Is it possible to wash the coconut mattress from the stroller. Mattress washing rules depending on the type

  • 28.05.2019

Coconut filler mattress with foam rubber is widely used for cribs. Therefore, it is quite logical that it is subject to such types of pollution as urine, blood, food stains, which are quite difficult to remove. In addition to this problem, the housewives do not know if its filler can be washed. How to wash a coconut mattress correctly, and what means to use to clean it, learn from the article. Although it is inexpensive, but still I want it to serve longer. To do this, you must follow the rules for its operation.

Using a mattress correctly

It belongs to the type orthopedic mattresses. The filler inside is coconut fibers, which in itself already speaks of its strength. However, you should not believe those manufacturers who say in a voice that such mattresses are able to withstand any mechanical stress, including jumps and bumps during improper transportation. As a rule, the seller gives such recommendations if the coconut fibers are bonded with synthetic adhesive solutions. It is quite clear that there can be no talk of any ecological cleanliness in this scenario.

It is better to make it a rule to follow some principles for the operation of a coconut-filled mattress. Here they are:

  • compliance with the temperature regime in the room in the range from ten to forty degrees and the maximum air humidity value of eighty-five percent;
  • to protect against different kind liquids, it makes sense to use an external hygienic mattress cover;
  • you can not put such material on excessively hard and embossed surfaces like folding beds, a sofa, a floor. Better buy wooden frame, which will enhance the orthopedic effect;
  • the dimensions of the product must fully fit the size of the baby's crib;
  • from time to time it is worth airing the filler;
  • do not forget to vacuum the product in order to get rid of dust, small contaminants.

As stains appear, get rid of them immediately, if possible. Find out how to wash your coconut mattress properly in the following sections.

If possible, it is better to remove the blood immediately. This is done with a cloth dipped in cold water. If it is already partially absorbed, then hydrogen peroxide will come to the rescue. Apply it to the dirt and wait until the reaction occurs, accompanied by the release of foam. And then calmly collect the solution with a sponge.

How to wash a coconut mattress using laundry soap? Very simple. It is applied to the dirt with a toothbrush, and then washed with clean water.

You can use baking soda or salt. Any of these substances must be mixed in water, pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and spray on the site of contamination. Then wait twenty minutes until it is absorbed. And remove with a cotton swab or napkin.

Another nasty type of pollution are urine stains. How to wash a children's coconut mattress from them, and what means to use?

These types of stains are dangerous not only because they contaminate the product, but also because of the appearance of a characteristic smell. As a precaution, far-sighted housewives use oilcloth when covering the mattress, on which a mattress cover is put on, and then a sheet on top. If you have not taken such precautions, then only fresh urine stains can be cleaned at home. But old pollution will be washed off only in dry cleaning.

How to wash a coconut mattress using liquid soap? It must be lathered in water, applied to the contaminated area, and then blotted with a regular napkin. As a rule, urine is also removed along with the solution.

The combination of salt and lemon juice is also an excellent cleaner for these kinds of stains. They are mixed until a thick consistency is formed and left at the site of contamination for two hours. This achieves a double positive effect - salt absorbs all the liquid, and lemon juice eliminates bad smell. Then, the place of application of the solution is wiped with a damp cloth.

A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda is great for removing urine stains. This mixture is dissolved in water, applied with a sprayer to the contaminated area, waiting chemical reaction and then wiped off with a cloth.

If an unpleasant odor still remains, it can be removed using ordinary table vinegar.

How to wash children's mattress with coconut flakes from food stains and other types of dirt, find out in the next section.

Getting rid of food stains on a mattress

Grease stains can be easily removed if you use ammonia. A few drops of it are diluted in water, a soft cloth urinates in the resulting solution, squeezed well, and then the place of contamination is wiped with it.

If the mattress has been smeared with drops of wax, then they are removed using wet wipes and use of an iron. A napkin should be placed on the stain, and ironed on top. All the wax is immediately removed from the mattress.

How to wash a coconut mattress to remove chewing gum or plasticine. Instead of washing, you will need ice. With the help of it, sticky contaminants are frozen, after which they are easily scraped off with a knife.

If the nature of the stains is unknown to you, you can use dishwashing liquid, which is diluted in water. It is applied to the place of contamination, and some material is placed on top that absorbs moisture well. All dirt will be pulled out by itself.

Can a coconut mattress be washed? in the usual way? It is best to carry out such a procedure without the use of a filler.

Washing the coconut mattress

In no case can the coconut filler be wetted. To get rid of unpleasant odors, it is hung out on the balcony and dried in the open sun. In winter, use a battery for this purpose. The main thing is not to overdo it and not overdry it. Otherwise, the coconut filler will lose its shape.

But the foam layer can be washed. It is very easy to detach from the filler. It should be twisted, and in this form put in washing machine. It should be borne in mind that after washing, foam rubber requires additional drying on a battery or in the sun, since its porous structure retains moisture for a very long time. And in the case of coconut filler, there should be no liquid inside the mattress, even in the smallest quantities, as this will lead to the formation of mold.

How to wash a mattress on coconut flakes to get rid of mites, dust and dirt inside the fibers? If you have a steam generator at your disposal, you can use it for cleaning. Hot steam can dissolve many types of stains, kill mites if present, and also blow out any dust that has eaten deep into the coconut fibers. It is important to dry the filler well after such processing.

In conclusion, it should be added that, despite the low price of a mattress filled with coconut, it makes sense to follow the rules for caring for it. As practice shows, environmentally friendly materials are not always sold in stores. In an effort to give coconut filling increased strength, manufacturers use adhesives of synthetic origin. Therefore, being the owner of a real environmentally friendly mattress, it makes sense to keep it in proper condition for as long as possible.

To maintain health and proper posture, it is important to choose a quality mattress. Today in stores you can find several options for a good mattress. The most common option is orthopedic, supporting correct posture and promoting relaxation. But no matter what material the mattress is made of, you need to know the rules of cleaning and care. Subject to the rules of operation, the period of use of the product will last for 3-5 years.

Orthopedic product

When purchasing a product for sleeping, the first thing to do is to remove the factory packaging and ventilate the mattress in the room with the window open. This will help get rid of the specific factory smell. If ventilation does not help to completely eliminate the smell, it is recommended to remove the top cover and wash it in the washing machine. In the process of choosing mattresses, pay attention to the cover of the product.

They are of two types:

  • Removable.
  • Not removable.

For example, in Ikea, almost all bedding is equipped with removable covers. It is convenient and practical, especially in the case of children's mattresses. If necessary, the cover is removed and washed following the recommendations from the manufacturer.

Can the mattress cover be washed if it is not removable? In this case, the product will have to be cleaned manually. If a stain has formed, it is better not to wait until it is completely absorbed into the fabric. To clean the surface, use a warm soapy solution, which is washed off with a clean cold water until the foam is completely removed. If the area of ​​contamination of the orthopedic product is extensive, cleaning should be carried out gradually, without lathering the entire surface at once.

Mattress label

coconut filler

Today it is very fashionable to buy children's mattresses filled with coconut chips for babies. But this is not the shavings that we add to confectionery. This is the upper hairy part of the nut.

Coconut coir:

  • hard,
  • has antiseptic properties,
  • passes air well.

These properties make the material an excellent filler for mattresses. Products filled with coconut coir do not accumulate dirt, dust, unpleasant odors. Therefore, you do not need to wash coconut mattresses purchased from Ikea or another store. There is simply no need for this. Moreover, answering the question whether it is possible to wash a mattress filled with coconut, knowledgeable people they answer that such a product cannot even be wetted. Otherwise, it will lose its orthopedic properties.

The only thing you can really do is wash the mattress cover, which is filled with coconut flakes. For example, Ascon, a manufacturer of sleep products, advises removing and cleaning the mattress cover once every six months. For children's products, a more frequent wash cycle is suitable.

Some buyers, preferring cheap goods in Ikea, purchase foam rubber mattresses. This material very well accumulates dust, absorbs odors, moisture. To keep the product clean, it is recommended to periodically wash the Ascon children's mattress filled with foam rubber. You can do it manually. Having previously removed the mattress cover, soak the product in warm soapy water. Carefully passing over the surface with a brush, we clean the foam rubber from stains.

The next step is rinsing. Since the filler perfectly absorbs water and soap, you need to rinse the product as thoroughly as possible. It is recommended to rinse the children's mattress in warm water, changing it 5-7 times until the foam disappears completely. Then it is equally important to dry the mattress thoroughly so that no moisture remains inside.

Having understood the question of how to wash a mattress, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for using products.

  • Orthopedic products with coconut filler should not be laid on a sagging surface.
  • Children should not be allowed to jump on the mattress.
  • On a children's mattress, you need to put on a non-wetting mattress pad.
  • To keep the orthopedic product clean, periodically vacuum the surface.
  • A coconut mattress needs to be professionally cleaned once every 3-4 years.
  • The removable cover can be washed once every 2-3 months.

In this way

When purchasing an Ascon mattress at Ikea, do not forget to ask the seller how to carry out proper care behind the product. Not every mattress can be washed. Orthopedic products on springs or with coconut filling should not be washed and wetted at all. To keep these mattresses clean, you need to purchase a waterproof cover that needs to be washed periodically.

Healthy sleep will be necessary not only for mom and dad, but also for the baby. The first months of his life, the child mostly spends in a dream. Therefore, it is necessary to choose for him a mattress that will contribute to the correct formation of his posture. Very often, consultants advise choosing a children's mattress with coconut filler. In this regard, parents have a question how to wash a coconut children's mattress? In this section, we will answer this question of concern to many, and tell you how to care for a coconut mattress.

What is a coconut mattress and how to eat it

Many parents buying a mattress have a very vague idea about this product. They don't know what it's made ofhow to wash baby coconut mattress. Therefore, let's first understand what a coconut-filled mattress is. First of all, we want to say that for the "stuffing" of the mattress, not the white flesh of the coconut is used, but its outer shell - coconut coir. Due to its fibrous structure, air can easily pass through it. Therefore, unpleasant odors will also not linger in the mattress. This material is extremely durable and resistant to moisture. Coconut coir is bactericidal, resistant to rotting and mold formation. In this regard, you can be sure that mites and other organisms that require cleaning the mattress will not start in the baby's crib.

Since this filler is quite specific, the question is brewing -how to wash baby coconut mattressAnd does it need to be washed at all? The unequivocal answer is no! Coconut mattress does not require any washes. Even if you really want to do this, it is unlikely to succeed, especially at home. Coconut coir is quite rigid, it is impossible to bend and wet it, so as not to lose its orthopedic properties.

The only thing necessary washable, it is a cover that can be easily removed from the mattress. If you notice stains on it, then unzip the mattress cover and wash it.

This cover can be washed either by hand or by machine. Choose the type of washing and detergent according to the type of fabric and the nature of the dirt.

If you are not using diapers and your baby wakes up wet, then it would be reasonable to buy a waterproof cover made of a special fabric. It can be put on top of a coconut mattress. Such a coating will protect the coconut coir from frequent wetting, and you from frequent washing.

Rules for the operation of a coconut mattress

In order for the mattress to look like new for many years, you must follow the following care rules:

  • maintain optimal temperature regime(18-28 degrees);
  • purchase a waterproof mattress cover;
  • do not place the mattress on sagging surfaces;
  • periodically ventilate the product;
  • clean the coconut coir only with a vacuum cleaner;
  • removable cover to wash with special means;
  • every 3-5 years you need to use a professional dry cleaner at home.

These tips will help maintain not only cleanliness, but also the orthopedic properties of a coconut mattress. We have told almost everything about this product and now you knowhow to clean a coconut mattressand what needs to be done to protect it from unnecessary pollution.

From birth, the child should have his own bed - stroller, cradle - in which you need to choose a good mattress. After all, from early childhood, a child's posture is laid, the spine develops. Recently, a children's goods store offers orthopedic mattresses with coconut. Are they really healthy and safe for babies?

Benefits of coconut mattresses

Such mattresses are really made from tropical fruit fiber, which is also called coir. Due to its naturalness and porosity, the mattress is perfectly ventilated, which means that if baby urine gets on it, there will be no smell and no diaper rash. In addition, a coconut coir mattress is durable and will serve more than one generation. It absolutely does not absorb odor and moisture, which means that harmful microorganisms and mites will not settle in the baby's bed.

By the way, an allergy to a coconut mattress is extremely rare. An undesirable reaction may be caused by products that use synthetic latex.

How to choose a coconut mattress for a newborn?

The modern market offers a large selection of coconut coir mattresses. In the first year of life of babies, who spend quite a lot of time sleeping, it is important to evenly distribute the load on the spine. Therefore, it is better to give preference to springless mattresses with coconut, hard, in which the coir will alternate with a layer of latex. By the age of 2-3, when a characteristic bend appears on the baby's spine, it is recommended to purchase a softer coconut mattress in a bed with spring blocks, due to which an orthopedic effect is achieved.

In some models, the coconut layer is combined with interlayers from other materials (for example, buckwheat, thermofiber, strupofiber, etc.). Usually each model of a coconut mattress is equipped with a removable cover.

If necessary, you can purchase a coconut mattress in a stroller, which is convenient in cases where the child spends more time in children's transport.

When buying a product, be sure to ask for a quality certificate. Smell the mattress: if it emits an unpleasant smell of rubber, discard it. You should not buy a mattress in which the coconut coir crumbles.

Coconut Mattress Care

If moisture gets on the mattress, it should be dried, freed from bed linen, and taken out to Fresh air. As for whether a coconut mattress can be washed, this should not be done. Wash only the mattress cover. To protect the mattress from a variety of liquids, the use of a moisture-resistant diaper or cover is recommended. In no case do not bend or fold the mattress so as not to break the hard fillers.