How to grow watermelons and melons. Business for growing watermelons and melons in a greenhouse

  • 12.06.2019

Trick one: double cover

With this method, watermelons and melons are sown in open ground to a depth of 3-4 cm: watermelons are 1.5–2 m apart, melons are 1–1.2 m apart. Each clade contains 2–3 seeds. But they do this not at the end of May, as is usually recommended, but in the first half - then they will have enough time to fully mature. Someone will say: so there is still half a month of frosts ahead, the seedlings will die! And here is the main trick - young plants must be covered. And in an unusual way.

First, the crops are covered with a liter plastic bottle with a cut bottom. The bottom of it is spudded with sand and watered through the neck. warm water(45-50оС). On top of the first bottle they put a second, five-liter, also without a bottom. It turns out a kind of nesting doll, in which heat is perfectly preserved.

When the first true leaf appears on the plants, the strongest of the three seedlings in each hole is left. After thinning, the plants are abundantly watered and covered, but now only with five-liter bottles. And do not rush to take them off at the beginning of June - let the watermelons and melons bask under plastic caps until June 15-20.

Trick two: a place in the sun

Ideally, if the soil in the area for watermelons and melons is light, sandy. But this is not the most important thing. It is important that the melon gets a lot of sun. So there should not be any trees and shrubs nearby.

But when the fruits begin to ripen, they must be shaded so that they do not bake in the sun. Burdock leaves or newspaper are suitable for this - they are placed on top of watermelons and melons on hot days.

Trick three: plank under the barrel

Another problem of gourds in cool conditions is rot. Dampness rots fruits and even shoots. And to avoid this, you need to put a plank under each melon and watermelon so that they do not come into contact with the soil. Pour 2-3 handfuls of sand at the root collar.

Trick four: watering aside

In gourds, the roots go deep into the soil - in hot and dry conditions, they get their own water. But in the northern regions, where ground water often very close, long roots play a cruel joke - having reached the aquifer, they rot.

Therefore, it is important to make the roots grow not in depth, but in breadth. This is easy to do - you need to water the plants not at the root, but along the furrows that are made in the middle between the rows.

However, it is important not to overdo it with watering - they are needed only in very strong heat. And the next day, the earth must be loosened and mulched so that there is no soil crust.

Trick five: trimming lashes

A large number of fruits in a cool short summer will still not have time to ripen, and the bush will spend energy on them to the detriment of the rest of the crop. So no more than 5-6 watermelons or melons should be left on each plant.

At the watermelons female flowers are formed on the main lash, so they don’t touch it, but the side ones are cut out. And for melons, on the contrary, the main lash is cut off over 5-6 leaves.

With this method of growing melons, the crop can be harvested at the end of August.

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Oksana Kharitonova October 4, 2014 | 4531

Everyone wants to enjoy a juicy and tasty melon or watermelon. How to grow these southern crops in your garden? Find out from the article.

I take a small plot of 3 by 5 m for melon. Since autumn, I dig 2 trenches along the edges of the site with a depth and width of a shovel bayonet, fill it in half with plant debris, sprinkle it with soil, leaving a depression for snow and moisture.
In early May, I wrap dry seeds of zoned varieties of watermelons and melons in gauze. I keep them under a stream of hot (60 ° C) water for 30 seconds. Then I soak the seeds in a strong solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes.

After rinsing, I dip them for 10–12 hours in a solution of Humate or another growth stimulator (on the tip of a knife for 0.5 tablespoons of water). After that, the seeds, without washing, are laid out in gauze single-layer bags. I put a well-moistened circle of foam rubber in a plastic plate: it provides air access. I put the bags on top, cover with a film and put in a warm place (28–30 ˚С).

When the seeds hatch, I plant them in cups. I use the soil that remains after tomato seedlings, adding ash. I put the cups in tomato boxes and keep them at a temperature of 12-15 ˚С until 1-2 leaves appear.

Seedlings in boxes can be placed in a film greenhouse, then it will be more hardened and will not stretch. I plant seedlings from May 15 to June 10. 2 weeks before that, I fill the trenches with humus, sprinkle fertile soil mixed with complex fertilizer and ash (1 handful per 1 m of trench). Before planting, I spill the trenches with warm water. I plant plants one at a time in 20–25 cm, water them. I install small wire shackles and cover with a film, which I leave until the beginning of June. When whips are formed, I lift one edge of the film and release them to one side.

Melons prefer organic matter, so I feed them simultaneously with cucumbers 3-4 times per season with mullein infusion (1:10). The ovaries are formed on the side shoots, so after the appearance of 5-6 leaves, I pinch the central stem. I fertilize watermelons only with complex fertilizer and microelements (a handful per 1 m of trench). I pinch the central stem after the appearance of 2-3 ovaries. I handle the shoots very carefully: the lashes cannot be moved, they form additional roots, if they are damaged, the plant may die.

I put a board, foam plastic or brick under each fruit so that the fruits do not rot. Melons ripen in early September. The peel is covered with a network of small cracks, and with light pressure with the thumb on the place where the flower is attached, it slightly springs. An overripe melon loses its sweetness and becomes watery in taste. Watermelons ripen later. True signs are a ringing sound when tapping and drying out of the tail. I water less towards the end of ripening - the fruits will be sweeter.

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Growing watermelons and melons in central Russia is associated with some peculiarities. Experienced gardeners have the skills to grow exotic crops in an area that is harsh on heat-loving plants. In the Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl regions, you can meet exotic plants, which do not tend to grow and bear fruit in these regions. Under certain conditions, fruits such as watermelons and melons can be grown even in Siberia. How to grow watermelon in central Russia?

Growing melons and gourds in the Non-Black Earth region is a difficult task, since it is necessary to create plants the necessary conditions during the growth period. Right choice varieties and compliance with the requirements for planting crops will delight you with a good harvest.

First of all, you need to know which varieties will be accepted and will bear fruit in conditions of not quite suitable air temperature and humidity. This issue must be given due attention and it is not worth chasing large and thin-skinned varieties, otherwise planted plants that can bear fruit only in favorable climatic conditions, will simply die. Your time and energy will be wasted in this case.

When choosing watermelons and melons, preference should be given to early-ripening varieties, the period from germination to the first harvest of fruits of which is 60-75 days. This is mainly melon, which brings small fruits of 2-3 kg.

Despite their small size, grown fruits have an excellent sweet taste. These varieties of watermelon include:

  • ultra early,
  • sun gift,
  • Cossack,
  • Astrakhan,
  • spark,
  • Leader.

And early-ripening melon varieties should be chosen as follows:

  • Rainbow,
  • Sunny,
  • Autumn.

Although melons and gourds are drought-resistant, they require special care and optimal conditions for growth and fruiting.

  1. First, you need to know that the temperature for seed germination should not fall below 17 °.
  2. Second, the temperature for normal growth plants during the day should be 25-35 ° and at night not lower than 18 °.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to provide melons with a humidity of 60-70% so as not to create conditions for the reproduction of fungi.
  4. Fourth, it is important to know that each bush consumes 200 ml of water per day.

Growing melons in the middle lane occurs in seedlings with further placement in a greenhouse. The planting of melon seedlings occurs when 2-3 leaves appear on the plant stem. The process of germination of seeds in plants occurs in 30-35 days, like in watermelons. Watering the melon should be done carefully to avoid getting the leaves wet. It is advisable to add a little sand and wood ash to the ground for seedlings.

Several seeds can be planted in one pot to a depth of up to 5 cm. After 7 days, the first sprouts appear. They need to be thinned out and leave one strongest sprout, which will give good harvest.

Growing watermelons and melons (video)

seedling care

Since gourds are light and heat-loving, the cultivation of watermelons in the middle lane should occur only through seedlings. This means that the seeds must be germinated before planting and then planted in the soil. From the observance of optimal conditions during the period of seedling growth depends further development crops and fruits.

How to grow seedlings? Before planting, the seeds must be treated in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate. This will protect the plants from various diseases. In order for the melon to be accepted faster, the seeds should be wrapped in a dense cloth and put in water for 12 hours, then let them dry and swell.

Next, you should choose pots, the diameter of which should be 10 cm. It is allowed to grow 2 plants in one container. Particular attention should be paid to the preparation of the soil, consisting of peat, humus and soddy land.

Despite the fact that seedling preparation takes place in mid-April, it does not need to be highlighted. But the pots should be placed in a dark place, best of all on the windowsill on the south side, since the watermelon loves the light. In order for the seeds to germinate together, seedlings for the growth period can be placed on a glazed balcony or loggia. Regardless of the location of the pots, the air temperature should be at the level of 20-25 ° during the day and about 18 ° at night.

During the cultivation of seedlings, top dressing should be carried out twice, which should consist of complex mineral fertilizers. You also need to pay attention to the location of the pots: the leaves of the seedlings should not touch. To prevent this, you should periodically push them apart.

The period of growing seedlings of watermelons and melons is 30-35 days. A week before planting the plants, it is necessary to carry out the hardening procedure. That is, to reduce the air temperature during the day to 15-17°, and at night - to 12-15°. Also at this time it is required to carry out enhanced ventilation of the room.

It should be noted that the conditions for growing seedlings of watermelon and melon in the middle lane have some differences. On the main and lateral stems of watermelon seedlings, female flowers are formed, in the place of which fruits grow. And on melon seedlings, female flowers appear first on additional stems, and then on the main one. Therefore, at melon seedlings, pinching the top over 3-5 leaves should be carried out before planting in the ground.

Seedling planting rules

Cultivation of melons and gourds in the region middle lane should be carried out in a greenhouse or under a film to protect watermelons and melons from low temperatures. Planting seedlings takes place in mid-May, and at this time there are sometimes frosts, and plants love heat and light.

At the indicated time, when 3-5 leaves appeared on the stem, seedlings can be planted in a greenhouse or open ground under a film. This procedure should be carried out in the afternoon. If the landing takes place in dry, hot weather, then the melon should be temporarily covered from the scorching sun. You should not grow watermelons or melons in the place where the pumpkin used to grow. It is best to choose a plot of soil where any plants and crops have not yet been grown.

Watermelon loves light soil, the acidity of which should be at the level of 6.5-7.5 pH. Before planting, a piece of land should be fertilized with peat or fresh manure to protect the melon from disease. Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers can be added to promote plant growth, thus speeding up the flowering phase.

The greenhouse principle is based on solar heating of plants. Need to prepare in advance land plot, enclose it with a net or trellises and cover with a film. Usually gardeners, before planting seedlings of watermelons and melons, grow other heat-loving crops in a greenhouse. After that, melons are planted. This method helps the earth warm up properly.

Requirements for organizing a greenhouse:

  1. The greenhouse should be 170-200 cm high.
  2. Ventilation is required to avoid fruit rotting.
  3. When transferring seedlings to the soil, plants should be handled carefully so as not to damage the root system.
  4. Holes must be made so deep that the roots protrude a few centimeters above the ground.
  5. Seedlings should be planted at a distance of at least 70 cm between rows and 50 cm between holes.
  6. It is recommended to tie melons vertically to the net in order to provide proper lighting to the fruits.
  7. Lateral and non-fruiting shoots must be removed when 2-3 fruits are tied on the trunk.
  8. When warm weather has settled, the film should be removed to provide access for bees to pollinate.
  9. During cultivation, plants should be fertilized twice.
  10. It is necessary to provide crops with water: it should be watered twice a week, spending 200 ml of water on each bush.

What else do you need to know

In addition to the greenhouse, watermelons and melons in the middle zone can be grown under film. This is the easiest way. The height of the structure can be 70 cm. Row spacing should be 50 cm, 2 stems can be placed in one hole, pointing them in opposite directions. The conditions for planting and caring for crops are the same as in the greenhouse.

Depending on the weather, around the middle or end of June, the film should be removed and the ground loosened. When 1-3 fruits appeared on the plant, the remaining ovaries should be removed and the top pinned. Thus, melons will use their strength to pour fruits. Boards must be placed under the trunk of each plant, otherwise the fruits may rot.

Harvesting melons is one of the most important stages in the cultivation of watermelons and melons.

This should not be rushed, as the fruits may not yet ripen. The maturity of a melon is easily determined by its color and characteristic aroma. With watermelon, things are more complicated: to determine the degree of its maturity, you need to knock on the fruit. If you hear a dull sound, he has ripened. There are additional signs of maturity: the patterns become distinct, the wax disappears.

Growing watermelons (video)

As you can see, it is possible to grow a watermelon in the middle lane. The main condition is to choose the right varieties of melon and watermelon. But still, this is a risky occupation, since weather conditions can prevent you from achieving success in gardening: rainy summers or spring frosts. Follow the above recommendations, and you will definitely be able to grow excellent harvest to the envy of all the neighbors.

Gallery: watermelons in the middle lane (15 photos)

Usually watermelons and melons in open field grown in the southern regions of our country. These melons grown in the Astrakhan and Volgograd regions, the Krasnodar Territory and other regions where climatic conditions are similar are considered the best. After all, these plants are extremely sensitive to heat and the duration of daylight hours.

Grow gourds in the beds of garden plots and in central Russia However, due to the shorter warm period in these regions, seedlings of watermelons and melons grown at home are planted in open ground.

The main varieties for open ground

Variety name Main characteristics fruit ripening time Transportability
Varieties of watermelons
honey giant Medium climbing, fruits are large, elongated, fruit weight 13 - 14 kg Early ripe (fruit ripening period - up to 65 - 70 days) It tolerates transportation well, keeping quality is good
sugar baby Large fruits, with dense skin and juicy scarlet pulp, fruit weight up to 5 kg Early ripe (about 70 days) Handles transportation well
The gift of the sun Drought tolerant variety, round fruit yellow color, scarlet pulp, sweet Ripening early (62 - 71 days) Carrying well
Prince Arthur 1 Hybrid variety, fruits are oblong, light green in color with dark stripes, weighing up to 2 kg Ripening early (about 70 days) Transfers well
Rafinade The fruits are rounded, the peel is dense, light green in color, weighing up to 5 kg Fruit ripening early
Rosario F1 The fruits are large, the skin color is dark green, the skin is thin, weight is about 5 kg early ripe Transport with care
Varieties of melons
Cinderella Fruit color - bright yellow, oval, weight - up to 2 kg Fruit ripening early Handles transport well
Story Fruits of an elongated shape with a bright yellow color of the peel, soft cream-colored pulp, fruit weight - up to 2 kg Ripening early, friendly (about 2 months) Transported well
Galileo Fruits are rounded, mesh, yellowish-orange in color, weighing about 1.5 kg Belongs to mid-season varieties Handles transport well
Assol The fruits are rounded, covered with a mesh, the skin color is orange-yellow, weight - up to 1 kg Fruit ripening - early Handles transport well
Scythian gold The fruits are rounded, the skin color is bright yellow, the weight of the fruit is up to 1.5 kg. Refers to mid-season varieties (up to 80 days) Handles transport well

All of the above varieties of gourds are suitable for growing in open ground.

Growing seedlings of watermelons and melons

  • These heat-loving plants need, first of all, good lighting during the day, as well as warmth. If these two conditions are not met, then healthy and strong seedlings are unlikely to grow.
  • Since the seedlings of these gourds grow quite quickly - about a month passes from the moment the seeds are planted to the receipt of full-fledged seedlings - it is important to plant the seed on time. In the conditions of the central regions of Russia, melon seeds are planted for seedlings in the third decade of March - in the first decade of April.

  • It is better not to buy it from hands from unknown manufacturers, but to buy it in specialized stores. These seeds must be zoned for the regions in which they will grow.
  • The soil mixture in which the seedlings will grow should consist of one part soil and three parts of humus or compost. It is also necessary to add to this mixture a complex preparation, which includes fertilizers containing potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen. but you can buy a ready-made soil mixture for gourds in a specialized store.
  • Since seedlings of watermelons and melons are very tender, they should not be pickled. So seeds should be planted singly in peat pots. In addition, the finished seedlings will be quite large in volume, and if they are planted several times in a container, these melons will interfere with each other during the growth process. If there is no suitable container for planting seed material, the similarity of cups can be made by cutting plastic bottles.

  • Seedlings should be watered as the soil dries out. During the growth of seedlings, it can be watered with a solution of mullein a couple of times until planting in open ground.
  • Seedlings are considered mature enough if they have at least 5 true leaves.
  • In the conditions of central Russia, seedlings should be planted in open ground when the danger of spring frosts has passed - in the third decade of May or in the first decade of June.

Planting seedlings in a permanent place

Before planting seedlings, it is necessary to choose a place where these gourds will grow.

The beds should be located in a place where the sun will illuminate them throughout the daylight hours. The place must be protected from drafts and strong winds.

How to plant watermelons (video)

Usually watermelons and melons are planted in a square - nested method. The distance in the rows between them should be about 0.5 m, the row spacing should be at least 0.7 m. The soil should be light enough and at the same time good enough to hold moisture.

After planting seedlings in open ground, each plant is covered with a plastic bottle, the bottom of which is cut off. So for melons and gourds, a greenhouse effect is created so that they acclimatize faster in a new place. In addition, this is a kind of precautionary measure so that the plants do not suffer if the night temperature drops below 15 ° C. After 7 - 9 days, when the plant starts to grow, the bottles can be removed.

Growing from seed

In the southern regions, much earlier than in other regions of our country, heat comes. Therefore, melons and gourds can be grown with seeds immediately in open ground.

  • The place for planting is chosen in the same way as when planting seedlings of these heat-loving plants on the site - the main thing is that there is a lot of light.
  • Seeds should be soaked for several hours before planting. warm water , to which special growth stimulants should be added. Then they can be planted in the holes.

  • Plant two seeds in each hole.
  • When shoots appear, they are carefully distributed in different directions so that melon plants do not interfere with each other in the process of their growth.

Care Technology

These cultivated plants, like others vegetable crops, need regular watering, weeding, hilling and loosening. All these activities are very important for the normal growth of watermelons and melons.

Watering watermelons and melons should be done carefully so that moisture does not get on the foliage. If the weather is dry, then these plants are watered no more than once a week, but plentifully. When flowers appear on the lashes, the amount of watering should be increased. But during the ripening of the fruits, it is no longer necessary to water melons at all.

Also, watermelons and melons in the process of their growth should be fed several times per season.

  1. The first time to fertilize these plants should be immediately after they take root in the open field. The composition of this top dressing should include fertilizers containing P, K and N.
  2. When the lashes begin to grow, the gourds should be fed again. This time you should use solutions based on organic fertilizers ( chicken manure, manure), to which superphosphate and potassium salts are added.
  3. The third time the plants need nutrients is when the ovaries begin to form. To do this, prepare a solution containing the following minerals: dissolve a teaspoon of superphosphate, a tablespoon of ammonium fertilizer and 1.5 tablespoons of any potassium salt in a bucket of water. Under each bush, 1.5 - 2 liters of such a complex fertilizer should be poured. The solution is poured into circular grooves located at a distance of 16 - 18 cm from the stems.

Growing lashes should be distributed over the garden, removing weak shoots, as well as those on which flowers and ovaries do not appear. This is how lashes of watermelons and melons are formed.

How to grow a melon (video)

It is possible to grow watermelons and melons in open ground both in the southern regions of our country and in the climatic conditions of central Russia. Plants are demanding for heat and light. By following all the rules for planting and caring for these melons, you can get good harvests.

Hello everyone! Last year, my dacha neighbor treated me to her watermelon and melon - delicious! Well ... I planted watermelon and melon seeds. Maybe grow up? Found something interesting, maybe it will help someone...

How to grow watermelons and melons garden plot?- Easy peasy!

Often people buy watermelons in the market... And this makes me sad...
Why not start growing them in your garden? How does this berry differ from raspberries or currants?
Hard? Yes, no more difficult than growing tomatoes ... In half an hour you will learn how to grow both watermelons and melons on your site!
There are watermelons different tastes, absolutely different types and shapes, but the fact that their watermelons are tastier is 100%!
Watermelons are sown in mid-April - this is for those regions where it is cold, as we have in the Perm Territory.
From germination to planting should take about 20 days. They should have two cotyledons and two true leaves.
Watermelons, like peppers, do not like transplants, so I recommend sowing them in peat tablets. And plant them in a permanent place when the first true leaf appears.

Types of watermelons

By types of watermelons are:
Elongated and yellow-fleshed

Yellow watermelon with red flesh

Green watermelon with yellow flesh

Long as a torpedo

Triangular shape, you can grow any variety yourself

square watermelons brought out by the Japanese

Varieties of watermelons are different, but I like varieties of Chinese selection, such as: Beijing Joy, Delicious - very tasty and never let me down.

Growing seedlings of watermelon and melon!

  • Seed soaking - mid-April

Although many bags are written at the end of April, it already happens that the heating is turned off and it becomes cool, and watermelons germinate at a temperature of 25-30 degrees.

  • They do not like transplanting - comfortable pots
  • Sowing depth of melon - 1.5 cm, watermelons - 2 cm
  • Germination temperature 25-30 degrees
  • Seedling age - 20 days. - 1-2 true leaves
  • Planting 1.5 cm deeper than in a pot

Caring for watermelons and melons

  1. The slope of the beds to the south
  2. Protect the plant from the wind
  3. Plant in the hole and cover
  4. Forming it right!
  5. Stop watering a month before harvest.

If you don’t follow these rules, then the watermelon can grow up to 15 kg, but it will be tasteless and watery.
From the beginning of seedlings of 30 days, the watermelon grows, it is matte. Then it stops growing and starts to shine - it matures.
When shine appears, we stop watering, exactly one month later we harvest the crop - it is ripe.

Agricultural technology for growing watermelons

Grow both early and maturing

Landing - Pit 40-50 cm

20 cm herbs, plastic bottles

20-25 cm of soil: 1 bucket of compost, 1/2 bucket of sand

In open ground, row spacing 70-80 cm, row 60 cm

Early varieties you need to eat right away, and the light ones are stored until late autumn. If you grow about a hundred early ones, then you just have to give them away to someone - you can’t eat them, they don’t lie for a long time.
Watermelons are southern plants - they love warmth. If there is no heat, then they will not grow.
What do you need to do for this? - Arrange warm beds!

Or do this:

Dig a hole 40-50 cm in about two shovels. Put plastic bottles on the bottom to bring down the cold. Or grow in a greenhouse where it is already warm.
You lay the grass tightly so that it catches fire - you fill it with soil from above, cover it with covering material.
When the grass caught fire - prepare the soil. In no case do not plant on a dunghill! Very nasty watermelons are obtained.
It is better to prepare sandy soil - on a bucket of soil, half a bucket of clean sand!
Watermelons have such a feature - this is pinching.

Watermelon shaping

  • The main stem must not be pinched.
  • We pluck out stepchildren
  • Large-fruited varieties leave 3-4 fruits
  • Small-fruited 4-6 fruits
  • Leave 6-7 leaves and pinch the top

Leave 1-2 shoots per plant. And it usually grows both 7 and 8 stems.
Between the leaf and the main stem there is a stepson, like a tomato or cucumber, you pluck it!

It is useless to plant such seedlings - nothing will be good on it! It will be painful, it will be bad to take root.
It is necessary to land with 1-2 real leaves that have just appeared!
How many times have I tried to plant only a hatched seed in a warm hole and it caught up in growth with the seedlings that had been standing on the window for a month.
Someone grows watermelons in greenhouses, but you need to know that the whip must be released painlessly outside.
I grow my watermelons outdoors, but under cover on cooler days.
Watermelons love warmth, so as soon as the fruit sets up and begins to grow, be sure to place heat accumulators under the fruit.
It can be any plastic water bottles or bricks, lay them where the root is. Some wooden boxes. Watermelons will not rot and they are warm.

This is how pollination occurs, but if this did not happen ... but how to understand it?
The size of the berry should be like an apple, if the summer is damp and pollination has not occurred, then we tear off the male flower and pollinate the female ones. On the female one can see a berry.

At first, watermelons need frequent watering, otherwise they will stop growing. You can use drip irrigation.
When the berry begins to grow, be sure to tie it up with any nets, otherwise the thin stem will break from gravity:

So, we planted seedlings, how to care for watermelons in the future?

The most important thing is to stepson once a week!

Stems come from the center of the bush - we leave only two stems. The fruit is tied up - we count 6 sheets and pinch the lash.
On one bush we leave no more than 2 - 4 fruits. If they are still tied, then it is better to cut them off, otherwise you will not have enough food for the already growing ones and the new ones will not have time to grow.
Do not forget to put any pieces of wood under the fruit and cover the place of the root with bricks or bottles of water for warmth.

This is what a matte fetus looks like in the first thirty days:

And this is how it looks when it is already ripe in the next thirty days, when you should stop watering. It starts to shine.

If you plucked a watermelon, and it turned out to be unripe, then do not be discouraged - dry it. You will get an amazing delicacy that will leave with a bang!
Cut into thin slices and spread on a grid, dry. The water will dry, the sugar will remain - you will lick your fingers yummy!

Growing melons is even easier!

Melons are good because if they are picked green, they ripen in the process of maturation!
Successfully grow melon in a cucumber, and especially in a tomato greenhouse and endlessly enjoy fragrant fruits throughout the year, starting in July!

Our motto: Less potatoes - more melons!

Varieties of melons are also diverse: "Honey", "Fairy Tale", "Iroquois", "Caramelka".
Start with "Scythian Gold".
But do not undertake to grow "Kolkhoz Woman" - this is a fodder melon, it will turn out tasteless and not interesting ... Maybe she lacks something with us. But I didn't like this...
After it, you will not want to grow melon anymore.
Try growing any other high-sugar, melon-flavored melons. They are fragrant, honey, exude such a flavor!!!
There are mesh patterns, there are smooth ones.
Melon can be eaten when it starts to smell! When she smells, she is ripe.