Centralized heat supply from district boiler houses (hot water). General information about boiler plants, types of boilers for building heat supply Classification of boiler plants

  • 21.11.2020

The gas boiler installation is the most popular in its class. Since, having connected to the gas supply line, you do not need to worry about the delivery and storage of fuel. It should be said that gas is a class of fuel that is explosive and flammable, and if used improperly, it can be released into the room. That is why it is necessary to carefully comply with all the design standards for a gas boiler house (calculations, gas supply and gas duct standards, etc.), which are indicated in SNiP in order to avoid danger.

Gas installations with a license of this class provide heating and hot water for industrial facilities, residential buildings, cottages and settlements, as well as agricultural facilities.

Advantages and disadvantages of gas equipment

The main advantages of gas boiler equipment include:

  • Profitability. A gas boiler house with a license will use fuel economically, and at the same time, generate a sufficient amount of thermal energy (automatics do all the calculations). With proper circuit design, this setup is very advantageous in operation;
  • Environmental friendliness of fuel. Today this is a very important factor. Manufacturers are trying to produce equipment with the maximum level of emission control. It should also be noted that CO2 emissions when operating a device with a license of this class are minimal;
  • High rate of efficiency. Gas equipment produces the highest coefficient, the rate of which reaches up to 95%. And accordingly, during operation, high-quality heating of the premises comes out;
  • The equipment of a gas boiler house has smaller dimensions than in installations of another class;
  • Mobility. This only applies to modular gas installations. Their design takes place at the factory, and they are produced with a license;
  • For ease of use, you can install GSM boiler control (thus you can carry out all calculations and enter parameters, monitor emissions).

Designing gas boilers with an automated scheme allows you to reduce operator control.

The disadvantages of operating gas installations of this class are:

  • It is necessary to carry out licensed maintenance of the boiler house before the start of the heating season, since this equipment is a source of danger and gas emissions are possible during operation;
  • Connecting to the central gas main (obtaining a license) is expensive and a long process (if not available);
  • The operation of gas units directly depends on the calculation of the pressure in the line;
  • This equipment is volatile, but this problem is fixable if uninterruptible power is provided in the circuit;
  • In order to obtain a license for installation on gas (natural or liquefied), one must comply with strict licensed inspection inspection standards in accordance with SNiP.

Turnkey gas installation design

The design of gas boiler houses with a license consists in drawing up and calculating a heating scheme, gas supply and gas ducts. To do this, you must definitely familiarize yourself with the norms of SNiP "Gas boiler houses" and take into account the characteristics when installing heating units and gas ducts.

The design of a gas boiler house should take place in a certain sequence and in accordance with the following points (norms):

  • Architectural and construction schemes and drawings are carried out in accordance with the norms of SNiP. Also at this stage, the wishes of the customer (in the calculations) are taken into account.
  • The calculation of the gas boiler house is carried out, that is, the amount of necessary thermal energy for heating and supplying hot water is calculated. In other words, the power of the boilers that will be installed for operation, as well as their emissions.
  • The location of the boiler room. This is an important point in the design of gas boilers, since all working units are located according to the norms in one room with a certain calculation. This room can be in the form of an extension or a separate building, it can be inside a heated facility, or on a roof. It all depends on the purpose of the object and its design.
  • Development of schemes and plans that help gas boiler equipment to function. The class of automation and the heat supply system should be taken into account. All gas supply schemes for the boiler room must be equipped in accordance with the norms of SNiP. Do not forget that these installations are quite dangerous and proper development is very important. The development must be carried out by qualified turnkey specialists who are licensed for this.
  • It is necessary to check the object for safety by conducting a special examination.

With improper, unlicensed design of gas boilers, you can incur large financial costs (fines), as well as be in danger during operation. It is better to entrust the installation of equipment of this class to companies that install turnkey gas boilers. Companies have a license to perform these works, and this guarantees long-term operation of the gas installation and compliance with all SNiP standards.

The principle (diagram) of operation of a gas installation

The operation of equipment of this class does not include complex processes and schemes (calculations). The gas ducts of the boiler house carry out gas supply, that is, they supply fuel (natural or liquefied gas) to the burner in the boiler or boilers (if the installation has several gas units according to the license). Further, the fuel burns in the combustion chamber, as a result of which the coolant is heated. The coolant circulates in the heat exchanger.

In boiler plants with gas supply there is a distribution manifold. This structural element calculates and distributes the coolant along the established circuits (depending on the gas boiler scheme). For example, it can be heating radiators, boilers, underfloor heating, etc. The coolant gives up its thermal energy and returns to the boiler in the reverse direction. Thus, circulation takes place. The distribution manifold consists of a system of equipment, thanks to which the coolant circulates, and its temperature is also controlled.

The release of fuel combustion products (natural or liquefied gas) is made through a chimney, which must be designed according to all the characteristics of SNiP in order to prevent a dangerous situation.

Installations with gas supply are controlled by automation, which minimizes operator intervention in the operation process. Automation in gas equipment has multi-level protection. That is, it stops boilers in dangerous emergencies, calculates all parameters and emissions, etc. Modern automated systems can notify the operator even via SMS.

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We can distinguish the following classification of licensed gas boilers, according to the method of installation:

  • Rooftop installation. At production facilities, heating equipment is often mounted on the roof;
  • Transportable installation. Boilers of this type are emergency, they are produced from the factory fully equipped. They can be transported after being installed on a trailer, chassis, etc. These installations are completely safe;
  • Block-modular boiler room on gas. This class of installations is mounted together with the room using special modules. It is transported by any kind of transport. And it is assembled by a turnkey manufacturer. The manufacturer also deals with permits (license);
  • Built-in boiler room. Gas units are installed indoors inside the building.

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For licensed built-in boilers, there are certain SNiP standards that must be followed to ensure safety and prevent gas emissions. A boiler room of this class should have direct access to the street.

The design of such boiler houses with gas supply is prohibited:

  • in apartment buildings, hospitals, kindergartens, schools, sanatoriums, etc.
  • above and below premises where there are more than 50 people, warehouses and industries with danger A, B categories (fire hazard, explosion hazard).

LPG installations

Liquefied gas boilers have their advantages, for example, there are no problems with pressure in gas pipelines, there is no need to worry about increasing the cost of heating, and you can also set standards and limits yourself. This class of equipment is also autonomous.

But when designing and installing a liquefied gas boiler house, additional cash investments should be spent on the design (diagram). Since the design requires the installation of a special fuel tank. This is the so-called gas tank, which can have a volume of 5-50 m2. Here, additional gas ducts of the boiler room are installed, that is, those through which liquefied gas enters the boiler plant. This class of gas supply looks like a separate pipeline (gas duct). The frequency of filling the tank with liquefied gas depends on its volume, this can happen from 1 to 4 times a year.

Refueling of such equipment with liquefied gas is carried out by companies that are licensed to carry out work of this class on a turnkey basis. Their licensing also allows for technical inspection of gas ducts and gas tanks. Be sure to hire craftsmen who have permits and licenses, as these are works with a high level of danger.

The construction on liquefied gas is no more different from that running on natural gas. This class of equipment also includes radiators, valves, pumps, valves, automation, etc.

A gas tank with liquefied fuel can be installed in 2 versions (diagrams):

  • Above the ground;
  • Underground.

The design of both options should be carried out subject to certain conditions and calculations, which, among other things, are indicated in SNiP. The tank for liquefied fuel, which is located above the ground, must necessarily be enclosed by a fence (from 1.6 m). The fence should be installed at a distance of 1 meter from the tank around the entire perimeter. This is necessary for better air circulation during operation.

There are also other standards for the design and location of a ground gas tank (to avoid danger) - this is the calculation of the distance from different objects:

  • At least 20 meters from residential buildings;
  • At least 10 meters from roads;
  • Not less than 5 meters from all kinds of structures and communications.
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As for the design of the reservoir underground, all of the above standards are reduced by 2 times. But there is a calculation of the depth of immersion of a tank with liquefied gas and a flue. These design standards must be calculated individually according to the volume of the tank and its design.

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But equipment of this class also has its drawbacks during operation, since if the quality of the gas is poor, then the boiler room will not function in the specified mode. Refilling the tank must be done by a company with all permits and licenses.

Operational safety standards

The operation of gas boilers has many advantages, but do not forget about a significant disadvantage - the danger of this equipment. This is due to the use of flammable substances and combustible substances, which represent all the danger.

So we can say that such installations are

From the deaerator tank 1, the softened and deaerated water is supplied by the feed pumps steam 5 or centrifugal with electric drive 6 to the economizer 7 where it is heated by combustion products and sent to the boiler. Softened water is supplied to the top of the deaerator column. The water in the deaerator column flows down the plates and is heated by steam due to contact heat exchange. The network water passes through the sump 15 and is supplied by the pump 17 to the heaters and to the heating network 13.

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District heating from large boiler houses.

Heat sources in this type of heat supply are equipped with steam boilers that produce steam and hot water boilers that heat network water. Steam boilers release to consumers as heat carriers not only steam, but also hot water. In the latter case, special steam-water heaters are installed in the boiler room.

The principle of operation of the steam boiler(fig.) next. The steam from the boiler 8 enters the collection manifold 9, from where it is sent through the pipeline 12 to the consumers, to the network water heaters I and 10, as well as to the auxiliary needs of the boiler house 4 (to the deaerator column 2 and to the feed steam pump 5). Condensate from consumers 19 and from the condensate cooler 10 is collected in the condensate tank 20, from where it is pumped by the condensate pump 21 to the deaerator column. To feed the boilers and make up for the loss of condensate, tap water 22 is used, which is preheated in the heater 23, passes through the cation exchange filters 24 and is sent through the pipeline 3 to the column of the deaerator 2 for degassing due to heating up to 104°C. From the deaerator tank 1, the softened and deaerated water is supplied by feed pumps (steam 5 or centrifugal with electric drive 6) to the economizer 7, where it is heated by combustion products and sent to the boiler.

Water heating in the deaerator occurs as follows. Softened water is supplied to the top of the deaerator column. Steam for its heating with a pressure of 0.11-0.12 MPa comes from the bottom of the column. The water in the deaerator column flows down the plates and is heated by steam due to contact heat exchange. In this case, the steam is almost completely condensed, and oxygen and carbon dioxide are released from the water, which, together with the partially remaining steam (about 3%), are removed into the atmosphere. Replenishment of the network water is carried out by the make-up pump 18 in the return line 14 through the make-up regulator 16. The network water passes through the sump 15 and is supplied by the pump 17 to the heaters and to the heating network 13.

The principle of operation of a hot water boiler house with a closed systemheat supply (Fig., a) the following. Network water under pressure created by the pump 10 enters the boiler 7, where it is heated to the required temperature, for example up to 150°C, and is sent to the heating network. To compensate for leaks, chemically purified tap water is supplied from the deaerator tank 4 by a make-up pump 11. Through pipeline 1, tap water is sent to the vapor cooler 2, from where it enters the equipment for chemical treatment of hardness salts 3. Then it is somewhat heated in the heater 12 and enters the additional heating to the heater 6, from where it is sent to the column 5 of the vacuum deaerator tank 4.

The water temperature of 60-70°С is maintained in the deaerator tank due to the coil located in it. In the deaerator column, due to the rarefaction created by the ejector 17, water boils at a temperature of 60–70°C, which corresponds to a rarefaction of 0.02–0.035 MPa. The resulting vapor, containing oxygen and carbon dioxide, is sucked in from the deaerator column by ejector 17, passes through vapor cooler 2, where it heats tap water, and is fed into supply tank 14. The pressure in the ejector is created by a special pump 16.

In the supply tank, oxygen and carbon dioxide are released from the water, which are removed into the atmosphere through an air pipeku 15. Water from the supply tank through the pipeline 13 due to rarefaction enters the column 5 of the deaerator 4. Then from the tank 4 by the make-up pump And it is fed into the return line of the heating network in front of the network pump. To heat softened water in the heater 6 and in the deaerator tank 4, hot water is used, coming directly from the boilers, which is then sent to the heating network for make-up.

In order to prevent condensate from flue gases from falling onto the tail heating surfaces of boilers at low return water temperatures, the latter, before entering the boilers, is heated to a temperature exceeding the saturation temperature of water vapor in flue gases. Heating is carried out by mixing hot water from the supply line. For this purpose, a special recirculation pump 8 is installed on the first jumper, which supplies hot water to the return line. Through the second jumper 9, water from the return line in the same amount enters the supply line.

In a hot water boiler house with an open heat supply systemin connection with the analysis of water for hot water supply (Fig., b), it is required to install more powerful equipment for softening and degassing feed water. In order to reduce the installed capacity of the heat treatment and auxiliary equipment in this scheme, hot water storage tanks 19 and a transfer pump 18 are additionally provided. The storage tanks are filled with a minimum flow of water from the heating network.

Comparing the schemes of steam and hot water boilers, we can draw the following conclusion.

The steam boiler house provides consumers with both steam with parameters that meet almost any technological process, and hot water. To obtain it, additional equipment is installed in the boiler room, in connection with which the piping scheme becomes more complicated, but the degassing of feed water is simplified. Steam boiler units are more reliable in operation than water heating units, since their tail heating surfaces are not subject to corrosion by flue gases.

A feature of hot water boilers is the absence of steam, and therefore, for degassing make-up water, it is necessary to use vacuum deaerators, which are more difficult to operate than conventional atmospheric deaerators. However, the communication scheme in these boiler houses is much simpler than in steam ones.

Due to the difficulty of preventing condensate from falling on the tail heating surfaces from water vapor in flue gases, the risk of failure of hot water boilers as a result of corrosion increases.

Scheme of the electric boiler.A variant of a hot water boiler house is a boiler room with electric boilers. In areas where there is no organic fuel, but there is cheap electricity generated by hydraulic stations, it is in some cases expedient to build electric boiler houses for the purposes of heat supply.

The principle of operation of the boiler is as follows. Tap water entering the boiler room sequentially passes the vaporizer cooler, softening equipment and enters the heat exchanger 12, where it is preheated by water leaving the deaerator tank 4. In addition, additional heating takes place in the heat exchanger 20 water from the main 21 or if necessary in an electric boiler 22. After that, the heated water through pipelines 23 or 24 is sent to the deaerator column 5.

For heating water in the deaerator tank 4 a coil is located where hot water flows through the main 21 from the main electric boiler 25. From the deaerator tank 4 water is heated. vatel 12, where it heats softened water, and with a make-up pump 26 pumped through the pipeline 27 to the return line of the heating network. In pipeline 27 chilled water also comes from a coil located in the tank 4 and heater 20. Network water from the return line 28 sump passes 29 and circulation pumps 10 fed into electric boilers 25. In boilers, water is heated to a predetermined temperature and through the main 30 is sent to the heating network.

A boiler room with such boilers has a simple scheme, requires minimal capital investments, is characterized by ease of installation and quick commissioning.

Rice. Structural diagram of a steam boiler plant, which releases to consumers

steam and hot water

Rice. Structural diagrams of hot water boilers

l - for a closed heat supply system; b - for an open heating system with a hot water storage tank; in - with electric boilers; BUT — from the steam heater; B - from the supply tank; B - from HVO

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