Metal gable roof: rules for the construction of a truss system for corrugated board. How to make a roofing device from a corrugated sheet with your own hands - design requirements Cake for a corrugated roof

  • 13.06.2019

The use of metal profiled sheets in roofing allows you to carry out the arrangement at a brisk pace. Lightweight material does not require the construction of a powerful foundation and strengthening of the foundation structure. The construction of the truss structure and laying will not force the performers to show miracles of skill and endurance.

All work can be successfully done by hand. True, for a successful outcome, you need to know how the frame and the metal gable roof itself are arranged - the truss system for corrugated board must take into account the specifics of the material and its technical features.

Large-sheet corrugated metal-roll has recently been introduced into the sphere of private construction. Previously, it was recognized as the unconditional prerogative of high-rise buildings, garages, commercial buildings.

The development of new brands with a wavy and medium-high profile gave hope to the owners of country estates. But the desire to purchase the material stimulated the appearance of colored polymer coatings, which provide the equipped objects with a unique exterior.

Metal roofing sheets have gained visual appeal, but the technical characteristics have remained unchanged. Rolled products, which are characterized by high thermal conductivity, still heat up rapidly in hot weather and lose heat at the same rate in cold weather. Delivers a lot of inconvenience and trouble during periods of seasonal temperature fluctuations. The beauty of the colored shells did not add to the soundproofing. Raindrops and defiling of pigeons on a metal roof are checked with the same decibels nervous system owners for strength.

Low insulating qualities make it necessary to resort to old proven measures. By analogy with all famous species For metal roofs, corrugated board is laid on top of a well-arranged roofing pie, which includes a standard set of insulating layers, including:

  • Waterproofing, resisting the attacks of atmospheric water.
  • , which prevents overheating of the internal premises from the outside and heat leakage from the inside of the premises. At the same time, the insulation plays the role of a barrier against noise penetrating from the outside.
  • vapor barrier, protecting the insulating layer from household fumes.

In addition to the above layers, a properly constructed roofing pie has ventilation gaps necessary to remove condensate from the space under the roof. Such a multi-component structure is held by a truss frame. If it is arranged with errors, then the system will not be able to function at full capacity. As a result, condensate will accumulate under the metal roof, destroying the rafters and the crate.

Note that an insulating layer is required for profiled sheet roofs if they are built over residential and actively used buildings.

If galvanized corrugated steel is used in the construction of sheds, canopies, roofs of extensions, change houses, heat and sound insulation protection is not used. However, roofing pies, which do not have thermal insulation as part, still contain layers fixed and distributed by a system of rafters and laths.

Rafter frame for profiled sheet

Rafter frame of all existing types roofs is designed to solve three main tasks:

  • Form slopes in accordance with the design decision.
  • Distribute the components of the roofing cake necessary for correct operation and long roof life.
  • To hold the layers of the roofing cake, the weight of the roof and the effect of atmospheric loads, without upsetting deformations and destruction.

A well-constructed truss system for corrugated board perfectly performs all functions. And he serves for a long time, and copes with the assigned duties perfectly. Frame elements determine the configuration specified by the designer and serve as a reliable container for the components of the roofing pie.

A gable structure for laying profiled sheets is a reasonable choice for prudent owners. This is the most simple circuit, which does not need technological tricks and unreasonably high material consumption, like. Profiled sheets are stacked piece by piece in the direction transverse to the ridge.

Rare country objects can boast a slope length of more than 12m. And this means that the corrugated board can be laid in one row without transverse seams, therefore, the waterproofing will be the highest. We will analyze this popular option.

The recommended slope of the slopes for laying corrugated metal is 12-15º, but experiments and variations with steepness are not prohibited. Only the lower limit is limited: it is not advisable to equip slopes with a slope of less than 8º with a profiled sheet. If necessary, laying on flat roof the slope of the specified value must be created dry or cement-sand screed. Otherwise, precipitation will accumulate in the depressions of the waves, which can lead to irreparable damage to the material.

Rafters for metal roofing

In the device of gable frames for metal coatings, traditional technologies are used, according to which they are installed. The choice of the optimal construction scheme is determined by the type of box being equipped. If within its limits it is possible to support the upper saw cuts of the rafter legs, layered rafters are used in construction, if not, hanging ones.

Most often, roofs with truss structures of a layered type are erected over low-rise country houses with their top resting on a ridge run. The hanging method is used less frequently due to the complexity of installation and subsequent repair.

In construction truss system under laying of a roof from a professional flooring are used:

  • Lumber. When erecting rafter systems for insulated roofs, rafter legs are most often made from a board with a section of 50 × 100 mm. In regions with severe winters, a board with a larger section of 50 × 150 mm is taken. The beam is used only in cases where the construction site is located in an area with increased snow load. Rafter frames for non-insulated roofs are constructed using a bar with a section of 30 × 50 - 50 × 50 mm.
  • Rolled metal. Channel, corner, I-beam, profile pipe they are mainly used in the construction of rafter systems of cold roofs over outbuildings, verandas, change houses.

Competently arrange a roofing cake according to metal frame an independent private trader is unlikely to be able to. Accurate calculations are needed, because thermal insulation and metal have too much difference in thermal conductivity parameters. In addition, the joints will require a welding machine in addition to the welder.

It is cheaper, more convenient, more practical to build a timber truss system, especially since it can be repaired independently if necessary. However, metal representatives have a significant advantage - they better adapt to the coating when installing cold roofs due to the identity of the composition.

Both wooden and metal parts gable truss systems are installed according to the above-described hanging and layered schemes. In practice, various combinations are often used. For example, the space between two extreme metal hanging trusses is filled with wooden rafters. Gable structures are built into more complex objects with a multi-component architecture.

However, it is highly undesirable to combine without having a clear project and experience in construction. It is even more undesirable to use wooden and metal parts without providing a separating waterproofing layer between them.

Rafter structures for corrugated board

It was found out that metal profiled sheets serve as a finishing coating for insulated and cold roofs. The division into types of truss frames under the profiled sheet is just made on the basis of the presence or absence of thermal insulation in the roofing pie. There are no significant technological differences in the construction of truss structures of both options. There is a difference in the size of the rafters, between which thermal insulation slabs are laid or not laid. The algorithm for calculating the section of elements differs, because:

  • The truss frames of insulated roofs are required to support their own weight, the mass of insulation, double battens, inner cladding and periodic snow load without destruction and deflection.
  • The truss frames of cold roofs should carry the same load, minus the thermal insulation, vapor barrier retaining battens, and inner cladding.

The weight of the vapor barrier and thermal insulation material in both cases can be neglected.

In addition to loads, when calculating the dimensions of rafters for insulated roofs, one more important nuance must be taken into account: a ventilation gap of 3 cm should remain between the insulation plate and waterproofing. the thickness of the thermal insulation layer must be at least 30 mm less than the thickness of the rafter leg. For example, if the thickness of the thermal insulation is 120 mm, then a 50 × 150 mm board placed on the edge is ideal for the manufacture of rafter legs.

In cold structures, waterproofing sets the dimensional tone. It is laid so that the material sags between the rafters by approximately 20 mm. Sagging is necessary so that the waterproofing does not break from excessive tension during traditional temperature shifts of wood. This means that even for ultralight cold roofs with a water-repellent layer, the frame should be built from a bar with a cross section of 30 × 30 mm or more.

However, the offers of construction markets and specialized markets are not always encouraging with the presence of goods of the required size. In short, if the calculated thickness of the thermal insulation is almost equal to the thickness of the lumber offered by the seller, you should not be upset. The frame for the gable roof will still be built. Just on top of the installed rafter legs, it will be necessary to nail a counter-lattice from a bar with a size that can eliminate the lack of material thickness. Waterproofing in such situations is laid on top of the counter-lattice, and after that the battens are mounted for laying the corrugated board.

Note that the ventilation gap between the waterproof layer and the insulation is formed using classic types of waterproofing. If the water-repellent layer is made of a diffusion polymeric membrane, there is no need for either the ventilation duct itself or the construction of a counter-lattice. Polymer waterproofing is allowed to come into direct contact with the insulation, because it will unquestioningly release the accumulated condensate to the outside.

Rafter installation step

The installation step of the rafter legs, recommended by the corrugated roofing manufacturers, ranges from 0.6 m to 0.9 m, but can reach 1.5 m. The choice of step is focused only on design features customizable box. To find it, you need long wall divide into equal segments of a length close to the recommended value. 1 is added to the obtained number of segments, the result indicates the number of rafter legs in the system.

Manufacturers are strongly advised to adhere to the limits indicated by them. There are few hunters who install rafters more often than dictated by the minimum distance of 60cm. There will be much more people who want to thin out the truss frame. They should remember that the distance between the rafter legs is closely related to the installation step of the laths. By increasing one, you will have to reduce the second or increase the cross section of the laths.

Lathing for laying profiled sheet

The rafter system only forms the planes of the slopes, but it does not have the right to serve as the basis for fixing the profiled panels. For laying metal roofing, a crate is attached to the rafter legs. Lattices from a board or a bar are laid on wooden rafters.

The metal system is equipped with a profile crate, the wall thickness of which does not exceed 2 mm. A thicker profile will have to be drilled in advance to install self-tapping screws: the process is costly both in time and in effort.

Under the laying of metal profiled sheets, three types of crates are constructed, these are:

  • Solid. From a board with a section of 30 × 100 or 40 × 100 mm, sheets of moisture-resistant plywood or OSB-3 boards, a continuous flooring is arranged. It is relatively solid, because between the elements it is necessary to leave gaps of 2-3 mm to compensate for thermal linear expansion.
  • sparse. A bar with a section of 30 × 50, 50 × 50 mm and similar sizes or a board of 50 × 120, 50 × 140 mm is installed parallel to the ridge and overhang, i.e. across the rafter legs at equal distances. The sparse version is supplemented with a solid one in the valleys, along the overhangs and the ridge. Important detail- the first lath from the edge of the cornice overhang is installed taking into account the removal of the lower edge of the corrugated board by 7-8 cm beyond the contour of the truss system. For example, if the slat pitch adopted for arranging the roof is 50 cm, the very first element is attached at a distance of 42 cm from the cornice line.
  • Double. This is a combined variety, including two layers located above each other. The essence of its construction lies in the fact that on top of the sparsely installed laths, a control lathing from a board about 30 mm thick is laid perpendicularly or at an angle.

In low-rise construction, the first two varieties are most often used. The dimensions of the material used for the solid flooring device determine the installation step of the rafters. The dimensions of the elements of the sparse variety depend on the steepness of the roof, the bearing capacity of the coating and the distance between the rafters.

Sheathing is an important component of the roof structure. It forms a second level ventilation gap located between the metal sheets and the waterproofing. Satisfy her in any case, regardless of the quality and specifications water repellent layer. Despite the apparent lightness, the crate has weight, it is taken into account when calculating the truss system.

The nuances of the construction of the crate along the truss system of the gable roof and the fastening of corrugated board to it will be shown by a photo selection and video:

That's all the subtleties of the construction of the truss frame for laying profiled roofing metal. There are few rules, there is nothing super complicated, they must be followed by both independent roofers and builders hired to build the roof. But compliance with the listed technological requirements will ensure a long and flawless operation of the roof, do not force premature repairs and often eliminate the flaws found along the way.

Roofing corrugated by production reminds - it also represents cold rolled galvanized steel sheet coated with polymers. The difference is only in the profile drawing - the metal tile imitates the real one, while for the manufacture of corrugated steel, the rolled steel is simply corrugated, giving the profile the appearance of a zigzag, sinusoid, etc.

Unlike metal tiles, corrugated board looks simpler (and cheaper), but at the same time it is more reliable., lighter and more durable.

In the event that your future home spacious enough to be able to do without an attic, it makes sense to arrange cold attic isolated from living space. Thus, you get a triple savings.

roof plane

The simplest option for a given element ventilation system- installation of conventional dormer windows, i.e. small through gratings, protected from above by visors from rain and snow.

It is also possible to carry out the installation of full-fledged ventilation shafts, but this will cost much more, and, in addition, requires compliance with a number of rules and regulations related to safety. So, for example, the height of the shaft relative to the ridge should be taken into account, etc.


Roofing from corrugated board allows you to use any standard ridge and mount it extremely simply, without any additional elements. The fact is that the profile of such a coating implies a wave whose height is at least 30 mm, which provides sufficient clearance for the free passage of air currents.

ridge bar

Useful video

What is a roofing pie in practice:

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The choice of material for the roof, whether it is a private house or an industrial building, is usually influenced by many factors. And first of all, the budget that we have at our disposal. In addition, you should always take into account your wishes and clearly understand what exactly you want, what type of roof you want to build. For how long roofing material will serve you and will protect your roof from external influences, the quality of the installation largely affects. But the norms according to which it should be carried out stipulate the regulatory provisions of SNiP roofing from corrugated board. It is here that the factor conditions are precisely specified, which have a primary influence on which material for the roof will be chosen - the type of room, the roof structure and financial possibilities.


Decking is a fairly popular and sought-after material that is used in almost all areas of construction - it is used as finishing material, how roofing, floors of the construction of individual buildings and so on. Manufactured by galvanized and cold rolled metal sheets. There is also a classification for this material. Usually it is marked with letters, which mean in which particular area this or that type of corrugated board is used. So, if the material is marked with the letter "C", this means that it is used during work with walls, "H" - with the roof. But the marking "NS" means that you are dealing with a universal material that can be used at your own discretion.

Also hallmarks material is the wave height, sheet thickness and overall stiffness of the resulting structure.

According to the requirements of SNiP, corrugated roofing must meet several important parameters. Consider these requirements and determine which roof is considered ideal.

The right cake on the roof of corrugated board

So, roofing work is the final stage in the design of a corrugated roof. Before getting busy roofing installation, there is a lot of other, no less important and responsible work to be done. In this case, all work must be carried out in a strict sequence, which in no case should be violated. The result of this work is a roofing pie for corrugated board. It usually consists of a base coat, insulation and insulating membranes.

Each of these layers performs its own, especially important functions, so the approach to each of the layers must certainly be thorough and individual. If you violate the existing rules and regulations, the roof will never function properly and perform its direct duties. Such roofs are not afraid of either moisture or cold, they simply will not pass into the room.

In addition, if the roofing cake is not laid correctly on the profiled sheet, the building may completely fall apart and collapse in the near future. Then all our efforts will go down the drain.

The device of a roof from a professional flooring

An important and crucial moment in the formation of a roofing pie is its insulation and, accordingly, installation work for installing insulation. It is at this stage that inexperienced builders make the biggest and most fatal mistakes.

The SNiP clearly states that the insulation should be installed clearly in the inter-rafter space. So, the insulation is designed to keep the internal temperature of the room, prevents it from cooling. To improve the performance of the insulation, to reduce the incoming air, it (the insulation) must be covered with anti-wind barriers. The material for such a barrier is roll materials that do not skip steam. Thanks to this layer, condensate will not form, which means that the service life of the insulation, roof and building increases significantly.

Roofing and its device

Most choose corrugated board as a roofing material for two main reasons. Firstly, this material is cheaper than others intended for this purpose. Secondly, its installation is quite simple, so even a non-professional can do it.

Decking is one of the most unpretentious materials, which has a lot of other advantages.

If you carefully study the SNiP, you will certainly notice that special attention is paid only to the layers of thermal and noise insulation that make up the corrugated roofing system. The explanation for this is simple - it is not difficult to construct and design the rest of the structural elements, you can even do all the work yourself without making any special efforts.

A little higher we have already talked about how insulation should be made so that it is durable and works efficiently. But a simple laying of the roof over thermal insulation, alas, is not enough. Of course, especially negligent builders manage to do just that. But then the building does not last long at all, and soon the roof becomes unusable.

Features of the installation of corrugated board, depending on some indicators

Under normal conditions, after the installation of the insulation is completed, a crate is installed on it, and only after that it is possible to start laying the roof from corrugated board. Provided that you choose corrugated board as the roofing material, the work is minimized and greatly simplified. This is ensured by large sheet dimensions, as a result of which much fewer support beams are needed.

It is important to correctly and accurately calculate the distance between the transverse and longitudinal beams. It is calculated on the basis of sheet dimensions, while taking into account the overlap (about 10 cm).

Bars with a thickness of about 3 cm are suitable for the crate. This size allows you to withstand the weight of the roof, and the weight of the workers who are installing the roof from corrugated board.

Table of the minimum slope of the roof from corrugated board

Do not forget that when assembling the crate, additional stiffeners should be installed. Of course, this condition is not mandatory, but it is better to adhere to it. Such ribs extend the operational life of the roof.

A clear advantage of corrugated roofing is that it is not difficult to repair such a structure. If necessary, you can easily dismantle the sheet of corrugated board and replace it with a new one. You can also weld a small patch with roofing torches.

There are no fixed step values ​​during the installation of the roof sheathing. It all depends on which roof slope you have chosen, as well as how the rafters are designed. There are special calculation tables, formulas that allow you to calculate everything with accuracy. You can familiarize yourself with one of them (see Table of the minimum slope of a corrugated roof).

Building a crate and producing everything necessary calculations, be sure to pay attention to the following important point. There must be gaps between the insulation layers and the roofing material!

The value of this gap is not fixed. However, a gap is usually left, which is equal to the beam thickness of the crate. However, this is not a rule, and the gaps can be much larger.

In addition, the clearance value can be affected by how the edge of the roof is designed.

So, if there are additional structures on the roof space, near the edges (for example, you have installed or plan to install snow retainers, gutters, and so on), then it is quite enough. So that the gap value is equal to the beam thickness (about 3 cm). In addition, you can leave gaps equal to the height of these most additional structures.

Roof slope and choice of roofing

Choosing roof slopes

It has already been noted that the roofing material can directly depend on how large (or small) the slope of the roof of the building is. The definition here is the force of gravity, as well as the observance of operating conditions, the ability of a material to withstand weather conditions. In this case, of course, it is best to acquire a corrugated board.

It is considered ideal roof slope is 20 degrees.

But carbon copy roofs are not made. That is why there is a table of minimum slopes, which should always be used when building a roof.

Due to its characteristics, corrugated board can be used for roofs with a slope of 7 degrees. However, according to building codes, therefore, it is permissible only for the roofs of industrial and utility rooms. If the building assumes that they will live in it, the degree of slope must be at least 10.

Many are perplexed - what can affect and how does the slope on the roofs affect? During installation, the roof angle affects the rules for constructing the crate. So, SNiP says that the amount of overlap along the length of the material depends on the slope. The minimum angles assume that the crate steps are 40 cm, the average angles are from 5 to 100 cm. If the oblique angle is 20 degrees, then the crate step can be selected in the region from 300 to 650 mm.

Taking into account the conditions of SNiP and skillfully applying all the above figures, you will certainly ensure that the quality of roofing from corrugated board is maximum, and the service life is longer!

In suburban construction in our time, a wide variety of roofing materials are used. These are high-quality, presentable building materials that meet all the requirements of modern housing.

Such coatings include profiled sheets. Modern corrugated board has excellent external data, protective qualities,.

It is divided into main types that have their own specific indicators: application and device. Features of corrugated board (each individual sheet) are mainly in their shape, size. Width, type of use of the material, its device are also important. The use of this roofing building material can be considered very relevant, in demand.

But to assume that it is quite simple to arrange a roof from corrugated board is a big mistake. There are some nuances here, they must be followed.

The advantage of profiled sheets

The material has gained popularity due to good performance.

  • First, reliable strength, as it is made of special steel sheet. This ensures the reliability of the roof structure.
  • Secondly, with a molded profile, additional strength is given by stiffeners. Therefore, corrugated board is effectively used in structures that require strength.
  • Thirdly, this metal profile is universal. Due to the wide range of uses, the popularity of corrugated board is growing. It performs roofing, wall and load-bearing functions.
  • Fourthly, the sheets do not require complex installation.. It is enough to “arm yourself” with hand-held metal shears, a circular saw, and nibbling scissors.
  • Fifth, it has very high anti-corrosion performance.. It also doesn't rot. After all, the presence of a special gutter, where the junction of the roof sheets occurs, allows you to remove the resulting condensate. Moisture is not allowed under the roofing. Provides protection from snow.
  • Sixth, the lightness of corrugated board can significantly reduce transportation costs..

Instructions for a cold roof from a profiled sheet

This roof is built without much difficulty. The finished truss system is covered special . It is intended to protect the roof frame, as well as the attic space from condensation.

Then mount the crate desired type. After that, the installation of corrugated board is already being carried out on it. The roof must be equipped with special ones in order to protect the lumber from high humidity. Humidity is especially cold design.

Installation of corrugated board has some features of the device. They must be taken into account when proceeding with the installation of a "cold" roof. If in the future it is planned to insulate the finished roof from the inside, then it will be necessary to use a more expensive membrane film, which, of course, will provide high-quality waterproofing.

Standard isomaterials are unacceptable here - their design is not suitable for the installation of insulation material. When constructing a simple cold structure, the use of expensive material is very irrelevant, because the roof will cost much more.

Main preparatory work provide for the lifting of the profiled sheet with the help of special logs made of lumber. This lift will provide protection from mechanical damage, due to which the protective layer of the material will be preserved.

It is undesirable to mount sheets in windy weather - their bend is possible.

You will learn more about installing the crate under the profiled sheet, depending on the brand.

Basic installation rules

The service life of the roof depends on the quality of installation, the norms and requirements of which are described in the SNiP for laying profiled sheets. Each roofing material is laid at a certain angle, ensuring reliable performance. The installation angle of the roofing is determined taking into account the angle of the slope.

  • N - bearing.
  • C - wall railings.
  • NS - roofing and wall.

Installation rates for different regions vary in different ways. On average, the installation of a roof from a profiled sheet will cost 350-450 rubles per sq.m. The price may include the installation of a wooden crate, waterproofing and all. The cost may increase if you need additional services:

  • insulation - 50-80 rubles \ sq.m. (considered as a thickness of 50 mm.);
  • dismantling of the old roof — 50-100 rubles/sq.m.;
  • installation of the truss system - announced when the installer leaves the house and he can make an estimate for the list of the necessary material.

How to choose and install a roof from a profiled sheet, see the video.

V modern construction used a huge amount various materials, which are perfectly combined high level quality with operational characteristics as well as functionality and economy. Availability complete set these advantages is one of the main requirements for modern building materials, to which corrugated board can be safely attributed. It is widely applicable as facing material. And the installation of corrugated roofing, made in compliance with all technological processes, will create a practical and durable roof.

What characteristics inherent in such material as corrugated board? First of all, it is a way of its production. It is made from galvanized steel sheet for which cold rolling is applied. A special coating that prevents corrosion is applied on both sides of the profile - wave or trapezoidal. This coating can have different shades.

Depending on the purpose, corrugated board is distinguished: bearing, wall and roofing. Each of these groups of material has its own wave height, metal thickness and designation.

For roofing work, you should choose a corrugated board with the letter designation "H" or "NS". The latter, by the way, is a universal material and can be used as a wall option.

The device of a roof made of corrugated board involves the use of corrugated board, which has a height of at least thirty-five millimeters. If the roof has a short slope length, then it is possible to use corrugated board with a lower wave height.

Use of roofing material

The technology of roofing from corrugated board, according to SNIP, involves the use of corrugated board, which has a height of forty-four millimeters. Roof profiles have an aluminum or zinc coating with an additional polymer layer that performs a decorative or protective role.

The base for corrugated board can be wooden bars or metal girders. Load bearing capacity foundation depends on the strength of the wind inherent in this climate zone and the expected load of the roofing material on the roof of the building. In addition, in order to adjoin the profiled sheet to the wall system, the corrugated roofing device provides for the presence of aprons made of galvanized steel sheets and coated with a polymer layer.

Finishing roof passes is carried out with the help of roofing elements shaped type having a comb similar to a cross-sectional profile. In addition to eaves, gutters and ridges, other elements are used in the construction of the roof structure: special plugs, snow barriers and ridge seals.

Profile sheets can be used both for cold roofing in the form of piece elements, and as part of a warm multi-layer roofing as a whole sheet.

Basic rules for installing corrugated roofing

The laying of profiled sheets must be carried out in strict compliance with certain rules. First of all, this is a complete security and adherence to the installation technology in the processes of lifting the material and subsequent movements along the roof, as well as fixing the base material.

Raising the corrugated board to the roof is carried out with the help of a log by two workers, a third person takes it upstairs. At the same time, no more than one sheet is lifted at a time.

If on the street strong wind, work on raising the corrugated board should be postponed for a while!

To move on the roof, you should wear shoes with soft soles and you need to walk on it, trying to step into the deflection between the waves. To do this, lay the corrugated board in such a way that the deflection is tightly adjacent to the grate. Since the edge of the material is quite sharp, for your own safety, work must be done with rubber gloves.

Laying profiled sheets overlap. The size of the overlap directly depends on the angle of the roof. The lower it is, the more overlap. For a flat surface, the material laying technology is somewhat different. In this case, the sheets must be applied in two corrugations to prevent moisture from entering under the roofing.

Chips that form when fastening profiled sheets with self-tapping screws from screwing them in must be removed with a brush. Otherwise, the rust that forms on it over time will greatly damage the roof.

If products are used with protective film, then in order to avoid its "growth" with polymeric material must be removed during installation.

Roofing cake - keep warm and protect from noise

Using a corrugated roof for the roof of your house, it is very important to create good warmth and noise insulation, since the house “gives off” more than 20% of the heat to the environment through the roof. And with such a task, a special heat-insulating layer that performs a protective function, called a roofing pie, does an excellent job.

What does the roofing pie under corrugated board consist of? The first layer on the counter-lattice, installed on top of the truss system, is laid insulation.

Please note that the roof slope of corrugated board must be at least 20%.

The next component of the roofing pie is the waterproofing layer. It is necessary so that water does not flow through the joints of the sheets and at the junctions. On top of the waterproofing, in compliance with all ventilation gaps, a crate for a profiled sheet is installed, which is laid on it with the last layer.

All layers of the cake are interconnected and perform a specific functional task. An error in the technology of at least one layer can lead to a decrease in the service characteristics of the entire roof and its service life. The following situations may indicate that the roofing cake was assembled incorrectly:

  • ceiling leak;
  • Heat loss;
  • Condensation formation;
  • Frost.

If good quality work has been done on the installation of thermal insulation, it can guarantee minimal heat loss through the roofing and prevent surface condensation.

Installing a special wind barrier made of roll-type vapor-tight material will help to avoid blowing through the roof.

The seal performs two main functions. Firstly, it limits the heating of the roof space. And, secondly, it creates good sound insulation in the room. The vapor barrier layer solves the issue of moisture getting from the room into the roofing pie. And the waterproofing "stuffing" of the cake protects the insulation from the penetration of condensate into it, which usually forms along the bottom of the profile sheets.

When laying a waterproofing film, it is necessary to observe the distance between the rafters, on which it lies no more than 120 centimeters.

Lathing for profiled sheets

The crate is an obligatory element in the device of a roof from a professional sheet. For shed roofs as a crate, wooden bars of the following sizes are used: 5x5 cm, 3x10 cm, or 3x7 cm. The elements of the crate are laid in increments of 25 cm. If the angle of inclination of the ramp does not exceed 15 degrees, a continuous crate made of plywood is used, OSB boards or boards. Lathing for gable roofs is mounted in increments of 50 cm.

For roofs that have a complex geometric shape, in the grooves and valleys it is impossible to close the crate closely, you need to leave a gap for ventilation of 5 cm. The roofing device from corrugated board imposes a requirement that the bottom plank should have an entry under the profiled sheet at a distance of 25 cm.

If the roof construction provides for ventilated or chimneys, you will need to install an additional crate.

Fastening sheets together is an important stage in the roofing process.

Particular attention when installing corrugated roofing should be paid to fastening the sheets to each other. After all, roofing units from a profiled sheet are the most important point in this job. Negligent attitude to the nodes located at the joints of the sheets can significantly affect the performance future roof for the worse. The process of laying the sheets itself does not cause difficulties, much more time and effort is spent on the places of their connections.

The main purpose of corrugated roofing units is to create insulation for the transitions of a horizontal surface to a vertical one and, of course, to connect the profiled sheets to each other. Therefore, their implementation should be approached with great care.

When creating adjacency nodes, the following actions are performed:

  1. To prevent the ingress of dust and moisture at the junction, a bar is installed, under which a seal is arranged;
  2. A groove is created in the wall, which is inserted into the groove and then fixed with dowels and coated with a layer of sealant;
  3. The bar is connected to the profile by means of a self-tapping screw, which is screwed into the maximum protruding point of the wave.

Making a roof ridge from a profiled sheet

The device of a roof from a professional flooring also implies the presence of a ridge, the design of which occurs at the final stages of installation.

Ridge elements are also laid with an overlap of 200 mm. With the help of self-tapping screws, they are attached to the upper corrugation. Self-tapping screws should be selected, taking into account the height of the profiled sheet wave. And the step to be followed when fastening is 300 mm.

If the roof has a slight slope, then the use of a sealant will be relevant. Thanks to it, it becomes possible to eliminate the ingress of moisture in the event of an oblique direction of precipitation. Between ridge and seal right decision will leave a small ventilation gap.

It is best to start the installation of the ridge from the side of the roof that is less exposed to rain.

The importance of proper installation

The service life of the roof of the house can be maximum if the corrugated roofing is made according to all the rules for competent fastening of sheets and factors such as:

  • possible influence of wind;
  • probability under the influence of high temperatures of expansion in the center of the sheet;
  • sufficient density at the connecting points of the profiled sheets.

Compliance of the material fastening process with all existing standards is achieved by using certain sizes of self-tapping screws for each type of work. For example, the connection with the crate should be provided by self-tapping screws 4.8x35 mm, but the fastening of the ridge will not do without longer self-tapping screws - from 80 mm.

Easy roof repair

One of the clear advantages of such a roofing material as corrugated board is the speed and ease of its installation and dismantling. Therefore, when repairing a roof from a profiled sheet, there are no particular difficulties.

In most cases, roof repair may be limited to the removal of one or more unsuitable for further use sheets and replacing them with new ones. If the damage is very minor, then replacement of the sheets may not be required - in this case, patching will be enough.

When choosing roofing material for the roof of your house, you should pay special attention to corrugated board. After all, this is not only a convenient option for installation and further operation, it is also a material that has an attractive appearance and democratic price.