Workshop for the production of stretch ceilings. The cost of organizing the production of stretch ceilings

  • 23.09.2019

Recently, stretch ceilings have become one of the most popular materials used for finishing ceilings in apartments, offices, and public places. Such popularity of this type of material is associated with its excellent aesthetic qualities, moisture resistance and durability. Many prefer stretch ceilings, since the surfaces that are supposed to be covered with them do not need special preparation, their installation is carried out quickly and cleanly.

  • How to start a manufacturing business stretch ceilings?
  • Documents for starting a business
  • Equipment for the production of stretch ceilings
  • Production room
  • Profitability of the business idea for the production of stretch ceilings

Until quite recently, stretch ceilings were not produced in Russia, everything was imported from European countries. Currently, domestic entrepreneurs have mastered this market, and most of these products are produced here. Despite a certain saturation of the market, experts assure that the competition in this type of business is low. In this segment of construction services, there is still enough room for beginners.

How to start a stretch ceiling business?

If an aspiring entrepreneur has been captured by the business idea of ​​\u200b\u200bproducing stretch ceilings, you need to know that significant investments will be required here to start. You will have to purchase special equipment, which is not cheap. It is also important to find a room that will be most suitable for such production. It needs to comply with certain climatic conditions and production standards. Although at the start you will need to invest a lot of money in the project for the production of stretch ceilings, the money spent will quickly pay off, and you can count on a good profit.

Documents for starting a business

What documents are required to start the production of stretch ceilings? You need to register the type of activity, register as an individual entrepreneur. This registration option allows you to choose a simplified taxation system (STS). This organizational and legal form of activity is much simpler in terms of accounting and financial documentation. In addition, this registration option allows you to save on tax. If there is a desire and an opportunity to open a large-scale production with a significant cash flow, it will be necessary to register an LLC or a joint-stock company.

About 20,000 will need to be spent on the registration of the company.

What OKVED code for the production of stretch ceilings to choose? When registering, you must indicate the OKVED codes in the documents. The production of stretch ceilings falls under codes 25.23, 52.46.7 and 52.61. This type of business is not subject to licensing. But you need to have certified raw materials ( pvc film), from which ceiling structures will be created.

In order to always have the required amount of raw materials, it is necessary to conclude agreements with PVC film manufacturing companies. This will reduce the cost of this material and buy it at wholesale prices.

Equipment for the production of stretch ceilings

What do you need to open the production of stretch ceilings? First of all, the equipment. To start a small workshop, you need to purchase a minimum kit:

  • two-station HDTV machine (high-frequency current welding) - 365,000 rubles;
  • air compressor with a 50-100 l receiver that ensures the operation of a pneumatic tool - approximately 20,000 rubles;
  • electrical equipment (cables, automatic machines, etc.) - about 15,000 rubles;
  • computer program for material cutting, employee training - about 30,000 rubles.

Workshop equipment:

  • tables for cutting - 2 pcs.;
  • racks for placing film rolls - 4 pcs.;
  • tables feeding the film to the machine - 2 pcs.

The cost of this equipment will be about 80,000 rubles.

In general, you will need to spend about 530,000 rubles (with business registration).

The business plan also provides for the materials that must be purchased:

  • PVC film;
  • inserts;
  • baguettes;
  • harpoons;
  • pressboards (welding cardboard);
  • seam sealant (vilaterm);
  • packaging materials.

Approximately up to 300,000 rubles will need to be spent on the purchase of this material.

You can also purchase a machine that makes baguettes for stretch ceilings. But since this will entail an increase in costs, it is better to postpone this purchase and use ready-made baguettes purchased from other companies.

Total initial capital investment - 860,000 - 900,000 rubles.

Production room

One of the expenditure items is the rent of production space. It can cost around 30,000 per month.

You need to think not only about the production room, but also about the office with exhibited samples, catalogs, offers, etc. You can create an office and production in the same room, dividing it into zones.

The office is needed to receive and process orders. Ideally, it is desirable that it be located in a place with good traffic, next to construction markets, shops. For this, a room with dimensions of about 10-15 square meters is suitable.

Directly production should be placed on an area with dimensions of 50-70 sq.m. It is important to create inside a heated room good ventilation. The electrical network must have a voltage of 380V. Sanitary standards envisaged temperature regime from +15 to +25 0 С.

Profitability of the business idea for the production of stretch ceilings

For an approximate calculation, you can take a PVC film, the cost of which is 50 rubles per 1 sq. m. To make 1 square. m. stretch ceiling, you need to spend:

  • 1.06 m.p. films - 53 rubles;
  • PVC baguette, 1 running meter x 20 rub. - 20 rubles;
  • inserts, 1 m.p.x8 rub. - 8 rubles;
  • harpoon, 0.7 m.p.x7 rub. - 4.9 rubles;
  • rent, payment utilities- 40,000 rubles / month (10.67 rubles);
  • salary (two workers, 1 manager) - 35,000 rubles / month. (9.33 rubles);
  • packaging - 4.9 rubles. /1 l.m.

Only 1 sq. m of stretch ceiling will cost 110.80 rubles.

One machine per month can produce 3750 square meters. The finished product for dealers is sold at 200 rubles per meter. The planned volume of wholesale sales is 70% of the total volume of products made - 525,000 rubles.

The end consumer buys a stretch ceiling at a price of 600 rubles per sq. m. Without installation costs - 45,000 sq.m. 30% of the goods sold to the final consumer per month - 506,250 rubles.

The above calculations indicate that the monthly income can be 1,031,250 rubles. It is necessary to pay tax from this amount of profit under the simplified taxation system (6%) - 61,865 rubles per month. Net profit will be about 550,000 rubles.

If the production is loaded 22 days a month in one shift, it can be paid back in a fairly short period - 2-3 months. This can be achieved if the machine is running at full capacity.

Stretch ceiling has recently become an integral part of the interior of the house and office. Its indisputable advantages are moisture resistance and durability. Exist a large number of options for colors, shapes and textures, which are due to the use of a special PVC film and special production technologies. In today's article, we propose to study the business plan of stretch ceilings and pay attention to the features of building this type of activity.

general information

A few years ago, there was practically no domestic manufacturer on the stretch ceiling market. All items were imported from Europe. Today, a large share in this segment is occupied by products manufactured in our country. Despite the fact that there are a large number of Russian companies producing stretch ceilings, experts assure that this business area is no different high level competition. It still has enough free space for beginners to this day.

Studies show that Russian consumers do not particularly trust the quality of products made in their own country. This prejudice is wrong when it comes to stretch ceilings. The materials from which they are made are good quality, and the absence of transportation costs makes the domestic product competitive in price.

A Russian manufacturer can reduce the cost of a product by minimizing losses associated with the storage and transportation of materials. The PVC film of stretch ceilings, which is the basis in their production, can be damaged during long-term transportation, which will lead to significant losses when importing an order.

It should be taken into account that Russian companies often cooperate with European manufacturers and adopt their experience and technologies. This feature is the key to high quality products and enhances the reputation of the company.

Business features

Are you going to open the production of stretch ceilings? Then it should be understood that this type of activity will require significant capital investments, especially in the first place. initial stage. In order to establish film production, it is necessary to purchase special equipment.

In addition, it is necessary to take into account the features of the premises where it is planned to carry out manufacturing process. They must maintain the necessary climatic conditions and comply with production standards. Despite decent financial expenses, the production of stretch ceilings pays off very quickly. In the future, you can count on significant profits.

Business "Stretch ceilings": where to start

Like any other type of activity, a newborn enterprise for the production of stretch ceilings should be formalized. To get started, you can register as an individual entrepreneur. This type of organizational and legal form will allow you to significantly simplify the financial and accounting business of the enterprise and save on taxes. When planning a large-scale production with large cash flows, it makes sense to think about registering a company with limited liability or joint stock company.

In the registration documents, certain OKVED codes should be indicated. These are 25.23, 52.46.7 and 52.61. A license is not required for the production of stretch ceilings, however, certificates for the film from which they will be made must be required. It may be a good idea to conclude contracts for the supply of PVC film directly from its manufacturers.

Production of stretch ceilings. Cutting canvases

At the place of installation of the stretch ceiling, it is necessary to take measurements in advance. On their basis, a pattern of the canvas is made. A special computer program is engaged in the formation of a pattern drawing. The cutter prepares the components for the future ceiling, cutting the canvas exactly according to the scheme. A standard roll of German PVC film has a width of 1.3 to 1.8 meters. If the design provides for a large area, then the cut parts are soldered.

Spike seams

Equipment for stretch ceilings, namely the HDTV machine, makes it possible to ensure that the seams on the product are inconspicuous and very strong.

On a matte basis, it is almost invisible. The pattern is placed on the lower press of the welding surface of the electrodes. When the upper press with the electrode strip is lowered, the HDTV generator is started, and a working capacitor is formed between the electrodes.

High-frequency energy acts on the thermoplastic material, instantly heating it from the inside. The composition of tissues at the molecular level becomes mobile, thereby connecting the two segments into a single monolithic canvas.

After welding is completed, the generator is switched off and the pressurized film cools very quickly. Then the upper press is raised. The strongest seams are obtained with a short cycle, but this requires a powerful generator.


It is a flexible plate made of hard plastic, a special design-lock around the entire perimeter of the film, which is laid in a baguette and allows you to securely and firmly fasten ceiling structure. Using a harpoon installation, it is possible to dismantle the ceiling (for example, in case of a strong bay). The HDTV machine welds the harpoon in the edge of the PVC film web.

Quality checking

After soldering, all seams are checked manually. The prepared film is lined with a special air-bubble pad to avoid deformation during transportation. Then it is packaged.


When creating a business plan for stretch ceilings, you should pay special attention to the purchase of equipment. Depending on the scale of production, its quantity can vary significantly. Here is the minimum calculation.

For production

  • First of all, you need to purchase a two-station HDTV machine (high frequency welding). Its cost is 365 thousand rubles.
  • For the operation of pneumatics, an air compressor is required, the receiver of which is designed for 50-100 liters. Its price is about 20 thousand rubles.
  • Additional electrical equipment (machines, cables, etc.) will cost about 15 thousand rubles.
  • The program for cutting ceilings and staff training will require another 30 thousand rubles.

For shop

  • 2 cutting tables.
  • Film racks.
  • Tables for supplying PVC film to the machine (2 pcs).

The approximate cost of such a set of equipment is 80 thousand rubles.

For office

At the initial stage, in this position, you can save a little and arrange a mini-office in small room own apartment or in one of industrial premises. But in the future you will need:

  • furniture (table, chairs);
  • exhibition stand for displaying product samples and catalogs;
  • office equipment (computer, printer);
  • other stationery.

About 60 thousand rubles can be allocated to this item of expenditure. Summing up the above figures, we get the final result - 570 thousand rubles.

A few years ago, plasterboard was used to repair ceilings, which at that time was fashionable and looked quite presentable. Now drywall has been replaced by stretch ceilings. And this is reasonable, because the use of stretch ceiling technology is more economical and less labor-intensive than, for example, drywall.

Advantages of stretch ceilings

The popularity of stretch ceilings is explained by many positive qualities:

  • long service life. You can not think about repairing the ceiling for at least ten years;
  • high strength and impermeability. If a bay occurs due to neighbors, then the material of the stretch ceiling will simply bend under the load of liquid and stop the flooding of the apartment. In order to get rid of it, it will be enough just to remove the lamps and pour out the water;
  • quick installation without any special experience. Now there is no need to level the surface, puttying and removing whitewash. Installation of a tension structure can be carried out even after the completion of repairs in the apartment;
  • high-quality material with anti-dust coating that does not require regular washing. Although, if desired, the ceiling can always be washed with a damp cloth;
  • versatility and a large selection of textures and colors.

Every year the demand for this type of product is growing for a novice entrepreneur the production of stretch ceilings can become

A businessman is faced with questions about where to start, what are the costs for equipment, materials, premises, etc. The answer to these questions is a carefully thought-out business plan, which includes step by step instructions on the organization of the business of production of stretch ceilings.

Step-by-step instructions for creating the production of stretch ceilings

2. Increasing production and fighting competitors.

3. Choice of premises.

4. Purchase of materials and equipment.

5. Profit calculation.

Production registration

To start the production of stretch ceilings, you will need to take two important steps. The first is (individual entrepreneur) and start At first, this will be enough.

But there is a second type of registration, this (limited liability company). There are two sides to the coin in this registration. negative moment- high taxes can destroy a business, and a positive one - preventing the loss of property in case of bankruptcy.

When registering, you will need (all-Russian classifier of species economic activity) that are related to the business of stretch ceilings:

  • 52.61 sphere retail and work with orders;
  • 52.46.7 - retail trade with building materials;
  • 25.354 - Manufacture of plastic products used in construction.

There is no need for licensing to legitimize the stretch ceiling business. But it would not hurt to conclude a cooperation agreement with suppliers of raw materials for the manufacture of stretch ceilings.

At the same time, ask them for quality certificates for the products provided.

More information about the production of stretch ceilings for profit - in the following video:

The production of stretch ceilings is one of the most promising and profitable types of business. How to organize production? What to look for when choosing a room?

What costs are expected when purchasing equipment and materials? What profit can you expect? This article answers these and a number of other questions.
When finishing the ceiling, many people prefer reliable and proven tension structures.

At the same time, the demand for these products is only growing every year. So why not organize the production of stretch ceilings? Moreover, in this type of business, everything is simple.

Production features

The process of manufacturing stretch ceilings includes several main activities - measurement, design planning, production itself, installation of the finished ceiling structure.

I would like to note right away that the production of ceilings and films are different processes.

Those companies that are engaged in the manufacture of the base are the usual suppliers of raw materials for ceiling manufacturers.

The popularity of tension structures is due to a whole range of positive qualities:

  • they can serve at least ten years. For this period, you can forget about the need for repair work;
  • stretch ceilings are not afraid of bays from neighbors. The material simply sags under the weight of the liquid and does not fall directly into the apartment. All that is needed to solve the problem is to remove the lighting elements and carefully drain the water. If everything is done correctly, then the ceiling returns to its original form;
  • installation of a stretch ceiling is carried out as quickly as possible and does not require special preparation. There is no need to level the surface, putty, remove whitewash and so on. Installation can be carried out even after the complete renovation of the room;
  • the product has the highest quality material, which almost does not stick to household dust. But if desired, the stretch ceiling can always be washed with a damp cloth;
  • tension structures are universal and have a wide range, which allows you to choose the right products according to the texture and color palette.

Do you need a business plan for the production of stretch ceilings?

Very briefly and 100% true - needed. Necessarily! And you can create a real, working business plan for organizing such a business quite inexpensively. How? Be sure to look and purchase the offer from our partners:

Features of business organization

To start a stretch ceiling business, you need two things - to become individual entrepreneur and give preference to a simplified form of tax payment (for the first time this is enough).

You can, of course, register as a legal entity, but a larger amount of taxes can make this type of business illiquid. On the other hand, the LLC organization can protect against the loss of all property in case of failure.

During the registration process, you must select the following OKVED codes - 52.61 (work in the field of retail trade on orders), 52.46.7 (work in retail with building materials) and 25.354 (manufacture of plastic products used in the construction industry).

There is no need for a license, and it is better to conclude a cooperation agreement with manufacturers of stretch ceilings. Moreover, it is desirable to request quality certificates for the goods provided.

Stretch ceilings made in France

Market features

It must be understood that the stretch ceiling business is already very common in our country, so you need to be prepared for serious competition.

You have to be better than your competitors, offer better service, the best prices and possibly some related services. Keep in mind that most buyers do not look at the brand - they care about quality and affordability in terms of price.

On the other hand, too low level prices can scare the buyer. The philosophy here is simple "low price - low quality". It is better to leave the cost of ceilings unchanged, and, for example, make the service (screwing in lamps, taking measurements, and so on) free of charge.

It is desirable to start a business from the most popular films - glossy and matte. In this case, the colors should be very different. Over time, you can move on to more complex options with drawing images, creating original designs, and so on.

At the initial stage, it is important to create a reputation for yourself as a reliable companion. An excellent and inexpensive choice is Russian-made stretch ceilings. To do this, it is necessary to fulfill their obligations to construction companies and construction teams in a timely manner.

At the same time, it is desirable to conduct joint activities only by concluding a cooperation agreement. At the initial stage, the more marketing options, the better.

Stretch ceilings made in Belgium

Selection of premises for a workshop for the production of stretch ceilings

One of the most important points- choice of premises. There should be enough space both for the production of ceilings and for the accommodation of service personnel (offices). In principle, one room is enough, which can be divided into several zones.

In the office part, work will be carried out with customers, the material and shape of the product will be selected, work will be carried out on the calculation, and so on.

It is best if the room is located in a place of high activity of people, for example, near a supermarket or market. There is no need for any huge areas for organizing an office - 10-20 square meters are enough.

As for the production itself, it is more demanding on space. Here you will need about 60-70 square meters of space, a three-phase voltage of 380 volts, well-organized ventilation, heating, and so on.

The optimal temperature regime throughout the year should be maintained at the level of 15-25 degrees Celsius.

Stretch ceilings made in Germany

Materials and equipment for the production of stretch ceilings

Another very important task is the choice of a supplier. Here you need to carefully study all existing offers, choose the best option in terms of quality and price.

Before making a decision, it is necessary to evaluate your future buyer, his profit, and think over the product range. The decision must be made taking into account all factors.

The products of a number of European companies in Germany, Belgium and France are the most popular on the market. As for the Russian film, the domestic buyer does not trust it, as well as stretch ceilings from China.

But these are stereotypes. Today there are many companies, both in the Middle Kingdom and in the Russian Federation, that manufacture high-quality products, taking into account all European requirements.

Thinking about what a business should be like so that it brings not only profit, but also real benefits for people, one cannot ignore the sphere of repair and arrangement of premises. One of the directions is the production and installation of stretch ceilings. The opening of the enterprise will justify itself, as in major city, and in the village, because people want to live and work in comfort.

Any business must be profitable stable income and develop, as the market is constantly improving, transforming, receiving new technologies and opportunities. Before proceeding with the registration of a company, purchasing equipment and hiring staff, it is necessary to draw up a business plan, describing the goals, objectives, prospects and estimated costs, calculate the expected income and profitability.

Goals of opening a company:

to establish the release (production) of stretch ceilings;
develop your own line of models;
form a team of professionals;
to carry out the whole range of works - from production to installation of ceilings;
increase production capacity, expand the enterprise (open branches).

Tasks of the company for the production and installation of stretch ceilings:

enter the market, become a competitive enterprise;
meet the needs of people in these products;
expand the proposed models and colors of ceilings, apply new developments and technologies;
recoup costs and achieve a profitability of 20% in 2 years after the start of work.

The company must have start-up capital in order to start developing. In the case of the production and installation of stretch ceilings, the cost is about 500 thousand rubles.

Company registration

To start own business for the production of stretch ceilings, it is necessary to officially register the company. The legal form can be:

IP (individual entrepreneur);

In the first case, it is recommended to choose a simplified option for paying taxes and fees, since funds will be required at the first stages of formation. If the option with the opening of an LLC is chosen (registration legal entity), then the amount of taxes will increase, but the company will be able to cover a significant niche, start production activities, conclude contracts with wholesalers almost immediately after the start of work - trust in LLC is higher than in "private traders".

At the same time, it is important to take into account that paying taxes and fees when opening an LLC, at the start of work, can make further development company is impossible - the amounts will be quite large, but at the same time, if the business does not bring the expected results, this legal form will protect against investment losses - some will be saved. To register an enterprise as an LLC, it is necessary to register a legal address - this is not necessary for an individual entrepreneur.

When registering an enterprise, a businessman will receive the following OKVED codes:

61 - work in the field of retail trade on orders;
46.7 - retail work with building materials;
354 - production of plastic products used in the construction industry.

Production is not subject to licensing, but obtaining permits from the SES and the fire department is a prerequisite. Certification of the product from which stretch ceilings are made will increase the degree of customer confidence in the company, thereby the business will receive more income and net profit. To register a company, you will need to contact the local tax office.

Financial side: first investments and profit

It is impossible to start a business without investing money. In the case of the production and installation of stretch ceilings, it is necessary to make the following financial investments:

Purchase equipment that will allow you to make accurate measurements (roulettes - construction and laser, meters, corners) - from 5,000 rubles;
Purchase equipment for the direct installation of stretch ceilings (hammer drills, screwdrivers, drills, jigsaws, heat guns, cutting machines, saws, extension cords) - about 45,000 rubles;
Specialized equipment (blades, suspensions, tensioners) - from 5,000 rubles.

The total amount will be about 55-60 thousand rubles per 1 team of workers. Accordingly, over time, when the business begins to develop and expand, the cost of the second and subsequent teams will also be about 60 thousand rubles.

The production side also requires investments - equipment and materials are purchased at the beginning of the activity. All necessary machines together with raw materials will require investments of about 200 thousand rubles. It is necessary to take care of the office in advance - renting a room and purchasing furniture and office equipment will cost another 130-150 thousand rubles. It is important to leave funds for unforeseen needs, utility bills, purchase Supplies and the marketing component - an advertising campaign, promotions and sales - about 100 thousand rubles. The total cost will be about 400 thousand rubles.

When starting a business, one cannot help but think about profit. It is formed on the basis of the established cost for services, as well as external and internal factors, which include:

market situation - the level of competition and demand;
the cost of the fabric and accessories;
the cost of the work of specialists;
the difficulty of working indoors.

The average cost of installing 1m2 of stretch ceiling is 2-3 thousand rubles. If we take into account that the team will be able to install up to 30 m2 in 1 day, then the amount that the company will receive for the work will be about 60-90 thousand rubles. It is necessary to deduct from this amount the cost of raw materials during production - 30%, the salary of specialists involved in the installation is 20% and 10% - payment of other expenses - wear and tear of equipment, payment for fuel for the machine, tax payments. The income of the entrepreneur in this case will be from 24 to 36 thousand rubles from 1 completed order. Accordingly, 10 orders per month will allow you to get a net profit of 200-300 thousand rubles.

Equipment and materials

Canvas for stretch ceilings - fabrics or films. The first are more expensive and better, but affordable prices and variety colors causes a high demand for PVC ceilings. Accordingly, it is necessary to purchase this material in larger quantities than fabrics. It is important to remember that PVC has width restrictions - no more than 5 meters, so the production will require stitching elements to get the size you need for the project. The wholesale price for a canvas is up to 400 rubles/m2. The material is usually sold in rolls up to 500 cm wide.

Also, the production will require the following equipment:

metal corner;
electric cardboard for welding on the machine;
carton boxes;
air bubble film;

Market analysis

When analyzing the market for the production and installation of stretch ceilings, it should be understood that with a high demand for the service, there will be great competition. That is why it is necessary to think over a development strategy before opening a company - to hold promotions, offer various color options for ceilings, and develop design proposals.

Attracting customers will help not only interesting solutions in colors and shades, but also affordable cost, which should be lower than that of competitors. It is important that the cost is not too low - on the contrary, it will scare away potential customers.

Company advertising

The marketing component is important for business promotion. In the case of stretch ceilings, in addition to the usual methods of promotion - advertising in the media or on TV, distribution of booklets and leaflets, you can offer potential customers favorable conditions for cooperation - pleasant bonuses, gifts, discounts.
Free services, such as area measurements, design development, will attract a lot of attention. It is necessary to conclude contracts for advertising the company with construction companies - this will raise the prestige of the enterprise in the eyes of people.

Possible risks

Risks also need to be taken into account. Among the main negative factors:

decrease in demand in a certain subject;
high competition;
lack of funds for development.

That is why it is very important to analyze the situation on the market before starting the preparation of documents and the purchase of equipment. Start-up capital should also be available and it is better if these funds are not credit, since they will have to be given to the bank in any case.

The increased interest in stretch ceilings and the fashion for their installation in homes and offices affects the number of companies offering such services. Competition and demand are strong, so it's not just the supply of production and installation that matters. But also the development of exclusive services that would become a "chip" of the company. In case of a successful start, the return on investment and reaching a profitability of 20% will become possible in 6-8 months, and further development and expansion of the company - in 1-2 years.

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