Location of the bed in the bedroom. How to put a bed according to Feng Shui - useful tips

  • 15.06.2019

In which they described all the subtleties of a successful bedroom layout. But still, we would like to separately highlight the topic of placing a bed in a bedroom, and not only from the point of view of Feng Shui, but also from the side of a simple layman who is primarily interested in the practical side of the issue.

So, let's decide on the basic rules for placing your bed, which will become the key to healthy sleep and relaxation.

Bed selection

  1. The bed should be, first of all, comfortable, moderately hard, ideal option will become orthopedic mattress, and the bed can have a frame made of flexible slats;
  2. Next is the question of functionality, whether you want a real bed or a pull-out sofa. Of course, in this matter, a lot depends on the size of the bedroom and the apartment as a whole;
  3. And already in third place is the question of her appearance- it should match the rest of the furniture and decoration of the room.


Choosing a place for a bed

  • It would be ideal if you have a small alcove or niche for a bed - then you will have a small cozy "mink" in which you can always lie down. Why many people love small, compact places, since childhood - the answer lies in our psychology, it's all connected with the mother's womb, in which it was very cozy, comfortable and safe. Therefore, many people strive to place a bed against at least one wall, or they love to make a bedroom from an attic room;
  • The next rule - it is one with feng shui - you should not put the bed on the same line with the door and window. It often happens that in standard apartment layouts, window and door openings coincide and are on the same line. So, besides the fact that it is bad according to Feng Shui, it is also not very convenient. After all, if someone comes to visit, then when open door, will be able to see the most secluded place in the bedroom - the bed. Do not forget about the drafts that always stretch from the window to the door, and this is fraught with colds;
  • A bed by the window is also not always comfortable, because bright sunlight or noise from the street can wake you up from time to time. But if there is no other place for a bed, take care of good thick curtains that will help keep you calm.

How to arrange a bed in a bedroom

Let's look at the options for arranging a bed in a bedroom using the example of one room.

  1. Bed near the wall. Good location.
  2. Headboard near the window. An unsuccessful decision, you should not put the bed headboard against the window. With this arrangement, there is not enough support, a reliable rear, since there is no wall behind your head. If you are forced to sleep with your headboard to the window, then curtain the window with thick curtains at night.
  3. Bed in the center of the bedroom. An unfortunate solution, since with this arrangement the bed does not have a “support” in the form of a wall.
  4. Bed opposite the door. Bad decision, don't put the bed opposite front door. If the configuration of the room does not allow the bed to be placed differently, put some object at the feet that would separate it from the door - a screen, a bookcase or a wooden lattice with climbing plants. This item must be above bed level

Important Details

  • If you put the bed against the wall, do not hang anything heavy or bulky on it, because it all creates discomfort for the same reasons, and besides, a shelf or some things may sooner or later fall right on you in a dream. The same applies to low chandeliers;
  • Try to place the TV or computer as far away from the bed as possible - this will help preserve your eyesight, and the harmful radiation will have time to dissipate at a distance of several meters;
  • If you love to read, take care of additional source light, as well as a small table or bedside table on which you can store books. It's also a good idea to have a light switch close to the bed so you don't have to get up to turn it off when you're already asleep;
  • There is one more important nuance- heavy bedspreads and blankets will prevent you from sleeping properly, because all night long they will put pressure on you with their weight and prevent you from freely changing your position, so be vigilant in choosing bedding;
  • An important issue in addition to linen is a pillow for sleeping - your sleep very often depends on its quality and shape. After all, as often happens, if you sleep in an uncomfortable position all night, in the morning it will be headache or worse - it can jam the nerve. Therefore, the pillow, like the mattress, should be moderately soft and comfortable.


The main purpose of a bed in a bedroom is sleep.

It depends on how it is located, how quickly a person will restore strength the next day, what will be the degree of his working capacity and well-being.

Let's try to figure out how to put the bed in the bedroom correctly so that the night's rest is full and productive.

Consider how to properly arrange this piece of furniture in the space of the bedroom.

According to the ancient Chinese teachings of Feng Shui, the bed should not be placed so that the sleepers lay with their feet towards the exit.

Not correct location unpleasant associations in the Russian tradition, so you shouldn’t place it like that.

There is a belief that negative energy enters the room at night. Therefore, at night it is recommended to close the bedroom doors tightly.

Place a tall plant next to the bed or fence it off with curtains.

These two objects should be higher than the bed, then they will take on all the negative energy.

Bed in a small room

The question arises, how to put a bed in the bedroom if it is narrow? There are certain rules, you can agree with them or not follow them, but there is a main point that is better not to neglect.

Avoid sharp corners of bedroom furniture facing the bed.

An acute angle carries negative energy. When a person sleeps, he is in a relaxed state, negative energy has a detrimental effect on him. Ideally a bed in a narrow and small room should be located along the bedroom.

It is necessary to make sure that it can be approached from both sides.

Bedside tables in a small bedroom are always needed. They are capable of performing several functions, so you should not refuse them.

The bedside table is an integral part of the bedroom set.

On the Internet you can find a lot of photos that show how to put a bed in a small bedroom.

Children's bed

Depending on the location of the crib, the quality of the dreams of a newborn child, and hence his health, is also determined.

Doctors advise parents to sleep in the same room as the baby.

For the correct positioning of the crib, there are a number of simple rules that must be observed.

Ceiling and entry doors

Ceiling, bed and dreams are closely related. You can not hang a huge chandelier in the bedroom.

With a large chandelier above the bed, a sleeper at the subconscious level will feel anxious in a dream.

No need to install massive lighting fixtures in the bedroom. It is better to paint the ceiling with white paint, you can make it hinged.

According to the rules of Feng Shui, it is better to refuse mirrored ceilings above the bed.

It is important for a person resting on a bed in the bedroom to see the front door.Even if this is not possible, it is worth hanging a mirror on the wall so that the front doors are visible in it.

As for the cardinal points, you need to direct the head of the sleeping furniture either to the north or to the east.

The optimal location of the bed is diagonally to the front door to the bedroom. For single bed the best place- corner of the room.

It will be more relaxing there.

It is believed that if the student's bed is set up in this way, he will become better at learning, and entertainment will become a secondary matter.

The couple's bed

A bed designed for a couple to rest must be properly positioned. It is better to put it so that it has an approach from both sides. It should be located close to one of the walls.

Each sleeper should have a personal bedside table where he will store his things.

They can be placed lighting fixtures such as table lamps. When the main light is off, the lamp, turned on by one person, does not interfere with the rest of the second.

To create a secluded atmosphere, you can use a canopy.

Do not allow the head of the bed to be directed towards the windows. If you can’t arrange the bed in a different way, you should buy thick curtains and curtain the windows with them before going to bed.

For this, it is good to use roller blinds- they are quite dense, and the dawn will not wake up a resting person.

Double bed provides for the use of a mattress right size. You should not put two small mattresses on it - this symbolizes the division of the family and the quarrel of the spouses. It is necessary to make sure that the bed rests against the wall with the headboard. You can not put it near the fireplace, door, aquarium, fountain.

Choosing the location of the bed in the bedroom, you need to follow the design project, convenience and ordinary logic.

Bed selection

It is not enough to correctly position the bed, it is important to choose it correctly. Today, bedroom furniture of various shapes is in fashion. You can find models on wheels or with water mattresses.

Despite the originality of these designs, they are not very stable and durable. Therefore, rest on them is not comfortable.

The main quality of the purchased bed for the bedroom is that it should be comfortable for a calm deep sleep. Therefore, reliable designs should be purchased.You should not buy furniture that is located on the floor with the entire base. As Feng Shui teaches, there must be free space between the bed and the floor, where the energy would circulate.

It is also important not to put anything in this place, as the floor under the furniture must be clean.

It is desirable to buy a bed with a high back.

AT two-storey houses do not place the bedroom under the shower or bathroom. It is believed that negative energy sanitary facilities transferred to the bedroom. The bed should be located away from them. Do not place the bed above the dining room or kitchen.

There should be free space next to the sleeping furniture.

Feng Shui and its rules

More than once mentioned above, the Chinese teaching of Feng Shui is the whole art of the ancient Chinese in the use of space. It stems from the religion of Taoism, which seeks to penetrate the meaning of being. Like many Chinese teachings, Feng Shui was founded by Chinese monks. It makes no sense to describe the concept of teaching - for this there is a large number of books. We have already given some recommendations regarding the location of the bed.

According to Feng Shui, the location of the bed relative to the cardinal points matters.

  • If the head of the bed is directed to the north, the person will develop his intuitive abilities;
  • The headboard on the northeast side develops the intellect;
  • A bed with an east-facing headboard gives peace and strength to sleep;
  • The southeastern direction gives the development of perseverance and perseverance in the implementation of the planned tasks;
  • A bed directed by the headboard to the south creates a good opinion of others about a person;
  • The southwestern direction is conducive to love;
  • Northwestern - friendly relations;
  • Western - the emergence of healthy children.

That is why the correct and competent arrangement of the bedroom, the location of the bed plays an important role in our life.

These are the rules of Feng Shui for the location of the bed on the cardinal points. According to his principles, images of four animals must be installed in the room. To the left of the bed you need to place a figurine depicting a dragon. There should be a tiger on the right. A picture of a bird with red feathers should hang on the wall in front of the bed, and a picture of a turtle should be hung on the headboard.

Follow the rules of Feng Shui, which regulate how to put a bed in the bedroom, or neglect them - it's up to you.

There is a lot to argue about the rules of Feng Shui. Someone does not perceive this teaching, someone fanatically follows it in all spheres of life. The truth probably lies somewhere in the middle. There is undoubtedly a rational grain in Feng Shui. It has been proven, for example, that our ancestors chose a place for construction according to rules that are in many respects similar to the canons of ancient Chinese teaching. Our ancestors must have known some laws that we do not.

We sleep for almost a third of our lives. Thanks to sleep, our strength is restored, the body fights diseases, and dreams help to temporarily forget about anxieties and pressing problems.

Without a night's rest, no living being can exist. The strength and health of our sleep, mood and performance depend on compliance with the above rules.

VIDEO: How to put the bed in the bedroom.

The beauty and harmony of the interior depends on the choice of furniture. From the location of the bed - the well-being of the owners of the apartment, positive energy and comfort.

Rearrange the bed in accordance with our recommendations - and you will see that the bedroom has become cozier, more harmonious, warmer. Add to this the result of your rest, the sweet feeling of “sleeping out”, and you will understand that you did the right thing when you decided to change the location of the bed in the room.

Factors important when installing a bed in a bedroom:

  • Value for windows, doors and balcony.
  • Relation to the furniture in the room.
  • According to the functionality of the room.
  • Location in relation to heating devices (radiator, heater).
  • In relation to light sources.

Doors, windows, balcony

How to arrange a double bed in the bedroom medium size? She should not stand near the window: if the door is ajar, there will be a draft, and, as a result, a cold. In addition, you will always be afraid to open the window, and this also “steals” a piece of psychological comfort.

The bed is also not placed close to the door. Firstly, it is not accepted "among the people" and is considered a bad omen (with your feet to the door). Secondly, it is uncomfortable, as the hosts seem to be in plain sight, even if the door is even ajar. Thirdly, such an arrangement of the bed hides a fragment of the area - after all, you can’t put a bed right next to the door, and a narrow “corridor” is formed between it and the wall.

Placing a bed close to the balcony is also not worth it, but many people love it closeness. fresh air and open at night balcony doors. Such desires are an individual matter. We only add that it is better to curtain both windows and doors with thick curtains so that there is no draft.

When placing the bed in the bedroom, also consider the location of the apartment in relation to the sun. Sleeping on the sunny side means waking up early (of course, this will suit the "larks"). But if you like to sleep late, it is better to remove the bed away from the windows.

Putting a double bed sideways close to the wall means limiting the freedom of one of the spouses, and with the lower part narrowing the field of view in front of you. Agree, it is unpleasant, falling asleep, to see only the wall.

If the bedroom has a niche, then installing a bed under it would be a successful option. The niche, as it were, protects, covers with a shadow and creates a cozy comfortable space for sleeping.

The ideal classic place for a double bed: back to the wall and in the middle of the room so that there are passages on both sides. In this case, there will also be a good view of the door and the entire room. If the bedroom has two exits, then the bed should stand so that both are visible.

If one bed

As for single models, everything is much simpler here: they take less space. It is easy to experiment with them, because rearranging such a bed is quick and easy.

Furniture makers also design more compact single beds. For example, built into the closet, which easily leans back and turns into a bed.

Or a sofa bed. This is a sliding structure, when assembled, which is a regular sofa.

The loft bed is interestingly equipped, it is suspended from the ceiling. Under it there may be an additional workplace, chest of drawers or closet.

A bed should not be placed near the wall where the door is located. In addition, this door can open both outward and inward (when it closes the view). In both cases, a person's sleep will be intense.

How to put the bed in the bedroom?

In order for beauty and comfort to reign in the bedroom, the bed is surrounded by lighting elements - small sconces, table lamps. You can place small decorations in the form of symbolic vases on the bedside tables, but you should not overload with unnecessary items either. Pleasant light will give a false ceiling above the bed.

The bedroom should be quiet, and a soft, long-pile carpet will create noise isolation. In a word, you create for yourself a corner of relaxation - warm, relaxing and comfortable.

Area near bed

In some high-rise buildings they began to make an original layout, as a result of which the bedroom is located above (under) the kitchen or toilet. In such cases, the bed must be moved away from the place where the stove or toilet is located on other floors.

In the bedroom, many people put or hang up a TV and watch it before going to bed. So, the TV should not be a distracting moment from the rest, it is best to hang it at a distance of at least three meters from the bed. Sockets are also equipped away from the headboard, because the electrician has a bad effect on human energy.

In the design of the bedroom, pastel colors are usually used, which creates a calm atmosphere. And this is the right decision.

Furniture and functionality

As for other furniture, the bed should be placed so that it does not create crowding in the room. For free movement around the bedroom, space is needed - from the bed it should be 60 cm. On the other hand, it is necessary that the doors of the cabinet, bedside tables, chest of drawers, etc. easily open.

If you place compact bedside tables on both sides of the bed, and small sconces on them (or near them), you get a traditional version. bedroom interior. It's comfortable, cozy and functional. And on the opposite wall you can hang pictures and portraits of loved ones, which will create peace and psychological comfort.

Radiators and heaters should not be in close proximity to the bed. Batteries absorb moisture and burn oxygen, making it difficult to fall asleep in such an environment. In addition, the danger of running heating elements remains.

In frosty winters, many people like to turn on the heater in the bedroom. It is clear that you need to be careful with him, follow the elementary safety rules.
By the way
According to popular wisdom, the feet should be warm, and the head should be cold.
In the last century, at the Institute of Noble Maidens, the air temperature was maintained at 18 degrees Celsius.

Depending on the size of the bedroom

A large room allows the installation of a bed in various options, you can even arrange a place near the window - build an original canopy or an additional niche. Here, interior designers will have something to work on.

However, most often the bedroom is small in size, which does not allow the “flight of thought to unfold”. A single bed definitely becomes in a corner or near a wall, a double bed in the middle, and then you have to minimize the amount of other furniture.

If the room is narrow, the bed is placed across the room, which will make it visually more spacious. But here it is worth considering the size and location of other furniture so that you do not have to squeeze through to the bed.

Sleeping beds are now produced different shapes, so if you wish, you will find an option even for a small room. For example, a rounded bed with no corners will save some space. Some people like a low bed and it will also free up some space. Moreover, it is not recommended to store anything under a place to sleep.

Installing a bed in the bedroom according to Feng Shui

The teachings of Feng Shui have mixed reviews, but no one has proven that it is harmful. In any case, we always strive for harmony in the soul and soul with the body.

  • Thus, a headboard directed to the East promotes wisdom.
  • Headboard to the South - strength and improved health.
  • Headboard to the West - getting rid of material difficulties.
  • To the North - a decrease in energy consumption.

It is not advised to put a sleeping bed in front of mirrors (mirror cabinet) so that a sleeping person is reflected in them. Otherwise, supporters of the doctrine promise health problems or family troubles. But mirrors will be necessary and useful if they are built into the inner doors of the cabinet.

All objects in the room, having rounded shapes and outlines, will evoke calmness and positive energy. Acute-angled - on the contrary, a sense of danger.

Feng Shui experts advise placing small items in pairs in the bedroom - two rugs, two ottomans, and so on.

Feng Shui supporters, designers and psychologists do not recommend putting a lot of heavy objects near the wall opposite the bed. The interior balance, coziness and comfort are disturbed.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, any item in the bedroom has its own energy. Proponents of this theory argue that a large number of unnecessary things is equivalent to the same number of threads. negative energy. It is believed that extra things in the room do not allow you to fully enjoy your vacation, which is harmful to health.

Even more harmful are old worn things that are stored under the beds and on the mezzanines. “Equip your bedroom in a minimalist style and don’t accumulate junk,” is what adherents of the Feng Shui teachings say. Designers adhere to the same point of view, but for their own reasons - everything should be harmonious, beautiful and nothing superfluous in the bedroom. Do not put bedside tables with shelves and drawers near the bed, let them be just lockers in which it is impossible to accumulate small trash.

How about in a country house?

In private houses, the owners like to adjust the attic, where the windows are located directly under the roof. It is undesirable to put a bed in these places: it is usually warmer upstairs than on the first floor, windows open more often, drafts are obtained.

In the attic floors there are bevels, sloping ceilings, on which they hang decorative ornaments. Hang these pieces somewhere closer to the door or in the corner of the room. If the bed will stand in such an attic bedroom, hung with toys, it will be difficult for you to fall asleep. It is not worth fixing chandeliers of the Renaissance era here either - firstly, it is dangerous, and secondly, it is tasteless.

A country house is always more spacious than an apartment, and in it the owners easily equip the bedroom according to their wishes. Everyone has different tastes, but it is often difficult to realize the project of “your dream” due to lack of space.

Everyone chooses for themselves

For example, the so-called "larks" like to wake up early, regardless of the season and weather. They like it when bright sunlight penetrates into the bedroom. Cheerful people like a lot of fresh air in the room and do not close the windows at night. Those who prefer twilight will put the bed away from the windows and the balcony, in the corner.

Bed in children's bedroom

Immediately after the birth of the child, the mother prefers to leave him at night next to her. In this case, one wall of the crib is removed, and it moves closer to the adult - the child learns to sleep on his own, but next to his mother.

In a separate children's room, the bed must be placed against the wall. This arrangement increases the free area and protects the child from accidental falls.

The rules for installing a crib are the same as in an adult bedroom. It is very important for him to see what enters the room, so the bed is best placed near the side wall. To maintain a diagonal position from the bed to the door.

But if there are few options, and the child sleeps near the door, then you need to hang the back of the crib with a blanket, install a screen, or completely fence off the child’s resting place.

Factors that interfere with sleep

  • The bed is headboard to the window: drafts and noise from the street will interfere with sleep.
  • Sleeping place with feet to the door: this is not only a bad omen, but also an inconvenience.
  • Large vases with flowers, photo wallpapers depicting flowing water (fountains): huge objects and paintings are distracting and depressing.
  • Massive low chandeliers above the bed: create a sense of menace and pressure.
  • Sockets behind the head: current and electrics are harmful to human energy.
  • The proximity of the kitchen and toilet: this is the extraneous sound of water.

Tip: After you've bought and installed a bed in your bedroom, sleep on it for a night or two. If in the morning the state of health is unimportant, do a rearrangement.

The bedroom is the place where life began for many of us. This is the same corner where we spend a third of our lives, being in sweet bliss. You can give up many things in life, but not sleep. strong and healthy sleep after a working day is everyone's lot.

The choice of where to place the bed will probably be the main concern when arranging the bedroom. To find out where to put the bed in the bedroom, our ancestors first let the cat into the house: where she lies down, they put the bed there. AT modern world Not everything is so simple and not everyone has a cat.

Bedroom bed

The first beds appeared in ancient egypt. Since that time they have undergone many changes and improvements. Modern beds are distinguished by size, design, a wide range of materials used, both natural and synthetic. In some interiors of bedrooms, designers design individual exclusive furniture, including beds.

do not lose the popularity of beds from natural wood threaded

modern design solutions fit perfectly into the interior

Having not the largest apartment, and not being able to allocate a separate room for a bedroom, you can install transforming furniture - a bed built into a closet, a sofa bed or an armchair bed. Everything will depend on the size of your apartment.

Transformers increase living space. They are multifunctional, compact and convenient. Due to their versatility, they fully replace the stationary counterpart.

Those who have somewhere to equip the bedroom should think about a massive stationary bed. She is the main thing in the interior of the room, the rest is accessories. And the whole interior should be built around it. Consideration should also be given to the choice of mattress. The correct position of the body during sleep and, accordingly, the quality of rest depend on its model and filling. The mattress must be selected based on individual characteristics person.

How to arrange a bed in a bedroom

When placing a bed in a bedroom, some rules must be observed. They have both physical and psychological effects. Let's define the basic rules for installing a bed.

1. The head of the bed should be against the wall. This is the optimal solution. The wall gives a sense of security and comfort. It is optimal if the bed headboard is recessed into a small niche.

Plumbing systems should not be installed in the wall to which the headboard adjoins, so that no noise interferes with your sleep. It is also undesirable to lay electrical points and wires behind the headboard.

2. There should not be a heating radiator near the headboard. The saying “keep your feet warm and your head cold” is 100% valid.

3. You can not install the bed headboard to the window. This is uncomfortable from a psychological point of view, also from the side of the window the air temperature is lower, which can cause drafts and makes it impossible to open the window for ventilation in the summer. Also, you must leave a free passage to the window. Opening and closing the window, climbing over the bed all the time, is not very convenient.

4. Do not put the bed in front of the front door. According to the Feng Shui technique, the correct location of the bed relative to the doors is diagonally. This will protect against banal drafts, as well as create a smooth meandering flow of energy in the room.

5. A double bed must be placed so that there is an approach to it from two sides. There should be enough space on both sides so that a person can safely stand up from his side. It will also make cleaning the room easier. A single or one-and-a-half bed can be pushed against the wall with one side, but it is undesirable. To get up or lie down on a bed, a person who sleeps against the wall must always climb over his partner.

6. The space under the bed must be left free for good ventilation of the mattress. Now one of the peaks of fashion is the use of beds on the platform. The installation of such a bed saves space for storing bed linen. But in this case, it is necessary to ventilate the mattress itself from time to time, leaving the platform open. When installing a bed with bedside tables, they must be pulled out to ventilate the mattress.

7. It is undesirable that any heavy objects, including chandeliers and air conditioners, hang over the bed.

8. TV, computer, video games - great pastime! and the main enemy of your marital relationship.

Minimum household appliances in the bedroom - then nothing will interfere with sound sleep.

The bedroom should become a place of solitude, a love nest and an oasis of rest from everyday life. For this purpose, choose the most secluded room in the house, remote from all communications. Modern apartments free layouts provide for a smooth flow of one room into another, then in this case you should take care of separating the sleeping area.

The bedroom is an important room in any apartment or house, because it is here that every person fully rests and relaxes, as a result of which this room should be very comfortable, beautiful and interesting for constant pastime. It is also important to pay a lot of attention to the correct arrangement of all objects. The location should be such that it is always comfortable and convenient to sleep, as well as the person himself, in the process of being on the bed, is located in correct position relative to the sides of the world. At the same time, many people in the process of arranging constantly pay attention to the rules of Feng Shui, as a result of which you can get a competent arrangement of all elements.

How to choose and install a bed in the bedroom?

Initially, it is important to know that this element should be comfortable for sleeping, so it should be spacious enough and designed for the number of people who will constantly use it. Any bed should be provided with comfortable pillows and a blanket, and bedding should always be clean and pleasant to the touch.

Most often, products created from wood are purchased, but you can choose other options. this product, which should go well with other elements present in the bedroom. When choosing, it is important to focus on the fact that an attractive and cozy atmosphere is created in the room, as well as all items are well combined with each other, creating a single composition.

The location of the bed in the room is also very important, because if you install this element in the wrong place, you can expect that it will not be too easy, pleasant and comfortable to use it. Scientists have proven that the place where there is a bed can have both positive and negative effects on a person’s sleep and well-being. At the same time, each person can independently decide which technique is suitable in order to correctly install this element. To do this, you can focus on the cardinal points or use the advice of Feng Shui, as well as apply Arabic or other techniques. However, at the same time important point is that the bed should be set up in such a way that it is actually very comfortable to use.

The basic points of the location of the bed in the room:

How to install a bed indoors in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui?

Feng Shui bed placement has become very popular lately, as more and more people are becoming adherents of this unique and beneficial teaching. In it, the most important point is to create an optimal environment in any room so that each person can feel easy and free. Also, it is here that a lot of attention is paid to ensuring that in the process of using any piece of furniture, those effects that will be exerted on a person are taken into account.

Feng Shui bedding rules:

How to properly install the bed, focusing on the cardinal points?

Also, many people in the process of installing all the elements in the house take into account exactly how they are installed relative to one or another side of the world. The location of the bed on the cardinal points is deservedly popular, and at the same time, the best choice is to install this element in such a way that the heads of the people in it are directed towards the north. In this case, the best finding of a person is ensured, and he will also be able to fully relax and enjoy a sound and pleasant sleep. However, orientation to the cardinal directions is not always possible, since often several beds are installed in one room at once, and at the same time they simply cannot be installed. the right way. In this case, it is best to choose other positioning methods, but in any case it is not recommended that people lie in bed with their heads to the south.

Wrong position of the bed - at the door

How not to make a bed

You can talk a lot about how to install this element correctly, but you can note some conditions that indicate how exactly you should not install it. Not recommended:

  • Arrange the bed so that people look at the exit, since it is believed that the dead are carried out feet first from any premises;
  • Press the headboard tightly against the wall, since during sleep a person is considered the least protected, but the presence of a wall behind can create a favorable and calm environment for sleeping;
  • Hang over the bed any heavy and bulky items, which include chandeliers or large decorative elements that will put pressure on the person. It is almost impossible to relax with such pressure, as a result of which you can get quite serious problems with sleep;
  • Install a mirror next to or opposite the bed. There is a belief that it is this element that in the process of life accumulates a huge amount of negative energy, which during a person’s sleep can be transferred to it. As a result, you can expect that they will not dream very much. good dreams, as well as the person himself will not be able to fully relax in his house.

Some basic secrets for proper bedding

The location of the bed in the apartment is an important issue for every person, and at the same time, several secrets can be distinguished, knowing about which, you can install it so that it is pleasant and comfortable to use it. In this case, each person in it will be able to fully and well rest.

This includes the fact that a person lying in bed should have good review the whole room, and especially the door should be in his field of vision, because then he will feel comfortable and protected. It is best if the headboard is directed towards the north, and also next to the wall. Given these nuances, it will be difficult to make a mistake with the correct location of this element in any room.