Cheese cake at home. Cheese cakes in a pan

  • 29.06.2020

If you want to pamper your household with something tasty, but you simply don’t have time for complex cooking, then bake cheese cakes. Kneading the dough will take some 5-10 minutes, but the bread can be served with tea, the first, main course instead of bread, or just have a small snack.

To knead the dough, you need a small set of ingredients. If desired, additional ingredients can freely go there: greens, ham, vegetables, mushrooms, etc. There are various recipes cheese cakes in 5 minutes:

  • based on kefir;
  • in fresh or sour milk.

How to cook cheese cakes in 5 minutes (recipe with photo)?

Let's start from the very simple recipe cakes without filling.

For the test you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • 1 st. grated hard cheese;
  • 1 st. kefir;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 0.5 tsp sugar and the same amount of baking soda;
  • vegetable oil for frying.


Lush milk cheese cakes

Cheese cakes you can cook without kefir, say, cheese cakes in milk. Here you can use a fresh dairy product or sour that you have. The amount of lactic acid depends on what other ingredients should be added to the dough so that the cakes turn out to be lush and not rubbery.


  • 2 tbsp. flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil (in the dough);
  • 0.5 st. fresh milk;
  • 0.5 st. finely grated hard cheese.


  1. Knead the dough, as in the previous recipe.
  2. We roll out the blanks of cakes.
  3. But you can fry in 2 ways. First: in a hot frying pan. Note that additional fat for frying can be omitted. But if you don't want your cheese cakes with milk to be too dry, you can lightly oil the pan or choose a very fatty cream cheese.

The second cooking method: in the oven. Dough blanks are laid out on a baking sheet and baked in the oven for no more than a quarter of an hour. Before baking, you can sprinkle cheese crumbs on top so that the finished cakes have a characteristic crispy crust.

Fillings and flavorings

As we have already mentioned, cheese cakes without kefir can be prepared with filling. This will add extra flavor to the dish. Most popular supplements:

  • finely chopped or grated ham;
  • smoked sausages;
  • cottage cheese, cheese, suluguni, cheese mixtures;
  • greens (including onions);
  • finely chopped or grated boiled eggs;
  • stewed sauerkraut;
  • chopped, lightly sautéed, mushrooms;
  • grated, passivated carrots;
  • potato filling;
  • fried meat, liver, liver minced meat.

In general, all those food leftovers that were lying around in your refrigerator. Portions of dough prepared according to one of the proposed recipes are rolled into shortcakes no more than 10 mm thick. In the middle of the shortbread we lay out a portion of the filling, we do not regret it. We fasten the ends of the dough (like pies) so that the filling does not leak out. Again, lightly pass with a rolling pin to give the semi-finished product a plane. Fry or bake as suggested earlier.

  1. Try to grind the ingredients of the filling as finely as possible so that the edges do not break through the dough when rolling out the stuffed cakes.
  2. It is desirable that the filling is dryish, but not crumbly. Otherwise, crumbs may fall when biting.
  3. Fillings that have been fried should be “degreased” on a paper towel - why do you need extra calories ?!
  4. If you use ham already sliced, then you can not chop it, but use it as a sheet layer.

Simple food is always the tastiest. Of course, sometimes you want something refined and unusual, complex and incredible, but for the format of everyday cuisine, simple things are the very thing. - just an aria from this opera. In fact, there are only three products in it - flour, cheese and water (we will not count small additional ones), but their combination gives an unimaginably wonderful result: appetizing, fragrant, beautiful, satisfying. Usually I cook such a thing in two cases. The first is when in the evening I suddenly realize that we don’t have a crust of bread left for breakfast, and we have to feed the people with something. The second is when excess cheese is formed in the refrigerator, requiring immediate disposal. Finally, this one comes into play yeast bread recipe with cheese. The dough is kneaded in the evening - it rises and ferments at night, in the morning I quickly turn it into a round flat product and bake it. It turns out incredibly tasty - at least, judging by the fact that everything is eaten at once, this is actually objectively not bad. I actually have to get up 10-15 minutes earlier than usual to make a breakfast like this, but those missed few minutes of sleep in the morning are worth my family's satisfied smiles.

Life is like a midday dream - short, colorful, hot. It sounds like the laughter of our children, it sheds tears after our dead relatives. She smells of the ocean, desert wind, corn tortillas, mint tea - everything that we can't take with us.
Narine Abgaryan, "Three apples fell from the sky"

The dish is uncomplicated. You can supplement it with ham or tomatoes, add greens or olives, but it will be a completely, completely different recipe, a different format and a different meaning. Therefore - just a cake, just with cheese. Fast, simple and easy.

How to bake yeast bread with cheese


450 g flour;

250 ml of water;

2/3 tsp yeast;

1 egg;

30 g of vegetable oil;

500 g of cheese (you can mix - hard, cheese, mozzarella, etc.);

2 tsp Sahara;

1 tsp salt.


  • In the evening, mix flour, salt, sugar, yeast. Add water, vegetable oil, egg. We knead a not tight dough, put it in a bowl of sufficient volume, tighten the bowl cling film and leave it overnight in a cool place (I usually have a pantry - there is approximately the same cool air temperature at any time, I recommend that you find your place in your house empirically).
  • By morning, the dough will rise and perhaps even fall a little - this is normal. We do not pursue the goal of baking a luxurious rich bun, so this format suits us perfectly. Gently spread the dough on a floured work surface, divide it into 4 parts with a scraper. We fold each of them slightly, giving the shape of a circle. We spread it on a sheet of baking paper, stretch it into a thin circle with our hands or a rolling pin. Leave for 15 minutes, covered with a towel.
  • While the dough is proofing, grate the cheese, mix. Sprinkle the cakes evenly over them.
  • We bake at a temperature of 200 degrees for about 15 minutes each.
  • We remove from the pan. We cut into segments.
  • And serve hot. Bon appetit!

In the arsenal of recipes for any housewife, a special place, of course, is occupied by dishes that can be cooked on hastily. After all, we do not always have time to make, for example, breakfast. One of these dishes is cheese cakes. 15 minutes without special efforts you can cook a very satisfying and delicious dish. It will be an excellent solution not only for breakfast, but also for an afternoon snack or dinner. We offer today to learn a few recipes for cooking this dish.

Cheese cakes on yogurt

If in the morning you have absolutely no time to cook, but you want to please yourself and your household with a delicious breakfast, then use this recipe. Cheese cakes on it are very tender, juicy, fragrant and, most importantly, satisfying. Having breakfast with such a dish, you can easily wait for lunch without getting hungry.


To prepare cheese cakes, we need the simplest and most affordable products in the form of 250 milliliters of unsweetened drinking yogurt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of soda and salt, 400 grams of wheat flour and 250 grams of cheese. In this case, you can use both hard cheese and adding a little processed cheese or suluguni to it.

Cooking instructions

You can make cheese cakes, the recipe of which we offer you, in just a quarter of an hour. First, pour yogurt at room temperature into a bowl and add sugar, soda and salt to it. Mix and let stand for a few minutes. At this time, prepare the filling. To do this, rub the cheese on a coarse grater. If you want to use processed cheese, then it is best to freeze it in advance in the freezer to make grating easier. Add flour to yogurt with sugar, salt and soda and knead the dough. Then add grated cheese and mix lightly. From the dough we form three cakes according to the diameter of your pan. We heat the oil in a frying pan and fry our cakes on both sides until a beautiful and appetizing golden brown. Then we put them on paper towel to remove excess fat. Serve hot cakes on the table. Let's sit down for breakfast and enjoy their wonderful taste! Bon appetit!

Cheese cakes on kefir

Perhaps, this method cooking this dish is the most common. These cakes are made very quickly and have a great taste and aroma.


If you decide to cook cheese cakes on kefir according to this recipe, then make sure you have the following ingredients on hand: 200 grams of cheese, a couple of glasses of flour, 0.5 teaspoons of salt and soda, one teaspoon of baking powder and a glass of kefir. It is best to take hard cheese, but if you have suluguni or processed cheese in your refrigerator, then you can use them.

Cooking process

Pour kefir (preferably at room temperature) into a bowl and pour the baking powder into it for the dough. Stir and leave for a couple of minutes. At this time, grind the cheese on a fine grater. We shift it into kefir and add flour, soda and salt. We knead the dough. We divide it into parts and roll out our future cakes. Their thickness can be any depending on your preferences. Cheese cake in a pan should be fried on both sides until golden brown. This is done over medium heat and with the lid closed. Also, do not forget to preheat a sufficient amount of vegetable oil in a frying pan. We transfer the finished cakes to a paper towel to get rid of excess fat, and serve hot. If the dish is cold, then it is best to warm it up before eating.

Flatbread with cheese and ham

This dish is very tasty and filling. It can be successfully prepared for breakfast, as well as for dinner or an afternoon snack. So, in order to make cheese cakes with ham, we need ingredients from the following list: a glass of kefir, a couple of glasses of flour, a glass of pre-grated cheese, 250 grams of ham, half a teaspoon of granulated sugar, salt and soda.

Let's move on to cooking

In order to make cakes according to this recipe, it will take you a little more time than in the first versions, however, they are prepared quite quickly. To begin, sift the flour into a bowl and add soda, sugar and salt to it, as well as grated cheese. We warm up the kefir a little and also pour it into a bowl. Knead the dough and leave it to rest for a quarter of an hour. At this time, prepare the ham filling, cutting it into small cubes. We divide the dough into several parts and roll out the cakes. Put the ham on half of the circle and cover with the other half. We pinch the edges and gently iron the cake with a rolling pin. Heat oil in a frying pan. Fry cheese cakes stuffed with ham over medium heat on both sides. We first transfer the finished dish to paper napkins so that excess fat drains, and then serve it hot on the table. These cookies are very filling and delicious. By the way, you can cook them not only with ham, but also with other fillings. Therefore, if you have free time and appropriate products, you can safely experiment.

Cheese cakes in the oven: the original recipe

Most often, this dish is cooked in a pan. However, if you don't want to stand by the stove frying flatbread and want to try a new and interesting recipe, then try baking them in the oven. Such a dish will turn out to be very lush, tasty, satisfying and fragrant. And making it is quite easy. So, to make cheese cakes in the oven, we need ingredients such as three glasses of flour, a glass of milk, a couple of eggs, 20 grams of yeast, half a glass of granulated sugar, 300 grams of hard cheese, 100 grams of mayonnaise, four tablespoons of water, a couple of garlic cloves , half a teaspoon of salt and vegetable oil.

We warm the milk a little, and when it becomes warm, dissolve the yeast in it. Add sugar and salt, as well as one egg. Sift the flour and gradually pour it into the milk. We knead the dough. Add a little vegetable oil, mix and leave for an hour in a warm place, covered with a towel. To prepare the filling, grate the cheese, add the garlic and mayonnaise passed through the garlic press to it. We mix. If the filling seems too thick for you, then you can add water. When the dough rises, divide it into several parts and roll them into balls. Place them on a greased or parchment-lined baking sheet. Whisk the remaining egg and brush the dough balls with it. Make indentations in the middle of the tortillas and put the cheese filling there. We send it to an oven preheated to 200 degrees. These original and very tasty cheese cakes will be ready in about 20 minutes. We are sure that this dish will definitely be on the table in your home, earning the love and admiration of your family members thanks to the interesting appearance and great taste.

Georgian cheese flatbread

We all know this dish as khachapuri. It belongs to traditional Georgian cuisine. Today we will tell you how to cook this delicious cheese cake at home with your own hands. So, first of all, you need to decide on the ingredients: we need 700 grams of flour, half a liter of yogurt, three eggs, 50 grams of butter, two teaspoons of soda and one teaspoon of salt, as well as 450 grams of feta cheese and mozzarella for the filling .

Mixing yogurt with butter, salt and two eggs. Pour the flour and mix the mass with your hands. You should have a soft and elastic dough. You can add more flour if needed. Then add baking soda and knead the dough on a floured work surface for ten minutes. Then you need to place it in a bowl and cover with cling film on top, and then put it in the refrigerator for at least twenty minutes. At this time, grate the cheese and mix with the egg. You should get a mass of a homogeneous consistency. Take the dough out of the fridge and divide by six. equal parts. We knead them with our hands and form cakes with a diameter of about 20 centimeters. We spread the filling on them and fold the dough in the shape of a crescent, pinching the edges. We send our cheese cakes to a preheated oven and bake for about a quarter of an hour at 220 degrees. Cool the finished dish slightly and serve. We are sure that delicious khachapuri will not leave anyone indifferent, and your family members will ask you to make khachapuri again and again! Bon appetit!

A hearty breakfast in 15 minutes: cook cheese cakes with fillings in a pan for your family!

Sometimes you want to cook something quick and tasty, and also from the minimum set of available products. Quick cheese cakes in a pan - just such an option. The recipe is very simple, it is incredibly easy to cook them, and the result will pleasantly surprise you.

These thin cheese cakes are very soft and tender - the main thing is not to fill the dough with excess flour. You can use absolutely any hard or semi-hard cheese. Do not pour a lot of oil into the pan during frying so that the cakes are not greasy. Better, if desired, grease already prepared butter.

Such cakes with cheese can be eaten as a snack, used as pita bread, wrapping the filling in them, or as bread for first courses. You will definitely like them!

  • kefir - 200 ml
  • wheat flour - 250 gr
  • cheese - 150 gr
  • sugar - ½ tsp
  • salt - ½ tsp
  • baking soda - ½ tsp
  • vegetable oil - 5 tsp

To cook cheese cakes in a pan, take kefir, wheat flour, hard or semi-hard cheese, salt, sugar, baking soda and refined vegetable oil for frying.

Pour salt, granulated sugar and baking soda into kefir at room temperature. We mix everything thoroughly.

Grind the cheese on the smallest grater.

Add cheese to kefir and mix everything.

Then pour the sifted flour - 200 grams. the remaining 50 grams will be left for rolling.

Knead quickly into a soft, slightly sticky dough.

Divide the dough into balls of the same size. I got 5 pieces. It is best to let the dough lie down for a little (5 minutes) so that gluten begins to develop and the dough rolls out easier.

Sprinkle the table with flour and roll each piece with a rolling pin into a thin cake, about 4-5 millimeters thick. Shake off excess flour.

Heat the pan and grease with a teaspoon of oil. Fry the cake from 2 sides until golden brown under the lid. One cake will take about 2-3 minutes. Similarly, prepare the rest of the cakes, before each lubricating the pan with a teaspoon of oil.

In total, I got 5 most delicate cheese cakes. You can brush each with butter while they're hot, but I didn't.

Bon appetit, my dears!

Recipe 2: cheese cakes on kefir in a pan

Cheese cakes on kefir are prepared on the basis of cheese. We offer you to cook this homemade cake according to a step-by-step recipe.

  • kefir - 1 cup
  • wheat flour - 500 gr
  • salt - 0.5 tsp
  • soda - 0.7 tsp
  • sugar - 1 tsp
  • cheese - 150 gr

To prepare cheese cakes in a pan, we need: kefir, grated hard cheese, wheat flour, salt, baking soda and granulated sugar.

First of all, you need to pour kefir into the container.

Then pour table salt, baking soda and granulated sugar. Mix thoroughly.

After that, add finely sifted wheat flour, stir well until a homogeneous consistency.

Tip: For kefir with baking soda to enter into chemical reaction you need to wait a few minutes. The reaction of soda with acid will release carbon dioxide, due to which the cakes will become lush.

The next step is to add cheese chips.

Tip: The taste of the dish depends on the type of cheese used. The better the cheese, the juicier the cake will be.

Tip: We rub the cheese on a grater with large teeth.

Pour a little flour and mix thoroughly, while forming a ball of dough.

We share ready dough into about 3 equal parts, roll up the ball, roll each of them to a thickness of no more than 3-5 mm.

Tip: To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands or the board, you should sprinkle them with wheat flour.

After that, put each cake in a frying pan under a tightly closed lid on a medium level of fire. We do not add vegetable oil. As soon as the side is browned, you should turn the cake in the pan to the other side and fry again until a light blush.

Tip: In the process of cooking, cheese cakes on kefir swell under the influence of the fact that the cheese is heated to the highest possible temperatures.

Delicious, fragrant cheese cakes are ready to eat. Don't be afraid to experiment with different toppings.

Tip: Serve homemade cakes with various sauces as a side dish for vegetable and meat snacks. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: Stuffed Cheese Cakes in a Pan

  • 100 milliliters of kefir,
  • 150 grams of wheat flour of the highest grade,
  • 100 grams of hard cheese,
  • 100 grams of smoked sausage,
  • a pinch of salt,
  • a pinch of soda.

In this recipe, most often I use kefir, but in the absence of such, low-fat 1.5% yogurt can also be added.

First of all, you need to sift the flour through a sieve.

After that, on a coarse grater, grind the cheese into various bowls, and then smoked sausage.

Stir until almost complete dissolution of the components.

The next step is to introduce flour in small portions and knead the dough for at least 4-7 minutes.

We form a ball from it, which we divide into 3 parts. From each part we roll out a circle 3 mm thick, in the center of which we place a part of the filling from cheese and smoked sausage.

Connecting the edges of the circle

and carefully roll it out again.

Take a frying pan and heat it with vegetable oil. Fry the cakes on both sides

to a soft golden color.

The resulting dish will be delicious both hot and cold. It can be served with sour cream or tomato sauce. Bon appetit!

Recipe 4: tortillas in a pan stuffed with cheese

Delicious homemade tortillas with cheese filling will be a great addition to a snack. You can also make these cakes for a picnic.

We offer you a recipe for homemade cakes, in which one of the ingredients is cheese. It is this product that makes the cakes so satisfying, with a spicy taste. Cheese cakes are baked in a pan, which significantly saves time on the implementation of the recipe.

For kneading the dough, wheat flour, familiar to most hostesses, is used. In addition to this ingredient, baking soda is used in the recipe, thanks to which the cakes are airy, with a pleasant structure. The recipe for baking homemade cakes with cheese filling attracts not only with a small number of ingredients, but also with a rather interesting culinary technique for their formation. Details of the process are presented in the recipe below with accompanying photos.

To prepare cheese cakes, you need to prepare in addition to the ingredients also: a suitable bowl for kneading dough, a cutting board big size, a cheese grater, a rolling pin, a frying pan, a spatula for turning flat cakes.

  • Flour - 2.5 cups
  • Salt - to taste
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Lemon juice - 0.5 tbsp. spoons
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Cheese - 70 gr
  • Vegetable oil - 40 ml

Knead the dough for cakes with cheese. There is nothing complicated in the recipe. You just need to sift wheat flour into a bowl, add salt and soda slaked with lemon juice (by the way, lemon juice can be replaced with table vinegar) and pour in warm boiled water. Knead the dough. Let the test rest for a while. At this time, prepare cheese for cakes. The product must be ground on a grater. Divide the pastry dough into pieces. Roll out each piece on a floured surface into a thin circle.

On the surface of a thin cake, spread an even layer of a small portion of cheese chips. First visually divide the cheese into portions according to the number of dough pieces so that it is enough for all the cakes.

The next step in shaping the tortillas is to roll them together with the cheese layer into a tourniquet.

The resulting tourniquet with cheese filling now needs to be rolled into a circle, as in the photo.

Press the resulting circle with the palm of your hand, and then roll it out again into a cake. Do the same with the rest of the dough pieces.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan. Warm it up well. Drop the tortillas one by one into the hot oil for frying. On each side, fry the tortillas with cheese for about 1.5-2 minutes.

Appetizing and hearty cakes with cheese are ready! Serve them hot. Serving can be varied with sour cream. Enjoy your meal!

Recipe 5: cheese cake with ham in a pan

Hot cheese cakes with ham - a quick and flavorful breakfast. A wonderful addition to your morning coffee.

  • ham - 300 gr;
  • hard cheese - 300 gr;
  • kefir - 200 ml;
  • baking powder dough - 1 tsp;
  • flour - 300 gr;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml

Pour kefir into a bowl, add sugar, salt, baking powder, flour

Grate cheese

Add half of the cheese to the dough, leave the rest of the cheese for the filling.

Knead the dough, roll into a ball, cover with foil and leave to "rest"

For the filling, grate the ham on a coarse grater and add the remaining cheese, mix.

Divide the dough into equal parts. Roll out each part, lay out the ham and cheese filling.

cover with the second part of the dough. Fasten the edges.

The shape of the cakes can be made any, including round

Fry the cakes, covered with a lid, in a hot frying pan with vegetable oil.

Place the cakes in a pile.

Recipe 6: Cheese Cakes with Herbs (Step by Step Photos)

This pastry can be prepared with any cheese of your choice. The recipe for cheese cakes is very simple and quick, ideal for a hearty and delicious breakfast. Cheese cakes can also be a great alternative to bread. Fragrant, lush, golden, any eater will like it. You can cook them both in a pan and in the oven, the second option will be most useful. I fried the cakes in a frying pan, in a sufficient amount of oil. The cakes turned out with a crispy crust, soft and tender inside. They actually cook just as fast as they eat.

The recipe is suitable for busy housewives who love to pamper their family with homemade fresh pastries. Of course, they are best served hot, but they remain appetizing and tasty when cooled down. In my opinion, this is one of the simplest and quick recipes delicious cakes, I hope you will like them too.

For 6 loaves:

  • cheese - 100 grams.
  • eggs - 1 piece.
  • soda or baking powder - 0.5 tsp.
  • wheat flour - 1.5 cups.
  • sour cream - 3-3.5 tbsp. spoons (can be replaced with mayonnaise or kefir).
  • fresh dill - to taste.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • vegetable oil - in fact.

Three on a coarse grater in a deep bowl of cheese. I had hard varieties, but sausage cheese and ordinary processed cheese such as "Friendship" are also suitable. We only take into account that the taste and aroma of cakes will depend on the cheese you choose.

Add sour cream, chopped herbs, salt and one egg. AT original recipe it says that sour cream can be safely replaced with mayonnaise, but I like the first option more.

Then add one glass of flour and soda. We do not extinguish soda with anything, sour cream will perfectly cope with this for us.

Mix all the ingredients first with a spoon. Then we begin to knead the dough with our hands, adding the remaining flour in parts. It may take a little less flour than indicated in the recipe, the dough should turn out to be quite dense, but elastic and well behind the hands.

We divide the finished dough into 4-6 parts, depending on the desired size of the cakes.

We form each part in the shape of a circle, you can do it both with a rolling pin and with your hands. Thickness is about 4-5 ml. I did not grease the table with anything, the dough left well and did not stick.

We put each rolled cake in a hot frying pan and fry in a sufficient amount of oil on both sides over medium heat until golden brown.

We put ready-made cakes with cheese in a pile and call everyone to the table.

The recipe does not take much time, but the result is very good. Lush, ruddy, fragrant and very tasty. An excellent solution when you don’t want to stand at the stove for a long time, but you want to pamper your loved ones with something tasty.

Recipe 7: cheese cakes on sour cream in a pan

Delicious and simple dish cheese cakes on sour cream, step by step recipe with a photo, such food can be taken with you on the road, a picnic in nature or served on home table for breakfast, dinner. Cheese cakes on sour cream with herbs can be cooked not only in a pan, but also in an ordinary waffle iron.

  • Cheese 200 grams
  • Flour 5 tbsp. spoons
  • Sour cream (15-20%) 300 g
  • Eggs 3 pieces
  • Greens 1 bunch
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt 1 pinch

Lightly beat sour cream with eggs and salt.

Add the sifted flour and mix thoroughly.

We rub the cheese on a fine grater, finely chop the greens, add to the sour cream mass and mix well, pour the cheese dough in portions into a frying pan heated with vegetable oil.

Fry the "cheese cakes on sour cream" in a pan for about 4 minutes on each side until a beautiful golden crust.

We serve hearty, cheese cakes on sour cream for homemade breakfast or dinner.

Recipe 8: cheese cakes in a pan with sausage

There is a lot of temptation in cheese cakes with sausage. Golden crust, breathtaking aroma and juicy crumb will appeal to everyone who is looking for an alternative to bread. The meal is prepared quickly and easily. Contains only available components. The result is very tasty and nutritious. You can take such a treat with you as a snack to work or take your child to school.

  • wheat flour - 300 g;
  • sour cream 15% - 200 ml;
  • salt - 1/3 tsp;
  • baking powder - 1 tsp;
  • hard cheese - 100 g;
  • sausage - 100 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Cut sausage or ham into small cubes. Choose a product good quality so it doesn't stick to the pan when frying. The smell of cakes will depend, among other things, on the aroma of the sausage product that will be used for the filling.

Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater.

Sift wheat flour into a bowl. The first or second grade will not work here. Sifting is necessary to saturate it with air. The cake will be more fluffy.

Add salt and baking powder.

Put grated cheese and sausage into a bowl with flour. We add sour cream. It should be liquid and sour. Sour cream with a suitable expiration date is ideal. It is with such a fermented milk product that the products will come out the most magnificent.

At this stage, you can add, if desired, chopped herbs or garlic.

Knead the dough, collect it into a ball. We give the opportunity to rest for 30 minutes under a towel.

After a while, from the dough we make a sausage with a diameter of 8 centimeters. We work on a floured surface.

Cut the sausage into pieces of 5 centimeters. We roll each into a bun.

Roll the balls into cakes up to a centimeter thick.

Pour vegetable oil into the pan. Warm it up well. Put the cake and fry it over medium heat until golden brown on the bottom. It will take 2-3 minutes.

Then we turn over. We're roasting more. Ready-made cakes are served with your favorite drink or as an addition to the first course.

Rosy, fragrant and very tasty cheese cakes with sausage will please you with their simplicity and versatility.

Recipe 9: Crispy Cheese Cakes in 15 Minutes

What can be prepared very quickly and satisfyingly, from a minimum of products, for example, for breakfast or a light dinner? Lots of options. But you can try regular cakes. You can make cheese cakes in just 15 minutes, they are very juicy and crispy. They are really quick and easy to prepare. From this amount of ingredients, 6 cakes are obtained.

- This is a dish from the category of "quick and tasty." It is prepared in just a few minutes and can help out a lot when you need a quick bite or bread has run out abruptly. The recipe was shared by reader Katerina Dolinskaya.


  • 1/2 cup sour cream (kefir, homemade sour)
  • 1/2-2/3 cup grated
  • on the tip of a spoonful of baking soda or baking powder
  • spices: ground black pepper, or others as desired
  • 1/2 cup (or a little more) flour

Preparing the cheese cake:

  1. Pour sour cream or kefir into a bowl.

    Sour cream

  2. Cheese grate on a coarse grater.

    grated cheese

  3. Add soda, salt (very little if the cheese is too salty), a pinch of spices and grated cheese to the sour cream. Stir.

    Cream cheese mix

  4. Add flour and mix again. The dough should look like thick cream.

  5. Grease a frying pan with oil and lay out the resulting dough. Bake, as well as, under a closed lid over medium heat.

    Baking cheese cake

  6. When the top has set, turn over and add a little oil. (A large tortilla can be turned over using a plate or cut into 2 pieces.)
  7. Bake covered until a nice orange crust.

That's all! Can be served hot or cold with sour cream.

From the amount of products indicated in the composition, one small cake with a diameter of about 18 cm is obtained. Therefore, if you have a large frying pan, you can safely double all the ingredients.

P.S. If you liked the recipe, not to miss new delicious and simple dishes.

Bon appetit!

Julia recipe author