Cheese from cow's milk at home recipe with photos step by step. How to make cheese from goat milk

  • 19.10.2019

How to cook cheese from cow's milk at home, recipe I share with you the recipe for cheese, which we often cooked with my mother, a proven and simple recipe, I just don’t know another.

3 liters of milk

3 tablespoons of vinegar 9%

1 tablespoon salt

We will cook brynza from boiled milk. Therefore, I pour three liters of milk into a saucepan and put it on fire, wait until it boils.

Milk is needed only natural homemade. It is clear that milk from packs, boxes and bags will not suit us. Homemade milk is also better thick so that it is, we bought homemade morning milk from friends in the market, then there will be more cheese. Therefore, from "rare" milk - less. In the meantime, while the milk is boiling, I pour three tablespoons of vinegar into a glass.

Is it possible to replace vinegar with lemon juice, to be honest, I don’t know, since they have never been replaced, and then the proportions will probably be different. When the milk boils, I add vinegar and a tablespoon of salt. Mixing milk with a tablespoonIt boils for just a couple of minutes, so that the milk curdles well.

This is how milk will turn out. It turns out whey and curd mass. We poured out the whey, my mother and I always poured it out, as it was boiled, with vinegar. But, you can not pour out the whey then salt it well and dip a piece of cheese into it. So it will be better stored. Of course, it may seem to someone that this is cottage cheese, but this is not so, cottage cheese is made from sour milk, and we make it from boiled milk, and it doesn’t taste like cottage cheese either. In the meantime, I quickly prepared a colander, we will decant this mass. The colander should be lined with clean gauze. Now you need to take a towel so as not to burn yourself, take a pan and strain the cheese, like this.

By the way, you can change the proportions, you can cook cheese even from a liter of milk, the problem will be different, how much it will turn out. Next time I plan to cook cheese with 6 liters of milk. For 6 liters of milk, you need 6 tablespoons of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of salt. The cheese remains in the gauze, and the whey flows into the pan. As you can see, everything is simple. We also need to put our piece under the "yoke" to remove excess liquid. This is the "oppression" we came up with. They put a bottle of water on the cheese, and the excess liquid drained into the saucepan. I left it for 2 hours, but this is a lot, in my opinion 1 hour is enough. So that our cheese is still not very dry.

From one three-liter can of milk, we got 350 grams of cheese. Here is a piece like this. Moreover, it could be given any form. Immediately cut the cheese and began to try. You can cut the cheese in any pieces, those that you like best.

I can say that it turned out very tasty cheese. Not salty, not sour, because it may seem to someone that since we add vinegar, it will be sour, but this is not at all the case. Here is this piece of cheese, if you want to make it salty, then either dip it into boiled salt water, or don’t throw away the whey, salt it and dip the piece. The milk turned out to be fat, the cheese was yellowish. We bought feta cheese at the market on vacation, of course we sold white feta cheese and there was more water in it. We cooked feta cheese and ate it right away, leaving a small piece. In general, I want to note that cheese is best stored in brine, if you do a lot or are going to store it, then it is best in salted boiled water. Last year, a friend treated me to homemade cheese from sheep's milk, but for me it's too fat, and we can't find sheep's milk either.

Of all varieties of cheese, feta cheese is distinguished by its low fat content and the predominant amount of protein, easily digestible calcium and a diverse vitamin composition. In the classic version, it is made from sheep's or goat's milk, and has a rather spicy and salty taste. But in our latitudes, fresh cow's milk is most often taken as the basis of this product and a moderate amount of salt is used.

Cheese is an indispensable component of many, the basis of many and a great independent snack.

You can learn how to make delicious cow's milk cheese at home from our recipes below.

Homemade cow's milk cheese - recipe


  • homemade milk, fresh - 4 l;
  • liquid enzyme for cheese - 35 ml;

For brine:

  • filtered, boiled water - 1 l;
  • salt - 60 g.


For the preparation of cheese, of course, it is most desirable to use homemade milk. But if there is no opportunity to purchase it fresh, then you can take a quality store. We warm the milk to a temperature of forty degrees and add, stirring, liquid enzyme. Mix well again and determine the mixture in a warm place for forty minutes. During this time, the milk should cool, completely curdle and separate the whey.

Next, a piece of cotton fabric or gauze, folded three or four times, is lined with a colander and the contents of the pan are poured into it. We gather the edges of the fabric, tie it in a knot and hang it to drain. When the liquid stops separating, place the bag under the press and leave for about one and a half to two hours.

In a saucepan with a diameter similar to the size of our cheese mass in a bag, pour boiled cold water, dissolve the salt in it and immerse the resulting cheese cake, having previously released it from the bag.

Now we determine the container with cheese in the refrigerator for ten days for maturation. During this time, the cheese is completely saturated with salt and acquires the necessary structure.

Cheese from sour cow's milk at home


  • homemade milk, sour milk - 3 l;
  • salt - to taste.


Bring fresh milk to a boil in an enameled container and boil for one and a half to two minutes. Then remove from heat, let cool quite a bit, and mix with sour milk. Bring the mixture to a boil, add salt to taste and stir. If everything is done correctly, the mass should curdle. Next, pour it into a colander lined with gauze or cotton cloth and let it drain well, first in a colander, then in a suspended state. For greater density, we place the knotted bag under the press for several hours.

Delicious homemade cheese is ready.

Recipe for brynza from cow's milk with vinegar


  • homemade milk, fresh - 3 l;
  • vinegar - 55 ml;

For brine:

  • filtered, boiled water - 0.5 l;
  • salt - 120 g.


Pour homemade milk into an enameled container, set over moderate heat and heat to a boil. Pour in the vinegar and stir the milk mass until the whey separates. Then turn off the fire and leave the base until complete cooling.

Pour the cooled mass into a colander with gauze or cotton cloth and let the liquid drain. After about an hour and a half, we tie gauze or fabric into a knot and determine it under the press. Its weight should be at least three times the base of the cheese.

After about an hour, we dip the cheese bag for one minute in a saline solution prepared by mixing boiled cold water and salt, and again place it under the press. We stand for another six to seven hours. After the time has passed, delicious homemade cheese will be ready.


Brynza is a well-known pickled cheese from Eastern Europe. Good Cheese has a fresh salty sour-milk taste, dense brittle texture, the dough contains a small amount of small eyes irregular shape. This cheese is an indispensable ingredient for various salads and pastry fillings, as well as for traditional dishes of Eastern European cuisine (for example, khachapuri with cheese, hominy, etc.). In dishes, it is better to combine cheese with vegetables than with meat ingredients. In fact, Brynza can be considered an analogue of Greek Feta, but they differ quite a lot in taste and texture. Brynza is saltier and denser than Feta. Brynza is traditionally made from cow's or sheep's milk, while Feta is made from goat's and/or sheep's. Brynza is also a more dietary cheese, and cooked with a vegetable enzyme, it is great for a vegetarian diet. Translated from the Romanian language, the word "brynza" means ... just "cheese". From this alone, you can guess that making a real tasty Cheese at home is not at all difficult. So roll up your sleeves and get started =)


8 l.

whole cow, goat or sheep milk


1/4 tsp

mesophilic aroma-forming powder crops (for example, Flora Danica)

1/2 tsp

liquid rennet (veal)

dissolve in 50ml water temperature 30-35ºС
or rennet in another form, at the dosage indicated on the package
use animal rennet for this recipe

1 ½ tsp (8 ml)

calcium chloride, solution 10%

dissolve in 50 ml of water at room temperature

or be guided by the dosage indicated by the manufacturer of the drug on the package

the maximum dose of application is 2 g of dry calcium chloride per 10 liters of milk

1/4 tsp

[optional] lipase

dissolve in 50 ml of water at room temperature 20 minutes before application

Pickle No. 1 (salting) - 20%

1 kg.

medium sea salt

not iodized

4 l.

boiled water

1 tbsp

calcium chloride, solution 33%

1 tsp

white vinegar
Pickle №2 (ripening) - 16%

500 g.

medium sea salt

not iodized

2.5 l.

cheese whey, purified
Brine №3 (storage) - 12%

350 g.

medium sea salt

not iodized

2.6 l.

purified cheese whey or boiled water

After cooking you will receive: 1 kg cheese Brynza


10 l.


enameled or stainless steel

15 l.


for a water bath

food thermometer
long knife

for cutting the clot


wooden or plastic

2 pcs. for 700

cheese mold

perforated, suitable for ricotta basket

for 3 l.

salting and storage container with lid

you can use a regular three-liter jar

cheese cloth

gauze or muslin

Sterilize all equipment before making cheese. You can wash it and pour boiling water over it

Brynza cooking schedule (from start to finish)

First day:

  • 2.5 hours for the preparation of cheese grain (active phase)
  • 4-5 hours for pressing (passive phase)
  • 1 hour for cheese cooling (active phase)

Subsequent days:

  • 4-6 days for salting
  • at least 2 weeks for ripening

Step by step recipe for Bryndza

  1. Heat the milk in a water bath to 30°C, stirring slowly so that it heats evenly. In the process of heating, pour calcium chloride into the milk and mix thoroughly. When the temperature is reached, turn off the heat.
  2. Turn off the heat. Sprinkle the sourdough powder (and lipase, if using) over the surface of the milk, let it absorb the moisture for 3 minutes. Then mix, trying to distribute the powder throughout the volume of milk. Cover with a lid and leave the milk for 40-60 minutes.
  3. Pour in the enzyme dissolved in water, mix it well throughout the entire volume of milk.
  4. Cover the pot with a lid and leave for 45 minutes to curdle the milk.
    [optional] To accurately determine the required clotting time and obtain a clot of the desired consistency
    and calculate the clotting time using the formula K = F * M (multiplier = 3, F is the flocculation time in minutes). After the calculation, leave the clot alone for the remaining number of minutes.
  5. Swipe. If the clot is not dense enough, leave for another 10-15 minutes.
  6. Cut the curd into cubes with a side of 1.5-2 cm. Slowly stir the cheese grain over the next 15-20 minutes, gradually raising the temperature to 33 ° C. During this time it should decrease in size and release more whey.
  7. Leave the cheese grain for 5 minutes so that it settles to the bottom of the pan. After that, remove most of the serum (so that it only slightly covers upper layer cheese grain). Part of the whey must be saved for the brine in which the cheese will ripen. Drain it into a container, prepare brine No. 2 (proportions in the ingredients) and refrigerate (the whey must first be cleaned of protein, for example, by preparing ricotta from it).
  8. Place the molds on a drainage container and use a slotted spoon to transfer the cheese grain into them (drainage cloth is not necessary here). Leave to self-press at room temperature for 4-5 hours. For the first 30 minutes, turn the cheese in the molds every 10 minutes, then every half an hour. To obtain a denser consistency of cheese, you can additionally press it with a small weight - up to 1.5 kg per mold.
  9. While the cheese is being pressed, prepare brine No. 1 (the proportions are indicated in the ingredients) and put it in the refrigerator to cool.
  10. After pressing, the cheese must be cooled to brine temperature. To do this, you need to build a cold chamber: put a metal grate on legs (for example, from a microwave oven) in a large saucepan, put a cutting board on it, and cheese on top. At the bottom of the pan, pour cold water 8-10 ° C. The cheese should lie in this chamber for an hour, during this time every 20 minutes we turn the cheese over and pour over cold water temperature 8-10 ° C.
  11. When the cheese has cooled well, we place it in a container with brine, in which it will float and salt out for 4-6 days. Sprinkle the top of the cheese with coarse salt. Turn the cheese in brine 2 times a day. The container with brine must be placed in a chamber with a temperature of 10-12 ° C.
  12. After salting, it is necessary to place the cheese in a weaker brine 14-18%, made on the basis of whey (brine No. 2). In this brine, the cheese should ripen for 13-15 days.
  13. After ripening in brine, cheese can be eaten immediately, or placed in brine for storage (concentration 12-13%, brine No. 3). Cheese is stored in containers (or in oak barrels, depending on volumes). Place the cheese pieces in the container as tightly as possible, and pour 12% salt brine into the remaining voids. Close the top tightly with a lid. If a whey-based brine is used, then such cheese will have a softer texture and a sour taste. Cheese can be stored in such a brine for another month in the refrigerator (at a temperature of 6-8 ° C).

Brynza is a fermented milk product from Eastern Arabia. The history of the emergence of cheese is very interesting. The merchant, who was setting out on a long journey, poured milk in reserve into a sheepskin he had taken with him. After a while, he decided to stop and have a bite to eat. Opening the waterskin, he saw only a cloudy liquid and a piece of white mass at the bottom. When he tried it, he was amazed, the taste was excellent. The article will tell you how to cook cheese and save it.

Brynza is prepared in several ways. With natural fermentation of milk, for example with sour cream. Or using ready-made starter enzyme. You can buy it in specialized stores or order it online.

Sourdough is also a natural bacterial component that helps to quickly ferment the milk component of feta cheese or cheese. There are several varieties of starter cultures: with preliminary activation in milk, with its subsequent addition to the milk mixture for the preparation of cheese directly. And direct introduction: such a starter is added directly to the milk mixture when preparing feta cheese or cheese. The amount of sourdough needed to make feta cheese is small. Therefore, one sachet or enough for a fairly long time. There is a sourdough in a dry form (granules, powder), there is a liquid.

Brine for cheese

After preparing the cheese, you can immediately cut it and enjoy a wonderful dairy product, or you can stand it for some time in salty brine. It is also used for long-term storage of the resulting product. For example, with a high concentration of salt in brine, cheese can be stored for several years. Salt has high preservative properties.

In the case of a short exposure to brine, whey formed after cheese preparation can be used for its preparation. You can add salt directly into the warm liquid, mix thoroughly and place the cheese in the solution. If long-term storage is expected, then the brine should be prepared on the basis of boiled plain water.

The proportions for each cheese are different. Someone likes saltier, someone sweeter cheese. For long-term storage in brine, the salt concentration is high enough.

Bryndza mold

The form in which cheese or cheese is prepared is very important. Historically, we are used to seeing some cheeses only as round ones, while others can be in the form of bars. Available for sale as plastic molds for cheese, and more durable - metal. Shapes can be round, rectangular, oval, and even heart-shaped. They differ accordingly and in volume.

Step-by-step description of cooking cheese at home

This recipe is quite simple, does not require the purchase of expensive components and time-consuming.

To make the freshest homemade cheese you will need:

  • two liters of regular milk of medium fat content;
  • one can of sour cream with a volume of 400-500 ml and a fat content of 15-20%;
  • 5-6 chicken eggs;
  • one tablespoon of salt.

Step by step preparation:

  • Pour the milk into a container with a non-stick coating.
  • Put on fire to boil.
  • Meanwhile, beat eggs and sour cream in a separate bowl.
  • Gradually bring the milk to a boil. The approximate temperature is 80-85 degrees.
  • At this time, gradually pour the egg-sour cream mixture into the milk, stirring constantly.
  • Continue to cook the mixture for about ten minutes, not forgetting to stir it.
  • Soon flakes will begin to form and whey will separate.
  • At this time, it is necessary to drain the resulting mass into a pre-prepared form or a colander with several layers of clean gauze.
  • Put a press weighing 1-2 kg on the cheese.
  • Leave to compress for several hours.
  • You can eat ready-made cheese, or you can leave it in brine overnight to ripen.

How to make cheese with pepsin

Pepsin is nothing more than a leaven, which was discussed at the very beginning of the article. What is the use of pepsin in cheese making? The enzyme allows you to bring milk to the stage of so-called souring very quickly.

This is true, for example, for goat's milk, which, in the process of fermentation, acquires not very pleasant flavor notes. And in general, it is much easier than waiting a day and catching the moment when the milk is ready for cheese production. Pepsin is added in the amount according to the instructions to the milk preheated to the required temperature. Then spices and salt are added, the milk acquires the right consistency for cooking within a few minutes. various kinds cheeses.

Cheese storage

Freshly prepared cheese can be stored for 3-4 days in the refrigerator. If the cheese is saltier, then the shelf life increases to 5-7 days. For long-term preservation of cheese, you can fill it with brine. Cheeses are stored in this way, for example, in Greece, Romania, Moldova. Small bars of cheese are placed in a glass container (jar) close enough to each other and filled with concentrated saline. Sometimes there is bryndza flooded olive oil. The shelf life of cheese in this form reaches several years, provided that it is kept in the refrigerator.

Features of goat milk cheese

Quite popular, despite the peculiarities of taste and aroma. In production there is cheese and cheese from several types of milk (cow, goat, sheep). Cheese from cow's milk is the most familiar to the average buyer. Goat's milk, like sheep's milk, has a peculiar aroma and taste, which is why there are fewer lovers of cheeses made from these types of milk. However, goat's cheese has a lower percentage of fat and much more calcium than cow's.

In some countries, residents prefer cheese made from sheep or goat milk due to the prevailing way of life and traditions.

Hello dear readers. Today we cooked at home a very tasty cheese from cow's milk. We recently returned from vacation, bought cheese there for breakfast with tea, in general, we liked the cheese so much that we decided to cook it at home.
By the way, you simply cannot find cheese on the market, milk, sour cream, whey and cottage cheese are sold and even homemade butter, but there is no cheese.

Of course, now more and more people want to eat natural products, there are enough chemicals in everything. Why not make homemade cheese. You cook it yourself, you know what you add to it. And in general, I was satisfied with the cheese, as well as the children. Next time I'll make more cheese, for breakfast with tea, that's it.

My mother and I also cooked cheese for tea in childhood, it was delicious, and then we simply lost sight of it or simply forgot about it, replacing it with hard cheeses. But, hard cheeses are now very expensive, and there is not enough natural cheese. What I cooked at home is a natural product.

There are many recipes for cheese, from cow's, goat's, sheep's, salted cheese, cheese with spices, dill and red bell pepper, in general, a lot, but I have the simplest recipe, cooking cheese is very, very simple, I think that even a child can handle it. Why complicate life, everything is simple, but the main thing is very accessible to everyone, so if you like cheese, you can cook it at home.

As one of my friends said, if cheese is so easy to cook at home, cook it. So, I'm cooking.

How to cook cow's milk cheese at home, recipe

I am sharing with you a recipe for cheese, which we often cooked with my mother, a proven and simple recipe, I just don’t know another.

  • 3 liters of milk
  • 3 tablespoons of vinegar 9%
  • 1 tablespoon salt

We will cook brynza from boiled milk. Therefore, I pour three liters of milk into a saucepan and put it on fire, wait until it boils.

All you need is natural homemade. It is clear that milk from packs, boxes and bags will not suit us. Homemade milk is also better thick so that it is, we bought homemade morning milk from friends in the market, then there will be more cheese. Therefore, from "rare" milk - less.

In the meantime, while the milk is boiling, I pour three tablespoons of vinegar into a glass. Is it possible to replace vinegar with lemon juice, to be honest, I don’t know, since they have never been replaced, and then the proportions will probably be different.

When the milk boils, I add vinegar and a tablespoon of salt. I stir the milk with a tablespoon, it boils for just a couple of minutes, so that the milk curdles well.
This is how milk will turn out. It turns out whey and curd mass. We poured out the whey, my mother and I always poured it out, as it was boiled, with vinegar. But, you can not pour out the whey then salt it well and dip a piece of cheese into it. So it will be better stored.

Of course, it may seem to someone that this is cottage cheese, but this is not so, cottage cheese is made from sour milk, and we make it from boiled milk, and it doesn’t taste like cottage cheese either.
In the meantime, I quickly prepared a colander, we will decant this mass. The colander should be lined with clean gauze. Now you need to take a towel so as not to burn yourself, take a pan and strain the cheese, like this.

By the way, you can change the proportions, you can cook cheese even from a liter of milk, the problem will be different, how much it will turn out. Next time I plan to cook cheese with 6 liters of milk. For 6 liters of milk, you need 6 tablespoons of vinegar and 2 tablespoons of salt.

The cheese remains in the gauze, and the whey flows into the pan. As you can see, everything is simple. We also need to put our piece under the "yoke" to remove excess liquid. This is the "oppression" we came up with.

They put a bottle of water on the cheese, and the excess liquid drained into the saucepan. I left it for 2 hours, but this is a lot, in my opinion 1 hour is enough. So that our cheese is still not very dry.

From one three-liter can of milk, we got 350 grams of cheese. Here is a piece like this. Moreover, it could be given any form.

Immediately cut the cheese and began to try. You can cut the cheese in any pieces, those that you like best.

I can say that it turned out very tasty cheese. Not salty, not sour, because it may seem to someone that since we add vinegar, it will be sour, but this is not at all the case.

Here is this piece of cheese, if you want to make it salty, then either dip it into boiled salt water, or don’t throw away the whey, salt it and dip the piece.

Here is a frame a little closer. The milk turned out to be fat, the cheese was yellowish. We bought feta cheese at the market on vacation, of course we sold white feta cheese and there was more water in it.

We cooked feta cheese and ate it right away, leaving a small piece. In general, I want to note that cheese is best stored in brine, if you do a lot or are going to store it, then it is best in salted boiled water.

Last year, a friend treated me to homemade cheese from sheep's milk, but for me it's too fat, and we can't find sheep's milk either. A friend of her parents brought cheese from another city.

In general, we cut the cheese, the son immediately asked to water it, sat eating and praising it. I also really like to pour a piece of loaf or buns with honey and put a piece of cheese, all this is very tasty with tea.

It is very simple and quick to cook feta cheese from cow's milk at home, the main thing is that everything is natural. Yes, and cottage cheese is useful, as it contains calcium.

I don’t want to promise anything, but I also plan to cook homemade hard cheese, my mother and I also cooked it before when I lived with my parents. So try, cook, I hope you also like the cheese.

And if you have your own recipe for making cheese, share it in the comments, I will definitely cook it, I will try it according to your recipe.

And if you still have questions, then watch the video, everything is clearly shown in it.