Introducing Georgian wines. Oak barrels Which plant produced Khvanchkara for Stalin

  • 11.11.2020

…Night. Wife and daughter sleep in another room. I'm sitting in front of a flickering computer, trying to figure out what's going on. But I can not. I'm tired. Tomorrow, that is, in 15 minutes is my birthday. I will be 68 years old. My plays are shown in Moscow, in Russia, and on another continent, but I don't have the money for a bottle of wine, a cake, and the necessary medicine. Ten days ago, I called the Authors' Society and asked them to send ninety thousand lying there, ours and Larisa. Early. I'm waiting! Zero attention. Silence. Strange... What's going on? This case is not exceptional, even banal, money is always delayed. But how they are needed now! It costs nothing for the employees of the authors' society to fulfill my request, but they ignore it. Why? Piercing your nose? Are they making it clear that the situation has changed, and now it's not us, but they who are the masters of the situation? After all, this whole company: administration, inspection, accounting, lives on our money! But they do not at all seek to help us in a difficult situation!
… Minute wiggle of fingers and I get money! It must be so! Not! Fingers move in a cozy unwrapping of sweets, and counting your own money, in your own wallet!
My grandfather, Alexander Pavlovich, who died two months before my birth, held the responsible post of Deputy Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars of the Russian Federation. Maybe dive into the abyss to him and ask for help? Maybe he can help?
- No need to dive, Sasha! I am close to you! I heard a quiet male voice.
I turned around and saw my grandfather. I didn't get scared. In a strange way, I was waiting for him. And waited. Grandpa didn't sit down. He stood. But not on the floor, but above the floor, in the air. He was dressed as he usually dressed for work: a suit, shirt, tie, well-worn shoes. He smiled and said:
- Well, grandson, your birthday has come! Let's celebrate!
Grandfather waved his hand, and a table appeared in front of us with a burgundy bottle of Georgian wine, fruit and cakes.
- This wine is not simple, Sasha ... This is Comrade Stalin's favorite wine ... He treated me to it when he demoted me ... Don't be scared. He simply transferred me to lead a large area, completely destroyed by the Nazis. I promised to restore it as soon as possible. And I did it. All right, grandson, drink a glass, and listen to me. I will explain to you the situation in which you and your wife find yourself. Well, how's the wine?
I said I never drank. It was true. The wine was amazing. It is clear that Comrade Stalin could not have had anything else. Grandpa's face became strangely calm, even icy, and he began to say:
- The author's society, in which you are a member, and another 40 thousand people are on the verge of collapse. Recently, the theatrical department, which contains the files of playwrights from all over the country, was headed by a certain Elsa Solyonaya, the wife of the famous violinist Gena Bannikov from St. Petersburg. He leads a huge violin ensemble, actually living in Europe. Elsa is incredibly active. She got into the financial affairs of the ensemble so obsessively that the ensemble set a condition for Bannikov: either we or she! Bannikov did not think long. Using his serious connections, he arranged for Elsa to a vacant position in the Authors' Society. The fact that she had never done this did not matter ... For today's Russia, this is a natural option.
Elsa took her move with great resentment. She was offended forever ... And she decided to prove to her husband and the ensemble that she was not worse than them, and maybe much better. Taking advantage of the precarious position of the Authors' Society, she decided to form another society out of playwrights, promising them serious changes for the better. This is a lie, of course, but the method of action today is the main one. She sent out her proposal to all the authors and waited for the result. The consent of the authors was the sending of their financial accounts, to which Solenaya was going to send the money coming to the authors. This offer has come to you. You didn't respond to him, busy with a lot of other things. And Elsa was pissed off. She began to wait for the right moment to force you and Larisa to join her new community. And waited. Doctors skinned you in a paid clinic and you urgently needed money. You knew that the famous Moscow theater, in which your children's play has been running for 10 years, sent a solid percentage deductions to the Authors' Society and asked the Solonaya agency to send you this money as soon as possible, explaining that you were in a terrible situation.
Salty not for nothing flew out of the ensemble. She was not a diplomat. She decided to just break you. Cruelty and stupidity, combined with crazy narcissism, are her main qualities. She did not send money, and did not contribute to the appearance of them with you. She made it clear that if you joined her agency, then you would receive money ... And if you are not listed in it, then live as you wish ... Use the services of other employees of the Authors' Society who do not really understand where they are and who they are ... Sasha , tell me, did the situation with Solyona cross your mind? That is, the essence of it?
- Grandpa, yes, he came. But not in such a bright way. Thank you!
Grandfather smiled strangely and said:
We will punish her, Sasha! She almost sent you to the hospital! Let her pay for the pain she caused you! Look!
A huge screen appeared on the wall of my room. An image suddenly and brightly flashed on it: the great Gena Bannikov, in the form of a giant pink butterfly, sat on top of a green tree covered with red flowers, and played a wonderful, gentle, healing melody on a golden violin. Hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands of colorful butterflies with violins flocked to him from all sides, and all of them, shoving and crying, tried to kiss his pink shoes made from strawberries. It was a huge honor! Huge joy! Elsa, standing under a tree, suddenly grew wings, and she quickly rushed to the feet of her Great Gene. She almost flew up to him, when out of nowhere, a black, iron fist popped out, hit her on the head, and she flew down, not understanding what had happened. She woke up on a branch of another tree. She looked at herself, and realized with horror that she had turned into a small, green caterpillar. She began to cry, but did this for a very short time. A starling flying by, deftly pecked it from a branch, and swallowed it. Very soon he realized that he did it in vain. The caterpillar was so venomous that the starling died within seconds. He fell into the grass, twitched his paws, and froze motionless. A hungry, wild cat Venus, running past, wanted to swallow it, but could not. The unfortunate bird smelled very bad. And therefore it was inedible.
The screen is off. I sat shocked, dumbfounded. Grandfather kindly asked:
How do you feel about this retribution?
- Grandpa, isn't it too cruel?
-Sashenka, I am Stalin's minister, and we don't know how to do it any other way. Well, grandson, let's move on. Next meeting paramedic Korovin! Remember this one? You came to the clinic for insulin, Korovina got confused in some numbers and dates, which she herself wrote a month ago. And denied you the insulin you can't live without. You got so excited you almost had a stroke. Luckily, your doctor Ofitserova passed by and sorted everything out. If not for her, you, Sasha... Oh, oh! ... Well, okay, let's not talk about it ... It's strange to me that my grandson was almost killed by some idiot in the clinic. Let's go! On a road where you can only fly!
The screen flashed again. I saw Korovin. She was looking at something on the computer. Waiting second, flash! And Korovina turned into a cow. This cow was in the barn, and no one noticed her. She wanted to eat, but she was not fed. She had a stomachache, but she was not treated. The cow roared, wheezed, beat her horns against the boards, but nothing helped. People walked past her indifferently, and did not notice her. A week later she died of starvation and some kind of nervous illness. Then they noticed it, cut it into pieces, and sold it at the nearest bazaar. The owner, Lykov, was not very upset. Some strange cow... Where did she come from? He was glad that he got rid of her, and received decent money for her meat. On them, he called a veterinarian from the city, and he cured a pair of charming English calves.
The screen is off.
- And the third episode, Sashenka, which insulted both you and me! - grandfather said calmly, - You watched some kind of program on the computer in which a very rich woman, Polina Yuryevna was interviewed ... She was the wife of a billionaire, and was engaged in the tobacco trade, very serious and profitable. Her husband bought her almost half of the tobacco plantations in Colombia, and Laos, Vietnam, India and China bought huge quantities of her goods. A well-known journalist asked her about how she lives. She told. Willingly, complacently, colorfully. And suddenly she said that she was disgusted with people fondly remembering Soviet times. I think, Sashenka, it's forty, fifty, sixty million... What did you feel after her statement?
"I felt disgusted with her!"
Grandfather frowned slightly and said:
--Me too! Therefore, explain to her what she said, otherwise she does not understand!
The screen flashed. Polina Yurievna was sitting alone, in a very poor room. She didn't understand what had happened to her. Her billionaire husband left her, her bank accounts disappeared. Other important documents too. Her husband's name was not on the passport. And in general, she had nothing, except for this one-room apartment, clean, small, and completely poor. She very vaguely remembered that she once had houses in Miami, Cannes, Zurich, and London. But they disappeared somewhere! Why? She had 800 million pounds that her husband gave her, but they disappeared! Why? Polina Yuryevna has not gone outside for a long time, because what should a lonely woman do there who receives a pension of 8 thousand rubles? She couldn't buy anything! No medicine, no basic food, and sometimes even potatoes and bread were not enough for her! There was only one way out - suicide ... Otherwise, madness, a terrible madhouse, neglect, dirt, and so on ... The neighbor Kupavna Karlovna helped out. She came with vodka, they drank, and Kupavna Karlovna enthusiastically recalled her life in the Soviet Union. How good it was! So funny! How freely and confidently lived! Not like now! A flourishing country turned into a concentration camp. Nothing but depression, anger, confusion, the vast majority of people do not feel. Thoughts of suicide roamed the country in countless herds. What to do?
Well, against the background of what was happening, Polina Yuryevna began to remember her life in the USSR more and more often! And I couldn't remember anything bad! She honestly worked as an accountant in a factory, and felt happy! And now it's impossible! The feeling of happiness has been banished from Russia, and life has lost its meaning!
Well, what to do? And that's what! Protest! Polina Yurievna went out into the street, grabbed a red flag, and went along with a huge mass of angry Muscovites to demand freedom, equality and brotherhood! And she suddenly felt so good, as then, a long time ago! In the powerful and great USSR!
The screen is off. Grandpa laughed and said:
- Save the woman! Heroes we are with you, Sasha! My dear grandson, I'm leaving! Don't despair! When I leave, interesting things will appear!
Grandpa waved goodbye to me and disappeared into the wall. Near me, literally out of thin air, a box with Stalin's wine appeared ... And along with his appearance, strange, pleasant music began to play. I examined the mobile phone, and saw that the money came! Me and my family were saved! Albeit for a short time, but it was also important! I opened the bottle and drank it from the neck with pleasure! All!

Unverified data

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Now it is already difficult to give a correct answer to the question, what is Stalin's favorite wine. There are many hypotheses, many of which are confirmed only by assumptions and conjectures. For example, there is a group of people who claim that the head of state loved Saperavi the most. Firstly, this wine is made from a rare grape variety of the same name. Its berries ripen for a long time, and the wonderful drink made from them also retains its unsurpassed quality for a long time.

And secondly, they are sure that such an extraordinary and bright personality as Stalin should love everything only the best. It is this wine, in their opinion, that is most suitable for a great figure and head of state. There is nothing in the chronicles and historical references that could confirm these assumptions. But there is also nothing there that could somehow refute them. In life, people tend to agree, as a rule, with what they believe. This is the truth, proven by time.

Red wines of Georgia

  1. Kindzmarauli (Kindzmarauli) Perhaps the most famous red semi-sweet Georgian wine. And certainly one of the most popular. It is made from Saperavi grapes according to the canons of the Racha-Lechkhum method. Fortress - 10-12%. Exposure - 2 years. Kindzmarauli has a dark ruby ​​color and a complex, tart bouquet. It combines the aroma of grapes, cherries and ripe plums. All this is set off by hints of pomegranate and blackberry. This wine is best consumed with fruit or dessert. However, a bottle of Kindzmarauli is perfect for any meat table, whether it's a barbecue in nature or a glorious steak on the coals. Most importantly, do not forget to cool it to 14–18˚C. This is his ideal temperature.
  2. Mukuzani (Mukuzani) Another red wine made from Saperavi grapes. This time made according to the Kakhetian method. Fortress - 10.5–12.5%. Aging - from 3 years. Mukuzani is a dry wine with a dark red color, which is very difficult to dilute with water. Its distinguishing feature is a bright aroma that combines ripe cherries, dark chocolate and spices. The taste is tart, with astringent features of prunes, red currants and mountain ash. This drink is ideal for a traditional Georgian table full of meat dishes, game and Caucasian cheeses. And to emphasize the berry flavor - complement the dishes with berry sauce. The result will exceed all your expectations.
  3. Saperavi (Saperavi) Thick red wine comes from Kakheti. It is one of the oldest brands of dry wines in Georgia. Like Mukuzani, it is very difficult to dilute it with water, and the taste is remembered once and for all. Fortress - 10-12%. Taste - tart, viscous, rich. You can distinguish the flavor of smoked prunes and black currants in it. An important feature of Saperavi is aging. Young (up to 3 years old) wines are relatively easy to drink, but if you come across a ten-year-old bottle, its languid taste will amaze you from the first sip. Saperavi is an ideal wine for meat dishes. Especially for pilaf, barbecue or cauldron kebab.
  4. Khvanchkara (Khvanchkara) The history of the drink has more than 100 years. This natural semi-sweet wine is always a hit with the guests of Georgia. Joseph Stalin showed a special attitude towards him, who, according to legend, gave him the name Khvanchkara. For the manufacture of wine, two grape varieties are used at once: Alexandrouli and Mujuretuli. It is they who give it a rich velvety taste. The picture is complemented by notes of dried fruits and a slight sourness of wild berries. The aroma is multifaceted, combining blackberries, raspberries and a drop of roasted almonds. Contrary to established tradition, Khvanchkara is not the best choice for a meat table. It goes better with a dessert or a cheese plate. The main thing is that the cheeses are not spicy.
  5. Akhasheni (Akhasheni) The ancestor of this drink is one of the oldest wines of Kakheti. Semi-sweet Akhasheni is made from Saperavi grapes according to the Racha-Lechkhum method. The wine has an intense ruby ​​color with a fresh aroma of grapes and wild berries. The taste is diluted with raspberries and ripe cherries. The aftertaste is distinguished by notes of spices and wildflowers.

    Spicy meat dishes will be the best company for Akhasheni. In addition, the wine goes well with spicy cheeses and desserts. But true connoisseurs prefer to drink it along with the juicy fruits of the Caucasus.

What is better Khvanchkara or Kindzmarauli

Of course, we have all come across the definition of “good wine” more than once. But just answering the question “which of the Georgian wines is the best” will not work, because, despite the assessments of experts and tasters, the opinion will always be purely individual, because everyone has their own taste preferences.

Khvanchkara is also a semi-sweet red wine made in the West of Georgia. Khvanchkara is a rarer and, accordingly, more expensive brand of wine, but that doesn’t make it any better or tastier than Kindzamarauli. It is produced in a different place and from a different grape (Alexandrouli and Mujuretuli varieties are used), and, accordingly, they have a different taste and even color (if Kindzamarauli is red with a garnet hue, then Khvanchkara differs in color, more like a ruby). You can appreciate and compare the taste qualities of both wines only by tasting it yourself, because no matter how we are accustomed to trusting world experts, this is the only way to know for sure.

Why fake

Most often, semi-sweet wines lend themselves to falsification. It is unprofitable to fake dry wines - it is more difficult and expensive to imitate the natural astringency of dry wine, and in semi-sweet astringency is muffled by sweetness, but it is still noticeable. This also applies to Khvanchkara wine. How to distinguish a fake taste? Of course, this is easy for an experienced taster. The average consumer should remember - if sourness appears in the taste, and not pleasant astringency, the wine is most likely not real.

As already mentioned, which gives an amazing drink called Khvanchkara, grows in a very limited area. Due to the small amount of the harvest, even in favorable weather conditions, a relatively small amount of exclusive wine is produced: no more than 10 thousand bottles per year, some of them are export lots. Nevertheless, bottles with the name of this brand can always be found on the shelves of supermarkets.

Stalin's favorite wine

Stalin was not only well versed in alcohol, but also in the seasonality of drinking it. In summer he preferred to drink white wine.

In the winter months, your favorite red dry wine was constantly on the table. Sometimes he liked to drink house wine diluted with cold water.

Naturally, Joseph Vissarionovich, as a true Georgian, preferred the wines of his homeland. Warmed under the rays of the hot Georgian sun, drunk with the purest dew from mountain herbs, alcohol occupied a special place in the heart.

What kind of wine did Stalin like and drink? The names of these Georgian drinks have long been the hallmark of Georgia.

Names of Stalin's favorite wine

Despite the wide selection of Georgian wines, Iosif Vissarionovich had his favorite brands and varieties.

  • Stalin's favorite wine was Usakhelauri.

In 1934, alcohol was first bottled and brought to the Kremlin. After taking a sample from a rare and magnificent drink, Stalin recognized it as the best alcohol.

Favorite "Usakhelauri" is made from the oldest and rare Georgian grape variety with the same name.

It is grown in the Tsagei region of Georgia, in small quantities. Alcohol from the Usakhelauri variety turns out to be naturally sweet, exceptionally tender and refined.

  • After Usakhelauri, the second most favorite Stalinist wine was the Khvanchkara brand.

Stalin's favorite alcohol is also called the soul of Georgia. Semi-sweet red alcohol is produced from the grape varieties "aleksandrouli" and "mujuretuli". The drink itself is distinguished by a unique memorable taste, in which a shade of raspberry is pronounced.

The color of alcohol is multifaceted and plays in the light with many shades of ruby. The production of alcohol is different from all other wines.

"Khvanchkara" is made by interrupting and resuming the fermentation of grape must. Fermentation takes place in a special earthenware vessel called qvevri.

  • The red semi-sweet spirit "Kindzmarauli" began to be produced in 1940.

It is prepared from rare grape varieties "saperavi", which grow only in a few areas. That is why the real "Kindzmarauli" is produced in small volumes and is ranked among the elite varieties. Stalin's favorite alcohol is made in the same way as Khvanchkara, in the Kakhetian way, followed by aging in clay kvevri. The taste of alcohol has an enveloping and velvety structure, with a pronounced shade of cherry.

  • Another favorite wine of Stalin is called Tsinandali.

White vintage alcohol has been produced since the end of the 19th century. A drink is made from grape varieties - "Rkatsiteli" - and "Mtsvane". Aged "Tsinandali" for at least two years. Alcohol spends part of this time in oak barrels.

  • "Majari"

This is a young spirit in which the fermentation process stops before it ends. Due to this, natural carbon dioxide remains in the drink. Alcohol is very popular in Georgia, as it has a light and sweet taste, but at the same time a moderate strength.

"Majari" can only be tasted on the territory of Georgia, as transportation is hampered by the short shelf life of alcohol due to the low content of alcohol in it.

  • Teliani was also highly regarded by Stalin.

It was to them that he treated Churchill and Roosevelt at the Yalta Conference in 1945. A refined drink is prepared from a grape variety. The main flavor composition of alcohol is barberry and cherry. The aftertaste of the wine is replete with floral and honey shades.

It is always interesting to try what great personalities preferred to drink. After all, this is at least a little, but it gives a touch of history. Have you tried any of the listed wines and what is your favorite? Be sure to share your experiences in the comments.


Khvanchkara is a wine from sunny Georgia. The production of this variety has long had its own standards, which are unshakably honored by local winemakers.

The red semi-sweet drink is made from two grape varieties: Mujuretuli and Aleksandrouli. It is noteworthy that the second variety grows only in the region of Georgia called Racha. It is possible to cultivate the variety in other regions, but it immediately declares a protest: it changes the taste, aroma, and hence the characteristics of the product made from it. Alexandrouli grapes are true to their climate, soil and air, just like winemakers are true to the Khvanchkara recipe. Only in the native land grows the highest quality grape variety. Khvanchkara is a drink with clear requirements for the taste of berries.

Red semi-sweet Khvanchkara has a strength of 10.5-12 degrees, and sugar contains from 3 to 5%. The drink looks spectacular like no other. Intense ruby ​​color casts purple hues in the sun, playing with the edges of the glass. The bouquet of the drink is solid: red berries in alliance with pomegranate, raspberries and strawberries. The taste is rich with hints of roasted almonds. Blackberries, dried fruits and violet nuances.

Georgian white wines names, classification

Vazisubani - dry white, obtained by mixing grape varieties Rkatsiteli (85%) and Mtsvane (15%), grown in the vicinity of the village of Vazisubani in the Alazani Valley of Kakheti.

Goruli Mtsvane is a dry white wine made from Mtsvane grapes harvested in the area of ​​the city of Gori in the Shida Kartli region.

Gurjaani - obtained from the grape varieties Rkatsiteli and Mtsvane, harvested in Kakheti near Gurjaani and Sighnaghi, aged for three years. One of the most famous Georgian wines in Europe. On the palate - wine with a slight bitterness and a long aftertaste.

Manavis Mtsvane is another type of dry white wine made from Mtsvane grapes.

Rkatsiteli is one of the most famous Georgian wines in Russia, dating back to Soviet times. A dry, slightly tart white wine made from the Rkatsiteli grape variety harvested in the area of ​​Kardanakhi village. Rkatsiteli is a young wine, one of those that “beat not on the brain, but on the legs” - the wine is aged in barrels for up to one year.

Tbilisuri is a semi-dry wine made from a mixture of up to four grape varieties harvested in the center of Georgian winemaking - the Alazani Valley. Used as an aperitif.

Tvishi is a white wine made from Tsolikauri grapes cultivated in the Racha region, which is considered by many to be the “Mountain Imereti”. It is considered a "feminine" wine for its characteristic fruity flavor.

Tsinandali is another "pillar" of Georgian winemaking. White vintage wine, obtained from Rkatsiteli and Mtsvane grape varieties, grown in Kakheti, near the city of Telavi. In the same place, in the estate of Chavchavadze in the village of Tsinandali, the oldest Georgian winery is located, founded in the 1830s by Alexander Chavchavadze. Now it is one of the most successful enterprises in the industry, and the prince's estate has been turned into a museum, whose exposition consists of a manor house, a park, a chapel where Alexander Griboedov and Nino Chavchavadze got married, and a tasting room of the winery.

Tsinandali wine is aged in barrels for three years.

Chinuri is a dry white table wine made from the grape variety of the same name. One of the most affordable brands of white wine in central Georgia. It is currently produced according to European technology and is slightly carbonated - like Italian Lambrusco.

Chkhaveri - white semi-sweet, produced in Guria (a region in the west of Georgia, a neighbor of Adjara and Megrelia) from the grape variety of the same name.

P.S. We cannot fail to mention chacha - the legendary Georgian grape vodka. It tastes like Italian grappa, the fortress can be up to 80 degrees. It is drunk, despite the strength, very easily, with reasonable use, negative consequences in the morning are rare, and even those are mostly limited to mild dry drinks.

Kindzmarauli new wine according to an old recipe

The name "Kindzmarauli" is so associated with Georgian Kakhetian wine that it seems impossible that it is modern. However, this brand is only 75 years old. Although there is one BUT that makes this wine special - this is the old Kakhetian production technology, which is now a rarity even in Georgia.

Kindzmarauli- Georgian dessert red semi-sweet wine without added sugar from the vineyards of the Alazani Valley. Kakhetian grape Saperavi serves as its basis. Moreover, there are some features when harvesting grapes for Kindzmarauli:

  • sugar content of berries should not be below 22%;
  • the grape harvest for Kindzmarauli lasts strictly 20 days in September (the first three weeks);
  • the real Kindzmarauli is made from the Saperavi variety, which grows only between the Alazan and Durunzha rivers;
  • the vine must not be younger than 30 years.

The technology of making the real Kakhetian wine Kindzmarauli is also unusual. Crushed bunches of grapes are kept in classic Georgian vessels - kvevri. In them, at a temperature of +14 degrees, the wine slowly ferments. Kindzmarauli is aged for 2 years.

Since Kindzmarauli is a dessert, it is not customary to drink it in large quantities. It is customary to serve wine chilled, only at a temperature of about 13 degrees the fruity bouquet of classic Kakhetian wine is fully revealed.

Versatility allows you to combine Kindzmarauli with meat dishes, fruit and berry snacks and nuts. The “special, festive” status of this drink should be taken into account. Before uncorking a bottle of Kindzmarauli, try to come up with a good reason.

The real Kindzmarauli is an expensive, famous and rare wine, because the Saperavi grape variety is not very prolific for it. The market reacts to this state of affairs with a large number of fakes.

There are several ways to distinguish a fake from the original brand assigned to Georgian winemakers. So, Kindzmarauli:

  • it is expensive, if inexpensive wine is offered, it is definitely a fake;
  • a careful study of the label will allow you to recognize the fake, the name should not contain the inscription “manufactured according to the recipe”, the label must contain various signs confirming the quality of the product (certificates, badges, etc.)
  • if you turn a bottle of original wine upside down, you can notice a slight amount of sediment. A large amount of sediment is a clear sign that the proposed product is not made by winemakers, but by chemists.

What wines did Stalin like to drink?

As a true Georgian, I. Stalin respected and revered the traditions of his people, so the wine product was always present on the tables during the reception. It is difficult to say what Stalin's favorite wine was, since he used various types of drink.

The Generalissimo observed the seasonality of drinking noble alcohol. So, in the hot summer period, Steel preferred white varieties, and in winter he drank red ones.

There are several brands that Iosif Vissarionovich loved. The most popular were Madjari, Kindzmarauli and Khvanchkara.

Madjari is a young wine. It is widely believed that Stalin called it juice, since the drink is sweet and moderately strong. Alcohol has an invigorating effect, increases blood pressure and raises the tone of the body. At the end of his life, I. V. Stalin used only this brand.

The great leader often preferred Kindzmarauli. The product is created according to the old Kakhetian technology, although the variety itself is a little over 70 years old. The leader's favorite wine belongs to dessert red semi-sweet varieties. It is made from Saperavi grapes. A vine suitable for making alcohol must not be younger than 30 years old. The wine is aged for 2 years at a constant temperature of +14°C.

Genuine Kindzmarauli is expensive and belongs to rare wines. The variety of vine from which alcohol is produced has low fertility. The natural product has a slight sediment, which can be seen if the bottle is turned upside down.

Khvanchkara is another expensive and rare wine that Iosif Vissarionovich liked. The product comes from the sunny region of Racha, from the village of the same name, where rare varieties of vines grow. Initially, the drink had a different name - Kipianovskoe wine in honor of the princes Kipiani, but Stalin ordered to rename it, and the alcohol was given a name in accordance with the place of its origin.

The semi-sweet red variety is distinguished by the finest sweetish taste with the aroma of wild berries, floral notes, fruits and nuts. Such a bouquet is achieved through a combination of 2 types of vines - Mujuretuli and Aleksandrouli. To create Khvanchkara, only those crops that were collected in the Racha region are used.

Today it is a rare brand. Only 10,000 bottles of Khvanchkara are produced per year.

How much is Kindzmarauli wine

To the question “how much can you buy Kindzmarauli wine?” there is no way to give an unambiguous answer, because its cost depends on many factors: the type of wine, the year of manufacture, the markup of the store where it is sold, even the country! In our classification, we will turn to some producers of this drink: after all, Kindzmarauli brand wine is produced by several different corporations at once!

  • Kindzmarauli Marani

The Kindzmarauli Marani factory has been operating since 2005 in the territory of Kakheti and produces original vintage Kindzmarauli wines - red and white (the latter are a real innovation among this brand, because earlier Kindzmarauli wines were exclusively red semi-sweet). This company for the production of its products uses an excellent combination of modern equipment and centuries-old traditions, so the wines produced by it are distinguished by their quality and unforgettable taste.

Prices for some types of wines produced by Kindzmarauli Marani (0.75l):

Wine name View Grape sort Year of bottling Price, rub.)
Kindzmarauli Marani, Kindzmarauli original Red semi-sweet Saperavi 2014 1706
Kindzmarauli Marani, Mukuzani Red dry Saperavi 2014 1094
White semi-sweet Rkatsiteli 2012 614
Kindzmarauli Marani, Alazani Valley Red semi-sweet Saperavi 2012 614
Kindzmarauli Marani, Khikvi White dry Khikhvi 2013 1214
Red dry Saperavi, Budeshuri 2013 1094
Kindzmarauli Marani, Kisi White dry Kisi 2015 1164
Kindzmarauli Marani, Mtsvane White dry Mtsvane 2013 851
Kindzmarauli Marani, Kakhuri White dry Rkatsiteli, Khikhvi, Kisi 2013 771
Kindzmarauli Marani, “Kvareli” Red dry Saperavi, Budeshuri 2010 562
  • Shumi

The name “Shumi” itself is translated from Georgian as “classic wine without additives”. However, it speaks for itself - Shumi produces in the best traditions of classical Georgian winemaking, its wines are recognized by expert critics around the world. The Shumi plant, located in Tsinandali, belongs to a hereditary Georgian winemaker who personally controls the quality of the products: old recipes and grapes grown exclusively on the company's own plantations are used.

Prices for some wines (0.75l):

  • Alaverdi

Since 2011, Alaverdi has been supplying the best Georgian wines from a factory located in the village of Chumlaki. The company boasts professionals who control the winemaking process, leading equipment from Germany, Italy and France, as well as a huge own vineyard with an area of ​​more than 180 hectares.

Prices for Alaverdi wine (0.75l):

How to distinguish a fake

When choosing a well-deserved Racha wine, one should be guided by the following principles:

  1. Ideally, choose the products of Khvanchkara, Ambrolauri, Chrebalo and Bugeuli wineries;
  2. When reading the label, first of all, look at the region of origin and the composition of the drink (some craftsmen point out without hesitation that the wine they offer is made from Khvanchkara grapes);
  3. Pay attention to the bottle - it should be of high quality, but at the same time not pretentious;
  4. Keep in mind that an authentic drink of this class will not cost less than forty dollars.
  5. The ruby ​​color of Khvanchkara must be dark and saturated;
  6. Tart notes present in the aftertaste of the drink should not be replaced by sourness;
  7. Well, as for alcohol with a dye, I hope you yourself will be able to recognize and take appropriate measures.

Alaverdi Kindzamarauli

Translated from the Georgian language, "Alaverdi" is a response toast, which is pronounced at the table with good friends. Needless to say, with such a name, the company is called upon to produce wines in the best Georgian traditions? Alaverdi has been keeping its reputation for many years and is famous for its really high-quality products, which have received recognition in many countries of the world. Alaverdi wines are loved in Russia, Germany, Japan, Korea, the USA, etc. To develop new production technologies and constantly improve quality, the company has its own research laboratory, and the vineyards where the berry for the famous wine grows are spread over as much as 88 hectares !

Correct guesses

Fortified grape drink has always been respected in Georgia. This product is still a matter of national pride to this day. Now it is difficult to say with certainty what kind of wine Stalin liked. Any statement can be considered unfounded and be questioned. Only the Generalissimo himself could unequivocally answer such a question, but some conjectures and statements still have some basis.

As you know, in the East it is not customary to drink strong alcoholic beverages. Therefore, it is natural that Stalin, like any Georgian man, nevertheless gave his preference to good wine. As for the brand, you can, of course, argue. They say that lately he liked young wines like "Madzhary" more. The strength of such a product is low, and Stalin even sometimes called it juice. The drink is gentle and very pleasant, but dangerous for an aged person. Such a product is capable of increasing and doctors were categorically against such products in his diet. But often the leader nevertheless violated the restrictions and liked to pamper himself with a glass of good Georgian wine, not paying attention to the labels.

Khvanchkara Stalin's favorite wine from the Racha region

Another rare and expensive semi-sweet wine that often represents Georgia at international wine exhibitions is Khvanchkara. This wine comes from central Georgia (Racha region). The famous Racha wine was known even before the revolution of 1717, the popularizers of this drink were the princes of Kipiani. It was called so - "Kipianovskoe wine". Unexpectedly for the winemakers-brothers Levan and Dmitry Kipiani, who presented Khvanchkara at a wine exhibition in Europe, the Georgian drink took first place and received a gold medal.

Later, the leader of the USSR, Joseph Stalin, a great lover of this drink, decided that it was inappropriate to call the wine the name of "class enemies of the princely family-tribe." He demanded to rename the drink. Wine was given the name of the region where it is produced.

Khvanchkara, like Kindzmarauli, is a semi-sweet red wine. In the bouquet of a rich ruby ​​drink, you can find aromas of wild berries, fruits, nuts and flowers. This combination is formed only in the production of wine from two varieties of Georgian grapes: Alexandrouli and Mujuretuli. Moreover, grapes are harvested in the Racha region. The same grape varieties growing in other regions of Georgia do not produce wine with such aroma and taste.

According to the technological standard in Khvanchkara, 10% Saperavi juice is allowed, but the best wine is considered to be where it is not.

The production technology of Khvanchkara is the same as that of Kindzmarauli, with the only difference that winter comes to the Racha region early and young wine in qvevri often stops fermenting due to cold weather.

Another feature of Khvanchkara is that it is pasteurized before bottling.

The original Khvanchkara is one of the rare wines, as no more than 10,000 bottles are produced per year. Not surprisingly, this expensive wine is often falsified. A bottle of Khvanchkara, worth less than $40, is most likely a fake. The exception is the homemade draft wine of the inhabitants of Racha.

Khvanchkara goes well with any dishes and desserts. The only thing that is contraindicated to eat with this wine is fish.

Wine tours in Georgia are becoming increasingly popular. Their best moment is the tasting of Khvanchkara and Kindzmarauli, the very ones that Stalin loved so much.

Celebrity addictions

It is generally accepted that alcohol causes irreparable harm to the human body. Of course, such an assertion has a certain basis. But it is impossible not to take into account the unique ability of drinks of this kind. They are able to change the attitude of a person to the surrounding reality. It all depends on the state and mood of a particular person. Any wino in the alley can confirm that after a sip of alcohol, life is somehow perceived easier. All worries and worries fade into the background, and the soul becomes light. But this property of alcohol is familiar not only to drunkards who have lost everything in life that they had in the past.

Oddly enough, but world famous personalities also agree with this statement. For example, Napoleon loved cognac, Lenin respected beer, but simply adored sweet Madeira. I wonder what was Stalin's favorite wine? After all, historians say that it was this drink that the Generalissimo preferred, although a person with his capabilities could drink buckets of Madame Clicquot champagne. But the leader had very different habits. Indeed, the “father of all nations” preferred the products of Georgian winemakers from the huge number of drinks available to him. But there are still disputes about what Stalin's favorite wine really is.

Brief history of the drink

There were two significant moments in the history of the drink that brought it to the forefront of the Georgian wine industry. The first of these was an unexpected sensation produced in 1907 by the homemade wine of the princes of Lebanon and Dmitry Kipiani, almost jokingly presented at the international Belgian industry exhibition, held under royal patronage.

The second point was the special attention shown to the same local wine, which at that time was called Kipianevskoye, by Comrade Stalin. By the way, it was Soso Dzhugashvili who played a direct or indirect role in obscuring the “noble” origin of the drink and renaming it Khvanchkara

What to drink with

The rule of winemaking says: to good wine - a good appetizer. Khvanchkara Marani, like Kindzmarauli, goes best with a classic wine snack:

  • Poultry or red meat dishes.
  • A good addition to the red variety will be spicy cheese, for example, with mold.
  • Nuts, sweets or grapes will also set off the taste of a semi-sweet drink well.
  • From light treats, it is better to give preference to fruits.
  • Seafood will also be useful on the table next to the wine: crayfish, oysters and shrimps.
  • The best dessert for red semi-sweet wine will be chocolate cake, which complements the fruity bouquet of booze with its elegance.

Fish for red varieties should not be served. Such an alliance is considered bad form.

Historical facts

Becoming at the helm of a great country, Joseph Dzhugashvili always remembered his origin and respected the national traditions of Georgia. And there, as you know, they love homemade wine very much. What else to expect from the inhabitants of a land dotted with vineyards? A fragrant drink is prepared in almost every home. It is customary for them to meet guests and celebrate all solemn events.

As you know, human habits persist for years, so we can agree that Stalin's favorite wine was homemade. Some do not agree with this opinion and argue that the leader preferred the famous Georgian wine called Khvanchkara. This opinion may have developed because this drink is considered the ancestor of all Georgia, and the first person in the country can drink only the best. To some extent, there is some truth in this. Stalin really respected this wine and its rich history. Previously, it bore the name of the famous Prince Dmitry Kipiani, who first presented it to the general public in 1907 at a competition in Belgium. The drink made a splash and received worldwide recognition. Stalin liked this wine, but he still decided to change the name. Instead of the prince's surname ("Kipianevskoye"), the drink was named after a small Georgian village.

Dessert Georgian vintage wines

Saamo is a dessert white wine distinguished by its golden color and delicate aroma of ripe quince with hints of slightly withered tea rose. The taste is honey, oily, rich. The raw material is Rkatsiteli grapes.

Khikhvi is a dessert white wine with a dark amber color. Varietal aromas, with light nutmeg and honey notes, dominate the bouquet of the drink. On the palate, the wine is soft and buttery. Grapes are the same.

Salkhino is a blended liqueur red wine with a bright pomegranate color, shimmering with golden highlights. A rich bouquet contains strawberry-quince tones and, at times, creamy chocolate notes. The oily taste is unusually harmonious. Aged in barrels for 3 years. The source material is Isabella, Dzvelshavi and Tsolikouri grapes.

Which Georgian wine is better to choose?

The global wine market provides customers with a fairly wide choice. And yet, when going for a bottle of good Kakhetian wine, do not be tempted by a wide selection of supermarkets, but look into a specialized wine store. A wine consultant will help you choose the right drink.

By the way, the Georgian people, choosing between white and red wine, often prefer white wine. Most likely, this is due to the amount of alcohol in the drink. White wine is much easier to drink than red wine, and, accordingly, is much better suited for noisy and long feasts.

If you want to buy real Georgian wine, then pay attention to the products of the Mukhrani or Marani trademark - the best producers of true Georgian wine of their kind.


Since Khvanchkara, and in particular Marani, is produced according to well-established rules, the wine always has the same taste and quality. Some production details:

  • The wine is called naturally semi-sweet. This means that no sugar is added to it during production. The sweet component is produced independently from raw materials in the process of fermentation.
  • Harvesting begins only when the sugar content of the berries reaches exactly 22%.
  • The grapes are crushed and, together with the pulp, are added to special clay vessels - Qvevri, which are buried in the ground during the fermentation of the must.
  • The wine ferments in a cold way - this is a prerequisite for the variety.
  • During a decrease in temperature in winter, fermentation periodically stops, so the fermentation of sugar by yeast does not occur to the end. For this reason, the product is pasteurized before bottling.
  • Khvanchkara, like Kindzmarauli, produces wine in limited quantities. No more than 10 thousand bottles are sold per year.

Despite the control over the production of the variety, semi-sweet wine is still faked. Therefore, you need to choose those products on the label of which the Saperavi variety is not indicated, and the country of origin is Georgia. The price is also an indicator. Khvanchkara is an expensive variety. Real wine, such as Marani, will cost at least $50 a bottle.

History legends

Many eyewitnesses claim that until 1942 he was delivered a drink prepared by the collective farmers of the Kvareli region from the harvest of the famous Alazani Valley. At that time it did not have a name yet. It was produced from the rare Saperavi grape, which is grown in the Kindzmarauli zone of the famous valley between the Alazani and Durudzhi rivers. A divine semi-sweet drink is produced from berries warmed by the warm rays of the sun using an ancient technology. It has an unusual rich pomegranate or ripe cherry color. A pronounced bouquet complements the velvety, delicate taste. A little later, this wine was named after the place where it first appeared.

Locals say that Stalin's favorite wine is Kindzmarauli. Perhaps this is true, because a real Georgian could not help but appreciate such a work of winemaking art. True, it is difficult for others to assert this. Plantations of Saperavi are few and the harvest of berries is extremely limited. Because of this, the real Kindzmarauli is produced very little, and what is on store shelves is sometimes a crude fake.

Evidence of the ancient origin of winemaking has been found in Georgia. On the territory of the country, archaeologists have found artifacts confirming that the drink of the gods has been created on this land since ancient times. The researchers managed to find the oldest storages of alcohol, special jugs for the drink - qvevri, which were made 8 thousand years BC. e.

In this country there are regions with vineyards of zoned varieties - those that naturally originated and sprouted here. The technology for making the drink goes back to ancient times, and the process itself differs from the methods of French, Italian and other distilleries. In Georgia, there are the following technologies for the production of alcohol:

  • Imeretian,
  • Kakhetian,
  • racha-lechkhumskaya.

For many centuries, wine has been created on this land. The traditional craft was maintained and developed during the time of the Georgian principalities, but in the era of the USSR, the quality of the drink decreased. It was influenced by the planned economy factor, low-grade types of vines brought into the country. Subsequently, the number of zoned vine varieties decreased.

Today, traditional winemaking is supported and developed in the country, modern technologies for the production of alcohol are being introduced, but the favorite wines of the great leader are very popular. Especially in post-Soviet countries.

What wine did Stalin drink

Speaking about the leader's preferences in terms of favorite drinks, it should be noted that, like a real Georgian, he gave preference to Georgian wines. Often these were expensive drinks, and not house wines, as some historians claim. The head of state, needless to say, had to use everything only the best. So, what kind of wine did Stalin drink?

In most cases, many researchers of his biography and history of that time name several main brands of wines that were always present at the leader on the table:

  • "Alexandreuli";
  • "Kindzmarauli";
  • "Majari";
  • "Tsinandali";
  • "Teliani";
  • "Khvanchkara".

Now, analyzing the question of what kind of wine Stalin drank, let's briefly dwell on each of these drinks.

"Alexandreuli" is one of the rarest, most expensive and refined wines. The drink requires special storage conditions, and if they are not observed, it can deteriorate very quickly. It is not surprising that he was brought to the table of the leader by special flights.

"Kindzmarauli" is a famous semi-sweet red wine with a pronounced flavor of ripe cherries, which has been produced only since 1941. What is most interesting, for it is used, so to speak, the “capricious” Saperavi grape variety, due to its limited quantity, and the wine was considered very rare. Finding a real drink was almost impossible.

Madjari is one of Stalin's favorite wines. In general, this is a young effervescent wine that tingles the tongue a little during the reception. Stalin, by the way, often called it ordinary juice because of its low strength.

"Tsinandali" is another variety adored by the dictator. This is a white vintage wine with a honey aroma, made on the basis of the Rkatsiteli and Mtsvane grape varieties since 1886. The aging of the drink is at least two years.

Teliani is a red vintage wine made from the Cabernet Sauvignon grape variety with a hint of cherry and barberry. The aftertaste leaves aromas of flowers and honey. By the way, at the Yalta Conference in 1945, Stalin treated Roosevelt to this particular drink.

"Khvanchkara" is the ancestor of all semi-sweet wines of Georgia. An interesting story is connected with it. Previously, it bore the name of Prince Dmitry Kipiani, who in 1907 presented it at a competition in Belgium, where the drink made a splash. However, Stalin, although he respected this drink, nevertheless changed its name in honor of a small Georgian village.

Khvanchkara production

To make the drink we are interested in, quite rare local grape varieties are used: Alexandrouli and Mujuretuli (theoretically, up to 10% Sapiravi is allowed in wine, but a self-respecting producer will never stoop to such profanity). Khvanchkara is produced using the Racha-Lechkhum technology, which is typical for Northwestern Georgia. It consists in the fermentation of grape must without removing the pulp (ridges, seeds, skins, etc.), followed by interruption of the fermentation process by lowering the temperature.

Thus, the observation of local peasants, who noticed that young wine becomes sweeter when exposed to sudden frosts, has received practical application. The finished drink is pasteurized before bottling, which somewhat reduces its original taste, betraying the stability necessary for transportation in return.

What wines did Stalin drink in Georgia

In the homeland of the leader, many people know what kind of wine Stalin liked, but there are still many hypotheses and conjectures about this. Some claim that during the feast he was served unmarked alcohol in a special vessel. At the end of his life, the leader drank dry homemade wines, which were carefully checked. The Soviet leader diluted them with cold water, as he preferred weak alcoholic drinks.

It is widely believed that the leader drank only Saperavi in ​​Georgia. This brand was made from the vine variety of the same name according to the traditional Kakhetian technology. Today, in Georgian winemaking, Saperavi is used to make dry red wine, which is best revealed after a long exposure - from 4 to 30 years.

The great leader liked to use only some brands of a noble drink. He gave preference to native Georgian wines.

History of Georgian winemaking

Throughout Georgia, from west to east and from north to south, archaeologists have managed to unearth traces of ancient wine storages (marani). The “divine drink” is made using a special technology, in vessels called kvevri. The most ancient Qvevris discovered in Georgia date back to the 8th millennium BC.

Winemaking, for more than one century, has been the main branch of agriculture in Georgia. Hundreds of varieties of endemic grapes once again prove that wine has been made in Georgia at all times. From the end of the 19th century, Alexander Chavchavadze was engaged in winemaking in the east of the country and the princes of Dadiani in Megrelia.

Georgian wine was also popularized in the USSR. But due to the planned economy, the quality of the drink, which was not exported, was not always high. The “grape weed” variety “Isabella” was brought into the country, which became widespread in Western Georgia and contributed to a decrease in the number of vineyards of endemic varieties “Ojaleshi”, “Chkhaveri” and “Alexandreuli”.

Traditional Georgian wine differs from wines produced in other countries by its unique manufacturing technology. True, in recent years, modern, so-called European wine production technology has taken root in Georgia, and now many famous Georgian wines are produced using two technologies: Kakhetian and European. Therefore, when buying or tasting good Georgian wines, be interested in what technology they are produced with.

In addition to political achievements, Joseph Vissarionovich is known as a connoisseur and lover of good wines. What varieties preferred the Leader of the Soviet people?

Khvanchkara- red sweet wine made from one of the rarest grape varieties - Aleksandreuli. The Wine has a light ruby ​​color, velvety taste with subtle notes of strawberry. Stalin first tried this drink while hiding from the royal guard in Racha, a mountainous region of Georgia, where the Alexandreuli grape grows. It is interesting that the future Leader met his wife in Racha. The price for a bottle starts from 1500 rubles.

Kindzmarauli- red semi-sweet wine. The real wine of this brand is very rare, since the Saperavi grape, which is necessary for making wine, grows only in the Kinzmarauli microzone, Georgia. The wine has a pomegranate color and has a velvety taste with hints of ripe cherries. The peculiarity of the Kinzmarauli brand is that it turns out to be semi-sweet due to the natural properties of the grapes, and not due to the addition of sugar. The price for a bottle starts from 1000 rubles.

Tsinandali - one of the most popular white Georgian wines. In the preparation of the drink, two types of grapes Rkatseteli and Rtsvani are used. Due to aging in oak barrels, the wine has a slightly bitter taste with pleasant citrus nuances. The price for a bottle starts from 500 rubles.

Now you can confidently go to the store, buy a bottle of wine that Stalin himself liked and enjoy a pleasant evening in good company.

Alcohol has long been an indicator of the stability and success of the state. Since ancient times, every self-respecting country has acquired its own, special, kind of booze, in the production of which no other nation will overtake it. In Georgia, this is Khvanchkara - the pride and calling card of Georgian winemaking.

Khvanchkara - wine comes from sunny Georgia. The production of this variety has long had its own standards, which are unshakably honored by local winemakers.

The red semi-sweet drink is made from two grape varieties: Mujuretuli and Aleksandrouli. It is noteworthy that the second variety grows only in the region of Georgia called Racha. It is possible to cultivate the variety in other regions, but it immediately declares a protest: it changes the taste, aroma, and hence the characteristics of the product made from it. Alexandrouli grapes are true to their climate, soil and air, just like winemakers are true to the Khvanchkara recipe. Only in the native land grows the highest quality grape variety. Khvanchkara is a drink with clear requirements for the taste of berries.

Red semi-sweet Khvanchkara has a strength of 10.5-12 degrees, and sugar contains from 3 to 5%. The drink looks spectacular like no other. Intense ruby ​​color casts purple hues in the sun, playing with the edges of the glass. The bouquet of the drink is solid: red berries in alliance with pomegranate, raspberries and strawberries. The taste is rich with hints of roasted almonds. Blackberries, dried fruits and violet nuances.


The older the history of wine, the more respected the drink itself becomes. This also applies to Khvanchkara - the most famous grape drink in Georgia.

History of Georgian wine Khvanchkara starts a long time ago. The Georgian princes Lebanon and Dmitry Kipiani themselves are considered the founders of the famous variety. At the beginning of the last century, the wine-making aristocracy presented their brainchild at an exhibition of wine drinks in Belgium. The wine, which had been made for many years before, was released to the world for the first time.

And it is not surprising that it immediately won a prize. The public has never known such an exquisite and honed recipe for red booze. It was immediately awarded the variety with a gold medal and given the name of the drink - "Kipianovskoye".

Another page from the history of the famous wine- a passion for the drink of Stalin himself. In 1932, the manufacturer even had to change the name of the drink, as it was inconvenient for the leader to taste the "enemy" drink. So Kipianovskoye wine got its geographical name - Khvanchkara.

It is also interesting that Stalin called this wine “female”. Perhaps the drink got its name due to the acquaintance of the leader with his future wife, which happened in Georgia and coincided with the first tasting of the semi-sweet variety.

Georgian red wine Khvanchkara came to us from the very depths of history, however, the brand was consolidated only a few years ago . In 2012, the Georgian authorities secured the production of the variety at the international level, making Khvanchkara a product controlled by origin. Now only houses of Georgian wine in a particular region of the country, subject to a clear recipe, have the right to label their drink as "Khvanchkara" - Khvanchkara. Marani is one of the representatives of winemaking with the right to produce this variety. Another well-known manufacturer is Badagoni.


Since Khvanchkara, and in particular Marani, is produced according to well-established rules, the wine always has the same taste and quality. Some production details:

Despite the control over the production of the variety, semi-sweet wine is still faked. Therefore, you need to choose those products on the label of which the Saperavi variety is not indicated, but country of origin - Georgia. The price is also an indicator. Khvanchkara is an expensive variety. Real wine, such as Marani, will cost at least $50 a bottle.

How to drink

Wine with a long and revered tradition requires respect. Respect for wine is determined by the culture of drinking. Khvanchkara, like the other famous wine of Georgia, Kinzmarauli, requires precisely exquisite taste.

There are several rules on how to drink semi-sweet wine Khvanchkara", as well as "Kindzmarauli":

  • The temperature of the drink in the bottle should be between 12-14 degrees. Red varieties should not be chilled too much.
  • Quality drinks are drunk slowly. The glass must be filled to a third of the volume;
  • Before drinking, evaluate the bouquet of aromas;
  • It is customary to drink wine in small sips. Before the sip itself, you need to hold the drink in your mouth;
  • To feel the aftertaste, the drink is not customary to have a snack.

What to drink with

The rule of winemaking says: to good wine - a good appetizer. Khvanchkara Marani, like Kindzmarauli, Pairs best with a classic wine appetizer:

Fish for red varieties should not be served. Such an alliance is considered bad form.

Since alcohol has existed since time immemorial, not only ordinary mortals, but also those who were endowed with power and could influence the course of history were subjected to its “charm”.

One of such high-profile personalities is Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. He left a tangible mark on world history, and a fairly large number of facts are known about the life of the leader of the Soviet Union, obtained from the lips of close people.

What was Stalin's attitude to alcohol and what drinks did he prefer? What was his favorite wine?

Stalin and alcohol

For history, the personality of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin is ambiguous, but still it must be admitted that he was an outstanding person. Joseph was the third child in the family of shoemaker Vissarion Dzhugashvili, who was killed in a drunken brawl when the boy was only 11 years old.

There are also incredible legends that Stalin was allegedly the illegitimate son of Przhevalsky, a famous traveler and explorer, others claim that he was the offspring of the royal governor Golitsyn.

The lifestyle of Joseph Vissarionovich was not exemplary - he neglected sports, led a mostly sedentary lifestyle and smoked a pipe a lot.

According to the memoirs of one of the top leaders of the CPSU (b) and the CPSU, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov, Stalin did not get drunk to the point of insanity, he controlled the drinking of alcoholic beverages well, while maintaining dignity.

After official receptions, he arranged feasts with real Georgian scope and hospitality. At the richly laid tables, the beloved was invariably present.

The revolutionary, military, party and political figure who led the Soviet Union was a sophisticated connoisseur and connoisseur of wines. For Stalin, professional winemakers selected the best drinks and delivered them to the table, accompanied by NKVD officers.

Favorite alcohol was delivered in barrels by planes. So that it would not be shaken, the container was held on its knees. Stalin also loved good cognac and strong vodka, which were always in abundance at such events.

Most of the life of a politician was spent in long feasts, but Stalin himself preferred to drink a little, waiting for the moment when the rest got drunk. This tactic made it possible to find out and ask questions that no one in their right mind would have told.

The method of soldering both enemies and friends made it possible in such a paradoxical way to keep close associates on a “short leash”.

Stalin could succumb to weakness and drink too much in moments when he was overcome by horror or he felt weak. An example is the events of the first days of the war, when Joseph Vissarionovich did not expect betrayal from Hitler, whom he considered an ally.

Did you know? It is a known fact that Stalin even treated his young children to alcohol, on the basis of which he constantly had quarrels with his wife.

Stalin's favorite wine

Stalin was not only well versed in alcohol, but also in the seasonality of drinking it. In the summer I preferred to use.

In the winter months, the favorite was constantly on the table. Sometimes he liked to drink diluted with cold water.

Naturally, Joseph Vissarionovich, as a true Georgian, preferred the wines of his homeland. Warmed under the rays of the hot Georgian sun, drunk with the purest dew from mountain herbs, alcohol occupied a special place in the heart.

What kind of wine did Stalin like and drink? The names of these Georgian drinks have long been the hallmark of Georgia.

Names of Stalin's favorite wine

Despite the wide selection of Georgian wines, Iosif Vissarionovich had his favorite brands and varieties.

  • Stalin's favorite wine was "Usakhelauri".

In 1934, alcohol was first bottled and brought to the Kremlin. After taking a sample from a rare and magnificent drink, Stalin recognized it as the best alcohol.

Favorite "Usakhelauri" is made from the oldest and rare Georgian grape variety with the same name.

It is grown in the Tsagei region of Georgia, in small quantities. Alcohol from the Usakhelauri variety turns out to be naturally sweet, exceptionally tender and refined.

  • After Usakhelauri, Stalin's second most favorite wine was the brand - "Khvanchkara" -.

Stalin's favorite alcohol is also called the soul of Georgia. Semi-sweet red alcohol is produced from the grape varieties "aleksandrouli" and "mujuretuli". The drink itself is distinguished by a unique memorable taste, in which a shade of raspberry is pronounced.

The color of alcohol is multifaceted and plays in the light with many shades of ruby. The production of alcohol is different from all other wines.

"Khvanchkara" is made by interrupting and resuming the fermentation of grape must. Fermentation takes place in a special earthenware vessel called qvevri.

  • Red semi-sweet spirits began to be produced in 1940.

It is prepared from rare grape varieties "saperavi", which grow only in a few areas. That is why the real "Kindzmarauli" is produced in small volumes and is ranked among the elite varieties. Stalin's favorite alcohol is made in the same way as Khvanchkara, in the Kakhetian way, followed by aging in clay kvevri. The taste of alcohol has an enveloping and velvety structure, with a pronounced shade of cherry.

  • Another favorite wine of Stalin is called .

White vintage alcohol has been produced since the end of the 19th century. A drink is made from grape varieties - "Rkatsiteli" - and "Mtsvane". Aged "Tsinandali" for at least two years. Alcohol spends part of this time in oak barrels.

  • "Majari"

This is a young spirit in which the fermentation process stops before it ends. Due to this, natural carbon dioxide remains in the drink. Alcohol is very popular in Georgia, as it has a light and sweet taste, but at the same time a moderate strength.

"Majari" can only be tasted on the territory of Georgia, as transportation is hampered by the short shelf life of alcohol due to the low content of alcohol in it.

  • Teliani also highly regarded by Stalin.

It was to them that he treated Churchill and Roosevelt at the Yalta Conference in 1945. A refined drink is prepared from a grape variety. The main flavor composition of alcohol is barberry and cherry. The aftertaste of the wine is replete with floral and honey shades.

It is always interesting to try what great personalities preferred to drink. After all, this is at least a little, but it gives a touch of history. Have you tried any of the listed wines and what is your favorite? Be sure to share your experiences in the comments.