Hot pepper for the winter - recipes. Harvesting bitter pepper for the winter: various recipes

  • 19.10.2019

They don't marinate very often. Meanwhile, excellent blanks are obtained from it. From our article you will learn how to pickle it, read the recipes, learn how to salt a vegetable for the winter. We attach a photo to the recipes for blanks from hot capsicum.

Properties of pickled hot peppers

Marinated hot peppers- not only a savory snack, it is also very useful:

  • rich in beta-carotene, necessary for good vision;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • increases stress resistance;
  • contains carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Varieties of hot pepper

Those who regularly prepare for the winter and use this product are invariably good mood, the source of which is endorphin. Hot pepper, even in the form of a blank, stimulates the production of this “hormone of happiness”. They say that if your head hurts a lot, it is enough to eat a piece of a "fiery" vegetable and the pain will go away. So it's worth adding to the list. winter preparations and this product.

The appetizer turns out delicious, and if you put pods in a jar different color, but also beautiful.
But, like any product, bitter-tasting capsicum should be consumed in moderation. Someone may have an individual intolerance to the product, which can provoke the occurrence of some diseases.

Advice. Before you start pickling hot peppers, put on rubber gloves, otherwise you will experience all the delights of his burning temper on your skin.

How to pickle hot peppers

There are many recipes for winter preparations from capsicum. At the same time, spicy lovers put whole pods in jars, and those who prefer a moderate taste remove the seeds and membranes first, thereby reducing the pungency. Let's look at a few recipes.

Bitter pods in oil marinade

The advantage of this recipe is that there is no vinegar here, and besides, the workpiece does not need to be sterilized:

  • peppers are washed, dried;
  • put in jars, sprinkling layers with dry spices and chopped garlic;

  • take olive or sunflower unrefined oil, bring to a boil;
  • pour hot oil into jars, clog;
  • sent to the basement.

Attention: when opening a jar of snacks in winter, do not pour out the oil - this is a great salad dressing.

Fiery appetizer "Gorgon"

To prepare this burning billet, you need:

  • take 1 kg of pods, wash;
  • cut ponytails;
  • incise a shallow blunt side;
  • put vegetables in clean jars;
  • pour boiling water for 10 minutes;
  • replace boiling water with marinade;
  • roll up jars without sterilization.

Marinade is prepared from 1.5 liters of water, salt and sugar (1.5 tablespoons each), 3 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar. The first 3 ingredients are boiled, then vinegar is added.

Appetizer of hot capsicum in Armenian "Tsitsak"

Following this recipe, you will get a very spicy dish. Not any pepper is suitable for salting, but only thin and long, salad-colored. The pepper is not washed, but immediately laid out on the table so that it is slightly grafted, then:

  1. Wash. Pierce with a thick needle or fork through 2-3 times.
  2. Umbrellas of dill, garlic are placed at the bottom of the container.
  3. Take a glass of coarse salt, dissolve in 5 liters of water.
  4. Pour vegetables. Press down with oppression and leave in the room until the pods turn yellow.
  5. Strain off the brine.
  6. Pepper is placed in clean jars without brine, sterilized for 10 minutes, closed. You can make a new brine, boil it and pour the pods into it.

Peppers should be washed and dried well before harvesting.

Another option:

  • pour cold marinade into jars;
  • close salted peppers with nylon caps;
  • lowered into a cold basement.

Georgian pickled bitter pods

This appetizer is very spicy.

  1. They prick peppers with a stalk and leave them on the table for a day.
  2. Pour boiling water for 15 minutes, then drain.
  3. Peel the garlic (6 heads), grind in a meat grinder along with cilantro, dill, parsley.
  4. Add salt (a glass), apple cider vinegar (2 cups), sugar (0.5 cups), vegetable oil (4 cups). This quantity is calculated for 5 kg of pods.
  5. Boil the marinade, fill it with raw materials, mix, leave for 2 hours.
  6. Imposed in jars, sterilized.

Attention: the time for sterilization of 0.5-liter jars is 10 minutes, liter - 20.

Hot pepper in honey marinade and tomato sauce

To prepare peppers according to this recipe, you need to have a cold place to store it, because. it is not hermetically sealed. Banks are covered with plastic lids. Marinade recipe:

  • honey - 2 large spoons;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.

Hot peppers can be pickled or salted

Pods of different colors, without separating the tails, are washed, dried, packaged in jars, poured with marinade.

For the second recipe, you need smaller pods. They are washed, tails removed, fried. Juice is prepared from tomatoes, salt and sugar are added to it. The peppers laid out in a container are poured, sterilized for 15 minutes.

As you can see, many preparations for the winter can be made from bitter pods. They miraculously diversify your menu.

Hot salted pepper: video

Anyone who loves interesting snacks will definitely love this pickled hot pepper for the winter. Firstly, it looks very unusual and appetizing: multi-colored pods of pickled hot peppers just ask to be put into your mouth. Secondly, the taste of this preservation will be exactly what you expect from it: very bright and piping hot.

But, at the same time, it is spicy just to the extent that you still want to try this appetizer, and not think about how to extinguish its spiciness. The ingredients in this Pickled Hot Peppers recipe are chosen to be spicy without being overbearing.

A big plus of this pepper is that it is easy to cook - you don’t even need to cut it: blanched, pour marinade and sterilize a little. So for those who are looking for a simple recipe for hot peppers for the winter, this one will surely suit. I will be happy to share how to properly pickle hot capsicum to make it very tasty, and how to prepare hot peppers to make it easy and fast. with your proven recipe. Shall we go to the kitchen?

Ingredients for 4 half-liter jars:

  • 200 g green hot pepper;
  • 600 g red hot pepper.

For each can of 0.5 liters:

  • 3-4 cloves of garlic;
  • 5-7 black peppercorns;
  • 2-3 peas of allspice.
  • 25 ml vinegar 9% (5 tsp).


  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon of salt.

How to pickle hot peppers:

We sort the peppers, rejecting rotten, with broken skin. Rinse the peppers thoroughly with running water. If the ponytails are long, trim them slightly.

In a large saucepan (5-7 l), bring water to a boil over high heat. For the indicated number of peppers, there should be at least 3.5 - 4 liters of water. Put salt into boiling water - 2 teaspoons per 4 liters of water. Lower the peppers and keep on high heat for 5 minutes.

Immediately transfer the peppers to cold water(about the same a large number of) to cool quickly. We stand the peppers in water for 5 minutes and put them on a dish.

At the bottom of pre-sterilized jars we put 2-3 cloves of garlic, black and allspice peas.

Carefully place the pepper vertically, trying not to crush it and place it more tightly in the jar. Spread the remaining garlic on top.

We prepare the marinade (1 liter of marinade left for the indicated number of peppers). Bring water to a boil, add salt and sugar to it and stir until the crystals dissolve. Pour vinegar into each jar and then pour boiling marinade to the top.

We cover the jars with lids and send them to sterilize - put them in a saucepan, pour warm water, a little short of the neck of the cans. Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil and sterilize the pepper jars for 8-10 minutes. Then we seal the jars hermetically and turn them upside down.

You can store such pickled chili peppers at room temperature, in a dark place.

Columbus is the discoverer of hot pepper. It was he who first brought it to Europe from his long journeys. Over the six thousand years that have passed since the cultivation of the plant, a wide variety of varieties have been bred.

The plant has become widespread due to its mass healing properties, beautiful appearance and bright taste. Hot pepper dishes will appeal to lovers of spicy food.

A vegetable used as a seasoning is ideal for meat dishes; it is impossible to do without it when preparing dishes of Mexican, Indian, Asian and Caucasian cuisine.

Useful properties of hot pepper

Hot pepper, due to many useful properties, is widely used in various areas of human life.


  1. Cosmetology. In this area, various extracts from the product and essential oils. Thanks to its irritating properties, it promotes hair growth and strengthening. Helps to get rid of cellulite, so it is often added to massage creams and body wraps.
  2. Pharmaceutics. Due to its warming properties, it is used in the manufacture of various ointments and patches for external use, for example, in the treatment of sciatica.
  3. Ethnoscience. Due to the high content of vitamins, especially vitamin C, it is used as a prophylactic during the season of SARS epidemics. The fruits are used to increase appetite, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and the presence of vitamins C and P helps cleanse blood vessels.

Contains lycopene, the regular use of which reduces the risk of developing cancer. In addition, the product speeds up metabolic processes in the body, promotes weight loss. Beneficial effect on nervous system, has a slight analgesic effect, promotes the production of endorphins.

Types of hot pepper

The plant is represented by five domestic and twenty-six wild species, which together number about three thousand varieties.

Depending on the capsaicin contained in the composition, it is customary to subdivide pepper varieties in accordance with the Scoville hotness scale.

According to which, an indicator of 0 points belongs to the sweet bell pepper. The most pungent variety is recognized as "Dragon's Breath", bred by a British gardener, whose indicator was 2,500,000 points.

Plant varieties are divided into main categories:

  • Chinese hot peppers have the strongest spicy flavor.
  • Habanero varieties also have a bright, burning citrus flavor and are used to make sauces and Mexican dishes.
  • Trinidad, this category combines plants with unusual fruits, having a moderate burning taste and fruity notes, used to prepare various sauces and adjika.
  • 7 Pot combines peppers with an original pod shape, the fruits have a fruity aroma and a rather sharp taste.
  • Jalapeno, a group of plants characterized by a moderately hot, spicy, slightly sour taste. The fruits have an elongated shape and a greenish color, turn red or yellow when ripe, suitable for home cultivation.
  • Cayenne peppers are low-growing plants whose fruits are yellowish or red in color, spicy or hot in taste.
  • Chili, plants have berry-like fruits of moderately burning or spicy taste.
  • Bush peppers have juicy small red fruits.

Note! The plant is widely loved by gardeners, for its relative unpretentiousness, because it can be grown even in a pot on the windowsill. The SHU value is indicated on the seed packaging, the higher it is, the sharper the fruits of the grown plant will be.

How to choose and prepare a product for conservation?

The conservation process will help to preserve for a long time beneficial features product, while slightly reducing its severity.

Canned pods go well with meat, fish dishes, and are also a good snack for vodka. The preservation process preserves the color, thanks to which, such a vegetable will decorate any holiday table.

For conservation, it is worth choosing smooth pods without any damage, while if the pod is placed in a jar as a whole, fruits of the same size should be selected. You can make a composition of fruits of different colors, or make monochrome preserves.

The pod itself can be preserved as a whole, while cutting off the tail is optional. Or cut in any way: rings, half rings, segments, and for harvesting it can be twisted in a meat grinder along with seeds. It is worth remembering that the seeds increase the sharpness of the harvested vegetable.

Note! For canning, the fruits must be thoroughly washed and dried. Some recipes call for heat treatment product by roasting or stewing. Since it is a burning and pungent product, it should not be harvested in large quantities.

How to grow more crops?

Any gardener and summer resident is pleased to receive big harvest with large fruits. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to get the desired result.

Often plants lack nutrition and useful minerals

It has the following properties:

  • Allows increase yield by 50% in just a few weeks of use.
  • You can get good harvest even on low-fertility soils and in adverse climatic conditions
  • Absolutely safe

Hot pepper for the winter - recipes

Pickled hot pepper

Product set:

  • hot red pepper in an amount per 1 liter jar,
  • water 1 l.,
  • table salt, preferably "Extra" 1 tbsp. without a slide
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp, or vinegar essence 70% - 1/3 tsp,
  • sugar 1 tbsp without a slide.

Spices (optional):

  • garlic 2-3 cloves,
  • currant and cherry leaves,
  • dill, horseradish, sweet pea, Carnation;

Cooking technology:

  1. Rinse and dry the required number of pods.
  2. Wash the jar and lid with laundry soap and soda, then sterilize them in a convenient way, such as steam, in the oven or microwave oven. It is better to prepare two lids, in case one deteriorates during seaming.
  3. Prepare marinade. To do this, mix water, salt, sugar in a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  4. Put the washed pods in a container, add spices.
  5. Pour boiling marinade into a jar for 5 minutes. Then pour into a saucepan, bring to a boil, and pour the workpiece again for 5 minutes. Repeat the procedure three times.
  6. Add vinegar to the container filled with marinade, roll up the lid.
  7. Turn the jar over, wrap it in a warm blanket, leave to cool.

Stuffed hot peppers

Required Ingredients:

  • round hot peppers - 30 pieces, preferably large, with a total weight of about 1.3 kg.,
  • wine vinegar - 1 liter,
  • canned tuna 3 pieces,
  • total weight of tuna is about 500 gr.,
  • olives or capers - 1 can,
  • vegetable oil,
  • spices: garlic 3 cloves, basil.

Cooking technology:

  1. Wash, dry vegetables, remove the core from them with seeds.
  2. Pour vinegar into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  3. Blanch the blanks in boiling vinegar for 3-4 minutes, then take them out and dry them.
  4. In a separate bowl, mix canned tuna, finely chopped olives or capers.
  5. Stuff the blanks tightly with the tuna mixture.
  6. Put in a container, add garlic cloves, basil.
  7. Fill with oil, close the lid.
  8. Store in a cool dark place for no more than six months.

Stories from our readers!
“I am a summer resident with many years of experience, and I started using this fertilizer only last year. I tested it on the most capricious vegetable in my garden - on tomatoes. The bushes grew and bloomed together, the harvest was more than usual. And they didn’t get sick with late blight, this is the main thing.

Fertilizer really gives more intensive growth garden plants, and they bear fruit much better. Now you can’t grow a normal crop without fertilizer, and this top dressing increases the number of vegetables, so I am very pleased with the result."

Armenian hot pepper

Required Ingredients:

  • red pepper 1 kg.,
  • water 1l.,
  • salt 1.5 tbsp without a slide
  • garlic 5 cloves,
  • vinegar 9% - 4 tablespoons, if vinegar 6% - 7 tablespoons,
  • greens 50 grams: parsley, dill, celery.

Cooking technology:

  1. Rinse and dry vegetables and herbs thoroughly.
  2. Bake vegetables in the oven until soft at a temperature of 150-190 degrees.
  3. Finely chop the garlic, pick the green leaves, getting rid of the coarse stems.
  4. In a saucepan, mix water, vinegar, salt, bring to a boil and cool.
  5. Arrange layers of pods, garlic, herbs.
  6. Pour the container with the prepared mixture, place under oppression at room temperature for 3 weeks.
  7. Close the jars with a lid, store in the refrigerator.

Pickled hot pepper without sterilization

Required ingredients for a 700 gram jar:

  • hot pepper 300 gr.,
  • water 600 ml.,
  • sugar 2 tbsp,
  • salt 1 tsp with a slide
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml.,
  • spices (optional): garlic 2-3 cloves, currant and cherry leaves, dill, horseradish, sweet peas, cloves;

Cooking technology:

  1. Rinse and dry vegetables thoroughly.
  2. Prepare a marinade from ½ part water, sugar, salt and vinegar, bring to a boil.
  3. Wash the jar with laundry soap and baking soda, then sterilize it in a convenient way, such as steam, oven or microwave.
  4. To boil water.
  5. Arrange spices, garlic in a container and lay the pods.
  6. Pour the workpiece with boiling water for 15 minutes, drain the water.
  7. Pour the workpiece with boiling marinade.
  8. Cover or roll up.

Pickled hot peppers with honey

Required Ingredients:

  • chili pepper 2 kg.,
  • water 0.5 l.,
  • table vinegar 0.5 l.,
  • sugar 2 tsp,
  • linden or flower honey 2 tsp,
  • salt 4 tsp without a slide.

Cooking technology:

  1. Wash and dry vegetables thoroughly.
  2. Wash the jar and lid with laundry soap and baking soda, then sterilize it in a convenient way, such as steam, oven or microwave.
  3. Prepare a marinade from water, salt, sugar, honey and vinegar, bring to a boil, boil for 2 minutes.
  4. Put the peppers in a container, it should be filled tightly, but the peppers should not be squeezed.
  5. Pour boiling marinade over and roll up.
  6. Roll up the lid

Pickled hot pepper

Required Ingredients:

  • hot pepper 1 kg., for beauty, you can use multi-colored pods,
  • salt 1 tbsp with a slide or 40 gr.,
  • drinking water 1 l.,
  • garlic 4 cloves,
  • herbs for salting: currant leaves, cherries, dill, roots or horseradish leaves.

Cooking technology:

  1. Thoroughly wash the container for salting;
  2. Rinse and dry the pods and herbs;
  3. Boil water on fire, dissolve salt in it, let cool to room temperature.
  4. Put the bottom of the container with half of the available herbs, put the horseradish and garlic.
  5. Pierce the vegetables several times with a fork near the stalk.
  6. Put the pods in a container, cover with the second half of the green leaves on top and pour over the brine.
  7. Put under oppression in a dark cool room for 2 weeks.

Ways to dry hot peppers

In order to properly dry the fruits of the plant, you must follow some rules:

  • Vegetables must be carefully sorted and inspected for the integrity of the peel. Pods that have spots, bruises, defects are not subject to drying.
  • The fruits can be dried whole, for this you should choose pods of the same size and color. You can cut the fruit into sticks, this method saves space and reduces the time for drying.
  • When working with pepper, wear rubber gloves and avoid contact with eyes. Also, don't touch your face.
  • In order to dry the pods in the air, you can use a thread and a needle. To do this, the capsicum is strung on a thread and hung in a well-ventilated room. Fruits should not touch each other. In this position, they are left to dry completely. If the vegetable is cut into sticks, then it should be evenly distributed in one layer on sheets of paper for 7-12 days. Several times during the time it is necessary to move and shake the chopped vegetables and change the paper.
  • For drying in the oven, the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bbars are laid out on a baking sheet and left to dry completely with the door ajar. Temperature oven it should not be more than 60 degrees, drying time is about 5 hours.

If the capsicum has a bright intense color, brittle and fragile structure, this indicates that it is dried. Chopped sticks can be ground into powder and stored in a glass container.

Good to know! hot pepper - beautiful plant, the fruits of which contain a large amount of useful substances and vitamins. Properly stored product is a wonderful snack for any meal, especially in winter period time.

In the chilling frosty season, hot peppers may be needed to prepare various sauces and seasonings. Of course, you can buy a ground version in the store, but it’s better if there is a treasured jar prepared in advance in the cellar or refrigerator. The article will discuss how to properly preserve, pickle and salt capsicum. proven recipes, step by step guide and photos will help you quickly and easily close several cans of a spicy product for the winter.

Hot pepper brings joy

Bitter hot pepper is able to give "meaning" to any dish, bring zest and unique piquancy. Why do many people love the burning spiciness of a spicy vegetable? Scientists have found that eating pepper stimulates the production of happy hormones, endorphins.

Thousands of dishes are prepared with pepper, and there are no less recipes for harvesting a spicy vegetable for the winter. It is salted, frozen, pickled, fermented, dried, soaked or frozen. Close with vinegar, lemon juice or olive oil.

According to connoisseurs, pepper from an open jar can be used not only for cooking other dishes, but also as an independent spicy-sour crunchy snack.

The easiest pepper recipe

This recipe saves time for thousands of housewives. Peppers are used whole, without long cooking. As a result, it turns out hot and crunchy.

To start conservation you need:

  • 1 kg. hot pepper;
  • various seasonings depending on your preference: black pepper, Bay leaf, dry dill umbrellas, twigs and leaves of currant, tarragon or basil, garlic, cinnamon;
  • 1 l. water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp vinegar in a jar.

Step by step:

  1. Wash the spicy vegetable. Cut off the dry ends of the pods without opening the pepper.
  2. Scald the pepper with boiling water.
  3. Prepare the jars, put the pepper in them tightly on the shoulders.
  4. Boil water in a saucepan, add salt and sugar;
  5. Pour jars and their contents under the “shoulders” of the cylinder with boiling marinade.
  6. Drain the marinade, bring it to a boil and pour over the pepper again. So do 3 times. In this case, the pepper will turn out not raw, but not boiled, which will preserve useful compounds as much as possible.
  7. Before corking, pour the specified amount of vinegar into each jar. Such a product is stored - together with other blanks in a cool place.

Advice. In order to put the maximum number of pods in the jar, they are placed vertically. The best way- lower the knife into the jar, and lay the pepper on it.

How to salt hot red and green peppers

Burning salted pods remarkably "make friends" with meat, vegetables, shish kebab. This recipe is interesting for its ease. If you can spoil the dish during pickling by adding more or less vinegar, then everything is much simpler. The composition of the workpiece:

  • 1 kg. green pepper;
  • 1 l. water;
  • 8 art. l. salt.

Hot pickled peppers are a good addition to meat and vegetables

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Sort the pepper, wash and cut off the green tail. Cleaning is not necessary.
  2. Along the base, you need to make an incision of 2 cm with a sharp knife.
  3. Put green pods in a basin.
  4. In a separate container, mix salt and water and boil the brine.
  5. Pour the pods with boiling brine and press down with some kind of load.
  6. You should get a basin with pods sunk in brine. From above you need to cover it with a towel.
  7. Now you should forget about pepper for 3 days. Then drain the water, prepare a new brine in the same way, cover with oppression and a towel. This time the vegetables are infused for 5 days.
  8. After the specified period, the liquid should be poured out. Prepare a new brine, boil it and pour over the peppers placed in jars. Now it can be closed.

Simple salting of bitter pepper with herbs

An express recipe without pre-soaking and insisting can come in handy when there is very little time to harvest pepper.


  • hot pepper - 1 kg;
  • half a small bunch of parsley and the same amount of dill.
  • a few cloves of garlic to taste;
  • 50 gr. salt.

How to pickle burning pods:

  1. The washed vegetable should be carefully cleaned of seeds.
  2. Prepare and sterilize several jars.
  3. Put garlic and herbs on the bottom of each container. Then tightly fit the pods.
  4. Bring water to a boil, stir in salt (per 1 liter - 50 g).
  5. Pour the hot pepper with boiling brine and roll up the lids. Bon Appetit!

Preparations for the winter from hot capsicum are indispensable for cooking vegetable salads, meat dishes, various sauces, seasonings and adjika. In addition to the well-known benefits, hot pepper has a number of healing properties, and it simply makes a person happier!