Gas meters and coefficient temperature coefficient: in Vladimir and other Russian cities, a new line appeared in gas bills. What is this "coefficient" and where did it come from? Temperature coefficients when calculating the payment for gas by the meter: what is it

  • 21.11.2020

Temperature coefficients for normalizing the volume of gas when measured by meters without temperature compensation installed outdoors.

The volume of gas supplied to the population, public utilities and industrial enterprises in accordance with GOST 2939-63 must be brought to standard conditions (gas temperature 20ºС, pressure 760 mm Hg, humidity 0%) using correction factors calculated according to the methods or automatically, when help of proofreaders.

The use of a correction factor to bring to standard conditions the volumes of gas that have passed through membrane (diaphragm) meters without temperature compensation follows from a number of legislative acts and metrology rules.

In accordance with Article 18 of the Federal Law of March 31, 1999 No. 69-FZ “On Gas Supply in the Russian Federation”, gas is supplied on the basis of an agreement between the supplier and the consumer, regardless of ownership, in accordance with civil law and the rules for supply and distribution approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. gas use in the Russian Federation. In order to fulfill this requirement, clause 4.3 has been introduced into the gas supply agreement with the population, which provides for the reduction of gas volumes to standard conditions.

In accordance with article 5, paragraph 1 of the Federal Law of 26.06.2008. No. 102-FZ "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements", gas volume measurements must be carried out in accordance with duly certified methods. In pursuance of the Federal Law, FSUE VNIIMS, Moscow, in 2005, developed MI 2721-2005 "Typical method for performing measurements by membrane gas meters without temperature compensation" and in pursuance of this method, the computer program "Correction of gas volume measurements", which calculates the correction factor to reduce to standard conditions of gas volumes passing through the meter. This program "Correction of gas volume measurements" was developed specifically for use on the territory of the Stavropol Territory, taking into account its specifics, and the calculation of correction factors, in accordance with the methodology of MI 2721-2005, is carried out for climatic territories on a monthly basis according to monthly average values ​​of air temperature and barometric pressure, provided by ANO "North Caucasian Meteorological Agency" for the year preceding the settlement year. The Stavropol Territory is divided into 5 zones, characterized by the height of the location above sea level. (Zone 1 = from 0÷200 m, Zone 2 = from 200÷400m, Zone 3 = 400÷600 m, Zone 4 = 600÷800 m, Zone 5 = 800÷1000 m Inside the zones, a monthly correction factor is set for meters located outside the premises.

On July 21, 2008, the Government of the Russian Federation adopted Decree No. 549 “On the procedure for supplying gas to meet household needs of citizens”, where in the section “Basic rules for accounting for supplied gas, determining the volume of gas consumed and calculating the amount of gas payment”, paragraph 26 establishes: “The volume of gas consumed according to the readings of a gas meter that does not have temperature compensation is determined as the difference in the readings of a gas meter at the beginning and end of the reporting period, multiplied by the temperature coefficient (factor of reduction to standard conditions) approved for such types of gas meters Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology".

The Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology for settlements with consumers in the Stavropol Territory approves the coefficients for reducing to standard conditions the volumes of gas that have passed through meters without temperature compensation in 5 zones of the Stavropol Territory for the 1st and 2nd half of the current year, which are sent to Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Stavropol LLC .

Gas / Gas meters

The more we are obliged to install metering devices, the more questions and problems arise from ordinary citizens. In Vladimir, for example, since March, a new line has appeared in gas receipts - “temperature coefficient”. What is it and why do we have to pay extra money for gas? The editors of the publication Arguments and Facts in Vladimir understood this.

Temperature coefficient and gas meters: where does it come from?

Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Vladimir began to apply special coefficients from March. Subscribers whose meters do not have a temperature corrector and who are installed in unheated premises or on the street received payment orders in which a new column appeared - "Temperature Coefficient". Where did he come from?

All physical substances, including gas, tend to contract and expand depending on the ambient temperature. If the gas passed through the meter without temperature compensation, provided that the outside temperature deviates from the prescribed 20 degrees, then it changes its physical characteristics.

And since the gas consists of hydrocarbons, it expands and contracts by 3.5% for every 10 degrees. And the same newly introduced temperature coefficient just makes it possible to compensate for the volume of consumed gas.

So the coefficient is not an invention of the Vladimir "gas workers", it is a legislative requirement from above, it is calculated and approved by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

When calculating the coefficient, the average monthly ambient air temperature in the region for the last 3 years is taken into account, so it can vary from month to month. All weather information is provided by the Department of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring.

Thus, subscribers - quite legally - received payments for March, in which a new column appeared - "Temperature Coefficient". By the way, in that month it was equal to 1.1%. To determine the exact figure, it was necessary to increase their gas volumes by 10%. Only who clearly and intelligibly told consumers about this? Accordingly, only a few did this - almost 100% of subscribers ignored the new requirements, so in April they are waiting for receipts with a debt.

Is it possible to put a gas meter so that it immediately takes into account the temperature?

In general, there are 2 types of meters - with and without temperature correction. The only difference is that the first option is equipped with a special tool that brings the volume of gas to standard conditions - 20 degrees Celsius and 760 mm of mercury.

In total, 566.5 thousand subscribers consume gas in the Vladimir region. Of these, 190 thousand installed meters and most of them (172 thousand) installed them without a temperature corrector. More than 14,000 families in the region have such counters on the street.

And those who have the second version of the meter and it stands on the street have 2 options: either apply the temperature coefficient each time when calculating the volume of gas, or remove the meter into the house or change it to a new one - with a temperature corrector. But is the game worth the candle? Experts are sure not. After all, a new counter costs twice as much - about three thousand. And this is if you do not take into account the installation - and it also costs money.

Gas meters and temperature coefficient: expert comment

Svetlana Gorelova, Deputy General Director for Economics and Finance, Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Vladimir:

- The right to apply the temperature coefficient was established back in 2008. Vladimir begins to introduce new norms only from January 1, 2014, and such a column appeared in receipts only in March. But, because in the first two months of the year we carried out explanatory work, there will be no recalculation for January and February.

For the inhabitants of the Volgograd region, especially the inhabitants of private houses, gas is the same essential product as bread or, say, water. Without affordable and environmentally friendly fuel, many simply cannot imagine their existence.

Accordingly, fluctuations in the cost of natural gas in one direction or another cannot but affect the daily life of people. Therefore, it is not surprising that the appearance at one time of the so-called "temperature coefficient for gas calculations by meters without temperature compensation" gave rise to a lot of lawsuits and complaints in all instances. It turned out that in the cold season, the application of the coefficient automatically increased the volume of gas consumed, and hence the amount of payments for it.

In 2006, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23 N 307 "On the procedure for providing public services to citizens" was adopted. This document approved the Rules for the provision of public services, which finally spelled out the use of temperature coefficients when calculating with household consumers.

In general, it turns out that the legislator actually acknowledged the fact that it was not quite legally applied to the population before the decision was issued. On the other hand, there were and still are a number of regulations that asserted the need to take into account the volume of gas brought to standard conditions using this same coefficient in calculations.

Where is the truth? And how fairly and reasonably are temperature coefficients applied now? We decided to get answers to these and other questions from all interested parties from among the competent ones.

Cases of past years, not closed today

The use of the gas coefficient before 2007, when the new Rules for the provision of public services were approved, in our opinion, was clearly illegal, - Z.G. Shukh, Head of the Consumer Rights Protection Department of the Administration of the Volgograd Region. - Since 2004, we have received a stream of complaints and requests about the temperature coefficient. We prepared a statement of claim to the court in defense of an indefinite circle of persons as a methodological recommendation, which was then sent to all heads of municipalities. And local consumer protection authorities, except, perhaps, the relevant structures of the city of Volgograd, initiated the process of defending the rights of our citizens in court.

However, the court system of the Volgograd region did not support the demands of consumers and consumer protection authorities. As a result, there was an appeal to the Supreme Court on the suit of the Elan Committee for the Protection of Consumer Rights. And so the judge of the Supreme Court issued a ruling dated January 30, 2007, on the transfer of the case to the presidium of the Volgograd Regional Court for re-examination of the case in connection, I quote, "with a significant violation of the norms of procedural and substantive law." The presidium of the regional court supported the consumer, and the case was sent to the district court for a new trial. Now there is another task - to return the money overpaid by the coefficient by the court.

Gas workers have their own reasons. Here is the official comment given to us by the press service of Volgogradregiongaz LLC. “The Volgograd Region was among the first in Russia to introduce the practice of applying a correction factor in order to bring the volume of gas consumed by subscribers to standard conditions. This gave rise to questions among the population, which resulted in a number of lawsuits. Out of more than 30 litigations that touched upon the legality of applying the correction temperature coefficient in settlements with consumers, Volgogradregiongaz LLC won everything.

The decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated January 10, 2007, which is often referred to by specialists from consumer protection departments, does not contain words that the use of a correction temperature coefficient is contrary to current legislation. By the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated January 10, 2007, the case on the appeal of the district committee for the protection of consumer rights of the Elansky district of the Volgograd region to consider the legality of applying the correction temperature coefficient in settlements with domestic gas consumers was sent for consideration on the merits to the presidium of the Volgograd regional court. In turn, the Volgograd Regional Court decided to return the case for consideration to the Yelansky District Court, which has not yet issued its judicial decision. This means that there is no final court decision in this case, which means that all statements regarding one or another of its outcomes are, to put it mildly, premature.

As for the application of the coefficients, according to the gas industry, the legal framework for their application is extensive and beyond doubt. Firstly, these are the Gas Accounting Rules approved by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy on November 15, 1996. This list also includes GOST 2939-63 “Gases. Conditions for determining the volume. The Law of the Russian Federation "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements" dated April 27, 1993 N 4871-1 refers state standards to regulatory documents to ensure the uniformity of measurements.

“According to Art. 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”, the All-Russian Research Institute of the Metrological Service of the State Standard of Russia (FSUE “VNIIMS”) in 2002, in agreement with JSC Rosgazifikatsiya, developed, certified and approved the “Typical Method for Performing Measurements with Membrane Gas Meters without Temperature compensation” (MI 2721-2002). FSUE "VNIIMS" confirmed the correctness of the results of the calculations related to measuring the amount of gas consumed in the Volgograd region. The authorized state body in the field of gas metering - the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology (formerly the State Standard of the Russian Federation) - by letter N 120 / 25-544 dated February 08, 2005, explained that the introduction of correction factors for membrane gas meters according to MI 2721 is based on Law of the Russian Federation "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements".

So what did the Supreme Court say?

There is a proverb: "How many lawyers, so many opinions." Having familiarized myself with the decision of the Presidium of the Volgograd Regional Court dated February 26, 2007, adopted after the decision of the Supreme Court on the consideration of a supervisory appeal against the decision of the Yelansky District Court dated November 2, 2005, I personally understood that the case was returned for re-examination to the district court with a rather categorical wording.

The resolution, in particular, reads: “Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation provides that the rules for the provision of public services to citizens are established by the government of the Russian Federation. Such rules in relation to this case were the Rules for payment to citizens of housing and utilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 N 392.

... The indicated rules did not grant the right to resource supply enterprises to introduce correction factors for the readings of meters that did not have correction for temperature and pressure. Clause 2.5 of the Rules for Metering Gas, approved by the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Russia on October 14, 1996, to which the courts referred in approving the right of OAO Volgogradregiongaz to independently establish correction factors for the readings of meters that do not have a special correction device, provides that the measurement and accounting of the amount of gas are carried out according to methods certified in the prescribed manner. Meanwhile, these Rules, as can be seen from the introductory part, gas consumers are legal entities that use gas as fuel or raw material.

... For the first time, the use in settlements between the gas supply service provider and household consumers for gas using temperature coefficients in the case of the consumer using gas metering devices without temperature compensation was introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 307 "On the procedure for providing utility services to citizens" ... When In such circumstances, judicial decisions cannot be recognized as lawful and justified, and they are subject to cancellation.

This is how, quite unambiguously, the definition of the presidium of the regional court sounds. It should be noted that in this case, in the motivational part, it practically repeats the ruling of the Supreme Court word for word. The decision of the Elansky court was canceled by the decision of the presidium and returned for a new consideration.

It is clear that this whole situation from the point of view of the laws of economics looks a little strange. Gas companies receive fuel from suppliers using a temperature coefficient, and deliver it to legal entities under the same conditions. Individuals, that is, ordinary citizens, fell out of this order. It turns out that our legal gaps are plugged up by the nerves of consumers and the possible losses of gas supply organizations. And again, how transparent is the very procedure for determining tariffs, is their methodology correct?

The ratio is approved. Long live the ratio?

We decided to ask the specialist responsible for the unity of all measurements in the Volgograd region, the deputy head of the Federal State Institution "Volgograd Center for Standardization and Metrology", chief metrologist V. V. MALYUK, how the coefficients are now determined in the region.

Valery Vasilyevich, tell us a little about the history of the issue.

I want to note right away that I can only cover its technical side. In the current GOST 2939 “Gases. Conditions for determining the volume” indicates that when calculating for the consumed gas, the volume of gas reduced to normal (standard) conditions is used. As a metrologist, I can say that natural gas is a highly compressible substance, has a high coefficient of thermal expansion, that is, its volume significantly depends on pressure and temperature.

Accounting for the volume of gas consumed is carried out using meters. Some of their types have so-called temperature compensation devices that automatically recalculate the volume of gas, bringing it to normal conditions. However, the cost of such devices is comparable to the price of the household meter itself, and therefore they have not received wide distribution among private homeowners. This necessitated the use of coefficients for meters without compensation.

The country simply did not have a document for a long time that would define uniform rules for recalculation. Therefore, in 2002, the recommendations MI 2721-2002 were approved, developed and approved by the All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service (VNIIMS), the head of the standardization and metrology system. They also included the "Typical Method for Performing Measurements with Membrane Gas Meters without Temperature Compensation".

This technique was the first in Russia. It is natural that, as the first such experience, she could not take into account all the nuances. First of all, the temperature zoning of Russian regions, some of which can accommodate several European states. In addition, it did not indicate what to do if the meter is located in a residential area, the temperature in which is clearly different from the conditions in the open air. In addition, in fact, "Methodology" was only a technical document. In Russian legislation, it was not spelled out who, what authority approves the temperature coefficients for a particular region. As a result, as you know, there was a lot of controversy. And not only in our area.

So what changes have taken place?

In 2005, a new document was developed and adopted - recommendations MI 2721-2005. First of all, in the new standard method, it was determined that the temperature coefficient for a membrane meter without compensation installed in a heated room is equal to one - that is, what volume of gas is measured by the meter, and this is payable.

By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 307, the “Rules for the provision of public services to citizens” were adopted. In them, in Chapter XII "Peculiarities of gas supply to consumers through the connected network", in paragraph 94, it was clearly stated that the approval of temperature coefficients in the case of the use by the consumer of gas metering devices without temperature compensation should be carried out by the federal executive body, which performs the functions of control and supervision in the field of technical regulation and metrology. In turn, the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, issued Order N 3145 dated November 8, 2006, which, from January 1, 2007, established the procedure for approving temperature coefficients in gas calculations using metering devices without temperature compensation and special instruction.

In short, as before, the calculation of the coefficients is carried out by the gas supply organization. She sends her calculations to VNIIMS, at the same time applying to them certified data from the meteorological service for a certain period for the selected climatic zones of the region. According to the instructions, calculations are carried out for each half of the current year based on the temperature and pressure of the previous year. The Institute checks the correctness of the calculations and submits them for approval to the deputy head of the federal agency.

In addition, by Order No. 3145, FSUE VNIIMS was instructed to continue work on developing a methodology for calculating coefficients for metering devices located indoors.

- ... It turns out that in the current methodology (from 2005) certain shortcomings were revealed?

We received a number of appeals from citizens and departments for the protection of consumer rights of administrations of municipal districts. All of them unanimously speak about one thing: the main drawback of this technique is that the calculation of temperature coefficients for the current year is based on the data of the previous year. And in this warm winter, there is a coefficient calculated on the average temperature of January-February last year, when frosts reached 35 degrees, which is completely atypical for our region. In turn, a warm winter according to this method will cause the calculation of coefficients not in favor of gas companies. So, for the balance of interests, it would be much more correct, in my opinion, if averaged data for some longer observation period, say, three to five years, were used.

Unfortunately, our center is not authorized to take part in the calculations and approval of the coefficients, however, we could not ignore the numerous requests addressed to us by interested organizations and citizens. We sent proposals to VNIIMS on the use of temperature coefficients. I think, taking into account the accumulated experience, metrological scientists will make a balanced and reasoned decision.

In general, dear readers, the use of gas coefficients has been legalized in all conceivable instances since this year. And on their application, before the appearance of new communal rules in May 2006, litigation takes place, which will decide what to do with claims in this or that case. The development of a methodology for gas meters without temperature compensation, located indoors, will also continue. Is it preparing something for consumers?.. The question remains: how transparent and open for the inhabitants of the region will be the new procedure for developing and approving coefficients? To be continued?

Dmitry Sokhin

Recently, many questions have been heard from gas consumers at the subscriber sites of Ulyanovskregiongaz LLC. People do not understand why they counted one amount on the meter, but they need to pay another. The press service of Ulyanovskregiongaz LLC explains this situation.

Since January 1, 2007, correction temperature coefficients have been introduced, which are used in calculations for those consumers whose gas meters are located outside the premises. This decision was made on the basis of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 23.05.06. No. 307 "On the procedure for the provision of public services to citizens." In this resolution, in paragraph 94, it is prescribed in the case of the use by the consumer of gas metering devices without temperature compensation, the readings of these devices in the calculations for gas should be used using temperature coefficients.

The issue of this resolution is due to the fact that the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation has set prices for a volume unit of gas measurement (m3) under normal (standard) conditions, which are determined as follows: temperature - +20; pressure - 760 mm Hg. Art.; humidity - 0. That is, only under these conditions, the volume of gas received corresponds to the meter readings. Gas is a compressible medium, and its volume varies with temperature, and devices that do not have temperature compensation do not take this into account. As a result, more gas is consumed than the devices record.

The correction factors were approved by the federal executive body - the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology - and entered into force on January 1, 2007 (Order No. 3145 of November 8, 2006). They will be approved 2 times a year, that is, every six months.

For 2007 they look like this:

Month Coefficient values ​​for outdoor meters

So, how to apply correction factors when calculating for gas?

For example, in January:

current readings: 100 cu. m;

previous readings: 90 cu. m;

difference: 10 cu. m

Calculation of the cost of consumed gas per month:

difference (consumed volume of gas per month) X monthly coefficient X price of 1 cu. m of gas = 10 cubic meters. m X 1.17 X 1.55 rubles / 1m3 = 18 rubles 13 kop.

TOTAL payable for 10 cu. m of gas in January 18 rubles 13 kopecks.

In order to avoid the application of a correction factor, a temperature-corrected gas meter can be installed.

And one more important point: disconnection from gas supply due to debts for gas.

The application of this extreme measure is provided for by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 307 “On the Procedure for Providing Public Services to Citizens”. According to the resolution, gas services have the right to suspend or limit the supply of blue fuel to those consumers whose debt exceeded six monthly gas payments.

The total debt of such consumers in the Ulyanovsk region is more than 150 million rubles.

Previously, malicious non-payers were sent warnings about a possible shutdown of gas. Of the 5,728 subscribers who received such warnings, 1,443 repaid the debt in part or in full. The rest of the gas supply will be stopped by disconnecting the gas equipment from the general gas supply system. The resumption of the service will be possible only after paying off the debt and paying for the services of the gas service for connecting the consumer in the amount of 506.9 rubles.

These are tough measures. But nothing else is given. Ulyanovskregiongaz is obliged to regularly pay taxes to the budgets of all levels, to cover the costs of gas production and transportation enterprises. It is impossible to do this without regular payments.

If you still have questions, it is best to contact the nearest services of Ulyanovskregiongaz LLC, where our employees will explain everything in more detail.

Press service

Ulyanovskregiongaz LLC

Ulyanovskoblgaz LLC

Gas / Gas meters

What is the temperature coefficient for gas metering? Where does it come from and how is it applied? Such questions often come to us at We are publishing explanations from Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Saratov on this topic.

Where does the temperature coefficient for a gas meter come from?

Question: The gas meter is located on the street. At one time, the work was carried out by specialists from Gorgaz, all the documents are available. The technical characteristics of the meter indicate that it can operate at temperatures from -40 to +40, however, a calculation coefficient of 1.06 has been introduced. Explain where this figure came from and on what basis it was introduced into the calculation scheme?

Answer of a specialist from Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Saratov: In accordance with paragraph 26 of the Rules for the supply of gas to meet the domestic needs of citizens, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 21.07.2008. No. 549, the volume of gas consumed according to the readings of a gas meter that does not have temperature compensation is determined as the difference in the readings of a gas meter at the beginning and end of the reporting period, multiplied by the temperature coefficient (factor of reduction to standard conditions) approved for such types of gas meters Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology.

Thus, when determining the amount of payment for consumed natural gas, the readings of the gas consumption meter for the billing month, in order to bring the volume of gas to standard conditions, are multiplied by the appropriate coefficient, and then by the retail price approved by the State Tariff Regulation Committee of the Saratov Region.

In accordance with the technical characteristics specified in the passport of the household gas meter, the temperature parameters of the measured and the environment are set, for example, for the gas flow meter SGK-G4 from - 20 ° С to + 60 ° С.

This means that the gas meter can be operated within the range determined in accordance with the technical specifications. In your case, the device can operate at temperatures from -40 to +40.

The State Committee for Standards, Measures and Measuring Instruments of the USSR approved State Standard No. 2939-63 “Gases. Conditions for determining the volume. This standard applies to gases and establishes conditions for determining their volume in mutual settlements with consumers. Regardless of what technical characteristics your gas meter has, the volume of gas must be reduced to the following condition - gas temperature +20 ° C. In connection with a change in the temperature of the external environment, a change in the volume of gas occurs.

To bring the volume of gas to standard conditions when measuring by meters without temperature compensation, installed outdoors, temperature coefficients are used for settlements with consumers in the Saratov region.