How to open a logistics company from scratch without transport. How to open a transport company from scratch

  • 16.10.2019

Indeed, it is no secret that any enterprise is constantly faced with the need to transport various commodity values, however, the maintenance of staff who would be engaged in driving cars is extremely expensive. In addition, vehicles are constantly in need of additional maintenance.

Features of the transport business

Consequently, many entrepreneurs quite reasonably decide to open their own transport company, which will provide freight transportation services. With such an investment Money, business, in fact, can subsequently bring good profits. At the same time, it is necessary to be prepared for the fact that a novice entrepreneur will certainly need:

  • availability of documentation confirming the registration of the entrepreneur;
  • availability of office space;
  • availability of carriers;
  • availability of qualified employees;
  • quality organization of advertising.

Stages of creating a transport company

1. As with any other type of business, transport business it is impossible to start without having a well-developed business plan. It is necessary to calculate all the financial resources that the entrepreneur will have to invest in his own transport business. In this case, it is imperative to take into account the occurrence of not only all fixed, but also variable costs. In addition, it is necessary to carefully calculate the turnover of the future enterprise and its possible profits.

2. After that, you can safely proceed to register a legal entity with the local tax service. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that there is always the possibility of registering an individual business, but in this case it is difficult to be sure that the search for regular customers who will use the services of freight transportation will be crowned with success. In addition, the most acceptable option is to choose a general taxation system. This is due to the fact that large producers are interested in the return of value added tax, and this is only possible under a common tax system. Therefore, otherwise, finding customers for cargo transportation will be even more problematic.

3. Of course, office space is also required. At the same time, there are no specific and special requirements for such an office, so its choice is almost unlimited. You just need to be able to connect a landline phone, as well as use the worldwide Internet.

4. The business of freight transport provides for the need to use road transport, which does not necessarily have to be owned by the enterprise. The fact is that not every novice entrepreneur can afford the purchase of expensive Vehicle, as well as the maintenance of the staff of drivers and additional costs associated with car maintenance. Therefore, it is advisable to use the services of third-party carriers. At the same time, it is extremely important that all necessary permits and registration documentation be available.

5. Particular attention should be paid to the selection of qualified employees who will perform the full range of office work. At the same time, specialists should be able to sell transport services, as well as be well versed in all the subtleties and nuances that are typical for the logistics industry. Of course, finding such employees is not as easy as it might seem at first glance, so you need to be prepared for the fact that their training will be required, which will provide advanced training for specialists.

6. Finally, high-quality advertising of your services is of great importance. Therefore, the entrepreneur will have to use all the possibilities of advertising. For example, you will need to create your own website, through which a transport company will talk about its services. In addition, you will have to put up ads, as well as publish advertisements in the media.

Owning a trucking company is a fairly profitable and promising business. The demand for this service is always high, respectively, there is serious competition in this area. Before you open a transport company from scratch, you need to familiarize yourself with all the nuances of this business, as well as objectively evaluate its advantages and disadvantages.

Business Features

If you are going to open a freight forwarding company, you should first decide on its type:

  • Companies that provide services to individuals. This may be the delivery of furniture, equipment, apartment moving, and so on. Usually they work within a certain locality;
  • Transportation of goods for large industrial enterprises and corporations;
  • Transportation of goods to legal entities. We are talking about the delivery of goods to wholesale warehouses and stores;
  • Delivery of groupage cargoes;
  • Intermediary firms that do not have their own transport. They find customers for large transport companies and receive remuneration for this;
  • Another fairly profitable business option is a business in transport logistics. The development of routes allows you to optimize costs and significantly reduce delivery times, so transport logistics services are always in great demand.

Legal registration of activities

Before you open a transport company, you need to officially register your business. Typically, such firms are registered as closed joint-stock companies (CJSC), LLC or individual entrepreneur. Each organizational and legal form has disadvantages and advantages.

If you are planning to open a branch of a transport company in another city in the future and will continue to expand, it is better to open a CJSC right away. But in this case, you will encounter paperwork, because registration will have to collect a huge amount of information. Therefore, many start-up entrepreneurs prefer LLC. In order not to waste time on paperwork, you can purchase a ready-made business.

Do not forget that cargo transportation requires a license. It is issued by the Ministry of Transport for 5 years.

The scheme of the company

Before developing a business plan for a transport company, you should decide on what scheme you will work with:

  1. Company with its own fleet. In this case, you will have to purchase trucks or rent them. For the operation of a small enterprise, you can hire several drivers with their own transport. Thanks to this, you do not have to invest a large amount of money in the business;
  2. Forwarding services. Such a company is a dispatch service for cargo transportation. For each shipment, the commission is 5-10% of its total order value. An office, a few employees, a telephone and internet access is all it takes to open a freight forwarding company. This is a fairly profitable line of business that does not require large investments.
  3. We draw up a business plan

    So, ? To answer this question, first of all, you need to draw up a competent business plan. If you have never done such a thing, entrust it to specialists. For a fee, they will prepare a step-by-step instruction with all the necessary calculations.

    Consider an exemplary business plan for a freight forwarding company:

    1. Registration of an enterprise;
    2. Formation of a car park. It is desirable that it has cars of different carrying capacities. You also need to purchase loading and unloading equipment to perform complex work;
    3. Personnel search and payroll calculation;
    4. Calculation of additional costs of the enterprise - taxes, purchase of spare parts and fuel, insurance, rental of a garage for cars, advertising, etc.;
    5. Do not forget to describe all the business processes of the transport company in order to have clear view about what you will be doing.


    If you decide to open a branch of a transport company in your city, you need to hire qualified personnel to work:

  • Drivers. They must have the rights of the appropriate category, as well as work experience. For each car you need to hire two drivers. This is necessary for long-distance transportation;
  • Dispatcher. This specialist takes orders and draws up the necessary documentation;
  • The trade manager attracts clients and searches for new orders;
  • The accountant is responsible for financial reporting and pays staff;
  • The mechanic is engaged in the maintenance of cars and their repair.

Costs and profits

Before you open a transport company for the carriage of goods, you must carefully calculate all the costs and expected profit:


  • staff salaries;
  • Fuel and lubricants;
  • tax deductions;
  • Purchase of spare parts for equipment repair;
  • Additional expenses - rent of premises, payment of utility bills, etc.;
  • Purchase of special equipment and vehicles. It will have to spend 6-10 million rubles.

On average, the profitability of such an enterprise reaches 25-40% of the total revenue. It largely depends on what type of transport business you have chosen.


Now let's talk about income. Hourly payment for cargo transportation in the city is 300-1500 rubles. Some firms charge for kilometers - 10-30 rubles per 1 kilometer. On average, one client pays 2–5.5 thousand rubles for services. If a competent approach is provided, with an average workload, transport will pay off in 18–20 months.

Over time, you can ask how to open a representative office of a transport company in another city. Thanks to this, you will be able to expand your business and, accordingly, significantly increase your income.

How to start a business without investment?

Aspiring entrepreneurs who do not have the start-up capital to start their own business are often interested in, ? The best option is to work in the dispatch service. In this case, you will regularly receive orders, but for this you will have to give part of the earnings.

Let's find out, shall we? Cooperation with several dispatch companies allows you to get a good profit. Usually entrepreneurs who are engaged in private cabs, over time, begin to expand and open their own transport companies providing taxi services.

Naturally, we will not tell you the specific amount of earnings, because it depends on many important factors. For example, a metropolitan taxi driver will earn much more than a provincial town taxi driver. The income also depends on the competition in the region, the average cost for services, etc.

Studying the business areas in which today you can actively develop, novice entrepreneurs should pay attention to the field of cargo transportation. This industry directly depends on the growth of the industrial sector, as well as on the general economic situation in the state. When planning to open a transport company, a novice businessman must first of all monitor the local market, realistically assess his ability to compete, and also draw up a competent financial plan.


After making the final decision regarding the opening of a transport company, a businessman must go through the state registration procedure. To do this, he needs to determine in what status the commercial activity:

  1. Individual entrepreneur.
  2. Closed or Open Joint-Stock Company.
  3. Society with Limited Liability

Important! Experts in the field of economics and law recommend that Russian citizens who decide to develop a cargo transportation business choose as a form of management. Its main advantage is that the founders and managers of the company are not subject to legal liability. In the event of problems with the regulatory authorities, the Limited Liability Company will be responsible only with personal property and assets on the balance sheet.

After studying this video, aspiring entrepreneurs will be able to learn how to properly organize the workflow in a transport company:

If aspiring entrepreneurs have chosen an LLC as their legal form, then the best option for them would be to switch to the UTII tax regime (see also). In this case, they will be able to use up to 20 trucks. For individual entrepreneurs the form of taxation 3 personal income tax is more suitable. Before starting work, the heads of the company should without fail open settlement accounts at any banking institution, since very often cargo transportation is ordered by both small and large companies who need to document their costs.

Attention! Today, Russian citizens can apply to law firms whose specialists open turnkey transport companies in record time. They can also purchase a ready-made company with an open bank account and complete set registration documentation.

Premises selection

After the completion of registration activities, business entities planning to work in the field of cargo transportation need to find an office space and a protected area for a car park. When looking for a room where clients will be served, you can choose large business centers where offices are rented. When choosing a territory for a cargo fleet, one should pay attention to those places that have fences and a nearby transport interchange. Today, many companies rent out their warehouses and hangars, as well as management buildings that can accommodate management and staff offices.

Important! For the work of a transport company, it is necessary to purchase computers, printers, a scanner, a fax and a telephone, which are necessary for working with clients and processing cargo transportation. Ordinary office furniture is suitable for arranging cabinets.

If a novice entrepreneur has a large start-up capital, he can purchase office space. In this case, he will be able to profit from such real estate (rent it out), even if there is no development in the field of transport services. The transport company must have its own garage in which mechanics will repair cars and carry them out Maintenance. It is also recommended to equip a warehouse in which the goods of customers will be temporarily stored.

The subject of entrepreneurial activity should approach the issue of personnel selection with all responsibility, since from qualification and decency employees will ultimately depend on the financial result and prosperity of the company. When hiring drivers, you need to pay attention to their experience and length of service in this area. The number of such employees should match (or better exceed) the number of trucks. If the company works every day, then 2-3 drivers need to be put on one truck. For them, a schedule of work shifts is drawn up, which includes days off.

If truck drivers have the opportunity to independently carry out maintenance and repair of vehicles, then the position of a mechanic can be saved (otherwise, such a unit should be added to the state). It is mandatory to hire qualified and non-drinking loaders who can carry out loading and unloading operations both manually and with the help of specialized equipment.

To work in the office, you will need to involve an accountant, cleaners, security guards and a secretary, a trade manager, a logistics dispatcher (the number of these employees depends on the size of the fleet), who will place orders. A large logistics company should have a lawyer on staff who can also deal with insurance. If the manager cannot find suitable specialists for the positions of a lawyer and an accountant, he can contact an outsourcing company and use the services of its employees. Today, many transport organizations have full-time doctors who examine drivers before each trip to the route.

Important! A business entity can save money by hiring drivers with personal trucks.

How to open a transport company - business features + step by step process project implementation + financial plan + how to attract customers.

Capital investments: from 9,340,000 rubles
Payback period: 3 years

Now in many areas there is quite tough competition, which forces many entrepreneurs to look for new directions for investing their own funds.

But it is important to find a stable and popular niche that will not let you down even in times of crisis.

And a vivid example of this is our own.

This area is relevant at any time, as many manufacturers and consumers need transportation and delivery of goods for various purposes.

It is best to start such a business if you have experience in a similar field, as well as if you have and are willing to invest large amounts of money.

If you are interested in implementing such an idea, then let's find out.

Consider the main nuances of conducting such a business and calculate how much investment you need to prepare.

Features of the transport business

To organize a competitive and profitable business, you need to plunge into the idea with your head.

Here, as in any other area of ​​entrepreneurship, it is important to have certain knowledge.

First of all, the activity is connected with logistics, that is, with the construction of an optimal route for the movement of goods.

And for this it is necessary that these 6 indicators are reunited:

  • cargo;
  • time;
  • a place;
  • number;
  • quality;
  • minimum transportation costs.

For this reason, any transport company must have a forwarding department, whose specialists will be able to build a route and then track it.

Also worth highlighting key points related to how to open a transport company:

  • first of all, it should be said that the chosen direction of activity does not fall under licensing;
  • among companies revolving in this area, there is the smallest number of bankrupts;
  • when choosing a forwarding scheme, capital investments will be relatively small;
  • business is associated with many risks and force majeure - weather conditions, traffic accidents, possible breakdowns transport.

Types of transport companies

At the first stage of how to open a transport company, you need to decide on its type.

And only then, depending on the chosen format of activity, it is necessary and.

So, you can provide cargo transportation:

    for individuals.

    Most often they operate within the same locality and suburb, and work with medium and small cargo;

    for legal entities.

    Such companies serve wholesale companies and deliver goods throughout the country and even neighboring countries;

    for various manufacturers.

    They work with the industrial sector, so they must have a specialized fleet with dump trucks and tractors;

    specialized direction.

    Some carriers may only transport food, water, building materials, or anything else;

    groupage cargo.

    This direction involves the joint sending of several goods, which should be received by different addressees.

    As a rule, transportation is carried out over long distances and can go beyond the borders of the country.

Choosing a scheme of work for a transport company

Regardless of which type of cargo transportation is chosen, transport companies can operate according to two schemes:

    have your own car park

    You can organize the work by buying a truck or taking it on a long-term lease.

    To realize this idea, you need to have large amounts of money.

    offer forwarding services

    The point of running such a business is to be an intermediary between the customer and the drivers of the transport.

    For the provision of dispatcher services, the company takes its percentage, from which profit is formed.

    This option can be implemented with minimum investment because you don't need to buy a car.

What to choose from this?

The first option is suitable for those who do not want to depend on anyone: you have your own cars and hire drivers, thereby dictating the working conditions yourself.

It is advisable to implement the second option if there are connections with drivers who have personal vehicles.

But in this case, you will have to adapt both to customers and to the owners of trucks themselves.

Step-by-step process of how to open a transport company

Now you can proceed to the answer to the question of how to open a transport company.

In this case, it is necessary to follow a clear sequence of actions.

First of all, you need to take care to come up with a memorable name for the future company and properly arrange the business.

At the same stage, it is worth deciding on the scheme of work, because both directions are fundamentally different from each other.

When deciding to have your own fleet, you need to purchase freight transport and equip a garage.

For solidity, it is worth renting an office where you can receive clients who want to conclude long-term contracts.

Then you need to select the staff who will take orders and build traffic routes.

An important stage is the search for customers, because without them the business will simply “burn out”. The larger the customer base, the higher the income. Plus, it will expand over time.

Formation and registration of business

The choice of legal form in which you can open a transport company is influenced by many factors:

  • format of work: IP is suitable for creating a dispatch service, - if you have your own fleet of vehicles;
  • number of founders: IP for one person, and LLC - for several;
  • provision of services for individuals or legal entities: in the first case, an individual entrepreneur is suitable, and in the second, an LLC, since organizations want to cooperate with VAT payers;
  • desire to expand< : if it is not there, then it is enough to open an individual entrepreneur, and if there is, then only the creation of a legal entity.

I would also like to focus your attention on the compilation of a unique name.

It is important that it contains something that will indicate the transport company: "auto", "express", "trans" and the like.

To open a transport company in the form of an individual entrepreneur, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • statement;
  • the passport;

But with the creation of a legal entity you will have to tinker:

  • statement;
  • name confirmed by Rospatent;
  • founding documents;
  • copies of documents of the founders;
  • bank account opening certificate;
  • receipt stating that the state fee has been paid.

To open a transport company engaged in international transportation, you must obtain a license.

If the traffic routes will be carried out within the country, then this is not necessary.

Otherwise, you will need to provide:

  • documents for vehicles that will travel abroad;
  • driver's documents - driving license and health books;
  • a document confirming the registration of the business;
  • a contract concluded for the maintenance of vehicles;
  • having its own parking lot.

If a decision is made to open a transport company based on its own car depot, you will have to purchase several trucks.

Of course, many start small, and at first you can provide services for individuals and have only a couple of vehicles in your “arsenal”.

But if there is a desire to compete with such organizations, you will have to spend money.

To get started, you can purchase the following trucks:

Vehicle nameQtyThe cost of one vehicle, rub.Total cost, rub.
Total:7 RUB 8,280,000
GAZelle with a load capacity of 3 tons
2 740 000 1 480 000
GAZelle with a load capacity of 8 tons
2 1 400 000 2 800 000
1 1 600 000 1 600 000
2 1 200 000 2 400 000

For maintenance of the car depot, special equipment is also needed:

Office space and car park

Recruitment for opening a transport company

Cargo transportation service is provided not only by the fleet, but also by numerous staff.

It can be conditionally divided into three categories:

  • drivers;
  • office workers;
  • servicing transport.

Moreover, all of them must interact with each other, because the success of the business will depend on how they work together.


    To ensure the smooth operation of the transport company, it is necessary to have 2-3 drivers per vehicle.

    For long distances, two people can ride on one vehicle at once, who will replace each other.

    If transportation will be carried out locally, then there is no need to have too many drivers.

    Sales department

    The following specialists should work here, each of which should perform their functions:

    • dispatcher - takes orders and sends drivers on a flight;
    • logistician (forwarders) - develops the optimal route of movement and calculates its cost;
    • marketing specialist - is engaged in attracting customers;
    • accountant - keeps records and prepares reports;
    • administrator - he is entrusted with the functions of management and control (at first, the owner of the transport company himself can do this).

    It is not worth saving on personnel of this category, because if one specialist combines the performance of several duties, this will lead, at best, to a decrease in efficiency, and at worst, to improper performance of work.

    As a rule, the work schedule in the office is 6 days, with a day off on Sunday.

    Transport service

    For a garage, two auto mechanics are enough to carry out diagnostics and repair and maintenance work.

    Also, it will not be superfluous to hire two security guards who will look after the fleet.

    Thus, personnel costs are a significant cost item when opening a full-cycle transport company.

Labor costs will look like this:

PositionQtySalary, rub.FOT, rub.
Total:17 - RUB 254,000
Drivers9 15 000 135 000
Dispatcher1 15 000 15 000
logistician1 20 000 20 000
Marketer1 18 000 18 000
Accountant1 18 000 18 000
Auto Mechanic2 15 000 30 000
Security guard2 9 000 18 000

How to find clients for a transport company?

Advertising is a mandatory expense item when deciding to open a transport company.

For any chosen format of work, you need to use the following advertising tools:

  • creation of a website and pages in social networks;
  • outdoor advertising;
  • Internet advertising;
  • placement of information on own cars;
  • distribution to construction, industrial, food companies;
  • offer of cooperation to online stores.

If it is decided to open a transport company that will be individuals, you can also do the following work:

  • put up ads around the city;
  • distribute flyers;
  • place ads on the social networks of your city;
  • order advertising on local radio.

If the transport company is focused on working with legal entities In addition to the above, you must:

  • engage in direct mailing with a proposal for cooperation to manufacturers and wholesale buyers;
  • participate in tenders.

Note: do not enter into oral agreements with customers, they are not legally binding. In the contract, prescribe all the conditions of transportation, as well as actions in the event of force majeure.

How much does it cost to open a transport company?

“As a rule, sustainable success is not achieved through a desperate (“hang yourself with shoelaces”) one-time (“now or never!”) jerk or feat, but as a result of everyday decision-making and their implementation.
Stephen Covey

After a detailed study of how to open a transport company, you can proceed to the calculation of capital investments.

So, starting investments in order to work according to the first scheme will be presented in the form:

For the work of a cargo transportation company according to the second scheme, the costs will be reduced to registration, advertising and office equipment, and will amount to approximately 240-260,000 rubles.

Monthly expenses will consist of:

Payment for services can be hourly or per mileage.

On average, when transporting a cargo weighing 3 tons, the cost of one hour is 600-700 rubles, 8 tons - 800-900 rubles, 10 tons - 900-1000 rubles.

Thus, when deciding to open a transport company, you can receive revenue in the amount of 700 -800,000 rubles.

To do this, it is necessary to organize work when cars will make at least 20 trips per month lasting 7-8 hours.

We subtract expenses and get a profit before tax of 240,000 rubles.

With such indicators, the business will pay for itself in 3 years.

This period can be reduced to two years if the cars will always be in flights, and for this you need to actively deal with the customer base.

A few tips for the successful operation of a transport company are voiced in the video:

Possible problems when opening a transport company

There is no business that is not exposed to risks. And transport companies are no exception.

Therefore, in the end, I would like to talk about possible problems that you need to be prepared for:

    The occurrence of theft.

    The human factor in such a business plays an important role, so you always need to control the entire process: installing CCTV cameras and alarms, compiling and submitting reports at the beginning and end of the journey.

    Bad service.

    Again, the main emphasis is on the human factor, as well as on the occurrence of unforeseen situations.

    Poor quality shipping.

    In the process of delivery, the cargo may be beaten or receive traces of impact.

    To prevent this from happening, it must be packed in accordance with all the rules, and vehicles must not be overloaded.

    You can also set a limit on the "battle", and if it is exceeded, drivers must pay a fine.

    Inability to resolve conflicts and repair damages.

    As mentioned above, it is necessary to conclude contracts only on paper, where all the conditions for cooperation are prescribed.

The last point regarding how to start a shipping company, this is the time of her start.

Thus, we can say that the transportation business is a rather demanded and profitable business that requires huge investments, and throughout the entire activity.

If successful, it is possible to open new points and expand, reaching the regional and even the state level, which also requires additional costs in the form of buying new vehicles and equipping the fleet.

And if you succeed, then you can claim the title of leader in this industry.

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Start a freight forwarding business - the right decision. But there is a danger: together with the high demand for this business and competition is growing. Doing this business from scratch is better for entrepreneurs with experience in the transport sector. They will only have to learn how to open a trucking company.

Demand for the freight forwarding business

Those who are not connected with logistics often ask the question, is it profitable to engage in cargo transportation? The volumes of imports and exports in the country are increasing every year, therefore, the demand for this type of activity is also increasing. Cargo transportation is an actual business, which entails the growth of numerous organizations involved in the provision of such services. Most often, such companies are founded by entrepreneurs, most of whose knowledge is logistics. There are departments that have mastered the transportation of goods, studied the documents and offer their own services. If there is a problem with a lack of cars, then the organization attracts cars from neighboring companies. Thus, a new department is created, offering customers a variety of modes of transport and services.

Main types of enterprises

To answer the question - how to open a transport company from scratch, you need to deal with various types enterprises:

  • Companies that provide services to individuals.
  • Individual entrepreneur assisting legal parties.
  • Establishments transporting goods for industrial enterprises.
  • Companies that are engaged in the delivery of groupage cargo.
  • Enterprises engaged in the search for orders, intermediary firms.

Features of the transport organization

It should start with the fact that logistics involves the development of the optimal route, including all possible stops, breakdowns, breaks. Logistics exists as an independent transport area. The advantage of this case is that its bankruptcy is almost unrealistic. Also, to organize a business from scratch, you do not need to invest a fortune. The business of trucking does not require a license. However, many unscrupulous companies have appeared that are not responsible for their actions. They also lack permits. They often do not even know how to open a transport company. Logistics in the transport business has six key rules:

  1. Required cargo.
  2. Right place.
  3. The right time.
  4. Required amount.
  5. Appropriate quality.
  6. Minimum costs.

Logistics has its own approach to the organization of transport business. This:

  • More than 2 modes of transport.
  • Availability of a single through rate for transportation.
  • The interaction scheme is sequential-central.

Registration of a company and types of taxation

When asked how to start a business, there is only one answer - documents. You should register a company and decide on the taxation system. You should also decide on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise:

  • IP (individual entrepreneurship).
  • LLC (when several founders participate).

For individual entrepreneurs, a single tax on imputed income has been adopted. This tax is suitable for businesses cooperating with individuals and for those who work without VAT.

For LLC the best waygeneral system taxation.

Financial sphere

If an entrepreneur is thinking about how to open a transport company from scratch and plans to start a long-term business, then he needs to open a bank account. Many customers will show a desire to pay for services by bank transfer. The total revenue of an individual entrepreneur or LLC consists of profit from freight traffic. If the question arises, is it profitable to engage in cargo transportation, then the answer is unequivocal - yes. Cargo transportation as a business is quite profitable. Average rates are from 25 to 40% of profit. Main items of expenditure:

  • Salary.
  • Taxes.
  • Spare parts.
  • The documents.
  • Purchase of fuels and lubricants.
  • General expenses.

Recruitment for the company

To stay on the market, an individual entrepreneur or LLC needs to organize a high-quality personnel department. The number of employees depends on the size of the fleet. In any case, you need to start with the selection of the following employees:

  • Drivers. There should be more of them than cars. 3 people are required per car.
  • Mechanic. If an entrepreneur has more than six machines, then he will need at least 1 specialist.
  • Dispatchers. The control room needs exactly as many employees as there are cars in the fleet. The control room must be equipped with high-quality equipment, as this is one of the main jobs.
  • Accountant. It will be needed if there is a fleet of ten cars or more, if the company operates in the LLC format. This person will prepare all financial and reporting documents in a timely manner.

Dissemination of information about the company

After the IP is registered, documents are drawn up and staff is selected, it is necessary to take care of material support. Then you should form your permanent customer base and select suppliers. Initially, there may be distrust on the part of the customer, he will doubt the quality of the goods, the competence of the workers.

In order to appease the client, you need to provide him with as much information as possible about your institution, staff and services.

Prepare Required documents confirming the existence of the firm. We must not forget that advertising should not be in the foreground to start a business. It can greatly affect the budget of a newly created enterprise. At the same time, aggressive advertising can attract too much a large number of customers that a start-up entrepreneur cannot serve. First you need to place ads about IP, LLC on information boards, in in social networks. With the increase own business and the range of consumers will increase. Thus, it will be possible to increase your advertising campaign.

When to start your own business

When starting a business from scratch, consider the time of year. For what? In order to correctly calculate their strength with an increase in the volume of work. The summer period is considered the quietest in order to organize cargo transportation. autumn period is the busiest season. The trucking business is a very profitable niche, but it requires close attention from the entrepreneur. Organizing a transport business from scratch is not difficult, especially since you do not need an enterprise license. Therefore, you can use IP to start your own business. Logistics and its knowledge will help the entrepreneur organize the best route, rationally organize expenses. When registering an enterprise, a business entity receives all the necessary documents.