Features of growing a cypress tree. Indoor cypress: growing and care at home Is it possible to grow cypress at home

  • 14.06.2019

Cypress is a very attractive evergreen. It is unique for its centuries-old existence and unknown origin. Its needles contain healing aromatic oils that have been used by folk healers for many centuries. From the strong wood of this plant, craftsmen built ships and various pieces of furniture.

Some peoples consider cypress a symbol of sorrow and grief and plant it in cemeteries near graves. Others, on the contrary, argue that cypress symbolizes eternal life. Even the Bible mentions this evergreen shrub as a representative of the Garden of Eden.

Cypress prefers tropical and subtropical climates. Under favorable natural conditions, its height reaches thirty meters. The crown of this plant can be sprawling or have the shape of a pyramid. The needles of the cypress are a rich dark green color. Its fruits are cones with a scaly surface and seeds inside.

With proper care, cypress can be grown at home. Many professional flower growers already consider it a houseplant. This evergreen plant pleases the inhabitants of the house throughout the year and fills the room with a pleasant lemon aroma.

Both ordinary wild-growing varieties (there are about twenty of them) and new, bred ones are suitable for home cultivation. Before choosing one variety or cultivar, you need to get acquainted with the details of its cultivation and care.

Cypress Goldcrest Wilma is popular among houseplants. His individual feature is almost yellow needles. Such a “golden” pyramidal mini tree was bred by British breeders specifically for home maintenance. Given the peculiarities of care, at home you can grow Large-fruited cypress, Evergreen cypress, as well as reduced new species - Pea-shaped and Fruitful cypress.

Temperature regime

Cypress is a plant native to the subtropics. Indoors, he needs to find a place where it is always warm, light, there is no direct sunlight and there is a lot of free space.

V summer time Plants do well at room temperature. The main thing for him is timely hydration. But in winter period it will be necessary to change the usual conditions and move the cypress to a room where there will be no heating devices and direct heating. At the same time, the standard room temperature in winter is not desirable for the plant. Ideally, you need a temperature in the range of 5-10 degrees Celsius. Watering is reduced in winter, but the soil cannot be overdried.

Considering all the temperature preferences of the cypress, in the summer place it on a window facing north or east. Well, it is better for a plant to winter in the southern part of the apartment or on a glazed loggia.

Location and lighting

Since this plant is light-loving, there should be a sufficient amount of light in the room. Just no direct sunlight. This will harm the plant. V winter time natural light will not be enough, so artificial lighting will be required. The lack of lighting will immediately affect the external state of the cypress - its crown and branches will take on an elongated shape.

In winter, place cypress in the southern part of the house, and in summer - in the north. The place of cultivation can be a windowsill, floor or flower stand.

Watering rules

Watering needs regular and plentiful. Need to find golden mean, since excessive watering and drying out of the soil are equally destructive.

Spraying is carried out twice - in the morning and in the evening. Use only settled water at room temperature. This procedure should be daily, especially on hot and dry days.

In winter, the schedule of watering and moistening change. Spraying is canceled until spring, and watering is carried out once a week.

Air humidity

In the wild, cypresses grow near lakes and ponds because they prefer high humidity. In the conditions of an apartment, it is possible to maintain the required level of humidity only with the help of watering or spraying.

Soil for planting

The soil for planting cypress should be loose. You can buy soil mix for coniferous plants or cook it yourself. This will require coarse river sand, soddy land and peat in equal parts and two parts of leafy land.

The flower pot must necessarily have holes for water drainage. A quarter of the height of the container should be occupied by the lower drainage layer. These can be pieces of foam or broken bricks, pebbles or expanded clay. The soil mixture is poured onto the drainage.

Top dressings and fertilizers

Cypress is an exotic plant and ordinary fertilizers or complex dressings for indoor plants will not work for him. For example, humus can even harm. Therefore, it is not recommended to experiment in this case.

The most suitable for cypress is a mineral fertilizer in liquid form, intended for coniferous plants. You need to make it once every month - May, June, July, August. As part of the top dressing, a high nitrogen content is not allowed, but magnesium is required.


After about two years, the soil mixture loses its useful qualities and the plant lacks nutrients. In this case, transplanting the plant into a new soil can help. The most favorable time for this is spring. Since cypress has very sensitive roots, transplant it better way transshipment.

Start by thoroughly watering the soil. The plant is easier to extract from moist soil.

All about growing cypress from seeds at home

The cypress is carefully removed from the pot along with a clod of earth. The earth, which is easily separated from the roots, must be carefully removed and the condition of the roots carefully examined.

When a young shoot is found, it is necessary to carefully separate it from the main trunk along with part of the root system. The place of separation of the cutting must be lubricated with garden pitch. Then each plant is transplanted into a separate pot: an adult - into a larger one, and a shoot - into a small container. Young cypress is covered with a glass jar for better rooting.

At the bottom of the pots in front of the soil layer, be sure to pour a drainage layer.

Cypress is propagated by seed and cuttings.

seed method

The seed method is used only in the spring. Freshly harvested seeds that can be taken from the opened cypress fruits (from green cones) are planted in a separate container in moist soil. Seed germination is low, about 25 percent.

A box with planted seeds should stand where direct sunlight does not fall (during the first 15-20 days after planting). As soon as the first sprouts appear, take the box to a sunny place. After a slight drying of the soil, moderate watering will be required.

A month later, each cypress sprout will be ready for transplanting into an individual container.

Cutting method

The cutting method of propagation is used in early spring or early autumn. To do this, choose an already stiff stalk.

This evergreen plant is able to resist pests and is resistant to various diseases. Its unique aroma keeps out any harmful insects. They do not tolerate the smell of pine needles.

The composition of cypress wood contains chemicals that destroy various fungal diseases and harmful bacteria, as well as prevent their development.

If the plant is sick, then the reason can only be in the wrong care:

Lack of moisture in the soil and in the air

Characteristic features - a web on the needles, the appearance spider mite.

The solution is treatment with a special chemical preparation, restoration of proper watering and maintaining high humidity.

Incorrectly selected soil or its poor quality

Characteristic signs - the development and growth of the plant stops, the needles change in color, a small coating appears on the shoots and needles, as well as small insects.

The solution is to treat the affected areas with a soapy solution, spraying with insecticidal preparations, and airing.

  • Cypress needs good lighting, but not direct sunlight, but diffused light.
  • An earthen lump in a pot with a plant should always remain moist.
  • The plant needs daily spraying and regular watering.
  • In case of drying of parts of the plant (due to exposure to sunlight or due to extreme heat), it is necessary to prune the damaged branches to a living bud.
  • The plant is easy to cut and recovers quickly, it can be given any shape.

Cypress trees are a very popular plant these days. They are quite common in garden plots, but also widespread as houseplants. What is the secret of their popularity?

This majestic and noble-looking plant seems to require some unusual attention and care. But in fact, it is absolutely unpretentious and not capricious. The rules for caring for a plant are quite simple. The main thing is their exact observance.

This evergreen tree will thank for the good attitude towards it and the spent forces with its beauty. Cypress can become a decoration of the yard, flower garden, garden, any room.

A cypress flower pot can be the main decor of a porch or porch, an enclosed gazebo, and any room in the house. An adult coniferous tree can replace a Christmas tree, and a few plants can become a hedge. Landscape designers and masters of curly pruning can make a real masterpiece out of cypress.

Decorative qualities plus the unique aroma of needles - this is the secret of the popularity of cypress. We wish you success in growing cypress at home.

Materials: http://flowertimes.ru/kiparis/

Cypress is a plant that will not only decorate the interior, but also create a healing atmosphere, saturate the air with phytoncides. But to get a healthy plant or propagate it, you have to work hard: cypress trees are capricious and demanding.

Cypress, according to church legends, is a tree in the Garden of Eden, which in Christianity has become a symbol of eternal life, from which Noah supposedly built the ark.

In nature, cypress grows in subtropical and tropical climates north of the equator. The plant is especially common on the coast of the Mediterranean, Black Seas, found in Asia, America and even in the African Sahara.

Description of the cypress plant

Culture is evergreen tree or shrub. The crown is pyramidal or spreading. The leaves at first look like needles, and later - scales, pressed against the branches and arranged in four rows, creating a pattern like a tiled masonry. Most of the leaf adheres to the branch, with reverse side the oil gland is clearly visible.

Cypress is a monoecious plant, because it has both female and male cones, which are called microsporophylls and microstrobils. The scales eventually take the form of multifaceted woody scutes. Under the underside of the scales in the second year, several seeds ripen simultaneously.

indoor cypress

Indoor cypress differs from those growing on the sea coasts in smaller sizes. Of the similar features - dark green leaves in the form of an elongated rhombus and cones with a very interesting pattern, giving the plant an attractive and decorative effect.

Hamaekiparis (cypress)

Often hamaekiparis are confused with cypress due to their external similarity, but there is a difference between them. Differences of cypress:

  • flatter branches;
  • smaller fruits - cones, under each scale - only two seeds;
  • higher cold resistance.

How home cypress breeds

Homemade cypress is obtained in two ways: by sowing seeds and by planting cuttings.

Growing from seed. Before planting, keep the seeds in the refrigerator for about 3 months - this process is called stratification, or cold treatment. Before sowing (usually in spring) soak for 12 hours planting material in the growth regulator - epine, root, but if there are none - just in warm water. Plant the seeds in conifer soil. Instead of a mixture, sand or sawdust is sometimes used, but the seedlings are then transplanted into the soil. Keep the boxes warm - about 25 ° C. Seedlings that have grown up to 5-6 cm are planted in separate pots. On average, seedlings produce a quarter of the seeds, sprouts appear 2-3 weeks later.

Propagation by cuttings (apical or semi-lignified) is carried out in spring, summer. Place the cuttings with a "heel" for a day in a root solution - like flowers in a vase, then rinse, sprinkle the slices with charcoal powder. Plant the cuttings in a special soil mixture, deepening a third of their height. Remove the jar for several hours to air 2-3 times a week. The rooting process takes up to three months.

Growing cypress at home

Growing cypress at home is not an easy task. However, diligent and diligent flower growers succeed if they provide him with proper care at home.

Planting a plant

Prepare the soil. Make good drainage. Planting a cypress in a pot is carried out so that the neck is free from the ground, otherwise the plant will die.

Transplant in the spring with a frequency of once every two years. Use only the transshipment method without destroying the earthen ball, because cypress roots are too sensitive.

conditions for growth

Young plants do not like dry soil, so stick to the recommended watering schedule. Do not flood the ground, especially if the box is in direct sunlight.

Cypress trees do not like the heat coming from central heating radiators - put the flowerpot away from them. Make sure that there are no drafts in the room, there should not be any vents nearby. The plant does not tolerate excessive noise - do not place the box near a window overlooking a busy freeway.

Cypress diseases

Here are the most common problems a florist faces when caring for cypress and cypress trees:

  • Root rot.

    Cypress lawson elwoodi Home care Growing from seeds Planting and care

    Occurs when the soil is systematically waterlogged. Remove the plant from the soil, remove the rotting sections of the root, transplant into new soil, and reduce the number of waterings.

  • Dryness of the leaves. The leaves dry out for several reasons: not enough moisture or too cold air, poorly watered soil, dim lighting. In order for the plant to return to normal, adjust the care of the plant.
  • The leaves turn yellow. This is due to insufficient soil nutrition. Use the recommended fertilizer and the foliage will turn green again.

The plant is affected by pests - spider mites, scale insects and false shields. To destroy pests, use an insecticide - Actellik solution (2 ml per 1 liter of water). It is believed that the spider mite appears from insufficient moisture, so spray the trees regularly for prevention.

Cypress Care

Watering and feeding the plant

Water indoor cypress according to the following scheme: in the warm season - 2 times a week, in the cold - 1 time in 10 days. At the same time, control the condition of the soil. If you put a houseplant outside in the summer, then you can increase the frequency of watering. Regardless of the time of year, spraying has a beneficial effect. Spend them in the summer in the morning and evening, using warm soft water.

From May to August, once a month, use fertilizer to feed indoor crops, but make the concentration half that recommended by the manufacturer.

Yulia Petrichenko, expert

Temperature and lighting

Cypress needs bright but diffused lighting and shading from direct sunlight, especially in summer. Do not put the pot on an open windowsill in summer, except for the north side; in winter, move the tree closer to the light. If you do not provide sufficient light, the cypress will lose its shape.

To make the tree grow beautiful and healthy, create the effect of seasonality: the optimum temperature in summer is + 20 ... + 30 ° C, in winter - + 5 ... + 15 ° C. Although the tree successfully tolerates low temperatures outdoors, do not put the flowerpot outside in winter: the roots will quickly freeze and die in a pot.

Soil Requirements

A mixture of earth and coniferous humus is considered ideal. If you could not get the components, then prepare the following soil substrate:

  • sand - 1 part;
  • peat - 1 part;
  • leaf ground - 2 parts;
  • sod land - 1 part.

A special soil for conifers is suitable - loose and slightly acidic (pH 5.5-6.5).

Growing cypress yourself is difficult, but quite possible. By the way, the owners of this coniferous tree do not buy a Christmas tree - the tree looks great in New Year's toys.

How did you get this plant in your house? Maybe you grew it yourself from seeds or cuttings? Tell us what problems you encountered in this process, and did you manage to solve them?

Yulia Petrichenko

Amateur gardener, 18 years of experience

About myself: I will share the secrets of a rich harvest, I will teach you how to create garden compositions.

Cypress (cypress): planting and caring for a houseplant, growing at home, photo - print version


Cypress seeds are stored in large quantities in spherical cones, which open when ripe. If the buds were collected while still closed (as in my case), if kept in a warm place, they will open in a few days. The seeds fall out easily.

Before starting sowing, I, of course, read the literature, listened to the advice of the girl from my forum and decided to sow in two ways. Put some seeds in the refrigerator for stratification, sow some immediately, and remove some for storage in case of failure.

The seeds were not soaked, sowed as is. For sowing, I prepared a soil mixture of peat and sand (1: 1), spread it out in two containers and scattered seeds on the surface. I moistened everything from a spray bottle (not to a wet state), covered it with lids, put one container under the lamp (container No. 1), the other in the refrigerator (container No. 2).

Capacity No. 1. The temperature at the place of seed germination was above + 20 °C. After 2 weeks, the roots began to hatch very actively at the seeds (marked in red in the photo) and every day there were more and more of them. As the young plants grew, I carefully monitored the soil moisture (it should be slightly moist, not wet and not dry) and began to teach them to grow without a lid, ventilating the container, opening the lid more and more every 2-3 days. After some time, she removed the cover and increased watering, because. plants actively grew and increased the root system.

Capacity No. 2. I took it out of the refrigerator after 2 months and put it under the lamp for germination. The first roots appeared after 2 weeks. Further actions and care were the same as in the case of tank No. 1.

I can’t say that there were more seedlings in tank No. 2, I would say that both methods showed almost the same result. I think that this could happen only for one reason - the seeds were freshly harvested. If the seeds were last year's and more, then stratification is required, otherwise there may not be seedlings at all, or the seedlings will be weakened and eventually die anyway.

Further care of the seedlings consisted of picking and gradual accustoming to the sun (in the photo, the seedling is 2.5 months after germination). Many died after picking, waterlogging or drying out an earthen coma, i.e. by my sloppiness. Those that survived at the end of May moved safely to a sunny place in open ground. I planted them in homemade geotextile pots ( construction material, a very useful thing), so that in the fall you can painlessly remove cypress from nature for wintering home. After the first frosts, I took several plants home, and right in the "pots", as they are, I put them in a bowl closer to the window. I watered it as the topsoil dries up, and then planted it in pots in the spring, deciding to leave it for growing in room conditions. Those plants that remained in the open ground were sprinkled with sawdust, wrapped with covering material and covered with plastic pots on top so that they would not break in case of a snowy winter, children playing, dogs running, etc.

At the beginning of winter there was very little snow without low temperatures, then it began to snow and the temperature began to drop, the lowest temperature for the whole winter in our area was -31 °C. There was a lot of snow and the temperature did not last long, so I hope that the cypresses overwintered well, but we will know about this in a couple of months, when the snow melts and they can be opened. (In the photo below, Cypress is 5.5 months after germination, September 2014)

How to grow cypress at home

How to grow cypress at home

In order for cypress to grow in your home in a pot and feel good at the same time, it must be grown from a stone. It grows quickly and after 2 to 3 months it will look big enough to be kept on the windowsill as an indoor flower.

First you need to choose a father for your future offspring. Note that in the Crimea there are several types of cypress. The most common are vertical cypress and horizontal cypress. (The latter, of course, also grows from the bottom up, just the name is). Vertical cypress is long and thin, while horizontal cypress is more like spruce. Horizontal cypress is less critical to the climate and therefore is found even in Simferopol. Vertical grows only near the coast. True, I know one single vertical cypress in Simferopol, but his mistress takes very good care of him. We sometimes exchange experiences.

But since you and I are growing a tree in a room, the issue of climate is no longer relevant. So, choose the father you like the most. Now we choose a bump. On different trees, cones ripen in different time. You need to choose a cone that has already begun to open, but inside is green and smells like pine needles. We break the cone with a screwdriver or teeth. Inside - a dozen three seeds Brown. We sow seeds in any pot with soil. It is more convenient, of course, to use a wide low drawer. Water regularly to keep the soil moist.

After 2-3 weeks, sprouts will appear. About a quarter of all seeds sown germinate. Now we put the box in a bright place. You can water less. Let the earth sometimes dry up from above.

Please note that small cypresses are afraid of noise. So do not keep them at an open window overlooking Lenin Ave. About a month after germination, the sprouts can be transplanted to a permanent place. Pick the ones that are bigger. By this time, the height of the plants is somewhere a little more than a match, but already a tree trunk and a dozen leaves. Yes! Small cypresses do not have needles, but narrow leaves. They endure the transplant easily, you can say they do not feel it. For transplanting, use a small dish, such as a can of condensed milk. Water sparingly so that the top of the soil dries out. In winter, it is better to keep them in a cool place and water very little. A year later, the trees have a height of about 20 cm. Now they still need to be transplanted into large containers, three liters each. I used tomato paste tins for this purpose. Do not take only paint cans or other chemicals. After another 2 years, when they become more than a meter in height, transplant into buckets. What to do when they grow out of the buckets, I have not yet figured out. Now I have 3 cypress trees in buckets at work.

Come watch!

Y. Shimanovsky

Cypress Care Tips

In principle, any cypress can be grown at home. Moreover, it is much more interesting to grow a tree yourself from the seeds of plucked cones from a tree growing near the blessed Crimean shores. Following the above published advice of Yuri Shimanovsky, the author of the site managed to get shoots of pyramidal cypress, the seeds of which were planted in the spring of 2004, and the fruits from which the seeds were taken were collected in the village of Partenit at the very beginning of July 2003. Attempts to grow viable shoots in autumn have not been successful. (The seeds were sown in a wooden box in 3 rows.) Although the germination was not bad (even in autumn), the newborns did not have enough light and life force, and they died ... But the spring crops, rejoicing in the coming summer, although not all of them overcame the critical line, but in the end pleased us with 13 quite viable cypress trees. During the summer, several more pieces died, and now only 8 small trees are growing: the smallest is about 7 cm, the largest is about 13-14 cm. hard enough. Interestingly, cypress trees still have leaves rather than needles, but as they grow, they become more and more like their parents.

Next spring, the experiment will be repeated with the same seeds (it will be interesting to check whether the seeds will remain viable after almost 2 years?), since in June in 2004 it was not possible to pick up suitable fruits - due to the protracted spring, late and cool summer, cypress cones have not yet had time to ripen in the slightest degree.

I must say that, although it is recommended (see below) to keep cypress trees in bright diffused light (but not under direct rays) in summer, among our cypress trees, those that stood in spring, summer and autumn in the light on a glazed area became the strongest and tallest. balcony on the south side. Unfortunately, with the advent of winter, the cypress trees had to be removed into the room (although it was a bit dark there), since it was quite cold on the balcony in winter.

Cypress trees (especially very small ones) don't like being watered enough. Without proper watering (that is, the earth should always be not wet, but moist), they naturally bend. However, if this happens, water the sprouts generously enough and they will recover (water when the sun is out of the cypress trees). However, you can not flood the trees! They also do not like this, especially if the cypress trees are in the sun. It was because of this that several pieces died in the summer. Cypress trees are very fond of when they are sprayed with water at room temperature from a hand sprayer (and the ground can also be moistened). This can be done several times a day if you find that the ground is dry and the air too dry. Cypress trees do not like heat from central heating batteries very much - they need to be placed as far as possible from them. In the houses of the old fund, it’s just trouble with this, when from a All houseplants suffer in the winter (batteries are very hot), cypresses are especially bad at this - please keep in mind. They do not like cypresses and drafts. Therefore, it is better to put them away from the window, especially in winter.

Somewhere in the literature there was a curious fact - it turns out that not from all the seeds of the pyramidal cypress will it grow again - a slender handsome man. For southern exoticism middle lane you have to pay: a significant part of the cypresses grow with a branched crown, apparently, something is missing in the shoots to grow the same as on the fertile sunny Crimean land. Yes, and there, in the Crimea, you can see that many cypresses have a branch or two, or the top is strongly deviated to the side, as if the tree could not grow straight towards the sun. Our entrances confirmed this remark - judging by the kids, most of the crown will be branched rather than pyramidal. Although, it is still difficult to judge, they are still very small.

small cypresses

Last year, one of the central TV channels showed a story about a Moscow enthusiast, a native of Crimea, who grew a Crimean garden under his window, among the different types of trees of which were cypresses. How, you ask, cypresses could survive the winter? The fact is that the former Crimean planted trees on the ground, which was well warmed by pipes passing under it with hot water. And the plot was sad - after all, the garden had to be cut down in connection with the repair of the heating system. I must say that the law was really on the side of the repairmen, because it is not allowed to plant trees over such communications, especially without permission. But as a human being, the Muscovite enthusiast was sorry, because how much work he put into his small park, and he pleased not only the gardener, but also all the inhabitants of the yard - in the center of Moscow - a piece of warm Crimea! However, a native of the Crimean land does not lose heart - despite all the prohibitions, he is again going to revive his Crimean corner.

Cypress pyramidalis

They grow pyramidal cypress with a slender, narrow, columnar crown and horizontal cypress with a wide crown and branches arranged horizontally. Propagated by seeds and cuttings, planted in the ground, consisting of 2 parts of sod, 2 parts of leaf and 1 part of peat. In summer, it can be kept on balconies and verandas under a light shade, in winter - in cool rooms at a temperature of 10-12 degrees or on window sills in ordinary rooms with moderate watering.

Cypress large-fruited

Large-fruited cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa) is a graceful, compact growth species that is only suitable for indoor use. Like araucaria, this is a real coniferous tree. Under the varietal name Goldcrest, large-fruited cypress is offered for sale in a wide variety of forms: in the form of an upright shrub, a tree with a pyramidal crown, and as a standard form.

From mid-May to early October, plants must be taken out to a balcony or terrace. In the fresh air, cypress needs shading from direct sunlight and protection from drafts. Indoors, he feels best in bright places, but shaded from the scorching rays of the sun. In winter, plants must be kept in bright, cool, but not freezing rooms. Attics and attics are best suited for this. dormer windows, stairwells and bedrooms.

Large-fruited cypress is an unpretentious indoor plant that tolerates the temporary drying of an earthen clod much better than excessive watering. When kept outdoors, plants are watered more often than in unheated rooms. If the cypress stands in too dark a place, then it loses its beautiful, compact growth habit. From May to August, plants are fed monthly, best of all with liquid mineral fertilizer in half the concentration recommended for deciduous plants. Propagated by cuttings in summer.

General recommendations:

Temperature: Moderate, cool in winter - at least 8 ° C. From the end of May to the end of August, cypress is best kept outdoors, in shade and protected from drafts. Hot air from central heating batteries is detrimental to cypress.

Lighting: Cypress needs bright diffused light, shading from direct sunlight, especially in summer. In winter, cypress needs a bright room. If in summer the content of cypress is on open windowsill(except for the northern windows) is not permissible, then in winter you will have to rearrange the cypress as close to the light as possible, even to the southern window, but only until the hot spring sun. With a lack of light, the cypress stretches and loses its shape, on the contrary, with an excess of light, the leaves turn yellow and crumble.

Watering: Abundant from spring to autumn. Moderate in winter. Cypress does not tolerate excess water and does not tolerate drying out of the earth. Watering in winter depends on the temperature in the room, for example, when kept at a temperature of 8 ° C, watering will be about once every 10 days, and at a temperature of 12-14 ° C, once every 5-7 days.

Top dressing with fertilizers: From May to August, cypress is fed with liquid mineral fertilizer for indoor plants (for example, Ideal), the fertilizer is taken in half of the recommended dose. Top dressing is carried out once a month.

Air humidity: From spring to autumn, it is better to spray cypress with warm water in the morning and evening.

Transfer: Two years later in the spring. Soil for cypress - 1 part clay-soddy soil, 2 parts leaf, 1 part peat, 1 part sand. Cypress loves loose soil, when transplanting, make sure that the root neck is not buried in the ground, otherwise the plant may die. Good drainage is a must.

reproduction: Woody cuttings in spring and summer. Seeds in the spring.

S.Novozhilov based on materials http://iplants.ru , Pocket mirror

More about cypress:

Cypress. Genus Cupressus.

Tree of eternity.


Blonskaya L.N., Zhitnikova N.V.

(BSAU, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation)

The results of studying the processes of cutting cupressus sempervirens in the close soil are stated in the given paper.

Among the methods of vegetative propagation, green cuttings are of considerable interest. This is largely due to the fact that in this case it is possible to obtain genetically homogeneous vegetatively propagated plants on their own roots. Green cuttings with leaves have a high meristematic activity, they are more responsive to influences aimed at stimulating the processes of regeneration of adventitious roots. This makes it possible to propagate with green cuttings many species and varieties of plants that are difficult to root /M.T.Tarasenko/.

In our country to this method R.I.Schroeder, I.V.Michurin, M.V.Rytov, S.Z.Kurdiani, N.K.Vekhov and other gardeners and foresters applied. In developing the scientific foundations of green cuttings importance also had the work of botanists and physiologists aimed at elucidating the morphological, anatomical and physiological features root regeneration in cuttings.

In this regard, the study of green cuttings today not only has not lost its relevance, but, on the contrary, has gained particular interest. In the field of gardening and landscape construction often there is a need to obtain high-quality planting material in the shortest possible time. The growing demand for ornamental trees and shrubs can be met if they are propagated by cuttings rather than seeds.

The purpose of the research was to study the survival rate and growth dynamics of green cuttings of evergreen cypress in greenhouse conditions.

The experiment was carried out at different times in duplicate. The first repetition was laid on February 17, 2005. Cuttings with a "heel" were cut from semi-lignified and green shoots.

The size of the cuttings was 4-6 cm.

How to grow cypress at home from seeds?

After cutting, they were immediately planted in a special substrate for conifers in 200 ml cups. Subsequently, the cuttings were watered as needed, and during the first 6 months, survival was stimulated by watering with a solution of indolyl-butyric acid (50 mg/l). On June 20, 2006, the cuttings were transplanted into cups of a larger capacity - 500 ml. During the whole experiment, the height of the cuttings was measured using a ruler (see Fig. 1), and viable cuttings were also recorded (see Fig. 2).

The second repetition was laid on June 28, 2006 using the same method, with the exception of stimulating survival with a solution of indolyl-butyric acid in order to conduct comparative analysis survival and preservation of cuttings with and without stimulants.

result this experience are the following data:

— The survival rate of evergreen cypress cuttings with IMC treatment is 58%, which is 11.4% higher than without treatment (46.6%). The survival rate drops sharply (by 28%) after transplantation. Safety on October 4, 2006 was 30%.

- The average growth of cuttings for the first year was 0.9 cm, for the second year - 2.9 cm.

Thus, with green cuttings, great attention must be paid not only to the correct preparation of cuttings and the use of a good substrate, but also to the subsequent care of the cuttings, the use of stimulants and dressings. If you are engaged in cuttings of conifers, then you need to be patient, since in the first year of life the growth is negligible, and the safety is very poor. When transplanting cuttings, one must be extremely careful not to damage the poorly developed root system, or wait a 1.5-year or 2-year period before the first transplant.

Figure 3 - Green cuttings of evergreen cypress immediately after planting

Figure 4 - Green cuttings of evergreen cypress at the age of one and a half years

The site is managed by the uCoz system

(Cupressus) is a very beautiful evergreen coniferous tree of the Cypress family. Most species have a pyramidal crown shape. The leaves are scaly, covering the branches in a tile-like manner.

Some types of cypress, for example, large-fruited cypress with an erect stem, graceful cypress, evergreen cypress, filiform cypress, can be grown indoors. Weeping forms of Kashmir and weeping cypress are also very beautiful. Virtually all cypresses can be grown as bonsai. In the open field, cypress does not hibernate in our cold climate.

Most often, flower shops sell young plants of large-fruited cypress. Cypress large-fruited (Cupressus macrocarpa) is an evergreen coniferous tree, in nature up to 25 m tall. In young plants, the crown is columnar. With age, the branches of large-fruited cypress are bent, which is why the crown becomes sprawling.

In culture, several varietal forms have been bred, which are most preferred for indoor cultivation. Large-fruited cypress can be used to grow in an upright or irregular upright bonsai style. In cultivated varieties of large-fruited cypress, the color of the needles is lighter, yellowish-green, or golden. Cypress needles smell like lemon.

Cypress care at home

The main difficulty, if you can call it that, in caring for cypress is winter maintenance. All conifers, and cypress is no exception, do not tolerate too high temperatures and excessively dry air. They thrive best in winter in a cool room with plenty of light and air. But, I think, not everyone has such ideal conditions at home, and I also know that cypress is one of the most unpretentious plants from indoor conifers. I’ll tell you about the rules for proper care, and along the way I will share my observations of my cypress.

Lighting and temperature content

photophilous plant. In winter, it is better to place it on the brightest windows (or next to the window) and keep it until the blooming buds begin to turn yellow from the bright spring sun. At this time (March-April), the cypress is slightly shaded or moved to another window, for example, east or west.

If a cypress lacks light in winter, its crown begins to take on an irregular shape: more developed branches develop from the illuminated side, and they are not directed upwards, but towards the light source.

To prevent this, you need to turn the cypress pot 90 ° every 2 weeks.

In low light in winter and high air temperatures, cypress grows thin, long and pale branches. Or, with insufficient lighting, the color of the needles may be lost: if the variety has golden needles, then with a lack of light it turns green.

To avoid this, you need to either lower the temperature of the content, or provide additional lighting.

In summer, cypress can be taken out into the fresh air: on a balcony, terrace, or even planted in open ground in the garden.

Watering and humidity

In summer, the cypress is watered abundantly. At least once a day, it is useful to spray its crown with water at room temperature. In autumn, watering is slightly reduced, but the earthen ball should still always remain wet, its drying is unacceptable. A constant lack of moisture can lead to the death of cypress.

Very carefully you need to monitor the watering of cypress when the heating is on. If it suddenly happened that the earth in the pot was very dry, the cypress pot should be immersed in a container of water and kept until all air bubbles come out. After that, let the water drain, and put the cypress in place.

By the way, if the room is warm, then cypress treats a small overflow better than drying an earthen clod. But it is impossible to abuse overflows, powdery mildew may begin.

Water the cypress with water at room temperature. It is advisable to defend tap water, otherwise a whitish coating of lime appears on the branches, or use special preparations for the care of indoor plants, for example, PhytoKislinka: the drug, when added to spray water, eliminates lime stains on the leaves of indoor plants.

You can maintain soil moisture favorable for cypress in a pot by spraying its surface with water between waterings, this procedure is done in conjunction with spraying the crown.

If you do not plan to plant cypress in open ground, then in the spring, in March-April, when young shoots appear at the ends of cypress branches, it is time to transplant into another pot or container.

It is necessary to transplant cypress in the following cases:

when an earthen ball is braided with roots so much that a continuous felt was formed from the roots; if the roots have made their way through the drain hole at the bottom of the pot; if the crown is too large and the pot may fall;

if the earth in the pot is sour and the cypress begins to gradually wither (in this case, the transplant may be unscheduled). Most likely the pot was too big.

A transplant can be:

- complete, when all the old soil is completely removed from the roots, such a transplant is practiced when growing bonsai;

- incomplete, when part of the old earth remains on the roots;

- transshipment, when from a smaller pot without disturbing the earthen coma they are completely transferred to a larger one, fresh earth is simply added along the edges of the pot;

- if the cypress is already large, then you can only replace the top layer (3-4 cm) of earth in a pot with fresh soil;

- sometimes, instead of transplanting, you can limit yourself to fertilizing.

earth mixture

Cypress requires a nutritious and permeable earth mixture. You can use an earth mixture of soddy, leafy and coniferous soil with the addition of coarse sand (2:1:1:1) or soddy and leafy earth and sand (4:2:1). For cypress, earthy mixture for bonsai is also suitable. It is useful to mix bone meal fertilizers with the earthen mixture. But even in the usual earthen mixture for indoor plants, cypress grows normally, at least I did not notice any deviations in growth.

Good drainage is placed at the bottom of the container or pot from old clay shards, broken red brick or expanded clay. For stability (if the cypress crown is already large), sand must be added to the bottom of the container, its layer, together with drainage, can be up to ¼ of the height of the container.

When transplanting, cypress cannot be buried, so you need to make sure that the root neck of the cypress is at the same level.

top dressing

From May to August, cypress is fed with complex mineral fertilizer for coniferous plants, or with liquid mineral fertilizer for decorative indoor plants, halving the recommended dose. She even applied complex mineral fertilizers (ammofoska) in dry form: she put a few granules (5 pieces) on damp soil in a pot, followed by shallow loosening. Cypress reacted normally to this, reacted with the rapid growth of new shoots. But I practice such top dressing only during the period of active growth - in the spring, at the beginning of summer, later I limit myself to liquid top dressing.

In spring and early summer, cypress is very responsive to the application of organic fertilizers, such as a solution of mullein or bird droppings - any (pigeon, sparrow) droppings will do, literally a pinch per 1 liter of water. Mix the solution well, let it stand, they can be watered with cypress once every two weeks.

If the cypress is already large, it is not replanted every year, then it is advisable to apply fertilizer during transplantation, for this it is thoroughly mixed with the earth mixture so that the nutrients are evenly distributed in the ground.

Top dressing is resumed no earlier than 1-1.5 months after transplantation.

Cypress tolerates a haircut well, which is carried out in the spring at the beginning of active shoot growth. With a haircut, you can set the desired shape of the cypress crown.

These miracles can be made from cypresses:

But if you just pinch the top point of growth of a cypress, then, although this will hold back the growth of cypress for a while, after a while the strongest upper side shoot becomes central and the cypress continues to grow upwards. If the cypress becomes very large for indoor maintenance, it can be cut off the top and rooted.


Cypress is propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Cypress seeds are sown early in spring on a wet mixture of sand + peat, to a depth of 1-2 cm. Then the seeds are moderately moistened again with a spray gun, kept under glass in a bright and warm place. After about 3-4 weeks, the seeds germinate. After another month, cypress seedlings can be planted in separate small pots.

Cypress cuttings are cut in March-April, it is advisable to use last year's, but still green, non-lignified shoots or shoots of the current year, taken in the middle of summer. Cypress cuttings are also rooted in a peat-sand mixture, kept in a bright, warm place, and high humidity is maintained (under a bottle, in a mini-greenhouse).

In the future, care for seedlings and cuttings is the same. Rooted cuttings and seedlings of cypress are planted in a nutrient permeable earthen mixture of soddy and leafy earth and sand (4:2:1), adding a handful of crushed brick, perlite, or vermiculite. Pots should be small. A little later, when the roots have already developed, cuttings or seedlings can be transferred into larger pots without any harm in July without destroying the earthen coma and without disturbing the roots.

Diseases and pests

Cypress can be damaged by scale insects, mealybugs. In a dry and hot room, cypress is harmed by a spider mite, but while maintaining high humidity and coolness, it is not terrible.

From excessive moisture, cypress suffers from powdery mildew.

I did not see any difficulties with cypress. In the summer I plant it in open ground, while it is small, I bring it back in early autumn. In winter, a cypress stands on the west window. I turn it in different directions to the light, I spray it every day. In winter, the houses, of course, are warm, but the cypress did not express its displeasure in any way - even in winter it grows. I think this year we will start to get a haircut))

Image source flickr.com: Phil Pullen, BonsaiJerez, Rosita Choque, Eric Schrader, Zoran Radosavljevic, Russell Cumming, Plantas Brazal, stevieiriswattii!, Ümit AYGÜN, Mike W, jacinta lluch valero

Cypress at home

Growing cypress at home

Cypress (Cupressus) is a very beautiful evergreen coniferous tree of the Cypress family. Most species have a pyramidal crown shape. The leaves are scaly, covering the branches in a tile-like manner.

Some types of cypress, for example, large-fruited cypress with an erect stem, graceful cypress, evergreen cypress, filiform cypress, can be grown indoors. Weeping forms of Kashmir and weeping cypress are also very beautiful. Almost all cypress trees can be grown as bonsai. In the open field, cypress does not hibernate in our cold climate.

Most often, flower shops sell young plants of large-fruited cypress. Cypress large-fruited (Cupressus macrocarpa) is an evergreen coniferous tree, in nature up to 25 m tall. In young plants, the crown is columnar. With age, the branches of large-fruited cypress are bent, which is why the crown becomes sprawling.

In culture, several varietal forms have been bred, which are most preferred for indoor cultivation. Large-fruited cypress can be used to grow in an upright or irregular upright bonsai style. In cultivated varieties of large-fruited cypress, the color of the needles is lighter, yellowish-green, or golden. Cypress needles smell like lemon.

Cypress care at home

The main difficulty, if you can call it that, in caring for cypress is winter maintenance. All conifers, and cypress is no exception, do not tolerate too high temperatures and excessively dry air.

They thrive best in winter in a cool room with plenty of light and air. But, I think, not everyone has such ideal conditions at home, and I also know that cypress is one of the most unpretentious plants from indoor conifers.

I’ll tell you about the rules for proper care, and along the way I will share my observations of my cypress.

Lighting and temperature content

Cypress - photophilous plant. In winter, it is better to place it on the brightest windows (or next to the window) and keep it until the blooming buds begin to turn yellow from the bright spring sun. At this time (March-April), the cypress is slightly shaded or moved to another window, for example, east or west.

If a cypress lacks light in winter, its crown begins to take on an irregular shape: more developed branches develop from the illuminated side, and they are not directed upwards, but towards the light source.

To prevent this, you need to turn the cypress pot 90 ° every 2 weeks.

In low light in winter and high air temperatures, cypress grows thin, long and pale branches. Or, with insufficient lighting, the color of the needles may be lost: if the variety has golden needles, then with a lack of light it turns green.

To avoid this, you need to either lower the temperature of the content, or provide additional lighting.

In summer, cypress can be taken out into the fresh air: on a balcony, terrace, or even planted in open ground in the garden.

Watering and humidity

In summer, the cypress is watered abundantly. At least once a day, it is useful to spray its crown with water at room temperature. In autumn, watering is slightly reduced, but the earthen ball should still always remain wet, its drying is unacceptable. A constant lack of moisture can lead to the death of cypress.

Very carefully you need to monitor the watering of cypress when the heating is on. If it suddenly happened that the earth in the pot was very dry, the cypress pot should be immersed in a container of water and kept until all air bubbles come out. After that, let the water drain, and put the cypress in place.

By the way, if the room is warm, then cypress treats a small overflow better than drying an earthen clod. But it is impossible to abuse overflows, powdery mildew may begin.

Water the cypress with water at room temperature. It is advisable to defend tap water, otherwise a whitish coating of lime appears on the branches, or use special preparations for the care of indoor plants, for example, PhytoKislinka: the drug, when added to spray water, eliminates lime stains on the leaves of indoor plants.

You can maintain soil moisture favorable for cypress in a pot by spraying its surface with water between waterings, this procedure is done in conjunction with spraying the crown.

To increase the humidity of the air, a pot of cypress can be placed in a tray with expanded clay. So much water is poured into the pan so that the bottom of the pot does not touch the surface of the water in the pan. If this is not feasible, then you can simply put a small container of water next to the cypress (a jar, a small plastic container). In any case, the water will evaporate, the humidity of the air will increase.


The cypress tolerates transplantation normally, even twice a year: at the beginning of summer it can be planted in open ground in the garden, at the end of summer - beginning of autumn again in a pot or container. The main thing is to have time to transplant the cypress back before the cold nights, when the air temperature outside and in the room do not differ much, then the cypress does not get sick at all when moving back into the room.

If you do not plan to plant cypress in open ground, then in the spring, in March-April, when young shoots appear at the ends of cypress branches, it is time to transplant into another pot or container.

It is necessary to transplant cypress in the following cases:

when an earthen ball is braided with roots so much that a continuous felt was formed from the roots; if the roots have made their way through the drain hole at the bottom of the pot; if the crown is too large and the pot may fall;

if the earth in the pot is sour and the cypress begins to gradually wither (in this case, the transplant may be unscheduled). Most likely the pot was too big.

A transplant can be:

Complete, when all the old soil is completely removed from the roots, such a transplant is practiced when growing bonsai;

Incomplete, when part of the old earth remains on the roots;

Transshipment, when from a smaller pot without disturbing the earthen coma they are completely transferred to a larger one, fresh earth is simply added along the edges of the pot;

If the cypress is already large, then you can only replace the top layer (3-4 cm) of earth in a pot with fresh soil;

Sometimes, instead of transplanting, you can limit yourself to fertilizing.

earth mixture

Cypress requires a nutritious and permeable earth mixture. You can use an earth mixture of soddy, leafy and coniferous soil with the addition of coarse sand (2:1:1:1) or soddy and leafy earth and sand (4:2:1).

An earthen mixture for bonsai is also suitable for cypress. It is useful to mix bone meal fertilizers with the earthen mixture.

But even in the usual earthen mixture for indoor plants, cypress grows normally, at least I did not notice any deviations in growth.

At the bottom of a container or pot put good drainage from old clay shards, broken red brick or expanded clay. For stability (if the cypress crown is already large), sand must be added to the bottom of the container, its layer, together with drainage, can be up to ¼ of the height of the container.

When transplanting, cypress cannot be buried, so you need to make sure that the root neck of the cypress is at the same level.

top dressing

From May to August, cypress is fed with complex mineral fertilizer for coniferous plants, or with liquid mineral fertilizer for decorative indoor plants, halving the recommended dose.

She even applied complex mineral fertilizers (ammofoska) in dry form: she put a few granules (5 pieces) on damp soil in a pot, followed by shallow loosening. Cypress reacted normally to this, reacted with the rapid growth of new shoots.

But I practice such top dressing only during the period of active growth - in the spring, at the beginning of summer, later I limit myself to liquid top dressing.

In spring and early summer, cypress is very responsive to the application of organic fertilizers, such as a solution of mullein or bird droppings - any (pigeon, sparrow) droppings will do, literally a pinch per 1 liter of water. Mix the solution well, let it stand, they can be watered with cypress once every two weeks.

If the cypress is already large, it is not replanted every year, then it is advisable to apply fertilizer during transplantation, for this it is thoroughly mixed with the earth mixture so that the nutrients are evenly distributed in the ground.

Top dressing is resumed no earlier than 1-1.5 months after transplantation.

Cypress tolerates a haircut well, which is carried out in the spring at the beginning of active shoot growth. With a haircut, you can set the desired shape of the cypress crown.

These miracles can be made from cypresses:

But if you just pinch the top point of growth of a cypress, then, although this will hold back the growth of cypress for a while, after a while the strongest upper side shoot becomes central and the cypress continues to grow upwards. If the cypress becomes very large for indoor maintenance, it can be cut off the top and rooted.


Cypress is propagated by seeds and cuttings.

Cypress seeds are sown early in spring on a wet mixture of sand + peat, to a depth of 1-2 cm. Then the seeds are moderately moistened again with a spray gun, kept under glass in a bright and warm place. After about 3-4 weeks, the seeds germinate. After another month, cypress seedlings can be planted in separate small pots.

Cypress cuttings are cut in March-April, it is advisable to use last year's, but still green, non-lignified shoots or shoots of the current year, taken in the middle of summer. Cypress cuttings are also rooted in a peat-sand mixture, kept in a bright, warm place, and high humidity is maintained (under a bottle, in a mini-greenhouse).

In the future, care for seedlings and cuttings is the same.

Rooted cuttings and seedlings of cypress are planted in a nutrient permeable earthen mixture of soddy and leafy earth and sand (4:2:1), adding a handful of crushed brick, perlite, or vermiculite. Pots should be small.

A little later, when the roots have already developed, cuttings or seedlings can be transferred into larger pots without any harm in July without destroying the earthen coma and without disturbing the roots.

Diseases and pests

Cypress can be damaged by scale insects, mealybugs. In a dry and hot room, cypress is harmed by a spider mite, but while maintaining high humidity and coolness, it is not terrible.

From excessive moisture, cypress suffers from powdery mildew.

I did not see any difficulties with cypress. In the summer I plant it in open ground, while it is small, I bring it back in early autumn. In winter, a cypress stands on the west window. I turn it in different directions to the light, I spray it every day. In winter, the houses are, of course, warm, but the cypress did not express its displeasure in any way - it grows even in winter. I think this year we will start to get a haircut))

See also: Swamp cypress, How to care for Elwoodi cypress

Image source flickr.com: Phil Pullen, BonsaiJerez, Rosita Choque, Eric Schrader, Zoran Radosavljevic, Russell Cumming, Plantas Brazal, stevieiriswattii!, Ümit AYGÜN, Mike W, jacinta lluch valero

Source: http://FloweryVale.ru/houseplants/the-growing-of-cypress-in-the-home.html

Features of growing a cypress tree

Cypress trees often decorate courtyards and streets. They look attractive and stylish. Experts say that decorative cypress can be grown in an apartment. Let's take a closer look at how cypress is planted and grown, as well as what kind of care it needs.

Briefly about the plant

The cypress tree was first grown in North America - in California. To date, gardeners have bred about 14 species of cypress. The plant loves warm climates.

An evergreen shrub or tree has rounded cones that ripen in the second year after planting. The plant has branches covered with scaly needles. Twigs grow in one or more rows.

Cypress is propagated by grafting, cuttings and seeds.
The tree has a coniferous aroma, which has a beneficial effect on the nervous and respiratory systems.

The plant will saturate the rooms of the house with oxygen if grown in an apartment.

Cypress in its appearance resembles a coniferous tree, but it should not be called a conifer, since needle leaves grow only in young plants. Trees or shrubs older than four years have a scaly shape.

Some "scales" during the period of "growing up" of the plant grow to the branches. The top of the tree remains free, thanks to which the cypress acquires its decorative effect.

Cypress cones are decorated with an intricate pattern and blend well with each other.

plant varieties

The cypress plant comes in many varieties. The most common are the following types of cypress:

  • the most frost-resistant species is the McNab cypress. It withstands temperatures up to 25 degrees below zero. decorative tree grows up to 15 meters in height. The plant has a dense broad-pyramidal crown, which very often hangs down to the ground. Cypress smells like lemons;
  • the Arizona shrub Сompacta has a rounded crown and silvery needle-scales with a bluish tint;
  • the Arizona tree Сonica has a pin-shaped crown. Sensitive to frost. Grows up to five meters in height;
  • Arizona tree Fastigiata has large openwork cones and bluish foliage;
  • the low Arizona Glauca tree has a silver gray columnar crown. Can hardly tolerate cold, frosty weather.

In the garden, most gardeners plant evergreen cypress trees. In height, such trees grow up to 30 meters. This type of cypress easily tolerates dry days and short-term frosts.

Evergreen trees may have a long, straight-pyramidal crown or a wide spreading top. Sometimes there are evergreen ornamental dwarf varieties of cypress.

When planting a plant in your garden, you need to ask how old it is.

Plant propagation

From the cones of the plant, seeds are collected, which are used to propagate it. Trees are also propagated by cuttings and planting seedlings.


Cypress can be propagated by cuttings in the following periods:

  1. in the end of April;
  2. at the end of June;
  3. in early September.

Cut off the apical cuttings from the cypress. Remove the leaves from them and place them in a solution of epin or root for 24 hours. After a while, wash the slices and sprinkle with charcoal. Plant the cuttings in containers with special soil for conifers.

After watering the soil, cover each cutting with a three-liter jar. It is recommended to remove the jars three times a week for a couple of hours so that the cuttings “breathe”. After two months, the cuttings will take root. They can be planted in open ground.

seed propagation

  • Collect plant seeds from ripe cones.
  • For three months, the seeds are recommended to be placed in the refrigerator. For them to be stratified.
  • Germinate them at room temperature.
  • Sow seeds before sowing warm water and let stand for 12 hours.
  • Sow the seeds in low wide containers at a distance of 4x4 centimeters.
  • At the bottom of each box, be sure to pour two centimeters of crushed bark. The bark will serve as natural drainage.
  • When sprouts appear, they can be transplanted into river sand or sawdust.
  • It is important to regularly moisten the soil.
  • Five-centimeter bushes can be planted in separate containers and allowed to grow for a year on the windowsill.
  • When transplanting seedlings into separate containers, place the root neck on a par with the soil.

It is important to regularly spray the seedlings.

Once a month, fertilize with coniferous dressings.

After a year, seedlings grown from seeds can be transplanted into open ground. They will transfer the transplant successfully, as they will already have a stable root system and a dense trunk.

Important Growing Points

It is important to know how to care for cypress, as it grows best under the following conditions:

  1. In early spring, be sure to cut the roots for low crown growth.
  2. Rotate the cypress 10 degrees every two weeks.
  3. Since the conifer does not like drafts, it should be placed in a quiet, comfortable place.
  4. The plant does not tolerate frequent and abrupt changes in lighting.
  5. Dry branches from the bush must be cut off.
  6. To form a crown, regularly cut off excess shoots.
  7. It is not necessary to cut off the part of the branch with leaves. It needs to be cut off completely.

If you started to grow cypress in the bonsai style, transplant every three years.

Features of planting a plant

Since the sun's rays have a bad effect on the health of the cypress, and in the shade its leaves are too stretched, the best place there will be partial shade for the tree to grow. The soil must drain excess moisture. For planting, earth mixed with coniferous humus is used. You can also mix the soil with peat, sand, turf, rotted leaves.

When transplanting cypress from one place to another, it is important to move the seedlings along with the ground on the rhizomes. A young transplanted bush is recommended to be tied to a stick. When planting cypress, it is also important to take into account the fact that he does not like noisy areas, so he should be planted away from the roadway.

When planting seedlings in the ground, be sure to make a distance between them.

The trees will not shade each other.

Features of tree care

It is important not only to know how to plant a cypress, but also how to properly care for it. Caring for mature plants is slightly different from caring for young ones.

Caring for mature plants

During the first few years after planting a cypress, it is important to feed it frequently: every 14 days.

Top dressing can be mullein mixed with superphosphates. Plants older than four years do not need frequent feeding. It is enough to fertilize the land in spring and late autumn.

You also need to water the plant often, but not plentifully.

So that the crown does not lose its decorative effect in the hot summer, cypress should be sprayed daily in the evenings with water. Formative pruning is carried out in early spring, during which it is necessary to remove dry and broken branches.

Until the age of four, cypress for the winter must be covered with sprigs of needles, sawdust or spruce branches.

Caring for young houseplants

Common cypress grows best on windowsills on the east or north side of the house. The temperature in the apartment should be more than 20 degrees Celsius.

Also, pots can be put in a tray covered with wet pebbles or moss.

The cypress will grow. To give it a decorative look, it is recommended to prune at the beginning of each spring.

Cypress home care is as follows:

  1. Bushes are watered abundantly in the warm season, and moderately in the cold. The warmer the room, the more often it needs to be watered. Usually watering is carried out every 7 to 10 days.
  2. The plant is fertilized every month with liquid mineral fertilizers. In winter, you need to feed cypress once every one and a half months.
  3. Young plants need to be transplanted every year in April. Mature plants are transplanted as needed.

In winter, cypress pots are recommended to be placed in a room with a temperature not higher than 15 degrees Celsius. In summer, the tree should be warm, and in winter - cool. If the plant is left on the windowsill, heated by a battery below, it may die from the heat. To prevent this, take the flower pot out onto the balcony, and cover the rhizome area with foam.

Protection from pests and diseases

If the cypress tree is not properly cared for, its roots may suffer from rot. If a rot infection occurs, remove the plant from the pot, cut off the rotten roots and transplant into a clean container, correctly creating all the necessary conditions for growing.

Cypress can suffer from such pests:

  • when attacked by scale insects, the leaves of the plant are covered with round green, yellow, brown tubercles. Scale insects suck out the juice, because of which the conifer becomes lethargic, weakened. To protect the plant, Actellik, Aktara, Intavir, Fitoverm, onion or garlic infusion are sprayed;
  • when attacked by a spider mite, cypress branches are covered with thin cobwebs and white spots. The needles begin to change their color, dry out and fall off. To cure the plant, it is sprayed with Karbofos, Intavir, Fitoverm, sulfuric and phosphorus agents, garlic and onion tincture.

If you notice that the needles have turned yellow, the plant needs nutrients and moisture. It is necessary to feed and water the cypress more often.

If the air in the room is too dry, the cypress begins to dry out, and the tips of the leaves turn brown. In this case, spray the plant with water to moisten.

When exposed to direct sunlight, the needles begin to crumble. Create partial shade or move the pot to a shaded area.
To make the crown denser, move the flowerpot to a brighter place.

Application in landscape design

Most often, cypress lives and grows well in the territories of sanatoriums, country houses, recreation facilities.

Californian or Mexican cypress, large-fruited and Kashmiri plant varieties are usually used to create landscape design. They protect from the wind, act as a hedge.

Various compositions are created from dwarf varieties. Cypress planting and care in the apartment allows the owners to live in a green kingdom, with fresh air.

The seed method of growing allows you to plant different areas in the country with cypress. If you plant some high varieties of cypress not in the garden, but outside its territory, the street will become more attractive and planted.

Now you know how to grow cypress from seeds or in other ways on the windowsill and in the open field. It is important to carry out proper care behind a cypress, so that it pleases with its green decorative appearance.

A coniferous indoor plant will saturate the air in the room with useful phytoncides that will improve breathing and destroy harmful microorganisms. The aroma of cypress serves as a prevention of bronchitis and colds.

Source: http://ZnaySad.ru/sadovye-derevya/dekorativnye-derevya/derevo-kiparis.html

Cypress is a very attractive evergreen. It is unique for its centuries-old existence and unknown origin. Its needles contain healing aromatic oils that have been used by folk healers for many centuries. From the strong wood of this plant, craftsmen built ships and various pieces of furniture.

Some peoples consider cypress a symbol of sorrow and grief and plant it in cemeteries near graves. Others, on the contrary, argue that cypress symbolizes eternal life. Even the Bible mentions this evergreen shrub as a representative of the Garden of Eden.

Cypress prefers tropical and subtropical climates. Under favorable natural conditions, its height reaches thirty meters. The crown of this plant can be sprawling or have the shape of a pyramid. The needles of the cypress are a rich dark green color. Its fruits are cones with a scaly surface and seeds inside.

With proper care, cypress can be grown at home. Many professional flower growers already consider it a houseplant. This evergreen plant pleases the inhabitants of the house throughout the year and fills the room with a pleasant lemon aroma.

Types of indoor cypress

Both ordinary wild-growing varieties (there are about twenty of them) and new, bred ones are suitable for home cultivation. Before choosing one variety or cultivar, you need to get acquainted with the details of its cultivation and care.

Cypress Goldcrest Wilma is popular among houseplants. Its individual feature is the almost yellow color of the needles.

Such a “golden” pyramidal mini tree was bred by British breeders specifically for home maintenance.

Given the peculiarities of care, at home you can grow Large-fruited cypress, Evergreen cypress, as well as reduced new species - Pea-shaped and Fruitful cypress.

Cypress - growing and care at home

Temperature regime

Cypress is a plant native to the subtropics. Indoors, he needs to find a place where it is always warm, light, there is no direct sunlight and there is a lot of free space.

In the summer, the plant is well suited to room temperature. The main thing for him is timely hydration.

But in winter, it will be necessary to change the usual conditions and move the cypress to a room where there will be no heating devices and direct heating.

At the same time, the standard room temperature in winter is not desirable for the plant. Ideally, you need a temperature in the range of 5-10 degrees Celsius. Watering is reduced in winter, but the soil cannot be overdried.

Considering all the temperature preferences of the cypress, in the summer place it on a window facing north or east. Well, it is better for a plant to winter in the southern part of the apartment or on a glazed loggia.

Location and lighting

Since this plant is light-loving, there should be a sufficient amount of light in the room. Just no direct sunlight. This will harm the plant. In winter, natural light will not be enough, so artificial lighting will be required. The lack of lighting will immediately affect the external state of the cypress - its crown and branches will take on an elongated shape.

In winter, place cypress in the southern part of the house, and in summer - in the north. The place of cultivation can be a windowsill, floor or flower stand.

Watering rules

Watering needs regular and plentiful. It is necessary to find a middle ground, since excessive watering and drying out of the soil are equally destructive.

Spraying is carried out twice - in the morning and in the evening. Use only settled water at room temperature. This procedure should be daily, especially on hot and dry days.

In winter, the schedule of watering and moistening change. Spraying is canceled until spring, and watering is carried out once a week.

Air humidity

In the wild, cypresses grow near lakes and ponds because they prefer high humidity. In the conditions of an apartment, it is possible to maintain the required level of humidity only with the help of watering or spraying.

Soil for planting

The soil for planting cypress should be loose. You can buy potting soil or make your own. This will require coarse river sand, soddy land and peat in equal parts and two parts of leafy land.

The flower pot must necessarily have holes for water drainage. A quarter of the height of the container should be occupied by the lower drainage layer. These can be pieces of foam or broken bricks, pebbles or expanded clay. The soil mixture is poured onto the drainage.

Top dressings and fertilizers

Cypress is an exotic plant and ordinary fertilizers or complex dressings for indoor plants will not work for him. For example, humus can even harm. Therefore, it is not recommended to experiment in this case.

The most suitable for cypress is a mineral fertilizer in liquid form, intended for coniferous plants. You need to make it once every month - May, June, July, August. As part of the top dressing, a high nitrogen content is not allowed, but magnesium is required.


After about two years, the soil mixture loses its useful qualities and the plant lacks nutrients. In this case, transplanting the plant into a new soil can help. The most favorable time for this is spring. Since cypress has very sensitive roots, it is better to transplant it by transshipment.

Start by thoroughly watering the soil. The plant is easier to extract from moist soil. The cypress is carefully removed from the pot along with a clod of earth. The earth, which is easily separated from the roots, must be carefully removed and the condition of the roots carefully examined.

When a young shoot is found, it is necessary to carefully separate it from the main trunk along with part of the root system. The place of separation of the cutting must be lubricated with garden pitch. Then each plant is transplanted into a separate pot: an adult - into a larger one, and a shoot - into a small container. Young cypress is covered with a glass jar for better rooting.

At the bottom of the pots in front of the soil layer, be sure to pour a drainage layer.

Reproduction of cypress

Cypress is propagated by seed and cuttings.

seed method

The seed method is used only in the spring. Freshly harvested seeds that can be taken from the opened cypress fruits (from green cones) are planted in a separate container in moist soil. Seed germination is low, about 25 percent.

A box with planted seeds should stand where direct sunlight does not fall (during the first 15-20 days after planting). As soon as the first sprouts appear, take the box to a sunny place. After a slight drying of the soil, moderate watering will be required.

A month later, each cypress sprout will be ready for transplanting into an individual container.

Cutting method

The cutting method of propagation is used in early spring or early autumn. To do this, choose an already stiff stalk.

Diseases and pests

This evergreen plant is able to resist pests and is resistant to various diseases. Its unique aroma keeps out any harmful insects. They do not tolerate the smell of pine needles.

Cypress wood contains chemicals that destroy various fungal diseases and harmful bacteria, and also prevent their development.

If the plant is sick, then the reason can only be in the wrong care:

Lack of moisture in the soil and in the air

Characteristic features - a web on the needles, the appearance of a spider mite.

The solution is treatment with a special chemical preparation, restoration of proper watering and maintaining high humidity.

Incorrectly selected soil or its poor quality

Characteristic signs - the development and growth of the plant stops, the needles change in color, a small coating appears on the shoots and needles, as well as small insects.

The solution is to treat the affected areas with a soapy solution, spraying with insecticidal preparations, and airing.

  • Cypress needs good lighting, but not direct sunlight, but diffused light.
  • An earthen lump in a pot with a plant should always remain moist.
  • The plant needs daily spraying and regular watering.
  • In case of drying of parts of the plant (due to exposure to sunlight or due to extreme heat), it is necessary to prune the damaged branches to a living bud.
  • The plant is easy to cut and recovers quickly, it can be given any shape.

The secret of the popularity of cypresses

Cypress trees are a very popular plant these days. They are quite common in garden plots, but are also widely distributed as houseplants. What is the secret of their popularity?

This majestic and noble-looking plant seems to require some unusual attention and care. But in fact, it is absolutely unpretentious and not capricious. The rules for caring for a plant are quite simple. The main thing is their exact observance.

This evergreen tree will thank for the good attitude towards it and the spent forces with its beauty. Cypress can become a decoration of the yard, flower garden, garden, any room.

A cypress flower pot can be the main decor of a porch or porch, an enclosed gazebo, and any room in the house. An adult coniferous tree can replace a Christmas tree, and a few plants can become a hedge. Landscape designers and masters of curly pruning can make a real masterpiece out of cypress.

Decorative qualities plus the unique aroma of needles - this is the secret of the popularity of cypress. We wish you success in growing cypress at home.

Indoor cypress, home care for which is not very difficult, has become a very popular plant today. It has a decorative look, which determines the choice in favor of keeping it at home.

For cultivation, mainly 2 types of cypresses are used: evergreen cypress (C. semperverens) and Kashmir cypress (C. cachmeriana). In nature, these small trees are found in humid subtropical regions. Often they grow along the banks of water bodies. Under natural conditions, these types of cypresses grow up to 4 m in height and have a pyramidal or narrowly rhombic crown shape. Leaflets in the form of dark green or bluish-green scales cover vertically directed branches tightly adjacent to the lignified trunk. All parts of the plant contain essential oils with phytoncidal properties, due to which the plant exudes a characteristic coniferous smell and purifies the air of pathogens.

Breeders have bred more than 200 varieties of cypress, very similar to cypress, which can be grown indoors. The most suitable for these purposes are thuja-shaped cypress and pea-bearing cypress, the care of which is no different from the care house tree. These plants are very similar to domestic cypress, but are smaller and more unpretentious. Cypress trees have flatter branches and small cones up to 1 cm in diameter. The needles of different varieties can be silver-blue, golden or bluish-green.

Care rules

How to care for cypress? In order for a tree to feel good at home, it needs to create conditions that maximally repeat the conditions of places of natural growth. Although wild cypresses tend to grow in open sunny places, small house trees can be harmed by direct sunlight. Therefore, they are best identified in a well-lit place, but without direct sunlight.

For the proper development of the plant is of great importance temperature regime. In summer, during the period of intensive growth, the optimum temperature for these plants is 25ºС. In winter, in order for the plant to rest and be compact, it must be kept at a temperature not exceeding 10 ° C while maintaining intense illumination. If there is not enough light, and the temperature is higher, the plant will stretch and lose its attractive shape.

Since cypresses in natural conditions grow only in places with high humidity, their home counterparts need to create and maintain a fairly high humidity of air and soil. Cypresses do not tolerate drying out. In this case, their leaves turn yellow and fall off, and ugly bald spots form in the dense crown, which will then be very difficult to restore. Therefore, you need to water the plant often, but not excessively. Stagnation of water can kill the plant, so there must be good drainage in a cypress pot. Soft water at room temperature is suitable for irrigation. In winter, instead of watering, some flower growers advise putting pieces of ice in a pot with cypress. This will ensure the desired temperature and sufficient soil moisture. but negative temperatures domestic cypresses will not endure. Due to the small amount of soil in the pot, the earth, along with the root system, will freeze through and the plant will die.

In summer, the tree should be sprayed with warm water every day. This is especially important if the air temperature rises above 25ºС. Gentle young plant can dry in one day in dry air. If possible, cypress can be taken out into the garden, but not in direct sun. In the fresh air, the plant will develop more magnificently.

Transplant and top dressing

Young trees need to be replanted annually. Adult plants are transplanted at least once every 2 years. Since indoor plants grow quite quickly, a fairly spacious pot is suitable for transplanting. When transplanting, it is not necessary to break the earthen ball, as this can damage the root system. Only those parts of the earth that have fallen away on their own are removed. These conifers love slightly acidic soils. Ready-made soil for coniferous trees can be purchased at flower shops. For self-compilation of the soil, leaf turf, sand, peat and humus are taken in equal proportions. At the bottom of the pot, be sure to put a thick drainage layer of expanded clay, pieces of brick or small pebbles. Before planting and fertilizing, the soil must be well loosened. When transplanting, the trunk must be buried in the same way as it was in the old pot. A transplant is a serious stress for a cypress, so it is quite possible that after the procedure the plant will weaken somewhat and stop growing. The first month after transplanting, it is better to put the cypress in a shady place, ensure daily watering and spraying of the tree.

Fertilizers and mineral supplements are limited, otherwise the tree will grow too quickly. Ordinary liquid fertilizers for indoor plants are diluted 2 times before feeding. These trees need the procedure 2 times a month only in warm weather, that is, during the period of intensive growth. Do not use fertilizers with a high nitrogen content. Some flower growers believe that only special liquid top dressings for conifers are enough for cypresses.

Plant propagation

Propagating cypress at home is quite difficult. There are 2 possible ways: seeds and cuttings.

You can also buy cypress seeds in flower shops, but you can also collect from adult plants. Before planting, the seeds are kept for 3 months at low (4-5ºС) temperatures (stratified). This is done to increase seed germination. Immediately before planting, the seeds are soaked for a day in warm water. You need to sow in the spring. Seeds can be germinated in sawdust or sand. But as soon as green sprouts appear, they will need to be transplanted into the ground. Seed germination is very rarely 100%. But even if you manage to grow a new tree on your own from part of the seeds, this is already big success. In a year, under optimal conditions, young cypresses manage to grow up to 15 cm.

For cuttings, stiff apical branches are suitable. They are carefully cut. The cut site is treated with charcoal, and the cuttings are placed for a day in a solution of a strong growth stimulant (for example, Epin). After a day, the bases of the cuttings are washed with running water. Then the cuttings are planted in well-moistened soil and covered with a glass container or polyethylene to create greenhouse conditions. To ventilate them every day for a few minutes open. Full rooting occurs within 2-3 months. The survival rate of cuttings is not very high.

To create an unusual shape or just a neat crown, the tree is pruned annually. Excess branches can not be cut partially or half. They are removed completely. Dried branches are also pruned.

To reduce the growth rate during transplantation, pruning of the roots is carried out. If it is desirable to have a very small tree, transplantation can be done every 3-4 years. If the cypress grows on a windowsill, it must be rotated 180º once a week so that the crown remains vertical.

These plants do not like drafts very much. Therefore, even in the garden, it is desirable to place them in places protected from the winds. In winter, cypress trees should not be placed next to heating appliances. High temperatures and dry air can lead to yellowing and drying of the plant. If yellow twigs begin to appear on the tree, increase the intensity of watering and spray the crown with water more often.

To minimize the likelihood of plant disease and damage by various pests, it is necessary to follow the rules for caring for cypress at home, ensure temperature and light conditions, and maintain high humidity. Fresh air and timely mineral and organic top dressings will give strength to this graceful evergreen tree.

Although cypress is not a hardy houseplant, the time and effort it takes to grow it is well worth it. It is quite possible to decorate a room Christmas tree on New Year. And the rest of the time this tree will delight you with fresh greens and a pleasant fragrant aroma.


When seedlings appear, the protective shelter must be raised and the seedlings sprinkled a little with a mixture of earth and sand.

seating arrangement

When transplanting cypress into a pot, you can add a long-acting complex fertilizer to the earth mixture for the full feeding of cypress trees, designed for two years.


If you follow all the rules of care behind a cypress, it will delight you with its fragrant needles for a long time.

Cypress is a beautiful evergreen plant that is often used for ornamental purposes. It is not surprising that many owners of country houses want to plant these trees on their site or even create a small alley from them. We will talk about how to grow cypress from seeds in this article.

Getting seeds at home

Like all ancient evergreens, cypress has cones with the help of which it reproduces in the wild. Planting material is obtained from ripe cones. In addition, it can be purchased at gardening stores, but this is not at all necessary. From mature cones, seeds are easily obtained, and their germination level practically does not differ from purchased ones.

Features of growing cypress from seeds

Due to the fact that this tree is very thermophilic, it is not very popular among breeders in central Russia. After all, it is difficult for a plant to survive a harsh winter and often it simply dies before it reaches the warm season. That is why it is necessary to germinate the seeds at home, where the optimum temperature will be provided for them. The whole process takes place in several stages:

  • Stratification. This complex word means keeping the planting material in the cold (in modern conditions, it is easiest to use a conventional refrigerator). The seeds of many conifers and evergreens must go through such a mandatory "wintering", otherwise they will not be able to give normal shoots. Stratification should last 3-4 months.
    Soak. Before planting directly into the ground, the seeds must be kept in warm water for 10-12 hours. This will help them swell.
  • Landing. Most suitable option for cypress - the standard layout in the ground: 4x4 cm. But you can not use pots for these trees, ordinary ones will be enough wooden boxes. The main thing is that they have a suitable length and are not too high, otherwise the seedlings will die.
  • Another way to germinate is to pre-place the seeds in sawdust or sand. In such an environment, they should be allowed to give the first shoots, after which they should be transplanted already into the ground.
  • Transfer. The germination rate of cypress seeds is approximately 50%, so it is worth taking planting material with a margin in advance. After the first bushes begin to grow and reach 5 cm in height, they will need to be placed in separate pots. Otherwise, the trees will begin to interfere with each other and will not be able to reach their normal size. It is better to keep the young at home, in order to prevent them from freezing. After 10-12 months, if climatic and weather conditions allow, you can take the seedlings into the yard so that they stand under the sun.

This general scheme germination of cypress bushes from seeds. However, it requires special care at home. Let's talk about it in more detail.

Seedling care

How ornamental plant cypress is quite capricious. So, for example, it needs to be sprayed often, but not watered to avoid rotting. The most vulnerable part of the shrub is the root system. It is formed for a long time and requires additional strengthening. You can fertilize seedlings with a mixture for coniferous plants about 1 time per month. Also, during transplantation, it is not necessary to deepen the roots much, they should be closer to the surface, so it is easier for them to absorb nutrients.

As we have already found out, growing cypress from seeds is not an easy task. For its implementation, only patience and enthusiasm are not enough, it is necessary to strictly follow all the rules. We will give a few more recommendations, which, according to conifer breeders, will help to achieve the best result.
First, try soaking the seeds before planting not in ordinary water, but in a solution of root or epin.

Roots are the weak point of heat-loving conifers, so such pre-feeding will not hurt.

Secondly, be careful about the choice of soil. Of course, you can use ordinary soil, but it is better to purchase a special soil mixture. The best option would be a soil composition for coniferous plants, which can be purchased at any specialized store.

The third trick involves using crushed tree bark as natural drainage. It can be poured onto the bottom of the box immediately before planting and covered with soil from above. Thanks to this, cypresses will absorb moisture better and will not suffer from its excess. You can buy the bark from the fertilizer department or prepare it yourself (in the second case, you will need some experience in this matter, so if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better not to risk it).
The last advice concerns the transplantation of young animals in open ground. This should be done no earlier than a year after the appearance of the first shoots.

The main signs of the seedling's readiness for independent development will be the lignification of the trunk and the appearance of a normal branched root system.

Of course, you should not put the bushes in the ground in cold weather. Focus on the climatic features of the region and remember that in some parts of Russia, cypresses, even on the street, can only exist as a pot culture.

The cypress is a legendary tree known since antiquity.

Initially, it grew in California, but over time it spread to various countries of the warm temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere.

In recent years, growing cypress at home has become increasingly common. If you want to have this evergreen plant at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for growing it.

How to grow cypress from seeds?

How to grow cypress at home? In order to grow cypress at home, you will need its seeds.

You can buy them at the store or make your own if you have the opportunity to collect ripe, but not yet opened, cypress cones. They need to be put into cardboard box and wait until they open.


The most preferred season for sowing cypress seeds is the second half of spring.

The soil for cypress should consist of one part peat soil, one part soddy soil, one part sand and two parts leafy soil.

Pre-prepared soil must be poured into a pot or container, then moistened and compacted.

First, seeds are poured onto the surface of the earth, and then they are covered with a layer of soil, the thickness of which should be from seven to ten millimeters.

After that, it is necessary to sprinkle the earth in a pot with seeds with water and cover it with a film or glass. The pot should be put in a warm place and wait a couple of weeks until the seedlings appear.

Remove the shelter often to ventilate the seedlings, and eventually remove it permanently. Remember to maintain optimal soil moisture, as too little or too much water can kill seedlings.

seating arrangement

When the height of the seedlings reaches five centimeters, they should be transplanted into hotel containers, which can be used as ordinary plastic glasses with a volume of five hundred milliliters.

In the bottom of each cup, it is necessary to make holes, the diameter of which should be about five millimeters, and expanded clay should be poured onto the bottom. This will give you drainage.

For planting seedlings, you should use the same soil as for planting seeds, but sand should be taken not one, but two parts.

Monthly feed your seedlings with complex fertilizer, and after a year it is advisable to transplant them into pots.

Best of all, cypress will grow in a tall narrow pot, at the bottom of which drainage from expanded clay or broken skulls will be poured.

The first four to five days after transplanting, cypress trees should be in diffused light, and after this period they can be put on a sunny windowsill. It is best if it is the windowsill of the east or north window. For the winter, cypress can be put on a glazed loggia with good lighting and kept at a temperature of fifteen to seventeen degrees above zero.

You can form the required height and shape of your cypress with pruning. The plant begins to bear fruit when it reaches the age of five to six years.


Growing cypress from seeds at home is a very interesting process, the observation of which will be a pleasure for both a child and an adult.

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It is not difficult to grow cypress seedlings at home. The main thing is to carry out the stratification correctly, which lasts about two months. Before sowing, I always soak the seeds, then plant them in wet sand and water them abundantly. Usually, after two weeks, sprouts appear, which after a month I dive and transplant into pots.

I brought a bump from Yalta a couple of years ago. Plucked straight from the tree. At home, small seeds suddenly spilled out of it. Without hesitation, I planted them in a clay pot, only lightly sprinkled them with earth. I didn’t know what to plant in the spring, so I planted in the fall. After a month or less, shoots began to appear. Now they are growing on the balcony on the south side.

In summer, there are no problems with cypress, but in winter you will have to tinker. In winter, you need to put it on the windowsill and turn it over every 15 days. He also loves water very much, so watering should be plentiful.


Cypress is a very attractive evergreen. It is unique for its centuries-old existence and unknown origin. Its needles contain healing aromatic oils that have been used by folk healers for many centuries. From the strong wood of this plant, craftsmen built ships and various pieces of furniture.

Some peoples consider cypress a symbol of sorrow and grief and plant it in cemeteries near graves. Others, on the contrary, argue that cypress symbolizes eternal life. Even the Bible mentions this evergreen shrub as a representative of the Garden of Eden.

Cypress prefers tropical and subtropical climates. Under favorable natural conditions, its height reaches thirty meters. The crown of this plant can be sprawling or have the shape of a pyramid. The needles of the cypress are a rich dark green color. Its fruits are cones with a scaly surface and seeds inside.

With proper care, cypress can be grown at home. Many professional flower growers already consider it a houseplant. This evergreen plant pleases the inhabitants of the house throughout the year and fills the room with a pleasant lemon aroma.

Both ordinary wild-growing varieties (there are about twenty of them) and new, bred ones are suitable for home cultivation. Before choosing one variety or cultivar, you need to get acquainted with the details of its cultivation and care.

Cypress Goldcrest Wilma is popular among houseplants. Its individual feature is the almost yellow color of the needles. Such a “golden” pyramidal mini tree was bred by British breeders specifically for home maintenance. Given the peculiarities of care, at home you can grow Large-fruited cypress, Evergreen cypress, as well as reduced new species - Pea-shaped and Fruitful cypress.

Temperature regime

Cypress is a plant native to the subtropics. Indoors, he needs to find a place where it is always warm, light, there is no direct sunlight and there is a lot of free space.

In the summer, the plant is well suited to room temperature. The main thing for him is timely hydration. But in winter, it will be necessary to change the usual conditions and move the cypress to a room where there will be no heating devices and direct heating. At the same time, the standard room temperature in winter is not desirable for the plant. Ideally, you need a temperature in the range of 5-10 degrees Celsius. Watering is reduced in winter, but the soil cannot be overdried.

Considering all the temperature preferences of the cypress, in the summer place it on a window facing north or east. Well, it is better for a plant to winter in the southern part of the apartment or on a glazed loggia.

Location and lighting

Since this plant is light-loving, there should be a sufficient amount of light in the room. Just no direct sunlight. This will harm the plant. In winter, natural light will not be enough, so artificial lighting will be required. The lack of lighting will immediately affect the external state of the cypress - its crown and branches will take on an elongated shape.

In winter, place cypress in the southern part of the house, and in summer - in the north. The place of cultivation can be a windowsill, floor or flower stand.

Watering rules

Watering needs regular and plentiful. It is necessary to find a middle ground, since excessive watering and drying out of the soil are equally destructive.

Spraying is carried out twice - in the morning and in the evening. Use only settled water at room temperature. This procedure should be daily, especially on hot and dry days.

In winter, the schedule of watering and moistening change. Spraying is canceled until spring, and watering is carried out once a week.

Air humidity

In the wild, cypresses grow near lakes and ponds because they prefer high humidity. In the conditions of an apartment, it is possible to maintain the required level of humidity only with the help of watering or spraying.

Soil for planting

The soil for planting cypress should be loose. You can buy potting soil or make your own. This will require coarse river sand, soddy land and peat in equal parts and two parts of leafy land.

The flower pot must necessarily have holes for water drainage. A quarter of the height of the container should be occupied by the lower drainage layer. These can be pieces of foam or broken bricks, pebbles or expanded clay. The soil mixture is poured onto the drainage.

Top dressings and fertilizers

Cypress is an exotic plant and ordinary fertilizers or complex dressings for indoor plants will not work for him. For example, humus can even harm. Therefore, it is not recommended to experiment in this case.

The most suitable for cypress is a mineral fertilizer in liquid form, intended for coniferous plants. You need to make it once every month - May, June, July, August. As part of the top dressing, a high nitrogen content is not allowed, but magnesium is required.


After about two years, the soil mixture loses its useful qualities and the plant lacks nutrients. In this case, transplanting the plant into a new soil can help. The most favorable time for this is spring. Since cypress has very sensitive roots, it is better to transplant it by transshipment.

Start by thoroughly watering the soil. The plant is easier to extract from moist soil. The cypress is carefully removed from the pot along with a clod of earth. The earth, which is easily separated from the roots, must be carefully removed and the condition of the roots carefully examined.

When a young shoot is found, it is necessary to carefully separate it from the main trunk along with part of the root system. The place of separation of the cutting must be lubricated with garden pitch. Then each plant is transplanted into a separate pot: an adult - into a larger one, and a shoot - into a small container. Young cypress is covered with a glass jar for better rooting.

At the bottom of the pots in front of the soil layer, be sure to pour a drainage layer.

Cypress is propagated by seed and cuttings.

seed method

The seed method is used only in the spring. Freshly harvested seeds that can be taken from the opened cypress fruits (from green cones) are planted in a separate container in moist soil. Seed germination is low, about 25 percent.

A box with planted seeds should stand where direct sunlight does not fall (during the first 15-20 days after planting). As soon as the first sprouts appear, take the box to a sunny place. After a slight drying of the soil, moderate watering will be required.

A month later, each cypress sprout will be ready for transplanting into an individual container.

Cutting method

The cutting method of propagation is used in early spring or early autumn. To do this, choose an already stiff stalk.

This evergreen plant is able to resist pests and is resistant to various diseases. Its unique aroma keeps out any harmful insects. They do not tolerate the smell of pine needles.

Cypress wood contains chemicals that destroy various fungal diseases and harmful bacteria, and also prevent their development.

If the plant is sick, then the reason can only be in the wrong care:

Lack of moisture in the soil and in the air

Characteristic features - a web on the needles, the appearance of a spider mite.

The solution is treatment with a special chemical preparation, restoration of proper watering and maintaining high humidity.

Incorrectly selected soil or its poor quality

Characteristic signs - the development and growth of the plant stops, the needles change in color, a small coating appears on the shoots and needles, as well as small insects.

The solution is to treat the affected areas with a soapy solution, spraying with insecticidal preparations, and airing.

  • Cypress needs good lighting, but not direct sunlight, but diffused light.
  • An earthen lump in a pot with a plant should always remain moist.
  • The plant needs daily spraying and regular watering.
  • In case of drying of parts of the plant (due to exposure to sunlight or due to extreme heat), it is necessary to prune the damaged branches to a living bud.
  • The plant is easy to cut and recovers quickly, it can be given any shape.

Cypress trees are a very popular plant these days. They are quite common in garden plots, but are also widely distributed as houseplants. What is the secret of their popularity?

This majestic and noble-looking plant seems to require some unusual attention and care. But in fact, it is absolutely unpretentious and not capricious. The rules for caring for a plant are quite simple. The main thing is their exact observance.

This evergreen tree will thank for the good attitude towards it and the spent forces with its beauty. Cypress can become a decoration of the yard, flower garden, garden, any room.

A cypress flower pot can be the main decor of a porch or porch, an enclosed gazebo, and any room in the house. An adult coniferous tree can replace a Christmas tree, and a few plants can become a hedge. Landscape designers and masters of curly pruning can make a real masterpiece out of cypress.

Decorative qualities plus the unique aroma of needles - this is the secret of the popularity of cypress. We wish you success in growing cypress at home.


All cypresses belong to fast growing plants which can be grown even indoors. Today we will talk about how to grow cypress from seed. You will need to choose a male plant with a cone. Each cone contains several dozen seeds, but getting them is a little difficult.

The flaps of the bump are so tightly closed that you may need a screwdriver or other tool. The cone should be plucked only in a mature state, the optimal time comes in mid-October and later. Cypress seeds are brown. If they are still green, then you picked a bump early.

Prepare flower pot and pour into it first a layer of expanded clay, and then a mixture fertile land, sod land and sand. Plant seeds at a depth of 5-7 mm, this is quite enough. Planting material germinates quickly, and in a couple of months you will already have well-elongated trees.

No matter how strange it may sound, cypresses are afraid of noise. We advise you to keep the pot of young plants away from the window so that the noise does not disturb them. You can transplant grown trees into open ground, if the climatic features of your area allow this. If not, you can grow a tree in the house.

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