Basic rules on how to plant an orchid baby at home. Orchid babies - rules for transplanting into separate flower pots How to properly plant an orchid baby

  • 17.06.2019

Miniature flowers can appear from dormant buds on a peduncle, provided that the plant is mature, healthy and well developed. lasts for a long time until fully formed. It is separated in the presence of roots at least 5 cm long and 2-3 leaves.

ATTENTION: The duration of the process is about 6 months, and maybe longer. Throughout this period, the new formation feeds on substances and sucks moisture out of the mother plant.

So, for the full development of both individuals, it follows:

  1. ensure the temperature in the premises is not less than + 25 ° C and high humidity;
  2. a sufficient amount of sunlight is needed;
  3. carry out daily spraying of leaves;
  4. 1 time in 10 days fertilize with nitrogen-based mineral fertilizers;
  5. Moisten the substrate regularly after the substrate is completely dry.

What to do?

So, if the flower has sprouted on the stem, what to do with it? If not removed, then it can coexist with an orchid for a long time. The optimal period for circumcising a baby is when 2 leaves have formed and 3-4 roots have come out. But children with roots less than 3 cm are not advised to extract. You should also not grow a long root system; you can damage the roots when pruning.

The time until the baby is fully formed is about 5-6 months. After the process, it is better to remove it, otherwise it can simply deplete the orchid. Also, independent growth is necessary for the further full development of a young plant.

It happens that phalaenopsis does not have roots on children, although 3-4 leaves appeared. In this case, the shoots are cut off and rooted separately. in greenhouse conditions, stimulate the root system in wet moss or in a container of water. At the same time, treat the lower part of the baby with preparations for root formation.

If the breeding process went well, and the formed copies have a sufficient root system and green mass, they are planted in an individual flowerpot. It is better that the orchid spends the first year of its life in a mini greenhouse. Subject to the following conditions:

  1. choose a small transparent pot;
  2. prepare a loose, light substrate;
  3. a drainage layer is required;
  4. sunlight - shaded;
  5. avoid exposure to the scorching rays of the sun;
  6. the first time the use of drugs to stimulate growth;
  7. water frequently, but the soil must dry out completely;
  8. use nitrogen fertilizers;
  9. spray the leaves daily;
  10. maintaining a temperature of + 25-27 ° C, and humidity not less than 70%.

ADVICE: After 1-1.5 years, the greenhouse can be dismantled. Put the pot in a bright place. An adult becomes at the age of 2-3 years, then it is already ready for the first flowering.

Watch video about:

How to care for an orchid with a baby?

As already said, the mother plant at the stage of growing the baby also has a hard time. To maintain the strength of the flower, you should take care of the main factors of a full-fledged life: watering and fertilizing.

Control watering - do not flood, but do not dry the soil. Check the soil dryness regularly. Sometimes it is better to replace one moisturizing with a dousing with a warm shower. This procedure will have a beneficial effect on the plant, wash off the dust from the leaves, free the stomata through which gas exchange with the environment occurs.

It is better to apply fertilizers at the end of the flowering period.. For the formation of a new green mass, the appearance of a juicy green color, it is recommended to use nitrogen fertilizers. Starting with half the dose indicated in the instructions for the drug, gradually increasing it.

Watch a video about caring for an orchid with a baby:

Post-baby care

After the separation of the offspring, you should restore strength. Leave the conditions for keeping the flower the same:

  • Provide diffused lighting or partial shade.
  • AT winter period use artificial lighting, the best way- fito lamps. They give bright light and do not dry the air.
  • AT summer time intense sunlight should be shaded with a tulle curtain.
  • Support comfortable temperature summer: +22-25ºС, winter +16-18ºС, moderate humidity.
  • Refresh the soil every 2-3 years.
  • Don't forget to ventilate the room.
  • Use only clean, filtered water.


Caring for children is not much different from adult plants.. If they have grown up, they need attention, control, daily inspection. But if it turned out, then everything is in order with the conditions. Keep it up, and your house will turn into a real greenhouse. Now you know what to do if the flower released the baby, what exactly needs to be done with it.

Many owners of decorative flowers are wondering how to plant orchid babies at home? First you need to realize what the processes of this type of flower imply?

It is important to understand the difference between a baby, a peduncle and roots. At the initial stage, these parts are similar to each other.

The peduncle is the main part, this is what beautiful flowers appear on in the future. The peduncle comes from the center, is necessarily oriented upwards (unlike the roots) and has a sharp tip.

The root grows from any site on the basis, as a rule, is oriented downwards (but not necessarily). Its tip is always rounded. Be careful - in some cases, the basal baby successfully disguises itself as a peduncle or root, but it is a little different from one or the other.

Baby is called miniature plant that spread leaves and roots.

Theoretically, an orchid can reproduce not only by children, but also by seeds. The latter type is used by breeders. In domestic circumstances, it is safer and easier to use new mini orchids - children. They may increase:

  • in the leaf axils;
  • from dormant buds on the peduncle.

It is important to keep in mind that you can propagate completely healthy orchids with at least 4 leaves. Including when your orchid gave a baby, make sure that she is not sick, and is not trying to extend her family with her last strength.

When do babies appear?

To on houseplant a baby has formed from a still sleeping bud located on the peduncle, it is necessary not to completely eliminate the peduncle after blooming is completed. It is simply shortened, and a distance of at least 2 cm must be left above the kidney.

In addition, the development of children is facilitated by the presence of a sufficient amount of lighting after the flowering stage of the plant has ended. The dormant buds are awakened directly by the light. But in addition to lighting, it is necessary to maintain a sufficiently high thermal regime after flowering.

In the presence of relatively high temperature signs in everyday circumstances, not ordinary flower stalks are formed on the plant from sleeping buds, but directly children for reproduction. This is done under the circumstances:

  • the end of the flowering stage of a room orchid in domestic circumstances;
  • a sufficient number of enhanced lighting;
  • relatively high air temperatures.

Having provided rational terms, you can quite quickly achieve the emergence of shoots on the plant, which simply breeds certain types of orchids in domestic circumstances.

To purchase quality material in the variant of the shoots, which can be further separated and planted, it is necessary to regulate the care of the mother plant.

When can you separate and how to properly separate the baby?

It is better to separate the baby from the orchid when 2-4 roots have already formed. However, here everything is individual. In Phalaenopsis, for example, the roots on the baby may not appear at all. For this reason, when 4-5 leaves appear, the baby is cut and rooted on its own.

When separating the root baby, it is necessary to remove the outer layer of the earth and inspect the roots. When they are quite strong and long, then the baby can be cut.

But what to do when the roots have not arisen? There are times when a baby grows for a long time without roots. Therefore, it is necessary to wrap the place where the branch attaches to the mother plant with moss and moisten regularly with water until roots appear.

Consider what is needed in order to transplant a baby:

  • cleaned soil, preferably fine;
  • pot of small diameter (approximately 8 cm);
  • scissors and knife;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • crushed charcoal or cinnamon.

Almost all types of plants need a pot with huge drainage holes. Each flower needs a different drainage system and this must be taken into account in order to choose the right drainage.

So, for cacti, orchids and succulents, a rapid drainage system is needed. It can be grown in a small pot with a porous substrate and plenty of drainage holes.

How to properly stimulate the formation of children

To stimulate the emergence of children, from sleeping buds that are on the peduncle, it is necessary to very carefully remove the scales covering them, trying not to damage the buds. Next, dormant buds need to be coated with a cytokinin-based hormonal drug so that the plant gives “future generations”.

Or sleeping buds visible on the peduncle are wrapped in wet sphagnum and tied with polyethylene. The herbaceous plant is kept in a warm and humid atmosphere. When young shoots appear, the polyethylene is removed, but the plant can be saved until the roots appear.

A paste with an important entry of cytokinin is easy to make at home.

To prepare, you will need: ten milligrams of the drug kinetin or 6-benzaminopurine, which is dissolved in one milliliter of water and mixed with one gram of lanolin. The acquired composition is vigorously stirred until a homogeneous paste of snow-white tone is created.

One treatment of the buds on the peduncles of a plant at +22 degrees can ensure the emergence of a lateral branch of the peduncle. In order to exclude this and cause the formation of vegetative shoots, it is necessary to place the treated plant in an insulator with an air temperature of at least +28 C.

After 3-5 days, the treatment of the kidneys can be done again. But, including under the influence of 6-BAP, babies on peduncles do not appear all the time. Often, instead of them, a lateral branch of the peduncle is formed. Despite obstacles and poor reproducibility of results, almost all amateur gardeners continue to work in this direction.

Planting a process

After the orchid baby has been separated from the mother's body and the roots have been raised on it, it must be planted in a separate pot. It is necessary to transfer the shoot to a pot that meets the required conditions. An integral requirement is transparent walls.

It is important to understand how to correctly plant an orchid with a shoot, in order not to destroy young plant inept operations.

The landing of the baby is performed in the appropriate way:

  • drainage (pebbles, pebbles) is laid on the bottom of the pot. The drainage layer must be 1/3 of the entire size of the selected container;
  • the shoot is located in the center of the pot. At the same time, its root neck must be placed on the same level with the edge of the used container;
  • then carefully distribute the roots. They are arranged equally in the pot;
  • permitted, including their location in the plane of the container;
  • then over time we fall asleep in a pot of soil.

In order for it to fit equally in the pot, you can tap the walls a little. It must be borne in mind that the planted shoot should not be irrigated. The first watering is allowed only after 2-3 days. During this period, the applied cut will have time to tighten, and the threat of infection will be the least.

Soil for planting

You can use both moss and pine bark. The first will need to be irrigated every day, which is not entirely comfortable and is only suitable for those plantings that will be in high moisture circumstances. Most of all, preference is given to the final form, which makes it possible to acquire the most moisture-intensive soil.

The main thing is to take pieces of at least one centimeter, and not dust. You can buy bark in a special store for gardeners.

To aerial roots, which are highly sensitive to irrigation and fertilization, were protected, it is preferable to use two materials. The soil is made with pure pine bark, and sphagnum is placed on top.

Such a soil mixture makes it possible to reduce the conditions for orchid care. The gardener can irrigate the branch, including hard water.


In order for the plant to grow and form normally, the main thing is not to allow miscalculations in care from the first day. After transplantation, the plant must go through the habituation stage. The planted shoots of the orchid are placed in an inaccessible place from the sun's rays, but a well-lit place.

Preferably, when the room will be no more than 21 degrees. East and west windows are well suited.

The first irrigation should be carried out 5-6 days after transplantation. Water the plant with settled water at room temperature. You can use boiled or filtered water.

After watering, the roots become bright green in color, if the moisture evaporates over time, they become a silvery hue. Fans of growing orchids are guided by the color of the roots just before watering.

The first top dressing is carried out 30 days after the plant is transplanted. To do this, you can use a fertilizer intended for orchids in half the concentration than for adult plants. Subsequently, the baby is fed once every 14 days.

When you water the plants with settled water, after a certain period, salts will accumulate in the pot. Under the circumstance that the moisture in your area is hard, water the soil every month by placing the pot under running water. This procedure needs to be performed for only 25 minutes to cleanse the plant.

See more about this process here:

Many flower growers are concerned about the question: how to plant an orchid baby at home, separating it from the mother plant? This method is considered the most simple option reproduction of phalaenopsis and dendrobiums. In a phalaenopsis orchid, a baby is formed on a dormant bud or at the root neck when the plant has faded. Usually, after the appearance of the baby, these plants do not bloom for a long time, since a lot of effort is spent on raising offspring.

In order for a baby to appear, several conditions must be met: sufficient illumination, warm content and preservation of the peduncle after the end of the flowering period. night temperature fluctuations and high humidity air can also contribute to their appearance. It is important not to shorten the peduncle of the mother plant more than 2-3 cm above the last bud. Some flower growers also associate the appearance of children with errors in caring for orchids and with violations of their conditions.

Reproduction of an orchid by a branch of children

An orchid baby cannot be separated immediately after it appears, otherwise it will die. The shoot can remain on the mother plant for up to six months, managing to grow about 5 leaves and long roots during this time. Some flower growers try to accelerate the growth of the root system by spraying it with stimulants, wrapping sphagnum moss on the root neck and attaching foam from below.

The most unfortunate idea is to put a baby orchid in a glass of water. This is the right way cause it to rot and die.

Such options do not guarantee the success of an orchid vegetative propagation operation. On the contrary, the more such a kind of “help” a flower receives, the worse the result is. But also, you should not wait until the roots become too long - they will begin to break when planting, and it will be difficult for such a baby to get out.

If at home plants begin to develop naturally, surviving and fighting for existence, as in natural environment, they adapt and grow better at home. The roots may not grow much longer than after 6 months, so you should be patient and wait without trying to somehow speed up their growth in order to plant the baby in another pot faster. When they grow to 5 cm, the young plant can be separated and transplanted into the ground. Until this moment, the mother liquor is looked after as usual - watered and fertilized. You can bathe orchids under a hot shower, irrigating the leaves and the baby with water from all sides.

Before planting an orchid sprout at home, you need to prepare necessary tools and ingredients:

  • sharp secateurs;
  • correct substrate;
  • pot;
  • activated charcoal or cinnamon;
  • gloves;
  • disinfectant to wipe the instruments.

All tools and soil must be disinfected: wipe the knife and pot, for example, with alcohol, and shed the substrate in advance with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. The baby needs to be cut off with a clean, sharp pruner, leaving part of the peduncle, and then let it lie down for half an hour. Sections on the mother plant and on the shoot are sprinkled with crushed coal or ground cinnamon. The substrate for planting is made up of small pieces of pine bark, sphagnum moss and high-quality charcoal.

To plant an orchid baby at home, you need a container small size. It’s good if it turns out to be transparent - for this purpose you can use a plastic cup, choosing its size for the root system of the plant. Several holes should be made in the bottom. After that, it is filled with the substrate, and the young plant is placed in the center so that the neck is flush with the edge of the cup. The roots are evenly distributed over it, and another layer of substrate is poured on top.

It is not necessary to crush the soil with your hands - you can break the root system. It is enough just to knock on the edges of the pot - then it will settle on its own. It is impossible to water the orchid baby immediately after planting. The first watering is done only after 2-3 days. During this time, the wounds on the trunk and roots will dry out and tighten, and the risk of decay and infection will decrease.

No need to try to fill the roots completely. If some of them remain on the surface - it's okay.

Planting a baby in an air greenhouse and further care

There is a second way to plant an orchid baby, but it is much more difficult than the previous one. The first stage is practically the same: you need to cut the baby with a sharp knife and treat it with activated charcoal. Then a small orchid is placed in an air greenhouse, which is created with a pencil and a plastic cup. Holes are made in advance in the bottom and sides, at the bottom - for drainage, and from the sides - to insert a pencil or other oblong object into them. A moistened mixture of peat, moss and bark is poured into the container, but not to the end of the glass, but leaving a place in it.

The baby is placed on a pencil so that the roots remain in the air and practically do not touch the substrate - only the tips can reach it. On top they put a greenhouse made of cut plastic bottle, or any other. It should have air holes. Then the plant in the greenhouse is placed on a light and warm windowsill. When the root system grows to 7 cm, you can transplant the orchid baby into a regular pot. If everything is done correctly, the young plant quickly takes root and starts growing.

When the baby is located on the stem of the plant and does not have its own roots, it should not be separated - it is unlikely that it will survive, and the mother plant may suffer from a wound on the trunk.

You should not take care of a young plant like an adult - a small root system is not able to withstand watering once a week. You need to water little by little and only after the soil in the pot is completely dry. Healthy, strong orchid babies usually start growing quickly. After that, they can begin to feed, using half the standard dose of fertilizer for an adult orchid. When they grow up, they begin to care for young orchids in the same way as for adults.

So, in order for a baby to form on an orchid, a combination of several factors will be required, such as warmth, a sufficient amount of light and a preserved peduncle. It is necessary to separate young plants when their roots reach a length of 5 cm. The baby is cut off along with part of the peduncle, the wounds are powdered with coal or cinnamon.

Planting is carried out in a small glass or transparent pot filled with orchid substrate. Do not crush the soil - this can break the roots. It is forbidden to water the plant for the first 2-3 days after planting, then moisten the substrate after complete drying. Feeding begins after the deposited baby starts to grow. Now you can take care of her like an adult flower.

Orchids are very whimsical, they rarely have baby shoots, sometimes for their development it is necessary to stimulate the plant. Naturally, the phalaenopsis should be faded, and the peduncle should be cut to the top dormant bud.

One of the ways to propagate an orchid with shoots or how best to plant phalaenopsis babies without harming the orchid itself and the younger generation.

As a rule, children appear from the upper bud on the peduncle and they grow when good nutrition, lighting, high humidity and keeping the plant warm (more than + 28 ... + 30 ° С).

It will take about six months before the shoots grow their own leaves, roots, and you can separate the orchid babies from the mother plant.

Sometimes phalaenopsis give a basal baby, the same as in the photo, which appears from the center of the stem, where the central vein passes.

So, phalaenopsis gave you a baby, maybe even more than one.

We are offering to you a budget option separation and planting of phalaenopsis babies, which will not require extra costs, while the plant will feel great and quickly take root.

You will need a transparent orchid pot (with holes at the bottom to ventilate the roots), foam plastic and pine bark, charcoal, tools, pre-sanitized to avoid infection.

In the absence of foam, you can get by with one pine bark. Instead of a plastic pot, take any small cup at hand, the main thing is to make drainage holes in it.

In the photo: a well-developed phalaenopsis basal baby, which is to be transplanted.

Carefully separate the baby with a sharp knife, trying not to damage the roots. If the shoot grows on a peduncle, then it is cut with a small fragment from the mother plant. The edges of the cuts are treated with charcoal or fungicide. Dry for about 2-3 hours.

We take a transparent pot in which a young orchid will grow, put 3 cm of chopped polystyrene on its bottom. Due to it, at the bottom of the container, the roots of the plant will be very well ventilated.

Grind the pine bark into small pieces and be sure to pour boiling water over it to destroy possible insect larvae that are invisible to the eye.

Pour some bark on top of the styrofoam, filling about half the container. We place the baby in the center. Gently cover the roots with the remaining steamed bark.

As a result, the plant should be slightly submerged in the container, so that as it grows, it is more convenient for the roots to grow.

Make sure that the stem of the baby and the growth point remain open from the bark and moss, so that when watering, they do not allow them to rot.

Care for planted phalaenopsis babies should be exactly the same as for an adult orchid, providing warmth, enough light, timely watering and humidity. At proper care a young orchid quickly takes root and is even ready to bloom soon!

As it turned out, planting orchid shoots correctly is not such a complicated science.

Orchids are beautiful flowers that get along well at home next to a person. Since the century before last, there have been many changes in the methods of care and reproduction of these wonderful tropical beauties. Now there is no need for laboratory conditions for the orchid family to multiply.

Among several ways home breeding allocate one. For its implementation, patience and skill are needed, and flower growers who have chosen orchids should have plenty of these qualities.

In this article we will talk about transplanting orchid babies at home.

Finding babies for transplant

Reproduction by children begins with the right approach to the whole process.

An orchid baby grows on a peduncle after a flowering period. If you look closely at the stem, you can see small tubercles covered with scales on it. These are dormant buds. It is from them that the orchid baby begins its growth, but not always. It can also grow from the leaf axil. Although in fact these are root processes, which are a new round of flower development.

In order for a baby to appear, you can use cytokinin paste. This is a phytohormonal agent that is applied to a kidney cleaned of scales in a small amount. It stimulates metabolic processes inside the kidney and accelerates its growth. If the plant is large and healthy, then you can apply the paste on several buds at once to get several children.

They also use a triad, that is, nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which are combined with mineral fertilizers. They begin to make such top dressing immediately after flowering is completed. This gives the orchid strength for the development of new children.

Important! The baby is very sensitive, so extremes in care and fertilizer should be avoided.

Escape Rules

Before planting an orchid shoot from the stem, it must go a long way in development and strengthening.

In the case when changes occur with the kidney, this can be seen with the naked eye. First, the tubercle on the orchid becomes large, then the stalk begins to develop from there. Roots do not grow immediately. Leaves may appear first. A little later, when the stem becomes up to 7 centimeters long, roots begin to form.

While the baby is on the peduncle, you do not need to do anything with it. Just carefully observe its development and measure the length of the roots. Usually the baby develops within six months.

As soon as the roots have reached a length of 5 centimeters, the shoot can be planted.

Separation of a young shoot requires care and accuracy. Before separating the baby from the orchid, prepare some materials. The soil for a new flower needs a new one. Before transplanting orchid babies into the substrate, all its components are well crushed and evenly mixed.

And they are the following:

  1. Pine bark - 5 parts;
  2. Moss - 1 part;
  3. Charcoal - 1 part;
  4. Expanded clay and pumice - drainage.

Simple substrate:

  1. Charcoal - 1 part;
  2. Pine bark - 5 parts.

Medium substrate:

  1. Charcoal - 1 part;
  2. Moss - 2 parts;
  3. Pine bark and chips - 5 parts.

Important! In order for the flower to develop fully, the new soil must have good drainage properties and provide air access.

The division is usually done like this:

  • A small amount of moss is prepared separately.
  • Pot. It is better to choose a transparent container in order to be able to control the condition of the soil and the need for watering. If the container has already been used before, then it is well cleaned and sterilized. Read more about that.
  • Cutting tool. Choose scissors, pruner, knife. They sharpen so that the branch passes without injuring the orchid baby. Before making a cut, the instrument is disinfected so as not to introduce any bacteria.
  • Activated charcoal or a bactericidal preparation, which is used to treat sections after separation.

Procedure for separation

  • The orchid baby is carefully separated from the mother plant. Some flower growers separate the baby itself from the peduncle, which is strictly forbidden to do, because it will die. It is necessary to separate the process along with part of the peduncle. 1-2 centimeters above the growth point of the shoot and the same distance below.
  • All sections of the orchid baby and on the mother plant are treated with activated charcoal or a bactericidal preparation. Cuts must be processed immediately.
  • The baby is left to dry for 30 minutes.

Before you plant an orchid shoot, you need to know:

When planting orchid babies, you can not fill up the soil until the flower is strengthened, because young and tender roots can be damaged. A large container is not always immediately chosen, because the baby does not need a large pot for full development.

First, the roots are introduced into the container and evenly distributed over the pot. Then the soil is carefully introduced. The growth point of the shoot should be level with the top edge of the container. In order for the soil to settle, you can lightly knock on the walls of the container.

Important! Watering is carried out a few days after planting the flower to avoid infections on the cuts.

If the baby does not grow on a stem, but is a root process, then its separation is associated with some risks for the mother plant. It is necessary to separate the part very carefully so as not to damage the root system. Further care is carried out in the same way as with other children.

Important! It is not difficult to transplant an orchid baby at home if you follow the rules of care and transplantation.

Orchid baby may not take root. In this case, it is proposed to wrap the peduncle with moss and wait until the baby orchid without roots begins to develop further.

Baby transplant care

It is very important to take care of the baby after the transplant. If the sprout is strong and quite healthy, then rapid growth and active development begin. If there were leaves on the shoot during the separation, then during the period of active growth they can dry out, but you should not worry, because soon the baby will start up new ones.

If the orchid children turned out to be weak and do not develop, then they will organize greenhouse conditions. A greenhouse can be purchased at a specialized store, or you can make it yourself. It maintains a constant high temperature and humidity.

Moisturize a young plant should be moderate. In no case should it be flooded, because this can cause rotting of the root system. The roots of the baby proper watering are starting to grow and develop.

In the room where the flower pot is located, they create a good outflow and inflow of fresh air.

Lighting is organized on the basis of the principle that direct sunlight is dangerous for children. Create shading or diffused lighting. Morning sun rays and the setting sun do not harm orchids.

After a while, you can plant the orchid baby in another pot, which will be better suited in terms of volume.

In this article, we talked about how to plant a baby from an orchid and what conditions are needed for.