Laminate floor care: proper cleaning and washing. Proper care of the laminate - the key to the beauty of your floor Dry and wet cleaning process

  • 29.08.2019

Since its inception, laminate flooring has been popular. And this is not surprising if the floor covering combines beauty, durability, ease of installation and relatively low cost, even from the highest quality and well-known global manufacturers. The pricing policy is very flexible, and the consumer will always be able to choose the best cost option, taking into account the conditions and place of operation.

But in order to maintain a presentable appearance, lack of creaking and maintain the softening properties of the laminate for decades, it is not enough just to purchase it and lay it correctly. Throughout the life of the laminate, it is necessary to ensure proper care for the laminate. Indeed, as in other materials, this coating has its own nuances of use, which we will try to figure out.

Proper cleaning of laminate flooring

Keeping a laminate clean does not require much perseverance when cleaning. It is enough to walk with a broom or a vacuum cleaner, followed by a wet wiping of the floor. And one has only to add a little vinegar or saline solution to the water, and stains will not appear after the floor dries. But here you need to take into account one nuance when cleaning the laminate: he really does not like a large number water.

Today, there are already moisture-resistant laminate models that are used even in the bathroom. Locks in such panels are coated with wax and repel water, but most laminate does not have such properties. And is it worth overpaying for moisture resistance just in order not to follow the elementary rule when caring for a laminate.

If water still spills onto the floor and gets between the seams, the locks of the panels will begin to swell and the laminate may swell. Even dismantling, drying and new laying will not always help to correct such defects. And the consequences will be catastrophic: the laminate begins to creak when walking, the locks of the panels become loose and cease to perform their functions properly. Due to the gaps formed, chips begin to appear along the edges of the panels, since the floor is no longer one piece and the upper corners of the panels are affected by a resistance force during any movement. The result will be the loss of the appearance and properties of the entire floor.

Therefore, wet cleaning should be carried out with a well wrung out sponge or cloth. It would be even better to use special laminate care products that are added to the water during wet cleaning.

Laminate cleaning with special products

In each room there are places with the greatest traffic, where the laminate gets dirty more and needs to be cleaned. best care. And if just washing the floor is no longer enough, due to established dirty spots and stains, you need to resort to more aggressive cleaning methods without damaging the floor surface.

Almost any pollution can be removed with the help of special products that have a direct purpose to combat such stains and are sold in bulk. But for all types of stains, one remedy is not suitable, since the structure of pollution is very diverse.

After choosing the right product, you need to apply it on the stain and wait until the stain dissolves. After the treated area is wiped with a damp cloth to complete cleaning surfaces. It is important that the cleaning agent contains no ammonia.

Other stain removal methods are also used. Let's look at the existing laminate care products at home.

Removing stains with improvised means

First and most simple option worth trying is diluting two tablespoons of baby shampoo in four liters of water. At the same time, dirt is rubbed off much easier, without abrasive effect on the surface, but only with slight contamination.

A nylon cloth is used to remove various oily stains. It is also able to get rid of a fresh stain of blood, beer or berries.

Common sole marks can be easily wiped off with a baking soda solution or a pencil eraser.

There is also the practice of freezing stains if they are resinous or greasy:

  1. Freeze the stain with ice or frozen foods.
  2. Scrape it off with a plastic knife.
  3. In conclusion, the treated area can be wiped if the trace of the stain still remains.

You can try to wash ink and paste warm water with soap. When this method does not work, it remains only to buy special agent Laminate care to remove ink.

Warm soapy water is also used to remove alcohol stains. But if the stain is persistent, then it should be wiped

To remove a marker or chewing gum from the surface, you need to use a solvent that is washed old paint. An alternative and more aggressive method is using toothpaste. She is on a short time applied to the stain and wiped dry.

The paint is effectively removed with white spirit, automotive chemicals or a simple solvent. It is only advisable not to hold such funds on the laminate for a long time.

Mounting foam is easily erased with Dimexide 5 minutes after its application. At the end of the treatment of pollution, the place is wiped with a damp cloth.

Laundry detergent wipes off nail polish on the laminate. The powder dissolves in water and is applied with a rag to the place of contamination.

Scratch Removal

Scratches on the laminate inevitably appear when objects with a large weight move on the floor or the sole clings to the floor during a step. At first, the scratch remains barely noticeable, but after that it will definitely appear.

You can fight scratches with a special paste or grout desired color, which fills the damaged space. And you can use an ordinary eraser that erases the place of damage. Soda is also used in paste form. It corrodes the damaged area, which will only need to be cleaned with a slightly damp cloth.

Plaque removal

When cleaning the floor with various methods, a wax coating is often formed, which forms the basis of the laminate coating. The floor is losing its appearance and requires action. It is not difficult to solve this problem if you dilute 1 glass of vinegar in 4 liters of water and rub it.

Over time, the coating of the laminate is erased and loses its former luster. This is especially important in an apartment - laminate care is directly reflected in family comfort. Gloss coating can be given when carrying out wet cleaning different ways:

  1. A glass of vinegar (can be apple) is diluted in five liters of water.
  2. A glass of lemon juice or a tablespoon citric acid diluted in half a bucket of water to polish the floor.
  3. Half a glass of lemon juice, half a glass of vinegar and a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent are added to half a bucket of water.
  4. Company funds.

Laminate creak

The creak is also related to the care of the laminate. It becomes the result of an uneven floor or a violation of the laying technology. There are also cases when expanded polystyrene was chosen as a substrate, which after 6-7 years loses its qualities and can sag. The result is surface level differences and, as a result, a creak. It is also possible that the unevenness of the base of the laminate may appear if it was laid on foamed polypropylene. This substrate consists of bubbles that can burst under heavy loads, creating drops in the base in these places.

The only solution to the problem will be to dismantle the place of the creak, identify and eliminate its source. Fortunately, the laminate is endowed obvious advantage in front of other coatings, in the form of dismantling without any harm to the panels. It is important that these works are carried out in compliance with the laying rules.

Laminate care instructions

Caring for a laminate is as follows:

  • You should not allow a large pollution of the floor from the laminate, so that you do not have to use aggressive chemicals. Regular weekly cleaning will not be burdensome, as such a floor is perfectly cleaned.
  • For cleaning from a variety of contaminants, only those products that are designed to remove them should be used.
  • When cleaning, it is strictly forbidden to use metal tools or products with a high acid content. They can damage upper layer an acrylic resin laminate that protects the floor from abrasion, dirt, moisture and mechanical stress. It is thanks to the protective layer that the care of the floor from the laminate occurs without difficulties and efforts.
  • You can't ignore scratches. They need to be quickly eliminated with a special paste. If animals live in the house, there is a child, or objects that can damage the floor surface are constantly used, such a paste must be acquired in advance.
  • To protect the laminate front door it is recommended to cover this area with a rug, a piece of linoleum, or other material that protects against dirt that can peel off its protective coating over time.

Features of the care of the laminate

When cleaning and cleaning the described floor, it is important to remember the following:

  • Laminate is very afraid of water, so it should not be used in large quantities during systematic cleaning or during cleaning. When you wipe down a laminate floor, it must stay dry.
  • Do not use abrasive, alkaline, acidic or metal products.
  • Any treatment of laminate should begin with a sample in an inconspicuous area of ​​the room to determine the reaction of the coating to the substance. Any stains should not be soaked and cleaning products should not be left on for long.
  • Do not dry laminate flooring in an unnatural way.

But the main thing in maintaining the original appearance of the laminate for many years is the accuracy of use, consistency and correct care for it.


Laminate is a modern floor covering that is both beautiful and practical. In terms of its characteristics and appearance, it is not inferior to parquet, however, it is cheaper, so many prefer it.

Like any other coating, the laminate requires care, because the service life directly depends on it. It is also important to know the basic rules of operation.

Laminate is a decorative floor covering that looks like wood or other material. As a rule, it consists of four layers:

  1. stabilizing layer. Increases rigidity and protects against damage and deformation.
  2. carrier layer. It is the main part of the structure. Possesses heat-insulating and sound-proof properties. On the carrier layer there is a lock for connecting with other boards.
  3. Decorative paper layer. Contains a pattern imitating wood, stone, parquet, ceramic tiles and other coatings.
  4. polymer layer. Protects against rubbing, impact and other damage.

The following types of laminate are used in residential premises:

  • Suberic. harmless material with high water repellency.
  • Vinyl. Possesses more high rates rigidity and strength, which increases the service life.
  • Glossy. Attracts mirror shine, durability and reliability.

Basic rules for caring for laminate flooring in an apartment

With The life of a laminate in an apartment directly depends on its care. First of all, you need to familiarize yourself with the general rules:

  1. Carry out dry cleaning 2-3 times a week.
  2. Do wet cleaning once a week.
  3. Use detergents with a gentle composition.
  4. Use only soft cloths and sponges.

There are also a number of restrictions that must be taken into account when caring for a laminate:

  1. Refrain from using abrasives and preparations with an increased acidic and alkaline environment.
  2. Refuse to use whiteness, chlorine, silicone and mastic.
  3. Avoid mechanical impact. Metal brushes and hard sponges are not suitable for cleaning laminate flooring.
  4. Avoid excessive wetting of the laminate. Wash with a well wrung out cloth.

How to properly clean laminate floors

Each coating has its own characteristics, so the rules for care also differ. Laminate is considered one of the most sensitive floorings, so it is necessary to wash such floors properly and select cleaning products.

Step-by-step instruction

Washing the laminate is carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. Dry clean to remove most of the dust and debris. It is enough to sweep the floor or vacuum.
  2. Prepare a bucket of warm water and a rag from soft material. Add detergent if necessary.
  3. Soak a cloth in water and wring it out thoroughly. The material should be slightly damp.
  4. Wash the floor, moving from the far corner of the room to the door.
  5. Rinse the cloth after every room.
  6. Wipe the wet floor with a dry cloth. It is advisable to choose microfiber.


In stores you can find a wide selection of products for washing laminate flooring in any price category. They are highly efficient and take into account the characteristics of the coating. Also widely used folk methods that show good results.


To get rid of dust and simple stains, it is enough to wash the floor with water at room temperature. If it was not possible to eliminate any contamination, rinse the problem areas with a cleaning compound and wipe the entire floor again with a soft cloth dampened with water.

Special funds

In the household chemicals department, you can always find at least a few laminate care products. Just a few types:

  • liquids - fight against pollution, antistatic effect, giving shine;
  • stain remover pencils - removing difficult stains;
  • sprays - daily care, cleansing, antibacterial action;
  • emulsions - giving shine, preventing the appearance of scratches and scuffs;
  • sponge (MiraClean) - removes complex spots, including from the marker.

The method of application depends on the specific product and is indicated in the instructions. Release household chemicals for washing laminate flooring, manufacturers such as Leifheit Care, Emsal, Ludwik, Vileda Professional and others.

Baby shampoo

Baby shampoo is considered the best way to wash laminate flooring, since it does not contain aggressive substances.

It is worth considering that only shampoo without dyes and flavors is suitable. As an alternative to baby shampoo, dishwashing detergent can be used, especially in the fight against greasy stains.

  1. Pour into a bucket of 3 liters. warm water.
  2. Add 3 tbsp. l. baby shampoo or dishwashing gel. Make sure that the agent is completely dissolved.
  3. Wet a cloth and wring out well.
  4. Wash the floor with soapy water.
  5. Wipe again with a damp cloth clean water.


Washing laminate flooring with vinegar can restore shine and remove dried-on stains. It also eliminates such problems as divorces. Another advantage of the method is that the laminate dries in seconds.

  1. Pour into a bucket of 5 liters. hot water. The temperature should not exceed 90 degrees.
  2. Add 250 ml. 9% vinegar.
  3. Wet a cloth and squeeze.
  4. Wipe the floor. Do not rinse.

Glass cleaner

Easily removes marker and felt-tip pen marks, blood stains, tea, coffee and other complex stains. Alcohol-based products are effective.

  1. Spray glass cleaner onto stained area.
  2. Wipe stains with a soft cloth.
  3. Remove residue with a damp cloth and wipe dry.

How to clean laminate flooring with household appliances

Using a vacuum cleaner and a steam mop makes cleaning much easier. The process takes less time and does not require much effort.

Washing vacuum cleaner

When choosing a washing vacuum cleaner to care for the laminate, you need to pay attention to such nuances:

  • power not less than 800 watts;
  • the possibility of both wet and dry cleaning;
  • the presence of regulation of the liquid used for washing;
  • drying mode.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Assemble the vacuum cleaner.
  2. Add detergent. The proportions are indicated in the instructions.
  3. Set the wet cleaning mode.
  4. Start vacuuming the room from the far corner, moving towards the exit.
  5. If the vacuum cleaner is not equipped with a dry mode, wipe the floor with a dry soft cloth.

The vacuum cleaner may not completely cope with dried stains, however, the dirt will soften and it will be easier to remove them with the help of improvised means.

steam mop

A steam mop is an easy-to-use device that cleans and washes well and quickly, takes up little space and is inexpensive. As a rule, it has a high power, which allows you to achieve high-quality cleaning. It is advisable to choose a steam mop with the following parameters:

  • power 1600-1800 kW;
  • several modes of control and steam supply;
  • several nozzles for floor coverings.

Please note that the steam mop is only suitable for waterproof laminate flooring. You need to choose a gentle mode.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Vacuum the floor.
  2. Fill the tank with distilled water.
  3. Turn on the mop.
  4. Set to gentle mode.
  5. Wait until steam starts to be produced.
  6. Wash the floor.
  7. If you need to add water, unplug the appliance from the socket, wait until it cools down, fill in water and turn it on again.
  8. Wipe the floor dry with a dry cloth if the laminate is wet.

Some useful advice You can learn about the best way to wash laminate flooring from the video.

Dry cleaning rules

Dry cleaning is recommended to be carried out daily, since the laminate is quite a sensitive coating. Crumbs and small debris can leave scratches, so you should at least sweep the floor at the end of the day. It is enough to clean the laminate with an antistatic effect 2-3 times a week.

Particular attention must be paid to the choice of inventory. Suitable:

  • broom;
  • soft brush;
  • vacuum cleaner with a nozzle for a laminate.

How to properly care for different types of laminate

Depending on the type of laminate, cleaning methods may vary. It is important to take into account the characteristics of each type so that cleaning does not cause problems.

Bevelled laminate

Chamfer - a recess at the joints between adjacent laminate boards. This type of seam can be a serious hindrance to wet cleaning, because water can get into the cracks. It is also possible to clog dirt and dust into the seams.

To save yourself the hassle of cleaning hard-to-reach areas, you should treat the bevel with wax for a water-repellent effect, as recommended by manufacturers.

However, this method does not give a 100% guarantee, so it is advisable to do only dry cleaning with local wet cleaning. If you wipe only the areas with stains with a damp cloth and immediately go through with dry material, there will be no problems.

Light and dark laminate

Washing a light laminate is carried out according to the standard scheme and does not cause much trouble. As practice shows, difficulties arise precisely in the care of a dark coating. Divorces, stains and other contaminants are much stronger on it, so it is recommended to wipe such a floor twice in a row, paying special attention to problem areas.

Matte coating

Dirt builds up and stands out more on a matte laminate than on a glossy one, but the ease of maintenance compensates for this inconvenience. It is recommended to wash this type of coatings with special sprays that easily remove stains. It will be possible to remove simple dirt with warm water, but it is important to remember that after wet cleaning, the laminate must be wiped dry.

How to restore laminate flooring at home

Over time, small scratches and damages appear on the laminate, even with proper care and respect. You should not be upset about this, because all defects can be hidden.

Removing scratches and chips

The appearance of scratches and chips is a fairly common problem. You can deal with them using the following tools:

  • Wax crayon (pencil) - the fight against small scratches. Wipe the damaged area with a damp cloth and wipe dry. Paint scratches with melted wax pencil and polish with a soft cloth. Choose according to the color of the coating.
  • Pastes and putties - elimination of chips and deep scratches. Clean the area with scratches and chips from dust and dirt. Apply a layer of putty with a spatula, smooth and remove excess with a soft sponge. After an hour, polish with a soft cloth. Choose according to the color of the coating.

Eliminate swelling

Laminate swells easily when exposed to large amounts of water. As a rule, this happens in just a couple of hours if the liquid is not removed in time. It happens that it is not possible to notice the water in time and the boards begin to swell. The situation can be corrected if you follow the plan:

  1. Remove all wet boards from the flooring.
  2. Wipe dry.
  3. Place them under any heavy and hard surface.
  4. Leave for 5-7 days.

This time is enough for the boards to regain their shape. Then they can be returned to their places.

Recommendations for the use of laminate flooring at home

Laminate is a rather capricious coating that does not withstand shock and exposure to aggressive substances.

It is also necessary to select gentle cleaning products and materials for washing such a floor, otherwise you can ruin the top layer, which will shorten the service life.

Compliance with the following operating rules helps to avoid such problems:

  • do not walk in heels, especially stilettos;
  • do not drop heavy and sharp objects;
  • refuse to use a knife to remove dried stains;
  • attach special pads to furniture legs and place under vases and other decorative elements of the stand;
  • do not move furniture;
  • eliminate scratches and chips as they appear, otherwise they will deepen over time, destroying the structure of the coating.

Caring for laminate requires a special approach. Cleaning should be regular and at the same time gentle. Then the laminate will last for many years and retain its original appearance.

Caring for laminate has its own characteristics, you can not forget about it. If everything is done correctly, the laminate floor, even after a few years after the repair, will look like new. On the other hand, a small oversight can lead to swelling of the coating, deformation, violation of texture, pattern and color.

Caring for a laminate in an apartment or house consists of three main procedures:

  • daily removal of dust and dirt;
  • weekly wet cleaning with special detergents;
  • remedial action as needed or every six months.

It is better to use professional products for high-quality and safe care of the laminate, but in extreme cases, home-made, home-made ones will do. Read more about the intricacies of cleaning laminate flooring below.

Caring for a laminate floor will be easier if you understand what it is made of and how it is made. It is not natural wood, like parquet, but not a completely artificial material, laminate has its own characteristics. Professional builders sometimes call this material layer cake for its structure:

  1. The bottom layer is stabilizing. This is a reinforced cardboard that is impregnated with melamine. Melamine enhances its strength and moisture resistance, sometimes kraft cardboard is additionally covered with a layer of soundproofing material.
  2. The carrier layer is the body of the laminate, in budget options it is represented by a dense chipboard board, in premium class materials - natural wood. it is in this layer that grooves and locks are cut out for strong connection lamellas.
  3. The outer layer is decorative. Always made from thick paper with impregnation and laminated coating, but the design can be anything - under a natural stone, brick, wood, etc. The wear resistance and durability of the laminate depend on the quality of the laminated coating.

Recently, they have also begun to produce laminate with increased moisture resistance. Its body is not wood or chipboard, but a highly durable polymer in air chambers.

Caring for this type of laminate is extremely simple, but such a coating is many times more expensive. Therefore, if you chose the classic option when renovating an apartment or house, be sure to read on, the advice of experienced users will definitely come in handy for you.

Most middle-income consumers prefer to install economy-class laminated floors in their apartment - that is, with a chipboard base. chipboard strong enough, economical, but very hygroscopic.

The moisture resistance of this material is not very high; when wet, chipboard will swell, increase in volume and deform. Therefore, such floors cannot be flooded with water - they will deteriorate, despite the laminated coating.

But this does not mean that wet cleaning is excluded. It is possible and necessary to wash laminate floors - adhering to certain rules.

  1. Can be used warm or cold water and liquid products designed specifically for the care of laminated floors - for example, Mister Muscle or Propper.
  2. You can not wash the laminate with hard brushes or use abrasive pastes and powders - only liquid gels and mops with a soft nozzle or a rag.
  3. It is important to squeeze the brush or cloth well. Excessive moistening of the laminate will not only lead to its swelling - ugly stains will remain on the surface after drying.
  4. After treatment with a solution detergent m, be sure to wipe the floor with clean water, again using a well-wrung rag or a special mop.
  5. Finally, the floor is either wiped dry or left to dry naturally. It is not recommended to turn on the heaters and walk on the washed wet floor.

Do not forget that before wet cleaning, dry cleaning must be carried out - with a soft broom or a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle, all dust is removed from the surface of the laminate and baseboards. By the way, you can not use a washing vacuum cleaner to clean the laminate. The exception is only the most advanced units, in which a similar function is provided by the manufacturer.

Alternative cleaners for laminate flooring

Some housewives, in order to save money or for other reasons, prefer not to use household chemicals for cleaning the house. Products from the supermarket in most cases are hypoallergenic and do not affect the well-being of young children or pets. But in some cases, precaution does not hurt. What home remedies can then take care of the laminate?

  • pH neutral baby shampoo. It is enough to add two tablespoons of baby mild shampoo to a five-liter bucket and lather the water. Then wipe the laminate with a clean, damp cloth;
  • table vinegar. You can use it in two ways. in the first case, half a glass of vinegar is added directly to a bucket of warm or hot water and quickly wash the laminate. In the second case, a solution is first prepared for treating especially dirty areas: a quarter cup of vinegar is dissolved in a liter of water, the liquid is poured into a container with a spray bottle. First, the resulting product is applied to dirty areas and wiped with a wet cloth, then the entire floor is washed completely. Vinegar effectively removes stubborn stains, destroys bacteria and restores the shine of a dull laminate floor.

It is not recommended to use soda or citric acid to clean the laminate - the crystals of these substances can compromise the integrity top coat gender.

Restorative measures for damage to the laminate

Laminate, like any floor covering, suffers during operation. The main damage to which it is subject:

  • a variety of stains - juice, coffee, tea, fat, etc .;
  • chips and scratches - shoes, animal claws, pieces of dropped dishes or other objects can easily damage the upper protective film on laminated floors;
  • swelling - the cause is spilled liquid, not proper cleaning, high humidity in the room;
  • drawings with a marker, felt-tip pen, paints - a glossy floor, especially if it is in light shades, is very attractive to young artists in the family.

Having found one of them, you should not be upset - for every problem there is a solution. You can remove scuff marks, scratches and cracks with a special wax pencil or paste, which can be purchased at a hardware store.

First, the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe laminate must be thoroughly cleaned of dust, and then treated with paste and pencil - the agent is applied until the recess is completely filled. Then the laminate should be polished with a dry, soft, lint-free cloth.

Pencil is more suitable for removing scuffs and shallow scratches. if the damage is severe, it is better to use a paste or mastic. please note: you can walk on the treated lamella only after a couple of hours, until this moment it is better to cover it with a napkin or a dry cloth.

You can choose the right shade by mixing several different ones. Then the restored laminate will look flawless again.

Chips on the laminate appear if a heavy object is dropped on the floor - a stool, a pan, a book, etc. Chip can be removed only with the help of a special putty. First you need to warm it up, then quickly apply it with a spatula, smooth it out and remove the residue. After drying, the treated area is rubbed, ground and polished.

A variety of stains on the laminate are removed using the following tools:

  • felt-tip pens and markers - with toothpaste or nail polish remover;
  • blood - glass cleaner;
  • drinks and food - alcohol or lemon.

And the last tip: a colored mastic based on natural wax, which is used to mask scratches and scuffs on a laminate, should be applied every six months, even if the coating is not damaged. Such products will restore the color and gloss of the floor, protect it from mechanical stress and moisture, and extend the service life.

But you should not be too zealous: Excess mastic will lead to the formation of ugly stains on the surface and tarnishing of the laminate.

It is present in almost every apartment. modern man, creating comfort and coziness in it. Without it, it is difficult to imagine the improvement of rooms, and the materials that replace it do not produce the desired effect on us. This is a laminate, the maintenance of which will not require you to special efforts and a lot of time, besides, it will last a long time. Caring for laminate flooring at home is quite simple, it will serve you with gratitude for a long time, if you follow the basic rules. Fortunately, the construction market has taken care of the care products you need.

Some simple tips will help you protect the laminate from various damages.

Careful attitude

The first opponent for laminate flooring is you. This item does not imply cleaning as such, just try to follow the basic rules in handling it, as with any other things in your home. Laminate has taken care of family life too, so forget about broken plates and other heavy or sharp objects on the floor.


Next on the list are merciless women's stilettos and chunky soles. If you need a laminate for at least another 5 years, then try to change your shoes into soft slippers. You should also not walk on stiletto heels, as dents may form on it.

If there is such a covering in the hallway, then the best solution would be to lay a foot mat.


The third thing to pay attention to is the sparing rearrangement of furniture, especially on pointed legs. If you are a fan of regularly changing the situation in the house, then be careful at the moment when you carry the chair legs along the floor. Furniture should be rearranged carefully, which will help you with special linings under the legs of chairs and chairs.

The legs of chairs and furniture should be glued with felt pads to avoid scratches and dents. For wheelchairs, special mats must be placed.


Clawed animals also harm the surface of the laminate, but how exactly to deal with this problem is up to you.

best solution Pets will have their nails trimmed.

Water and sand

The biggest enemies of wood flooring are water and sand. Excess moisture causes the laminate to swell, so if you spill water on your laminate floor, you should not ignore it - wipe the floor. The ingress of sand is harmful in that the grains of sand form scratches on the surface of the laminate, which can significantly reduce the life of such a coating.

At the entrance to the apartment, it is necessary to lay foot mats so that you can clean the soles of your shoes from dirt. After coming home, clean your shoes and sweep the floor in the hallway in order to avoid the spread of grains of sand around the apartment.

To keep the floor clean, it must be swept, vacuumed and wiped with a damp cloth. Remember that you cannot use a dry mop to clean a laminate floor, and you should only use products that are designed to clean a laminate floor. home care behind the laminate.

  1. In the practical part of cleaning, you will need a soft cloth. It can be both dry and wet, but always soft. A vacuum cleaner with a soft, fluffy nozzle can serve as an ideal fixture.
  2. When using detergents, instructions for their use and care are indicated on the packaging. Usually 100 ml of detergent is diluted in 5 liters of warm water. It is best to use proven laminate care products. If the stain is difficult to clean, then pour a little detergent into it and leave for 2-3 minutes. Never, ever use alkaline materials and mastic to avoid unsightly streaks and damage to the surface of the coating.
  3. After you have washed the floor, you need to wipe it dry.

Conditions for coverage

You should also pay attention to the microclimate of the room. Try to maintain a favorable temperature for both you and the laminate within 18-20 ° C. If you have stock and a barometer is present, then keep the indicator at 50-60%.

Getting rid of dents and scratches on laminate flooring

Laminate appeared in the middle of the last century, but over time it is only gaining popularity among the population. After all, the method of its production is being improved, new types and ornaments appear, quality and durability are improving. And besides, having a wonderful appearance, the laminate is quite inexpensive compared to other floor coverings, if desired, it will save on installation, because it is very easy to install.

Good laminate normal conditions retains its appearance for at least 20 years. In order for it to serve its time properly, you need not only to purchase quality material and lay it correctly, but you should also know how to care for the laminate at home.

Laminate floor cleaning

Cleaning laminate flooring doesn't take much effort. It is recommended to sweep or vacuum the floor followed by a damp wipe. Fighting stains is just as easy: a small amount of vinegar or saline is added to the water. But you need to be very careful with water, because the laminate cannot stand it. One has only to spill water on the floor and get into the seams between the laminate panels, as there is a risk of floor swelling. In places where water gets in, the edges of the panels begin to protrude and cling to legs and objects. The result is chipped and combed edges and corners of the panels. As a result, the floor loses its integrity and appearance. Even dismantling the laminate at the site of swelling with further drying of wet places may not return it to its previous appearance.

Moreover, from moisture, the laminate can creak when walking, and the locks loosen and no longer perform their functions properly.

To avoid such catastrophic consequences, it is enough to wash the laminate with a slightly damp sponge and care for the laminate as described in this article.

Today, moisture-resistant laminate models are already on sale, in which the panels have wax-coated locks that repel moisture. This method has proven so effective against water that it is even used in kitchens and bathrooms. But the cost will immediately be noticeably different from the usual laminate.

Stain removal

In any room there are always places with the greatest traffic and load on the floor. There, the coating is always subject to dirt, scratches and even stains, so you should always be able to remove the stain soon after it appears. Consider how to properly care for the laminate in case of stains:

Scratches often appear on the laminate after heels or moving furniture. Perhaps the scratch will not be noticeable right away, but it will soon appear. Now let's figure out how to care for a laminate using the example of removing scratches from its surface.

Scratches can always be eliminated using a special paste, pencil or grout in the color of the laminate.

But you can also use such an improvised tool as an eraser, which simply erases the scratched place. Naturally, a deep scratch cannot be removed with an eraser, but soda in a pasty state is quite possible. It is enough to apply it to the damaged area and wait a bit until the soda corrodes the material. After the treated area should be cleaned with a damp cloth.

Plaque removal

Cleaning the laminate also has its consequences in the form of the formation of a wax coating that makes up the laminated coating. How to care for the laminate in the apartment after cleaning it, you should know, if only because without proper care, the floor will lose its luster and appearance. This problem is solved by wiping the floor with water in the proportion of 4 liters per 1 glass of vinegar.

With use, the top layer of the laminate is erased and the original luster is lost. You can return it by carrying out wet cleaning in various ways:

  1. 1 glass of vinegar is added to 5 liters of water.
  2. A glass of lemon juice or a tablespoon of citric acid is diluted in half a bucket of water.
  3. Half a bucket of water is diluted with half a glass of lemon juice, half a glass of vinegar and a teaspoon of dishwashing detergent.
  4. With the help of special tools.

Laminate creak

The squeak of a laminate flooring appears due to moisture ingress or irregularities in the base on which the laminate is laid. The reason for this may be an initially uneven surface during laying or the loss of its qualities by the substrate. In any case, to eliminate the squeak, this place should be disassembled and only then it will be possible to determine how to care for the laminate floor to prevent squeaking in the future. It may be necessary to dry the laminate or level the base under it. Or carefully replace the substrate.

Laminate care instructions

Laminate flooring requires careful handling and several simple rules:

  • Carrying out dry and wet cleaning once a week will make it easy to clean the floor from small dirt without the use of aggressive substances.
  • You should learn how to choose the right cleaning products, as well as special ones. Otherwise, there may be undesirable consequences that will not improve, but aggravate the condition of the damaged areas.
  • It is necessary to take care of the top protective layer of the laminate, not scratching it with shoes, furniture legs or metal and abrasive devices when cleaning. It is the top acrylic layer that laminate flooring owes its shiny appearance and easy cleaning.
  • Scratches that have appeared must be eliminated immediately, preventing further damage to the laminate.
  • If a laminate is laid at the front door, then this area must be covered with a rug, linoleum or other material that will protect the top coating.

When cleaning or working with laminate flooring, it is important to remember the following:

  1. Do not use a lot of water, as you can irreparably damage the laminate.
  2. The surface of the laminate is prone to scratches, so you should never use alkaline, acidic or metallic cleaners.
  3. If there is a need to use aggressive substances, you need to try their action on an inconspicuous area. Leave aggressive substances on the laminate long time prohibited.
  4. Laminate should only dry naturally.

In conclusion, it should be noted that only a careful attitude to the floor, the timely elimination of all its defects and care for the condition of the laminated coating will help ensure the original appearance of the laminate for many years. It is not difficult to do this, since it is not difficult to care for the laminate.