Puffs with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry. Puff pastry pie with cottage cheese

  • 19.10.2019

Do your kids still not like cottage cheese? So, you didn’t treat them to such puffs. This delicious dish cooks up pretty quickly. Make puffs with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry, and they will become a favorite and frequent dish on your table.

- finished puff pastry– 1 pack / 0.5 kg;
- cottage cheese - 250-350 grams;
- granulated sugar - 30-50 grams;
- vanillin - 1 gram.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. Ready-made puff pastry can be taken both yeast and yeast-free, be guided by your taste. Defrost the semi-finished product according to the instructions on the package. We roll out the dough on a table powdered with flour in one direction so as not to damage the structure of the layering. In other words, we act with a rolling pin either back and forth, or from left to right.

2. Cut the rolled out sheet of dough into squares (approximately 12 pieces are obtained).

3. Curd should not be too wet or too dry. Wet - should be folded onto cheesecloth and squeezed slightly. And dry - dilute with a spoonful of sour cream. We put sugar to our taste and try it, since it is difficult to predict the optimal sourness in cottage cheese in advance. Add vanilla for flavor.

4. Thoroughly mix until a homogeneous mass without lumps.

6. We connect the opposite corners of the square and pinch.

We do this qualitatively so that when baking and increasing the dough in volume, the envelope does not turn around.
7. We leave the sides so that the pastries can “breathe”.

8. Put the puffs with cottage cheese on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.

9. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. As soon as the puffs are reddened, you can take them out.

Remove from pan, let cool and serve.

Puffs with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry are good with both cold and hot drinks, for example, with

Puff is a versatile product that can be served with soup, tea, juice, take with you on the road or to work. It all depends on the filling used.

One of the most popular options is cottage cheese.

It can be salty, sweet, spicy, spicy.

Cottage cheese is mixed with a variety of ingredients and simply amazing puffs are prepared.

Cottage cheese puffs - general principles of preparation

The easiest puff pastry recipe is a trip to the nearest store. There you can buy the right amount of yeast or unleavened dough. Then it is thawed at room temperature, it is not recommended to use a microwave oven. The dough is usually folded in a layer, it needs to be laid out on the table and rolled out a little to the desired thickness.

Cottage cheese for the filling is ground, beaten, mixed. Then sweet or savory additives are added to it, depending on the chosen version of the puffs.

What is put in the filling:

Dried fruits, fruits, berries;

Greens, onions, garlic;

Vanilla, cinnamon;

Sugar, honey, other sweeteners.

The formed puffs are greased and baked. Or fried in a skillet. Before baking, you can sprinkle products with poppy seeds, sesame nuts. In the oven, curd puffs are cooked at 200 degrees, unless another temperature is indicated in the recipe. Fry in a pan in hot oil.

Sweet puffs with cottage cheese and vanilla

A variant of the simplest and fastest puffs with cottage cheese, for which ready-made vanilla mass is used. For more flavor, you can add more vanilla sugar to the filling.


0.5 kg of dough;

0.6 kg of cottage cheese;

1 sachet of vanilla sugar;

A spoonful of milk.


1. Roll out the dough, cut into pieces rectangular shape.

2. Beat the protein from the recipe egg, combine with the mashed curd mass and vanilla, stir.

3. We combine the yolk with a spoonful of milk, you can take water. Add a few grains of sugar, a small pinch and stir.

4. Put the filling on the dough, fold the rectangles in half. For stickiness, grease the edges of the dough with water or a cooked egg.

5. We make several deep cuts on top.

6. Send the puffs to a greased baking sheet, cover with egg mixture and bake.

Puff pastry pie with cottage cheese and apple

A variant of an amazing puff pastry pie with cottage cheese and apple filling. For cooking, we use an average package of 500 grams. It is more reasonable to make a pie in a square or rectangular shape so that there are no scraps.


0.5 kg of cottage cheese;

2 apples;

1 packet of vanilla;

0.2 kg of sugar;

Egg 2 pieces.


1. Rub the cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla.

2. Add one whole egg and one protein. The second yolk is thrown back into a plate and left for surface finishing.

3. Peel the apples, cut into cubes, mix with cottage cheese.

4. Roll out the dough, cut into two layers. We roll up the edges of each to make them thinner.

5. We shift the bottom of the pie onto a baking sheet, lay out the filling, do not reach the thin edges.

6. On the second piece of dough, we immediately make several cuts to release steam. Let's move on to the pie. We twist the thin edges together, pre-wet with water. It will give the connection strength and the product will not break during baking.

7. Lubricate the top and reachable sides with yolk, bake.

Salted puffs with cottage cheese and dill

A variant of salty puffs with cottage cheese, which will completely replace pies, can be cooked in the oven or fried in oil in a pan.


1 layer of dough;

0.35 kg of cottage cheese;

5 sprigs of dill;

Garlic and pepper to taste.


1. rub the cottage cheese with salt, add egg white to the filling, throw chopped dill. If desired, you can squeeze a little garlic into the curd mass, pour black pepper or sweet paprika. The taste will be interesting.

2. Roll out the dough, cut into squares of 8-10 centimeters. The number of pieces should be even.

3. We lay out the filling in half of the squares.

4. Lubricate the empty pieces around the edges with an egg and cover the squares with the filling, pinch.

5. Lubricate and send to bake. Or fry on both sides in hot oil.

Puff pastry triangles with cottage cheese and raisins

A variant of amazing puff pastry triangles with cottage cheese, to which steamed raisins are also added. To taste, the filling can be supplemented with small candied fruits.


0.5 kg of dough;

0.4 kg of cottage cheese;

80 grams of raisins;

Sugar, egg.


1. hot water, but do not pour raisins with boiling water. We keep the grapes in water until cool, throw them into a colander.

2. Combine the cottage cheese with sugar, the amount to taste. Add raisins, you can pour vanilla, throw a little candied fruit. We stir.

3. Roll out the dough, cut into squares of 15 centimeters.

4. Beat the egg, lubricate the places of future joints.

5. We smear the filling on one side, visually divide the layer diagonally.

6. Fold the triangle, pinch the joints. Can be pressed with fork tines for greater strength.

7. Bake until golden brown, ready-made triangles can be sprinkled with powder.

Puffs with cottage cheese and banana

A variant of insanely fragrant baking, for which you need a ripe banana. Cottage cheese puffs according to this recipe are baked in the oven.


1 layer of dough;

300 grams of cottage cheese;

60 grams of sugar;

Vanilla, egg.


1. Peel a soft banana, knead with a fork and combine with cottage cheese. Sugar, season with vanilla, stir the filling.

2. Lightly roll the dough layer on the table.

3. Smear the curd filling, stepping back three centimeters from the opposite edge. Lubricate this strip of dough with water, let it soak for now.

4. We turn the roll, you can not make it too tight, let the puff be a little empty and loose.

5. Cut into pieces of five centimeters.

6. We lay it on the prepared sheet, we make a seam from below.

7. Lubricate the rolls with an egg, bake for 12 minutes at 200 degrees. If necessary, take out earlier or hold a little more, it all depends on the resulting thickness of the rolls.

Khachapuri from puff pastry with cottage cheese and cheese

A variant of lazy khachapuri, which are made from puff pastry with cottage cheese. Cheese is also added to the filling, you will need any solid product.


500 grams of dough;

0.2 kg of cottage cheese;

0.2 kg of cheese;

3 cloves of garlic;

Some greenery (optional)


1. Defrost the dough, roll it out to 4 millimeters. We divide into 10 identical squares.

2. Rub the cottage cheese with a fork, salt and add the garlic. Grind the teeth in any way, you can just cut.

3. Add eggs to the filling, chopped greens if desired. A few sprigs of dill or parsley are enough.

4. Rub the cheese and stir with cottage cheese.

5. Put a full spoonful of filling on each square of dough.

6. We connect all the corners in the center. We sew the edges, straighten the shape with our hands.

7. Transfer to a greased or simply covered baking sheet.

8. Lubricate, bake khachapuri until cooked, set the temperature to 200.

Puffs with cottage cheese and green onions "Did you order pies?"

A variant of lazy puffs with cottage cheese, which are quite similar to pies. The dough is better to take yeast. Products can not only be baked, but also deep-fried.


0.25 kg of dough;

0.2 kg of cottage cheese;

1 bunch of onions;

5 sprigs of dill;

Salt, garlic;


1. We sort through the greens, chop finely and slightly wrinkle to reduce the volume of minced meat.

2. Grind cottage cheese, add protein to it. If the pies will be deep-fried, then you can throw a whole egg. If baked in the oven, then the yolk should be left for lubrication.

3. We combine cottage cheese with herbs, put salt to taste, you can add garlic and pepper. The filling is ready.

4. Cut the rolled dough into elongated rectangles.

5. Put the filling on one half, pinch the edges, slam with your hands.

6. Deep fry.

7. Or coat with a beaten egg, bake until golden brown in the oven.

Puff pastry pie with cottage cheese and peaches

A variant of a very beautiful puff pastry pie with canned peaches. If there are no peaches, you can take cherries, cherries, apricots from compote.


0.3 kg of cottage cheese;

0.2 kg of peaches;

4 tablespoons of sugar;

1 pinch of vanilla;

500 grams of dough;


1. Cut the peaches into neat strips, set aside.

2. Beat the protein with vanilla until fluffy foam, the mixer will handle it most conveniently and fastest.

3. Grind prescription cottage cheese, sweeten, introduce protein. We stir.

4. We lay out the melted dough on the table, roll it up a little with a rolling pin and cut off the third part.

5. Place a large piece on a baking sheet.

6. Smear the curd filling.

7. Lay the peaches on top in an even layer.

8. We take the third part of the dough and make small but through cuts in a checkerboard pattern with a knife.

9. We stretch a piece, we get a semblance of a mesh. We put on the cake, connect the edges of the top with the bottom.

10. We take a brush, moisten it in an egg and pass over the entire surface of the pie.

11. It remains only to bake and cool.

Puffs with cottage cheese, dried apricots and nuts

The recipe for amazing puffs that are sprinkled with nuts. You can take peanuts or walnuts. If the dried apricots are too dry, then fill them with warm water and let them soak.


0.4 kg of dough;

0.3 kg of cottage cheese;

0.1 kg dried apricots;

50 grams of nuts;

Sugar for stuffing.


1. Cut dried apricots into strips or small cubes.

2. Grind the cottage cheese with granulated sugar, select the sweetness to your taste.

3. Add dried apricots, stir. You can add vanilla.

4. Lay out the dough, roll out thinly, three millimeters.

5. We cut small squares of 5 centimeters.

6. We lay out the filling on half of them.

7. Lubricate the remaining squares with an egg and cover the filled pieces, press the edges.

8. We chop the nuts, but not finely, the pieces should be palpable. In no case do we fry the kernels, otherwise they will burn when baking puffs.

9. Lubricate the formed products, sprinkle with nuts and into the oven!

If the cottage cheese for the filling is dry, then it can always be diluted with sour cream. You can also add a little oil to the fat-free product, which will make the filling more tender.

Forgot to grease the puffs before baking? It's easy to fix! After baking, sweet products can be covered with honey or simply sprinkled with powder. Salted puffs are smeared with oil.

Curd filling turned out liquid? You can add dried fruits, such as raisins, to it. Over time, it will absorb some of the moisture. If the cottage cheese itself is weak, then it is placed in a gauze bag and hung up. Excess whey will definitely drain.

It is very important to put puff pastry products in an already preheated oven. Otherwise, they will dry out and crumble.

Step 1: prepare the dough.

When buying ready-made puff pastry, pay attention to the expiration dates and the condition of the packaging. The dough itself must be of a certain shape of a plate or roll, without bumps and tucks, otherwise this may mean that it was defrosted during transportation.
Unpack the puff pastry and defrost according to the package instructions. It usually just needs to be left at room temperature for a while. You cannot re-freeze the dough, so take only as much as you need, no more.

Step 2: prepare the egg.

Break the egg into a bowl and beat it until light foam using a whisk or a regular table fork. Many housewives suggest using only egg white, but I don’t see much difference in poring over the yolk compartment once again.

Step 3: form puffs.

Dust the dry surface of the countertop with a little flour. Lay out a layer of dough and carefully roll it out, making it thinner. Using a knife, carefully cut the dough into rectangles of any size. I usually divide the layer into 4-6 parts. Inside the resulting squares or rectangles, put a little curd mass, placing it in the center. Brush the edges of future puffs with a beaten egg.

Fold the dough, stretching one of their corners to the opposite so that you get a neat triangle. Press the edges with your fingers, and then go over them with the tines of a fork or the flat side of a knife.

Step 4: bake puffs with cottage cheese.

Put the oven on to heat up 170 degrees Celsius. Grease a baking sheet vegetable oil and put the puffs into it, leaving a free distance between them in 1-2 centimeters. This is necessary so that the pastries do not stick together. Spread the egg on top of the dough products, make several small punctures in each with a toothpick, and immediately after send it to the preheated oven for 15-20 minutes. The finished puffs will be golden brown and rise a little, so you know that they are ready and can be removed from the oven.

Step 5: serve puffs with cottage cheese.

Serve ready-made puffs with cottage cheese slightly cooled, so they are tastier. Transfer them to a large beautiful serving dish, brew sugar-free fruit tea and start your meal. And you don’t need to call anyone, your whole family has already come running to the aroma of sweet pastries.
Bon Appetit!

Instead of cottage cheese mass, you can use ordinary cottage cheese, simply mixing it with granulated sugar. In this case, for aroma and taste, I add a little more vanilla sugar, literally, 10 grams.

Also, puff pastry before baking can be greased with vegetable oil or an egg diluted with water, in a ratio of one to one.

In some recipes, chopped or ground walnuts are also added to the curd mass. But for my taste it turns out much more interesting with almonds.

Of course, you can take yeast dough to prepare puffs, but keep in mind that then they will turn out to be more airy and larger.

Cottage cheese puffs are a great option for baking on hastily. Curd filling can be both sweet and satisfying, and this is its main plus. If "sudden" guests caught the hostess by surprise, you can always resort to the recipe for cottage cheese puffs. Puffs from ready-made, puff pastry with cottage cheese are prepared very quickly, because you do not need to spend time kneading, but buy it in the store and keep it in the freezer for the right occasion.

Puffs with puff cottage cheese, without yeast dough are crispy and ruddy. This recipe for cottage cheese puffs can be varied by adding soaked raisins or other dried fruits to the list of ingredients.

A pack of yeast-free puff pastry (500 g)
One egg
A pinch of vanillin
300 g cottage cheese
Egg yolk


  1. Remove the packaging from the dough and spread it on a board with flour so that it does not wind up, cover cling film. Leave to thaw.
  2. Roll out into a sheet 3 mm thick, cut into rectangles. Mentally divide the rectangles in half, make cuts on one half with a knife, hot steam will come out through them during baking.
  3. If there are lumps in the cottage cheese, it must be wiped or “punched” with a blender. Add vanilla, sugar and egg, mix thoroughly.
  4. Arrange the filling in rectangles, distributing it on the side where there are no cuts. Fold the puffs in half, covering the filling with the notched side. Pinch the edges with a fork.
  5. Line a baking dish or baking sheet with baking paper. Spread the puffs, leaving a space between them, grease with yolk. Bake at 200 degrees for 15 minutes, the surface of the products should be golden.

yeast recipe

Puffs with cottage cheese from puff, yeast dough come out lush and very appetizing. Butter dough tastes sweeter than the yeast-free version, this should be taken into account in the process of preparing the filling. You need to roll it out thinly and only in one direction, trying not to harm its fragile multilayer structure.

250-350 g cottage cheese
A pinch of vanillin
A pack of yeast puff pastry
30-50 g sugar


  1. Defrost the dough, roll out on the table. Cut the rolled out dough into squares.
  2. Prepare cottage cheese - too dry can be moistened with a spoonful of sour cream or natural yogurt, and too wet can be allowed to “rest” by throwing it on a sieve and letting the excess liquid drain.
  3. Mix the filling - add sugar and a pinch of vanilla. The amount of sugar can be varied according to taste. The resulting mass should be smooth and tender.
  4. Put a spoonful of filling on each piece of dough, connect the opposite corners and pinch. The sides should be left open so that the hot steam from it comes out without moistening the pastries.
  5. Lay the puffs out on a sheet lined with parchment.
  6. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes at 200 degrees. Finished products should be ruddy.

with an apple

Puff pastry puffs with cottage cheese and apple are one of the most popular puff pastry options. For a change, you can combine sour apple and sweet pear in the filling.

Two apples
1/2 tsp lemon juice
Pack of puff pastry
2 tbsp vanilla sugar
Three egg yolks
200 g cottage cheese


  1. Prepare apples - remove the peel, cut into thin slices. Sprinkle apples with lemon juice to keep from browning.
  2. Combine vanilla sugar, yolks and cottage cheese, grind thoroughly with a fork or use a blender.
  3. Defrost the dough, roll it out and cut into squares.
  4. Make cuts on one half of each piece, put a small amount of curd mass on the second, cover with apple slices. Close up the puffs, securing the edges with a fork.
  5. Put the products on parchment, bake for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

with banana

Puffs with banana and cottage cheese are distinguished by a particularly delicate texture of the filling. These two tastes are perfectly combined, causing a persistent desire to take another puff for tea.

One egg yolk
180 g cottage cheese
One egg
Raisins - optional
100 g sugar
Pack of puff pastry
one banana


  1. Defrost the dough, roll out, cut into squares.
  2. Prepare the filling: with a blender, “break through” the egg, sugar, banana and fermented milk product in a bowl. You can also add a little raisins, it should be soaked and dried in advance.
  3. Put the filling on each piece of dough, overlap the corners and grease the products with yolk.
  4. In a preheated oven, bake puffs for 15-20 minutes at 180 degrees.

with cherry

The combination of cottage cheese and cherries is often found in and. Puffs with cottage cheese and cherries are no worse, more compact form makes them an even more desirable delicacy.
One egg
200 g cherries
Pack of puff pastry
A pinch of vanillin
3 tbsp Sahara
200 g cottage cheese


  1. Defrost the dough and roll out, then cut.
  2. Prepare the filling: carefully grind with a fork or “punch” the cottage cheese, vanillin, sugar and egg with a blender. Put it on each piece of dough, then lay the cherry and close the envelopes in the usual way.
  3. Lubricate the products with water or whipped yolk.
  4. Bake for 15-20 minutes at 200 degrees.

Unsweetened with cheese and herbs

A puff with cheese and cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry is prepared according to the same principle as the sweet products listed above.

One egg
Pack of puff pastry
250 g hard cheese
250 g cottage cheese


With greenery

Even children will like the puff with cottage cheese and herbs, you can serve them for breakfast or afternoon tea, in the company of sweet tea or warm milk.

Flour for dusting
Pack of puff pastry
bunch of dill
300 g cottage cheese

Cooking steps:

  1. Defrost puff sheets, roll into a layer no more than a centimeter thick. Cut into equal parts.
  2. In a bowl, mix one egg, fermented milk product, chopped greens, add salt.
  3. Lay out the filling, pinch the edges.
  4. Sprinkle a baking sheet with flour, lay out the blanks and grease them with a beaten egg. Make sure that the egg does not drip onto the baking sheet.
  5. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

The calorie content of the final dish depends on the ingredients that are included in the filling. The usual one with cottage cheese "weighs" 265 kcal, and the calorie content of more satisfying specimens can reach 800-900 kcal. How easy it is to cook puffs with cottage cheese, and how many options for preparing this pastry for every taste. It remains only to try them all and find out which one you like best.