Medvedev stay there happiness health. All the best, good mood and health

  • 11.04.2021

Residents of Buryatia in social networks ridiculed the new "winged" phrase of Dmitry Medvedev

About the meeting of the Russian Prime Minister with the Crimean pensioners, which took place at the beginning of this week, wrote, perhaps, only lazy. Residents of the peninsula complained to the head of the Cabinet of small pensions and lack of indexation. He, in turn, said that there was no money in the country and advised the Crimeans to “hold on”.

We will deal with pensions across the country,” Dmitry Medvedev promised. - We can't do just one place to retire. Her ( indexing - approx. ed.) is nowhere to be found. We weren't accepted at all. There's just no money right now. We will find money - we will make indexation. You stay here, all the best, good mood, health to you.

In response to such an "explanation" of the prime minister, those present buzzed approvingly: "Ah, well, that's understandable" and even greeted him with an approving "thank you," reports. In an abbreviated version (“No money, but you hold on”), this remark quickly became an Internet meme and caused a wide resonance in the media. The public even offers to make it the election slogan of the ruling party headed by Medvedev, the newspaper notes.

The residents of Buryatia did not stand aside either: another “stealing” phrase of the head of the Cabinet became an occasion for jokes in social networks. The most popular today, perhaps, is the “decree” signed by Dmitry Medvedev dated May 23, 2016 “On supporting the poor.

“In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the government decides: 1) There is no money. 2) You stay here. 3) All the best to you, good mood, health,” the “document” says.

In the popular publics of Buryatia, “walks” and “instructions”, which indicate how to properly handle collectors. The problem, it must be said, is “painful” for the inhabitants of the republic.

Hello, you owe us money!

No money. But hang in there! All the best to you, good mood, health.

On another meme posted in the community “News online. Buryatia, Medvedev "refuses" to help the drowning man, instead wishing him "good mood and health."

By the way, President Vladimir Putin commented on Dmitry Medvedev's sensational statement last Friday. In particular, he noted that "the government pays great attention to the fulfillment of all social obligations" and "is looking for various options to support the population, including those related to the payment of pensions." This is reported by the NTV channel.

The government is aimed at the fulfillment of all social obligations. This I can tell you for sure. I did not see Dmitry Anatolyevich speak about this. You can always either take a phrase from the context as such, or take it from that general conversation. According to words, everything can coincide, but in spirit, the meaning can somehow look different, the head of state said.

Dmitry Medvedev is no stranger to becoming the butt of jokes and anecdotes from Internet users. And his last statement in Crimea to the complaints of pensioners that pensions are not indexed:

“There is just no money right now. Well, hang in there, all the best, good mood and health!”

instantly turned into a meme and went for a walk on social networks. We offer you the best examples of folk art. If you also came across good videos or pictures, or came up with something yourself, put them in the "suggested news" in our group in contact with.

Great GIF that blew up the Internet:

The picture below is great too. Given the place, the word "fasten" would be better:

They say that bank employees joked like this:

After Medvedev's statement in one of the cafes, the price of pizza for some categories of the population increased sharply:

In this form, words can become a document:

But in such money:

And here is how it is proposed to pay for utilities now:

Interpretations on the topic of international politics:

Asking for a miracle:

Translated into the language of art:

No money but you hold on- the phrase of Dmitry Medvedev, which he said at a meeting with Crimean pensioners. The meme illustrates life in Russia and is used for jokes about power.


On May 23, 2016, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev attended a meeting with pensioners in Crimea. Residents began to complain to him about small pensions, to which Medvedev replied:

The phrase was quickly replicated on the Internet and became a meme. In December 2016, she entered the TOP 10 fastest growing Google queries in the "Memes of the Year" category.

Medvedev's quote went to the people, it was used in advertising, and the comedian Semyon Slepakov even wrote the song "Appeal to the People" based on it.

In the Russian voice acting of the cartoon "Sing" there is the phrase "There is no money, but you hold on", about which Vedomosti wrote that "adults laugh in the hall, and the children will understand what it is about when they grow up."

Medvedev's words were used by Tele2 to advertise their services in the slogan “Competitors, but you hang in there! Have a good mood, health. In early June, the slogan was removed without explanation.

In May 2018, the journalists of Novaya Gazeta, whose question provoked another meme from Dmitry Medvedev. Anna Buyanova lives in a village near Feodosia and sells fruits, vegetables and chickens at the market. The woman grows all this on the plot near her house. Anna said that she had 30 years of work experience, but the minimum pension was just over 8,000 rubles.


The expression "There is no money, but you hold on" can be used as a universal illustration for life in Russia. There is no money for health care, roads, pensions and so on. The fact that the prime minister said this for many is a demonstration of the cynicism of the authorities and their indifference to the problems of the people.


UPD: 13:30 Moscow time
The Crimean authorities called the problem with pensions in the region "far-fetched." According to Dmitry Polonsky, deputy chairman of the local government, money is paid on the peninsula in the same way as in other parts of Russia - there is no particular Crimean problem. Meanwhile, at the request of a resident of the region, an inspection will be carried out.

During the visit of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to Crimea, residents of the region complained to the head of government about the amount of pensions. The Prime Minister acknowledged that there are problems with pensions throughout the country, but his answer was laconic: "there is no money." A short video of Medvedev's meeting with citizens is posted on YouTube.

Related materials

During the Prime Minister's meeting with Crimean residents, one of the women complained to Medvedev that the pension in Crimea is so low that it is "impossible to live on it."

“Pension is impossible to live. The prices are crazy, there is no strength anymore, they are counting on incorrect indexation. Offend us, do not give 4% even! What is 8 thousand - this is a minuscule! They wipe their feet on us, ”one of the women was indignant.

The Prime Minister acknowledged that there are problems in all regions, but the authorities cannot take and raise pensions in only one subject of the country.

“There is no money now, we will find money - we will do indexation. You stay here, all the best, good mood and health to you!” - answered the prime minister to the inhabitants of the Crimea.

The public liked the prime minister's honest answer, for which they said "thank you".

Earlier it was reported that the Ministry of Labor is ready to replace the increase in the retirement age with a freeze on pension savings.

Words by Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, who wished pensioners in Crimea
"good mood" and advised "hold on" could be taken out of context,
at the same time, the size of the pension in the Russian Federation is an order of magnitude higher than in Ukraine.
Putin stated.

We all misunderstood.
Here it is.

“The government is aimed at fulfilling all social obligations. This I can tell you for sure.
I did not see Dmitry Anatolyevich speak about this. You can always either take some phrase from the context as such,
or take it from that general conversation: everything can be the same in words, but in spirit the meaning can look somehow different,” the head of state said.

First of all, the Cabinet, according to Putin, is trying to support the low-income segments of the population,
However, in the current difficult situation, I have to look for various solutions to the problem.
“What are these options? Or index social benefits, including pensions, without even complying
Let's say with budget revenues. Or try, on the one hand, to index by some value,
but take all measures to suppress inflation,” the president said.

Putin cited Ukraine as an example, recalling that inflation there reached 48 percent in 2015 with pensions
the size of which is an order of magnitude lower than in Russia. “The average pension we have is $200, in dollar terms, and in Ukraine it is $76.
There is a difference? Yes, we indexed at least four percent. In Ukraine, there is no indexation at all,
plus raising the retirement age,” Putin concluded.

The network published footage of Medvedev's conversation with the inhabitants of the peninsula, who complained
that "it is impossible to live on a pension, the prices are crazy."
In response, the head of government referred to the lack of funds and assured that "there is no indexation at all anywhere."

“If we find money, we will index it. You stay here, all the best, good mood and health to you, ”- wished
Prime Minister, after which he left the meeting place.

The phrase has become catchy.

Well, in general...
We all misunderstood.
Let's hold on!