Cannes care and cultivation. Cannes home: varieties and care Cannes flowers when to plant

  • 17.06.2019

A magnificent garden is the right choice of plants that have properties that allow them to coexist with other representatives of the flora and give excellent flowering over a long period of time. Today we will look at the question of how to create the luxury and grace of a tropical Mediterranean flower garden with minimal financial and labor costs. Canna flowers come from a tropical climatic zone and require careful attention to all vegetative forms throughout the entire period of their cultivation. They do not grow in the wild on the territory of our country. The most common cultivated species is the Indian Canna (Canna indica), which has magnificent buds, a strong fleshy stem and a long flowering period. The plant belongs to the Cannaceae family or monocotyledonous group. The average period of plant development until the moment the flower branch is ejected is 4 months. Flowering lasts up to 2 months. Some types of crops can reach a stem height of up to one and a half meters.

Leaves located on short cuttings are located opposite each other. They have longitudinal leathery veins. The buds have an exotic shape that resembles big ears, the color is the most diverse - from bright yellow color to a rich burgundy hue. An interesting fact is that in some regions of South America, cannes tubers are eaten. They have a pleasant sweetish taste, similar to that of potatoes. In other regions, cannes flowers are used exclusively as an ornamental park culture.

If during the flowering period the buds are pollinated by insects, then the seeds ripen, they are round, dark brown in color. They are used for seed propagation. Although you can get flowering buds much faster when planting adult tubers.

See the cannes flowers in the photo, illustrating the richness of shades and the possibilities of their use in landscape design:

Growing cannes in the garden: photos and rules for caring for plants

How does the cultivation of cannes in the garden on the backyard begin? That's right, with the choice of a variety and variety suitable for this. To begin with, you should choose a suitable place and decide on the assigned design tasks. You need to know that the decorativeness of a plant is not limited to the period of its flowering. There are varieties and varieties with leaves that are unique in their decorative qualities. There are rich purple and burgundy leaves, which, in combination with stems resembling bamboo, will be a great decoration for any garden.

Growing cannes in the garden has only one significant drawback. The buds give absolutely no scent. Well, the difficulties in organizing wintering also affect inexperienced growers. Despite this, the cultivation of canna is constantly gaining popularity - after planting these magnificent tropical flowers once, one wants to contemplate this splendor just endlessly. In this regard, many are trying and not unsuccessfully to grow a crop in indoor conditions... In this case, the flowering will be simply endless.

Look at the cannes flowers in the photo - they deserve the work and effort that will have to be made in the process of growing and caring for plants:

Proper care of plants when growing cannes in the garden makes it possible to achieve continuous flowering from early July until the first snow falls. Adult plants are absolutely unpretentious: they are not affected by diseases and pests, they perfectly tolerate a short-term drop in air temperature, and are drought-resistant.

The rhizome with tubers deserves special attention. It grows rapidly, developing in width, therefore, for harmonious growth and development, the culture requires significant space for its planting. At the beginning of vegetative development, a powerful central stem, which resembles a bamboo, grows rapidly. It can reach a height of 3 meters. It contains a deciduous mass with a leaf length of up to 80 cm. After 60 days, the first buds appear. Their standard size- 8-10 cm in diameter. The predominant color is red. Yellow shades are less common, the rarest color is white.

We will consider the rules for caring for plants in more detail later in the article. In the meantime, look at a photo of cannes flowers that can decorate any garden if grown correctly:

Cannes planting and subsequent care (propagation by seeds and rhizome)

Reproduction by seeds and rhizome is allowed, which can be divided in the autumn after the completion of the flowering process. Sowing seeds should be done as early as possible, the best period is the end of January and beginning of February. Before sowing, canna seeds must be thoroughly wiped with sandpaper to partially destroy the strong protective shell. Without this measure, germination may deteriorate, the timing of emergence of shoots may be delayed up to 4 months. After filing, the seeds are soaked for a day in a nutrient solution of growth stimulants. Then sowing is carried out in the prepared nutrient soil. For these purposes, any soil is suitable for indoor plants... The container with the sown seeds should be placed in a warm place. Only at temperatures above 25 degrees Celsius can you wait for shoots.

Planting cannes by dividing the rhizome is the easiest and reliable way reproduction of culture in the personal plot. The seed method is more recommended for breeding work, since the seedlings may not retain their species and varietal qualities. Sometimes very interesting fantasy color combinations are obtained in the petals of the buds. With proper sowing, seedlings can appear after 4 weeks. In the phase of 2 true leaves, planting is carried out in separate containers for seedlings (picking).

Rhizome propagation is a fairly simple way. For this, an audit of overwintered rhizomes is carried out in March. It is divided according to the principle - so that 1 flower bud remains on each segment. Sections are processed with wood ash or crushed activated carbon and dried. After that, all the rhizomes are placed in a container and covered with calcined sand. Watering is carried out every other day. The container is covered with plastic wrap and placed in a bright place. Ideal conditions develop on a windowsill that faces the south or east side of the house and under which a heating radiator is located. In this case, the leaves will appear quite quickly (after 2 weeks). After that, cannes are planted in separate pots with nutritious soil.

Germination of canna tubers is a must in our complex climatic conditions... Only in this way can you get abundant and long flowering... It is not worth planting non-sprouted tubers, since they will not have time to release buds.

Cannes are planted on a personal plot in open ground no earlier than May 20. By this time, the threat of recurrent frosts on the soil should have passed. Already grown plants with a stem height of up to 80 cm are planted. Before planting, a suitable soil is prepared. A high degree of soil fertility is required - compost or humus, complex mineral fertilizer are applied.

When planting and subsequent caring for cannes, experienced florists use various agrotechnical tricks. So, the “warm” pillow gives the best result. For its arrangement, a trench is dug, the entire layer of earth is removed from the ridge. A thick layer of hay or fresh manure is placed on the bottom. Then the earth is poured back. At the expense of biochemical processes passing in a layer of hay, provided constant influx heat to the root system of the canna. At the same time, the plant blooms 2 weeks earlier.

The planting depth of the rhizome is up to 15 cm. Do not cover the growth point on the stem. Subsequent plant care consists of regular watering. once every 10 days, when watering, add a few grains of manganese to the watering can. This stimulates flowering. Top dressing is carried out using the root method. Preparation of a solution for dressing: for 10 liters of water, 20 ml of organic complex fertilizer "Ideal" and 1 tbsp. spoon of Agri-Cola mineral additive for flowers. Everything dissolves thoroughly. 10 liters of solution is enough to water 10 plants.

How to organize storage of Cannes in winter?

Before organizing storage, you should find out about the timing of digging out the rhizomes. Since the culture blooms for a long time, immediately after the first snow falls, work should be done on the selection of rhizomes and tubers. For this, a garden pitchfork is used. You should dig very carefully so as not to damage the tubers.

It is not so easy to organize the storage of Cannes in winter when living in a city apartment. In a private house, everything is much simpler. The tubers are dug up, dried in a warm, testable room for 2-3 days. Then river sand is calcined. Tubers fit into it. Watering should be regular, and the ambient air temperature should not exceed 10 degrees Celsius. In a private house, it is advisable to store it in the basement. But in the apartment, you can try to organize storage on a loggia or a glazed balcony.

Another option for storing cannes in the apartment in winter is a vegetable box in the refrigerator. But here, too, sanding is required or wood shavings... 2-3 times during the winter, the rhizomes should be revised, if necessary, rinse them in a manganese solution and remove the rot that appears.

Let's say a few words about common varieties

Well, now let's say a few words about what varieties and varieties exist. Canna flowers have been the favorites of breeders for several centuries. Therefore, the existence of many varietal varieties is quite understandable. Let's talk only about the brightest of them, since a complete catalog can take up a hundred pages of text and no less pictures.

Indian canna is the most common species, distinguished by its relative unpretentiousness to the conditions of its growth. This plant is considered the progenitor of all varietal species. Crosey belongs to the dwarf types, the stem grows only 60 cm. This is offset by fantastically beautiful buds that resemble gladioli. The leaves are initially dark, rich green color... Gradually they become burgundy and purple. If you want taller plants, then you should pay attention to the "America" ​​or "President" variety. They have a tall stem over 1 meter in height. The bright red buds are beautifully framed by gorgeous glossy foliage.

Orchid cannes are similar in their inflorescences to cattleyas. Their stems reach a height of up to 2.5 meters. The buds are simply huge, they reach 20 cm in diameter. And leaves corrugated along the edges complement the unusual and fantastic picture.

You should not pass by deciduous varieties that do not have such outstanding buds, but their deciduous mass will give odds to any, even very beautiful flowering plants... The height of the variety reaches 3 meters. This amazing property allows you to effectively decorate the fence line and delimit the landscape design of the site with their help. Variety "Durban" provides an opportunity to use unusual striped leaves in composing a composition for any garden in the backyard.

Look at the varieties of Cannes flowers in the photo, the magnificent splendor of their flowering is shown:

Distinctive features of canna, how to grow a plant in a room, advice on breeding, possible difficulties in caring for a flower, curious notes, types and varietal forms.

Canna (Canna) belongs to the botanists of the genus, which is the only one in the family of the same name Cannaceae. The family itself is included in the order of the Gingerbread (Zingiberales), that is, the plants (for example, ginger, canna, cardamom, turmeric and others) are related, following the generally recognized taxonomy. The number of varieties in the genus reaches fifty, also today it has been bred in the course of breeding work a large number of varieties, but only some of them are used for growing in rooms. Species and varieties differ from each other not only in the height of the stems, but also in the color inherent in foliage and flower petals.

Most of these plants are found in nature on coastal lands, where the soil is constantly in sufficient moisture. Cannes is native to the region of Central and South America. Since the 16th century, this highly decorative shrub has been cultivated in European lands. Florists of India and China did not ignore this representative of the flora.

Family name Cannes
Life cycle Perennials
Growth features Herbaceous form
Reproduction Seed or vegetative (rhizome cuttings)
Substrate Nutritious, light, with adequate drainage
Soil acidity, pH 6.5-7 (neutral)
Illumination High level of illumination
Growing temperature 20-26 degrees, at rest 6-10 degrees
Moisture indicators Regular, but moderate watering, during the flowering period - abundant, at elevated temperatures - spraying the leaves
Special requirements Unassuming
Plant height 0.5 to 1.5-3 m
Color of flowers White, yellow, orange, rose-fawn or red
Type of flowers, inflorescences Loose few-flowered brushes
Flowering time June to November
Decorative time Spring-autumn
Place of application Pot culture
USDA zone 2–9

The Greek word " canna ", Which this plant carries, is translated as" reed ". Apparently, when it was decided to give a name to this representative of the flora, it was noticed that during flowering, the blossoming buds are very similar in shape to each other.

Cannes has a long life cycle. Rhizomes are distinguished by abundant branching, but their form is bulbous. Stems of all species of this genus are upright and rather plump, they stretch up to 3 meters in height. However, there are undersized forms, the stems of which do not exceed 50 cm. On the stems there is a two-row arrangement of large leaves. The length of the leaf plate can vary from 25 to 90 cm with an average width of 20 cm. The shape of the leaf plate takes on oval-elongated or elliptical outlines. The apex of the leaf is pointed. Even without flowering, the canna attracts the eye with the color of its large leaves, which is not limited to green shades. There can be purple-bronze, bright emerald, bluish-green, violet or black-purple tones, but leaves with colored stripes look most decorative. The foliage surface is covered with a waxy bloom.

Cannes begin to bloom in June, this process can end only with the onset of frost in October-November. Inflorescences crown the tops of the stems. The shape of the inflorescence is racemose, loose, since they consist of a small number of buds. The buds begin to bloom from the bottom of the inflorescence, and when the upper flowers open, the lower ones will wither successfully. The flower has a sharply asymmetric structure. If the bud opens completely, its diameter can be measured from 4 to 9 cm. Cannes flowers are very beautiful, as they have a rich bright color. The petals can be tinted with red, orange, pink-fawn and yellow colors. Occasionally there are varieties with a snow-white color scheme. The flowers of this plant are bisexual and three-membered. The bracts inside the corolla are lanceolate or oval in shape.

The fruit of the canna is an oval or cylindrical box, in which round black seeds are located in three nests. The capsule is lucolicidal, that is, when the fruit is fully ripe, it is opened along the lines connecting the backs of the carpels. The color of the seeds is black, their size is from 0.6 cm to 1 cm. The entire surface of the capsule is covered with growths that look like warts. As the fruit ripens, they will begin to fall off and the surface will become thinner, allowing it to unfold.

Since this representative of cannes is quite beautiful and not particularly demanding, it is grown not only as a garden plant, but also as a pot culture.

Growing cannes at home, caring for a flower

  1. Place to keep indoors.The plant is light-requiring and therefore a pot of canna should be placedon the sill of the southwest or southeast window. If the flowerpot will stand in the southern location, then it is better to shade it with a light curtain at noon. All due to the fact that, being in the garden, the bush will not suffer from direct sunlight. Their aggression will be reduced by the slightest breeze. But in the room, the canna loses such a blowout and for window glass possible sunburn of sheet plates.
  2. Soil for planting cann.Thanks to a powerful root system in nature, a plant can grow on depleted soil, but for greater comfort, the substrate should be nutritious, light and have the ability to let water and air pass to the roots. To mix the soil mixture yourself, it is recommended to combine sheet soil, peat, compost and river sand. All ingredients are taken in equal amounts and mixed thoroughly.
  3. Content temperature.Most of all, during the growing season for cannes, heat indicators that do not go beyond 20-24 degrees are suitable. But when the flowering ends, the plant must be provided with rest so that it gains strength for new flowering and growth. In this case, you will need to move the pot with a bush to a cool place, where the temperature will be 5-10 degrees. For this, a glazed terrace or loggia may be suitable. This content requires a high level of lighting.
  4. Air humiditywhen growing, canna should be normal, if its indicators decrease, then the tips of the leaf plates may dry out. Leaves rolled into a tube are an indicator of low humidity. To prevent this from happening, in the summer heat, when the temperature exceeds 25 degrees, foliage is sprayed from a fine spray gun. You can put household humidifiers or just a vessel with water next to the pot.
  5. Watering.When caring for a cannabis at home, you need to irrigate, only with well-settled water. For normal growth, the soil must be moistened once a week, but in the hot summer months this operation is carried out twice in 7 days. Better to water the potted soil when it is dry upper layer... To obtain water of the desired consistency, it is poured into a container and kept in this state for a couple of days. You can put a gauze bag with peat in the water, which is taken out after a couple of days, it will soften it before watering.
  6. Cannes transplant.It is clear that when growing the pot at home, the plant should not be changed annually, but when the root system has filled the entire capacity provided to it. The best time for this will be spring - April. Since the root system of the plant grows rapidly, the pot is selected at least 50 cm. A layer of expanded clay or medium-sized pebbles is laid at the bottom of the flowerpot, which will protect the root system from waterlogging. Then cover the drainage layer with a small amount of soil mixture. You can put a little manure on it, which will serve to warm the roots, it is also sprinkled with a layer of substrate, and only then a plant is placed, extracted from an old flowerpot. The soil from the root system is cleaned if possible, but carefully separating those clods that fall off themselves. The deepening of the bush should not be more than 7 cm. After planting, the soil is moistened and the transplanted canna is placed in a room with a slight shade for the plant to adapt. After a week, you can move the flower pot to a permanent place where the lighting level will be higher.
  7. Fertilizers for cann.During the growing season, it is recommended to regularly apply top dressing, which will contribute to normal growth, development and flowering. Complete mineral complexes are used for flowering indoor plants, for example, "Kemira-Universal", "Agricola" or "Mister Tsvet". Often, flower growers use a mixture of nitrogen and phosphorus-potassium preparations, which will help the development of deciduous mass. During the flowering period for cannes, you will need to slightly increase the amount of fertilizers, in addition to the above, you can use a nitroammophoska. The tropical beauty responds well to foliar dressing, then the drug is diluted in water and spreads over the surface of the leaf plates by spraying or moistened tissue.
  8. Rest period.Although the plant can be dug out of open ground and transplanted into a pot or grown permanently in rooms, it should be remembered that it needs rest for two months. At this time, the temperature of the content should be reduced, watering is reduced to a minimum, and top dressing is not used. The leaf plates must be cut in such a way that only 12-15 cm of the total length remain.
  9. General tips for indoor bathroom care.When flowering, you need to periodically remove the faded buds. It is recommended to loosen the soil after each watering.

For propagation of this tropical plant, it is recommended to use the vegetative and seed method.

  1. Reproduction using parts of the rhizome.This vegetative method preserves all the varietal characteristics of the cannes. With the arrival of spring, namely in March-April, it is necessary to get the canna out of the pot and clean its rhizome from the soil. If parts are found that have undergone drying out or decay, then they are removed. All sections are sprinkled with crushed coal. Then the division is carried out using a sharpened knife. Each of the resulting parts of the rhizome must have at least a couple of growth points, but if they are located too close, then such a site cannot be divided. This is because the delenki will not be able to take root and release a sufficient number of shoots and roots. After separation, it is recommended to process all sections with a solution based on potassium permanganate, which is prepared at the rate of 0.2 g of the drug per 1 liter of water. Charcoal powder can also be used. Such processing will serve as protection against possible fungal diseases. Cannes rhizomes are planted in pots to a depth of no more than 7 cm, the cuttings are laid horizontally, but they should be completely covered with soil mixture. After that, it is watered and placed in a warm place with a heat reading of 20-24 degrees. When drying on top of the soil, it is important to spray with warm, settled water from a spray bottle. Watering the seedlings is already required once every 10 days. The light and humidity levels should be high. For better rooting, it is recommended to water with a weak solution of potassium permanganate once every 10 days. Some growers use root stimulants.
  2. Cannes propagation by seeds.This method may not give preservation of decorative properties, but it is used for breeding new varieties. Sowing is performed in February, but before that it is necessary to carry out scarification - destruction of the upper skin of the seed. Seed material is poured over with boiling water and soaked in warm water poured into a thermos so that it does not cool down. It is kept for 4 hours. You can wrap the seeds in damp gauze and put them for half a day on hot battery... This is necessary for swelling. Before sowing, you can soak the seeds in a solution of a root formation stimulator for 24 hours. They are placed in a peat-sandy substrate, laid in seedling boxes or pots. Germination should take place at room temperature and good lighting, but shade from direct sunlight. Often, the boxes are covered with plastic wrap, creating the greenhouse effect... But with such care, daily ventilation is required. The soil is sprayed when its top layer begins to dry out. When 20-30 days have passed, shoots will appear from the soil and the shelter is removed, and the temperature is reduced to 6-10 degrees. In this case, a high level of lighting is important. When the seedlings unfold a couple of real leaves, they are dived into separate pots. The substrate is taken the same as for germination. The next transplant must be performed when the canna root system has mastered all the soil provided to it in the container.

Possible difficulties in caring for a bathroom in a room

When growing cannes indoors, fungal diseases can be a problem:

  • Powdery mildew- a bloom on the leaves or stems of a whitish hue, reminiscent of hardened lime.
  • Rust- spots of brick color, which then dry out, but spread to other parts of the plant and lead to its death.
  • Gray mold- brown spot, the surface of which becomes gray over time due to fungal spores.

If any plaque is noticed on the leaves or they have lost their turgor and become soft, then the damaged parts must be removed, and the whole plant must be treated with any fungicide (for example, Fundazol).

Occasionally, canna is affected by viral diseases -cucumber mosaic or variegated... Then a pattern of spots appears on the leaves. different sizes and color. In this case, there is no cure, the bush will have to be removed immediately, and the pot must be thoroughly disinfected.

Harmful insects that can cause problems when caring for a bathroom in a room are:

Usually, when pests are found, it is recommended to first wipe the cannula leaves with a soap, oil or alcohol solution. If such sparing methods do not help, then treatment with insecticidal and acaricidal preparations is performed - Aktara, Aktellik, BI-52, Fitoverm or similar means.

To prevent the appearance of harmful insects, you should periodically wash the canna leaves. warm water... They try to keep the humidity in the room where the flower is located high, since its decrease can provoke the appearance of pests. Only carefully disinfected soil should be used for germination, planting and transplanting. The soil can be calcined in the oven or treated with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

Curious notes about Cannes

The most popular are Canna Crozie, which got its name from the gardener who bred the first hybrid. At the end of the 19th century, Pierre Antoine Crozi lived in Lyon, who is engaged in the cultivation of very beautiful plants whose flowers were very much like roses. As it was found out later, this representative of the flora had nothing to do with roses, but the world learned about cannes thanks to the selfless work of the breeder.

Historical information about the flowers of Cannes is of ancient origin. There is a legend that in tropical America the Indians, knowing about the starchy content of plant roots, baked the tubers on charcoal and used it in cooking. This representative of the flora came to the territory of European countries thanks to the Portuguese sailors in the 16th century, but it was only a hundred years later that cannu was used as a decorative culture. In Russia, canna gained fame only during the reign of Peter I, since by his decrees a garden office was organized in the country.

Types and varieties of cannes

In order to grow such plants in a room, you should choose undersized varieties, the height of the stems of which will vary in the range of 0.5-1.5 m.

Canna Crozie,which was previously mistaken for a rose and was calledFrench rose or French canna... Bred in the middle of the 19th century french breeder. The stems are fleshy and thick, they can stretch from 0.6 to 1.6 m. Flowers in their shape are similar to gladioli, their petals are folded back. The color of the leaves is closely green or bronze-purple, there is a waxy bloom.

  • Livadiawith stems no higher than a meter. The length of the inflorescences is 25-30 cm. The flowers in it are crimson-red. Leaves of purple color. Flowering begins in July.
  • America (America).The height of the stems is measured at 1.2–1.4 m, but not more than 1.5 m. The leaf blades have a purple color. Blooms from early July. A few cinnabar-red flowers bloom in a loose inflorescence. The length of the inflorescence is 30–35 cm with a flower diameter of about 12 cm.
  • Presidentdoes not grow above a meter. The color of the leaves is green. The length of the inflorescence reaches 30 cm. The flowers in it are bright red. Flowering occurs in mid-summer.

Canna Orchidalso suitable for growing as a pot crop. The plant got its specific name for the similarity of flowers with Cattleya, called "queens of orchids". The stems are relatively short, their parameters do not exceed 1–2 m. When opening, the flower diameter can vary in the range of 12.5–17.5 cm. The leaves take on a green or dark purple hue. The most popular varieties are:

  • Sueviacan only reach a height of 1 m with a stem. The color of flowers in the inflorescence is lemon. The length of the inflorescence is 15 cm with a diameter of about 12 cm. The foliage is rich, green. The buds begin to bloom at the end of June.
  • Richard Wallacein height reaches no more than a meter. Inflorescences do not exceed 20–23 cm in length. Flowers have a pale yellow color of petals, their entire inner surface is covered with bright red specks. The leaves of this variety are green. Flowering starts in mid-summer and can last until the end of October.
  • Andenken an Pfitzer.The stems of this variety will grow a little more than one meter, but will not exceed 1.4 m. The length of the inflorescence is equal to 30 cm. The flowers have bright orange petals, the surface of which is decorated with strokes of red color. The color of the leaves is purple-brown. The buds will bloom from mid-summer.

For home cultivation, varieties of other varieties are often used, such as:

  • Golden Luciferis the owner of a stem with a height of 0.6 m. It is crowned with loose inflorescences of flowers of a rich and light yellow hue, while a pattern of numerous red dots and strokes flaunts on the inner surface of the petals.
  • Orange Majicin height it can vary in the range of 60–70 cm. The flowers in the inflorescence are bright orange, but the petals have a yellow tone at the base. When opened, the diameter of the flower will be 8 cm.
  • Mrs. Oklahoma.It is distinguished by a long stem, which reaches a little more than 75 cm in height, while the width of the plant is about 50.8 cm. During flowering, inflorescences of crimson flowers are formed, yellow specks are present on the petals, the edges are painted in a yellow tone. A delicate aroma spreads during flowering.

One of the most unusual and spectacular bulbous plants is the canna. Canna flowers are able to decorate any composition, combine with almost any other plants, and also look beautiful in single plantings. Canna is a perennial herb native to tropical forests, so it cannot winter outdoors.

Botanical description

The canna flower can reach 2 meters in height, has large oblong leaf blades, up to 50 cm in length and up to 25 in width. The color of the leaf blades can be of all shades of green. The flowers are very large and have a lemon, pink color, purple hues. These plants are most popular for growing in gardens and summer cottages. They are well suited for landscaping areas and areas in front of the house.

Thanks to their large size, they create a unique composition. But, in addition, canna is excellent for growing on garden plot or at home. At home, it is kept in large tubs or floor pots. For growing this beautiful flower in room conditions, appropriate varieties should be selected, preferably undersized, in order to fit in a room, on a balcony or loggia.

Such varieties reach a height of no more than 160 cm, they do not require complex care, and such flowers will decorate not only a room, but will also look worthy in an office or administrative room.

Cannes content rules

In order for the canna to have not only juicy greens, but also to bloom profusely with large and bright flowers, it must be properly looked after. Caring for a plant at home comes down to following certain rules and creating the necessary conditions for it.


Canna belongs to light-loving plants, so you need to place it in a sunny place. A window sill on the south or west side is well suited for this. You can put the canna in front of the window on the floor. She is not afraid of exposure to sunlight, so there is no need to shade her.

Temperature conditions

The optimum air temperature is about 20-26 degrees Celsius. In such conditions, the flower develops well. The room where the plant is kept should be slightly ventilated.

Humidity requirements

Under natural conditions, cannes grow in the tropics, where a warm climate and high levels of humidity, therefore, home-grown varieties and types of flowers also need to maintain a high level of humidity. Here, maintenance consists of weekly watering. With the onset of summer, on hot days, the amount of watering is increased to twice a week. If the plant lacks moisture, then it immediately lets you know about it.

Large leaves are rolled into a tube. In this case, the flower must be watered immediately. In the heat, to create optimal humidity, you need to spray it with warm water and the air around the plant too. With the onset of autumn, watering is reduced, and then stopped altogether. Such measures contribute to the ripening of the rhizome for winter.

Dormant period

Two months a year, the plant needs a dormant period, and at this time, caring for it is also necessary. Watering is stopped, and the stems are cut off, leaving them 10-15 cm high. The pot with a canna is removed to a cool place where the temperature does not exceed 6-10 degrees Celsius.


Since the canna develops very quickly, it is necessary to transplant the flower annually, increasing the size of the container. Canna soil should be light and loose. A mixture of turf, leafy soil with peat and sand is suitable for this. It is good to pour a layer of expanded clay or other drainage material on the bottom of the pot. Then a layer of soil is poured on top, and the plant is placed in a pot. Add the required amount of earth on all sides and compact it slightly. A flower transplant is well tolerated, so it can be carried out at any growing season. In order for the water not to stagnate in the pot, the soil must be loosened periodically. Loosening also contributes to the saturation of the soil with oxygen. Caring for the plant after transplanting is the same as for the rest of the time.

Top dressing

Plant feeding is carried out with complex mineral fertilizers about once every 30 days. Cannes responds very well to fertilization, the leaves become more juicy, and the flowering is abundant with large flowers.


Canna blooms at home not often, but if the care is good, then flowering can be achieved.

The buds bloom first at the bottom of the stem and gradually go up. Caring for a plant during flowering involves removing dead buds and dried leaves. This will help preserve the decorative appearance of the plant and free it from unnecessary flowers and leaves. There are varieties that shed dead leaves and flowers on their own, so there is no need to remove them yourself. From time to time you need to clean the leaves from accumulated dust, it is best to do this with a damp sponge.

Cannes diseases

Cannes are rarely affected by diseases when indoor growing... Sometimes bacteriosis develops on the leaves, which is manifested by the appearance of black spots on the leaves. The cause of the disease is considered to be improper care of the plant, or rather, waterlogging of the soil. It is better to prevent this disease, as it will not be possible to treat it. Therefore, timely watering as the soil in the pot dries up will be the best prevention of this disease.

Plants grown in indoor conditions are practically not damaged by pests. In rare cases, they can be invaded by aphids or caterpillars, which must be fought with insecticides.

In general, caring for cannes is very simple, despite the fact that the plant is tropical, it feels great in indoor conditions and does not need special attention. Therefore, it is worth having this plant in your home. And let it take up a little more space than other plants, but large juicy stems and leaves will create a real atmosphere of the tropics in the room. In addition, thanks to the abundance of greenery, there will never be a shortage of clean air.

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Growing canna is a universal business, since this flower of incredible beauty can decorate both your garden or garden bed in the country, and a gallery of indoor plants or balcony ones.

Canna is a very spectacular, luxurious plant, outwardly very reminiscent of iris. In nature, there are about fifty species of these plants. They are most common in Central and South America, as well as India, Australia, Hawaii and other regions.

Cannes stems and leaves are considered feed raw materials, and rhizomes rich in starch can be eaten even by humans, they are often used for the production of "Queensland arrowroot" - a type of starch.

When choosing a place in the garden or in the garden for growing cannes, you should understand that it must be in the spotlight so that the flower is noticeable. Canna has beautiful large decorative flowers, rich color and large inflorescences, which makes it an irreplaceable decoration winter garden... And of course, canna will rightfully take its rightful place among your home plants grown in an apartment on a windowsill or on a balcony.

By flowering time cannes are divided into:

  1. early - begin to bloom in the month of June;
  2. late - such flowers begin to bloom from mid-July or from early August until night frosts.

Cannes classification by group as follows:

  1. orchid-shaped flowers - have a stem about 2 meters high and flowers 14 cm in height, the edge of the flower is corrugated, the leaves are green or green-purple;
  2. Crozi - the stem has a length of about one and a half meters, and the flowers are up to 10 cm, respectively, the edges are folded back, the leaves have a color similar to orchid-like cannes, slightly with a bluish bloom;
  3. deciduous small-flowered cannes - the stem can reach a height of up to 3 meters, the flowers are 6 cm, respectively, the petals are narrow, and the leaves can be green, green-purple or just purple.

Stages and conditions of growing cannes

Growing and caring for cannes consists of the following components during one season: approximately in March or April you need to germinate the rhizomes and plant them on open ground at the beginning of summer. If you are growing a flower at home, plant the roots in a pot in March, the plant should be transplanted into a new pot every year.

The next stage is flowering. It can start from mid-summer to September and end with the onset of frost. Cannes reproduce by dividing germinating rhizomes or seeds. Around October, the roots need to be pulled out of the ground and stored.

Cannes are fertilized during the entire growth period.

Growing soil cannes should be rich in humus, have nutritional properties, before planting the plant, it should be well processed and loosened. Cannes are best grown in a sunny location, as well as well protected from the wind, which the canna does not like too much.

For the plant to grow better, it should be constantly weeded, loosened and watered. If the flower is dry or withered, it must be removed in order for the rest to bloom better. The root system needs to be well developed, and the first peduncles should be removed.

Cannes - plant perennial and thermophilic, you should not allow it to freeze so that it does not die. At the first cold, the cannas bushes are spud so that the root collars cannot freeze and provoke rotting of the plant.

Breeding features of cannes and their transplant

Cannes tubers should be planted at a depth of about 10 cm and at a distance of 30 cm from each other. Rhizomes are divided with the onset of spring into freely divisible parts, each of which has a kidney. If you plant roots with leaves, then you should pre-moisten the hole well, and if without leaves, then water it regularly so that they appear as quickly as possible.

The best thing water cannes in hot weather, thanks to this, the soil dries quickly and is able to cement. Also, in very hot weather, the soil should be loosened almost daily.

A reproduction by dividing rhizomes it happens like this:

  1. you need to divide the roots in mid-spring;
  2. sprinkle the place of division with crushed coal;
  3. treat the roots with a solution of potassium permanganate;
  4. place them in a warm place and spray with warm water so that they do not rot, but grow;
  5. the youngest roots should be sprinkled with sand for several meters during germination;
  6. all the rest in a month, lay in the soil of the greenhouse, maintaining a temperature of about 24 degrees, and sprinkle it with earth on top;
  7. when the foliage grows, when the leaves are already beginning to interfere with each other, transplant the plant into pots with a prepared soil mixture based on compost, humus and sand;
  8. in this position, keep the cannes before transplanting into open ground, maintaining a temperature of about 16 degrees and providing them with good lighting;
  9. you can water the plant with potassium permanganate for recreational purposes every ten days.

Cannes can also be propagate with seeds but it will take a lot of time. However, if you have time and would like to do this, then the algorithm of actions will be something like this:

  1. scarify the seeds, pierce the shell and keep them in the snow for a couple of hours;
  2. pour boiling water over the seeds;
  3. soak them in warm water for 3 hours;
  4. sow them in boxes at a temperature of 22 degrees, disembarkation time is the month of February;
  5. sprouts that appeared in March, dive into the pots and take them to the greenhouse, they should be kept at a temperature of 16 degrees;
  6. at the end of May - beginning of June, transplant the seeds into open ground and after a year the flowers will bloom.

How to properly water and fertilize cannes

Cannes needed pour abundantly warm water, the plant should be fed during the entire growing period until the leaves die off by about autumn. Often, fertilizing watering is used, when the plant is treated with mineral fertilizer or mullein infusion, this should be done 3-4 times a week.

Remember to loosen the soil and remove weeds each time you water the plant. For better flowering, you can do for cannes hot manure bed... To do this, dig a hole 70 cm deep and fill it with manure by three quarters, and then 20 cm with earth. The generated heat will make the flower more lush.

Cleaning and storing cannes in the cold

The roots of the plant should be dug up at the first frost or in sunny autumn weather. After digging, they are dried and stored in sand, peat or earth, while cutting off the stems at a height of about 20 centimeters. If there are a lot of roots, they need to be sprinkled with a substrate and stored in a cool place at temperatures up to 8 degrees, as they are stored, remove rotten parts. They can also be covered with sawdust or sand by 20 cm.

Many argue that Cannes when digging, you do not need to shake off and with a whole earthy coma, it should be dried and stored until spring, so that they ripen better. And the earth will not let the roots dry out, and will not let the young shoots lose. The roots need to be cleaned already during division.

Provided the plants are kept indoors, they need to be watered once every two weeks.

Features of growing cannes

Cannes cultivation has a number of its own characteristics. This plant is unstable to frost or cold weather, but at the same time it easily tolerates diving into pots even in winter.

Also, a feature of cannes is the fact that they can also be grown, like an aquatic plant. Suitable for this purpose plants of such groups as:

  1. Longwood;
  2. C. Indika;
  3. Canna glauca.

They can grow up to 20 cm submerged in water for a whole year.

Cannes are returned to the air only when the possibility of frost is completely absent. They are placed directly in pots in a pool under water, and in cold weather they are kept in a greenhouse. They should be kept at a temperature of 15 degrees. Please note that the cannes potting soil must contain clay, or you can simply clay the inner surface of the pot itself.

How to deal with diseases and pests

For cannes, are extremely dangerous infectious bacterial diseases in which buds and leaves turn black or become stained. In such diseases, the flowers must be disposed of, since the disease is incurable. It appears due to an excess of moisture. Even though Cannes is very fond of water, you cannot overdo it with it.

Caterpillar, slug, butterfly and root nematode, which also appear as a result of waterlogging of the flower, are considered dangerous pests for the plant. When using insecticides, they can be dealt with.

Cannes are also exposed rust fungus or gray mold, the cause of the appearance of such a disease is also waterlogging of the soil. The plant with this ailment becomes covered with rusty spots and rots.

Sometimes plants can get sick with variegation virus when black dots appear on the leaves or begin to curl and shrink. Disease can be cured by removing diseased parts from the plant.

Also, cannes with fungal diseases can change the shade of the leaves, this is treated with potassium permanganate.

So, if you observe all the rules of care for cannes flowers, water and fertilize on time, you will certainly be glad that your home or garden is decorated with such an extraordinary lush bloom this flower.

Beautiful bushes of luxurious cannes

Every summer resident wants his landscape plot to be decorated with beautiful and bright flowers. For this, you can use both single-planted plants and whole compositions. One of the most spectacular colors is canna. Few today use it on their own. summer cottage, although it grows well and does not require special conditions. The topic of this article is - canna: planting and care in the open field. This article will help you become more familiar with this. exotic plant and plant it on your territory.

Canna: planting and grooming outdoors

Kanna is an Indian flower that migrated to us a long time ago. It is a perennial plant, however, it cannot winter outdoors. Most of all, cannes are attracted by bright, beautiful flowers that have an asymmetric shape and various colors: white, yellow, red or crimson. Also today varieties with spots, stripes and various patterns have been bred.

Today, quite a few varieties of cannes are known. All of them differ in the flowering period, planting and care features. But each variety will perfectly decorate your landscape design, bring brightness and exoticism to it. Outwardly, the canna is somewhat reminiscent of a palm tree. That is why the people call this flower palm. By planting him in the center, you can be sure that he will become the leader of your entire composition. Large, branched cannes stand out significantly from the rest of the plants as they bloom from early June to September. Sometimes they stand until the first frost.

There is an opinion that it is too difficult to care for a flower, so it is better to plant it in a summer cottage. But this is an unsubstantiated statement. The main thing is to know the peculiarities of growing and create a favorable environment for the plant. This will help to easily grow in the territory of Cannes. Let's look at how to plant a flower on the site and what is needed for this.

Canna: outdoor planting

At the beginning, we note that the flower propagates by rhizomes, which can be purchased in all specialized stores. So, the canna will grow if it is correctly selected:

  • Location... The flower does not grow well in the shade, but in open space it can quickly die. Therefore, it is important to choose a place where there is both coolness and a sufficient amount of light. It is also important to avoid drafts to avoid damaging the stem of the plant.
  • The soil... The soil should be nutritious, saturated and moist. Of course, nowadays it is quite difficult to find such soil, therefore it is recommended to mix it with manure, peat and ash. If possible, it is better to make a mixture composed of equal parts sand, peat, humus and earth.
  • Boarding time... When is the best time to plant a cannu? The end of April - beginning of March is considered optimal. It was at this time that the probability of night frosts, which the flower is so afraid of, is completely excluded.
  • Special hot bedding... In order for the growth and flowering of the plant to be long and lush, many summer residents use some trick - they make the flower an organic bedding. It consists of horse manure, which is freshly laid on the bottom of the hole, and the soil is poured on top. As a result of combustion, heat will develop, which will contribute to long-term flowering.

To propagate the cannu, it is necessary to dig out the rhizomes for wintering in the cellar in the autumn. And in the spring, before disembarking, divide them into several parts. Places of rupture must be lubricated with coal or a weak solution of magrantsovka. It is also recommended to plant planting material into a small greenhouse so that the rhizomes sprout. As soon as small shoots appear on the surface of the soil, you can start planting in open ground.

Cannes landing

Cannes care: what is important not to forget?

Many summer residents will be surprised by the simple care of a plant that only needs:

  • Moderate watering. Do not flood the flower. Periodic watering is sufficient as the soil dries up. Canna reacts rather poorly to severe waterlogging and tolerates drought more easily.
  • Top dressing. For this, you can use mineral or organic fertilizers. You can feed it several times a week.
  • Loosening the soil and killing weeds.

As for pests, they rarely attack the canna, so there is no need to worry. So, canna, planting and leaving in the open field is a simple matter and even inexperienced summer residents can do it. We hope that our tips will help you grow beautiful cannes on your territory that will delight your eyes all season.

Thanks to the versatility of cannes, they can be grown both in the yard. country house, and in the apartment as a home plant. The main thing is to adhere to a number of conditions.

Outdoor cultivation

In order for the cultivation in the garden to be successful, amateur gardeners in temperate latitudes will have to sweat quite a lot. Due to the fact that cannes are southern plants, they can hardly tolerate cold and strong winds. But with the proper level of perseverance, cannes will delight with flowering from the end of June until the first cold weather.

The easiest way to buy cannes is already sprouted and ready for planting in the ground.

They are planted in mid-May to ensure they are protected from frost.

Otherwise, the plant will stop growing, and in extreme cases it will not even have time to bloom until autumn.

Experienced gardeners know that cannes reproduce by dividing rhizomes. Therefore, when buying tubers, and not sprouting flowers, you should pay attention to the presence of at least one large bud or several smaller ones. During storage, the rhizomes can grow moldy, so you need to carefully examine them for rot - diseased plants will not bloom.

In order for the separated tubers to sprout, they are all laid out together in a box with sand, sprinkling a little with the same sand on top. The box should be placed in a bright but cool place - about + 16 ° С. Once every ten days, the roots are watered with a solution of potassium permanganate - so that they sprout and to disinfect the plant.

Growing in the open field initially inhibits flowering.

In this case, cannes begin to bloom only towards the end of summer.

After the sprouts reach 10 cm in height, they are transplanted into the garden. To do this, 20 cm of manure is laid out in a pit at a depth of about half a meter, the same amount of soil, everything is well moistened and only then cann tubers are planted. Since the flowers grow well, about half a meter of free space should be left between them.

Read also: Rust on peonies, how to fight?

What to do after disembarkation

  • double mineral dressing with soil loosening;
  • regular abundant watering during the flowering period;
  • removing weeds during the first growing season;
  • insecticide treatment to protect against nematodes and caterpillars;
  • pruning wilted inflorescences.


Before the first cold weather, the flowers are cut and dug up. The tubers are sprinkled with a mixture of peat, sawdust, earth and sand and stored in a cool place - in a cellar, a loggia, in an attic with a temperature of up to 10 ° C. You also need to monitor the moisture content of the earth, and maintain it at 50%.

Cannes can also be stored in the refrigerator - the washed dried tubers are wrapped in paper and placed in the vegetable compartment. Before that, they can be soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate to protect them from decay.

In both the first and second options, it is sometimes necessary to check the roots and cut off all rotten areas. The cut site is treated with iodine and placed back in the storage area.

Read also: Cutting hydrangea in summer

In a pot

Good news for apartment owners - growing in a pot and caring for cannes in this case is much easier. You do not need to treat flowers with insecticides, loosen the soil and dig up tubers. For the correct growth of cannes, they need tubs with a diameter of 50 cm.The cannes themselves bloom in the apartment almost all year round- they only need 2 months of rest. After the end of flowering, they gradually cease to be watered, then they are cut off at a height of 10-15 cm and placed in a dark and cool (about + 10 ° C) place.

In the spring, watering is also gradually increased so that the plant "wakes up" and is taken out to a lighted place. "Home" cannes reproduce in the same way - tubers, which are divided in the spring.

Canna flower: planting and care

But some hobbyists prefer growing cannes from seeds. This is a rather time consuming process. The seeds are softened by pouring boiling water over them and keeping them in warm water for several hours. After that, the seeds are planted in light soil, and kept at a temperature of about 23 ° C, avoiding bright light.

After the seedlings germinate and form three or four leaves, they are seated in separate pots. As soon as the plants get stronger, they need to be transferred into large tubs, being careful not to damage the rhizomes. After transplanting, growing such flowers at home or on the street is no different from those propagated by tubers.

Cannes require some maintenance, but with the right skills, growing them shouldn't be a problem for any gardener!

In the photo: Canna En Avant, Canna Lucifer, Canna Tyrol, Canna Gnome, Canna Cleopatra
Even more cannes in our catalog

Irreplaceable plants when making bouquets and landscaping flower beds on household plots... They are very beautiful when planted in large groups, look great in the middle of flower beds, as well as for indoor gardening as pot and tub plants. Cannes are also good in summer on balconies and terraces. They go well with low-growing and medium-sized plants. And if the canna is located against the background of a green lawn, then you can stand for a very long time and admire these magnificent flowers.

We can often see compositions that are stunning in their solemnity, which are based on cannes flowers. They look so incredibly festive that you can't imagine a better flower for this type of bouquet. For a bouquet, cannes flowers are cut in the morning or evening. They stand in a vase for a long time: 4-5 days in a warm room and 6-8 days in a cool one.

Cannes are thermophilic plants and are afraid of frost, so it is recommended to plant them in our strip only after May 9th. In case of damage to the leaves, plants will take a long time to recover. The soil must be deeply cultivated before planting. For digging or plowing, humus is introduced at the rate of 4-5 kg ​​per mg. You can put horse manure to a depth of 80 cm and pour 30 cm of earth on top. Before planting, dig holes to a depth of 20-30 cm. The holes are filled with water, especially when rhizomes with leaves are planted. If the soil is dry, watering is necessary both before and after planting the rhizomes. Cannes can also be planted with a bud that has not sprouted (this is more suitable for southern regions) - then the planting depth should be 6-9 cm.The distance between plants should be at least 50 × 50 cm.Plants should be watered regularly until leaves and stems appear ...

Cannes care
To ensure the normal growth and development of plants, to achieve the maximum effect, regular weeding from weeds, abundant watering and loosening are necessary. During the growing season, the plants must be fed 2-3 times with mineral fertilizers. Fertilizers in granules are carefully sprinkled on the previously abundantly watered soil around the plants, and then loosened. The rate of fertilization per 1 m2 is 40-50 g of the mixture (12 g of nitrogen, 25 g of phosphoric, 10 g of potash). As the flowering proceeds, dry inflorescences are cut off to preserve the decorative effect of the plants. Another positive property of cannes is that they tolerate transplantation very well at any stage of growth, however, subject to mandatory watering.

In the fall, before frosts, plants can be planted in containers and brought into the room, placing them closer to the windows. They will delight you with their flowering for a long time. Plants with leaves can hibernate indoors, but winter watering should be reduced to once every two weeks. In the spring, these plants can be divided and planted.

Cleaning and storage
Cannes blooms all summer and autumn. They are especially beautiful in late autumn, if early frosts do not come. However, these magnificent plants do not hibernate in the ground and must be dug up for the winter. It is better to dig cannes in sunny weather or immediately after the first frost. Having dug around the plants (over the summer they gain a large mass), you need to shake them a little before, cut off the leaves and stems at a height of 20 cm using a pruner or a small saw. Having laid the rhizomes in boxes, they are brought into the room, having noted the name of the variety. After two weeks, grooves are made (if there is room, for example, in a greenhouse under the rack) and, laying in rows, they are covered with earth. If there are no such conditions, the rhizomes are stored in containers until spring, sprinkled with earth. Occasionally (once every two weeks) they are watered.

Cannes - amazing flowers: growing, nursing and propagating outdoors

If there is a warm basement or garage, then they can be stored there, observing the optimal temperature regime (not lower than 8 ° C). If the temperature is higher, it is necessary to ensure that they do not dry out (if necessary, water it twice a month). In the spring, the rhizomes must be divided, peeled and planted, so that from summer to the very frost, the burning torches of Cannes caress our eyes and delight us.

Canna is a plant from the Canna family, includes 12 plant species. The homeland of Cannes is considered to be South and Central America. Plants grow well in sunlit, free areas, moist, nutrient-rich soil, along the banks of reservoirs, in mountain gorges. But growing cannes in the open field and at home, many summer residents began to practice, noting the excellent external characteristics of the plant and its excellent adaptation to new conditions.

Growing cannes outdoors and at home

Canna - how to grow at home?

Cannes are herbaceous perennials with a strong root and powerful foliage.

The leaves of the plant are arranged in two rows on a small stem. The flowers are large and reach up to 8 centimeters in diameter, have a different color. In some species, the foliage is purple, bronze or variegated. But despite their beauty and long flowering period, the flowers are odorless.

Canna: how to properly care for and grow a flower

The plant blooms practically all summer and until late autumn.

The rhizomes of plants contain a large amount of starch. They can be eaten baked, as the American Indians do. It is useful to use green mass for livestock feed. Cannes is widely used in landscape design. Due to their massiveness and brightness of flowers, they are used to decorate summer cottages, flower beds, artificial reservoirs.

Canna is a thermophilic plant and does not tolerate a cold snap. For growing on your site, it is better to purchase plants that are already germinated and ready for planting. They are planted in the ground at the end of May, when warm weather sets in. Otherwise, growth may stop and there may be no flowering.

Cannes planting rules in open ground:

  • When planting tubers, be sure to make sure that there are one or two large buds, or several small ones.
  • It is important to inspect the roots for rot, which may form during storage.
  • For germination, the tubers are laid out in a box with sand and sprinkled with it. The container is placed in a cool, bright place (from +16 degrees). Once every 7-10 days they should be watered with a solution of potassium permanganate to ensure disinfection and stimulate germination.
  • With a sprout height of about 10 centimeters, they can be planted on the site. For this, a hole is prepared, at least 20 centimeters deep, humus is poured into it, watered abundantly with water and cannes are planted. Since the plants are large, the distance between them should be at least 40 centimeters.

After planting, twice a season, the flowers are provided with mineral fertilizing. In addition, good watering and regular loosening of the soil, removal of weeds, and pruning of wilted parts are necessary. Additionally, insecticidal treatments can be applied to protect against caterpillars and nematodes.

Canna home

Cannes care at home

With the onset of the first frost, the leaves of the plants turn black. They and the stem must be cut off, leaving a small ground part, which can be sprinkled with humus on top. In late September - early October, the rhizomes are dug up, taking them out together with a lump of earth. It can be stored in the basement (not lower than +6 degrees), sprinkled with sand. During storage, the sand must be periodically moistened.

Breeding canna at home is not difficult. At home, they bloom almost constantly, with the exception of two months of rest.

The rules for growing cannes are simple:

  • The plant is planted in pots with a diameter of 50 centimeters.
  • Watering is gradually stopped after the plants have faded.
  • Pruning is carried out at a height of 10 to 15 centimeters and transferred to a cool (not lower than 10 degrees), dark place.
  • With the onset of spring, watering is resumed to wake up the plant and put it in a lighted place.

Cannes are propagated by dividing the tubers and growing from seeds. The club method is most often used, since growing from seeds is a more laborious process. In general, growing canna in the open field and at home- the task is easy and within the power of anyone, even a novice summer resident.

See also the video:

Planting and caring for cannes, how to store cannes in winter, home and garden cannes

Cannes flowers - care and storage

The birthplace of Cannes is Central and South America... Cultivation of this beautiful southern flower began only in the seventeenth century. Translated from Greek, kanna means reed. This wonderful flower is great for decorating city squares and flower beds, and also looks good on private backyards. Because it has not only beautiful flowers, but also leaves of different color options from light green to yellow, from dark green to beet-colored leaves.

Keeping cannes in winter

Preserving cannes flowers at home in winter is not very difficult. The main thing is to choose the method that suits a particular gardener personally, since everyone has their own living conditions. Let's take a look at some of the ways to store cannes in winter.

Storing canna rhizomes with soil in the basement

Depending on the region where the cannes grows, the digging begins at the end of September and is dug out before the cold weather during October. Since at the first frost, the canna leaves turn black, and rotting may begin.

Therefore, we dig out the cannes, and carefully, together with a lump of earth, we transfer it into a prepared bucket or other container, without destroying the clod of earth. Then this container is transferred to a room where in winter the temperature does not drop below 5 degrees Celsius. If the basement is not wet enough, and the ground is dry, then once a month you need to lightly water the cannes with water. This method is not very beneficial in that during the winter period the roots may begin to rot, but this will not be visible in the ground, and as a result, the entire rhizome may die. It is not very convenient to dig each time for inspection, since dirt will be transported in the room.

Canna rhizome storage in the apartment

If there is no basement, then canna roots can be kept at home. To do this, before the cold weather, dig up the rhizome of the canna, and rinse well with water from the ground. A solution for disinfection is made, potassium permanganate is diluted to a bright pink color, but not bright crimson. The washed canna roots are dipped into the solution and kept in it for a day. Then the roots must be dried and each rhizome must be wrapped separately in a newspaper folded in two layers. After that, all the bundles with roots are placed in a vegetable box, and can be put in a cool place. It can be an insulated loggia, or a frost-free pantry, or vegetable compartments in the refrigerator.

Storing cannes in pots

If the gardener cannot provide the cold content of the cannes in winter, then this method is the most reliable for him. Digging is carried out as usual, then disinfection. Together with the earthen lump, the trimmed cannes are transplanted into a flower pot, and brought into the apartment. These pots are placed in a well-lit place where the temperature does not drop below 15 degrees Celsius. All winter they are watered sparsely so that the earth does not dry out. This method has its advantage, since dormant buds ripen well during rest.

Growing cannes in a pot

If you cannot part with these beautiful flowers for the whole winter period, when digging out, you can plant part of the cannes in a pot that is suitable in size, bring it into warm apartment and continue to care for them so that its growing season does not stop. Therefore, the pot is placed on the south side of the apartment and watered as home plant... And after a month and a half, the flower will again delight with beautiful flowers.

Cannes planting in spring

Canna cultivation has become almost ubiquitous, as it is a versatile plant that looks both in a group of plants and as a separate tapeworm. For outdoor cultivation, cannu should be planted in the sunniest place. It is planted in spring in well-prepared soil. But for this, around March, it is necessary to awaken the canna rhizome after wintering.

The soil is taken loose, for this you can mix:

  • garden land;
  • peat;
  • sand.

Cultivation should take place at a temperature of 22 degrees Celsius and above. Cannes will not grow in a cold room. For about 2 weeks, the canna grows roots and only after that foliage begins to grow.

Before planting a canna in a permanent place, you need to accustom her to open air... Training usually lasts up to five days. To do this, first, they take her out for a couple of hours. Fresh air, and after the expiration of 5 days, you can already leave it on the street. It must be remembered that a cold snap in May on soil up to 5 degrees Celsius can irrevocably destroy the canna. Therefore, it is planted only when the return frosts have passed.

When preparing the pits for planting, one must not forget that these are quite spreading bushes and therefore the pits are dug at a distance of 60 cm from each other. You also need to fill the canna planting pit.

How to grow cannes in the garden

To do this, add 5 kg to the dug hole. humus, 500 gr. wood ash, 30 gr. nitroammophos.

The roots are planted at the level of the root collar or just below it. After planting, the flowers require abundant watering, 10 liters each. warm water under each bush.

Many lovers of this flower are advised to remove the first shoots of flowers in order to better the rooting of the flower.

And do not forget to cut those flowers that have already bloomed, this will stimulate the new flowering of the canna.

Reproduction by dividing the roots

Reproduction takes place in the spring after we get the rhizome after wintering. If the roots are in the ground, then it must be either chickened out or washed with water. After that, we inspect them for rotting or other damage on the roots. If there are such places, then they are removed and sprinkled with ash or activated carbon. Then, with a sharp knife, divide the rhizome in such a way that in each part there is both a tuber and a growth bud. Existing long roots are cut to half the length. Then all parts of the roots are laid out in one layer and lightly sprinkled with either peat or sand. No need to water. Within a week, and sometimes a little longer, the kidneys should hatch. When the buds grow 5 cm, they can be planted in separate dishes for germination and exposed to light. For example, on a windowsill where the sun hits.

Cannes, planting and care in spring

Cannes lilies are known for the hot blooms of the flowers they come in, such as orange, yellow and red. David Beaulieu

This article discusses how to store canna bulbs for the winter. In addition, you can use this information to store other tropical or subtropical plants that return annually through bulbs, tubers, or rhizomes such as elephant ear plants.

Note: The instructions given here can be thought of as a book method. The fact is that some gardeners successfully store canned food in an unheated basement in winter, without cooking them at all and not giving them water all winter.

If they grew plants in containers during the summer months, then they cut the vegetation to ground level, left the bulbs in the pots, and simply brought the latter indoors, placing them in a cool, dry, dark place.

How to store cannes bulbs

Canna bulbs (technically, rhizomes, but known to the general public as “canna bulbs”) can be left in the ground to overwinter in planting zones 8-11. In areas colder than this, it is best to dig and store cannes bulbs in late autumn. When winter is over, the ground has thawed, and all danger of frost is gone (late spring for most growers), you can plant your canna bulbs again.

  • When: While you might have been able to dig up the rhizomes in the past, most growers wait until the canyon leaves have died from the frost.
  • Remove any foliage, dead or alive, from the plants.
  • Note: When storing cannabis bulbs, there is some disagreement among experts as to whether to remove dirt from light bulbs or leave them in place. Hedge your bets by trying both ways. In the years to come, you will learn from your experiment which method works best for you.
  • Allow canna bulbs to dry for a few days before storing where they will not freeze. If it is warm enough to do it on the outside, it is preferable to dry them on the inside ( better ventilation outside).
  • You will be storing the canna bulbs in a plastic bag in which you can punch a few small holes for aeration.
  • Place the peat moss in a bag to retain moisture.
  • Now pack the bulbs in peat moss so that none of them touch.
  • Store canna bulbs in a dry, dark, cool place (about 50 degrees, give or take a few degrees).
  • Check periodically during the winter to make sure the peat moss around the canna bulbs is still slightly damp (if you find it dry, use a mister to loosen it up).

You may be wondering why the aforementioned steps mentioned the need for both moisture and dryness. Isn't that a contradiction? Well, the point is to strive for balance. Too much moisture will rot canna bulbs; while insufficient moisture causes drying out. Avoid extremes.

If you prefer storage instructions with pictures, check out these storage instructions for dahlia tubers for the winter (the process is the same).

Many gardeners definitely grow Tropicannu canna because they love the beautiful variegated leaves (although the flowers are lovely too). Striped in four colors, they give the summer landscape a tropical feel. But the above information applies to all types.