Types of metal tiles, we understand the types of metal tiles, their disadvantages and advantages. What types of metal roof tiles exist

  • 14.06.2019

Among all roofing materials the metal tile occupies one of the first places in its popularity. And this is no accident. Sufficient strength, resistance to atmospheric phenomena, a wide choice of colors, ease of installation, low weight and significant service life - all this makes metal tiles very attractive when choosing a material for roofing in individual construction.

The metal tile will be an excellent choice for the device of a roof of cottages, baths and any other constructions on a country site.

Let's look at the main types of metal tiles, find out its characteristics and physical properties, as well as the materials from which it is made.

What is a metal tile?

A metal tile is a modern roofing material consisting of a metal base of a certain profile with layers of protective coatings made of polymeric materials applied to it.

As a metal base, galvanized iron, sheet aluminum, copper are most often used.

In appearance, the metal tile resembles a traditional clay tile, which gives the structure a neat appearance, which is much more attractive than a roofing felt or slate coating.

Due to its structure, the metal tile has a very long service life, reaching up to 50 years without replacement. At the same time, it should be remembered that in many respects its service life depends on the degree of environmental influence and the type of protective polymer coatings.

With a lathing step of 30-50 cm, tiles with a thickness of 0.45-0.5 mm are able to withstand the weight of a person and a significant snow load (up to 250 kg / sq.m).

Base material

As mentioned above, the basis of the metal tile is a metal sheet. Today, several main types of metal tiles are produced - this is a metal tile based on galvanized iron with a thickness of 0.4-05 mm, aluminum or non-ferrous metal alloys.

Most often, metal tiles based on galvanized iron are used in construction due to their lower cost. Products based on aluminum, copper or non-ferrous metal alloys, although they last much longer, have a much higher price.

Protective coatings of metal tiles

To increase durability, the base metal sheets are coated with special protective coatings.

Most budget option is the cover of standard polyester 25 microns thick. Despite the low price and a large selection of colors, this coating is the least resistant to fading and various damage. But the low cost makes it quite a popular choice.

The thicker coating is made from matte polyester. A metal tile with such a protective coating is most similar to ordinary ceramic tiles. Its service life is longer due to the greater coating thickness (35 microns).

Pural- This is a type of coating based on polyurethane. His distinctive feature is a very high resistance to solar radiation, allowing for many years to maintain the original color, effectively resist fading. The thickness of the pural coating is twice the thickness of the standard polyester coating, but metal tiles with such a coating are also more expensive.

PVDF- a modern coating based on polyvinyl fluoride. Despite the small thickness, today it is one of the most stable coatings. A metal tile coated with polyvinyl fluoride will last a very long time, but it will not be cheap either.

There is another type of coverage - this is plastisol, having a large thickness (200-250 microns) and excellent resistance to mechanical damage.

The main characteristics of metal tile coatings are presented in the table below:

Coating name

Coating thickness

Mechanical stability

Color fastness

The price of a metal tile

Polyester (PE, polyester)

Matte polyester (PEMA, Matt PE)

From $10/sq.m

P50 (PUR/Prelaq Nova, SSAB)

From $10/sq.m

Plastisol (P200, PVC, HPS-200)


From $10-12/sq.m


From $15/sq.m

Profile of a metal tile

All types of metal tiles differ not only in the base material and protective coating, but also in the shape and height of the profile. Its rigidity directly depends on the profile, which is important when constructing a roof in areas with high snow cover. The higher the profile, the stronger the roof will be.

The most common profile is 40-45 mm high. The most common profile shape is the S-profile. The popular species "Andalusia" and "Monterrey" have this form.

Also quite popular are such profiles as Modern, Cascade, Joker, Banga, Shanghai. All of them differ from each other in height and pitch, on which the appearance of the roof depends.

What each of these types of metal tiles looks like is shown in the figures below:

Metal tile size

The metal tile is produced with a width of 1100-1200 mm (depending on the manufacturer). The length of the sheet in this case can be from 800 mm to 8 m, depending on the requirements of the customer. Today, many manufacturers offer sheet cutting in accordance with the required dimensions.

The thickness of the metal tile sheet is from 0.45 to 0.5 mm. Weight, depending on the base material and the type of protective coating, ranges from 4 to 7 kg per square meter.

What is the best metal tile?

When choosing a metal tile, you should pay attention to its appearance, metal thickness and type of polymer coating.

The color of the metal tile should be selected in accordance with the general colors building site and neighboring buildings. Most often, colors close to the color of ceramic tiles, dark brown, are chosen; colors of greenish hues to match the surrounding greenery of trees are also in demand. Otherwise, the roof will literally "an eyesore", standing out too much from the surrounding colors.

If you live in an area where a lot of snow falls in winter, then for greater strength of the roof, you should choose a metal tile made on the basis of sheet metal not less than 0.5 mm thick.

Depending on the intensity of atmospheric influences, the type of polymer coating should be chosen. If your site is located in the middle lane, where in summer there is no sizzling heat of the sun, and winter is not characterized by bitter frosts, then you can choose a standard polyester, which will significantly save on the purchase of metal tiles.

If you live in an area with a significant temperature difference, or on the coast, where the air is saturated with sea water vapor containing substances aggressive to building materials, then the degree of protection is needed higher. In this case, it is worth looking at a metal tile coated with plastoizol, pural or polyvinyl fluoride.

When buying a metal tile, do not hesitate to ask for a quality certificate. This will help to protect yourself from buying products of unknown firms of dubious quality.

Now you know enough to navigate in the building materials store when buying metal tiles.

In the next publication, we will learn about corrugated board (profiled sheet) - we will consider the types of corrugated board, find out its main characteristics, figure out what its marking means and get acquainted with the most popular brands of wall and roofing profiled sheets produced by the industry.

The metal tile is in great demand because it is lightweight, easy to install, very attractive in appearance, durable enough and inexpensive. Moreover, there is a wide variety of colors, profile shapes and coatings of this roofing material. In our article, we will describe all types of metal tiles, their characteristics and features of use, so that it is easier for you to choose the right coating.

A metal tile is a roofing covering, which consists of a metal base having a certain profile, and a protective layer of polymeric material. The appearance of metal tiles is very similar to natural ceramic tiles. Thanks to this, the building with such a roof looks presentable and stylish.

Due to the peculiarities of the structure, a roof made of metal tiles can last up to half a century. However, the durability of the coating is affected by the type of polymeric protective layer and the aggressiveness of weather influences.

Important! Roofs made of metal tiles can be made at a slope angle of at least 14 degrees.

As a basis for laying this material on the roof, a sparse crate is used with a board or beam pitch of 0.3-0.5 m. snow cover of 250 kg per square meter, as well as the weight of a person.

Worth knowing: the main advantage of a metal tile over its ceramic counterpart is its lightness. So, ceramic products weigh about 40 kg/m², and metal material - approximately 5 kg/m².

Composition and dimensions

There are the following types of metal tiles for the roof, depending on the base material:

  1. Galvanized steel sheet is most often used as the basis for the manufacture of this material. The thickness of such a coating can reach up to 0.055-0.06 cm. Thanks to the zinc coating, the base metal is reliably protected from corrosion. In addition, the product has several additional layers that give it increased rigidity. Used as a protective layer polymer material. For manufacturing, steel with protection from aluzinc or zinc can be used. The first type of protective coating is more durable, but the cost of such a sheet is higher.
  2. An aluminum sheet can be used as the basis of a metal tile for a roof. Its advantage is high resistance to corrosion, so there is no need for additional protection. However, to increase the durability of the product and its strength, an additional layer is still applied. The main advantage of aluminum tiles is their lightness. Among the shortcomings can be called a small selection of shades and a significant cost in comparison with counterparts from other materials.
  3. Another type of metal tile is made on the basis of a copper sheet. It begins to look especially elegant and noble over time, when a greenish patina forms on the surface. Such a coating is usually used for architectural monuments and other outstanding objects. Since the patina reliably protects the product from all weather influences, no protective coatings are used. The price of such a metal tile is very high, so it is used quite rarely.

If you list the types of metal tiles, it is worth mentioning that it may differ in size. So different manufacturers produce products of different widths from 110 cm to 120 cm. The length of the sheet may also differ, which ranges from 80 cm to 8 meters. Sheets are usually made standard sizes, but at the request of the customer there may be exceptions to the rules.

Attention! When covering the roof with metal tiles, the weight of the material must be taken into account. The mass of the sheet depends on the type of coating used and the base material and can be in the range of 4-7 kg per square meter.

Varieties by profile type

Exists different types metal tile profile. Also, products may vary in the depth of the flooring. Many of us have an idea of ​​what Monterrey or Cascade tiles look like, but lately there have been many new high-quality products with interesting design. Let's take a closer look at the most popular of them.


Monterrey metal tile profiles have been known to us since the late 90s of the last century. This material began to be made in Russia from galvanized steel and relief, like ceramic tiles. But the ancestor of this material was the Finns. The appearance of Monterrey is quite recognizable by the rounded profiles and the design in the form of asymmetrical and symmetrical steps. If you read the description of this variety, you can understand that when you buy you get high-quality and inexpensive material. Its advantages include the following:

  • Roofing from Monterrey is able to withstand any weather disasters. Rain, hail, snow, heat or extreme cold cannot affect the quality and durability of this material.
  • The installation process is usually fairly quick.
  • The material can last more than half a century without replacement.
  • Since the production does not use toxic and harmful materials, the product is considered environmentally friendly.
  • Affordable price is another plus in his favor.
  • A large selection of colors allows you to choose a coating for any style of construction.

Worth knowing: the profile dimensions of this type of tile with a sheet width of 118 cm are as follows: the wave height is 39 mm, and the pitch is 35 mm.


Due to the special rectangular shape of the wave, Cascade tiles are very recognizable. It looks like a chocolate bar. The choice in favor of this type of coating is made by those who prefer savings, since the width of one sheet is significant. Cascade is a metal tile, the properties of which make it possible to cover roofs of complex configuration.

As a result, you will get a neat, strict and proportional roof in classical style. The product parameters are as follows: with a sheet width of 100-150 cm, the wave height is 2.5 cm, and the steel thickness is 1 mm. Among the advantages it is worth mentioning:

  • high protection against moisture due to the double capillary groove;
  • a large selection of colors;
  • high accuracy of joining sheets.


The characteristics of Andalusia metal tiles are quite high, since they are manufactured using modern European equipment. Products with this name can be attached in a hidden way, which significantly improves the aesthetics of the coating. Moreover, thanks to a special lock, the sheets are joined as tightly as possible, which ensures reliable protection roofs from leaking. Advantages:

  • The main advantage that this metal tile has is the installation characteristic. Convenience and freedom of action for roofers is ensured by horizontal installation.
  • The coating accurately imitates Romanesque roofs.
  • Product weight - 5.15 kg per sq.m.
  • Figured cornice overhang for two-step models.
  • Invisible connection.
  • Sealed seal.


The classic forms of metal tiles, rounded sole and ridge part - these are the main features of products with the name Joker. Those who appreciate the classic types of tiles will definitely like this product with the correct wave and classic geometry.


If you are interested in the original metal tile, the views that appeared not so long ago surprise with a bizarre profile geometry, unusual design and increased wave height. The special profile configuration and significant wave height provide a three-dimensional effect of the coating pattern.

Products of this brand are distinguished by a reduced sheet width, which in no way affects its aesthetic characteristics. Due to the improved technical characteristics and appearance features, such sheets are best used for cladding. high roofs big houses.


This variety is made in China and has a tall, complex, symmetrical profile. It's pretty original and fresh solution in the field of metal profiles. These types of tiles are better to cover houses in a modern style.

Varieties by type of surface coating

Metal tile coatings are needed not only to give the material a certain color, but also to protect it from moisture and other weather influences. The protective polymer film on the surface of the product significantly extends its service life. For this, different polymers are used that protect against temperature extremes, burnout, moisture and increase the strength of the material.

So, today the following types of coatings of metal tiles are used:

  1. Glossy polyester has high flexibility and frost resistance, therefore it is suitable for use in any climate zone. In addition, he is not afraid of organic solvents and mold. Polyester cover provides a wide range of colors. The disadvantages include its low strength.
  2. Matte polyester allows you to get a coating without shine and glare. Thanks to Teflon in its composition, the strength and durability of the coating increase.
  3. Pural is a polyurethane-based coating with a rough texture. It protects the product from solar radiation, temperature changes, increases the life of the roof and makes it resistant to damage. The price of products with such a coating is slightly higher.
  4. The thickest coating is plastisol, which has an embossed surface. The metal base of the sheet is reliably protected from any damage and negative weather influences. Plastisol is a strong, durable, self-healing coating. However, under the scorching sun, it can burn out, and the porous surface quickly absorbs dust and dirt, so it needs periodic cleaning.

As you can see, from the extensive range of metal tiles, each developer can choose a product that suits its technical and aesthetic characteristics. Equally important is the wide price range.

What is a metal tile? This is a sheet roofing material made of galvanized steel, which accurately imitates ordinary tiles. A metal-tiled roof looks elegant and imposing, while installation is carried out with minimal effort and financial costs. Due to these features, the material is very popular in Europe, Russia and the CIS countries.

but the lineup metal tiles are quite diverse, so it can be difficult to choose the optimal type of roofing. Consider the main characteristics and requirements for this material in order to know how to choose it correctly.

What's inside? The composition and structure of the roofing sheet

The metal tile has a multilayer structure. As a basis, a sheet of metal made using cold-rolled technology is usually taken. Then the finished profile is subjected step processing. In particular:

    A layer of phosphate is applied to prevent corrosion.

    Priming is carried out in order to increase the adhesion of the metal with the finish coating.

    A polymer coating is applied to the front surface, of various colors.

    The back side of the sheet is treated with a protective varnish.

As a result, metal tiles have the same composition, regardless of the manufacturer, however, roofing characteristics and quality may vary.

About composite tiles, a close relative of the subject of our conversation

What is a metal tile. Available types of roofing material

Profile views

All metal tiles available on the market differ in the type of profile that gives the roof a unique pattern. The following options are in high demand on the Russian construction market:


This is a rigid profile that accurately imitates ceramic tiles. Profiles of this type are characterized by a length 1 100 mm, 6 waves step by step 350 millimeters. The height of the profiling can increase or decrease, affecting the rigidity of the structure. The use of such metal tiles gives the building a classic look of modern architecture.


It is characterized by strict geometry and rectangular shapes. If you order a metal tile of this profile in brown, the roof will resemble a chocolate bar. The width of these sheets is 1 120 millimeters, structure - 5 waves on 224 mm, step height: 22.5mm. The advantages of the profile are the minimum number of joints, which saves material. Due to its strict forms, the profile is suitable for residential and commercial buildings.


The profile of the metal tile resembles the popular "Monterrey", with a more "lush" geometry. With standard sheet sizes, the wave height is 49 mm, respectively, in conditions of low-rise construction, a roof made of such a profile will look more attractive.


A rather original profile, where the wave-like structure alternates with a flat base. Such a metal tile organically fits into any architectural style, therefore it is often used for the reconstruction of buildings.

In addition to the usual varieties of metal tiles, new models with original patterns appear on the market. For example: "Bongo", "Andalusia", "Shanghai". Sheets attract attention with a relief pattern (wave height up to 66 mm) and Z-shaped locking connections, which ensures installation without the use of external fasteners.

Types of metal profiles from Finnish colleagues

Materials of the basis of a metal tile sheet

Types of metal tiles on the market usually differ in the type of profile. However, this is not the only distinguishing feature. For manufacturing, a different base is used, which largely determines the characteristics of the roof. For instance:

    Steel. This is the most common type of metal tile in the domestic market. The base material is usually coated with a layer of zinc to increase the roof's durability and resistance to corrosion.

    Aluminum. This profile is less common, but has a number of undeniable advantages. In particular, aluminum is neutral to any external influences, so it does not need additional processing. In addition, the material is quite light, which reduces the load on the foundation and supporting structures; installation does not require a strong crate. The disadvantages of aluminum metal tiles include a very meager palette of colors and high cost.

    Copper. This is an initially expensive material that is rarely used in private construction. Copper metal tile looks impressive and pretentious, especially when covered with a greenish coating. The material does not require additional protection against corrosion, however, it is mainly used for the reconstruction of architectural and antiquity monuments.

It is worth noting that the most common and practical is the metal tile made of galvanized steel, which we will consider in the future.

Pros and cons to keep in mind

Like any construction material, the metal tile has its advantages and disadvantages. TO strengths roofing can include the following points:

    Durability. Without losing its properties and technical characteristics, a metal tile roof can last more than 50 years.

    Resistant to temperature extremes. The range of application varies within -50/+70 degrees, which provides the possibility of application in any region of the country.

    Diversity. Despite the identical manufacturing technology, the material boasts different shapes and colors.

    High strength. The width of the sheet allows you to minimize the number of butt joints. In addition, the sheets are usually overlapped, which significantly increases the tightness of the roof.

    Ease of installation. Metal tiles can be laid on the old roof, which significantly increases the speed of work. For example, a team of specialists can mount about 100 m2.

to essential shortcomings the following applies:

    Restriction to the angles of the roof. In order for the metal tile to fully cope with its tasks, the slope angle must exceed 14 degrees.

    Not suitable for roofs with complex geometries. During installation, you will have to adjust the wave and pattern, which increases the amount of production waste - up to 30% from the total.

    Relief structure. The wave-like structure of the sheet can prevent the natural rolling of snow from the roof.

    Low soundproofing. To solve the problem, an additional layer of insulation has to be laid.


It should be noted that the metal tile is manufactured in accordance with the current GOST standards. This roofing material is characterized by the following technical parameters:

    Tensile strength - 300-490 MPa.

  • .

  • Lifetime - 20-50 years old, depending on the thickness and type of polymer coating.

    Frost resistance - average indicators: 200 cycles freezing.

    Fire safety - steel does not burn, the melting point is 1500 degrees.

    Environmental safety - the profile material and the polymer coating are non-toxic, therefore they do not pose a threat to health and life.

It is worth noting that the metal tile tends to accumulate static electricity, therefore, for such a roof, the installation of a lightning rod is a prerequisite.

Table of characteristics depending on the type of coating

Roof sheet dimensions

In the manufacture of metal tiles, manufacturers try to adhere to standard sizes. It looks like this:

    Width: 1 160-1 180 mm.

    Length: 0.5-9 m.

    Thickness: 0.4-0.6mm.

    Wave pitch: 350 mm.

Profile height varies within 39-46 mm, depending on the manufacturer. It should be clarified that the width of the sheet is divided into actual and useful, both parameters are indicated on the packaging. Considering that the sheets are overlapped, the useful width is usually 1 100 mm.

Table with the main dimensions of some manufacturers

Company manufacturer Profile name Full sheet width, mm Useful sheet width, mm Roll height, mm Profile height, mm Wave pitch, mm Wave width, mm
Poimukate(Finland) Tiilipoimu (TP) 1180 1100 18 44 350 183,3
Kruunukate (KR) 1120 1040 22 64 400 206
Pelty ja Rauta(Finland) PELTITIILI 1190 1100 25 38 350 183,3
Mera System(Sweden) ANNA 1140 1050 15 30 350 175
EVA 1160 1100 15 25 350 183,3
BEAVER 1226 1140 15 20 145 145
RoofLine(Russia) Roof line 1190 1120 20 22 350 183,5
Grand Line(Russia) Monterrey 1190 1100 18 23 350 183,5
Country 1188 1120 20 27 350 183,5
Metal Profile(Russia) Monterrey 1180 1100 14 25 350 183,5
supermonterrey 1180 1100 21 46 350 183,5
Maxi 1180 1100 21 46 400 183,5
Cascade 1115 1050 22,5 25 350 224
MaxiCascade 1175 1120 22,5 25 400 224
Blachy Pruszynski(Poland) SZAFIR 350/15 1180 1100 15 40 350 184
SZAFIR 400/20 1180 1100 20 45 400 184
KRON 350/15 1180 1100 15 45 350 275
KRON 350/20 1180 1100 20 30 350 275
KRON 400/20 1180 1100 20 30 400 275
Blachotrapez(Poland) TAKOTTA 1190 1100 25 38 350 183,3
TAKOTTA S 1150 1100 24 40 350 183,3
Blachotrapez(Poland) Diament ECO 1200 1120 21 36 350-450 -
Diament Plus 1150 1045 20 54 350 -
Joker 1210 1150 21 40 400 -
Kingas 1195 1100 20 43 350-400 -
Kingas ECO Plus 1195 1120 21 42 400 -

Weight of metal tiles per 1m 2

This parameter is usually indicated on the packaging and directly depends on the thickness and size of the sheet. Depending on the material used, the weight values ​​may vary. For instance:

    Galvanized steel - 3.8 kg.

    Aluminum - 1.34-1.36 kg.

    Copper - 4.45 kg.

The data is valid for standard sizes with sheet thickness 0.5mm. Weight is based on 1 m2. It is worth clarifying that the height of the profile and the thickness of the polymer coating can affect the mass of a metal tile sheet.

What's better? Brief comparative analysis

There are several types of roofing materials on the construction market, so buyers are often worried about the question: “Which type should I prefer?”. Consider a comparison of metal tiles with the most competitive types of roofing.

Metal tile or Decking

These are very similar materials made of galvanized steel with a polymer coating, but differ in technical characteristics. In particular:

    Thickness. Decking looks more solid: 1.2 mm against 0.6 at a metal tile at the maximum values.

    Weight. The thickness of the material increases its mass; accordingly, a stronger base is required for the installation of corrugated board.

    Appearance. The metal tile looks more textured, so the roof of this material looks much more interesting.

In terms of sound insulation and durability, both materials are identical, but corrugated board wins in terms of price. Therefore, if reliability and simplicity are important, it is undoubtedly better to use corrugated board, beautiful decoration roofing and exquisite design- Definitely metal.

Metal tile or Ondulin

Ondulin is soft roof, which is manufactured using a single technology and has standard sizes, regardless of the manufacturer.

Ondulin is much lighter than metal tiles, which simplifies the installation process. However, the metal tile looks stronger, does not burn, but loses in terms of sound insulation. It is worth noting that ondulin is more expensive and cannot boast of a diverse color palette. Therefore, when choosing roofing material for a private house, preference should be given to metal tiles, if we are talking about a small building (bath, garage, veranda), it is better to use ondulin.

Metal tile or Slate

This is where the first option wins. The metal tile does not require a strong crate, is resistant to direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and is not afraid of moisture. However, slate has better sound insulation and attracts buyers with an affordable price.

How to calculate the amount of material per roof

Calculations can be made independently, without resorting to complex mathematical formulas. To do this, you need to calculate the length of the ridge and roof slopes. Consider the calculation of the roof for a typical house with a gable roof, where the length of the ridge is 9.5 m, rays - 6 m. The following formula applies here:

    We divide the length of the ridge by the useful width of the sheet ( 1.1 m). The result is 8.6 sheets. The resulting value is rounded up to an integer and we get 9 sheets.

    The length of the slope is calculated by the wave step. Regardless of the manufacturer, this value is always 350 mm. As a result, to cover one side, it will take 17.14 waves.

Standard sheets are characterized by a structure in 10, 6, 3 and 1 wave. Therefore, the amount of material is determined from the calculation of these features.

Colors available to the consumer

The available color range depends on the specific manufacturer and, as a rule, the choice is in the range: from 5-10 options to 50 various colors and their shades. For the manager to understand you correctly, remember the code desired color according to the RAL table.

Popular options according to RAL scale

At the end of the article there are photos of what the material looks like directly on the roof.

Additional elements for a pitched roof

To increase the tightness and reliability of the roof, additional elements will be required. For metal tiles, the following products are used:

    Flash strips.

    Roof eaves.

    Decoration for the ridge part of the roof.

    Elements for internal corners.

    Wind bars.

    Adjoining planks.

    Passage nodes.

In addition, elements can be installed to increase the safety of the roof: fences, stairs, walkways. Next, on convenient diagrams, we will consider the main stages of work.

His Majesty installation. Meet!

Prior to the installation of a roof made of metal tiles, it is necessary to perform a device truss system and crates. For rafters, it is enough to use an edged board with a section 150x50 mm treated with an antiseptic.

First, you should perform work on the installation of all pipes and ventilation ducts, only then proceed to the installation of the roof.

The step of the rafters for a roof made of metal is taken in 600-900 mm, usually when the device wooden beams overlap, it is equal to the step of these beams.

Crate. Preparing a wooden base for roofing

The crate can be made both solid and sparse. Solid arranged from edged boards, plywood, chipboard sheets. The distance (step) of the crate is set based on the step of the transverse wave.

When constructing a crate from unedged board it is required to carefully get rid of the bark even before antiseptic treatment.

A vapor barrier material is preliminarily mounted along the rafters to prevent condensate from getting on the surface of the attic space insulation or on the roof insulation (unless, of course, a warm roof is used).

Metal tile, despite the standard technology of its manufacture, is divided into several categories. Main specifications and the parameters that distinguish different types of metal tiles are given below. These include:

  • Wave geometry and stride width.
  • The thickness of the metal sheet used as a blank.
  • Protective covering.
Depending on the above parameters, the price of a particular type of this roofing material largely depends.

Such an indicator as wave geometry primarily affects the appearance and styling of the roof of the building. Among the most popular and sought-after types, there are several coatings:

  • Metal tile "Monterrey" - a classic type of roof with a rounded and smooth wave.
  • Metal tile "Cascade" - a type of metal tile, more similar to corrugated board, having straight shapes.
  • Metal tile "Andalusia" - the very name of this type hints at the similarity of coatings with roofs made of natural tiles, which are common on the Mediterranean coast of Spain.
  • "Spanish Dune".
  • "Diamond".
  • "Pamir".

All these types differ in texture and external geometry of the sheets. The most popular and ubiquitous is the Monterrey metal tile. This type of coating was one of the first to appear on the roofing market, which, along with a relatively uncomplicated manufacturing process, was the reason for its popularity.

Thickness of the metal workpiece

One of the important indicators of the quality and reliability of any type of tile is the thickness of the metal sheet, which serves as a base or blank for the finished roofing material. Today, in the production of metal tiles, galvanized steel sheets are used, the thickness of which can vary from 0.35 mm to 0.5 mm. Of course, the thickness of the metal sheet affects the final cost. finished products. The metal tile, which has a large thickness, is much more reliable and durable than thin roofing material. Moving along it during roofing work, there is a lower risk of metal deformation under the weight of a person. However, this does not mean that you should ignore the basic rules of movement on metal tiles.
When choosing a metal tile, depending on the thickness of the metal used, you should pay attention to its protective treatment. Modern technologies production of this roofing material may include the following options protective treatment metal, namely:
  • Surface coating with zinc.
  • Zinc coated.
  • Aluminium-silicon coating.
  • Use of an iron-zinc layer.
Manufacturers divide their products into classes depending on the level of corrosion resistance. The range of indicators of the specific gravity of zinc per 1 sq. m. is from 95 to 270 grams.

Protective covering

Another criterion by which types of metal tiles are distinguished is the type of protective coating. To date, the following are considered popular:
  • glossy polyester;
  • matte polyester;
  • plastisol;
  • polyurethane (pural);
  • matte polyurethane (pural mat);
  • polydifluorite PVDF (PVF2).
All of them have an attractive look, a wide range of colors and even different textures.
The service life, strength, resistance to atmospheric precipitation, the level of sound insulation depend on the quality and type of protective coating.


One of the cheapest and therefore popular types of protective coatings. It is not afraid of serious fluctuations in temperature, exposure to sunlight and precipitation. Polyester is elastic, pliable and adheres well to the surface of the various materials, not affected by fungus, mold solvents based on organic compounds. However, despite all the advantages and advantages listed above, polyester is vulnerable to even the most minor mechanical damage. A hacksaw or other lighter tool that has fallen during installation can damage the protective layer. Over time, a corrosion trace may form at this place and after a certain period of time the metal will be exposed to an already obvious threat of corrosion. The average thickness of polyester used by manufacturers to treat the surface of a metal sheet ranges from 25 microns for a glossy look to 35 microns for a matte look.


Relatively recently, roofs covered with metal tiles with a distinct texture texture that have become popular are nothing more than coatings with a plastisol protective layer. The basis of this substance is polyvinyl chloride, which provides high level resistance to mechanical damage. The thickness of such PVC protection can be up to 200 microns. It's pretty high rate degree of protection of the metal base. However, the main disadvantage of plastisol should also be noted. This is a vulnerability to ultraviolet radiation. Compared to polyester, this material is at serious risk of prolonged direct exposure to sunlight. After a certain time, swelling on the surface of the coatings, discoloration of individual sections of the roof, etc. are possible.

Polydifluorite PVDF (PVF2)

The most expensive coating is considered to be polydifluorite PVDF (PVF2). It has excellent elastic qualities, therefore it perfectly tolerates high temperatures without much harm. The layer thickness is typically 27 µm.
The use of metal tiles coated with polydifluorite is not recommended in regions with poor environmental conditions and coastal zones, since this protective material is less resistant to aggressive environment and maritime climate.

Pural (polyurethane)

Pural is the best option for the protective coating of metal tiles. This is due to the presence of polyurethane in its composition.
And if in terms of strength, pural loses in some respects to plastisol only due to its smaller thickness, then in terms of other indicators it has an indisputable advantage. The thickness of the protective layer of this type of tile is from 40 to 50 microns. Pural has high resistance to corrosion, high temperatures. UV radiation and mechanical damage. The average stated period by manufacturers of such products is about 30 to 50 years.
Different types of metal tiles differ in their characteristics, therefore, when choosing one or another type, one should take into account many external factors that can affect the surface of the roofing material during operation. Watch the video

Metal roofing is a popular roofing material made from galvanized steel. It has an aesthetic appearance that imitates the relief of classic ceramic tiles, but it weighs much lighter, withstands high mechanical loads, and is also highly resistant to atmospheric moisture. Thanks to these qualities of this practical coating, it is widely used in private housing construction. Therefore, many developers are concerned about the question of how to choose a metal tile so that the roof lasts longer. In this article we will talk about the quality requirements for this roofing material and the criteria that must be considered when choosing it.

Various types of metal tiles are actively used for roofing of private houses, country cottages and low-rise townhouses. Affordable price, durability and excellent technical characteristics distinguish this material from outdated analogues (slate, roofing material, ceramic tiles). The metal tile is made of galvanized steel by cold rolling and, as a rule, has a multi-layered structure, having the following structure:

  • Base made of high quality steel. Blanks for the manufacture of this material have a thickness of 0.45-0.9 mm, and the thickness of the finished material depends on the size of the sheet. An indicator of 0.5-0.6 mm is considered optimal, which provides the roofing with sufficient mechanical strength and load-bearing capacity.
  • Zinc coating. Zinc coating, which increases the anti-corrosion properties of the material, is applied to the surface of the steel billet before it is embossed by the galvanic method. The optimum metal consumption of the zinc layer is 275 g/m2.
  • Primer. Primer sheets of metal roof tiles are coated on both sides to improve adhesion before coating with polymer or paint.
  • Decorative coating. The front side of the sheet is covered with a decorative polymer-based coating. All types of decorative coatings for the material increase the degree of protection against moisture or mechanical damage and give the desired color.
  • Varnish. A protective varnish is applied to the underside of the sheet of material, which prevents corrosion.

Important! Technical characteristics of the material have a significant impact on the cost of roofing material. When deciding which metal tile is better, pay attention to the compliance of the product with the standards for this type of product.

Top layer types

The price and technical characteristics of metal tiles depend on the type of decorative layer applied during production. Previously, paints were used to color this roofing material, but they had low resistance to ultraviolet radiation, temperature extremes and a short service life. Now on front side sheets are applied with a more durable and aesthetic polymer coating. For this, the following types of polymers are used:

  1. Polyester. This polymer has a high tolerance to ultraviolet, resistance to temperature extremes, excellent anti-corrosion properties. With it, you can get a glossy and matte finish, suitable for use in all climatic zones.
  2. Pural. Pural coating is characterized by high strength and durability. When bending a metal tile coated with this polymer, no microcracks are formed, which increases the life of the roof.
  3. Plastisol. The performance characteristics of the plastisol coating are distinguished by increased decorative effect. Due to the high content of plasticizer, it can be embossed, which increases the color stability and durability of the roof.
  4. PVDF. With the help of this polymer, a metal tile coating with a metallic effect is obtained. It is so durable and resistant to adverse environmental factors that it is used even in industrial construction.

Note! If you still do not know which metal tile is better to choose, take a closer look at roofing material with polymer coating. Its cost is not much higher than sheets painted with ordinary paint, and the service life and technical characteristics significantly exceed cheap analogues. All types of polymer coatings have a wide range of colors, so it is easy to choose the right shade.

Quality Criteria

In construction stores it is easy to get lost from the abundance of offers of various prices, but you need to choose first quality material. Before the purchase roofing technical and performance characteristics metal tiles, which can tell about its quality, because the most expensive products are not always the best. When choosing a material for a roof device, pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Thickness. The thickness of a high-quality metal tile cannot be less than 0.5 mm. Some types of profiled steel sheet are thicker than this indicator, they have high strength and bearing capacity, but weigh much more, which must be taken into account when designing the roof truss frame.
  • The metal content of the zinc layer. According to this indicator, products are divided into 3 categories: "economy", "standard" and "premium". The optimal indicator of the metal consumption of the zinc layer is 275 g/m2, the higher it is, the more expensive and more resistant to corrosion the material is.
  • Kinds decorative coating. Marks with paint and varnish or polymer coloring are produced. Painted metal tiles are cheaper, but they serve less than those covered with polymer.
  • Compliance with GOST and availability of a certificate of conformity. The manufacturer must provide all Required documents, confirming the quality of the metal tile, otherwise you should not trust him.

Please note important criterion product quality is considered the appearance of the material. Before choosing a metal tile, visually assess its condition. Chips, scratches and uneven edges will lead to premature failure of the roof.