests can threaten violets, such as:

  1. nematodes - suck the juices from the roots, and affect neighboring plants;
  2. ticks - pubescent leaves with cobwebs, as a result of which they become brittle;
  3. aphid - drinks the juice from the plant, the petals dry, the flower stops growing;
  4. flies and mosquitoes - eat the leaves and stems of the plant.

For pest control, special solutions and preparations, as well as aerosols, are used.

Other problems

When growing room violet flowers, other problems may arise, the causes of which need to be sorted out.

  1. Lack of flowering. A common phenomenon that is the result of care errors. The appearance of flowers is delayed if the violet does not have enough light, the room is cold or low humidity. The quality of the soil also affects - if it is too heavy or has a lot of nitrogen in it. Another reason may be a disproportionately large pot.
  2. The leaves turn yellow. This mainly happens if the plant is no longer young. The leaves become dry and fall off on their own, or they need to be removed manually. Another reason is exposure to bright sunlight.
  3. The appearance of spots. The spots may be various shapes and size, they almost always indicate the presence of a disease or pest attack.

Reproduction of violets

The easiest way to propagate violets is by leaf.

It is customary to propagate violets in three ways: by leaf, by children, by stepchildren.

Violet leaf propagation

The simplest, but also the most effective way. The leaf is rooted immediately in the ground or pre-soaked in water. Over time, the leaf may wither, but most importantly, it develops a root system and soon young leaves begin to appear. Sometimes, when propagating violets with a leaf, several rosettes can develop at once. In this case, you need to wait until they grow up and only then separate them and plant them in different pots.


One violet bush can form several rosettes, which are called children. For reproduction, only children who have 3-4 pairs of leaves are taken. To separate the baby from the mother bush, you can:

Carefully remove the entire plant from the pot, clean the roots from the ground, then manually separate all the children and the stalk from each other.

Do not injure the plant, but wait until the children grow up. Then cut them with a sharp knife and plant them in a pot. This method is considered the most preferred, because. the root system remains intact and the bush can give a few more babies.

Seedlings take root well, even if the Saintpaulia blooms.

Reproduction by stepchildren

Stepsons are called daughter rosettes that appear in the axils of the leaves. They look ugly, so they need to be pinned at the point of growth. Then they wait for the appearance of 4 leaves and only after that the stepson is carefully cut out. After that, the socket is rooted in a separate container and covered with a film.

Regardless of which method you choose - to propagate the violet with a leaf, stepchildren or children, the result will certainly please you, because the plant almost always takes root well.

flower cost

You can buy a violet in any flower shop or order it online. The price per leaf starts from 120 rubles, for a baby - from 230 rubles, depending on the variety and type of plant.

Violet or Saintpaulia is a perennial miniature plant the Gesneriev family. The place where it can be found in nature is the mountains of tropical Africa. It is often grown at home, but it is a very capricious flower that requires special conditions for proper growth and development. Exists a large number of species and varieties of violets of a wide variety of colors that can decorate any home.

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    Violet is a perennial herbaceous plant with an underdeveloped root system. Fleshy stems, depending on the species, are shortened with basal leaves that form a rosette, or elongated with a large number of hanging rosettes.

    Matte or glossy leaves are round, ovate, oblong in shape with a rounded or sharp tip and a simple or heart-shaped base. They are slightly wavy, flat, heavily corrugated or spoon-shaped. The leaves are painted green, sometimes with the addition of golden or ashy hues. There are such types of indoor violets, in which the leaf plate has areas painted in pink, yellow, light green, olive or cream. The underside of the leaf is usually a silvery green, but quite often there are various shades of red.

    The surface of the flower petals is covered with many tiny shiny balls. There are such types of violets, in which the flowers have a delicate edge. The edges of the petals can be heavily ruffled or slightly wavy. In addition, species and varieties of violets have a variety of colors, which include pure white.

    Species and varieties

    There is no strict scientific classification of this flower. Under natural conditions, 20 types of Saintpaulia grow, and through the efforts of breeders, about 32 thousand varieties of indoor violets were bred, differing in shape, color, appearance of the leaf plate, rosette size and flower structure.

    Popular varieties of violets are presented in the table:

    Wittrock The plant differs in rather large flowers, reaching a diameter of 12 cm. Flowers grow from a rosette, are arranged singly and consist of 5 petals. By color they are: black, red, white, with strokes and spots. Petals in shape can be simple, wavy, fringed
    Rosemary The flowers of this variety resemble stars, the petals of which have a corrugated edge. They have a pink coloration with blue spots and bright pink strokes.
    Jan Caprice White flowers with double petals that have a greenish fringe along the edges
    Butterfly This plant has large double flowers with white edging petals

    Many flower growers grow flowers called alpine violet. But this plant has nothing to do with the genus of violets. Its correct name is cyclamen, and it belongs to the Primrose family.

    Home care

    Violet is a rather capricious plant that needs to be created suitable conditions for growth, development and flowering. This heat-loving houseplant prefers good lighting. Further growth and flowering of violets depends on this indicator. The best place for its cultivation - a window sill with diffused soft light. At the south window, the flower is shaded from the scorching sun, as its delicate flowers and leaves can get burned. Many prefer to place the violet in the kitchen, where it is cozy and light. If Saintpaulia lacks light, this will immediately affect its appearance: the flower will become lethargic and pale, the leaves will begin to rapidly stretch down, leading to a disruption of the outlet.

    Indoor violet is not picky about the temperature regime. The optimum air temperature should be + 20 ... + 24 degrees. In this case, an adult plant can bloom for a very long time. It is harmed by sudden temperature changes: the leaves begin to rot, and the flowers fall off.


    Proper watering is an important condition for caring for indoor violets. In this matter, they are very picky. In summer, flowers are watered abundantly 2 times a week, and in winter they are moistened after the soil dries out.

    There are several ways to water violets. Some growers use overhead watering to keep moisture out of the aerial part of the plant. Otherwise, the flowers and leaves will rot.

    The safest way is bottom watering through the pan. In this case, the plant takes the required amount of moisture, and the remaining water is drained after 30 minutes. It should not be left, because the root system in a humid environment begins to rot.

    Indoor violet loves high humidity, but it is forbidden to spray it. To increase the level of humidity in the room, containers filled with water are placed next to the flowerpot. This plant responds positively to a warm shower. Such a procedure is carried out to improve the decorative qualities and for hygiene purposes once a month. After that, the flower is blotted with a paper towel, removing all drops of water that remain on the surface of the leaves and in their axils.

    soil and pot

    Indoor violets should be grown in the right soil. On sale there is a special soil designed for growing these particular flowers. It is a light and fluffy nutrient mixture. But such soil has a drawback - it does not absorb moisture well, because of which water begins to flow down the walls of the flowerpot. The substrate for planting can be prepared independently. To do this, take in equal proportions sifted garden soil and sand. Such a soil mixture is disinfected by calcining in the oven.

    Violets prefer to grow in close quarters, so they do not bloom for a long time in large pots. They have a small root system that grows for a very long time. The optimal container should be 10-12 cm in diameter. It must have drainage holes. The bottom of the pot is covered with a layer of drainage from small pebbles or expanded clay, after which a nutrient substrate is poured.

    top dressing

    Room violet must be fed. Fertilizer is applied throughout the growing season in the spring and summer. Top dressing is stopped in autumn and winter.

    Phosphorus and potassium are the main trace elements that this flower needs. These components contribute to the formation of flower buds, the brightness and abundance of flowering violets.

    Nitrogen helps to build green mass. Therefore, young rosettes and children need nitrogen-containing preparations (fertilizer "Master"). In order for adult plants to bloom, they use top dressing with phosphorus and potassium (Saintpaulia fertilizer).


    Grown up violets must be transplanted. This should be done every year. The following signs indicate that the plant needs a transplant:

    • an earthen lump entwined with roots;
    • on the ground surface is white coating.

    Transplant the violet in the fall or after it has faded. The container should be plastic, as the soil dries quickly in ceramic and clay flowerpots. Drainage from sphagnum moss or expanded clay is laid out at the bottom of the pot. The root system is carefully inspected, cutting off the rotten parts. If the roots have been cut off, then before planting, these places are sprinkled with crushed activated or charcoal.

    If the violet is under three years old, then it is transplanted by transshipment, because the young plant does not tolerate well when its root system is disturbed. The container is filled with soil, leaving about one centimeter to the top. The flower should not be buried too much. The transplanted bushes are not watered, but covered with a transparent plastic bag. This will ensure good moisture and survival.

    Reproduction methods

    Reproduction of violets is carried out:

    • peduncles;
    • seeds;
    • leaf cuttings;
    • stepchildren.

    leaf cuttings

    This is the main breeding method. On the mother flower, a healthy and strong leaf is carefully cut off. Do this at an angle to increase the area of ​​​​root formation. Root leaf cuttings in water or soil. The soil is purchased in a specialized store.

    The cut stalk is rooted immediately, because at room temperature it can die. He needs to provide moderate watering and humidity. It is forbidden to cover the stalk with a bag, otherwise it may die. For these purposes, it is best to use glass. After a while, children appear on the handle and it is carefully disconnected. Violet can bloom in a year.

    To enable the plant to put out coluses and roots first, the cut leaf is placed in water. It should be boiled in advance and add one tablet of activated charcoal. The handle should be indoors at a temperature of + 20 ... + 24 degrees. After 6–8 weeks, it takes root and is planted in a separate container. You can use a plastic cup for this.


    A strong and healthy mother plant is selected and a stepson with at least three leaves is separated from it using an awl or scalpel. It is important not to injure the main outlet of the violet.

    Soil is used for rooting. Keep the container in greenhouse conditions for 3-4 weeks.

    Pests and diseases

    Most often, indoor violets are affected by the following pests:

    • Spider mites. When they appear on the leaves, small red dots or cobwebs appear. The flower is treated with special preparations against ticks - Fitoverm, Aktara, Fufanon, Antikleschem.
    • Thrips. These pests eat leaves and buds. In this case, the plant is pruned, and the bush is treated with Aktara.
    • Shchitovki. It is very difficult to get rid of them. Pests settle on the back of the leaves, leaving behind a sticky liquid. The plant is treated with Agravertin.
    • Nematodes. The affected saintpaulia begins to rot and is completely destroyed.

    Indoor violet is disease resistant. But sometimes the plant can be affected by some diseases:

    • Powdery mildew is the most common disease of violets, in which a white coating appears on the leaves. "Fundazol" helps to get rid of it.
    • Gray rot - in this case, gray spots appear on the leaves and stems of the flower. In this case, the diseased parts of the plant are cut off, and the bush is treated with the preparations "Skor", "Vectra", "Maxim". Be sure to replace the soil.
    • Late blight - with such a disease, brown spots form on the leaves and the roots begin to rot. The diseased flower and soil are destroyed, and the pot is sterilized.
    • Rust - it appears on the leaves in the form of orange spots. Treatment is carried out with a 1% solution of copper sulfate.

    If the room violet is properly cared for, then a very beautiful plant can grow that will delight with its magnificent flowering for a long time.

A place of honor among indoor plants is traditionally occupied by indoor violet - although caring for it brings a lot of trouble to flower growers, lush flowering becomes a reward. Currently, breeders have bred over 900 species of saintpaulias or uzambar violets, differing in the shape and color of flowers, in foliage and in many other ways. Among such a variety, each grower will definitely be able to choose several varieties of indoor violets to his liking.

Variety of species of uzambar violets

But how harmless are indoor violets? You may have heard a strange superstition, according to which it is impossible to decorate an apartment with violets - men will not linger in the house, and personal happiness will not be built. Not surprisingly, many young women have a question: "Is it possible to keep violets at home?".

In fact, there is an opposite opinion among the people - gentle saintpaulias help smooth out conflicts in the family, bring love and prosperity to the house. And in accordance with Feng Shui, these indoor flowers are a symbol of family happiness, they teach restraint, pacify selfishness (especially they contribute to mutual understanding in the family of purple violets).

In addition, houseplants violets also remarkably moisturize the air, especially if you keep them on. Just do not plant too many saintpaulias in the bedroom, otherwise you may experience problems with sleep.

Video about indoor violets

A common feature of all saintpaulias is the leaves collected in a rosette. Otherwise, the types of indoor violets differ:

  • according to the shape of the structure of flowers (bordered, classic, fantasy, star-shaped, chimeras);
  • by the type of petals (simple, double and semi-double);
  • according to the color of the flowers (solid white, pink, blue, purple, etc., as well as flowers with a heterogeneous color);
  • according to the shape of the leaves (rounded, oval and elongated, with notches along the edges and smooth);
  • according to the color of the leaves (from light green to dark);
  • according to the size of the plant itself (miniatures, microminiatures, giants).

Less demanding to care for domestic violet flowers of the classic type with five-petal flowers

Fantasy homemade violets are considered the most capricious, on the petals of which there are specks, dashes and dots of various shades. If they are not properly looked after, the fantasy pattern will simply disappear from the petals. Difficulties for beginner flower growers also arise with chimera violets that have contrasting stripes on flower petals. When the pattern is not preserved in chimeras, therefore, reproduction is allowed only by lateral stepchildren or by dividing the uterine bush.

Less demanding to care for are homemade violet flowers of the classical type with five-petal flowers, star-shaped saintpaulias with flowers resembling an asterisk, and bordered violets, in which a border of various colors and widths runs along the edge of the petals.

What to consider when buying flowers indoor violets

Many varieties of Saintpaulia are now quite expensive, so buying a flower should be taken seriously, having figured out in advance the most important points. Most often, flower shops sell commercial violets with beautiful bouquet blooms, which are easier to throw away after flowering - such indoor violets require special care.

For successful cultivation and breeding of violets, it is better to take leafy cuttings. First, it is not certain that next year in an adult plant, flowering will be exactly the same as when purchased (saintpaulias are generally characterized by variability), after lush flowering, violets at home can completely lose their decorative effect and weaken. Secondly, from one leaf when rooting, you can get several children and plant them in different pots. Of course, this does not apply to chimeras.

Most often, flower shops sell commercial violets with beautiful bouquet blooms.

If you have no idea what adult indoor violets will look like, you should look at the photos of the selected varieties in advance on the Internet. Just do not forget to ask the seller to indicate the variety of each cutting when buying, so as not to get confused later. And ask if the varieties you buy are characterized by non-preservation of varietal color (instead of variegated flowers, monochromatic ones are obtained).

When buying a young plant, make sure that the violet does not have spots on the leaves, signs of decay of the growing point, its leaves are not elongated (which happens from a lack of light), the rosette is symmetrical. There should be no plaque on the surface of the soil. It is not recommended to buy saintpaulias in too cold or hot seasons - by the appearance of the plant, you will not immediately determine that its roots are frozen or overheated from the heat. Home violets bought in the spring feel best: caring for them is not complicated by eliminating problems with the root system.

Leaf cuttings should be transported home in plastic containers or boxes so as not to break inadvertently. As a last resort, tie the stem in a plastic bag. If the leaves of a young plant are broken during transportation, immediately remove them from the outlet.

Basic rules for caring for homemade violets

Finally, indoor violets appeared in your home: how to care for these delicate plants so as not to harm? First, it is advisable to quarantine the acquired flower for a couple of weeks in a room where there are no other plants. If you notice the slightest signs, spray the plant with the Maxim systemic fungicide and blot the leaves with a napkin after 20 minutes.

When removed lower leaves soil is poured into the pot, and when the Saintpaulia trunk is too exposed, a transplant is carried out

You don't need to transplant right away. indoor flower Violet can safely grow in a small container until the size of the outlet exceeds the diameter of the pot by more than three times.

Violet home care requires the following:

  • regular watering when the soil surface dries;
  • weekly top dressing with mineral fertilizers;
  • lack of drafts;
  • additional illumination with a lack of light;
  • removal of wilted flowers;
  • cleaning the leaves from dust with a brush or a damp sponge.

Video about transplanting violets

To form a symmetrical rosette, young plants need to be rotated 45 degrees every three days. If you have an adult violet growing, home care will include the mandatory removal of old leaves. When the lower leaves are removed, soil is added to the pot, and when the Saintpaulia trunk is too exposed, a transplant is carried out with deepening the outlet to the lower leaves. On average, transplantation is carried out once a year, because during this time the soil in the pot is depleted, and the plant in the pot becomes cramped.

The main thing to remember when buying indoor violet flowers is that care for them must be regular, otherwise the plants will simply refuse to bloom. Well, those flower growers who know well how to care for homemade violets, and do not forget about these delicate flowers, will definitely admire the bright and lush flowering of saintpaulias on their windowsills.

Violet home (saintpaulia, room violet, uzambar violet) (lat. Saintpaulia) is one of the most common flowering plants used in indoor floriculture. IN English language Saintpaulia also has the name African violet (African violet). It belongs to the order Lyasnottsvetnye, the Gesneriaceae family, the genus Saintpaulia.

The first scientific description of Saintpaulia was made by the botanist Herman Wendland, who identified it as a separate genus. He also gave her the international name Saintpaulia in honor of the president of the German dendrological society, Baron Saint-Paul and his son, who gave him the seeds of domestic violets. The name entered the Russian language as a free reading of the Latin term. Due to the fact that the Saintpaulia flower resembles in appearance the flower of a real violet (Viola), it is called the African or Ozambara violet after the area in which it was first found.

Violet home (saintpaulia, room violet): description and photos.

Saintpaulias are perennial herbaceous plants with an underdeveloped fibrous root system. Depending on the species, the fleshy stems can be shortened with basal leaves forming a rosette, or elongated and branched with many hanging rosettes. Their diameter ranges from 6 cm to 60 cm.

The leaf plate can be round, ovoid, oblong in shape with a sharp or rounded tip and a heart-shaped or simple base. Its edges are devoid of relief, slightly rounded, and also in the form of small or large teeth. The Saintpaulia leaf can be flat, slightly wavy, heavily corrugated, or have the shape of a spoon or a back-curved spoon.

Typically, Saintpaulia leaves are colored in various tones of green, sometimes with the addition of ashy or golden hues. There are types of indoor violets, in which the leaf may have areas painted in cream, olive, lettuce, yellow or pink color. Typically, such multi-colored areas are located at the base, along the edges of the leaf blade, or form various mosaic patterns on its surface. The reverse side of the home violet leaf is in most cases a silvery-green color, although in some varieties or types of violets, various shades of red are often present in its color.

The veins of the leaves of domestic violets are of two types in their form: resembling a herringbone or with a longitudinally parallel arrangement like a plantain. In addition, the surface can be glossy or matte, which is covered with hairline to varying degrees. The sheet may have a bubbly or "quilted" texture.

If the petals in a room violet flower are arranged in only one row, it corresponds to a simple type of structure. In the presence of two full rows - semi-double type, and three or more - terry.

simple violets

Most often, Saintpaulia violet has petals, the surface of which is covered with a large number of tiny shiny balls. However, there are types of domestic violets, in which the flowers are covered with a delicate edging, making their surface matte. Such flowers are called velvet violets. In addition, the edges of the petals can be slightly wavy or heavily corrugated.

The size of the flowers, which form lush racemose inflorescences, range in diameter from 2.5 cm to 8-9 cm. The color of the Saintpaulia petals that grow naturally usually has all shades of blue, purple and purple. Species and varieties of violets bred by breeders have a variety of colors, including pure white and the entire tonal range of the rainbow spectrum.

The Saintpaulia seed pod, containing many small seeds, is round, ovoid or spindle-shaped. After maturation, it collapses under the influence of moisture.

Classification and types of violets, names and photos.

A definite strict scientific classification of saintpaulia does not yet exist. Under natural conditions, there are 20 species of uzambar violet, the classification of which can only be done by a specialist. In addition, through the efforts of breeders, more than 32 thousand varieties of indoor violets were bred, which differ in the size of the rosette (miniature, semi-mini, standard and giants), in the appearance of the leaf blade, in color, shape and structure of flowers.

Types of wild-growing uzambar violets (Saintpaulia).

  • with jagged, rounded dark green leaves, 4-5 cm in size. back side The leaf has a red tint. The inflorescence is lush with small blue-violet flowers with a dark center.

  • - an ampel type plant with rounded pubescent leaves of bright green or purple color up to 6 cm long and about 5 centimeters wide. Small blue-purple flowers of the uzambara violet with a dark eye and a border do not exceed 2.5 cm in diameter.

  • with purple-blue flowers on short succulent stems and heart-shaped dark green leaves. Their length does not exceed 8 cm, and the diameter of the outlet reaches 60 cm.

Varieties of violets with names, photos and descriptions.

Depending on the size and position of the petals, there are 5 types of indoor violets:

  • pansies;
  • star;
  • bell;
  • bowl;

Violet "pansies" (Eng.Pansy) - its corolla consists of 5 petals, and the dimensions of two petals top row less than the bottom three. In this form, the following varieties of domestic violets are distinguished:

  • Violet Lyon s Pirate s Treasure (Lyans Pirates Treasury) (breeder S. Sorano) with bright pink flowers with a wide crimson border around the edge. Along the border of the main color and the border, the petals are strewn with a scattering of small dots of a dark crimson color. The leaves of the room violet, which form a rosette, have a bubbly texture.

  • Violet Melodie Kimi (Melody Kimi) (breeder Sunnyside/Levy) with a symmetrical rosette, folded from "quilted" corrugated sheet plates. A white simple violet flower has two blue upper petals and a border of the same color on the main background.

Violet "Star"star) characterized by the same size of the petals in any row, and their uniform arrangement around the center. In this form, the following varieties of Saintpaulia can be distinguished:

  • Violet EK-Goddess of Beauty (breeder Korshunova) with a large basal bush consisting of dark green leaves. The inflorescences are formed by bright pink double stars with tints of purple-violet tones.

  • Violet Austin's Smile (Austin's Smile) (breeder LLG / P. Sorano) with a large rosette of dark green color and large single coral pink star flowers with a dark pink eye and raspberry border.

Violet "Bell" (eng. Vell) has petals fused at the base. This feature does not allow the flower to open completely, as a result of which it acquires a resemblance to a bell. This species includes the following varieties of indoor violets:

  • Violet EK-Admiral (breeder Korshunova) with large cornflower blue semi-double bell flowers with a wavy edge. The pointed dark green leaves of the house violet have a creamy-purple edging.

  • Saintpaulia violet Rob's Dandy Lion (Robs Dandy Lion) (breeder R. Robinson) with large inflorescences-bells of a greenish-cream color, resembling snowdrops in shape. The violet rosette consists of dark green leaves with a slight white variegation.

Violet "Bowl" (Eng.Bowl) has petals that are not fused at its base, but the flower never fully opens and retains its shape throughout the flowering. In this form, the following varieties of Umazbar violet are distinguished:

  • Violet Boo Man (Boo Man) (breeder S. Sorano) is distinguished by double or semi-double cupped flowers. Violet flowers are pale blue in color, the upper petals are white, sometimes with light greenery, 2.5-3 cm in diameter. The leaves are spoon-shaped, dark green.

  • Saintpaulia Ming Dynasty ( Ming Dynasty ) (breeder I. Fredette) - a variety with heavily corrugated cup-shaped flowers of snow-white color, the edges of the petals of which have a pink or lilac hue. There are terry and semi-double violets. The leaves of the rosette are wavy, distinguished by pronounced variegation.

Violet "Wasp"Wasp) has completely separated petals, two of which are folded into a tube, and three elongated hang down. In this group, the following varieties of indoor violets are distinguished:

  • Violet Lunar Lily White (Lunar Lily White) with a small basal bush and light green leaves of a “quilted” texture. Violet inflorescence consists of 3-8 white single and semi-double flowers about 4 cm in size.

  • Saintpaulia PL-Zemfira (breeder L. Pchelovodov) with an average rosette of green leaves with variegation in the center and simple or semi-double lilac tubular flowers with corrugated edges.

  • Saintpaulia Spotnik (Satellite) (breeder J. Dates) with a rosette about 15 cm in size and light green leaves up to 5 cm long. Violet flowers have a red-violet color.

Varieties of violets with names, photos and separation by color.

According to the color of the petals, saintpaulias, or homemade violets, are divided into plain and painted in two or more colors.

Typical varieties of single-color indoor violets:

  • (breeder J. Dates) - blue violet with bright flowers - "wasps", having upper tubular and elongated lower petals. The fleecy leaves of homemade violet, which make up the rosette, are folded into "bags".

  • (breeder D. Ferguson) has white large double flowers resembling in shape. The rosette of this variety of room violet consists of rounded “quilted” green leaves and can reach 40 cm in size.

Violets petals can be in the form of eyes located in the center, or fingers. These colors include the following varieties:

  • Violet Rob s Penny Ante (Robs Penny Ante) (breeder R. Robinson) is beautiful variety violets with semi-double white flowers, similar to bells, with a dark blue eye in the center. The size of this variety of violets does not exceed 2.5 cm. A compact rosette of about 9 cm consists of even light green leaves.

  • Violet Pink sensation (Pink Sensation) (selection Lyndon Lyon Greenhouses / Sorano) - semi-double white violet, the flowers of which look like stars. In the center of the petals, large spots of pale pink color are clearly visible. The rosette is made up of variegated white-green leaves.

Homemade violet petals may have a border running along the edge. Its width and color can be different and even fantasy:

  • Violet Natalia's Extravagante (Natalis Estravagante) (breeder N. Pineault) - a variety of home violet with lacy white-pink flowers and a border, the tone of which can be green, chocolate or pink. The rosette is assembled from green leaf plates with pink-white marginal variegation.

  • Saintpaulia AE Modern Talking (Modern Talking) (breeder E.A. Arkhipov) - a variety of violets with white semi-double frilled flowers " pansies” and a border of pink-blue-violet. A bush of this room violet standard size with light green flat foliage.

Room violet petals may have stripes various colors, diverging from the center of the petal to its edges. This is a chimera violet, the varieties of which are presented below:

  • (breeder S. Sorano) - a variety of room violet, above the standard green rosette of which rise large pink flowers with a light lilac stripe running through the center of the petal. The entire surface of the flower petals is covered with splashes of lilac color.

  • (breeder P. Sorano) has double coral flowers with thin purple stripes on each petal. The socket is folded from small dark green leaves.

Homemade violet petals come with spraying or stains of various colors and shades:

  • (breeder E.V. Korshunova) is a variety of Uzambara violet with large creamy flowers, shaped like a star with a beam span of up to 7 cm. The surface of the petals is abundantly covered with blue stains and splashes and has a wide border of pale lilac color.

  • Violet Chimpansy (Chimpansy) (breeder E. Fisher) - a very beautiful variety with a small green rosette, composed of slightly jagged green leaves. Bright pink semi-double flowers-stars along the edge have a wavy white border. Violet petals are strewn with strokes and swirls of bright blue.

Saintpaulia ampelous violets - varieties, photos and descriptions.

Today it is very fashionable to plant ampelous saintpaulias on a balcony or window, which have a long (up to 50 cm) stem with several growth points. The following varieties of ampelous violets are distinguished:

  • Violet Ramblin 'Dots (Ramblin Dots) (breeder S. Sorano) - a beautiful violet variety, the rosette of which is made up of light green leaves with golden-white variegation. Double star flowers are painted in light lavender shades, which show a bewitching light purple fantasy pattern.

  • Violet Falling Snow (breeder P. Tracey) has numerous small snow-white wasp flowers and light green slightly pointed leaves.

Where does Saintpaulia (Uzambara violet) grow?

The area of ​​​​natural distribution of wild Saintpaulia violet is limited to certain mountainous regions of Kenya and Tanzania. For comfortable growth, the uzambara violet needs a lot of light, however, under direct sunlight, the plant quickly dies. You can meet her along the banks of rivers flowing down steep slopes, near waterfalls that irrigate the surrounding area with water dust, at the bottom of ravines, and also in partial shade under tall trees.

Violets: care and cultivation at home.

If you properly care for home violet, it will bloom all year round. To do this, you need to know only a few points: how to choose the soil (substrate) for violets, how to plant, water and cut a flower, how to fertilize violets for lush flowering, and how to transplant a plant if necessary. Subject to simple rules room violet will please you for a long time with its bright colors.

Content temperature.

The optimum temperature of the content should be in the range of 20-24 ° C. In order for the violets to bloom and feel comfortable, they must be protected from drafts, scorching sunlight and sudden changes in temperature. To do this, the flower must be placed on the eastern or western windows.

Soil for violets.

It should be remembered that the violet flower does not like large pots: for an adult plant, a capacity of no more than 13 cm in diameter is enough. retain moisture. As a substrate, you should use soil for indoor violets, purchased in specialized stores, or you can cook it yourself. The composition of the soil should be as follows: peat, coniferous, soddy and leafy soil in a ratio of 1:1:2:3, diluted with river sand.

How to water indoor violets?

Watering violets must be approached responsibly. Not everyone knows how to properly and how often to water indoor violets. Must be observed golden mean, avoiding excessive drying of the substrate, but also without waterlogging the soil. Deviations in one direction or another adversely affect the health of the plant. Watering violets can be carried out with warm, well-settled tap water, making sure that the liquid does not fall on the surface of the leaf plates. It is better to water through the pan.

Saintpaulias love high humidity, but it is impossible to spray with a spray gun, as water that gets on the leaves can cause burns. To maintain the desired level of humidity, you can put the plant pot in a tray with wet gravel or pebbles.

With the onset of the winter months, the duration of daylight hours is reduced, so domestic violets need additional artificial lighting for up to 13 hours. It can be equipped with fluorescent lamps up to 40 watts. In order not to supercool the root system, watering violets in winter should be slightly limited and put the pot on a foam or wooden stand at least 30 mm thick.

Fertilizers for violets at home. How to fertilize Saintpaulia violets?

Many people wonder how to feed violets for abundant flowering at home, because some violets give numerous foliage, but do not bloom. To provide Saintpaulia with the necessary vitamins and microelements, it is necessary to feed it with complex mineral fertilizers with a frequency of 1 time in 2 weeks. The concentration of the solution should not exceed 2 grams of fertilizer per 1 liter of water. To prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases, it is recommended to treat the soil of domestic violets with a solution of pale pink potassium permanganate.

Transplanting violets at home. How to transplant a violet?

As the flower grows, it must be transplanted into a larger container. It has been experimentally established that optimal size pot for violets should not exceed a third of the dimensions of the outlet. If your home violet grows slowly and poorly, it means that it needs to be transplanted. Since the root system of the plant is poorly developed, it is not necessary to free the roots from the old clod of earth so as not to destroy them. The flower is transferred to a new container and the substrate is simply added. After transplanting, it must be watered.

How to prune house violet?

Trimming violet leaves is not only possible, but necessary. This is done in the following cases:

  • with the death of old lower leaves. As a result of this, a small bunch of leaves is formed, growing on a low stem;
  • to rejuvenate homemade violets, they cut off the top of it and, after treating the cut site with preparations that stimulate root formation, root it in a fresh substrate. On the remaining stump, after a while, babies sprout, which are used to propagate the violet;
  • for lush blooms. The leaves are pruned so that the violets bloom.

Reproduction of violets at home: methods of reproduction.

There are 4 main ways to propagate Saintpaulias violets, with the help of which lovers replenish and renew their collections:

  • Leaf (or cuttings)
  • stepchildren
  • babes
  • seeds

Propagation of violets by leaf (cuttings).

In the spring, during active vegetation, a middle-aged violet leaf with a petiole length of 2.5-5 cm is cut out from the second row of the rosette. You can root a violet cutting in water or in the ground.

To root a violet leaf in water, the cut of the cutting is immersed in water to a depth of no more than 1 centimeter. This level must be maintained throughout the rooting period. To prevent the occurrence of pathogenic microflora in the water, it is recommended to add half an activated charcoal tablet to it. When the roots appear, plant the violet stalk in a small container with good drainage and light soil. The seedling must be watered regularly, preventing the substrate from drying out. After 20-35 days, violet babies appear, which are ready for planting in pots.

To root a violet leaf in the ground, the cut stalk is immediately planted in a prepared container, which is covered with a plastic bag with holes made in it. This is done to remove condensate from the mini-greenhouse. Pre-violet seedlings need to be watered with a small amount of settled water.

Reproduction of violets by stepchildren.

The stepson of a violet (daughter rosette) is a small process that appears in the leaf axil. Stepchildren spoil the appearance of plants, so they need to be removed. To separate the stepchildren from the violet, you need to pinch the point of their growth and wait for the appearance of 4-5 leaves. Next, you need to carefully cut and root the stepson of the violet in a container covered with a film. When several stepchildren are formed, one of them is left on the plant, while the others are grown and planted in a new container.

Reproduction of violets by children.

Violet baby- it is independent small plant, which has its own root system. Babies of the Uzambara violet begin to hatch in the place of the rooted cutting in 2.5-3 weeks. There may be several of them at once - it depends on how strong the cutting was chosen for planting. The best option for further transplantation of the baby is to wait until she acquires two or three pairs of leaves and gains strength. After that, you can separate the violet baby from the mother leaf and plant it in the ground.

There are two ways to separate a baby violet.

  • In the first version, the Saintpaulia leaf with offspring is carefully removed from the pot, the earth is carefully removed from it, and the children are separated from both the cutting and from each other. It's better to do it by hand.
  • The second method is “closed”: with this method, the stalk is not removed from the pot, and the violet children are separated from the group as they grow. The largest baby, on which the roots have already fully formed, is cut off with a blade or a sharp knife and planted in a pot with a special substrate for Saintpaulia. The last principle of seating is considered more convenient, since several more generations of children can be obtained on an uninjured maternal cutting.