How to grow a square watermelon. How to grow a square watermelon with your own hands

  • 14.06.2019

Most people are used to thinking that watermelon is a sweet round-shaped berry with a striped color. However, there are also varieties of watermelons that seem very strange to the modern consumer. One such variety of this plant is the square watermelon. This is a very unusual variety of these melons, which, however, is quite realistic to grow on your site. In this article, we will share information on how to grow a square watermelon with your own hands.

Square watermelons are grown in Japan, and it is precisely for their unusual shape that Japanese watermelons are very much appreciated all over the world, and despite the rather high price, there are always those who want to buy them. And although they grow mainly in the East, it is quite possible to grow a similar fruit in your own garden.

However, is there something behind the unusual shape? Why are these square berries popular?

Strictly speaking, a square watermelon is so popular precisely because of this non-standard shape, since, unlike round fruits, square ones are much more convenient to transport and store. The main disadvantage of a round fruit is that it cannot be installed motionless. It can roll very easily, as a result - during transportation, the fruits often crack or break. A square watermelon is very easy to transport or store in such a way as to avoid the slightest damage. In addition, due to their extraordinary compactness, square fruits take up much less space than round ones.

In addition, it has a rather non-standard shape. However, according to the breeders themselves, the square fruit differs from the round fruit only in appearance, its taste remains exactly the same.

Growing principle

In order to grow such a berry, certain technologies are used. When the ovary has formed, it is placed in a special container - a form that is a small box (20x20x20 cm) made of transparent material (you can even use plastic) in order to better absorb heat.

It is these boxes that help to give the fruits the square shape for which they are so valued. And since the molds can be used more than once, it is advisable to provide them with a lid so that the berry can be taken out, and slots to place the ovaries.

How to grow a miracle in your own garden

Caring for a berry is easy - this process is no different from caring for a round watermelon. Difficulties occur only when farmers try to give the fruit the appropriate shape.

In order for such a miracle to take root in your garden, certain actions are necessary. First of all, the selected seeds are planted in the soil, which was previously well loosened and fertilized, and watered abundantly. warm water(several times a day). When the first leaves appear, seedlings can be planted. After that, you should wait until the watermelon blooms, and only then proceed to turn an ordinary berry into a square one.

When the berries reach a certain size (about 10 cm), they can be placed in a pre-prepared box. The box is covered from above so that your plants are not afraid of overheating, and after the fruit has been placed in the form, it is necessary to water the bed abundantly. It is necessary to carefully monitor the growth and development of the fruit in order to fully control this process. The fact is that due to the too small size of the box, the berry can crack, so this moment also needs to be taken into account.

How to make a shape

Since giving the appropriate shape is the most important part of the process, then the manufacture of the form must be approached with all seriousness. So, how to make a shape for square watermelons?

First of all, you should take care of the material for the drawers. It is quite possible to build them from panels made of polycarbonate or plexiglass. They can be either completely transparent or black. Next, you will need ordinary door hinges and a closure for the lid, metal corner(about 30 mm wide) and fasteners to connect all these parts into a single structure.

From the panels it is necessary to build a small box, equipped with a hinged lid with a shutter. The length of one side should be at least 20 cm so that the berry is comfortable. If the box is too large, the watermelon may not get the desired shape, and you will just grow a small round berry.

A small hole should be made in the center of the lid so that a watermelon ovary can be placed inside the box. Since the fruit placed in the box will tend to achieve a round shape, and therefore resist changing its shape, the pressure on the walls of the box will be considerable. So care must be taken to ensure that the structure is strong enough to withstand the pressure exerted on it by a growing berry.

Observing all these conditions, you can build a tool with your own hands to give this berry an unusual shape. By the way, many farmers, having trained enough on watermelons, take up the change appearance other cultures using the same methods.

Video "How to grow a square watermelon"

From this video you will learn how to grow a square watermelon yourself.

In August, it's time for ripe and juicy watermelons. The pulp of the fruit contains a large number of nutritional vitamins and minerals. Regular consumption of fruits in food will cleanse the body and, at the same time, reset excess weight. Traditionally, everyone is used to the fact that the berry has a round or oval shape. But more and more often in the markets you can see a square watermelon.

Everyone is used to the fact that a watermelon is a round berry or, in extreme cases, an oval one. But in the last few years, you can see cubic watermelons on the market. According to the characteristics, this is the same berry, only of a different shape. There are no differences between a cubic and a round berry, except for the shape.

There are square watermelons for several years. For the first time, the Japanese managed to give the shape of a square to the fetus. The advantages of such berries are that in this form the fruits are easier to transport. They take up less space during transportation. This is the only advantage of square watermelons over round ones.

Growing Secrets

Grow watermelons open field not difficult. The only limitation is that this culture does not grow in any climate. More precisely, it will be possible to grow berries only in the southern regions, where the summer is hot and long. Even in the central parts it will not be possible to grow large fruits.

Seed selection

One of the most expensive watermelons is the Densuke variety. This berry is distinguished by an unusual dark green hue of the peel, which from a distance seems black. Before planting watermelons, you need to choose the right variety.

If you have to grow a variety in the central regions, then preference should be given to zoned varieties. These seeds are adapted to climatic conditions and give a good harvest.

In the southern regions, any variety is grown. Early varieties watermelons have a watery pulp. They are not very sweet in taste. Sugar are only late varieties of berries. In the south, the seeds are immediately planted in open ground. In other regions, seedlings are first grown at home, and then transplanted to a permanent place.

Sowing and growing seedlings

Since square watermelons are no different from ordinary ones, they are grown in exactly the same way. Particular attention is paid to sowing seeds. First, the seeds are germinated.

In a saucer, you need to dilute a weak solution of potassium permanganate and transfer the seeds there. Place the saucer in a plastic bag, draw some air into it and tie it. After a few days, sprouts begin to appear. After that, the seeds are planted.

Each seed is placed in a separate container. To prepare the soil you need to take:

  • sand, peat and sod land (in equal proportions);
  • 100 grams of double superfast;
  • 50 grams of ammonium nitrate.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and divide into glasses. Plant seeds. The first shoots appear after a few weeks. Planting gourds in open ground is carried out after warm weather has settled on the street, and there will be no frost at night.

Care, watering and fertilizer

After planting in open ground and during the period of active growth, gourds require a large amount of liquid. The preferred type of watering is rainwater, that is, using a hose. They also put an automatic sprinkler and turn it on for 3-4 hours in the evenings. Watering should be done only in the evening.

The number of waterings is reduced after the flowering period. Then they switch to drip irrigation.

Fertilizers are applied under the root of watermelons. One bush requires 300-500 milliliters of top dressing. After the soil is watered with warm water. From organic fertilizers, mullein and chicken manure. As for the mineral, you need to use complex ones, which include all the necessary elements.

As a fertilizer, mixtures prepared according to folk methods. For example, yeast-based nutrition is considered the most effective. To prepare yeast-based fertilizer, you need to take 3 liters of water, 6 tablespoons of granulated sugar and a package of yeast. Mix all the ingredients and leave to ferment for 3-5 days. Before watering, dilute 200 milliliters of fertilizer with 1 liter of water and water the plants under the root. Such top dressing contributes to the growth of bushes and the abundant formation of ovaries.

Fetal formation

You can grow a square watermelon only in the southern regions, where summer comes early and ends late, and the weather is hot all season. The technology for growing a square watermelon is quite simple, and such fruits can be obtained even at home. Those summer residents who live in the south can experiment and grow square fruits.

How to prepare a watermelon mold

Making a watermelon mold at home is not difficult. The main thing is to have on hand necessary materials. This is the only difficulty that summer residents face in the process of growing a square fruit.

Necessary materials and tools

In order to make a structure for the formation of a berry, the following devices and materials will be required:

  • several sheets of transparent material (thickness 0.5-0.8 millimeters);
  • corners for connecting the structure;
  • screws with nuts;
  • furniture hinges;
  • hacksaw (if there is no hacksaw at hand, a jigsaw will do);
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • ruler;
  • marker.

After all the materials are prepared, you can start collecting the form.

Construction assembly process

Making a square shape for a watermelon with your own hands:

  • several squares of 20x20 in size are cut out of plastic;
  • at the point of contact of the squares they are connected with screws;
  • on one side of the resulting box, a hole is drilled for a watermelon vine;
  • the upper part of the box is fixed with loops with fasteners.

The main thing is that the plastic box is strong enough and able to withstand the onslaught of a watermelon growing inside. Fruits should be placed in the made boxes after they reach the size of an apple.

Harvesting and storage rules

There are several ways in which watermelon maturity is determined:

  1. The peel of a ripe watermelon becomes shiny and glossy.
  2. To determine the maturity of the berry, you need to press hard on the peel, if it is pressed through, then the watermelon is not ripe. And if it remains solid, then you can harvest.
  3. The stem must be dry.
  4. In the place where the watermelon comes into contact with the soil, a bright yellow spot should remain.
  5. Before cutting the berry, you need to knock on the peel. If the sound is muffled, then the berry is ripe.

After the gourds have been harvested, the berries must be stored properly so that they stay whole longer. They should be stored in a dark room where open sunlight does not penetrate. For long-term storage, only late varieties of gourds are suitable.

Such fruits are cut with a sharp knife or secateurs. In this case, the stalk must be left at least 5 centimeters long.

The harvested crop is laid on a thin layer of straw. For long-term storage, only healthy fruits without mechanical damage. If there are cracks on the peel, then such a fruit will not be stored for a long time.

Square berries are often kept in earthen trenches. The recess is covered with straw or hay, then the crop is laid out. After that, they are again covered with straw and covered with soil on top.

The spherical shape of a watermelon familiar to the human eye is not at all necessary for this tasty and healthy berry. It is very easy to grow a square watermelon and surprise your family and friends, and you do not need to resort to complex procedures or use the achievements of genetic engineering. Following the advice, you can easily create an interesting product that has all the properties of an ordinary watermelon, diversify in an original way festive table and earn the admiration of guests.

It is very easy to grow a square watermelon and surprise your loved ones and friends.

Discussions on the use of genetically modified plants in agriculture appeared a long time ago, and until now, scientists have not come to a consensus on the advisability of the mass introduction of such technologies. Many researchers cite the potential threat posed by the consumption and cultivation of modified crops. Manipulating genes can lead to the creation of super-yielding plants adapted to grow and mature in adverse conditions. Genetic modification is able to create new cultures that combine the properties and qualities of several traditional ones. Genetic engineers are quite capable of creating a square watermelon or a round banana.

Discussions on the use of genetically modified plants in agriculture arose a long time ago, and so far scientists have not come to a consensus on the advisability of the mass introduction of such technologies.

We will not delve into scientific research and set up risky experiments, engage in complex crosses and inoculations. Square watermelons are grown using a simple device. This will require a little more time and effort than when growing ordinary fruits and berries, although to establish industrial production unusual berries will be more difficult.

Gallery: square watermelon (25 photos)

Where did square watermelons come from (video)

Why and who needs it

Changing the shape of a watermelon to a cubic one is not only a desire to demonstrate originality. Similar in size, square watermelons are easily stored, take up much less space on the scale of agricultural production and in a particular outlet. Significantly reduced costs for transportation. A ball tightly inscribed in a cube corresponds in volume to a cube as Pi / 6, that is, when using the same cargo or storage volume, square watermelons will fit more than ordinary ones. Cubic watermelons are less prone to damage during transportation and stacking.

Growing curly fruits is an interesting area for a family business. Suffice it to say that square watermelons in Moscow cost 25,000-30,000 rubles apiece, and there is a demand for such products. Square watermelons are not only seen as food, but also used as table decorations or unusual gift. Square watermelons are available only in a few stores or by special order, so it's not difficult to master the market for a small family farm.

Growing curly fruits is an interesting direction for a family business

Growing cubic berries

We owe the first appearance of cubic watermelons to Japan, in which they began to give the berries an unusual shape more than 30 years ago. Initially, the goal of experimental gardeners was to create products that are more convenient for transportation, but unusual view generated additional demand and formed a new direction in business. At present, cubic watermelons of the Kaku-Melo variety are patented in Japan. The cultivation of unusual berries for business purposes is also carried out in Brazil and the United Arab Emirates.

The technology for growing quadroberries is simple. The appeared watermelon ovary is placed in a special rigid plastic or glass cubic shape-box measuring about 20x20x20 cm in the way shown in the photo. Boxes should be transparent or black for better heat absorption. The molds are intended for repeated use, therefore they are equipped with a lid for extracting the berries and a slot for the ovary.

This completes the work on creating a cubic watermelon, further care of the crop does not differ from ordinary gardening work.

In the process of growth, the berry adapts to the shape of the box and acquires a cubic shape. In the same way, you can grow completely exotic watermelons with different geometric parameters and even relatively complex configuration. Photos show watermelons various forms. Extreme gardeners, guided by a similar principle, grow other fruits, giving them unusual shapes (star-shaped cucumbers, square apples and tomatoes, etc.).

Gardening enthusiasts can grow their own unusual berries on your site (under appropriate climatic conditions).

Making a mold

To make a cubic shape you will need:

  • durable transparent, black polymer (polycarbonate or plexiglass) or plywood panels (sheets can be);
  • door hinges and a lock for a cover;
  • equal-shelf metal corner 20-30 mm wide;
  • fasteners (screws, screws, nuts, washers).

The panels are used to make an equilateral box with a hinged lid equipped with a lock, the side length should be 20-25 cm. If a large box is made, the fruit may not grow to the required dimensions and acquire a cubic shape. Too small a shape will not allow the fruit to fully ripen, the watermelon will crack during growth.

A round hole is made in the center of the lid, from which a slot is cut for placing a watermelon ovary in a box. The design must be strong enough to withstand the pressure of the expanding fruit - the watermelon will tend to form a spherical shape, so the mechanical pressure on the walls of the box will be significant.

Landing and care

Seeds are planted in loosened and fertilized soil, regularly watered with warm water. The ground under watermelons should be constantly wet, watering should be carried out at least 2-3 times a day. Before planting in open ground, it is first recommended to grow seedlings at home. In this case, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of at least + 25-28ºС.

My brother loves ordering from Ali. First, he filled up the kitchen (both his own, and my mother’s, and mine for company) with various silicone bells and whistles, assistants, and then took up the seeds. What he just did not find: blue tomatoes, and rainbow roses ...

And somehow he proudly presented the seeds of square watermelons (it was written there, and even a lot of photos were attached).

In order to dissuade him from buying and future disappointment, I started looking on YouTube for various videos exposing such products, and found the technology for growing “square” watermelons. She became so interested that she herself built a box, and she raised a striped villain - herself, without China!

It's simple: to stand out in the market.

Well, in our country - also in order to satisfy the curiosity of people, most of whom have long seen photos or videos on the Internet about amazing foreign melons.

Few of our citizens can go to China for the weekend to try the striped novelty. And she's already out there - on domestic shelves, carefully grown by our farmers!

And most importantly - no GMOs, just sleight of hand and not an ounce of fraud. So you can safely buy such a miracle for children.

The only thing: despite the high price and bizarre shape, the taste of such a watermelon will be quite ordinary ... But what a spectacular gift you can get for your family or friends!

How it all started

These funny gourds became famous all over the world thanks to the Chinese, but they were invented by the Japanese. One farmer was tormented to transport round watermelons, which refused to fold into a slide, rolled and fought during transportation. The man thought: what if we grow them in a more convenient form so that they do not roll?

He built a plexiglass box that could be taken apart, placed a growing watermelon in it on the field, and when the box began to crack at the seams, he removed it. Growing in cramped melons, it turned out to be in the shape of a box, and once free, it remained square.

The man began to actively grow his "know-how".

True, each such watermelon required a separate box. So it turned out that having saved on delivery to stores (after all, now it has become much easier to pack watermelons in a car), a person has to spend a lot on a box.

Here is how things are now in this country:

At the moment, most square melons are grown in China. Here such a miracle costs a little over 80 bucks.

In addition, angular minke whales are also grown in the Emirates, Spain, and Brazil.

How to do it right

The technology has not changed since its invention: the growing “ball” is placed in a box made of thick (about 8 mm) transparent polycarbonate. Container size: 20x20 cm. A watermelon is placed in such a “dungeon” when it grows to the size of an apple.

From above in such a box there must be ventilation holes that will protect the fruit from the appearance of rot. Also don't forget the ponytail hole.

Here is what such a form looks like:

To make it, you need: 6 pieces of polycarbonate, 2 hinges with buckles, 4 so-called gate hinges, screws (thin, from 25 to 40 mm), nuts, washers and screws, as well as a metal corner to strengthen the walls of the form.

As for tools, you should have: a hole saw, a drill, a hacksaw (for metal, for corners), a screwdriver and a jigsaw.

Don't want to mess around? And it is not necessary: ​​molds for growing watermelons are already sold in our country. They cost not three kopecks, but by no means $ 80, so you can take either a piece or a whole set for testing. And then how will it go...

Important points:

  • For gourds, a warm climate is needed (such as in the South of Russia or in Ukrainian Kherson).
  • Choose fast-growing varieties (it has been noticed that in the South, varieties adapted to middle lane, grow especially gratefully - by leaps and bounds).
  • True, fast varieties need to be sold quickly, they are not stored for a long time - if you plan to transport and store your crop for a long time, grow late-ripening varieties.
  • If in your climate there are large differences between night and day temperatures in May, this crop is best grown in a greenhouse.
  • You can grow such a miracle both from seeds and seedlings (the latter has proven itself well in the middle Russian lane).

The correct temperature for this crop: from 25 degrees during the day and not lower than 17 at night.

Basic rules for growing watermelons

  • In open ground, seeds or seedlings are planted at the end of May or at the beginning of June, leaving a meter between future bushes.
  • The bed should be fertilized with manure.
  • Watermelons will be grateful for watering. But do not connect the hose directly to the well, this culture does not like ice water. It is better to fill a large vat, let the water warm up in the sun all day, and in the late afternoon carry the water with a watering can. Yes, it is long and difficult, but it will be possible to collect a tasty and nitrate-free crop. You definitely can't buy this in a store!

Watering, by the way, is stopped in the middle of the ripening period.

If everything went well, each vine can produce 4-7 flowers. Experienced gardeners advise pinching off the weakest ones, leaving 4 quality flowers each.

Watermelon flowering begins approximately 35 days after planting.

The fruit will ripen somewhere around 100 days after planting, but early ripening varieties can please even 65 days.

What else can people do with watermelons

Yes, whatever, there would be the right form at hand!

Since most of the wealthy Chinese (and not only) have already tasted the square watermelon, farmers are ready to offer new forms: triangles, hearts and even heads.

... And not only with watermelons ...

The enterprising Chinese, realizing the profitability of "cubic" melons, began to experiment with forms for other vegetables and even fruits. The most successful ones have already gone on sale - and not only in the Celestial Empire, we also have them.

For example, if desired, you can grow:

  • zucchini or zucchini in the form of an ear of corn;
  • pumpkins in the shape of a human head (Americans even create quite recognizable characters - Margaret Thatcher, President Reagan, Frankenstein);
  • pears in the shape of a seated Buddha.

Melons, lemons, oranges, apples, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers also lend themselves well to molding (in the photo below, it is the cucumber that is preparing to turn into a future heart, and even with an inscription).

You can see forms for such gardening "crafts" here:

Knowledgeable person's experience

This farmer is already growing interesting watermelons in the Orenburg region. Moreover, they are not only square, but there are also varieties with yellow flesh. How does he do it and does such a business pay off - first-hand information:

And here is the instruction from the same farmer, only in more detail:

Watermelon is considered the most favorite delicacy of adults and children. We are looking forward to the middle of summer to enjoy the sugar pulp as soon as possible. In the view of many, this is a large and round berry, but Japanese breeders surprised the whole world by releasing square watermelons. Today we will tell you how they are grown and what is used for this.


People who see a square watermelon for the first time experience great surprise. Indeed, for our eyes, the spectacle is quite outlandish, but not new. The very first instance of a square berry was grown 30 years ago on Japanese island. In the territory Russian Federation such a watermelon has gained popularity in the form of decor or original gift. Let's take a look at what the differences are:

  • to begin with, it is worth mentioning the form;
  • round watermelon is grown in open ground, and square specimens in special forms;
  • the outlandish berry requires delicate care.

This is where all the differences end. As for the taste, it is the same in both cases. A square watermelon has the same red and sugary flesh. So you don't have to worry about taste.

Where are they grown?

Square watermelons are popular in Japan. Here they are grown. Only one Japanese company is engaged in such an interesting business. Since the cultivation of such a crop is a delicate matter, their yield is no more than 400 pieces per year. If the season is less successful, then you can count on 200 berries. The Japanese company accepts orders for the cultivation and supply of square watermelons in advance. Probably, many are interested in how such an exotic berry is obtained. Let's consider this question in more detail.

Growing principle

Unlike ordinary watermelon, the square representative is forcibly grown. If an ordinary round gourd can grow on its own in open ground, then with a rare species everything is much more difficult. To do this, the ovary is placed in a special form, which can be made of plastic or glass. For the entire period of growth, the plant is trying in every possible way to grow a fruit of a normal habitual form, but Japanese scientists carefully monitor this and remove round fruits. Thus, they are forced to take their square form. In Russia, no one yet grows square watermelons for mass consumption. But still, some gardeners are trying to repeat the experience of Japanese breeders and reproduce such a berry in their dachas.

We grow ourselves

Many people wonder how to grow a square watermelon. We will tell you about all the subtleties. To grow berries of such an original form, you will need:

  • seeds;
  • form.

First of all, it is worth studying the last point. If you want to surprise your family and neighbors with such a harvest, we will help you with this.


To start growing, you need to carefully consider the form. To make it, you need to prepare the following materials:

  1. Polycarbonate. Any color will do. The main thing is that the width is at least 8 mm.
  2. Gate hinges. Need details small size, which will carefully fasten all sides of our future form.
  3. Screws. They must be at least 25 mm and not more than 40 mm in size.
  4. Steel or aluminum corner. It is enough to purchase 90 cm.
  5. Nuts, washers, flat head screws.

For the convenience of making a mold, prepare the following tools from the list:

  • drill;
  • jigsaw (if you don’t have such a tool, you can replace it with a hacksaw);
  • crosshead screwdriver;
  • ruler;
  • ring saw.

When you have prepared everything, you can proceed.

Master Class

Consider how the shapes for square watermelons are made:

  1. All polycarbonate must be cut into pieces equal to each other.
  2. We take the first sheet and cut a hole in it with a size of 25 mm. For convenience, you can use a hole saw. Via hand saw or a jigsaw, you need to make two parallel cuts from a round hole.
  3. It is necessary to take the second piece of polycarbonate and connect it to the first part. In this case, it is necessary that the end face overlaps. Connect using gate hinges.
  4. Based on the dimensions of the two connected parts, it is necessary to prepare another pair of sides that will serve as inserts.
  5. They must be inserted inside the box and trimmed to size.
  6. Fasten with screws. For more robust design it is recommended to screw two pieces into each end.
  7. Now you need to install the bottom of our entire structure and secure it, also using hinges.

So our form is ready, in which you can grow square watermelons.


To date, there are more than 1000 varieties of watermelons and each of them can be square. Berries that are grown at home have the following characteristics:

  • precocity;
  • the size;
  • taste qualities;
  • the color of the rind and pulp.

Such watermelons can be grown in an average of 2.5 months. If you want to grow them outdoors, then the best time when there is no threat of frost. At home, this can be done throughout the year. Just remember one condition - the temperature must be maintained at about 27-28 degrees. Before planting watermelons, seeds must be germinated in peat or flower soil. After that, you can transfer the seedlings to the holes and wait. But not everyone can determine when to harvest.

looking for ripe

Square watermelons have the same ripeness characteristics as round ones:

  • the stalk becomes dry;
  • the crust begins to fade and is difficult to pierce with a finger;
  • the part of the skin that lies on the ground begins to turn white.

If you prefer to choose a watermelon for a "deaf" sound, then you should abandon this method of verification. Basically, this indicates that the fruit is overripe.

Where to buy and how much?

If you want to buy a square watermelon, the price will surprise you. For one fruit, the cost increases to 20 thousand rubles and even more. There are only a couple of stores that provide such watermelons for purchase. Accordingly, not everyone can afford such an expensive purchase. The price includes the following:

  • uniqueness of copies;
  • transportation from Japan;
  • customs duties;
  • breeding services.

Based on the foregoing, one thing can be said that there is no difference between taste and color. Accordingly, it is up to you to buy a ready-made fruit or grow it yourself. And as they say, if there is no difference, why pay more.