Safe linoleum for the apartment. How to choose high-quality linoleum for an apartment or house? Main selection criteria

  • 23.06.2020

Linoleum is the most popular flooring among the population with an average standard of living. Firstly, the price is not as high as that of parquet or carpet, and secondly, the service life is normal. And today's manufacturers offer a wide variety of colors, choose any! But it turns out that although this material is well known to consumers, there are many nuances that must be considered when buying. Therefore, this article is devoted to the question of which linoleum to choose, because the house has different rooms with their performance characteristics.

What to look for before buying?

To understand in detail how to choose linoleum for your home, you should know the main criteria for a rational purchase:

  • compliance with the purpose - a nursery is a room, or a bedroom, a kitchen;
  • characteristics - the degree of wear resistance, noise absorption, antistatic, moisture resistance, antibacterial properties;
  • whether linoleum can withstand the load, given the number of people living and the rate of patency;
  • whether harmony is created in the interior - linoleum can be monophonic, with abstract patterns, with imitation of different textures: wood, tile, stone.

If all of the above criteria are taken into account, the buyer will not be lost in contemporary diversity, because he will know exactly how to choose linoleum for an apartment, as well as for a private house.

What is linoleum anyway?

Perhaps, linoleum can be called the most democratic flooring. The arguments to confirm these words are significant, because the material fits in schools, offices, and, of course, in a house / apartment. Therefore, it is understandable why the market offers a variety of types of linoleum: how to choose the best one? The question is simple, you just need to understand the problem and then everything will become clear.

- made from wood flour, pine resin, limestone powder, natural dyes, and the basis is jute fabric. Due to the fact that this material is made from purely natural ingredients, it is excellent for a child's room, rooms where asthmatics and allergy sufferers live. Therefore, if the question is being decided which linoleum to choose for an apartment, this is an excellent option - the material is environmentally friendly, not harmful to health, and also resistant to abrasion, does not shed in the sun, and has bactericidal properties.

PVC linoleum is made either on a fabric basis or on a non-woven heat-insulating one. Domestic manufacturers use European technologies, so everyone can afford such linoleum, because the price of products is affordable.


  • low thermal conductivity;
  • a wide palette of patterns, shades;
  • pronounced dielectric characteristics;
  • ease of installation.

There are certain disadvantages, we are talking about sensitivity to high temperature, instability to chemicals. So, if the temperature in the room drops sharply, then elasticity is lost and PVC linoleum may crack.

In addition, the flooring in question can be alkyd, colloxin, and linoleum-relin is also common.

Classification and marking of coatings

To accurately answer the question of how to choose the right linoleum, you need to understand the markings corresponding to the purpose of the room. As for the first digit of this very marking, it varies from one to four:

  • 1 - for rooms with minimal traffic;
  • 2 - residential rooms;
  • 3 - offices;
  • 4 - industrial premises.

And the second digit indicates the expected load, which means that the unit, respectively, is the lowest, the four is the highest load. For example, class 21 coverage is great for an office and bedroom, it is advisable to buy class 23-24 linoleum for a kitchen and hallway.

To cover the topic in more detail, you need to give a few more examples. Let's take the hallway for example. Of course, the entrance hall, the corridor are rooms with a very high degree of patency. This means that the best option is linoleum with a thickness of at least 3 mm.

Important: it is advisable to pay increased attention on the thickness of the protective layer, it should be at least 0.25 mm.

Also, before buying, you need to evaluate the quality of the surface on which this flooring will be laid in the future. The smoother the surface, the thinner the linoleum can be and vice versa. The ideal solution for the hallway - household linoleum with foam base. Or it can be expensive semi-commercial linoleum, which is characterized by increased strength.

How to choose a good linoleum? This multifaceted issue worries many consumers. So that the purchase in the future does not become a cause for disappointment associated with low quality, you should follow these guidelines:

  • trust your own sense of smell: the presence of a pungent odor clearly indicates that the coating contains harmful additives. High-quality linoleum, both synthetic and natural, does not have an unpleasant odor;
  • the drawing must be clear;
  • compliance with safety standards - good linoleum undergoes a special examination, is labeled, and the seller must also present a hygiene certificate;
  • quality must be checked in rolled form: for the absence of bumps, areas with a peeled film. These indicators indicate a marriage, such a coating cannot be bought, because the existing irregularities cannot be smoothed out;
  • it is desirable to give preference to a material with a special protective film- such linoleum is easy to clean, retains its original appearance for a long time;
  • all linoleum must be from the same batch - even when the articles are the same, color differences are possible.

The question of choice is not so difficult, if you know all the subtleties and nuances. All of the above tips will help buyers make the right choice, the purchase will not bring grief in the future, that is, during operation.

Linoleum, which is one of the most popular materials for arranging floors in a residential area, is very widely represented in many trade enterprises, which allows you to decorate the interior in strict accordance with the tastes of each homeowner. Knowing how to choose the right linoleum, you can choose a variant of this versatile flooring that would simultaneously meet personal preferences and have excellent performance.

So, what points should be decided when choosing linoleum. We tell.

First question: where do we put it?

Since the linoleum options offered for sale differ significantly in their qualities, depending on the place of installation, they can be conditionally divided into the following groups:

  • for flooring in - here it is best to use polyvinyl chloride linoleum: the high resistance of such a material, the possibility of processing it with chemicals - which is especially important when fats get on it - allows you to keep the cleanliness and beauty of the flooring. The presence of a protective top layer increases the degree of resistance to mechanical stress and aggressive substances;

  • flooring in living rooms is best done with multilayer linoleum on a foam base: the presence of increased noise and heat insulating properties ensures that the required temperature is maintained in the room and the absence of extraneous sounds.

A discreet pattern is preferable for the kitchen, but in the rooms it is already possible to select a pattern on linoleum to your taste: in a flower, “under the parquet” - any options in the living room will look great, emphasizing the individuality of the room, its style and the owner’s taste.

Question two: what is the optimal roll width and what are its other dimensional characteristics?

When deciding which linoleum to choose for an apartment, you should pay close attention to the width of the roll. Standard sizes are in the range of 1.5-4.0 m at a step of 0.5 m. The material consumption when laying on the floor, as well as the degree of complexity of cutting and the number (they still have to be repaired) largely depend on the width!

Usually, the length of one sheet of linoleum in a roll is 3 m or more, which allows you to cut a piece of the required length and thereby minimize material consumption during installation.

The thickness of the coating can also vary significantly: from 1.6 to 5.0 mm. The average thickness of linoleum intended for laying in a living room can be considered 2.5 mm.

Binder material - question three

When choosing linoleum, which will be laid in rooms with high traffic (corridors, rooms without carpets), you should focus on options that are as resistant to abrasion as possible. All types of alkyd linoleum with high rates heat and sound insulation perfectly retain their original qualities and appearance. However, their low resistance to moisture makes this option not very suitable for the kitchen.

Linoleum made of PVC is considered the most resistant to moisture. On the shelves of trade enterprises, it is represented quite widely. As practice shows, the slightly higher cost of this type of flooring is a direct consequence of its improved qualities.

Color solution

The variety of colors of linoleum is pleasing to the eye, but it also makes the choice difficult. Linoleum with a simple ornament (“under the parquet”, in squares) is the easiest to cut. In this respect, imported options differ from domestic brands in positive side. The convenience of their installation lies in the fact that the pattern on imported linoleums is often applied in such a way that the opposite edges of the roll have a pattern that is a continuation of itself.

The main rule for choosing an ornament when choosing linoleum is that a large pattern looks most impressive in large rooms, and a small pattern will “play” in small rooms.

Matching the wallpaper and the color scheme of the flooring creates a harmonious impression of the room. Therefore, when choosing, it is necessary to take into account the prevailing color in the room.

When deciding which linoleum is better to choose, you should adhere to following tips from professionals:

  1. You should buy linoleum a little more than is required according to the measurements of the room being made out.
  2. The presence of a quality certificate can protect the buyer from low-quality fakes that have low hygienic and operational properties.
  3. You can check the quality of the selected type of linoleum as follows: wrinkle a small sample of it in your hand. In the absence of creases, pronounced cracks and loss of color brightness, we can safely talk about the high quality of the product.
  4. The choice of coating samples based on foamed PVC will ensure a longer service life of linoleum due to the absence of its contact with concrete slab gender.
  5. The clarity of the applied pattern, the absence of its blurring also speaks of the high quality of the material.

The rating of the main brands of this flooring, compiled by specialists, will undoubtedly help guide you in the selection of linoleum.

The following video will certainly help you navigate the world of linoleums:

Modern household linoleum is very different from the coating, which was produced at the end of the last century and the beginning of the 2000s. Now it is a safe material with high technical and operational qualities, which is not inferior to more expensive floor coverings.

The diversity of the assortment is both surprising and involuntarily confusing. Only in the budget segment there are more than three types of material with a dozen various characteristics. Let's take a closer look at which linoleum is best for an apartment.

Requirements for residential flooring

Choice facing materials is carried out taking into account a number of criteria

A typical one-room and multi-room apartment consists of several types of premises: for sleeping, leisure, personal hygiene, household needs, moving and storing items.

In each of the premises, the load on the flooring is different and depends on the degree of traffic, the amount of furniture and the conditions that are created during the life of the residents. It is worth remembering and considering when choosing linoleum for each of the rooms separately.

In general, the requirements for linoleum are as follows:

  • safety - the coating must be environmentally friendly, not emit harmful substances, not be a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and prevent their spread;
  • wear resistance is a basic requirement that applies to any cladding. The material must be durable, not scratched, withstand the load from abrasives;
  • strength - heavy furniture and accidentally dropped objects should not cause severe harm to the front layer;
  • ease of maintenance - the floor surface should provide for the possibility of carrying out wet cleaning using detergents. Moisture absorption and increased slipperiness are excluded;
  • ease of installation - the material should help the buyer to personally (after reading the instructions) prepare the old surface and linoleum flooring.

Compliance with these points guarantees, especially in the case of linoleum, that the floor covering will not cause significant harm to human health. This is especially important for families with infants and small children.

What kind of linoleum is better

PVC linoleum universal coating for use in apartments and houses

There are several classifications and varieties of linoleum. We will consider the classification of only household varieties, since industrial options are not intended for use in an apartment.

The most simple and correct from the point of view of understanding is the division of material depending on its scope. This sorting allows you to understand which linoleum is better, which coating is suitable for a particular room, and which one is better to refuse.

Among linoleums, which are better to lay in an apartment, we can distinguish:

  • natural - linoleum based on natural raw materials: recycled wood, cork flour, coniferous resins, linseed oil, lime, natural dyes. The coating is completely environmentally friendly and safe. Has a long service life, high strength, good wear resistance and aesthetically pleasing appearance;
  • household - artificial coating based on polyvinyl chloride, chemical stabilizers and fillers. It has average technical qualities, designed for 7-10 years of careful use. It has low thermal conductivity, resistance to moisture and aggressive substances. The total thickness is 1-2 mm, the thickness of the protective layer is 0.15-2 mm, wear resistance class 21-23;
  • semi-commercial - the coating is almost completely similar to the household variety of linoleum. The total thickness is 2-3.5 mm, the thickness of the protective layer is 0.3-0.5 mm, wear resistance class 31-34. The service life in a residential area is at least 12 years;
  • commercial - available in various variations, but for an apartment it is better to lay a PVC-based coating. It is an improved version of semi-commercial linoleum. That is, the material has even more impressive characteristics. In everyday life can serve up to 15 years or more. The total thickness is 2-4 mm, the thickness of the protective layer is 0.7-0.8 mm, 41-43 wear resistance class.

combination various kinds allows you to more subtly choose the floor covering, focusing on the specific purpose of the room. This also saves money, as it does not make sense to lay a more wear-resistant coating where its qualities will not be used.

Specifications and qualities

The main technical characteristics that will help you understand which linoleum is best for your home are the wear resistance class, the thickness of the protective layer, moisture resistance, and toxicity. In addition, you can consider materials on additional safety qualities: fire hazard class, flame spread, flammability.

The wear resistance class is the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a material.

According to the European standard EN685, wear resistance is marked with a digital code, which is printed on a pictogram next to the schematic drawing. An example of an icon is shown in the photo above.

The first number in the code means:

  • 2 - living quarters;
  • 3 - office and commercial premises;
  • 4 - industrial premises.

The scope of linoleum does not always indicate that it is in this area that the coating needs to be laid. Many manufacturers have cladding commercial type, which they themselves recommend for use in rooms with a high load.

The second number indicates the degree of load that this product can withstand. It is designated similarly from 1 (low) to 4 (very high).

The thickness of the protective layer is the second important indicator that is best considered when choosing. The protective layer determines the strength of the material and its resistance to abrasion.

Face layer thickness gradation:

  • up to 0.2 mm - for impassable premises intended for storage;
  • 0.2 mm - impassable rooms for sleeping and leisure;
  • 0.3 mm - residential premises with average traffic;
  • 0.5 mm and above - for rooms with high traffic and load.

To designate other characteristics, they are assigned the corresponding alphanumeric code. Toxicity is indicated by a capital letter “T” and a number from 1-4. The lower the number, the lower the ability of linoleum to evaporate and decompose into harmful chemicals.

Fire hazard class in capital letters “KM” and a number from 0-5. It includes characteristics such as fire propagation, flammability, smoke generation, etc. Their designation is similar, that is, the smaller the number next to the capital letter, the safer the linoleum is.

It is not necessary to remember all the additional characteristics, the main thing to remember is this rule. If necessary, you can make a small list of what is worth more detailed consideration.

Floor covering for bedroom and nursery

Can be used in children's room and bedroom household look 23 classes

In the bedroom and rooms dedicated exclusively to sleeping and private leisure, the load on the flooring is very low. A person uses the premises strictly for their intended purpose, and the usable area of ​​​​the premises is quite small.

For the bedroom, it is better to choose household linoleum of class 23 with a thickness of 2 mm. You can choose a coating on a heat-insulating basis, which will make the floor warmer and comfortable in the room.

In a child's room, the most important thing is that the material is safe. Optimal laying of natural linoleum of minimum thickness. If the child is very active, then it is better to choose a household look based on PVC.

For both rooms, a coating from Tarkett under the brand name Europe Akron 6 is well suited. The total thickness of the material is 3 mm with 0.25 mm of the front layer, which allows you not to be afraid for the safety of the material even when increased activity children. The cost of the material starts from 340 rubles / m2.

Covering for the hall and living room

The living room and the hall are narrowly focused rooms where a person spends his leisure time, gathers with family and friends. The load level varies greatly and depends on the social activity of a person, the number of residents and family members.

In general cases, semi-commercial PVC linoleum of class 31-32 with a thickness of 2.5-3 mm can be recommended. The presence of a heat-insulating base and an anti-slip coating will only be a plus. The use of natural coating is irrational due to the high cost.

For example, it can be Tarkett linoleum from the Moda, Colibri, Iskra collection. This is a moisture-resistant material with a thickness of 3.5 mm with a front layer thickness of 0.6 mm.

Coating for kitchen and hallway

In the kitchen and hallway, it is advisable to lay wear-resistant linoleum of class 33

Floor cladding in the kitchen, hallway and corridor faces the most unfavorable conditions. In the kitchen, there is a risk of aggressive substances, moisture, falling heavy objects, etc.

In the hallway and corridor there is a high abrasive load. Dust, sand, dirt in the warm season. Moisture, water and snow in autumn and winter. Moreover, these rooms do not differ in large area, which also affects the rate of abrasion of the cladding.

It is optimal if it is a semi-commercial PVC linoleum of class 33 for the kitchen and a commercial homogeneous coating of class 34-43 for the hallway.

For example, it can be a cladding from Tarkett IQ Monolit Cmoni. This is a homogeneous linoleum with a thickness of 2 mm and 34-43 wear resistance class. The average cost is from 900 rubles / m2. You can choose a simpler coating costing from 600 rubles / m2.

Cover for bathroom and toilet

The bathroom and toilet are rooms for personal hygiene. There is a risk of water ingress and constant high humidity. Oddly enough, but the load in these rooms is high due to the very small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room.

It is best to lay moisture-resistant heterogeneous commercial linoleum at the lowest cost. From some manufacturers, this material can be purchased from 400-450 rubles / m2, since the material has a small width.

The word "linoleum" actually means oiled linen. Even the ancient Vikings oiled the sails of their ships to protect them from the effects of water and moisture.

They began to cover the floors with such material in the middle of the 18th century. And then he was completely natural.

In the middle of the 20th century, due to a shortage of raw materials, natural linoleum gives way to polyvinyl chloride.

Nowadays, linoleum is the most common type of flooring. In building supermarkets and markets, its choice is huge.

Consumers want to choose linoleum that would last longer, be safe for health and beautiful in appearance. And for this you need to know how to choose it correctly.

Types of linoleum depend on:

  • material from which it is made: natural, polyvinylchloride, rubber, nitrocellulose, alkyd.
  • Applications: household, commercial and semi-commercial.
  • the presence of a basis: based and baseless.
  • structures (number of layers): homogeneous and heterogeneous.

Main selection criteria

Which linoleum is better to choose for an apartment?


An unprepared buyer pays attention only to color and pattern. Those who have already encountered or studied the issue of choosing linoleum for an apartment know that you need to build on the type of room.

In different rooms - a different load on the floor covering. This means that linoleum in different rooms should differ in its quality characteristics.

Ecological purity, naturalness

More and more consumers prefer natural materials. And flooring is no exception.

The ideal solution would be to choose high-quality natural linoleum for an apartment, it is also called marmoleum.

It is made from natural ingredients: vegetable oil, resin, cork flour, limestone powder and burlap (jute fabric).

Dyes are also used natural.

It happens that for greater wear resistance such linoleum is coated with a polymer, but you can also find 100% natural coating. The composition most often includes linseed oil and it has bactericidal properties.

  • Good fire resistance.
  • Easy to dry clean.
  • Wet cleaning is allowed.
  • Does not accumulate static electricity.
  • The colors don't fade.

Such a coating will be ideal for the floor in the bedroom, nursery, living room.

Only a high price can scare the consumer, and also the fact that this material is quite fragile and only a professional can lay it.

Concentrated acids, alkalis, piercing and cutting objects and high humidity can spoil it.

Low price, water resistance, noise-absorbing ability, a variety of colors, ease of maintenance attracts synthetic linoleum. But, be careful: it may contain substances that are harmful to health.

Therefore, to protect yourself from a harmful purchase, ask the seller for certificates.

As a rule, household linoleum intended for living quarters is safe for people.

Thickness and Density

For many, the wear resistance of the coating is important: so that linoleum does not “squeeze through”, it is resistant to mechanical damage and the paint won't rub off.

It is not always better to choose linoleum for an apartment, focusing only on its thickness, thicker does not mean better. Looking for what.

If the safety of children is important, then a really thick foam cover with a polyester base is the best.

And for heels and furniture legs - not always, a semi-commercial option will be better, and in appearance it will be thinner than a household one.

Additional coverage

This is a protection against deep penetration of dirt, it is easier to care for such a coating. The protective layer, it is also called the worker, is on all types of linoleum. This upper layer coatings. It can be from 0.15 - 0.6 mm thick.

It is he who protects from abrasion. On, in the corridor and vestibule, a coating with a PVC base with a thickness of at least 3 mm is suitable, and the thickness of the working layer should be above 0.25 mm. Semi-commercial linoleum will also serve well here.

Basis of linoleum

Its sound and thermal insulation depend on the base. It can be made of expanded polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Such linoleum can be of different thicknesses. The foam base is moisture resistant, and the service life is 10 years.

Baseless linoleum is homogeneous PVC, its second name is homogeneous. This is a fairly thin linoleum (1.2-1.6 mm). The service life is 5-7 years, in order to extend it, linoleum needs to be treated with special protective equipment.

Linoleum on a heat and sound insulating base is also popular. TZI is a material made in accordance with all sanitary and hygienic standards, has good warmth and soundproofing. This explains its popularity. But he does not like moisture.

Double base - foam and polyester, gives linoleum more strength.

In addition to wear resistance, other characteristics make linoleum convenient and comfortable to use.

Important criteria when choosing are thermal insulation, sound absorption, moisture resistance. There may also be requirements that it be antibacterial (for a nursery) and antistatic (for example, for an office).

We determined the type of room where you need to lay linoleum, found out what the intensity of the load is there. Now you can look at the labeling of the product.

How to read the label correctly

It is generally accepted that according to the intensity of the load, all premises are divided into residential, industrial and office.

On the floor coverings on the packaging there are pictograms that indicate the room.

The house, which denotes living quarters (number 2), the image of a multi-storey building denotes an office building (number 3) and the image of the factory building (number 4) - production.

Inside each room there is a different intensity of impact on the floor covering.

On the same packages, it is indicated by pictograms - little men: one, two, three and four little men.

The more figures, the greater the intensity of the load can be. The coverage class can be shown by numbers, or by a combination of pictograms.

For example, a house and two men indicate that the coating is suitable for residential buildings with low load intensity.

  • Classes 21, 22, 23 are for residential premises.
  • From 31 to 34 - for office space.
  • From 41 to 44 - production.

Some manufacturers also provide additional markings:

Coating thickness, mm
Working layer thickness, mm
Single weight square meter, kg.
Resistant to moisture
Can be used for underfloor heating, max. 27°C
Resistant to furniture on roller legs
Resistant to furniture legs and heels
Resistant to color fading
Fire safety index (B2, RP1, D2, T2)
Abrasion, g/m³
Absolute residual deformation, mm.
Change in linear dimensions, %
Winding of a standard roller, lm
Width in the current collection, m.

How to choose a class of linoleum

What kind of linoleum to lay in an apartment in different rooms?

  • For a bedroom, an office, a dressing room - they have a low load intensity, 21 classes of coatings are used.
  • If 1-2 people live in the apartment, class 22 flooring can be laid in the living room.
  • With children it’s a little more difficult, you need to take into account the behavior of children: a child under one year old or a calm older child is enough to lay linoleum of class 22, but if the children are active, give preference to class 23.
  • In living rooms and bedrooms, you can lay a thinner coating (about 1.5 mm), with a working layer of 0.2 mm.
  • Class 23 coverage should also be laid in the corridor if the family is small. When the traffic is high, it is worth thinking about coatings of classes 31 and 32, these are laid, by the way, in small offices.

It is noticed that the more wear-resistant coating, the higher its cost. Overpaying is not always advisable.

It is better to choose a reasonably reasonable coverage option that matches the room so that it serves its intended purpose for a long time and does not overpay.

And the best part is the choice of design

Having decided on the class, you can approach the most pleasant and exciting - choosing the design of the future floor. It’s also hard not to get lost here, because the colors a large number of. There are rules:

  • color associations.

For most, beige is associated with warmth and comfort, orange, bright yellow, red - invigorate, blue - soothes, blue induces drowsiness, gray creates a working mood.

  • Remember cold and warm colors.

Design techniques are often based on the play of color. For example, if you need to visually enlarge the room, use a coating of cold light colors. And warm colors will visually reduce the room, make it cozy.

Warm colors will add warmth to the “Northern” room, and cold colors will refresh the bright, sunny room on a hot summer day. Bright colors invigorate, attract attention, they are ideal for accents, they are good for delimiting zones.

  • The use of geometric ornaments for flooring.

Need to expand narrow room- direct the lines across long walls or diagonally.

Small tiles will be appropriate only in a small room and visually enlarge it, and large squares are suitable for big room. Under design natural wood and stone give the room an "expensive" and "ecological" look.

The subtleties of the purchase

Of course, the sellers in the store will praise their product, but you must be vigilant. Having decided on the design, review the linoleum again before paying for the purchase.

In the store, the rolls should not lie on a horizontal surface, they either stand in rolls or are fixed horizontally.

Otherwise, they can be deformed and these irregularities will be difficult to smooth out. When choosing a material, pay attention to this.

Feel free to smell the linoleum. High-quality - both natural and synthetic, should be odorless, if it smells like frank chemistry - it's better to refuse to buy such a coating!

Ask for a hygiene certificate.

Bend the linoleum - if a white stripe forms on the fold, it may indicate that there is a lot of lime in the composition, so stains may appear on it over time.

Check the quality of the coating in expanded form, there should be no delaminations, tubercles, the pattern should be clear, the color is the same everywhere, there should be no greasy shine.

It is impossible to fold linoleum - the creases may not be smoothed out, and in general the material may break.

Do not use adhesive tape on the front surface, because it will be very difficult to wash off the trace from it, you can damage the coating.

The variety of colors and textures gives great freedom in the design of any interior. And correctly chosen and most best linoleum for an apartment will last a long time, delighting with its unchanged qualities.

Linoleum - the best solution for an apartment

Today, linoleum is a popular flooring used everywhere. It is used not only in public buildings, offices, but also in private apartments and houses. small price, good performance properties, as well as a variety of colors make it versatile, allowing you to fit into any home interior.

Even professionals find it difficult to decide on a variety of materials, not to mention ordinary people. To choose the right linoleum for an apartment, consider existing species, their characteristics and selection principle.

The complexity of the choice is obvious. Especially if the criteria for each person are different. In order not to regret the purchased floor covering, you need to focus on the following basic parameters when choosing:

  • purpose of the room;
  • special requirements for flooring, depending on living conditions;
  • apartment design.

In order to choose the right linoleum, you need to consider the above parameters. This will help you enjoy the beauty and quality of the selected linoleum for a long time.

Types of linoleum

Types - from synthetic materials to natural components

Before you make a choice, you need to study what materials are available. To date, the list of types of linoleum is diverse, ranging from synthetic materials to natural components. Having studied the types of linoleum, their positive and negative sides you can decide what to lay in the apartment.

natural linoleum

Brand Armstrong

This type is made from a mixture of wood flour, flax oil, limestone powder, various resins, cork flour and natural dyes, which is applied to a base of jute woven material. It is used in rooms where there are people with asthmatic and allergic problems, as well as children.


  • natural;
  • abrasion resistance;
  • does not fade in the sun;
  • type of design;
  • has bactericidal properties.


  • expensive;
  • fragile;
  • afraid of moisture.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

PVC type

Among synthetic materials, it is popular with a different base (baseless, foam-based or woven-based).

When laying in an apartment, preference is given to felt-based PVC material. Thanks to its thick layer, it does not need an underlay and does not require gluing to the floor.

The main disadvantage of such a coating is that it shrinks over time, as well as the presence of a specific smell. There is an opinion that synthetic material is able to release harmful substances— the production technology allows making them harmless, which is confirmed by quality certificates.

Glyptal linoleum

glyptal type

This coating is obtained by fixing alkyd resin on the fabric. The material has good sound and heat insulating properties. But the inherent fragility of the composition complicates the laying process due to the likelihood of chips and cracks. It is recommended to keep the material warm before laying to avoid deformation.


colloxin type

This type of coating is made from nitrocellulose. Linoleum of this type does not have a base: it is not afraid of moisture, it is not combustible, it has a decorative sheen. But, its negative sides are: reaction to temperature changes and the ability to shrink.

Linoleum relin

rubber type

It is a two-layer composition, which has a lower layer - a bitumen-rubber mixture, and an upper layer - a mixture of rubber, paint and filler.

The cover is flexible and moisture resistant. But the presence of toxic, volatile components does not make it possible to lay it in apartments and where people live.

Wear classes

Wear classes - commercial, semi-commercial and household

When determining which linoleum to choose for an apartment, you need to take into account the wear resistance of the material and the type of room. Depending on the speed of erasing and the size of the layer of protection applied, all linoleums are divided into three classes.


It is characterized by a high degree of wear resistance. Such a coating may be single-layer or multi-layer. Strength achieved different ways: due to compaction of the material or by adding special stabilizing agents. It is used in offices, schools, hospitals.


This class is more durable than household. It also has a variety of colors and patterns. It can be laid in the kitchen, in the hallway, living room. Responds well to moving furniture, moderate load.


Such linoleum poorly resists abrasion, but it has a large selection of colors and designs. It is usually used in rooms where there is low traffic (bedroom). low price does not affect the material, it looks high quality and expensive. In places of an apartment with high traffic, it is not recommended to lay it.

Abrasion groups

Selection by abrasion group

Linoleum is also selected according to the abrasion group. What is this parameter and what is it for?

This construction parameter indicates the rate of wear of the coating. According to European standards, it is defined as follows: a piece of material is brought to a rotating abrasive. It must withstand 25 thousand rotations. After the experiment, the layer thickness is measured and the group is determined. There are several groups:

  • T - the coating does not have inclusions, and decreases by 0.08 mm (high wear);
  • P - the layer decreases in thickness by 0.8-0.15 mm (medium wear);
  • M - the material is reduced in thickness by 0.15-0.3 mm (low wear);
  • F - the layer decreases in thickness by 0.3-0.6 mm (weak material).

Inclusions that may be in the material consist of a mixture of quartz sand and chalk. This mixture reduces the wear resistance of the material. The clean material resists abrasion well and has a high wear resistance group.

Which linoleum to choose for an apartment

When determining which linoleum to choose, you should understand the markings that are applied to the material. It indicates the coverage class and consists of two digits. The first classifies the type of room, and the second classifies the expected traffic. For the living room and bedroom, choose class 21, for the corridor and kitchen, give preference to marking 23-24.

Living room

Dark colors in the living room

In this room, the throughput load is average. Therefore, linoleum here can be laid with a thickness of 1.5 mm. Give preference to household PVC linoleum with a low price.


The bedroom can use household polyester or PVC

Determining the patency in the room will help determine which linoleum to choose in the bedroom. The load on the floor here is small, so for flooring you can use household polyester or PVC foam-based linoleum with a thickness of 1.2 mm or more.


In the kitchen we use a durable semi-commercial wear resistance class

This area has high traffic high humidity, the presence of dirt and exposure to cleaning solutions. Therefore, for the kitchen, it is recommended to choose a durable semi-commercial material with a thickness of at least 3 mm. Described in detail so that it lasts longer. For this room, a design in the form of ceramic tiles is preferable.

Children's room

Only in the children's room natural material

The materials in this room are subject to increased requirements. Here you can use only natural material. Of course, the service life will be lower, but the health of the child in this case is more important.


Balcony - moisture-resistant and frost-resistant materials

Temperature fluctuations, exposure to sunlight, possible humidity - all these negative factors test the flooring on the balcony for strength. Usually, moisture-resistant and frost-resistant materials that have an anti-slip coating are chosen for this room. The material is selected as for office premises with a heavy load.


In the corridor - PVC

To choose linoleum in the hallway or corridor, you need to understand that this is a room with high traffic and pollution. PVC linoleum (household or semi-commercial), 3 mm thick, which is recommended to be placed in the corridor, can withstand such loads.

Choosing a good floor covering from the variety presented is not an easy task. In order not to be disappointed and get quality linoleum for an apartment, trust your intuition and follow the basic tips when choosing:

  • the absence of a pungent odor indicates the absence of harmful substances;
  • a distinct pattern on the coating without a greasy sheen;
  • the material must have certificates of quality and safe composition;
  • the presence of a protective layer will help to preserve the material in its original form for a long time;
  • material should be bought with a margin for fitting (pattern, ledges, niches, thresholds);
  • check the top layer of linoleum for defects and flaws.

Considering all the nuances, it will not be difficult to choose a floor covering, and the purchase will not bring unpleasant impressions during operation.

Which linoleum to choose for the hall

Hall - PVC coating on a jute or felt basis

For the hall it is better to choose a universal moisture-resistant flooring. It is resistant to sunlight, repels dirt. Affordable price and ease of installation make the coating an ideal option.

Choose for the hall PVC coating on a jute or felt basis. This material is elastic, soft and warm, allowing you to walk on it barefoot without discomfort. The drawing is applied over the entire thickness of the linoleum for the apartment, so its erasure will not be noticeable. Such linoleum is easy to clean, does not attract dust and debris.

Cleans with common detergents.

Which company's linoleum is better to choose for an apartment

Coverage by different companies

On the market, the coating is presented in a wide variety, both domestic and foreign manufacturers. How to choose the right linoleum for the home, which manufacturer to prefer? We can say with confidence that the material of our production is not inferior in terms of characteristics to European ones. The Tarkett company has proven itself well. Among foreign manufacturers, give preference to such firms as

  • Gerflor;
  • Juteks;
  • Forbo;
  • Grabo.

Tarkett is the world's leading manufacturer of floor coverings. PVC linoleum of this company is available in a different price range and is durable and wear resistant.

The French company Gerflor produces products of excellent quality, taking into account decorative and technical characteristics. These coatings are easy to lay even without the help of professionals. They are easy to maintain, have good sound and heat insulation properties.