Enterprise financial plan. Abstract: Financial plan as a section of the business plan of the enterprise

  • 10.10.2019

financial planning- planning of financial resources and funds Money enterprises.

The need for financial planning as a special area of ​​planned activity is due to the relative independence of the movement of funds in relation to material elements.

The object of financial planning are financial resources.

Purpose of financial planning- forecasting the solvency and financial stability of the enterprise. Planning of financial resources and investments guarantees the fulfillment of obligations to the budget, creditors and shareholders, provides financing for entrepreneurial activities.

The objectives of financial planning are:

Providing the necessary financial resources for operational, investment and financial activities;

Determining the ways of effective investment of capital, the degree of its rational use;

Identification of on-farm reserves for increasing profits through the economical use of funds;

Establishment of rational financial relations with the budget, banks and contractors;

Observance of the interests of shareholders and other investors;

Control over the financial condition, solvency and creditworthiness of the organization.

Principles of financial planning:

The principle of compliance - financing of current assets should be planned mainly from short-term sources. At the same time, for the modernization of fixed assets, long-term sources of financing should be attracted.

The principle of constant need - in the planned balance of the enterprise, the amount of working capital should exceed the amount of short-term debts, i.e. you can not plan a "weakly liquid" balance sheet.

The principle of excess funds - in the planning process, to have a certain reserve of funds to ensure reliable payment discipline in the event that any of the payers delays their payment compared to the plan.

The principle of return on investment. Borrowed capital is beneficial to attract if it increases the return on equity. In this case, the positive effect of the effect of financial leverage is ensured.

The principle of balancing risks - it is advisable to finance especially risky long-term investments at the expense of own funds.

The principle of adaptation to market needs - it is important for an enterprise to take into account market conditions and its dependence on the provision of loans.

The principle of marginal profitability - it is advisable to choose those investments that provide the maximum (marginal) profitability.

Stages of financial planning

Analysis of the financial situation;

Development of the overall financial strategy of the company;

Drawing up current financial plans;

Correction, linking and concretization of the financial plan;

Implementation of operational financial planning;

Implementation of the financial plan;

Analysis and control of the implementation of the plan.

Financial planning (depending on the content, purpose and objectives) can be classified into:

1) Advanced financial planning in modern conditions covers a period of time from one year to three years. It determines the most important indicators, proportions and rates of expanded reproduction, is the main form of realization of the goals of the organization. In the process of long-term planning, they receive their economic justification and refinement of the installations made in strategic planning.

Long-term planning includes the development of the financial strategy of the enterprise and the forecasting of financial activities. The development of a financial strategy is a special area of ​​financial planning, since, being integral part the general strategy of economic development, it must be consistent with the goals and directions formulated by the general strategy. In turn, the financial strategy has an impact on the overall strategy of the enterprise.

The result of long-term planning is the development of three main financial forecast documents:

a) a planned profit and loss statement - in order to draw up forecast financial documents, it is important to correctly determine the volume of future sales (volume of products sold), the need for investment resources, and ways to finance these investments. Forecasting sales volumes begins with an analysis of current trends over a number of years, the reasons for certain changes. The next step in forecasting is to assess the prospects for further development of the enterprise's business activity from the standpoint of the formed portfolio of orders, the structure of products and their changes, the sales market, competitiveness and financial capabilities of the enterprise. Based on the sales forecast data, the required amount of material and labor resources is calculated, and other component production costs are also determined.

b) a planned cash flow statement - the cash flow forecast takes into account cash inflow (receipts and payments), cash outflows (expenses and expenses), net cash flow (surplus or deficit). In fact, it reflects the movement of cash flows from current, investment and financial activities

c) balance sheet forecast - the balance sheet forecast at the end of the planning period reflects all changes in assets and liabilities as a result of planned activities and shows the state of the organization's property and sources of financing. The purpose of developing a balance sheet forecast is to determine the required increase in certain types of assets, ensuring their internal balance, as well as the formation of an optimal capital structure.

2) Current financial planning (budgeting) - component long-term plan and is a specification of its indicators. The current financial plan is drawn up for a year.

Budgeting- this, on the one hand, is the process of drawing up financial plans, and on the other hand, the technology of financial planning, accounting and control of income and expenses received from business at all levels of management, which allows you to analyze the predicted and received financial indicators. The main object of budgeting is business. Not an enterprise, but business as a type or area of ​​economic activity.

Budgeting performs the following main functions:

Planning. The assessment of the financial condition of the enterprise is based on data financial statements. However, if any problems are identified, it is too late to change something for the better. In other words, financial management tools are applicable when there is information about the expected future, and not about the past financial condition of the enterprise.

Accounting - budgeting - the basis for management accounting, i.e. development of a coordinate system for business.

Control over the increase in financial stability and improvement of the financial condition of the company as a whole and its individual structural divisions.

In addition, budgeting helps to choose the most promising areas for investment.

a) Operating budgets. In the process of their preparation, the forecasted volumes of sales and production are transformed into quantitative estimates of income and expenses for each of the operating divisions of the organization. Operating budgets consist of:

sales budget;

Finished goods inventory budget;

production budget;

Budget of direct material costs;

Budget for direct labor costs;

General production budget

Business expenses budget;

Management expenses budget.

b) Financial (core) budgets:

Cash flow budget;

Budget of income and expenses;

Estimated balance.

c) Support budgets:

Initial capital cost plan;

Credit or investment budget.

3) Operational planning- development and communication to budget executors of payment calendars and other forms of operational planning targets on all major issues of financial activity (month, quarter, up to a year).

With the help of operational financial plans, the enterprise

Determines the amount of financial resources to ensure the current production and financial activities

Establishes the sequence and timing of certain financial transactions, taking into account the most effective maneuvering of own and borrowed funds

Carries out operational control over the implementation of plans and obligations in terms of production volume and sales of products, profits, payments to the budget, deductions to contentment authorities, settlements with a bank institution.

Operational financial planning includes the preparation of:

payment calendar;

Cash plan;

Calculation of the need for a short-term loan.

Payment schedule is the basis for the organization of operational financial work at the enterprise. This document reflects in detail the operational cash flow through settlement, current, currency, loan and other accounts of the enterprise. The receipt and expenditure of funds is planned in a specific sequence in terms of time, which allows timely settlements, transfer of payments to the budget and extra-budgetary funds.

cash plan- this is a plan for the turnover of cash of the enterprise, which is necessary to control their receipt and expenditure. It is developed to plan the turnover of cash for the quarter and is submitted to the bank institution with which the company has an agreement on settlement and cash services.

Calculations of the need for a short-term loan are compiled by the enterprise if it is in need of a short-term loan, and submitted to the bank in accordance with its requirement, after which a loan agreement is concluded. However, this must be preceded by a reasonable calculation of the amount of the loan, as well as the amount that, taking into account interest, must be returned to the bank. The effectiveness of the credited event or the expected revenue from the sale of products should ensure the timely repayment of the loan and exclude penalties.

All subsystems of financial planning in the enterprise are interconnected and carried out in a certain sequence. The initial stage of planning is long-term financial planning and forecasting of the main directions of the financial activity of the organization.

Financial plan - is the final section of business plans. It is developed as forecast financial documents summarizing the materials of all previous sections of the business plan in value terms. It is devoted to planning the financial support of the organization's activities in order to make the most efficient use of available financial resources. Includes:

Sales volume forecast

Income and expense plan

Directions for using net profit

Tax plan

Cash flow forecast

Forecast of the organization's balance sheet

FINANCIAL SECTION - one of the most important sections of the business plan, as it is the main criterion for accepting an investment project for implementation. Financial plan necessary to control the financial security of the investment project at all stages of its implementation and reflects the upcoming financial expenses, sources of their coverage and expected financial results, as well as the results of calculations that are carried out during its development in a certain sequence.

The financial section of the business plan includes several main documents: the balance sheet of the organization, the profit and loss plan, the cash flow forecast, the operating plan, the income and expenses plan. These documents are of a planning and reporting nature, such planning is carried out on the basis of a forecast of the future activities of the company within a certain period of time, and the data given in these documents are used to analyze the financial condition of the company.

Let us briefly describe the main documents included in the financial section business plan:

Operational plan- reflects the results of the interaction of the company and its target markets for each product on the market for a certain period, this document is developed by the marketing service at the company. The set of indicators presented in the operational plan helps to demonstrate to the company's management what market share is occupied by the company for each product and what it is expected to win. The structure of the income statement is relatively simple, it usually includes revenue from the sale of goods, production costs, tax and other deductions. Based on these indicators, the profit remaining at the disposal of the company after the payment of dividends is calculated, according to this section, you can determine whether a particular product makes a profit, compare different products in terms of profitability in order to determine the feasibility of further production. Thus, the ultimate task of this document is to show how profit will change and form during the first and second years quarterly and further - per year. Plan - a cash flow statement shows how much cash is available to the company and what is the company's need for them. This report is compiled as a summary result of the company's activities for all types of goods and services, its structure, in particular, includes planned and actual investments in the company's activities for the reporting period. The final document of the financial plan is the balance sheet, its peculiarity lies in the fact that it does not reflect the results company activities for a certain period, but fixes strong and weak sides in terms of finance at the moment. Any single element of the balance sheet on its own means little, however, when all these elements are considered in relation to each other, it allows one to judge the financial position of the company. Compiling such a report is quite easy: it shows how the start-up capital will be received (source of debt + equity) and how it is supposed to be spent. The projections of the balance sheet for the next period should take into account the original balance sheet, as well as the specifics of the company's development and the results of its financial and economic activities.

An important component of the financial section of the business plan is determination of sources of capital, necessary for the operation of the company. This part of the financial plan is relevant both for small firms just entering the business, and for large enterprises that need additional capital inflow. Data on sources of capital are linked to the use of funds with a specific indication of the methods and directions of use of capital.

You can also imagine the following version of the structure of this section of the business plan in terms of R&D.

1. Current state. Describe the current status of each product or service and explain what needs to be done to bring it to market. It is useful to indicate what skills an enterprise has or should have in order to perform these tasks. If possible, list the customers or end users who are involved in the development and testing of products and services. It is necessary to indicate the current results of these tests and when the finished product is expected to be received.

2. Problems and risk. Highlight any major perceived problems in the design of the product under development and approaches to solving them. Assess the possible impact of these issues on product development costs and time to market.

3. Product improvement and new products. In addition to describing the developments and initial products, indicate the work on their improvement planned to maintain their competitiveness, and work on the creation of new products and services that can be offered to the same group of consumers. Indicate the consumers who take part in these developments and their opinion about the prospects of the latter.

4. Costs. Submit a cost estimate for R&D, including wages, material costs, etc. Please note that underestimating this estimate can affect the expected profitability, reducing it by 15-30%

5. Property issues.

List any patents trade marks, copyright that you own or intend to acquire. Describe any contracts or agreements that give you exclusivity or ownership of designs or inventions. Describe the impact of any outstanding issues, such as ownership disputes, on the competitive edge you have.

It is also worth noting that this area of ​​activity requires significant capital investments, the presence of highly qualified specialists and managers, a high degree of production specialization, small firms that are just starting a business are often content with using existing developments, certain production technologies and goods. The business plan also includes risk assessment and insurance. Any plan does not provide a guarantee of success. A condition for the skillful management of the resources provided is to take into account the possible risk of the project. Risk is the probability of obtaining a positive result in entrepreneurial activity. Here, the size of the risk (possible losses in the implementation of the project), the probability of the risk, the degree of controllability of a specific risk are set.

In the financial section of the business plan, the investment risk is also calculated, naturally, the business plan will look much more attractive if it reflects the investor's gain in terms of minimizing losses and obtaining the planned profit, therefore, in planning, it is necessary to provide an overall assessment of commercial risk, to predict at what the degree of risk associated with investment infusions into the project. Along with the need to predict risk in terms of the plan, the head of the enterprise must have knowledge of the basic patterns of risk reduction:

* effective forecasting and systematic planning of the company's activities,

* insurance and self-insurance,

* hedging futures transactions,

* issue of options, diversification.

The financial justification of the project is a criterion for making an investment decision, so the development of a financial plan should be carried out very carefully. The goals and objectives of forecasting the financial and economic activities of an investment object are, first of all, in assessing the costs and results expressed in financial categories.

The financial section of the investment project consists of the following items.

1. Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise during the three (and preferably five) previous years of its operation.

2. Analysis of the financial condition of the enterprise during the preparation of the investment project.

3. Forecast of profits and cash flows.

4. Evaluation of the financial efficiency of the investment project.

Let us dwell briefly on each item of the financial section of the investment project.

Financial analysis of the previous work of the enterprise and its current position usually comes down to the calculation and interpretation of the main financial ratios that reflect the liquidity, solvency, turnover and profitability of the enterprise. Calculate the financial ratios that characterize each planning period, then analyze the ratios over time and identify trends in their change. An investor, before investing in a specific project, analyzes its functioning (activity) in order to assess the future state and development prospects, and the effectiveness of investments. The indicators (coefficients) used to analyze and evaluate an investment project are not limited to those discussed below, since there is no such set of them that would fully meet the objectives and satisfy all the goals of the analysis.

The predicted financial indicators and project efficiency obtained as a result of calculations can be presented in the business plan in the form of a table.

Project performance indicators

Solvency ratios are used to assess a firm's ability to meet long-term obligations. Turnover ratios make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of operating activities and policies in the field of prices, sales, and purchases. Profitability indicators are used to assess the current profitability of an enterprise participating in an investment project.

The values ​​of the corresponding indicators must be analyzed in dynamics for a number of previous years and the main indicators should be compared by years. The list of coefficients is determined by the specifics of the project.

The forecast of profits and cash flows in the process of implementing an investment project and assessing the financial efficiency of the project include:

Estimation of the cost of capital attracted for the implementation of the investment project;

Drawing up a consolidated balance of assets and liabilities of the project;

Profit/loss and cash flow forecast;

Evaluation of financial performance indicators of the project.

The evaluation of the financial efficiency of the project is carried out taking into account the principle of "cost of money over time". This principle states: “A ruble is now worth more than a ruble received a year from now,” i.e., each new cash flow received a year later has a lower value than an equal cash flow received a year earlier. Therefore, all inflows and outflows received at different stages of the project implementation are reduced to today's (current) value by discounting. This allows you to compare them and calculate the main indicator of the financial efficiency of the project - NPV (Net Present Value) net current (or present) value.

To analyze the feasibility of project implementation, it becomes necessary to forecast inflation rates for the entire period of validity (by periods) of the investment object. In this case, it is desirable to accept several alternative forecasts - pessimistic and optimistic.

When forecasting the financial and economic activities of the project in the business plan, the net profit from the project and the cash flow are calculated, a project balance sheet is drawn up (taking into account the assets and liabilities of the balance sheet). These are the three basic forms of financial reporting. Based on all the calculations, three documents are developed:

1. plan of income and expenses;

2. plan of cash receipts and payments (cash flow);

3. plan-balance of assets and liabilities.

Based on the assessment of the effectiveness of the investment project, investors and other participants make decisions on investing, withdrawing from the project, adjusting its parameters, implementation conditions, possible ways to improve efficiency, etc.

Financial plan of a business plan: how to make calculations to analyze the financial position of an enterprise + formulas for calculating efficiency + 3 stages of risk calculation.

Business must make money. This is an unwritten rule for all entrepreneurs.

But we don't always get what we want. Due to certain circumstances, the level of income may fall sharply.

The financial plan of a business plan is not only aimed at identifying holes in the project, it makes it possible to carry out a correction of activities for 1 - 5 years in advance.

What is the financial plan of a business plan?

To understand what the structure of this component of the business should be, let's figure out what a financial plan is. What goals and objectives should you pursue to improve your own project.

The financial plan is a priority section for both a new enterprise and market veterans.
Displays all activities in numbers, helping to increase profitability and adjust, if necessary, development priorities.

A very unstable market makes experts, when analyzing a business, pay attention not only to mathematical calculations of the potential income of companies.

The level of demand and the social component of the field of activity in which it develops are taken into account.

High competition in the market, constant rise in prices for raw materials, depletion of energy sources - all this affects the economic component in business development. under the influence of all these factors is very difficult.

Purpose of the financial plan- keep under control the level between the profit and expenses of the organization, so that the owner always remains in the black.

To achieve positive results, it is imperative to find out:

  • the amount of funds to supply the production process with raw materials without loss of quality;
  • What investment options do you have and how profitable are they?
  • a list of all expenses for materials, salaries to employees of the company, an advertising company for the product, a communal apartment and other nuances for providing;
  • how to achieve high performance the profitability of your business project;
  • best strategies and methods to increase investment;
  • preliminary results of the enterprise for a period of more than 2 years.

The result of the efforts will be an effective investment management tool that will make it clear to investors how stable and profitable your business is.

Mandatory reporting in sections of the financial plan for the business plan

In order to correctly predict the financial development of an organization, it is necessary to build on current indicators - this issue is dealt with by accounting.

3 forms of reporting will help to demonstrate all the nuances of the economic situation of the enterprise. Let's analyze each of them in more detail.

Form No. 1. Funds flow

Following Order No. 11 of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, each organization conducting financial activities is obliged to submit an annual report on the movement of funds through the accounting department.

The exceptions are small businesses and not commercial organizations– their performance analysis can be carried out without it.

It is almost impossible to draw up a financial plan for a business plan correctly without such reporting.

The document displays the movement of cash flows within the organization over time - which is very important to know for analyzing the state of the company.

The report allows you to:

  • find holes in financing and close them without resorting to stopping production;
  • identify items of expenditure that are redundant.

    Thus, there will be extra money that can be directed in the right direction;

  • when forecasting in the future, use reliable information on the financial condition of the enterprise;
  • foresee additional items of expenditure and allocate part of the funding for them in advance in order to avoid problems in the future;
  • find out how the business pays off.

    You will be able to decide which direction will be a priority for the next 1-2 years. Where additional investment is required, and what should be covered at all.

Form number 2. Income and expenses of the organization

It makes it possible to see the potential profitability of the enterprise when financing various activities.

The document records all the costs of doing business. There are simplified and full form submission of information.

The simplified form contains:

  • profit excluding value added tax and excises;
  • expenses for the technical support of the enterprise and the cost of goods;
  • interest rate payable to tax authorities and other expenses / income of the organization;
  • net income/loss for the calendar year.

The purpose of using this document when you are preparing the financial plan of a business plan is to identify potentially profitable areas that are worth developing in the future.

When making a forecast, consider:

  • possible sales volume of the product;
  • additional spending on production, due to the volatility of the financial market for raw materials and services;
  • the amount of fixed costs for the production component.

The statement will allow you to identify products that are in high demand and remove production, where demand is minimal, in order to increase the cash flow of the enterprise.

Form number 3. Overall balance

Any business plan must contain information about the assets and liabilities of the enterprise.

On its basis, the owner can evaluate the overall progress of affairs, starting from indicators of net income and cash flow.

Compiled at intervals from 1 month to 1 year.

Practice has shown that the more often the overall balance is analyzed, the easier it is to identify problems in the business plan and eliminate them at the initial stage.

Components of the financial report:

    Assets are all available funds that an organization can dispose of in its sole discretion.

    For greater clarity, they are distributed, depending on the type or placement.

    Liabilities - display resources that allow you to get those same assets.

    It is possible to use the purpose of allocated funds for future business financing.

Roughly speaking, assets and liabilities are the same indicators, but in a different interpretation.

It is impossible to make adjustments to the financial plan without this report. It helps to track and eliminate gaps in the work of the enterprise in advance.

An integrated approach to the study of these 3 sources of the financial condition of the project will help to impartially assess the progress of affairs. Numbers never lie.

Estimated component of the financial plan

After studying the financial condition of the enterprise, you need to analyze the possible risks and calculate the best ways to make a profit in the business.

Here it is necessary to divide the process into 3 stages, each of which will be considered in more detail below.

Stage 1. Accounting for risks in the financial plan of the business plan

Risk is a noble cause, but not in business. Drawing up a financial plan is aimed at preventing unpleasant situations.

Your goal is to consider all possible outcomes and choose the path that involves the least loss of money.

Risks are divided by sphere of influence into 3 types:

  1. Commercial- the cause of occurrence is the relationship with and business partners, as well as the influence of environmental factors.

    External factors of commercial risks:

    • decrease in demand for manufactured products;
    • the emergence of unforeseen competition in the market;
    • fraud on the part of business partners (low-quality raw materials, delays in the delivery of equipment and goods, etc.);
    • volatility in prices for services and technical support of the business.

    This is not the whole list of external reasons that may affect the project.

    It is necessary to build on the scope of the organization and adapt to each case on an individual basis.

  2. Financial- unforeseen items of expenses in business or receiving unforeseen profits.

    Reasons for financial risks:

    • delay in payment for products by buyers and other types of receivables;
    • increase in rates by creditors;
    • innovations in the legislative system, which entail an increase in prices for maintaining a business;
    • instability of the currency in the world market.

    Financial risks allow you to foresee unexpected losses in your business and protect yourself from a complete collapse in advance.

  3. Production– change in the operating mode of the enterprise due to unforeseen circumstances.

    Reasons for production risks:

    • incompetence of workers, protests and strikes that disrupt the work schedule of the enterprise;
    • production of low-quality products leading to a decrease in the number of sales;
    • the production process misses such an item as checking the quality of products.

    If you do not pay attention to these problems when drawing up a financial plan, a business can suffer huge losses.

To prevent such outcomes, the owner must take preventive measures. These include risk insurance, analysis of the activity of competitors in the market and the accumulation of a reserve for unforeseen financial expenses.

Stage 2. Effectiveness of the financial plan

An important step in creating a financial plan. Business profitability and its payback are the main indicators of effective activity in the market.

An analysis of these aspects will make it possible to predict a year ahead further development enterprises.

Let's look at what indicators are the most significant when drawing up a financial plan:

    Net present value(Net Present Value - NPV) - the amount of expected profit based on the current cost of the product.

    Why is it necessary to calculate this indicator?

    Discounted income shows the potential payback of investments made in the business with the expectation of 1-2 quarters in advance.

    Reasons for changing NPV:

    • investments bring predicted profit;
    • inflation;
    • risk of losing investment.

    If the calculations showed the value - "0", you have reached the point of no unprofitability.

    Business Profitability- a comprehensive indicator of financial performance.
    The concept shows the owner how successful his business is and whether it consistently generates income.

    With a negative value, your company incurs only losses.

    Profitability indicators are divided into 2 groups:

    1. Sales ratio- percentage of income from each unit of currency.

      The indicator gives an idea of ​​the correctness of the pricing policy of the business and the ability to keep costs under control.

    2. Profitability of an asset- the relative value of performance.

      Allows you to see the possibility of extracting profit from the enterprise.

    The financial plan should provide for measures to increase the profitability indicator through organizational and financial procedures.

    Payback period- a time indicator of the period of full payback of funds invested in the business.

    Based on this value, investors choose business projects, which make it possible to recoup the invested money in the shortest possible time and move on to direct profit.

    Allocate a simple and dynamic indicators of the payback of the project.

    In the first case, this is the period of time for which the investor will receive back the invested money.

    With a dynamic indicator, data on the value of cash are taken into account, depending on the inflation threshold throughout the entire time.

    The dynamic indicator is always higher than the simple payback period.

The table below shows the formulas for calculating the 3 main performance indicators that will be required when drawing up a financial plan for a business plan:

Performance indicatorFormulaDescription of the components
Net present valueNPV \u003d - NK + (D1-R1) / (1 + SD1) + (D2-R2) / (1 + SD2) + (D3-R3) / (1 + SD3)NC - capital of initial investments and costs.

D - income for the first, second, third year, in accordance with the numbers next to it.

P - expenses for the first, second, third year, in accordance with the numbers next to it.

SD - discount rate (accounting for inflation for the calculated year).

Profitability of the enterpriseROOD = POR / PZROOD - profitability from core activities.

POR - profit from sales.

PP - incurred costs.

Payback periodCO = NK / NPVSO - payback period.

NK - initial investments, it is necessary to add additional investments to them, if they were (loans, etc. during the existence of the organization).

NPV is the company's net discount income.

Spend necessary calculations the easiest way is through a specialized software at your enterprise.

If you are a private trader and only, then use demo versions of accounting software products. They will significantly reduce the time for calculations when drawing up a financial plan.

Stage 3. Final analysis

The more nuances you notice when drawing up a financial plan for a business plan, the less problems will be waiting for you in the future.

It will take a lot of time to create a plan from scratch, it is much easier to correct weaknesses and bring the business to a permanent profit.

When a financial plan can be called successful:

  • high income from minimal cost money;
  • forecasting and elimination of risks at the initial stages;
  • comparing the competitiveness of your idea with others;
  • availability of investments and material and technical base;
  • documentary evidence of the profitability of the enterprise.

Details on the formation of a financial plan

the financial section is responsible for providing summary monetary information. In general, all business plans can be written according to different methods and according to different requirements. Their format will largely depend on the goals of the project, its scope and main characteristics. The same differences may be present in the financial sections of such plans, however, as a rule, the process of writing this chapter can be divided into several main stages, namely:

  1. Settlement standards;
  2. General production expenses;
  3. Cost estimate and calculation of the cost of goods or services;
  4. Report on the main financial flows;
  5. Gains and losses report;
  6. Estimated financial balance of the project;
  7. Analysis of the main financial indicators;
  8. Description of the method (methods) of financing.

Business plan financial plan structure

1. Calculation standards

In this paragraph, the following points should be defined and described:

  • Prices that will be indicated in the business plan (permanent, current, with or without taxes);
  • The taxation system, the amount of the tax, the timing of its payment;
  • The terms covered by the business plan (planning horizon). As a rule, this period is about three years: the first year is described in more detail, divided into monthly periods, while next years divided into quarters.
  • Indication of the current inflation rate, inflation data for the last few years. Accounting for this factor regarding prices for expendable materials, raw materials, etc. - everything that will need to be purchased for the implementation of the described project.

2. General production costs.

The data on salaries correlate with the information previously presented in the organizational and production plans.

Variable, situational costs depend on the characteristics of production, goods, services. Various factors can be taken into account here, for example, seasonality. Produce correct calculations variable costs can only be analyzed by analyzing the volume of output of goods or services and approximate levels of sales.

Fixed, recurring expenses depend on a single variable - time. These costs include business management, marketing, facility maintenance, equipment maintenance, etc.

3. Cost estimate and calculation of the cost of goods or services

The cost estimate (investment costs) is, in fact, a list of expenses that will need to be incurred in order to implement the project outlined in the business plan. This item should be described in as much detail as possible, as it allows you to determine the financial viability and efficiency of investments.

If a business project involves the production of certain products, the costs of organizing and implementing it should be covered with the help of initial working capital, which are also part of the investment costs.

The sources of such funds can be investments and, for example, credit funds.

The cost of production is calculated based on information about costs, salaries, overheads, etc. It also needs to take into account total production volumes and sales levels for a specific period of time (for example, a month or a year).

4. Report on the main financial flows

This item includes a description of all cash flows. Undoubtedly, this report is one of the main parts of the financial plan, as it is intended to show that the project will be financially secure at any stage of its activity and that there will be no cash gaps during the project.

5. Profit and loss statement

In this paragraph, a financial assessment of the activities of the enterprise is carried out, its income, expenses, profits and losses are described.

6. Financial balance of the project

To write this section, it is necessary to make a balance forecast based on all previous calculations or existing reports (if the enterprise is already operating). This forecast is also divided into months, the first year, quarters of subsequent years and the third year of operation.

7. Analysis of financial indicators of the project

After you draw up a balance sheet, you can analyze the main financial indicators. Such an analysis is done for the entire period of implementation of the plan, after which the financial characteristics of the project are summed up: its sustainability, solvency, profitability, payback period, present value of the project.

9. Descriptions of financing methods

In this paragraph, it is necessary to describe on what funds the project will be implemented. There are several types of financing, namely equity, leasing and debt. The sponsor can be the state in the form of subsidies or loans or private investors, and this must be indicated in the financial section of the business plan.

In the same paragraph, it is necessary to describe the process of borrowing and returning borrowed money, indicating the sources, amounts, interest rates and debt repayment schedule.

It should be emphasized that the financial plan is the most important and complex part of the business plan. Any mistake made can result in a refusal of funding, which means that it is better to entrust its compilation to a competent person. However, if your project is simple and does not involve, for example, the production of large batches of goods and their further sale, you can compose it yourself.


1. Business plan (financial section)

1.1 Business planning as an element of the economic policy of the enterprise

1.2 The main financial and economic indicators of the enterprise

1.3 Financial section of the business plan

2. Evaluation of the financial indicator



One of the specific methods of planning economic activity in a market economy, another form of government of its necessity and inevitability is the preparation of business plans.

Business planning is different from management planning, because The entrepreneur is responsible for his own business. An entrepreneur must have a good idea of ​​the main components of his business - finance, production, marketing, management.

The business plan reflects the most important areas of the enterprise's activities - what to produce, from what and how, where and to whom to sell, how to attract consumers, what resources (finance, personnel, equipment, raw materials) are needed and what financial results should be expected from the project. If we summarize all areas of activity, we get the main types of plans: strategic, production, financial, marketing.

Business plan is a document that describes the main aspects of the future enterprise, analyzes all risks, determines ways to solve problems, and answers and ultimately answers the question:


There are five main functions of a business plan:

1. Business plan as a basis for developing a business concept.

2. Business plan as a tool for assessing the actual results of the enterprise.

3. Business plan as a means of attracting investments

4. Business plan as a means of team building.

5. Business plan as a tool for analyzing one's own activities.

A comparative analysis of the business plan and the real state of affairs at certain stages of activity serves as a means of rethinking one's business experience and general settings on the nature of the business.

Each section of the business plan should have access to the financial section, i.e. contain figures, data by which the corresponding position of financial plans can be calculated.

1. Business plan (financial section)

1.1 Business planning as an element of the economic policy of the enterprise

A business plan is one of the main documents that determines the development strategy of an enterprise. It allows you to decide whole line tasks strategic management:

· Substantiation of the economic feasibility of the chosen goals and directions of the company's development;

· Calculation of expected financial results of activity - volume of sales, profit, return on invested capital;

· Determining the need for resources to achieve the goal;

· Planning organizational structure companies;

· Analysis of the market and determination of the main directions of marketing activities within the framework of the project;

· Planning of the main stages of production.

The functions that a business plan performs determine the requirements for it. It must be business document , written in strict formal language, with exact figures, quotations, justification of calculations. Business plan - This is an advertisement for your business. You must, with its help, convince the investor (to buy) your project, i.e. it should attract attention, arouse interest and desire to act.

The business plan allows those who get acquainted with it to understand your intention and serves as a basis for attracting various resources, and this circumstance requires that the business plan should have a generally accepted structure and format.

Typically, a business plan consists of the following sections:

1. Introduction or summary of the business plan. Here is a general short info about the project, on the basis of which a potential investor can conclude whether he is interested in this project or not.

2. Description of the company (enterprise). This section introduces the potential investor background information about the company - line of business, form of ownership, capital, founders, legal and actual address, bank and other details, names and surnames of managers, contacts and telephone numbers.

3. Analysis of the situation in the industry. A brief description of the state of affairs in the industry or certain areas of business and an explanation of the prospects for the development of the project in terms of its compliance with changes in the external environment.

4. Product description (goods, services). A detailed description of the products offered by the company for production and sale within the project, including technical description and consumer properties.

5. Marketing plan. Must include general description market and competition, the main elements of the company's marketing strategy - the target market and its segments, product promotion directions, price calculations.

6. Production plan. The main objective of this section is to determine the needs of the project for the main and working capital and show the investor the possibilities of ensuring the production of the planned volume of products.

7. Investment plan.

8. Organization and management. The successful implementation of a business plan largely depends on the organization of the business and the management of the company or project, how the activities of the enterprise will be organized, what will be the structure and form, ownership, how many personnel are needed.

9. Financial plan. Should summarize all the previous sections, presenting them in the form of a structure of income and expenses for a certain period of time. According to the financial plan, the investor judges the attractiveness of the project.

10. Applications. This section includes documents relevant to the case - the results of market research, specifications equipment, expert opinion about products, information about licenses, patents, technologies, trademarks, contracts with suppliers and intermediaries, samples of advertising and information materials. Sometimes the attachments include personal CVs of the manager and other key project figures.

1.2 The main financial and economic indicators of the enterprise

One of the main goals of any business is to make a profit.

But before talking about profit, it is necessary to produce products and sell them. In turn, for the production and sale of products, it is necessary to use resources that have their own cost - raw materials and materials need to be bought, staff need to be paid wages, i.e. bear the costs.

Before you start your own business, you need to think about whether it will be profitable and what needs to be done for this. To do this, it is desirable to imagine - what and how the funds will be spent, where they will come from, i.e. you need to plan income and expenses, the difference between which will be profit or loss. All commercial organizations must pay income tax. There is a legal definition of what counts prime cost, i.e. production and sales costs, and what profit. This is regulated by an official document.

The main types of costs incurred by any organization in the production and sale of products: material costs, labor costs, deductions for social needs, depreciation, other costs.

The total costs should be mentioned production cost, but in accounting and taxation, cost refers to strictly defined costs. At cost, i.e. for what is not taxed can be attributed to all the costs that enterprises incur in the production and sale of products. At the same time, for which expenses (advertising, hospitality and travel expenses) have standards that determine what proportion of the funds spent can be included in the cost of production. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between the concepts costs and costs.

In order to consider the following question, it is necessary to recall the structure of the balance sheet and select the concepts of profit and loss from the report;

The column (assets) contains items that reflect the acquisition of a company committed in different time and still possessing reporting period some kind of cost. The column (liabilities) contains articles that reflect the sources of funds for the acquisition of everything that is in the column (assets). Non-current assets include such hard-to-measure things as the reputation of the enterprise, patents and licenses, the book value of fixed assets, long-term financial investments. The essential characteristic of these assets is that they are of a long-term nature: a good reputation of the company is acquired by long-term efforts of the team and lasts for a long time, the building has been in operation for decades. With current assets otherwise. Inventory in warehouses, accounts receivable, money, short-term bank deposits - are in constant motion. Capital and reserves often referred to as equity, tk. is the capital that the owners have invested in the business.

To analyze the effectiveness of the enterprise, it is necessary to combine equity and long-term liabilities into the concept (invested capital). These balance sheet concepts are enough to discuss the performance of an enterprise, if you add a few concepts from the income statement to them.

Profit and loss scheme

A greater number of financial ratios built on the basis of the balance sheet and income statement and income statement are related to the issue of the efficiency of the enterprise and represent the relationship between these indicators.