How to open a transport company for the transportation of goods from scratch. How to open a logistics company from scratch without transport

  • 16.10.2019

Russia - big country, requiring the supply of large quantities of goods and services to its various points, separated by vast distances. Consequently, passenger and freight transportation services are in demand, which makes transport business very profitable. The formation of the structure of this business began with the country's transition to a market economy. This area currently employs about 20% of Russia's working population.

The road network in the country is continuously growing, which contributes to the development of transport business. In addition, cargo transportation has now become safer than, say, in the 90s, which cannot but attract entrepreneurs. This makes cargo delivery easier and cheaper. This area of ​​business is developing despite the unstable economy of the country, which is a positive factor for investment.

Business organization

Before you open a company providing freight transportation services from scratch, you need to decide on the type of future enterprise and the type of transport required for this. If you plan to provide services to individuals, such as furniture delivery, household appliances, moving assistance, etc., then you will need light-duty trucks (load capacity up to 7 tons).

If you want to open large company To provide services to legal entities (shops, wholesale warehouses) in Russia or neighboring countries, you will need trucks with trailers, trucks, refrigerators. To open a company that provides services to industrial enterprises, dump trucks, tractors and long vehicles are used. There is also the option of an intermediary company that searches for orders. Such a company does not require its own transport.

The next step when opening a transport company from scratch is choosing a legal form. If the company has one founder, then the individual entrepreneur form is ideal for it. For a company with several founders, it is better to choose a legal form such as LLC.

The form of taxation of your company will depend on the types of services provided and the amount of transport available. If your company has up to 20 cars and provides services to individuals, then the optimal type of taxation will be UTII. For transport companies providing services to industrial enterprises, you should choose the 3NDFL tax regime. For companies with limited liability a general taxation regime is selected. Intermediary transport companies can apply either a general or simplified tax regime.

Starting from scratch a business like transport company, you should remember that it is mandatory for him to open a bank account, even if you plan to provide services to individuals. Legal entities work mainly on a cashless basis, so they will not enter into a contract with a company that does not have a bank account.

To others important point is the selection of personnel for your company. When opening a transport company from scratch, you will need to hire drivers, the number of which depends on the number of cars and work schedule.

With round-the-clock operation, one car will require up to 3 drivers. The number of dispatchers depends on the number of cars and type of services. For companies with more than 5 cars, a car mechanic will be required. It is advisable to hire an accountant in a company that has more than 10 cars under the general taxation regime.

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How to make your trucking business successful?

The success of your business directly depends on the number of clients, so finding them is one of the most important tasks of a businessman.

When starting a business from scratch, you should take care of good advertising for your company. For a high-quality and quick search for clients, the following types of advertising will help you: posting advertisements around the city, advertising your company on the Internet sites of your city and region, in newspapers and magazines, placing advertisements in furniture stores and hardware stores. Dispatch companies can also help you find clients.

If your company works with legal entities, then you can send commercial offers of your services with prices to a certain circle of companies. Currently, large enterprises hold tenders, in which your company must offer optimal conditions to win. In addition, you should enter into contracts with large dispatch firms.

When opening a transport company, you should remember that clients first of all pay attention to the quality of services, so starting such a business from scratch is quite difficult, regardless of whether it is urban, intercity or international cargo transportation. The profitability of your business depends on the literacy of your company's employees. The most simple option transport business is providing customers with vehicles for rent.

The quality of the purchased transport determines the future profit of your company. Trucks from Mercedes, Peugeot, Ford, and Hyundai are best suited for this business. Such cars, although they are more expensive, last longer than inexpensive domestic cars. A couple of hackneyed “Gazelles” and “Bulls” are unlikely to bring you much income.

The transport business is becoming increasingly popular, both among consumers and in the business environment. The demand for these services is constantly growing, and due to the development of online commerce, transport companies have many new regular customers. Becoming the owner of a transport company is not the easiest task, since this type of activity has a high threshold for entry and experience in freight forwarding and logistics companies. How to open a transport company from scratch for a beginner?

Logistics, as a business, has undoubted advantages over most other types of activity. The transport company does not require licenses and is considered strong in financially and has less risk of going bankrupt. In this regard, quite fierce competition has developed in this environment, and a newcomer to this market will need a competent approach and the ability to make decisions quickly and efficiently.

Business registration

Before you open a transport company for the transportation of goods, you need to settle legal formalities. This type of business requires registration legal entity, or PBOYUL (entrepreneurial activity without forming a legal entity).

Opening a closed joint stock company or open joint stock company is a promising option that will allow you to seriously expand. But these forms require the preparation of many certificates and permits. PBOYUL will have to pay additional taxes. Therefore, a more profitable and convenient option is an LLC.

To resolve all formalities for registering a transport business in the form of an LLC, it is recommended to contact specialists who will eliminate long queues, errors and misunderstandings. It is important to remember that an LLC requires a Charter, starting capital and settlement set at the bank.

Selecting a room

When forming a new LLC, a lease agreement must be concluded with the owner of the premises - the office address must become the legal address of the enterprise. In addition to the office, storage space will be required.

The premises do not need luxurious renovation, but they should still look decent. An important requirement is compliance with fire and sanitary inspection standards. The office is the face of the company, so it needs presentable appearance and stylish interior.

Warehouses are clean and dry, equipped with showers and eating areas. Statistics show that the success of opening a freight transport company is 70% dependent on warehouse workers. Therefore, their working conditions must be ensured with proper comfort.


The transport business needs new, high-quality equipment. Not only the success of the company, but also the safety of employees depends on this. Low-quality or used equipment often runs the risk of falling into disrepair and increasing the entrepreneur’s expenses.

Necessary equipment and special equipment for a transport company warehouse:

  • rokla - one for each warehouse worker;
  • forklift – one per warehouse;
  • consumables - tape, stretch tape, etc.

Cars for cargo transportation are expensive transport. It is more profitable to start a business by negotiating with car owners. It is convenient if the owner of the vehicle agrees to work as a driver on it. For an entrepreneur, this means less responsibility, since the driver-owner of the car will be responsible for all possible damage or loss of cargo on the road.

Office equipment

In addition to the warehouse, it is necessary to take a responsible approach to office work. This room performs not only a representative function for clients. The office should house dispatchers who will monitor the work of drivers. For control rooms and for receiving clients, the premises will require:

  • computers and office equipment;
  • tables and chairs;
  • stationary and mobile phones. It is desirable to have 2 fixed lines;
  • walkie-talkie for communication with drivers.

Company personnel

Opening a freight transport company from scratch is not an easy task. It is good if the entrepreneur has experienced employees on his staff who can give advice and take on some management functions. You can also assign different functions to some workers, so that at first you can limit yourself to a small staff. It is important not to overdo it with diversity, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of employees.

The company will require the following employees on a permanent basis:

  • Dispatcher – 2 people. Dispatchers take orders, issue vouchers for drivers, and keep in touch with them during trips.
  • Drivers - 2 people per car if long trips are planned. Drivers must have the required driving categories and have experience driving trucks.
  • Mechanic - one person on staff. His task is to service cars and special equipment.
  • Warehouse worker – 2 people.
  • Advertising manager - to find clients and promote the company.
  • Accountant – in this case, required regularly, consulting services will cost more. The accountant's responsibilities include accrual wages employees.

How to get clients?

A business such as a freight transport company is itself popular and in demand among clients. But on initial stage the business will need promotion. The Internet is now recognized as the main way to disseminate information about the provision of services. How to offer your services online:

  • create your own website;
  • place advertisements on free bulletin boards;
  • monitor online demand for freight transportation services;
  • send letters from commercial offers to the addresses of potential clients.

Costs and payback

As a business, a transport company requires serious start-up capital. Before you start opening a business, you should carefully calculate all possible expenses. These include:

  • rental and renovation of premises;
  • Payment of utility services;
  • staff salaries;
  • purchase of necessary equipment;
  • purchase of spare parts for special equipment;
  • payment of taxes;
  • gasoline and other automotive fluids.

Without purchasing vehicles for transportation, the average cost of starting a business will be at least 1,200 thousand rubles. Purchasing vehicles will significantly increase these costs. In addition, experts say that more quick payback what you should expect from the cargo transportation business when renting a car.


The profitability of a business depends on the number of cars in the fleet and the availability of orders. With proper business promotion, right organized work and minimized losses, the average profit from one machine per month will be 30 thousand rubles. If you have 2 cars, the business will pay off no earlier than in 1.5 - 2 years. The profitability of the business is recognized as high: it amounts to up to 40% of total revenue.


Start freight forwarding activities – the right decision. But there is a danger: along with the high demand for this business, competition is also growing. It is better for entrepreneurs with experience in the transport sector to do this business from scratch. All they have to do is find out how to open a cargo transportation company.

Demand for the freight forwarding business

Those who are not involved in logistics often ask the question: is it profitable to engage in cargo transportation? The volumes of imports and exports in the country are increasing every year, therefore, the demand for this type of activity is also increasing. Cargo transportation is a current business, which entails the growth of numerous organizations engaged in providing this type of service. Most often, such companies are founded by entrepreneurs, most of whose knowledge is logistics. There are departments that have mastered cargo transportation, studied documents and offer their own services. If a problem arises with a shortage of cars, the organization attracts cars from neighboring companies. Thus, a new department is created, offering customers a variety of types of transport and services.

Main types of enterprises

To answer the question - how to open a transport company from scratch, you need to understand various types enterprises:

  • Companies providing services to individuals.
  • Individual entrepreneur providing assistance to legal parties.
  • Establishments transporting goods for industrial enterprises.
  • Companies that deliver groupage cargo.
  • Enterprises engaged in searching for orders, intermediary firms.

Features of the transport organization

We should start with the fact that logistics involves developing an optimal route, including all possible stops, breakdowns, and breaks. Logistics exists as an independent transport area. The advantage of this business is that bankruptcy is almost impossible. Also, to organize a business from scratch, you do not need to invest a fortune. Trucking business does not require a license. However, many unscrupulous companies have appeared that are not responsible for their actions. They also do not have permits. They often don't even know how to open a transport company. Logistics in transport has six key rules:

  1. The right cargo.
  2. The right place.
  3. The right time.
  4. Required amount.
  5. Adequate quality.
  6. Minimum costs.

Logistics has its own approach to organizing transport business. This:

  • More than 2 types of transport.
  • Availability of a single through rate for transportation.
  • The interaction pattern is sequential-central.

Company registration and types of taxation

To the question of where to start a business activity, there is only one answer – documents. You should register a company and decide on the taxation system. You should also decide on the legal form of the enterprise:

  • IP (individual entrepreneurship).
  • LLC (when several founders are involved).

For individual entrepreneurs, a single tax on imputed income has been adopted. This tax is suitable for enterprises cooperating with individuals and for those who work without VAT.

For LLC the best optiongeneral system taxation.

Financial sector

If an entrepreneur is thinking about how to open a transport company from scratch and plans to start a long-term business, then he needs to open a bank account. Many clients will be willing to pay for services by bank transfer. The total revenue of an individual entrepreneur or LLC consists of profit from freight transportation. If the question arises whether it is profitable to engage in cargo transportation, then the answer is unequivocal - yes. Freight transportation as a business is quite profitable. Average figures are from 25 to 40% profit. Main expense items:

  • Salary.
  • Taxes.
  • Spare parts.
  • Documentation.
  • Purchase of fuels and lubricants.
  • General expenses.

Recruitment for the company

To stay in the market, an individual entrepreneur or LLC needs to efficiently organize a personnel department. Quantity employees depends on the size of the vehicle fleet. In any case, you need to start by selecting the following employees:

  • Drivers. There should be more of them than cars. Based on one car, 3 people are required.
  • Mechanic. If an entrepreneur has more than six machines, then he will need at least 1 specialist.
  • Dispatchers. The control room needs exactly as many employees as there are cars in the fleet. The control room must be equipped with high-quality equipment, since this is one of the main workplaces.
  • Accountant. It will be needed if you have a fleet of ten cars or more, if the company operates in the LLC format. This person will prepare all financial and reporting documents in a timely manner.

Dissemination of information about the company

After the individual entrepreneur is registered, documents are drawn up and personnel are selected, it is necessary to take care of material support. Then you should form your regular customer base and select suppliers. Initially, there may be distrust on the part of the customer; he will doubt the quality of the product and the competence of the workers.

In order to appease the client, you need to provide him with as much information as possible about your institution, staff and services.

Prepare Required documents, confirming the existence of the company. We must not forget that to start a business, advertising should not be in the foreground. It can greatly affect the budget of a newly created enterprise. At the same time, aggressive advertising may attract too many clients that a novice entrepreneur will not be able to serve. First you need to place advertisements about individual entrepreneurs, LLCs on information boards, in social networks. With increase own business, the range of consumers will also increase. This way, you can increase your advertising campaign.

When to start your own business

When starting a business from scratch, you should consider the time of year. For what? In order to correctly calculate your strength when increasing the volume of work. The summer period is considered the quietest for organizing cargo transportation. Autumn period is the busiest season. The cargo transportation business is a very profitable niche, but it requires close attention from the entrepreneur. Organizing a transport business from scratch will not be difficult, especially since you will not need a business license. Therefore, you can use an individual entrepreneur to start your own business. Logistics and its knowledge will help an entrepreneur organize the optimal route and rationally organize expenses. When registering an enterprise, the business entity receives all the necessary documents.

If you wish, you can open a forwarding transport company, but desire alone is not enough - you must have experience in a similar field of activity. This article will look at an example of a business plan for a transport company with everything necessary for this, as well as calculations. The numbers are approximate, because in each specific city everything is different.

Every year the volume of imported and exported goods increases, and passenger traffic is also constantly growing. All this makes the cargo transportation business more and more profitable. That is why companies of this type are growing like mushrooms after rain, and transport companies are disappearing. Forwarding companies solve the problem of shortage of transport by attracting vehicles from a neighboring company. Thus, the opening of an expedition department (and maybe some other one) occurs. So let's get started.

The first step in creating such a company is registration with the relevant authorities and authorities.

A brief business plan for opening a transport company for the transportation of goods from scratch

If you have a desire to work in the field of transporting passengers and various cargoes, then read the business plan provided below for creating a transport company. Right there you can study some of the subtleties and view the cost figures for organizing this business.

We open a cargo transportation company from scratch

How to register a freight forwarding company

You should know that most transport companies are registered and operate as OJSC, CJSC, LLC, and PBOLE. By the way, with last option, many do not want to deal with it, since there is a value added tax. The most effective in this case should be considered the discovery joint stock company. And since the process of registering a closed joint stock company is quite complicated and involves a number of difficult procedures, we will consider the option of a company with the LLC form of activity.

In order for registration to be carried out accurately and quickly, it is worth contacting organizations with experience in this field. You can already purchase ready-made option forwarding company, but in this case its name will be difficult to change. To register, you will need to open a bank account and also deposit an initial capital of ten thousand rubles.

Selection of office space and staff for a cargo transportation company

You will need a lease agreement between the owner of the building and you, as it will serve as an office as well as the legal address of your company.

As for personnel, at first it is quite possible to get by with fewer workers. True, it should be said that such an approach will greatly slow down the entire work process - each employee will have to combine several positions.

Finding a highly specialized specialist will be quite problematic, and he will have to pay a lot, so it’s worth finding an employee without work experience and training him. Accounting should be entrusted to professionals. Why? Because all salary payments and various calculations are a responsible matter, and let the audit firm handle this.

Advantages and disadvantages of business in the transportation sector

The advantages of a business providing transport services include relatively small initial investments. No license required, which is also good. But this is precisely what entails not always conscientious work of dispatch personnel, which is an undoubted disadvantage.

Let's get started

To avoid any problems between the supplier and the client, you should provide full information about the carrier, broker, warehouses, etc. And since most client companies do not have logisticians, you don’t have to worry about being removed from the general chain. By the way, if customer firms contact the broker directly, they will not have any guarantee that they will receive the same rate as the forwarder.

Before you start providing transport services, you will need to conclude several contracts. One of them is with the client of the company about freight forwarding, and the carrier – a client agreement. What else should a freight forwarder do? His responsibilities include tracking the cargo along the route, solving all sorts of unforeseen problems, and he must clearly understand what is being transported. Also, the forwarding company must bring the client up to date. All this together is an indicator of the competent work of a freight forwarder.

Although at first glance it may seem that the work of such a company is simple, this is not entirely true. You must navigate the laws of movement of export and transit cargo, and correctly draw up various documents. Get ready for a large number expeditions to cargo dispatch points.

Features of a business idea for opening a transport company for the transportation of goods from scratch

In the first stages, you will have to do most of the work yourself. That is why work experience and understanding of it are desirable, otherwise you will simply fail at everything at the very beginning of your journey. Take your first steps very carefully, because the job of a freight forwarder is to satisfy the interests of the client and have various information. Sometimes problems between the cargo owner and the carrier can only be resolved by the forwarder.

Advertising campaign for your business

You should not start with cool advertising of your activities, as a situation may arise when a client flocks to you, and you will not be able to satisfy the companies’ requests. In this case, negative information will be spread about you, which is completely unnecessary. Let your advertising at first be in the form of small advertisements on special sites on the Internet. Further, when you get promoted, you can think about creating your own website, where all the information necessary for the client will be provided.

Opening time

You should know that the “hottest” seasons for this type of business are spring and autumn. At the first stage, you should prepare for them. That is why it is better to start activities in the summer months. This way, you will be able to gain some experience and understand some of the intricacies of the business.

Business specifics

You probably already understand that a freight forwarder is an intermediary between a client and a supplier. He must defend the rights of both sides. If you insure your activities, this will help you avoid costs. However, sometimes this doesn’t help either.

Here's an example:

The cargo is on its way to Russia. The car was delivered on time, all documents for the goods were received, the customs of the foreign state gave the go-ahead, and when the truck arrived Russian border, then doubts arose about the correctness of filling out the declaration, since the weight does not correspond to reality. All the proceedings lead to nothing, and nothing can be proven.

The driver receives a contract for loading and unloading operations (and its cost ranges from six hundred to a thousand dollars). Following the logic, the customer must pay for the work performed, but this is possible only after receiving the cargo. On the other hand, if the amount is not paid, the truck will not leave customs. The forwarder will have to sort this out. He will bear the costs himself, with the hope of receiving them later from the customer.

That is why on the way there must be a certain reserve of money, the necessary contact information, as well as practical experience.
While working, you can carry out related activities. For example, assistance in customs clearance of warehouses, consolidation at transit warehouses, or preparation of various documents.

If you have the desire and faith in success, then everything will definitely work out. Good luck to you!

The transport business today is one of the fastest growing; the demand for services in this area always remains stable, but competition and risk are also high. Opening a transport company is easier if you have relevant experience.

Every year new carriers appear on the market; most often, logistics departments that have separated from trade organizations and have mastered the transportation of goods that their company specialized in selling start their business.

  • application on form P11001;
  • decision to form an LLC;
  • (2 copies);
  • details of the bank where the account is opened;
  • minutes of the meeting or decision of the founder;
  • photocopies of passports.


  • authorized capital from 10,000 rubles, contributed in money or property, at the time of registration 50% of the amount must be paid, the balance is paid over the next 12 months;
  • state duty 4000 rubles;
  • printing from 600 rub.

When preparing documents, it is necessary to take into account that if there are errors, a refusal may follow and 4,000 thousand rubles will be lost. When choosing a form of taxation, it is necessary to take into account the types of transportation and the scale of the future company.

Types of taxation

When registering a business, you can choose from several taxation options:

  • – involves payment of 6-15% of the company’s total income minus expenses;
  • the general system involves paying all taxes, which can be ruinous for a small company;
  • a single tax is applicable only if there are more than twenty cars in the fleet.
A single tax is considered the most optimal option; all taxes must be paid on time and in full. Mandatory payments also include contributions to the Pension Fund, the amount of which changes periodically.

Buying cars

Business begins with the purchase of a car; when choosing a vehicle, you need to decide on your goals and compare them with your means.

Used vehicles foreign production They are considered more convenient to use, but Russian ones are cheaper, although they fail more often. The choice of car also depends on the terrain; for transportation within the city, it is recommended to buy Gazelles, they consume less fuel and are economical to maintain.

Isothermal vans or refrigerators are perfect for perishable products; for office moves and furniture transportation, you can’t do without “Zil-Bychok”, which will work great in yards where there is no room for a large truck to turn around.

It is worth noting that To provide the full range of services, an appropriate fleet of vehicles is required. If there is a shortage of funds for the purchase different types transport, it is worth focusing on one service and collaborating with other companies.

Expenses: buying one car will cost 900,000 -1,100,000 rubles.

If there are no funds to purchase transport at first, the company can engage in intermediary activities and look for transport for clients. If there are regular orders, prices are kept at a fairly low level, which allows you to stay afloat with virtually no costs.

Very often, transport companies cooperate with other enterprises, using their transport. At first, there may be a certain amount of mistrust; the client may have doubts about the quality of work, the safety of delivery of goods, etc. To remove doubts, it is recommended to provide complete information about suppliers, carriers, and warehouses.

It must be taken into account that timely delivery and safety of the cargo are very important to the client; all these nuances must be taken into account when drawing up the contract. The forwarder must always know what is happening with the vehicle and cargo and promptly inform the client about it.

In the future, it is possible to provide a service for preparing documents for shipment; for this it is necessary to have the required number of expeditions at the places of departure of goods; knowledge of the legislation on the movement of transit and export goods is very important.

Selecting a room

Office space is needed for When locating a dispatch service, you should consider several options before making your final choice.

Difficulties in finding premises depend on the region; when drawing up an agreement with the landlord, it is necessary to focus on the fact that the office will be indicated as the legal address of the enterprise. If you do not have the financial resources to rent a full-fledged premises, you can rent an office in a call center; 20 sq. m. is enough to accommodate the dispatch service. m.

Rental costs: 10-18 thousand rubles.

Office equipment:

  • 2 tables;
  • 2 chairs;
  • 2 computers;
  • two telephone lines;
  • Printer;
  • scanner;
  • walkie-talkie for negotiations with drivers.

Expenses for equipment and furniture: 40-60 thousand rubles.


Opening a transport company from scratch involves selecting the following categories of employees:

  • dispatcher (1 or 2 people);
  • driver;
  • accountant;
  • marketer.


Requirements: When choosing personnel, it is recommended to pay attention to diction; they must have a good memory, be sociable and be able to think logically. Employees do not necessarily have to have similar work experience; if necessary, they can be trained in everything.

Functional: attracting clients, searching for applications, searching for transport, completing documentation, coordinating the work of drivers, work is mainly carried out by phone.

  1. Salary (12000 -30000 thousand);
  2. Salary +% of sales (8000 +%);
  3. % of sales.

At the initial stage, the second and third options are most often used.

To do accounting, it is recommended to hire a professional accountant; at the initial stage, he can work for remote access. You can also contact a specialized company; the cost depends on the scope of services provided.

Expenses: from 6000 thousand


Advertising plays an important role at the beginning of business; information about services is recommended to be provided gradually, since if advertising works, the company may not have time to process all requests.

Marketer functionality: Mass mailing of announcements, reviews, notes on websites and social networks. As the company develops, you can create your own website, publish advertisements in print publications, and distribute handouts at exhibitions.

For the first time from 2000 per week.


It is best to open a transport company in the summer, closer to autumn, when the need for transport increases sharply. In this case, it is very important to calculate the time so as not to miss out on profits and cope with the volume of work.

It is not recommended to open a transport company in the spring, since in the summer the demand for transportation drops sharply.


At first, you will have to perform many tasks yourself; experience, knowledge of the law and a customer base will help you avoid troubles.

The main feature of cargo transportation is the need to constantly adapt to the client’s needs, defending the interests of the carrier and your own. When collaborating with unscrupulous carriers, problems with timing may arise; it is recommended that all conditions be agreed upon in advance in the contract.

The dispatcher in this case is an intermediary who solves all problems that arise between the client and the carrier.

How to open a transport company? Watch the video: