Jam from allspice with mint. Chili Pepper Jam

  • 29.06.2020

Red apples, yellow apples
Delicious apples, juicy apples...
Most of all among fruits, I confess to you,
I love apples, sweet

Summer is quickly running away. This is reminiscent of apple tree branches heavy with fruits, the sound of apples falling to the ground, the smell of cinnamon and apple pies in the kitchen.
A little sad - I don’t want the onset of gray, cold, wet autumn days. But the run of time cannot be stopped, so maybe we will try to keep the taste of summer in jars.
We have already prepared a lot of jam and jam, today a little about something else.

baked apple

Let's prepare a tasty and healthy thing for breakfast - a baked apple.
It's very simple - we take a large apple, cut out the core with seeds and fill it with stuffing. You can take sweet cottage cheese, you can have nuts with honey, like mine.

Fill the center of the apple with chopped walnuts, add a little honey, cinnamon and I added candied fruits (you can take raisins).
We prick the apple peel several times with a fork so that it does not burst during baking, put it in a refractory plate, into which we pour a little water, and bake in a hot oven.

Serve to your favorite children after cooling a little.
For breakfast or lunch, it doesn't matter.

Applesauce for the winter

For me it The best way harvesting apples for the winter. Puree can be used as a filling for pies, pancakes, for making desserts. And you can just spoon or with a bun with butter.
What do we need?


  • 2 kg apples
  • 200 g sugar
  • 1-2 tsp lemon juice
I don’t like very sweet puree, so I cook based on 1 kg of apples - 100 g of sugar, if the apples are sour, you can increase the amount of sugar.
When preparing mashed potatoes for baby food, sugar is not added at all, but such mashed potatoes are not stored for a long time.
What are we doing?


We clean the apples, cut them into cubes, sprinkle with lemon juice so that they do not darken, add sugar.
Cook over low heat until soft, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon. If the apples are juicy, do not add water, they will give juice themselves.
I like thick mashed potatoes, so I don’t add water at all or a little bit during cooking, if necessary.
I don’t have small children, so I boldly add grated ginger and cinnamon.

Cool slightly and puree with a blender (you can rub through a sieve).

We spread the puree hot in sterilized jars.
This puree can also be frozen by folding it into plastic containers.

Store in a dark cool place.

Spicy apple and pepper jam

Yes, that's right, spicy jam. Very tasty - check it out. I cook for the second time, the first portion was eaten all. Serve with meat or cheese. The recipe is taken from the book of the master of Italian cuisine Ella Martino.


  • 400 g red bell pepper (I had a ratunda)
  • The same number of apples (peeled and chopped)
  • 4-5 small pods of hot red pepper (or one large one, respectively). Do not be afraid that there is a lot of pepper, the sharpness goes away a little during cooking
  • 200 g sugar
  • 20 ml white wine vinegar
  • 1 star anise
  • 2 allspice peas
  • A pinch of ground coriander


Peel the apples, remove the seeds from the pepper (sweet and hot), in the hot one you can not remove it, if you want it sharper, cut into small cubes.
Fall asleep with sugar at night.

During this time, the sugar will dissolve and juice will appear.
Cook over low heat for 40 minutes, stirring constantly.
After cooling a little, grind with a blender, if small pieces remain, it's not scary.
Return to the stove, add spices and cook for another 20 minutes.
Pour in the vinegar and boil for another 5 minutes.
Cool at room temperature. If preparing for storage, lay out hot in sterilized jars.
Try it - it's really delicious! Spicy, spicy, fragrant and unusual.

Haven't tried? Be sure to cook. On a hot afternoon, it's a great snack.


To do this, peel, cut and boil 3-4 apples in a small amount of water (the water should reach approximately the middle of the apples).

Add some water and sugar to taste and reduce heat.
Stir so it doesn't burn.
At this time, dissolve 1 teaspoon in 1 glass of milk (sour cream, cream). cornstarch(can be replaced with flour).

Add cinnamon and vanilla sugar.
Pour milk with starch and spices into boiling applesauce.
Boil until a thick jelly.
Eat cold, delicious with a bun, with poppy seeds or honey.

P.S. You can cook such a soup from any fruit or berries.


  • 4 sweet apples
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup water
  • Vanilla sugar to taste
We prepare mashed potatoes, as in the recipe for cold apple soup.
Cool down a bit. Add sugar and vanilla sugar, beat until fluffy until sugar dissolves

Arrange in bowls or glasses, cool, enjoy.

Would you like to try sweet pepper jam? Yes, yes ... from pepper !!! This is an exquisite confiture that turns an ordinary cheese dish into something really unusual and very tasty! Even someone who has never done anything like this before can make this jam! It's very simple!


To make Pepper Jam, you will need:

1 kg of sweet red pepper;

400 g of sugar;

200 g of vinegar;

1 tsp ground red hot pepper;

1/4 tsp ground ginger;

2 tsp salt.

Cooking steps

Wash the pepper and cut into thin strips.

Mix with pepper and leave to marinate for 2 hours.

After the pepper starts up the juice, put on a slow fire, stirring occasionally, and boil until the state of confiture (about 1 hour). The main thing is not to digest, because in this case, after cooling, it will thicken and become hard. Readiness can be determined by dropping a drop of syrup on a saucer. It should not blur like water, but remain almost the same.

After cooling, serve pepper jam with hard cheeses, such as, for example, Parmesan, Provolone or Emmental. It can also be served on bruschetta (pan-dried bread) or baked meat.

Bon Appetit!


Pepper jam is prepared simply and quickly enough, it does not require many hours of soaking in sugar syrup, like its more traditional counterparts. All we need is to carefully process the sweet bell pepper, and also determine exactly how much hot pepper we want to add to the jam. From quantity hot pepper depends on the taste of the finished delicacy. If you wish, you can not add it at all, although in this case the whole zest of such an unusual recipe will disappear. You can also add some spices, such as cloves, to your sweet pepper jam.
Even if you have never prepared winter preserves before, you will definitely be able to cook such a treat the first time, and it will help you with this. step by step recipe with photo. From it you will learn all the important subtleties and secrets of making such a healthy and natural red pepper jam. If you are worried about the taste, then try preparing just one or two small jars of this sweet, and after tasting, make your verdict. What is the use of this pepper jam? At least the fact that hot pepper, which is part of the sweetness, will fight colds and kill viruses. A couple of spoons of this jam a day will be useful for both children and adults. Of course, such a preparation should not be abused, because it is high in calories and in large quantities will only bring harm. Let's start preparing for the winter an unusual and very fragrant red pepper jam at home.


Pepper jam - recipe

First of all, let's prepare our main ingredients. Wash sweet peppers thoroughly. cold water and let it dry on its own. As for hot pepper, when working with it, it is recommended to wear gloves and not touch your face with your hands, and especially your eyes. Hot peppers also need to be thoroughly rinsed in cold water.

We remove the stalks from the fruits, as well as the seeds. Hot pepper cut into small rings, sweet pepper cut into cubes. Remember that the sharpness of the future jam depends on the amount of hot pepper added.

Having completely cut all the sweet peppers, weigh the workpiece and add the same amount of granulated sugar to the cut. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and transfer them to a large saucepan with dense walls and a bottom. We leave the ingredients alone, for some time the sugar will completely dissolve, and the pepper will release the juice.

When the sweet pepper has let out enough juice for subsequent cooking, put the pan on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. We prepare the jam to the density we need, while it will also change its color to deep red as shown in the photo. Readiness is checked in the following way: by dropping a drop of liquid on a flat small saucer, we tilt it and, if the jam does not spread, then it is ready. At the same stage, almost before the end of cooking, we pour all the selected spices and the prepared volume of vinegar into the pan. We cook preservation for another 10 minutes, turn off the fire.

We sterilize in advance a couple of small glass jars for a couple or in the oven, pour hot jam into them and roll them up hermetically. Be careful not to burn yourself, and also remember that glass can burst from a sharp temperature drop, so slowly pour liquid into glass containers. Homemade jam from red sweet and hot peppers for the winter is ready.

and Natasha and I have absolutely amazing

I am writing so early, because today I have a couple of feats on schedule and I'm afraid I won't be able to do everything that was planned :)

Welcome to all new friends, maybe we'll get to know each other? :) This can be done, if there is a desire, of course;)

And now about the main thing for today. Rabbit.
I have a complicated relationship with a rabbit, there were :) I wrote about my first time, everything turned out and it was delicious, but ... I didn’t fall in love with rabbits, but I wanted to :) And I decided to try again, I tried ... well, what I can tell? Now I love and it seems that very much)

Rabbit tuna/Tonno di coniglio

Ella's words

1 domestic rabbit
1 onion
1 carrot
2 celery stalks
2 pcs. carnations
5-6 fresh sage leaves (washed and dried)
8-10 garlic cloves, peeled
fragrant herbs fresh/thyme set, bay leaf, parsley/
black peppercorns
cold pressed olive oil

Stick a clove into the onion. Put in a large saucepan: carrots, onions, celery, aromatic herbs (tie them with a thread), peppercorns.

Pour in water, taking into account the fact that then immerse the rabbit and he should have been completely covered with it. When it boils put the rabbit, reduce the heat, salt and cook until fully cooked. The rabbit should be very soft. It usually takes me about 2 hours.

Leave the rabbit to cool in the water. When it is almost cold, separate the meat from the bones.

Pour olive oil into sterile jars and shift in layers - rabbit, sage, garlic and pour olive oil. As a result, the bank needs to be filled to the end. Put it in the refrigerator (upper shelf so that the oil does not freeze) for 48 hours.

Well, it's very simple. I have nothing to add, but I already confessed my love :) I took pictures in the jar immediately after I filled it with oil, and on a plate after 48 hours :) I remembered! I added a few juniper berries, I love it :)

Hot Pepper Jam/Marmellata di peperoncino

And jam. I really like to cook jam, you probably already noticed it :) And just after seeing the recipe, I can say with 100% certainty that I will like it or not) But here ... I just didn’t expect that I would like it so much!

Ella's words

The following ingredients yielded approximately 3 liters

1300 g large red peppers
18 hot small red peppers*
13 medium ripe hard apples
1300 g sugar
50 ml white wine vinegar
1 star anise
about 8 coriander peas
3-4 peas of allspice

* In terms of spiciness, it was just right for me. If you suddenly decide to put less, it may affect the quality and taste.

1 day. Since evening. Peel and core apples and chop.
Peel the peppers from the seeds and chop. Cut hot pepper.
It doesn't matter how you cut. Put everything in a convenient large saucepan and cover with sugar.
So leave it until lunch the next day.

Day 2 Mass released juice. Put it on a slow fire and bring to a boil. Cook over SLOW heat for about 40 minutes.
Switch off. Using a blender, grind the whole mass until smooth. Put on fire.
Add anise, allspice, coriander. And boil everything for 15 minutes. Add a wine bite, boil for another five minutes and turn it off. Catch anise. Leave until the next morning.

Day 3 Boil the jam in the morning and pour into sterile jars. I always sterilize jars in the oven with lids. Of course, you can close them on the evening of the second day, but many sources recommend that he still let him stand in this form.

So that there is no surprise later, I’ll say that if you just want to take a few times or try, then the dose needs to be reduced.

UPD: About the foam.

I didn't have foam at all. I do not know what it is connected with. In general, if you have it, then remove it.


Pepper jam is prepared simply and quickly enough, it does not require many hours of soaking in sugar syrup, like its more traditional counterparts. All we need is to carefully process the sweet bell pepper, and also determine how much hot pepper we want to add to the jam. The taste of a ready-made delicacy depends on the amount of hot pepper. If you wish, you can not add it at all, although in this case the whole zest of such an unusual recipe will disappear. You can also add some spices, such as cloves, to your sweet pepper jam.
Even if you have never prepared winter preserves before, you will definitely be able to cook such a treat the first time, and a step-by-step recipe with a photo will help you with this. From it you will learn all the important subtleties and secrets of making such a healthy and natural red pepper jam. If you are worried about the taste, then try preparing just one or two small jars of this sweet, and after tasting, make your verdict. What is the use of this pepper jam? At least the fact that hot pepper, which is part of the sweetness, will fight colds and kill viruses. A couple of spoons of this jam a day will be useful for both children and adults. Of course, such a preparation should not be abused, because it is high in calories and in large quantities will only bring harm. Let's start preparing for the winter an unusual and very fragrant red pepper jam at home.


Pepper jam - recipe

First of all, let's prepare our main ingredients. Rinse sweet peppers thoroughly in cold water and let dry on their own. As for hot pepper, when working with it, it is recommended to wear gloves and not touch your face with your hands, and especially your eyes. Hot peppers also need to be thoroughly rinsed in cold water.

We remove the stalks from the fruits, as well as the seeds. Hot pepper cut into small rings, sweet pepper cut into cubes. Remember that the sharpness of the future jam depends on the amount of hot pepper added.

Having completely cut all the sweet peppers, weigh the workpiece and add the same amount of granulated sugar to the cut. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and transfer them to a large saucepan with dense walls and a bottom. We leave the ingredients alone, for some time the sugar will completely dissolve, and the pepper will release the juice.

When the sweet pepper has let out enough juice for subsequent cooking, put the pan on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat. We prepare the jam to the density we need, while it will also change its color to deep red as shown in the photo. Readiness is checked in the following way: by dropping a drop of liquid on a flat small saucer, we tilt it and, if the jam does not spread, then it is ready. At the same stage, almost before the end of cooking, we pour all the selected spices and the prepared volume of vinegar into the pan. We cook preservation for another 10 minutes, turn off the fire.

We sterilize in advance a couple of small glass jars for a couple or in the oven, pour hot jam into them and roll them up hermetically. Be careful not to burn yourself, and also remember that glass can burst from a sharp temperature drop, so slowly pour liquid into glass containers. Homemade jam from red sweet and hot peppers for the winter is ready.