We select an orthopedic mattress for the bed according to all the rules. What you should pay attention to? How to choose an orthopedic mattress: advice from an orthopedist We focus on weight

  • 07.06.2019

The desire to feel perfectly rested and well-rested requires careful attention to the selection of an orthopedic mattress. A huge range of products, which are filled with regular and online stores, leads customers more to confusion than to making the only right decision.

The issue of acquiring the most suitable product in terms of characteristics worries many consumers. The prepared review will help to understand the differences between models with different fillers and different degrees of rigidity.

STEP 1 Choosing the firmness of the mattress

This is one of the fundamental characteristics of an orthopedic mattress. Good rest and well-being of a person largely depend on its rigidity. For comfortable rest Medium-hard mattresses are considered the best option, but the choice remains individual.

  • Increased rigidity

    Hard mattresses are recommended for diseases of the spine, osteochondrosis. The filler can be such materials as compacted polyurethane foam, strutto fiber, coconut fibers, composites. As a result, the surface is not soft, does not provide comfortable sleep, but in case of problems with the spine, it will ideally support sick or damaged vertebrae. Sleeping on such mattresses is also indicated for people with excellent health, but those who are over 50 years old should be careful when choosing a mattress that is too hard. In any case, hard mattresses are rather specific products that are chosen either because of the love of hard sleeping surfaces, or because of medical prescriptions.

  • Medium hardness

    The most recommended stiffness for a healthy person of average build and height. In inexpensive mattresses, composite materials such as struttofiber, artificial latex, polyurethane foam with characteristic orthopedic qualities are used to provide medium hardness stuffing, for more expensive mattresses - a combination of natural latex and coconut coir, as well as memorix. Such mattresses with medium hardness are in great demand.

  • Low hardness

    To provide mattresses with low rigidity, manufacturers use polyurethane foam and natural latex layers. Natural latex filler is classified as orthopedic stuffing, and polyurethane foam is not suitable for sleeping people who are overweight. Often soft and moderately soft mattresses are chosen for the elderly, as well as for children aged 8-15 years.

Recommendation: To clarify the firmness of the mattress, you should use the accompanying passport, which indicates the weight the product can withstand. It will be convenient for a thin person to sleep on a soft model, and for those who have extra pounds, it is advisable to opt for a harder option.

STEP 2 We take into account the weight of the sleepers

In addition to the selection criteria mentioned above, the weight of the future owner is of no small importance. It is very important to take this factor into account, since, firstly, the service life of the product depends on it, and secondly, the feeling of mattress rigidity.

Do not exceed the maximum weight per bed specified in the mattress specifications. It is better to have a margin for this indicator in the region of 5-20 kg. In addition, keep in mind that the firmness of mattresses is indicated for people of average build (weighing 70-90 kg). For example, for an overweight person of more than 110 kg, a mattress with a declared average firmness will seem rather soft, and for a person with a weight of 40-50 kg, on the contrary, it may be perceived as moderately hard.

  • People who have excess weight, will feel comfortable on fairly high mattresses.
  • For people with normal weight, experts advise opting for medium-thick mattresses.
  • A thin person will not be able to put enough pressure on the thickened base of the mattress, so there is no point in buying a mattress that is too thick.

Models with a small thickness, which is limited to a couple of centimeters, do not belong to the bases suitable for sleeping. Such products are suitable for creating comfort on the sofa, bed and leveling their surfaces and are called mattress toppers.

STEP 3 Choose the size and height of the mattress

The comfort of rest largely depends on the height of the mattress. In addition, this factor is also important in aesthetic terms. The thinnest are mattresses up to 14 cm thick, such mattresses are usually designed for children or infrequent seasonal use. Experts say that thin models can adversely affect health, harm the spine with a significant weight of the sleeper. For adults, the following height guidelines are suitable as the main mattress for permanent use:

  • When choosing a mattress for adults, you should select products whose thickness is 14-30 cm.
  • If you buy a springless monolithic mattress, then its thickness can be at least 14-16cm.
  • High-quality mattresses with independent spring blocks are made with a thickness of at least 18-19 cm. Anything less is ultra-cheap options with thin filling.
  • Manufacturers also offer models with multilayer filling, which provides more convenience and comfort. Elite mattresses can have a thickness of 24 to 40 cm.
  • The standard value for the height of an orthopedic mattress for an adult is the range of 19-23 cm.
Important! For children over 4 years old, the use of very thin mattresses (3-6 cm) is categorically unacceptable.

When it comes to the dimensions of a mattress with orthopedic properties, we are talking about its suitability for the base and/or the bed on which it will be placed:

  • If the width of the mattress is greater than the width of the bed, then this will either lead to drooping edges and, as a result, an uncomfortable sleep, or the mattress simply will not fit into the dimensions of the bed;
  • If the mattress is smaller in width, then this will cause inconvenience during rest, the sloppiness of the appearance of the bed;
  • With an inappropriate length, the same uncomfortable picture will result, leading to discomfort or impossibility of operation.
  • The most common sizes of mattresses for a single bed: 80x190, 80x200, 90x200 cm. For double sizes, 120x200, 140x200, 160x200 and 180x200 cm are considered standard. We recommend taking standard sizes- this will simplify the selection of furniture and accessories.
  • If you measured the size of the mattress, and it turned out to be outside the standard values, you can always order a mattress in a non-standard size.
Advice! The best option is the simultaneous selection of a bed and a mattress with exact observance of mutual parameters.

STEP 4 Type selection: springless or spring mattresses?

Answering the question of which model to choose - springless or spring - you should understand their differences.

Spring mattresses Bonnel

Mattresses with dependent spring blocks are called classic, their use has more than one hundred years. They are called Bonnel. Such mattresses do not have orthopedic properties.

Important! The use of old and broken spring mattresses leads to damage to the joints of the vertebrae, curvature of the spine.

The low cost of spring models attracts buyers. However, before purchasing, it is advisable to weigh the pros and cons, so that at the minimum payment you do not get health problems for either children or adults.

Mattresses equipped with independent spring units

Such mattresses attract the attention of consumers with a simple, but very comfortable design. Each of the springs is placed in a separate case, which allows you to move without contact with other blocks. When you click on several blocks, adjacent springs will remain in the same position. On the top and bottom of the blocks, fillers are horizontally placed, which, together with the springs, create a mattress with excellent orthopedic and anatomical qualities.

Each spring works pointwise, independently. This means that the mattress will ideally bend under every curve of the human body and provide the necessary support for the spine. The standard spring density is 250 pieces per square meter, but there are also models with advanced design blocks - Multipocket (about 500 springs per square meter) and Micropocket (more than 900 springs per square meter). Such models can be advised to people with a lot of weight, as well as to those who want to get the best orthopedic back support from all that modern spring mattresses offer.

The use of mattresses with an independent spring unit is indicated for people over the age of 12, taking into account the degree of surface hardness. The advantages of models with such springs include:

  • pronounced orthopedic properties with excellent back support;
  • long service life;
  • lack of squeaking springs;
  • the possibility of use for people with a large body weight;
  • high degree of reliability, which guarantees the preservation of the properties of the base even after active games for children;
  • comfort of sleep and rest.

The price of this type of mattress varies very widely - from inexpensive models with TFA spring block and artificial fillers to expensive mattresses with heaped high-density spring blocks with high-end materials.

Springless mattresses with polyurethane foam

This is the most common type of inexpensive springless mattresses today. Often they are sold in compact rolled packaging. These mattresses are often bought for children, teenagers and adults as an economical option. They are great for the role of mattresses for giving or a rented apartment. However, among them there are good options, perfectly suited for the role of mattresses for permanent use, the only thing you need to pay attention to is the density of PPU, such mattresses should have a stiffness index of "medium" or "moderately hard".

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Pros:

    Availability and low prices;
    - several levels of hardness - from soft to medium;
    - pretty good orthopedic qualities in models with dense foam;
    - ease of transportation to the destination.

  • Minuses:

    Low service life;
    - not the best anatomical qualities.

Springless mattresses with orthopedic properties

When choosing a springless version, you should focus on the filler responsible for the rigidity of the product. Mattresses that do not have springs are characterized by sufficient strength and soundlessness, which have earned considerable popularity among users.

In the manufacture of fillers, latex, coconut fiber, struttofiber, horsehair, polyurethane foam and other materials are used that provide surfaces with orthopedic properties, and the owners - comfortable and healthy sleep.

Thanks to well-chosen filling, the products have amazing endurance, withstand considerable loads, jumps and games of children. Orthopedic springless mattresses can be structurally divided:

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Pros:

    Long service life;
    - several levels of rigidity;
    - high orthopedic properties.

  • Minuses:

    High price due to the use of expensive fillers, including coconut fibers, natural latex;
    - the big weight of such mattresses.

STEP 5 Filling Material Selection

A well-thought-out approach to choosing a filler for an orthopedic mattress will allow you to purchase a model that is suitable for the personal needs of the buyer, because this directly affects the rigidity, environmental friendliness and reliability.

Remember! Such fillers as fluff, inexpensive foam rubber stuffings, cotton wool do not have orthopedic characteristics. Among the unpopular properties of cotton wool is knocking into uneven lumps, which interferes with comfort during sleep.


The basis for the manufacture of latex layers is hevea juice, processed in a special way to obtain a foamy mass. The prepared material serves as an excellent filler for orthopedic mattresses, taking the shape of the body and perfectly supporting the spine. Latex can be either soft or hard enough. At the same time, artificial material has a higher degree of rigidity compared to natural. The popularity of latex mattresses is evidenced by their demand among both children's and adult consumer audiences.

In the list of advantages of latex filler:

  • providing comfortable conditions for recreation;
  • anatomical repetition of body contours;
  • convenience of sleep for people who are diagnosed with problems with the spine;
  • perfectly withstands heavy loads and the mass of a person, rapid restoration of the structure due to porosity;
  • combination with various materials allows, if necessary, to increase rigidity;
  • the use of the material in soft models of mattresses allows you to maintain both the comfort of sleep and the orthopedic properties of the base;
  • lack of allergic effects;
  • quick disposal of excess moisture;
  • wear resistance under heavy loads.

Among the shortcomings are the high cost of products, as well as the fragility of the artificial material, which dries out after some time, which leads to delamination.

polyurethane foam

The high popularity of polyurethane foam (PPU, orthopenes, artificial latex) is due to the fact that the basis is foam rubber, familiar to many users, with various orthopedic additives. The use of polyurethane foam allows the production of orthopedic mattresses with good performance at a fairly low price.

Among good points use of PPU:

  • affordable cost;
  • sufficiently long service life;
  • immunity to increased loads, so jumping and playing children are not critical;
  • providing sufficient orthopedic properties, which is acceptable for those who care about their health.

Problematic points include the difficulty of removing absorbed moisture, as well as the problem of cleansing from pollution. In addition, the service life of mattresses using polyurethane foam is short - from 4 to 9 years.

coconut coir

An elastic board made from pressed coconut fibers is one of the rather rigid materials that are often used to fill orthopedic mattresses. Coir is usually combined with latex and polyurethane layers, which allows you to create surfaces of excellent quality and comfort for sleeping and relaxing. Or it can be used without additional softening fillers, thus obtaining mattresses with high rigidity.

The benefits of choosing coconut coir mattresses include:

  • non-allergenic material;
  • creation of an obstacle to the reproduction of bacteria;
  • rapid evaporation of moisture;
  • not subject to decay;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • excellent ventilation;
  • medical and orthopedic properties;
  • no harmful components;
  • proper back support during sleep;
  • The ability to use not only for adults, but also for children of any age.

The disadvantages include the high cost, the reason for which is the complexity of processing and preparing the material.

You should know it! Mattresses with coconut filler are fragile, which should be taken into account during operation, without exposing the product to shocks and twisting.

Hollofiber and Struttofiber

An interesting name refers to a material that has unique properties due to its unique structure in the form of vertically arranged fibers. In the production of a mattress with struttofiber fibers, goat hair, horsehair, and linen threads can also be added. An excellent combination is obtained by combining struttofiber or holofiber with polyurethane foam or with independent spring blocks. Hollofiber is a very similar material, but in it the fibers are not oriented vertically, but randomly, which makes this material a little softer compared to strutofiber.

The advantages of a strutofiber / holofiber are as follows:

  • a pronounced manifestation of the properties of the orthopedic plan;
  • elasticity;
  • excellent breathability;
  • quick disposal of moisture that has fallen on the surface;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • immediate restoration of the original shape after the transferred deformation;
  • a wide range of stiffness from medium to high;
  • wear resistance;

Memory foam mattresses

MemoryForm is a material with a foam structure, which allows the surface to adapt to the shape of the body. Memory Form bends under a person, acquiring his shape, and after the load is stopped, it is restored within a few minutes. Such mattresses with "memory effect" provide excellent conditions for sleep, however, at low temperatures, the unique material acquires increased rigidity.

Made a choice? Book a mattress!

After careful consideration of the characteristics of mattresses with various fillings, it is easy to conclude which product is the most suitable. Choose models with care for your health and those close to you!

Use our mattress selection form - with it you can do it easily and quickly!

Each of us spends a quarter or at least a third of our lives in sleep. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate such a phenomenon as healthy sleep. It is the key to cheerfulness, good mood and just a good day.

No matter how expensive the bed is in your bedroom, how you sleep depends on. Correctly chosen orthopedic mattress, suitable for you, will become the key to happy dreams.

Before you go to the store for a purchase, you should carefully study.

When buying a new mattress, you should pay attention to a number of physical parameters of a person.

Today there are two types of mattresses - spring and springless. Both classes have their pros and cons.

Experts believe that spring mattresses have the best effect on the human body. Moreover, the higher the number of springs, the more pronounced the orthopedic effect.

Depending on the design Among spring mattresses, two subspecies are distinguished: with dependent springs and with independent ones.

Mattress with dependent spring block got its name from the fact that the springs in it are interconnected. If you press on one of the springs of such a block, the others will push through after it. The undeniable advantages of this subspecies include the cost - it is significantly lower than that of mattresses with independent springs. But there is a significant disadvantage - low wear resistance.

Over time, such mattresses sag in the middle part, and the person finds himself in a kind of hole. If a couple sleeps on such a mattress, then the lighter spouse, regardless of their desire, will roll into this recess.

In addition, over time, such models begin to creak. Such a mattress is perfect for short-term use, for example, in the country, where it will serve only a short period of time.

Mattresses with independent spring unit differ more complex design, which, of course, affects the cost. In such blocks, each spring is placed in a separate case made of a special material. It resists wear and prevents sagging separate parts mattress.

It is these qualities that a good orthopedic mattress has. The disadvantage of such a mattress, as mentioned earlier, is the high cost.

As the name implies, springless mattresses do not contain springs, but are filled with a special filler. Filler materials can be either natural or artificial.

Latex, coconut flakes, sea grass can be attributed to natural ones. The artificial materials that are used for filling are foam rubber, artificial latex and holofiber.

It cannot be said that such mattresses are definitely worse, but their service life is definitely not comparable with spring structures. However, this model is much more budgetary, and therefore it is so popular among buyers.

When arranging a place to sleep, users often wonder what filler to choose for a mattress. Regardless of the presence or absence of a spring mechanism, various fillers are used in all mattresses. It depends on them the degree of rigidity.

As mentioned earlier, there are two types of materials - artificial and natural. Consider the most popular of them.

Benefits of using orthopedic mattresses

The advantage of modern mattresses is their anatomical and orthopedic effect. Today there is a lot of controversy regarding the interpretation of these concepts. The most common is the point of view of European specialists and experts from the United States.

The anatomical effect is the ability of the mattress to exactly follow the contours and curves of the human body.

The orthopedic effect consists in a combination of two functions. Such a mattress most accurately repeats the silhouette of the body, but at the same time provides the necessary support to the spine.

The right mattress provides the body with proper rest. It does not allow the spine to bend, regardless of how you are used to sleeping - on your back or on your side.

Using such a mattress, it is possible to avoid such unpleasant phenomena as displacement of the vertebrae and compression of the intervertebral discs. During sleep, the nerve endings are not pinched, and the ligaments and muscles are not stretched.

When the theoretical issues have been studied, you should move on to the practical aspects of acquiring a new mattress for a comfortable sleep.

First of all, you need to determine the size of the purchase. An old mattress is not suitable for this, since it is likely that during its operation it was severely deformed. It would be more correct to measure the inner perimeter of the bed.

If you are going to change not only the mattress, but also the bed itself, you will need data on the standard sizes of produced beds:

  • the standard size of a single bed is 90x190 cm;
  • the minimum allowable size of a bed for two people is 140x190 cm;
  • the size of the superior bed is 160x200 cm;
  • The European standard for a double bed is 180x200 cm.

When choosing a bed, it is worth remembering that the comfortable length of the mattress is equal to the height of a person increased by 15 cm.

It is also worth asking the store manager about various mattress fillers. Often, if the material has been poorly processed, its use can cause allergies. Allergy sufferers should pay special attention to this issue.

As mentioned earlier, stiffness should be chosen based on physical parameters. At the same time, you should not rely on dry data. The mattress you like is worth trying out - get on it with all possible comfort, lie on your back and on your side. Check to see if it sags under your weight.

You should also pay attention to the upholstery of the mattress and the presence of a cover.

Mattress fabric needs to be strong enough to withstand heavy daily use. For the convenience of consumers, various impregnations are often used on the mattress cover - dust-repellent, fire-resistant and anti-allergic.

In addition, a good mattress is equipped with a double cover - for the warm and cold seasons. Honest manufacturers who are confident in the quality of their product, as a rule, supply the mattress with a zippered cover. That allows you to remove it and wash it if necessary.

A mattress designed for one bed is quite easy to pick up. Another question is how to choose the right mattress for a bed designed for two people.

When choosing a mattress for a double bed, it is worth remembering that the design of the mattress has restrictions on one bed. When choosing such a product, the maximum allowable values ​​\u200b\u200bmust be taken into account.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of mattresses for couples with different weight indicators. It is known that people of fragile construction are recommended to sleep on soft mattresses, while people with a large weight should prefer mattresses with high rigidity.

Thus, in a weighted pair, sleep will be comfortable only for one of the spouses. The way out of the situation may be to purchase two single mattresses of the recommended hardness. Although not all couples agree to such a neighborhood.

The solution for such families will be double-sided mattresses with different firmness. They will help you empirically choose the most comfortable option for sleep.

The choice of a mattress should always be taken very seriously. Even an expensive orthopedic, but incorrectly selected mattress for a particular person, will do more harm than good. It is also worth remembering that the average life of an orthopedic mattress is 10-15 years.

Need an orthopedic mattress, how to choose? This problem really exists. Choosing the right product among the sea of ​​proposals is a rather difficult task. What is the best orthopedic mattress? First of all, the choice is made taking into account the purpose of the product and its characteristics, and in the presence of serious health problems, the opinion of the attending physician should be taken into account. Secondly, it is necessary to decide which mattress company is better, and for this you need to navigate among the many brands and company names. In any case, you should apply the principle that you can’t save on health and choose a really good mattress.

Product Features

An orthopedic mattress is considered to be a mattress for a bed, which has a design that allows you to keep the spine in the correct straight position during the entire period of a person lying on the bed, i.e. create the so-called straight back effect. This position of a sleeping person is very important in the presence of a number of diseases associated with lesions of the spine, chest, limbs, joints, in particular, osteochondrosis or scoliosis.

By itself, an orthopedic mattress for a bed is not a remedy, but it has a good preventive effect - the elimination of pain effects when the body turns unsuccessfully during sleep and the optimal distribution of the load during prolonged lying. The therapeutic effect, rather, will have a full sleep, which is provided with the help of such a product.

Orthopedic mattresses are divided into 2 main types - spring and springless constructions. The spring version contains a spring block and layers separating human body from springs. According to the principle of operation, spring mattresses are divided into dependent and independent types.

Dependent spring construction (bonnel), which has a long history, is still used in a number of products. The main point is that all springs are rigidly interconnected, and any pressure on at least one element causes the rest of the springs to compress.

Independent spring system is more modern design, in which any spring element is placed in an individual case, and the cases are glued together. There is no rigid connection between the springs, and they work individually.

With such a system, the mattress is pressed through differently at different points, which allows you to specifically support problematic part body, in particular the lumbar region. An important advantage is that when 2 people are on such a mattress, they do not roll towards each other.

Mattresses with independent elements differ in size and number of springs, which makes it possible to optimally distribute the load. Currently, it is independent spring structures that have become the most popular, despite the rather high cost.

Different companies produce products of various designs, but the main types of independent spring systems can be distinguished:

  1. S-500: The diameter of each spring is 50-60mm, and the total quantity is 210-320pcs/m².
  2. S-1000 or anatomic block: diameter - 40 mm, quantity about 500 pcs/m².
  3. S-2000 (Multipack): spring size 20mm and quantity up to 1000pcs/m².
  4. Dual Spring: the spring is placed in another spring (the outer one is soft and the inner one is hard), which allows for universal use - a hard spring is activated when loaded by a heavy person and does not compress when light weight.
  5. Blocks of increased rigidity.
  6. Mattresses with different stiffness in certain areas of their area - multi-zone type.

Spring blocks are placed in a case (box), which provides a separating layer between the springs and the human body. The frame around the perimeter of such a box is usually made of polyurethane foam. The layer that provides contact with the human body has a different thickness and material. For hard type products, high-density latex or coconut coir is used. The soft version is provided by the use of softer latex, polyurethane foam, strutofiber and memoryform. Additionally, layers of felt, foam rubber can be included in the design.

The spring system is competed with springless mattresses formed from a monoblock or several layers. various materials with different hardness. Such materials have increased elasticity, which allows them to return to their previous state after removal of the bursting load. Springless orthopedic mattresses are most often made from the following materials:

  1. Natural latex: characterized by increased elasticity and well follows the shape of the body.
  2. Synthetic materials: artificial latex, polyurethane foam, water latex, foam rubber - have increased strength characteristics, are usually recommended in the treatment of children of different ages with problems of the upper part of the spinal column.
  3. The combination of layers of coconut coir and latex: it has increased rigidity, but there is a load limit - a person's weight should not exceed 95 kg.
  4. Coconut coir: mattresses of increased rigidity, used after consultation with a doctor, have an important advantage - they are well ventilated.
  5. Memoryform: polyurethane foam with increased viscosity, has a deformation memory effect, return to its original position is rather slow.
  6. Strutofiber: a fibrous material with a vertical arrangement of fibers, reminiscent of bulky felt.

Blocks of mattresses are placed in the so-called mattress covers in the form of covers, which, as a rule, are made of wool, jacquard, terry cloth, synthetic winterizer or holofiber.

In order for an orthopedic mattress to have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect, it must be chosen correctly. This can be done only when considering the complex as a system of "human body - mattress". The main parameters of a mattress are dimensions (including thickness) and stiffness, and a person has a certain weight, figure and a set of health problems. These parameters must be optimally matched. First of all, in order to harmonize the physical data of a person and the parameters of the mattress, the fundamental conditions should be taken into account:

  1. A person of large mass should choose a product of increased rigidity, best of all, spring structures with reinforced elements.
  2. A thin person is more suitable for soft options - spring or springless systems.
  3. For an elderly person, it is undesirable to use hard mattresses; soft types or options with medium hardness are recommended.
  4. In childhood, it is better to choose a springless design with increased resistance to jumping exercises (which means that coconut is not recommended), and more rigid systems are recommended for teenagers (for example, artificial latex), and vice versa for babies, coconut mattress 4-6 cm thick.
  5. With a sore lower back, soft options are appropriate (a hard mattress is contraindicated).
  6. When the upper part of the spine is affected, rigid types are used to ensure the direct position of the spinal column.

Orthopedic mattresses are selected according to certain parameters. First of all, you need to choose right size, which is determined by the dimensions of the existing bed. The comfortable length of a bed is considered to be a length equal to the height of a person with the addition of 15-20 cm. However, it is the bed that is of decisive importance. You can focus on the following standard sizes: a single bed requires a mattress 90x190 cm; minimum double bed - 140x190 cm; double bed - comfort - 160x200 cm; bed according to the euro standard - 180x200 cm.

The thickness of the product is selected taking into account body weight, age and your own understanding of comfort. Basically, orthopedic mattresses are produced in the following thickness: springless types - 14-19 cm, spring structures - 17-26 cm. Thin mattresses used as top coat ordinary mattress to give it healing functions. The thickness of such bedspreads is 30-45 mm.

Recommendations for choosing a product, taking into account the rigidity, are discussed above, and you can safely focus on them. It is best if, in the presence of bone or joint pathologies, the issue of bed rigidity will be agreed with the doctor. In addition, the choice of stiffness depends on how the bed is used - by one person or two.

If the spouses differ significantly in body weight, then you will have to install 2 mattresses of different rigidity or select a multi-zone option. Naturally, the choice of any product cannot take place without taking into account its cost, however, when choosing an orthopedic product, it is better not to save money - health is at stake, which, in any case, is more expensive.

Manufacturing companies

When choosing an orthopedic mattress, one cannot ignore the question of who made it. The practical use of products provides a certain rating of manufacturers. Most popular in Russian Federation have such firms: Askona, Consul, Dreamline, Ormatek and Toris. So Asrkona is considered the largest domestic manufacturer. We can distinguish the main brands of orthopedic mattresses produced by this company: Serta, IKEA, King Koil. The cost of such products is sometimes higher than that of other manufacturers, but the quality compensates for the costs. Among foreign brands, products of such companies can be noted: Honnemed, Lonax, Vegas, Sealy, Serta, Simmons.

If we consider specific products that have numerous positive reviews, then we can note the mattresses of the following brands:

  1. Balance Smart (Askona) - a spring mattress on the bonnel system for single beds, has increased softness.
  2. Combi-3 (Dreamline) is similar to the previous product.
  3. Toris Cjllection - spring, different stiffness, size 90x200 cm.
  4. Optima Light (Ormatek) - a mattress of medium hardness, economy class.
  5. Divior (Ormatek) - a product using medium hardness thermofiber.
  6. Eco Strong (Dreamline) - spring construction of increased rigidity.
  7. Compact Effect Lowe (Askona) - springless soft version, multizone system.
  8. Classic Filon (Consul) - option filled with polyurethane foam.
  9. Eco-Flex (Ormatek) - springless, increased rigidity.

The issue of choosing an orthopedic mattress is an important issue.

In order for it to really have a therapeutic and prophylactic effect, it is necessary to correctly evaluate all the initial data. A correctly chosen product will fully pay off with a positive effect and improved health, and at the same time, well-being.

A competent choice of an orthopedic mattress is a reliable investment in your health and well-being for every day. But the abundance of products presented in stores only complicates the purchase, but does not make it any easier. How to choose an orthopedic mattress and not spend money in vain?

In order to answer this question, we decided to prepare this extensive review for you. In it, we will consider all the characteristics of orthopedic mattresses, talk about popular manufacturers, talk about stuffing and stiffness. After reading this material, you will receive all the necessary knowledge and be able to go shopping.

Choosing the size of an orthopedic mattress

An excellent option would be to buy a mattress and a bed in the same store - this way you can most accurately match the products to each other.

Mattress thickness

Let's talk about the third characteristic - about the thickness. After all, the degree of comfort depends on the thickness of the mattress. The thinnest mattresses, 5-9 cm thick, are designed for small children under the age of three. The maximum height should not exceed 10 cm. On such a mattress, the child will be very comfortable and comfortable.

When the child is seven years old, he should sleep on a mattress that is at least 11 cm high. This is quite enough to ensure comfortable sleep and rest. Such a mattress will support the child's spine well, contributing to its proper formation. The use of thinner mattresses at this age is unacceptable.

Mattresses for adults

An adult needs a more solid mattress, at least 15-16 cm thick. Most springless orthopedic mattresses can boast of this thickness. As for models with independent spring blocks, their minimum thickness is 18 cm. The highest mattresses reach a height of 40 cm - These are elite models with multi-layer padding and increased comfort.. As for standard orthopedic mattresses, models from 15 to 25 cm thick are most widely used.

Focus on weight

Choosing a mattress, you need to focus not only on age, but also on weight. Overweight people are advised to sleep on higher mattresses - so they can feel comfortable. As for people with low weight, they can choose inexpensive thin mattresses for themselves. This choice is due to the fact that the pressure on the surface of a thin person is quite small, so buying a thick mattress will be a waste of money.

The thinnest mattresses, only a few centimeters thick, cannot be called independent products - they are designed to level and improve other surfaces. For example, they can be used to level the surface of the sofa and make it more comfortable for sleeping.

Choose the firmness of the mattress

The next parameter is the firmness of the mattress. Our comfort and our well-being depend on it. In most cases, thin mattresses only harm our health. They cannot provide normal support for the spine and create good conditions for a comfortable night's rest. The best choice would be mattresses of medium hardness.

As for the hardest mattresses, then they are recommended for osteochondrosis and spinal hernia. They are made from dense fillers, such as coconut coir or reinforced polyurethane foam. The surface is hard and not very comfortable, but in the presence of diseases of the spine, it provides reliable support for damaged and diseased areas.

Low hardness

There are five main gradations of hardness:

  • Low;
  • Below average;
  • Medium;
  • Above average;
  • High.

Mattresses of low rigidity are made of natural latex, foam rubber or cotton wool. They are suitable for people with low weight or as a temporary surface for sleeping. And if natural latex still has orthopedic properties, then foam rubber and cotton wool do not have them - healthy people with average weight are not recommended to sleep on foam rubber and cotton mattresses.

Medium hardness

Mattresses of medium hardness are made of composite stuffings, polyurethane foam, artificial latex, strut fiber and many other materials. Such mattresses have pronounced orthopedic properties and are in great demand. Mattresses with independent spring blocks fall into the same category (however, they can have different stiffness).

High rigidity

High-stiffness mattresses are made from coconut fiber and other hard stuffings, such as strutofiber and composite materials. Most often they are positioned as medicinal, but nothing prevents healthy people from sleeping on hard mattresses. The exception is people over the age of 50 - they are not recommended to sleep on hard surfaces.

As for other criteria of rigidity, they are intermediate. You can specify the stiffness of the mattress in its passport data - it also indicates the maximum weight that the selected mattress can withstand. By the way, it is on the weight of a person that his choice depends - thin people can sleep on soft surfaces, and overweight people are advised to purchase a more rigid model.

Spring orthopedic mattresses

Which mattress is better to choose - spring or springless? In order to answer this question, let's look at the differences between both varieties.

Classic spring mattresses

Spring mattresses are divided into two broad categories - these are classic spring mattresses and mattresses with independent spring blocks. Classical models were born more than a hundred years ago. Inside them are springs connected to each other, providing support for the surface and the person sleeping on it. Such mattresses do not have any orthopedic properties., since the springs are interconnected here - when one spring sags, the surrounding ones also sag.

The lack of orthopedic properties leads to curvature and damage to the spine - remember this if you like to sleep on soft springy mattresses.

To top it all, spring mattresses have another important drawback - over time, they begin to creak like hell. The springs are constantly wearing out and rubbing against each other. After a few years of operation, the junctions of the springs begin to creak mercilessly. The creaking is so strong that it interferes with the sleep of other people in the room.

Not without pronounced advantages - this is the affordable cost of a spring mattress. The springs are quite cheap, there are no expensive packings inside, so the prices are very low. On this list of advantages can be completed, since there are almost none. And here is a more detailed list of advantages and disadvantages:


  • Reliability - spring mattresses easily endure serious loads and children's games;
  • Affordable cost - these are the cheapest mattresses.


  • Lack of orthopedic properties - frequent sleep on such mattresses it can cause discomfort and diseases of the spine;
  • Accumulation of dust - acting like bellows, spring mattresses accumulate inside a lot of dust, allergens and microorganisms;
  • Creakiness - if the mattress began to creak, then this process cannot be stopped. At the same time, he will easily serve another 15-20 years, harassing everyone with his creak.

Mattresses with independent spring blocks

The choice of an orthopedic mattress can begin with an examination of rather unusual models - these are mattresses with independent spring blocks. They have a simple but flawless design. In them, each spring moves separately, in its own case, without touching other springs. Both sides are additionally padded with some material. The result is a reliable and durable mattress with excellent orthopedic properties.

On one square meter in good mattresses with independent springs, there are up to 200-300 springs. Thanks to this, these mattresses take the shape of the body of a person lying on top and provide decent support for the spine in almost any position. If we compress several spring blocks, then the surrounding springs will remain uncompressed.

Mattresses with independent spring blocks are aimed at people of all ages. Their firmness level varies at medium marks, so they are suitable for a wide range of faces. Experts recommend them for use from the age of 12. Independent springs do not creak, have a decent level of strength, withstand a fairly large weight of a sleeping person. Therefore, such mattresses are in good demand. Here is a list of their advantages and disadvantages:


  • The presence of orthopedic properties - on such mattresses you can sleep as much as you like without feeling discomfort. They support the back well and follow the shape of the body well, bending only where necessary;
  • Reliability - of course, mattresses with independent springs are less durable than classic spring mattresses, but thanks to the carefully selected spring material, they can withstand even the crazy games of children;
  • High level of comfort - orthopedic mattresses with independent spring blocks are very comfortable.


  • High cost - perhaps this is the only significant drawback of orthopedic mattresses with independent spring blocks.

We draw intermediate conclusions - mattresses with independent springs have pronounced orthopedic properties and are the best option when choosing a good mattress. But ahead of us are also springless models with good characteristics.

Springless orthopedic mattresses

In order to choose the right orthopedic mattress, you need to carefully read the springless models. Depending on the stuffing material, they can be soft, hard, medium hard and many others. Their design is devoid of springs, so they are absolutely silent and have high strength. Let's look at them in more detail, after which we will move on to fillers.


Springless orthopedic mattresses are made of foam rubber, wadding, polyurethane foam, struttofiber, latex, sea grass, horsehair, coconut fiber and many other materials. The first two fillers, which are cotton wool and foam rubber, are excluded from the materials under consideration, since they do not have orthopedic properties. As for other stuffings, they allow you to create excellent sleeping surfaces.

The absence of springs makes these mattresses extremely hardy. They are able to withstand heavy loads, children can play on them, you can even jump on them - the stuffing will not suffer. The exception is coconut coir mattresses - its plates can burst and crumble, especially if the manufacturer used needle-punched fiber.

Single layer and multilayer

Springless orthopedic mattresses can be single-layer and multi-layer. Single-layer models are made of one material, for example, polyurethane foam. As for multilayer models, there are several packings at once, for example, latex, polyurethane foam and coconut coir. Thanks to this, manufacturers can create mattresses with different properties.

Springless mattresses can also be made from composite materials. A typical example is a struttofiber mattress, the fibers of which are woven with goat fur. As a result, we get an excellent mattress that retains heat well - suitable for lovers of warm mattresses. But the same structure, only with flax, allows you to create "cold mattresses" that practically do not heat up from human heat.

Memory materials

Some springless mattresses are made from Memory Foam material (memorix, memoryform, etc.). This padding has a foam structure, and due to its properties, it precisely adapts to the human body, taking its shape. The packing does not exert reciprocal pressure, as it can bend under the influence of human heat and load - the mattress acquires a shape corresponding to the pressure contour of the person lying on it. Getting up from a memory foam mattress, we can see how it begins to restore its shape, spending several minutes on it.

Memory Foam springless mattresses create excellent conditions for a comfortable stay. This is really the latest development, but not everyone likes it, because when the air temperature in the room is too low, the stuffing material becomes very hard.

Now let's look at the general advantages and disadvantages of springless mattresses:


  • Long service life - there is nothing to break here, so springless orthopedic mattresses last a very long time;
  • Excellent orthopedic properties - mattresses provide good back support and follow the shape of the body;
  • Wide range of firmness - springless mattresses can be soft and very hard.


  • The high cost of individual models - some springless mattresses are really very expensive, as they are made from expensive materials (natural latex, coconut fiber, memory materials);
  • Lack of softness - some spring mattresses are much softer than their springless counterparts.

How to choose the right orthopedic mattress, focusing on the stuffing materials? It is necessary to pay attention to the rigidity of the material and the comfort of the mattress itself - it would be nice if the store had the opportunity to test individual models.

Which filler do you prefer?

In order to choose the right orthopedic mattress for the bed, you need to understand the fillers. There are a lot of them, so in our review we will only touch on the most popular of them.

Mattresses filled with cotton, fluff or cheap foam rubber should be avoided - despite the convenience, they are devoid of orthopedic properties. In addition, cotton wool tends to roll into lumps.

This material is the most common. In fact, this is the same foam rubber, only with increased level stiffness. On the basis of polyurethane foam with additives, inexpensive orthopedic mattresses are made, which boast good characteristics. This material has a long service life., is able to withstand heavy loads, but is distinguished by the presence of a number of critical shortcomings.

In addition, some experts consider polyurethane foam mattresses to be harmful. According to them, this material releases dangerous volatile components into the air. But this information is not considered reliable, so polyurethane foam is still the most popular material for stuffing mattresses.


  • Cheapness - based on polyurethane foam, the most inexpensive mattresses are made available to a wide variety of segments of the population;
  • Withstands heavy loads - children can safely jump on polyurethane foam mattresses;
  • Good orthopedic properties - mattresses made of this material are recommended for those who want to take care of their health.


  • Pronounced absorbent properties - since polyurethane foam is a porous material in its structure, it absorbs moisture too well. At the same time, it is very difficult to remove it;
  • Difficult to clean - the same absorbent properties make polyurethane foam mattresses difficult to clean.

Natural latex is made from hevea sap, which is processed and foamed. As a result, a material with orthopedic properties is born. Latex supports the spine well and takes the shape of the body. At the same time, it can be soft or hard - the range of rigidity is quite wide. This material does not cause allergies, it is able to easily get rid of moisture, has endurance.

Latex mattresses have become widespread. Not only children sleep on them, but also adults. The porous structure of the material allows it to withstand a lot of weight, and the use of additional materials makes it possible to significantly increase the rigidity. By the way, artificial latex is tougher than its natural counterpart, and cheaper.


  • Pronounced orthopedic properties - latex mattresses follow the shape of the body well and create comfortable conditions for sleep. They are also recommended for people suffering from various diseases spine;
  • A wide range of hardness - from soft to semi-hard, for every taste;
  • An excellent combination of softness and orthopedic properties - we can sleep on a soft, but at the same time safe base for the spine.


  • High cost - latex mattresses are really more expensive than their counterparts from other materials;
  • Fragility - this statement is true for artificial latex mattresses. Over time, this material dries out and becomes brittle.

Behind the creepy name lies a material with excellent properties. Struttofiber has a decent level of elasticity, does not burn, is well ventilated, it is able to quickly get rid of moisture, and does not cause allergies. In addition, this material is not susceptible to deformation - it restores its shape almost instantly.

The struttofiber structure is quite original - the fibers in this material are arranged vertically, which provides it with excellent properties. Additional fibers can be mixed with the main fibers - flax, horsehair, goat hair and much more. In addition, struttofiber is often combined with other fillers, for example, blocks of independent springs or polyurethane foam.


  • With the help of struttofaiber, you can create mattresses of almost any degree of hardness - from medium to high;
  • Pronounced orthopedic properties - this material is actively used for the production of orthopedic mattresses;
  • An increased level of strength and reliability - thanks to this, mattresses made of struttofiber have a long service life.


  • The high cost of the material - you need to pay good money for high quality.

Coconut fiber (coir)

In conclusion, let's talk about coconut fiber. This is a fairly rigid material, actively used for the production of orthopedic mattresses for children and adults. Coconut fiber does not rot, prevents the spread of bacteria, does not cause allergies, is well ventilated and does not retain moisture, has pronounced orthopedic properties.

Coconut mattresses are most often composite - in addition to coconut fiber, there are other fillers inside, for example, polyurethane foam or latex. The layers of padding alternate, so that mattresses with unsurpassed characteristics are born.


  • Excellent performance characteristics- coconut fiber does not rot when exposed to moisture and is not a source of allergens, well ventilated, provides proper back support;
  • Pronounced orthopedic properties - the hard surface has medicinal properties and is recommended for many diseases of the spine. Also coconut mattresses used for sleeping children up to three years;
  • High environmental friendliness - coconut fiber does not emit any harmful components into the air.


  • The only pronounced disadvantage of coconut fiber is its high cost, which is associated with the complexity of the production of the material.

Mattresses with coconut fiber have increased fragility, so when using them, you need to be careful and not exert impact on them.

Popular manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses

How to choose an orthopedic mattress for a bed, focusing on trademark? To do this, you will certainly need knowledge about the leading manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses.

This is one of newest companies engaged in the manufacture of orthopedic mattresses and bases. Production is carried out from environmentally friendly materials, and the properties of the packings are studied in Comfort Line's own laboratories. All mattresses come with a 3 year warranty. The product range includes both inexpensive mattresses and premium products.


  • Wide the lineup- the company produces orthopedic mattresses for adults, mattress covers, as well as children's mattresses;
  • There is a delivery service - the purchased products are delivered to all big cities Russia.


  • Points of sale are not represented in all cities - comments are unnecessary here.

Consul holding has been operating in Russia for a long time. It is one of the leading manufacturers of orthopedic mattresses. The company's clients are not only ordinary people but also music and movie stars. Orthopedic Consul mattresses are made from environmentally friendly materials and are subjected to rigorous testing. All products are protected from the effects of bacteria with the help of probiotics.

The range of manufactured products is impressive - the Consul holding manufactures not only orthopedic mattresses, but also sleep accessories. Also on the list are orthopedic bases and beds.


  • A very large selection of products - customers can purchase not only mattresses, but also comfortable beds;
  • Long warranty - this is an additional recommendation for choosing Consul mattresses;
  • Delivery of mattresses throughout Russia - every resident of the country can become a client of the company;
  • Usage innovative technologies in the production of mattresses - thanks to this, excellent operational properties finished products.


  • Poor quality of service - this is evidenced by the analysis of user reviews posted on the Internet.

Ascona works on Russian market over 25 years. Its range includes orthopedic mattresses, beds, pillows, bases, sofas, living rooms, wardrobes, sofas, additional sleep accessories and much more. For the production of mattresses, dozens of fillers are used, and careful study of each model allows you to feel the special comfort of sleeping on Ascona mattresses.

The brand is being promoted quite actively, so Ascona mattresses can be purchased anywhere, including in the smallest Russian cities. If you do not know which orthopedic mattress is best to choose for daily sleep, feel free to choose a mattress from this brand. By the way, in the company's stores you can lie on mattresses and evaluate their comfort.


  • Wide distribution of the brand - Ascona mattresses can be purchased anywhere in Russia;
  • Large selection of products - in addition to orthopedic mattresses, numerous accessories for sleep are on sale;
  • Excellent product quality - all orthopedic mattresses from this brand are tested in our own laboratories.


  • High prices for some orthopedic mattresses - if you want to sleep on a good mattress, then you need to put up with it.

A notable advantage of this manufacturer is the availability of special medical mattresses in the assortment, aimed at people with various diseases of the spine.