Sports nutrition rating. Rating of sports nutrition from the best manufacturers

  • 13.10.2019


Are you looking after your health? Choose quality sports nutrition!

Today, on the shelves of sports nutrition stores there is a huge number of various brands, the manufacturers of which assure the high quality of their products and advise using their preparations. However, no one really knows what is hidden in the composition of the products. To do this, sports nutrition stores conduct various studies of sports nutrition products in order to understand this problem and help their customers make the right, and most importantly, safe choice!

When choosing sports nutrition, you should pay attention to many factors - the brand, the availability of quality certificates, external factors (for example, packaging violations), and you should not forget about the expiration dates of products.

One of the criteria for choosing a purchase is the cost of the goods. During the crisis big number people prefer inexpensive sports nutrition products. Usually, these are drugs from a Russian manufacturer. Few people know that in fact, the products of the domestic market are only packaged at the factories of our country, and the ingredients are purchased in other countries. That is, the product is mixed from ready-made components. In turn, at factories in Europe and America, sports nutrition goes through a full production cycle - from scratch. Of course, this improves the quality of the products. All stages of production are carefully controlled and many checks. All products receive quality certificates and others Required documents and only then enter the sports nutrition market. Such drugs are more expensive, but at the same time they guarantee safety for human health.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a quality sports nutrition?

  • Place of sale of sports nutrition.

Don't shop at dubious outlets. Don't trust new online stores or shops in the basement of the sleeping area. The probability of stumbling upon a fake grows exponentially and you may become the owner of a low-grade supplement.

  • Manufacturer's choice.

It is recommended to give preference to firms that are located in countries with a well-developed sports nutrition industry. These include German and American manufacturers. In these countries, special control over the quality and technology of production of sports nutrition is carried out. The consumer can only check the integrity of the packaging of the purchased product.

  • Availability of quality certificates
  • Packaging integrity
  • Shelf life

The sports nutrition store Athletic Food has compiled a rating of manufacturers that have proven the quality of their products and deservedly become popular among consumers.


1) Optimum Nutrition is an American manufacturer that has a large assortment sports nutrition goods. Already in the 90s, the brand had a wide range of products and was known among athletes.

2) BSN - the manufacturer's products are exported to 90 countries of the world. The company was founded in 2001 in the USA. The brand has proven itself among athletes of various kinds.

3) MusclePharm - founded in 2003 and distributes its products in more than 120 countries around the world. Products are sold in more than 35,000 sports nutrition stores.

4) SAN - American company, which has been manufacturing innovative products since 1996. In the production of products, new Scientific research that help improve the quality of sports supplements.

5) Nutrex is a manufacturer that since 2002 has been delighting its consumers with sports nutrition based on the latest scientific achievements. The first sports supplement company to develop liquid capsules.

6) Dymatize Nutrition is an American company founded in 1994. Produces more than 300 types of additives of various effects. The manufacturer offers everyone the same products that are used by world-class athletes for individual training.

7) Weider is a manufacturer of sports nutrition, for whose products there are practically no negative reviews. The company follows new developments in sports nutrition and regularly pleases its consumers with new products.

8) VPLab is a manufacturer of sports nutrition from the UK, which takes into account all modern advanced technologies in production. The products are made from high quality raw materials imported from all over the world.

9) Olimp – Sports supplements have been produced in Poland since 1990. He has many awards, as well as international quality certificates HACCP (an organization that controls the quality and safety of food products.

10) BioTech - products are sold in more than 50 countries around the world. In Europe there are more than 100 hypermarkets of this company with products of sports supplements.

How to check the quality of sports nutrition?

  • Proteins

A protein is a protein that has certain properties. To check the quality of the protein, you should take a spoonful of the product and stir it in water at a temperature of 70 degrees. High quality protein must be curtailed. For comparison, flour completely dissolves.

Overview of proteins of a domestic manufacturer from Boris Tsatsoulina

  • Amino acids

Must taste bitter

  • Gainers

A gainer is like food and must meet criteria such as good digestion, no discomfort after ingestion, a feeling of energy and strength. There is no clear guide to identifying the quality of gainers.

  • Multivitamin complexes

It should be borne in mind that high quality sports nutrition may not be suitable for an individual for individual reasons. These include allergic reactions to any of the components of the product. Side effects may occur (always indicated in the instructions for use). This is not indicative of the low quality of the products. In addition, you should always follow the rules for taking a sports supplement, since dosage violations can lead to the development of various health disorders.


The modern sports nutrition market has a huge number of drugs with different effects. The consumer faces a big problem in choosing a sports supplement. It is recommended to choose sports nutrition from well-known manufacturers. Quality additives are produced abroad. The undisputed leaders in the production of sports nutrition are the USA and Germany. As for Russian producers, we can say this - most of them remain at the level of foreign food in the 1980s. They make poor quality food with dubious ingredients. This is due to the fact that there is a huge cost savings in the production of additives on raw materials, and there is also no high-tech equipment. A survey was conducted among athletes and coaches, the results of which indicate that most of them do not use sports nutrition from a domestic manufacturer and do not recommend it to all trainees.

Therefore, you should focus on well-known and proven manufacturers from the countries of America and Europe.

Hi friends! How is your New Year mood? Did everyone get a lot of snow?) As promised, today I wrote the most practical article. It will be useful for both boys who love iron, and girls who dream of a beautiful priest. So that advertising does not motivate you to flush money down the toilet by buying an arsenal of various incomprehensible colorful jars of sports nutrition, I will tell you about the most effective sports supplements that give tangible results. There will be no clear distinction. There will be sports nutrition for muscle growth, as well as helping to lose weight. Main criterion my selection is the result.

The short route is not the fastest, and the long route is not the longest. I say this because many novice athletes think that by buying more sports nutrition they will immediately begin to show unrealistic progress.

It often happens just the opposite. Progress stays the same, but money goes down the toilet. It happens, it is usually not the fault of the newcomer.

How not to believe the advertising of sports nutrition manufacturers, which promises simply incredible results from the use of various supplements? Bright jars, with the image of the TOP bodybuilders of the planet, and even with names like "Super Protein", "Mega Pump", etc. so they ask to be bought.

I would like to make one digression:

Sports nutrition is NOT a substitute for regular, balanced nutrition. This is just an addition to the main diet.

Just as an addition, it can not work badly. But do not think that if you eat only sports nutrition instead of regular food, then in a week you will become like the Hulk.

If you stop eating regular food, then your body will not need to produce enzymes to digest it, because sports nutrition is absorbed much easier, it will be absorbed without them. Therefore, all the best in moderation.

Sports nutrition that works

What sports nutrition works? Everything! But many supplements are not worth the money that manufacturers ask for them. The effect of some additives is very mild, and, frankly, often not noticeable at all.

Here are some sports supplements that are really worth paying attention to:

  1. Creatine monohydrate.
  2. Protein.
  3. BCAA amino acids.
  4. Vitamins and minerals.
  5. Fat burners.

Creatine Monohydrate

I talked much more about this supplement in the article:. I highly recommend you read it!

Creatine is found in our muscles, glands, kidneys and liver in the form of creatine phosphate. It circulates daily in an amount of approximately three grams in our blood.

If we talk about some abstract harmfulness of creatine, then you should not worry about this, it is an absolutely natural substance that belongs to the class of immins, i.e. is a protein.

Approximately 98% of creatine is found in our muscles. When taking creatine, the muscles become more massive, voluminous and strong. Creatine stores water. Muscle fibers thicken due to the deposition of additional protein on their walls, i.e. muscle mass grows.

Just don't get confused. Water does not accumulate between muscle fibers, as happens when taking steroids or cortisone, but inside muscle fibers, which promotes anabolism (growth) in muscle cells.

Creatine acts like this: when the ATP molecule (adenosine tri-phosphate) is oxidized, the energy necessary for the life of the body is released. As a result of oxidation, the ATP molecule loses one phosphate atom and turns into an ADP molecule (adenosine diphosphate).

The amount of ATP contained in the muscles is only enough for 10-15 seconds of active work. After that, creatine is needed to replenish ATP reserves. Replenishment of ATP occurs due to creatine phosphate, which restores the destroyed phosphate bond and converts ADP into ATP.

It can be taken by both men and women. After all, everyone has ATP?))) It works for about 70% of people. This is due to the fact that approximately 30% of people naturally have elevated levels of creatine in their blood.

Why can't a person do intensive work at the maximum level for a long time?

Very simple! This is primarily due to the rapid depletion of creatine phosphate reserves. From this follows the simplest, logical conclusion: the additional intake of creatine allows us to work harder and longer than usual.

Can you get creatine from regular food?

Yes! Can! The only problem is that in order to get the daily norm of creatine (5-6 g per day), you need to eat about 4 kg of meat. This is very harmful. in addition to creatine, you will heavily burden your digestive system, greatly increase your cholesterol and fat levels, and your kidneys will be overloaded with other proteins that the body cannot absorb. Can you imagine if this happens every day?

That is why it is advisable to take creatine in concentrated form.

What form to take creatine?

In general, there is no difference in what form creatine enters your body. The main thing is not to overpay, buy CREATINE MONOHYDRATE! It's the monohydrate.

In what form it doesn't matter. It is available as a white powder, odorless, and in capsules, for example. I find it much more convenient to take it in powder form. It works out cheaper.

Why do I focus so much on monohydrate, and all because now sports nutrition manufacturers are trying to powder their brains with newfangled names and useless "super working" transport systems.

The transport system is what helps get the creatine into the blood as quickly as possible, but the trick is that creatine is best absorbed and transported at the maximum level of insulin in the blood.

Insulin (a transport hormone) is produced to lower blood glucose levels. Those. all “transporters” (transport systems) are essentially just fast carbohydrates (sugars) that raise insulin levels to transport creatine.

In short, if you buy creatine with transport systems, then you will pay 2-3 times more just for adding, roughly speaking, glucose to creatine monohydrate. Do you need it?

Many people advise taking creatine starting from the so-called phase. "downloads". Those. take 20 g of creatine per day for a week, and then just maintain the level of creatine by drinking 5 g (one teaspoon) per day.

I think that this is not necessary in FIG! Swedish scientists conducted an experiment, the essence of which is that they gathered two groups, one group took creatine with a loading phase, the other without it. A month later, the level of creatine in the blood of all people from the two groups was the same, increased by 20%.

I'll tell myself. Creatine monohydrate was taken and so, and so. Didn't feel a difference. Then why is it useless for you to translate the product?

Creatine regimen:

  1. Take creatine at 5 g (one teaspoon) either immediately in the morning, on an empty stomach with sweet (grape) juice, or 30-60 minutes after training.
  2. If you miss one dose of creatine, it's okay, just continue taking it further according to the plan. It accumulates cumulatively in the body and reaches the desired concentration (about 8 g) within 2 weeks.
  3. It should be taken in cycles. Although the creatine molecule itself is very small and is unlikely to cause problems for the kidneys, people in white coats still recommend taking it for 6-8 weeks, and then taking a break for 2 weeks. I do the same.


I will not write about protein in detail in this article, because. we have already considered this question. Let's take a look at how to take it correctly.

Now my goal is to tell you exactly why protein is a working supplement that brings results.

Protein is produced in dairies from whey left over, for example, from cheese or cottage cheese, dried, flavored and scattered in colorful jars or bags. In fact - IT'S JUST PROTEIN, but easier to digest.

It can be used to compensate for the lack of protein in the diet. It's also very convenient. Instead of serving a meal, simply stir the protein in milk or water and drink a delicious shake.

You should not completely replace food with canned protein, but as an ADDITION to the main diet, this is a good helper.

You can drink it for both girls and boys. There are no contraindications, of course. Eat often and drink a protein shake a couple of times a day.

Protein regimen:

  1. Quickly digestible protein (whey - WHEY) drink 2 hours after lifting and immediately after training, 1-2 scoops (30-60 g) with 200-300 ml of water or milk. I advise you to read my very powerful article about.
  2. Medium-digestible protein (egg (Eggs), beef (Primal) drink between meals throughout the day.
  3. Slow-digesting protein (from cottage cheese (Casein) drink at night, before going to bed.

In fact, in most cases, you will be more than enough complex protein, which contains all of the above types of protein.

Amino acids BCAA

BCAAs are branched chain amino acids. Especially indispensable for "drying" and for vegetarians, because. they need to carefully monitor the amino acid profile due to the lack of animal protein in the diet.

BCAAs restore the energy potential of the cell after a workout so that the cell can start building new contractile elements.

These amino acids include three amino acids:

  • leucine;
  • valine;
  • isoleucine;

There have been many studies that have proven the real effectiveness of BCAA amino acids, namely:

Quote from the conclusion:

“By adding BCAA (76% leucine) to daily portions of protein, it was possible to increase the amount of lean muscle mass, increase the strength of athletes, and decrease the level of muscle proteolysis. Decreased body fat Here is a link to the study.

Here is another interesting conclusion from one study:

Quote from the conclusion:

“Essential amino acids accelerate muscle protein synthesis, but the introduction of non-essential amino acids for these purposes, as shown by the experiment, is not necessary. The greater the dose of BCAAs administered, the greater the anabolic response was obtained” Here is a link to the study.

As a rule, on banks with amino acids the ratio of these amino acids in relation to each other is indicated.

For example, a very common ratio of 2:2:1 will be deciphered in absolute terms as 5 g of leucine and valine, in relation to 2.5 g of isoleucine.

The individual characteristics of digestion and assimilation for each person are so specific that it is impossible for everyone to choose a universal working BCAA supplement, but there are still general recommendations on the features of their intake, which I will discuss below.

Scheme of taking BCAA amino acids:

  1. NEVER take BCAAs on an empty stomach!
  2. Take BCAAs during and after training for 15-20 g. During training, it is more convenient to take amino acids in the form of a powder dissolved in water.
  3. Sometimes you should take BCAAs before training to rule out the possibility of insufficient glycogen in the liver cells.

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamins and minerals are involved in almost all metabolic processes in the body. We should try to get the maximum of them from food, but at present there are not so many of them in food, because. vegetables and fruits pass different kinds cleaning and disinfection. Also, various growth stimulants are used for their cultivation, but this is not about that now.

As a rule, every person involved in sports needs to take these trace elements from additional sources.

There are excellent specialized vitamins for athletes sold in sports nutrition stores. Another thing is that they have become increasingly fake, so buy vitamins either in large, specialized sports nutrition stores or in a pharmacy.

Pharmacy vitamins have a much lower concentration than special ones, so it makes sense to double their dosage.

The most important among vitamins is. Not only because of its ability to stimulate the immune system, but simply because it is vital, because. its deficiency causes scurvy (sorbut).

Scheme of taking amino acids, vitamins and minerals:

  1. Everything is very simple. The main rule: DRINK VITAMINS IN THE MORNING, AND MINERALS FOR THE NIGHT.
  2. Buy vitamins and minerals in large specialized stores or pharmacies.

There are some very interesting supplements that work great and are available in almost EVERY PHARMACY, such as adaptogens, glutamic acid and enzymes, etc. You can read about them in VERY DETAILS in my article about.

Fat burners

They work really well when combined with proper nutrition. EXACTLY IN COMBINATION! Fat burners will not replace you proper nutrition aimed at reducing body fat. They really work, but at the same time you need to control your diet. As a rule, it should be aimed at losing weight. and are the best options in my opinion.

Fat burners work, but they give a temporary effect. They only bear fruit when you take them, so you probably don't need them!

They are used, as a rule, on drying, when it is necessary to show a short-term result. Usually their reception is advisable by professional athletes in order to achieve a competitive form.

There are drugs and supplements that are prohibited by Russian law (for example, ephedrine). I will not consider them. Also, I will not consider drugs that interfere with your endocrine system. I will consider only those that are safe for your health and, if desired, can be purchased without any problems.

  • caffeine and guarana

They stimulate the central nervous system (central nervous system) and the production of nor-adrenaline, which triggers fat burning in our body.

Guarana is the same coffee, only guarana beans contain twice as much caffeine as coffee beans.

The positive “invigorating” effect of these additives has been proven, so if an increased dose of caffeine is found in the blood of an Olympic athlete, then he will be disqualified for doping.

  • L-Carnitine (L-Carnitine)

You can easily find this supplement in any sports nutrition store. Carnitine does not burn fat on its own, but it greatly facilitates this process when you are on a diet (there will be no sense without a diet).

In other words, it helps the body use fat as energy. Also, it increases the digestibility of food by increasing the secretion of enzymes involved in digestion.

Fat burner regimen:

Caffeine: 3-6mg of coffee per pound of body 30-60 minutes before workout.

L-Carnitine: 0.5 to 5 grams per day in the morning (morning, afternoon and pre-workout)


  • sports nutrition is only an ADDITION to the basic diet;
  • Creatine Monohydrate is worth it to buy, because. it is inexpensive (500 r. 500 gr, on average), but gives a very tangible effect;
  • protein can be a good help in replenishing the daily protein requirement, but if you can eat well (6-8 times a day), then there is no particular need for protein;
  • BCAAs work great, but it's a very expensive protein per gram. They are especially necessary for drying and for vegetarians;
  • vitamins and minerals won't hurt anyone. Good thing, although there is a lot of controversy about the digestibility of "pill" supplements;
  • fat burners work only in conjunction with a diet. If there is no diet, then do not expect any weight loss;

That's all, friends. Now choose sports nutrition for muscle growth or weight loss, I think you will succeed without any problems. If you have any questions, I will be happy to answer everyone in the comments.

Pump your muscles, transform your body and life.

P.S. Subscribe to blog updates. It will only get worse from there.

With respect and best wishes, !

The best brands of sports nutrition - ranking

Optimum Nutrition
Optimum Nutrition is a corporation that manufactures sports supplements and sports nutrition. The company began to win its customers and fans since 1986. The company is world famous. First of all, the company became widely known due to the fact that their products are of good quality, working properties are also on high level, a variety of assortment is also present, and of course the price that will leave any wallet satisfied. Optimum Nutrition - occupies a leading position in terms of price-quality and has such sports supplements as: vitamins, protein, BCAAs, amino acids, gainers and more.
Best Products Optimum Nutrition:
Protein 100% Whey Gold Standard
Gainer Serious Mass
Amino acids Super Amino 2222
BCAA amino acids bcaa 1000 caps
vitamins opti-men and opti-women

BSN This company was founded in the USA in 2001. Despite the fact that the company is still young, it has already managed to win the favor of its customers due to the fact that it is one of the leading producers of gainers, proteins, amino acids and BCAAs. First of all, all BSN products are of high quality, have good working properties, good taste characteristics and, of course, a satisfactory price. This brand of sports nutrition is well known to professional athletes and bodybuilders. The company is rapidly gaining momentum in its development.
Best BSN Products:
Protein Syntha-6
Gainer true-mass
Amino acids Amino X
pre-workouts No Xplode, HyperFX
Pumping Nitrix
fat burner Hyper Shred

Universal Nutrition
Universal Nutrition - this company began its work on the development of sports nutrition in the United States back in 1977. And is one of the first. The sports nutrition of this company is distinguished by its impeccable quality, and therefore its price is quite high. Athletes can especially note the Animal series. Universal Nutrition products can also be noted for the originality of the components. The sports nutrition products produced by this company occupy a leading position among competitors. Athletes around the world trust Universal Nutrition products.
Top UniversalNutrition Products:
Protein Ultra Whey Pro
Gainer Gain Fast 3100
Complex AnimalPAK
fat burner Animal cuts
For ligaments Animal Flex
pre-workout Animal Rage
Pumping drug Animal Pump
Healthy fats Animal Omega

Gaspari Nutrition
Gaspari Nutrition - this corporation began to produce products for the sports nutrition market in 1996. A certain bodybuilder Rich Gaspari, thanks to his knowledge of nutrition from an athlete, began the production of his own sports nutrition. This company has a wide range of products. Excellent value for money, so any athlete can afford the products of this company, while learning the desired result. Based on this, we can say that Gaspari Nutrition sports nutrition is in good demand.
Top Gaspari Nutrition Products:
Proteins MyoFusion Probiotic, Elite, Hydro, Intra Pro Whey Protein
Gainer Real Mass Probiotic Series
Amino acids AminoMax 8000, bcaa 6000, Aminolast
vitamins Anavite
Pumping SuperPump Max

Dymatize is another American company that manufactures sports nutrition. This company started its work in 1994. This company decided to take a different strategy and focused on a larger variety of sports nutrition products. The price will please any wallet, and the quality will not let you down. The popularity of this company lies in the fact that it brings to the market a lot of new products that are worth attention.
Top Dymatize Nutrition Products:
Proteins Elite Whey Protein Isolate, Iso-100, Elite XT, Fusion 7
Gainer Super Mass Gainer, Elite Mass Gainer
Pre-workout complex Xpand 2X
fat burner Dyma-Burn Xtreme
Carnitine L-Carnitine Xtreme
Amino acids Super Amino 6000
Creatine Creatine Micronized
vitamins Super Multi Vitamin

Muscletech This company was founded in the USA in 1995. She began her career by producing a huge amount of high-quality sports nutrition at good prices. As a result, it quickly became popular. This popularity and trust of customers has been preserved to this day.
Top MuscleTech Products:
Gainer 100% Premium Mass Gainer, Mass-Tech
Protein Nitro-Tech Performance Series, Phase8, 100% Premium Whey Protein Plus
fat burner Hydroxycut Hardcore Elite
Amino acids 100% Ultra Premium Amino 7000
Creatine Cell Tech

MusclePharm The company started its activity in 2003. In a fairly short time, this company managed to become one of the leaders in the production of sports supplements. And the recipe for success turned out to be very simple: a quality product, a good price and a large selection of products. General delight and trust were caused by the products of the series

For a long time, our athletes bought European sports nutrition only for the reason that it was impossible to get another one. Of course, this affected the cost of production. Today we are witnessing the rapid growth of domestic companies that fill this niche in the market. At the same time, it cannot be said that the quality is much inferior to European brands. Russian manufacturers of sports nutrition are focused on the domestic consumer, which means that they adhere to acceptable standards. Today we will consider the main brands Russian market so that you have information for comparative analysis.

Analyst Overview

Before we start our own investigation, let's see what the experts have to say. Numerous studies conducted on the basis of leading sports clubs indicate that many Russian manufacturers sports nutrition buy cheap in China. Since it does not apply to medicines, quality control is not as strict, but test purchases show that the product does not meet the established standards. That is, due to unscrupulous suppliers, Russian manufacturers of sports nutrition have greatly discredited themselves on the market.

Russian companies - leaders

However, at the same time, a number of companies operate on the market, the services of which are used by many athletes. In particular, Ironman is considered one of the best. According to consumers, this is a brand that can be trusted. In addition, it is necessary to voice a small list - these are Russian manufacturers of sports nutrition, which are also among the leaders:

  • production line "Leader".
  • RealPump;
  • "Fortogen";
  • "Aktiformula";
  • Ironman;
  • XXI Power;
  • "Junior" ("Young Athlete");
  • LadyFitness;
  • shaper;
  • "Vansiton";
  • "Extreme".

Expert opinion

At the same time, ongoing studies note that the quality of products of even these leading companies does not meet international standards. Thus, we can conclude that domestic firms are not yet able to provide the European level of quality of sports products, the only advantage is the lower price. We brought the opinion of experts, now let's look at the main brands and draw our own conclusions.

Belarusian company "Atlant"

Since these goods are frequent guests on the shelves of Russia, let's include them in the list of our investigation. So, "Atlant" is a sports nutrition that is produced somewhere in the vastness of Belarus, and there is no information on the location of the manufacturing plant on the packaging. There are no contact details and a logo, although serious companies never do this. According to the information provided by the manufacturer, the product is 80% protein. Independent researchers come to the conclusion that its content does not exceed 14%. We made an analysis of the feedback coming from consumers of Atlant products. Sports nutrition seemed good mainly to beginners who tried a similar product for the first time. Experienced athletes report that they have never experienced headaches and problems with the gastrointestinal tract when using such supplements. The average price per pack is 700 rubles. I would like to add that not a single sports nutrition store with a good reputation sells this brand. Among their products, there are often brands Syntha-6 from BSN, Elite 12 Hour Protein from Dymatize, Matrix from Syntrax, Elite Fusion 7 from Dymatize.

Sports nutrition manufacturers

First of all, many are interested in sports nutrition in St. Petersburg, since the city on the Neva is considered the center of Russian sports life. It should be noted that it is very difficult to find goods of a domestic manufacturer in stores here, it is much easier to order them from the capital. And in St. Petersburg stores, the consumer will be offered excellent, high-quality, but somewhat expensive products. We list the main brands to make it easier for you to compare prices. This is 100% Casein Protein from The average cost of one can is 4500 rubles. The cheapest product of this brand is Whey Performance - its price is only 1000 rubles, while the composition is a high-quality whey protein mixture. One serving is about 8 g, while in a jar 900 g. St. Petersburg sports nutrition is somewhat conservative, it is difficult to find cheap analogues of world brands at low prices here.

Sports nutrition in Moscow

The choice here is much wider than in all other cities. This also applies to the network of online stores, and huge centers where a professional athlete will advise you on all issues. The FUZE Multicomponent Protein brand is very popular. This one is positioned as one of the very best. As part of the drug whey, milk and other types of protein. The nutritional supplement has an incomparable taste, good quality and low price. Only 600 rubles per 1000 g of one serving - approximately 193 kcal, the supplement helps to restore spent amino acids and increase muscle mass. As you can see, quality sports nutrition can be quite affordable. Moscow is a city of great opportunities and choice, there are goods for everyone.

Capital brands for every taste

The second most popular is domestic drug OAT "N" Whey from Scitec Nutrition. This is a quality source of protein and healthy ones like those that we get with cereals. A balanced composition allows you to saturate the body with the necessary elements and quickly recover after a workout, and also provides nutrition to the muscles. A serving of the product contains 354 kcal, of which 54 are fats.

It doesn't matter where you live. You can easily buy sports nutrition: Moscow is now open to the whole world, online stores make the buying process easy and enjoyable. Meet another popular product from Genetic Nutrition. 100% Dairy Casein is the perfect companion for those who require a steady supply of protein over the long term. It is ideal to take in the evening, after training, as it allows the slow release of amino acids during the night. At the same time, whey analogs act very quickly, throwing all the potential into the blood at the same time, that is, they are best used before training. 100% Dairy Casein is suitable for people who are on a diet, as it effectively replaces dinner. A large package contains 1.8 kg of powder, that is, it will last for a long time.

Sports nutrition (Chelyabinsk)

Each city has its own favorite brand, so let's look at what sports nutrition is preferred here. The number one brand is WheyProtein by Pure Protein. This is a real whey concentrate, which is absorbed quickly and almost completely. It is necessary for a person leading an active lifestyle in order to have the strength for a hard workout. The amino acid composition of the product is very close to the composition of muscle tissue, which is why it is so easy to transform one into another, which means that muscle mass will grow quickly and without any problems. Cost - 1000 rubles per 1000 g.

We continue to consider sports nutrition. Chelyabinsk has a tendency to acquire and offer the consumer inexpensive brands that will eventually lead to the same result as well-known brands. One of these products can be called whey protein concentrate "KSB Lactomin 80". A simple kilogram package, without colorful pictures, and in the composition - a natural protein obtained from cow's milk. The cost is quite acceptable - 1000 rubles per jar. This is a reasonable savings for those who do not consider it necessary to pay for packaging. The disadvantage is the lack of flavoring additives, but this is easy to fix by adding cocoa, fruits, and berries to cocktails.

Economical option: cheap sports nutrition

Today we are looking at brands of manufacturers with a big name, but affordable at their price. There are such brands in almost every product line. But keep in mind that your health depends on what you eat. You should not save on specialized products, because their quality determines how you will endure high physical exertion. Twinlab is highly acclaimed for its 100% Whey Protein Fuel, a great combination of the highest quality whey proteins that are easy to dissolve and digest. As a result of the intake, not only muscle mass begins to actively grow, but also endurance and the ability to recover after training noticeably increase. Cheap sports nutrition does not mean bad, this example once again confirms the rule. The cost of this product is 1300 rubles per 1000 g.

Russian protein producers

What is this product? Pure protein, which is so necessary for a person during a period of increased physical activity. Without sufficient protein intake, there will be no growth in muscle mass, and exhaustion will quickly set in. If you are going to lose extra pounds, then you will also need a protein diet, since it is this element that gives a lot of energy, it is vital as construction material for body cells. Of course, the consumer wants to buy the highest quality product at the lowest price. That is why we have prepared a selection of the most affordable protein supplements. This is an affordable sports nutrition. Prices do not exceed 800 rubles per pack of 1000. Considering the low consumption - 8 g before and after physical exertion, it lasts for a long time. So, we are talking about the following products:

1. The already well-known company Pureprotein with its brands Casein Protein, Whey Protein, Egg Protein, Multi Protein, Soy Protein.

2. The second on the list is the manufacturer Maxler, offering the consumer brand Whey Protein, Matrix 5.0.

3. Syntrax closes the list with the brands Whey Shake, Consecutive Protein 85, Elite Whey Protein.

Russian manufacturer "Superset"

It is one of the leading manufacturers of sports nutrition in our country. The company's product range includes several dozen products of excellent quality. The effectiveness is evidenced by the fact that leading sports clubs buy it for their champions. "Superset" - food that is approved and recommended for use Russian Federation fitness. All products of the company are certified according to European standards. At the same time, the cost of goods is simply exorbitant. A set of sports nutrition, which includes all the necessary vitamins and minerals, proteins and amino acids, will cost about 250,000 rubles. True, the packages are large, 3000 g each, so it will last for a long time. Studies show that this particular brand can be considered a benchmark in the world of products based on high-quality milk proteins.

Products of the company "Superset"

Super Set Milk Protein is used to build muscle mass. It contains a concentrate of milk (potassium caseinate) and whey proteins. In addition, the composition contains crystalline glucose, a vitamin-mineral complex. Athletes have to overcome heavy loads, so vitamins A and D, a full complex of B vitamins are vital. In addition, the composition includes calcium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Any other analogues of sports nutrition are much inferior to the original product in terms of quality and nutrient content.

Summing up

We looked at a number of companies that offer sports nutrition. On average, prices are quite affordable, and a colorful description convinces the buyer that these are quality products. However, when compared with the line of elite manufacturers, whose products have all the necessary certificates and guarantee the highest quality, we see a very big difference in price. The conclusion suggests itself that manufacturers save money by using inexpensive raw materials in order to make the product accessible to the majority. Perhaps if a quality product seems too expensive, you should take a closer look at homemade protein shakes, chicken, eggs and cottage cheese dishes. Such a diet will provide enough protein, although muscle growth will be slow.