In the natal chart, only harmonious aspects. Astrology

  • 26.09.2019

In all astrological systems, both Eastern and Western, predictions are based on the aspects that link the planets in the studied horoscope. According to the theory of aspects, each planet located in one place or another of the zodiac affects a number of other points of the zodiac circle, separated from it by certain angular distances. In Vedic astrology, the aspects are called drushmu "sight" or "look". This term reflects the idea of ​​the planets as some kind of intelligent forces that "look" at each other and adapt to each other.

Imagine the zodiac as a circle, and the positions of the planets as points on this circle. Connect these points with radii to the center of the circle and you will see that between any two planets an angle of a certain size is formed. This angle can be measured in degrees. Certain angular distances between planets (for example, 90, 120 or 180) are significant aspects, the influence and strength of which are interpreted differently in different astrological systems.

In Western astrology, when determining aspects, the distance between the planets is usually calculated with great accuracy, at least up to one degree. The major aspects that are the strongest, such as quadrature (90) or trine (120), stand out in particular. The aspect is considered significant only when the distance between the planets does not go beyond the so-called orbis of the maximum permissible deviation from the exact value of the aspect. Western astrologers attribute different natures to different aspects. Regardless of the planets that form the aspect, some aspects are considered unfavorable, problematic (for example, quadrature), while others are favorable, “light” (for example, trine).

Vedic astrologers take a different approach, and those who are accustomed to the Western system may not immediately master it. First of all, in the Vedic system, aspects are determined not on the basis of the exact angular distance between the planets, but depending on the number of signs that separate the planets from each other. So, in order to form the opposition (180) one of the main aspects in Vedic astrology, it is enough that the planets are in opposite signs, and their exact position in degrees does not matter. In other words, aspects are formed not between planets, but between zodiac signs, in which they are placed, and between all the contents of these characters.

For example, Jupiter in Aries is in opposition to the whole sign of Libra, to the whole house that is in the sign of Libra, and to all the planets located in this sign. Even if Jupiter is located at 50 Aries, and Saturn at 250 Libra, then in Vedic astrology they will still be in opposition to each other (although by the standards of Western astrology this aspect is too wide, it differs from the exact opposition by as much as 20).

However, in Vedic astrology, the coordinates of the planets play a certain role. It is believed that the closer the aspect is to the exact one, the stronger it is. Sufficiently precise aspects can be taken into account outside of the connection with the signs. If, for example, Jupiter is located at 10 Aries, and Saturn at 29 Virgo, then the signs of these planets are not in opposition to each other, but the angular distance between the planets is 178, that is, it approaches the exact opposition. Some Vedic astrologers take these aspects into account, especially when analyzing the bhava chakra (house map).

Imagine that each sign is a room, and the planets are lamps in these rooms. Wherever the lamp hangs on the ceiling, the light from it spreads throughout the room. The first and last degrees of each sign can be likened to doors. Planets located at such junction points can affect both signs, but outside the narrow zone of the "doors" their influence is rather weak.

Determining aspects between signs does not require any laborious calculations, or even knowledge of the exact coordinates of the planets. They do not need to be calculated and reduced to a separate table. Vedic horoscopes do not come with an aspectary, which usually accompanies horoscopes based on the Western system. And since aspects in Vedic astrology are counted from sign to sign, the total number of possible aspects here is much less than in Western astrology.

In the Vedic system, no special positive or negative qualities are attributed to various aspects. Aspects differ here only in strength as major and minor. Each aspect is an indicator of the connection between the planets. But the nature of this connection does not depend on the type of aspect, but on the nature of the planets themselves. Oppositions and quadratures in Vedic astrology are not considered deliberately negative or problematic aspects, and trines are obviously favorable. It all depends on the quality of the planets forming the aspect. Opposition to a poorly placed Sun in Libra (in a debilitating sign) can be very difficult. However, if the Sun is well placed, for example exalted in Aries, the same opposition can be quite beneficial. The square between Mars in Aries (abode) and Jupiter in Cancer (exaltation) can also be favorable, since both planets are well placed.

To determine the qualities of an aspect, it is necessary to take into account all possible information about the qualities of the planets that form it. Any aspect from the great malefic Saturn is more often negative than favorable. On the contrary, any aspect from the great benefactor Jupiter is likely to be beneficial. But the more we study the natural status of the planet and its qualities in the system of house management, the more accurate assessment can be given to aspects. The aspects of each planet reflect its nature and its manifestations in various areas of life.

In Vedic astrology, it is believed that some aspects are fully inherent only to certain planets. General scheme aspect influences for all planets is the same, however, some planets are credited with a monopoly on special aspects that are much weaker in other planets.

Trine aspects of magnitude 120 are considered specific "full" aspects of Jupiter. Trines of other planets are regarded as weak, minor aspects. And quadrature aspects of 90 are fully manifested only in Mars (with the planets located in front of it along the signs) and Saturn (with the planets located behind it). Perhaps this is the reason why in Western astrology the trine began to be considered a favorable aspect, and the quadrature is problematic: after all, trines are associated with beneficent Jupiter, and squares with malefic Mars and Saturn. In Vedic astrology, it is believed that the influence of the planet in aspects extends only forward in the course of the signs of the Zodiac (whereas in the Western system, the aspect is usually considered as a mutual influence). So, if Saturn is in 3 Gemini, and Mars is in 3 Pisces, then Saturn forms an aspect to Mars at 270 (the aspect of the tenth house), and Mars forms an aspect to Saturn at 90 (the aspect of the fourth house).

In Western astrology, aspects are interpreted as relationships between planets. In the Vedic system, a planet aspects not only another planet, but also a house (even if there are no planets in it), separated from it by an aspect distance, or rather, a sign located on the cusp of this house. Depending on the nature of the aspecting planet, the affairs of this house can either improve or deteriorate.

The main rule in accordance with which the Vedic astrologer makes judgments on a particular issue is as follows: first, the issue is studied in connection with the house to whose sphere of influence it belongs, then in connection with the ruler of the house, and then in connection with the significator of the house . At the same time, not only houses from the ascendant are considered, but also houses from the Moon. And for the final answer to the question, aspects to all the mentioned elements of the horoscope are taken into account.

For example, if we are interested in the topic of spirituality or religion, we should study the influences to which the ninth house and its ruler are subject, as well as Jupiter, the significator of the ninth house. Then the same analysis should be carried out in the system of houses from the Moon. In the course of this study, we must take into account not only the aspects between the planets, but also the whole network of aspect relationships between all the factors of the chart related to the question of interest to us. Sometimes in Vedic astrology the aspects to the houses are even more important than the aspects between the planets.

From the point of view of Western astrology, the aspects accepted in the Vedic system may seem too general and non-specific. It may seem that several major aspects between signs do not allow creating such a detailed picture as various aspects calculated by degrees. A Western astrologer may wonder how his colleague working in the Vedic system is able to make accurate judgments and make accurate predictions from such a limited set of aspects. However, one should not forget that in Vedic astrology aspects are also considered in a whole series of harmonic charts. Thanks to this, it is possible to trace much more subtle relationships and take into account the exact degree distances between the planets.

In addition, relationships between planets in Vedic astrology are studied according to an extensive system of criteria, and aspect relationships are only a part of this system. In addition to aspects, friendship and enmity between planets, as well as various yogas are taken into account.

Major aspects of the planets

The basic rule is that each planet aspects the seventh sign, counting from the sign in which it is located. In Western astrology, this aspect is taken into account as an opposition (180).

In addition, the outer planets Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have special aspects inherent only to them. Mars aspects not only the seventh sign, but also the fourth and eighth. The aspect to the fourth sign is similar to the aspect of the folding (applicative) quadrature (90) adopted in the Western system. The aspect to the eighth sign is similar to the quincunx (150), however, set against the course of the signs (that is, along the course of the signs, the distance between Mars and the aspected sign here is 210).

Jupiter, in addition to the seventh sign, also aspects the fifth and ninth. These aspects are similar to the trines of Western astrology, laid back and forth from Jupiter. Saturn not only aspects the seventh, but also the third and tenth signs. Its influence on the third sign is similar to the sextile (60) of Western astrology, but it is postponed only forward, in the course of the signs. The aspect of Saturn to the tenth sign is a quadrature that extends only backwards, against the course of the signs (that is, along the course of the signs, the distance between Saturn and the aspected sign is 270).

All of these aspects are categorized as major or "full" aspects. Other types of aspects that do not have full strength qualify as "weak" or minor.

Rahu and Ketu usually do not have special aspects, but some Vedic astrologers, including J. N. Bhasin, attribute to them the same aspects as Jupiter, that is, the influence on the fifth and ninth signs. However, the Rahu Ketu axis itself is always important. Any planet that is in conjunction with one of the lunar nodes is automatically in opposition to the other.

This article is for those who use astrology as a tool to improve their character, develop positive qualities and corrections of negative ones.

Hence the rule that should have been learned at school: the person who is able to resist his desires (knows how to deny himself) has the power to resist the negative impact of his fate. Which, in turn, manifests itself through the planets and aspects.

Those aspects that exist in the natal chart are traits. The ability to respond to something in a certain way. Tense, quadrature and opposition, give a negative impact. It is expressed in a tendency to react unrestrainedly, irritably, harshly, or, on the contrary, leave unanswered (ignore) certain situations. Well, harmonious, trines and sextiles form our strengths, help in the appropriate situation to use everything for the good, because there is an initial positive attitude and love for oneself and one's neighbors.

The best situation in the chart is when ALL aspects are present, but there is some preponderance towards harmonious ones, there are a little more of them. Then a person has the energy to develop from tense aspects, he has something to be dissatisfied with himself and strive for perfection. But he also has something to be proud of and in what to see (receive evidence) of the Almighty's love for himself. It comes from harmonious interactions.

If there are few tense aspects, then a person tends to be satisfied with himself, he simply has nothing to strain and grow up for. Him and so every day carnival. This gives an extremely happy childhood and youth. But then envy begins for those who bypassed it due to their efforts. At some point, a person can simply find a stagnant swamp around him. And at the same time, he will understand that everything suits him and continue to lead an inert plant life, implicitly losing respect for himself. But continuing to consume comfort and benefits.

So, if you find squares and oppositions in your map, do not rush to think badly about them. Yes, they will forever be your irritants. But it is they who give energy for development. And that means achievement. That alone is worth showing tolerance for them.

But, like any tool, handling them requires knowledge of safety precautions.


The opposition gives a fundamental disagreement, the original irreconcilable position. A person accepts for himself the manifestation of the principle of only one of the planets participating in the configuration. And flatly refuses to recognize the right of the second to influence.

We will immediately consider specific example. Take the opposition of Uranus and Mercury. This means that a person recognizes separately the existence of sudden insights and opportunities for non-standard behavior. And separately can work with logic and speak well. But he does not understand how it can be combined. He is convinced that if something can be put into words, explained in an intelligible language, written down (Mercury), then this cannot claim to be extraordinary (Uranus). It is initially simple, formulaic, trite and understandable to everyone. And if someone does something innovative, extraordinary, creative, then it is definitely impossible to put it into a verbal form. Words will vulgarize and destroy everything. The same ban on logic. If logic is present (Mercury), then by definition no cardinal changes can occur (Uranus). Hence the desire to organize local revolutionary upheavals in one's life without any rationality and mind control.

In fact, the opposition is not as terrible as in theory. When a person with opposition in the map begins to act in practice. He is surprised to find that both the wolves are full and the sheep are safe. In the midst of spontaneous changes in Uranus, he begins to be good at explaining what is happening, using his Mercury. And even catch the logic and follow it, not rejecting it as something that can destroy the whole idea of ​​cardinal changes in life.

Well, at the moment of ordinary reflections or answering an ordinary question, he understands that it is possible to show non-standard thinking and allow sudden insight to change the course of reasoning. And not to look at the same time, to put it mildly, not quite a healthy person. On the contrary, make a good impression.

Being just a theoretical contradiction, the opposition of two planets in the chart is able to come to full development by the age of 30, and maybe even earlier. And give the ability to simultaneously use two qualities and thereby gain a competitive advantage over others. Well, for example, if it is Mars and Venus, then the decisive actions of such a person will always be tactful towards others and aesthetic in execution. Conversely, the need to satisfy one's desires will always be reinforced by a good concentration of willpower in the direction of achieving the desired.

In order to tame the opposition in practice, it is enough to start acting. Theoretical intransigence magically disappears in practice.


Quadrature is the more problematic aspect. Her cunning is that she starts like a trine, with a great belief that everything will be great and here it is, my finest hour, everything should work out for me. In theory, quadrature is not felt at all, a person considers himself completely harmonious and perfectly developed. But practice quickly reveals all the problems and roughness. The result is always unsatisfactory. In simple words - a person will definitely be dissatisfied with how everything turned out.

For example, let's take the quadrature between the Moon and the Sun. It's just that this is the most sensational and frightening aspect, giving a high conflict and a tendency to divorce, as well as other rash actions. A lot of people want to see it.

In itself, the aspect means the ever-existing relationship between the Sun and the Moon. One does not appear without the other. The sun is our will and outer activity, and the moon is our emotions and inner life. With such a quadrature, when a person decides something (Sun), he always places great emotional expectations on it (Moon). Naturally, everyone is waiting positive emotions, that is, he himself initiates only what should make him happy. But in fact, in the end, it always turns out to be disappointed. His real emotions will always be far from expected, because his consciousness (the Sun) was mistaken about the true deepest desires (the Moon).

It also works in reverse. If the moon turns on first, then something triggered his expectations and emotional reaction. A person is excited (in any direction, happy or angry). And he can't just ride out his emotional storm. He absolutely needs to do something right now. Start acting. The aspect demands to be drawn into the entire Sun. Moreover, he is convinced that he is completely sober and clearly understands what and how to do in order to balance his emotions. To further enhance happiness or remove unhappiness. And of course, practice quickly makes its own adjustments to the ideal plan. Actions are somewhat clumsy and ultimately traditionally unsatisfactory. The result is not as good as we would like. And sometimes downright bad.

This is a square, there is no other way with it ...

With quadrature, one must be clearly aware that it is never worked out to the end. From time to time a person will act on the planets in this aspect more and more subtle, trying to take into account past mistakes and provide for all options. But until the end you will never be satisfied with the result. It will always seem to him that if he had worked a little more on himself (or on preparing for action), it could have been better.

Practice, or we forge our character

So, there is a tense aspect. And how to tame it, a person does not understand what exactly he needs to start with? In fact, everything is very simple. Nature has taken care of everything. We are born as deeply social animals. We absolutely cannot do without communication with other people. It is these other people who will kindly take upon themselves the task of developing us.

As long as a person has some kind of conflict with himself inside, people will be sent to him by fate, who will bring this conflict out. Become the characters in the play.


Take for example the opposition of Saturn and Venus. Man does not want to be limited by his desires. And believes life experience and maturity is a killer of happiness.

When Venus himself is active, someone will definitely appear who will take on the role of Saturn. Venus will offer some kind of pleasure, something to please and pamper yourself. But there will be an extremely mature and authoritative person nearby, perhaps older in age, or will behave from a position of superior life experience, greater maturity. And this person will begin to appeal to conscience, to reason, forbidding to receive pleasure, which is literally within reach. Thus interfering with happiness.

In youth, when a person is just learning to handle his natal chart, this causes a terrible conflict, a rejection of the authority of the figure acting as Saturn. This can be expressed in conflict with parents or teachers, unwillingness to communicate with older people, believing that they will deprive them of the opportunity to receive pleasure, forbid everything and restrict everything.

With time comes a more relaxed attitude. A man argues with his opponents. But he begins to understand that at the same time, no one can forbid him in practice what Venus offers. And Venus offers what brings happiness. At one moment, it will be happiness to have a puppy, at another the opportunity to go on vacation, of course, this is also a matter of falling in love and choosing a partner, etc. It’s just that at the time of the dispute, a person in himself, arguing his right to these benefits, works out his doubts sent by his Saturn. And through this, either corrects desires, or finally decides.

Well, at a developed level, a person already knows how to do without disputes with his environment. A person already knows that you just need to start embodying and everything will come to balance on its own.

This same opposition sounds in parallel from its other side. When it is necessary to translate something into life experience (Saturn), it seems to a person with this aspect that this will completely deprive him of comfort and all the benefits. If he decides on something serious, then a provocateur immediately appears, who teases “yes, why do you need all this, but look how cool you can relax and live in comfort without bothering,” etc. At the beginning of the study, this is quite capable of leading a person away from his serious plans, in the middle he simply argues to himself through communication with a friend that comfort will not suffer so much and everything will be fine, but then he already copes simply at the level of reflection.


Consider, say, the quadrature of Mars and Jupiter.

It in itself means that a person's actions (Mars) are in conflict with his morality (Jupiter). When such a person accumulates strength and undertakes something, then in theory he is sure that he is doing everything from the point of view of high morality and everything is wonderful. But in reality, everything turns out to be not ethical enough and obviously causes some problems for others, and this spoils the reputation of a person. In the opposite case, when a person studies the Scriptures or other moral (scientific) knowledge (Jupiter), he is convinced that he is completely within his power (Mars). But in fact, he is convinced that it is much harder for him to keep the fast than he expected, it is even more difficult to keep the word, and so on. Real forces and internal capabilities (Mars) turn out to be weaker than the plank for Jupiter. And it is very unpleasant to notice all this in yourself. But it is this force that will constantly push a person to improve in both directions.

In more simple version such a student is confident that he can easily prepare for the exam in the last couple of nights. And in the end, he states that this is not his method and, of course, he will be dishonored at the exam.

Everything will work out the same way. If a person somehow regards his Mars (our student is convinced that a couple of days is enough for him), then fate is guaranteed to send him that teacher (Jupiter) who will prove the opposite to him. Naturally, the poor fellow will be tolerant of himself and extremely dislike a harmful teacher.

Well, either a person turns on Jupiter and is sure that he can help someone. Become a savior and benefactor. Promises joyfully and with three boxes. Naturally, it does not cope and the situation only exacerbates the situation. The dependent person is then forced to take on the role of Mars. When they bring him to at its best throw out their indignation and aggression from such a disservice. Mars is easily manifested through anger. And here, too, a person will be completely satisfied with his Jupiter (well, I’m so kind, sympathetic, compassionate, and I had connections), but he will extremely condemn the ungrateful beggar. At first he sobbed from his problems, but now he doesn’t agree with what happened, let him rejoice, he doesn’t deserve this either.

At an average level, a person begins to understand that others are not to blame for his problems and do not write them down as “bad guys”. It was I who did not cope subtly enough, that's why it happened, that's why such a reaction to my actions. At the same time, he begins to be afraid to take on roles related to his quadrature. But fate will force. And he will simply take into account past mistakes over and over again, apologize for sharp corners and draw conclusions.

At the last level, a person no longer proves to someone, but to himself that he can take this height. He sets tasks for himself, and he is constantly dissatisfied with himself to the end. Finds what else can be polished and made more perfect. And at the same time, he begins to love the very possibilities to manifest themselves by quadrature. At this level, the surrounding square no longer notices. Outwardly, the person is impeccable.


Separately, I will touch on the connection. By itself, it is not considered a stressful aspect. It simply means that when one planet is turned on, another planet is turned on in tandem with it, and they do not go alone.

It all depends on the level of personal development and you need to work on it. If a person is of a high level, then from both planets they will be taken best qualities and the connection will become a point of strength. If a person is not far from a barbarian, then at the moment the connection is turned on, the worst qualities of both planets will appear and this will only aggravate the situation.

For example, the conjunction of Venus and Mars that excites poets. On the high level it is refinement together with concentration and determination. And at a low level it is promiscuity, multiplied by aggression and anger.

It will manifest itself through people in the form of a companion (comrade) that appears in time. And already the one who connects to your actions will outwardly show the level of your development. Toli will be a strong assistant, roofing felts will create terrible problems. In the process of elaboration, intermediate options are also observed, of course.


I'll finish where I started. Success in life is determined by the ability to restrain one's desires and evaluate oneself. When a person knows how to do it himself, he is not touched by the people around him. He is RESPECTED. Self-control is POWER in its purest form. Until a person has found this, other people will protect us from ourselves. Either by forbidding something (protection from problems by opposition), or by criticizing (the requirement to improve by quadrature). With our personal growth, this is no longer the right to prohibition, but just talking, arguing with friends. People who have power over us give way to those who are simply not indifferent to us. Well, at the last level, students come.

Alla Kudlyuk, Voronezh, 2017

My articles on this topic:

(By clicking on any of the links below - you will see a brief summary of the selected article)

Psychology through the eyes of an astrologer

To know or not to know? The Dilemma of the Age of Aquarius

And once again about freedom of choice and fate


I was offered to write an article on the topic “What to do if everything is so bad in your horoscope?” At first I agreed - why not? I would start with the phrase: “Keep living, the worst thing has already happened to you - you were born” and further in an ironic style would relax the bored audience. In essence, this is a publicity stunt. Try to attract for consultation those potential clients who are simply afraid to know the future. What if it's terrible there? It's much easier to die when you don't know why, right?

Man is always striving for something. Everyone has goals, dreams, desires, needs. And in astrology the principles of absolute harmony are encoded. Having understood the principles laid down in each house, we can find the answer to a very important question for ourselves: “How to behave competently in order to achieve our goal?” But only if it's significant. I can’t answer where my beloved cat disappeared and where to look for him using the natal chart. True, horary astrology copes with this. And studying any card you come to the realization supreme harmony. To the meaning and importance of any turn of fate, starting from childhood. To the understanding that tensions are needed for moving forward, and harmony for its transmission to others. To the vision that there is no load without resources. And even if in some way it seems to you that here it hits you more than others, take a closer look, because there are also moments of abundance in your chart, where they will give you many times more than others.

Limits of personal will, or measure of freedom

05.10.2018 This article applies to my early work. Now I myself consider it rather naive and uninformative. But under everything that is written in it, she is still ready to sign.

Astrology is a science that claims to have complete knowledge of people. Every natal chart contains full information about a human. It describes his psyche, character, response patterns, body characteristics and degree of health, even appearance. In each card there is an answer to any question from a person's life. But only if it's significant. I can’t answer where my beloved cat disappeared and where to look for him using the natal chart. True, horary astrology copes with this. And studying any card you come to the realization of higher harmony. To the meaning and importance of any turn of fate, starting from childhood. To the understanding that tensions are needed for moving forward, and harmony for its transmission to others. To the vision that there is no load without resources. And even if in some way it seems to you that here it hits you more than others, take a closer look, because there are also moments of abundance in your chart, where they will give you many times more than others.

Psychology through the eyes of an astrologer. I want to stop time!

05.10.2018 This article refers to my early work. Now I myself consider it rather naive and uninformative. But under everything that is written in it, she is still ready to sign.

For any person, something stressful happens several times in a lifetime, something changes in the most ruthless way. Apparently life shake-ups are simply essential for us in order to move towards something. It is proved that man is an inert little animal. And until they kick us into a brighter future, we sit in a dilapidated present and continue to hope for something else. And suddenly, here it is - it began - whirled in the rhythm of a foxtrot. The habitual little world shook from change. Just make sure you dodge.

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imperative and good will. Territory division

05.10.2018 This article refers to my early work. Now I myself consider it rather naive and uninformative. But under everything that is written in it, she is still ready to sign.

When consulting people, most often you have to deal with human inertia. Even if not everything goes smoothly for us, we tend to adapt and be afraid to change something. All these are ours: “A bad peace is better than a good quarrel”, “To endure - fall in love”, “God endured and ordered us”, “Hour to endure, live forever”

Let everything be flawed, albeit with obvious problems, but who is better now? I don't want to change anything, and you can't force me to.

And by by and large who are we to force? Everyone has the right to decide for himself what happiness is for him and what he is ready to endure.

Instruction or temptation? - Make your choice, gentlemen.

05.10.2018 This article refers to my early work. Now I myself consider it rather naive and uninformative. But under everything that is written in it, she is still ready to sign.

I will continue to write about what I began to understand only when I began to study astrology. This article is a kind of continuation of the article "Psychology through the eyes of an astrologer." Or the beginning of such a cycle.

There are houses in the natal chart, they are responsible for the division of all spheres of our life. Each has its own ruler. His activity triggers changes in the sphere under his jurisdiction. The rulers in the radix chart (at the time of birth) are located somewhere.

Life begins - their directional movement forward begins. There will come an inevitable moment of change of sign and change of house.

I have already written about how to use astrological knowledge to achieve your goals. The goal will correspond to some astrological house and all advice is encoded in the principle of this house. Now let's set the goal not to solve some problem, but personal growth as such. So, where should you start if you decide to change yourself?

So what are the transcendental planets for? Not being subject to our control, they move evolution. Both the world and the individual. Uranus teaches to be non-standard, to get out and cope with any difficulties. Neptune opens the inner vision and gives an understanding of the World, Pluto rewards with strength and opportunities. But only those whom I checked and in whom I am sure.

They can be ignored. If they are already invisible and not subject to us. Or you can accept their challenge and change yourself. And even become their guide. But know that there are no workarounds. Genius, vision and power are revealed only in this way.

As always, the choice is yours.

For me, astrology has become, first of all, a tool for understanding this World. And only then the ability to predict and predict. Moreover, as practice shows, those who intuitively or with the help of books and teachers have grasped the laws of being - there is no point in asking them for help. Each aspect will bring exceptional benefit. And even if in some way life has temporarily stalled, then there is something to do in anticipation of change.

All our patterns of behavior are subject to planetary influence. Planets and aspects between them are the forces that put pressure on us, forcing us to act in a certain way. The impact occurs through our desires. At some point, a person simply finds a strong craving for something. For example, you want to make a fuss and clash with everyone, or you want to overeat and gain excess weight, or the job becomes so disgusting that a person quits, simply because he feels that he is no longer able to tolerate such conditions.

Friends! Sit back, take a cup of aromatic tea in your hands, and only after that start reading this article. After all, now we will talk about a very painful topic: how to work out the tense aspect of the horoscope. In general, many people who see their natal chart for the first time are horrified and dumb question from the series: “how to live with this with everything?”. After all, not everyone can boast of strong planets in their chart.

Let's start debriefing!

So, there are usually two main problems in the map. The first is tense aspects between the planets (squares, oppositions). The second is defective planets. But today we will talk about working on stressful aspects. We will leave the planets for later, for the second part of our conversation, so stock up on delicious tea.

The main mistake of astrologers

I want to say right away that we should not perceive tense aspects as an absolute evil, if we think so that we will make a global mistake. After all, tense aspects give a person energy, bring down on a person circumstances that make him act. That is why big businessmen or famous people always have a lot of tense aspects in the chart. And people who have a lot of harmonious aspects are often very lazy, and because of this they achieve little in life, although they have all the opportunities.

The secret of star opposition

So let's start with the Opposition aspect. Technically, opposition is an aspect when the planets are opposite each other, 180 degrees apart. Planets in opposition represent completely different values, and naturally, they are very actively pulling the blanket over themselves. In a person's life, this can be expressed as a strong internal conflict, from the series: from extreme to extreme.

Conflict of soul and mind. What to do?

For example, the Opposition of the Moon and Mercury speaks of a very big discord and conflict between feelings and thoughts, I think about one thing, but I want something completely different. The task of the Opposition is to connect things in order to separate them again. Therefore, the main study of this aspect is to connect opposites. For example, we see Opposition between the planets of the IVth and Xth Houses. That is the conflict between family and work. In such a case, we may advise the individual to work from home or start a family business. A person with the Opposition of the Moon and Mercury must learn to articulate all his feelings and emotions. That is, when working on the Opposition, we must consider the nature of the planets that participate in the aspect, and also the Houses that are involved in these planets.

Secrets of quadrature

Next, let's talk about Quadrature. The Quadrature differs from the Opposition in that it acts alternately, while the Opposition works 24 hours a day. Opposition is a constant confrontation, enmity. A quadrature is a restless point that explodes from time to time.

For example, the Square of the Moon and Mercury will give us the following effect: I don’t fit into those pants that I like, but I don’t like those that fit in, as a result I bought a scarf. The task of the aspect is to work out each of the sides, that is, to find exactly those pants that I like and that fit me. That is, we need to find a golden mean, a compromise between the planets. For example, the ideal solution for the Square of Venus and Saturn is to learn how to show your feelings in moderation so that both Venus and Saturn are satisfied. And again, Homes are important to us. If the conflict occurs between the Lords IV and X, that is, between work and family, then such a person needs to learn to pay attention to both areas, because if he gets carried away by one of these areas, then the other will immediately make itself felt.


Remember, any tense aspect can always bring you very good benefits. And if you want to fully work out the tense aspects of your natal chart, as well as plunge into the atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and just get a new fashionable profession where you can make good money, go to our school!

Aspects of the planets- are the individual components of the horoscope, their readings are the most accurate and specific of all that is in the horoscope. Of course, this affects the characteristics of a person's character and his astropsychology, and, as you know, it is the character that is the creator of fate. But it should be remembered that aspects - the "ray" still describe not the person himself, but his life, the dynamics of the inner world and behavior, but they cannot influence the main social events in the fate of a person, which are created exclusively through the houses of the horoscope.


An aspect is a stream of vibrations exchanged between planets full of cosmic energy. This energy comes from all celestial bodies, mixes and merges with a harmonious aspect or interferes with each other with a disharmonious aspect.


Five main major aspects are used by all astrologers, these aspects are multiples of 30 degrees, obtained by dividing the circle (360 °) into 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 parts of the Radix: conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition. Auxiliary aspects will be semi-sextile and quincunx (quincunx). Aspects also work well for House cusps, as a rule they manifest their properties in a slow progression (any major aspect). Including Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto or any stationary planet in transit creates a long-term impact on the house cusp (conjunction). Orbis of the influence of the conjunction - 1 degree descending and exact aspect, diverging transit aspect has little effect on the cusp of the house, and is not related to the events of the subject, as a rule, only to the consequences of events that have already occurred!

Major aspects:

  • Conjunction (neutral) from 0 to 9 degrees - depends on the nature of the planets;
  • Good aspects (harmonious) - semi-sextile 30, sectile 60, trine 120;
  • Evil aspects (disharmonious) - square 90, opposition 180, quincunx 150;

The error of the aspects of the planets in a few hours, or in a day is minimal, the only exception is the Moon (The speed of the Moon's movement along the Zodiac is approximately 0.5 degrees of arc in one hour.). Therefore, those aspects that you received in the Personal Horoscope are the most accurate.

Astrological aspects indicate a resonant relationship that exists between one or another planets and sensitive points of the horoscope. Aspects show whether the planets affect each other harmoniously or destructively, strongly or weakly, overtly or covertly. By aspects, it is possible to accurately determine possible changes and turns in fate.

MUTUAL ASPECTATION OF THE PLANETS. The reference book on astropsychology provides information on the characteristics of "planet - aspect - planet", without taking into account the planets in the signs of the zodiac and the houses of the horoscope.


PLANETARY ASPECTS. The actions of the planets on each other through aspects.

Qualities of undamaged planets.

SUN through harmonious aspects, it strengthens, harmonizes, improves, heals, warms another planet, increases ambition.
Through bad aspects, it strains, gives an excess of energy or weakens, disharmonizes, worsens, overheats, dries up.
MOON through harmonious aspects, it soothes, animates, nourishes, satisfies, pleasantly moisturizes, brings maternal manifestations.
Through tense aspects, it introduces inconstancy, changeability, dissatisfaction, emotional instability, indecision, passivity.
MERCURY through harmonious aspects organizes, brings the mind, interest, makes mobile, dexterous, contact.
Through tense aspects, it makes restless, chaotic, chaotic, nervous, disorganizes, makes it unstable, changeable, agitated.
VENUS through good aspects softens, calms, pacifies, improves, brings beauty and harmony, creativity, skill, romance, poeticizes.
Through tense aspects, it introduces emotional instability, noise, loudness, passivity, emptiness, vanity, sensuality, bad taste.
MARS in harmonious aspects it gives energy, enthusiasm, courage, enterprise, activity, activity, healthy ambition, directness.
In disharmonious aspects, it inclines towards militancy, aggressiveness, recklessness, imprudence, thoughtlessness, passion, vehemence, irascibility, irritability, impatience, cruelty.
JUPITER through harmonious aspects, it enriches, compensates, heals, ennobles, gives power, energy, aspiration, healthy ambition, empowers, brings good luck.
Through tense aspects makes excessive, redundant, explosive, wasteful.
SATURN through harmonious aspects, it concentrates, streamlines, directs, gives perseverance, diligence, forms a goal, plans, makes persistent, deep, punctual and precise.
In bad aspects, it hinders, alienates, limits, deprives, slows down, delays, introduces indecision, makes selfish, calculating, gloomy and dreary; symbolizes adverse chronic influence.
URANUS through harmonious aspects, it brings intuition, originality, ingenuity, progressiveness, foresight, friendliness, democracy, freedom, endows with magnetism.
Through tense aspects, it brings surprise, radicalness, intolerance, unpredictability, eccentricity, extraordinaryness, sharpens, stimulates, destroys any boundaries and frames.
NEPTUNE through harmonious aspects it gives inspiration, connection with the higher principle, spirituality, sensitivity, receptivity, depth, enriches.
Through bad aspects, it deceives, confuses, indulges, sharpens the senses, makes it ambiguous, indefinite, inadequate, introduces lies and delusions, makes it detached from reality.
PLUTO through harmonious aspects gives popularity, success, abundance.
Through tense aspects, it gives egocentrism, dictate, violence, haste, recklessness, fatal circumstances (death, destruction, annihilation).

Qualities of damaged planets.

SUN. Predisposition to disease, selfishness, self-confidence, pride, tension, disharmony, stress, recklessness, haste, arrogance, contempt, arrogance, imperiousness, authoritarianism.
MOON. Experiences, grief, disappointment, envy, whims, infantilism, vanity, hypersensitivity, tantrums, changeable mood, inconstancy, volatility, indecision, passivity, ill health, psychological stress, heartache, pettiness.
MERCURY. Anxiety, troublesomeness, fussiness, randomness, disorder, disorganization, talkativeness, verbosity, deceit, cunning, resourcefulness, absent-mindedness, lack of concentration, nervousness, forgetfulness.
VENUS. Noisiness, scandalousness, noisiness, bad taste, extravagance, sensuality, idleness, laziness, jealousy, extravagance, vanity, passivity, frivolity, shamelessness, untidiness, carelessness, folly.
MARS. Militancy, irascibility, aggressiveness, fury, destructiveness, haste, impatience, recklessness, accidents, injuries, recklessness, arrogance, rudeness, audacity, harshness, cruelty, unjustified use of force, pugnacity, rage, sensuality, passion, sharp infectious diseases with high temperature.
JUPITER. Excessiveness, extravagance, hindsight, explosive character, excessive independence and love of freedom, adventurism, contempt for social conventions, injustice, major miscalculations.
SATURN. Selfishness, callousness, prudence, rationality, insensitivity, coldness, indifference, skepticism, stinginess, greed, hard-heartedness, cunning, suspicion, stubbornness, quarrelsomeness, hostility, alienation, hatred, envy, slowness, indecision, obstacles, difficulties, sorrows, disappointments, melancholy, pessimism, melancholy, money-grubbing, chronic diseases.
URANUS. Unpredictability, excessive independence and love of freedom, self-will, swiftness, radicalism, harshness, eccentricity, recklessness, extraordinariness, haste, intolerance, states of acute intolerance to something, heightened susceptibility, accidents, suicide.
NEPTUNE. Deception, duplicity, ambiguity, uncertainty, indecision, lies, delusions, idealism with detachment from reality, daydreaming, fantasizing, manilovism, absent-mindedness, ignoring real circumstances, subjectivism, fanaticism, pedantry, pettiness, nightmares, hallucinations, indulgence in bad inclinations, bad habits , depravity, intrigue, masochism.
PLUTO. Self-affirmation at any cost, the desire to conquer, seize, impose by force, claims to "world domination", diktat, violence, self-centeredness, irascibility, recklessness, cruelty, sadism.

Harmonious and disharmonious aspects

Harmonious aspects direct a person to good and favor in business., bad ones - give tension, aggression, changes, accidents. Harmonious aspects indicate well-established, stable, eternal spiritual attachments. They show the talents and abilities acquired and accumulated from life to life. It is they who give us inner confidence and give us advantages, since in matters related to such aspects, a person knows himself, is able to correctly assess the situation and respond to possible irritation from the outside.

Harmonious aspects between the planets of the Radix show the passed, and therefore familiar path, which in the present life becomes natural. Multiple trigonal aspects give a person wisdom, balance, steadfastness and steadfastness in overcoming various obstacles. The Star of David, consisting of two trigonal configurations, gives its owner a colossal space force and protection.

Favorable configuration promotes success in those areas of life indicated by the corresponding fields of the horoscope. But often these aspects tend to a certain pampering, effeminacy, inactivity, indifference and indifference, to frequent bouts of laziness. Undoubtedly, strong favorable aspects can bring good luck and often bright talent.

Our distant predecessors did not use the aspects of the number eight - 45° (degrees). They relied only on aspects divisible by 30 and generated by natural numbers– one, two, three, four and six (360° or 0°, 180°, 120°, 90° and 60°).

It also happens that people who have only good aspects in the Radix, in fact, turn out to be very gray personalities without any deep and serious interests, without any special experiences. Arrogant, arrogant characters living in a world of illusions and their own imagination can also come across among them.

With unfavorable aspects the person has difficulty coordinating his strength and energy. Hence the unstable behavior, and irregularity in everything. Either he is overflowing with energy, burning with the desire to act, then he is in complete decline or falls into depression; then, like a madman, it rushes forward, not knowing where and why, then steps back, also not knowing or not understanding why. But if you know how to reasonably manage these same aspects, then they help to shake up, wake up, pull yourself together and act in spite of bad influences. If a person does not succumb to temptations and temptations, knows how to curb his strength and temper, he is able to achieve much, even more than he expects.

It is the negative aspects that give strength to fight, to overcome barriers and obstacles, temper the spirit and strengthen the will. These aspects should be viewed through the prism of Taoism, as the complementarity of light and shadow, action and rest, construction and destruction. If there are many oppositions and quadratures in the Radix, this indicates a set

barriers and obstacles, as well as braking, various difficulties and a busy working life. But on the other hand, they greatly strengthen the will and character of a person, enriching him with knowledge and raising the level of spirituality.

Negative Aspects Point to Problems, not resolved in past life. They show what a person owes, and how and to whom he should repay the debt. These aspects are given so that people can correct their previous mistakes and delusions. They also show that in the past the owner of this horoscope misused his energy, squandered it, which greatly blocked progress and progress on the path of evolution.

Adjustment of descending and diverging aspects in the astrological program ORION-online according to the SPbAA method.

Solar Orba:

Saturn - 9, Pluto -6.5, Rahu -3, Lilith - 5 degrees.

Lunar Orbs:

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus - 8.5 degrees

Saturn - 9, Pluto -6.5, Rahu -3, Lilith - 5 degrees

Orba transits:

Moon - 6, Sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus - 3 degrees

Saturn, Jupiter - 3 degrees

Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Lilith - 2.5 degrees

Rahu - 1 degree.

In Progressions- slow, fast, directions, reverse progression of the Orb: All planets - 1 degree.

Cycles measure change. Age cycles do not indicate external events, but only stages of personal growth (in accordance with the nature of transit planets). The years of crises that people complain about the most are the least controllable, since even with the highest precaution, a person has no means of avoiding them:

At 7 years old. Growing square of Saturn to its natal position, semi-sextile of Uranus.

12 years old. Jupiter's first return.

14 years. Saturn opposition, Uranus sextile.

19 years. Return of the Lunar Nodes.

21 years old The falling square of Saturn, the first square of Uranus. 24 years. Second return of Jupiter.

27 years. Return of the progressed Moon.

28 years. Growing trine Uranus. Lunar Node Inversion.

29.5 years old. Return of Saturn.

30 years. Repetition of the natal Sun-Moon aspect in progressions. Opposition Jupiter.

36 years. The second waxing square of Saturn, the third return of Jupiter.

36-60 in this interval for different generations, a square of Pluto is possible.

38 years. The second return of the Knots.

42 years. Uranus opposition, Neptune waxing square, Jupiter opposition.

44 years old. The second opposition of Saturn.

47 years old. Inversion of the Lunar Nodes.

48 years old. Fourth return of Jupiter.

51 years old The second falling square of Saturn.

55 years. Second return of the progressed Moon.

56 years old. Falling trine Uranus. The fourth cycle of Nodes.

59-60 years old. The second return of Saturn, the fifth return of Jupiter, the second progressive repetition of the natal Sun-Moon aspect.

63 years old. Falling square of Uranus.

65 years old. Inversion of the Lunar Nodes.

66 years old. The third growing square of Saturn.

70 years old. Falling sextile Uranus.

72 years old. Sixth return of Jupiter.

75 years old. Return of the Nodes, the third opposition of Saturn.

77 years Uranus falling semi-sextile.

80 years old. The third falling square of Saturn.

82-83 years old. Third return of the progressed Moon.

84 years old. The return of Uranus, the seventh return of Jupiter. Node Inversion.

Every person in different years of his life, falls under the inevitable influence of various aspects, the return of the planets to their original position, progressive influence. These are significant periods in which a person learns the lessons of growth or fall, the birth of something new or the destruction of the old one in his life.

The reference book on astropsychology provides information, aspects between the planets, excluding planets in the signs and houses of the horoscope, works in ORION-online.


In this article, we will analyze how to correctly understand and interpret the aspects of the planets in the natal chart. It is more difficult to describe tense aspects (square and opposition) and some connections. Harmonious aspects are easier to interpret (trine and sextile).

The general rule for parsing and describing aspects of the natal chart:

In order to correctly interpret an aspect, one must first understand the action of each planet included in the aspect (i.e. its function). It is necessary to begin the description with the planet in the sign - this is the primary manifestation of the planet. First, we disassemble the faster planet, then the slower one. Further, we are already moving on to the aspect itself - if a harmonious aspect - it helps the planets to manifest, if a tense aspect - it interferes with the expression of the qualities of these planets (especially a faster planet), and the connection can either enhance, or distort, or add some features. And all this together (the planets in the sign and their aspect) is superimposed on the houses - i.e. expressed in specific areas of life.

Now let's take a closer look at this rule. So, “In order to correctly interpret an aspect, you first need to understand the action of each planet included in the aspect (i.e. its function)”- the article analyzes the functions of each planet. Before analyzing the aspect itself, we need to clearly understand what this particular planet is responsible for in the natal chart, i.e. what is its function. Understanding this, we consider the planet in a sign, i.e. follow this part of the rule above: “You need to start the description with the planet in the sign - this is the primary manifestation of the planet”. Description of personal planets in the signs of the zodiac, you can read in this section of the site:.

- this is very important when analyzing aspects of the natal chart, although there are some amendments here. It is more important to take this into account when analyzing aspects between personal and social, higher planets. If both personal planets are involved in the aspect, similar in their functions, then none of them gets special priority. For example, the Moon and Venus are similar in their functions - they are personal planets, they are both passive, receptive - part of the "Yin" or "Anima" in us, i.e. our female component. Mars and the Sun are also personal similar planets, they are active, influencing, this is part of the "Yang" or "Animus" in us, i.e. male component. With an aspect between Venus and the Moon, and with an aspect between the Sun and Mars, we analyze each planet in a sign separately and then combine their influence (although the influence of Mars in aspect with the Sun and the Moon in aspect with Venus will still prevail). The same should be done with the aspect of Mercury with the Moon and Venus. Mercury is loyal to all planets, even tense aspects Mercury endures more easily than others.

If the aspect involves personal, but different in function, planets, then in the analysis of the aspect, we also may not give priority to any planet, but we take into account that it is the more active planet that affects the passive, fast one. For example, the Moon in aspect with Mars - Mars influences the Moon, it is the Moon that will experience discomfort from Mars during intense interaction. Those. The Moon has some properties of its own, and Mars either allows the Moon to express these properties (subconscious needs, desires) with a harmonious combination, or makes it difficult to express them - with a tense combination, and when combined. Also, with an aspect between the Sun and the Moon - the Moon experiences the influence of the Sun, the energy of the Sun will be dominant here. The moon perceives, reflects, and the sun shines, radiates. Although it is in this aspect that there is a nuance. The moon shines with the reflected light of the sun - so when analyzing this aspect (and even just when describing the moon in a sign), you should always take this into account. The moon always has some peculiarities in connection with where the Sun is located (in what sign the Sun is). For example, the Moon in Libra with the Sun in Scorpio will be less loyal and open than with the Sun in Sagittarius.

If the personal and social planets are involved in the aspect, then “First, we disassemble the faster planet, then the slower one”. Personal planets show exactly the characteristics of the personality (aspirations, subconscious desires, activity, etc.), and social ones in aspects to personal ones (Jupiter and Saturn) show how a person fits into external life, i.e. into society. Jupiter and Saturn in a sign also need to be considered, but the sign is already less important here than in the analysis of a personal planet. Jupiter and Saturn are in the same sign for a long time, and characterize certain qualities of a fairly large generation (especially Saturn). Therefore, the aspects of Jupiter and Saturn to personal planets are more important than their position in the zodiac sign. Jupiter and Saturn influence personal planets (and not vice versa).

If the aspect involves the personal and higher planets, then the rule “First, we disassemble the faster planet, then the slower one” also relevant here. The highest (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) influences the personal. The higher planet, by its aspect to a personal planet, can greatly modify the manifestations of a personal planet in a sign, and here we can talk about such influences that are very difficult to overcome, unlike the aspects of Jupiter and even Saturn. The sign of the highest planet in the traditional interpretation of aspects is of little importance, because. the higher planets pass one sign of the zodiac for very long periods.

If the social and higher planets are involved in the aspect, rule “First, we disassemble the faster planet, then the slower one” also applies here. It is the higher ones who exert their influence on the social ones. Higher planets in aspect with social ones modify the qualities of social planets. But the aspects between the higher and social planets have practically no psychological overtones; they cannot be interpreted as internal conflicts. Their influence is more manifested at the level of the event sphere (as rulers of houses, planets in houses), or as some features of a person's worldview.

Other articles will take a closer look at aspects of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto to personal planets, as well as aspects between social and higher planets.

Now Let's take a closer look at the aspects and this part of the rule above: “Next, we are already moving on to the aspect itself - if harmonious, it helps the planets to manifest, if tense, it interferes with the expression of the qualities of these planets (especially the faster one), and the connection can either enhance, or distort, or add some features.”

When analyzing the natal chart, we use 5 main major aspects - conjunction, square, opposition, trine and sextile. Connection is the most effective aspect - "... the connection can either amplify, or distort, or add some features". If one planet in conjunction is not related to another, then there will be a distortion, if related, then strengthening. For example, Venus and the Moon, sister planets, because. their functions are similar, as well as the Sun and Mars.

"Good" to each other are Mercury, Moon, Venus, Jupiter, Neptune, ie. the connection between any of these planets does not carry any special contradictions, or a serious conflict between the planets (although the sign must be taken into account here, if both planets are weak in sign, then this connection will already be disharmonious in itself - for example, the conjunction of the Moon and Venus in Scorpio ). The Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Pluto also perform well in conjunctions with each other, they all have active energy (it is also worth considering the sign). Conjunctions of Mars or the Sun with Jupiter or Pluto significantly strengthen personal planets (i.e. Mars and the Sun) - they increase willpower, activity, vitality, endurance (especially the conjunctions of Mars, the Sun with Pluto). And here, even if the planets are weak (Mars or the Sun in Libra, in Cancer), then the conjunction with Pluto will strengthen them.

Mercury is loyal to all planets in conjunctions, even with Mars if the conjunction itself has no other tense aspects. This can be said about any connections, i.e. if there are oppositions or squares to other planets from the conjunction of the planets, then disharmony already appears here. Those. the qualities of even strong planets in conjunction will be more difficult to express. For example, the conjunction of Venus and the Moon in Taurus squared to Mars in Leo - both planets are strong and the conjunction itself is favorable, but the square from Mars makes it difficult for the natural manifestation of this conjunction. Those. the needs for stability, calmness and comfort of the Moon and Venus in Taurus are in conflict with the need for Mars in Leo to take decisive and active action.

Saturn and Uranus conjunctions the easiest for Mercury (it can even be favorable if there are no tense aspects from the conjunction), because these planets are mental level. Any other personal planets Saturn in conjunction limits, and Uranus excites, makes restless. The conjunctions of Saturn and Uranus with the Moon can be especially difficult. For Mars, the connection with Uranus can be favorable, Uranus will make Mars more energetic, faster, although it can add nervousness when located in some signs.

Higher planets, falling into conjunction with a personal planet(and especially in the stellium of personal planets) can significantly distort the expression of the planet. For example, finding Pluto in a stellium in Libra will add imperiousness and intractability to the character.

Sextile and trine allow you to harmoniously express the energy of both planets. The planets seem to support each other, and this is felt in the character as a natural, consistent flow of energy. Although some harmonious aspects sometimes do not manifest themselves in the most positive way. For example, the aspect of Venus and Uranus, even harmonious, brings love of freedom into the character. Such a person needs a sufficient degree of freedom in personal relationships. Although this is not perceived as a problem, it may not allow (along with other indications in the natal chart) to build strong, long-term or close relationships.

Harmonious aspects from Jupiter they can also talk not only about luck, self-confidence and optimism, but also about laziness, the desire to get everything the easy way, without making any effort. Although such conclusions also require other indicators of the natal chart.

Opposition and square carry tension. These aspects almost always have a negative connotation. Although they are useful, and most likely, they are intended for our spiritual growth. If there are no tense aspects in the chart (or conflicting connections, or a certain arrangement of planets in houses), then there is no incentive for self-change, for transformation. And where there is no change, there is stagnation or degradation in the spiritual plane. From a practical, material point of view, the absence of tense aspects (especially with many harmonious or conjunctions of personal planets with Jupiter) can be a very favorable factor. And from a spiritual point of view, in terms of evolution, such a situation can mean spiritual "rest" or stagnation. In general, stressful aspects are useful in moderation, and they are the ones that push us towards our main achievements in life. For example, psychologists, and astrologers, as a rule, are people who have internal conflicts, for the resolution of which they turn to these sciences. And then it can become a profession.

So, now about the most important thing, how to combine planets in aspect? If planets in harmonious aspect, there is almost nothing complicated here - the qualities of one planet are enhanced or supplemented by the qualities of another. For example, the Sun and Mars in a sextile - this combination strengthens both planets. The needs that the Sun has are supported by Mars. It is easy for a person to fulfill the needs of his Ego (Sun) with the help of his actions (Mars). Those. this aspect facilitates self-expression.

The most favorable position in the natal chart is big trines between the three most important planets - between the Sun, Moon and Mars. Those. if these three planets are located in the natal chart in the same element and have trine aspects between them. The most favorable can be considered the earthly and fiery big trine, the air trine is also favorable, the water trine to a lesser extent, because. the water element is too sensitive, melancholic and prone to pessimism. And if Jupiter joins such a trine (to any of the three planets - to the Sun, Mars or the Moon), then such a person can be called lucky! And the more accurate the orbs of the trines and the conjunction of Jupiter, the brighter the harmonious effect of this configuration is manifested, i.e. luck will accompany a person everywhere. Although, as mentioned above, such a position in the natal chart may indicate complacency, i.e. about spiritual stagnation - for a person, everything turns out easily, and there is no need to change something in oneself. But here you need to take into account other indicators of the natal chart, because. for example, having, along with a large trine, a problematic ruler of the 1st house, life may not seem so easy and pleasant to a person.

Also always, as mentioned above, you need to take into account the signs of the planets. For example, Mars is trine with Jupiter. Jupiter in any interaction expands, increases, raises. If Mars airy or fiery, then trine Jupiter will make the manifestations of such Mars even more ambitious, i.e. it will also add activity, optimism, scope, but possibly dispersion. If Mars is terrestrial or watery, then trine with Jupiter it will also add confidence in actions, increase energy, i.e. will make cautious terrestrial or watery Mars more resolute.

Things are more difficult with tense aspects, especially personal planets among themselves. This complexity is manifested precisely in the character of a person, and when describing the interaction of the planets, one must catch this internal conflict. When describing the square and the opposition, we always use the union “but” to contrast the qualities of one planet with the qualities of another. Those. describe one planet in a sign, then write "but" and describe the second planet in the sign. For instance, with a square between the Moon in Aquarius and Mars in Taurus, it may look like this: subconscious needs for freedom, change, but caution in actions. There is a clear conflict here - the need of the Moon in Aquarius for novelty, for unusual impressions - in contradiction with the need for Mars in Taurus to maintain its position unchanged. Actions can often contradict what a person aspires to with his soul, hence dissatisfaction and irritability may appear. Here a compromise with oneself is necessary and, in general, this conflict has a solution. Considering your need for novelty, you must definitely satisfy it, but before you decide on something new, you must also satisfy the need of Mars - i.e. thoroughly "test the ground". Tensions between personal planets still can be expressed in a more or less constructive way, especially with age, and especially if a person is engaged in introspection. Although complete satisfaction with intense interactions between personal planets (with the exception of Mercury) is quite difficult to achieve. One part of your personality must be constantly balanced with another part of it.

It is more difficult to understand, describe and work out (harmonize) the multiple aspect (conjunction plus opposition or square) when more than two planets participate in it, and especially when social or higher planets participate along with personal ones.

Let me give you an example of such an aspect. Mercury in the natal chart is located in the sign of Capricorn, is in conjunction with Saturn and Neputny, and all these three planets (Mercury, Saturn and Neptune) are in opposition to Jupiter in Cancer.

First of all, we start with a personal planet, i.e. from Mercury. We know that the function of Mercury is to receive and transmit information, in the ideas of a person, in his logical constructions, in the warehouse of his thinking. Looking at Mercury in a sign. Mercury in Capricorn endows a person with thoughtfulness, consistency, accuracy, perseverance and diligence in terms of mental work.

Next, we consider the conjunctions of Mercury, and the opposition later, because. the connection merges the principles of the planets (the connection is almost always more important and priority than other aspects). Mercury in Capricorn and plus in conjunction with Saturn - Mercury in this aspect is strengthened by Saturn (Mercury in Capricorn does not contradict the conjunction with Saturn, because Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn). Those. all the qualities inherent in Mercury in Capricorn are enhanced - even more patience, diligence.

Neptune in this multiple aspect can enhance a person’s intuition, talk about creative abilities, but it can also express itself in a negative way, like doubts, an inadequate assessment of situations, because. Neptune here is poorly combined with Capricorn and Saturn (Neptune and Saturn are not friends with each other). Those. a person tends to rely more on logic (Mercury in Capricorn in conjunction with Saturn), but some abstract images distract his attention (Mercury in conjunction with Neptune).

Next, consider the opposition with Jupiter. Jupiter supports Neptune here, but he is also not friends with Saturn (opposite principles - Saturn limits, and Jupiter expands). Opposition from Jupiter can be expressed in the fact that a person attaches great importance to his ideas and sometimes he is biased in relation to his views and ideas (Neptune + Jupiter). Those. it turns out that Mercury in Capricorn and in conjunction with Saturn seeks to plan, wants accuracy and a real assessment of situations, but Jupiter and Neptune (especially Jupiter) prevent Mercury from adequately realizing these qualities. It is possible that Jupiter and Neptune sometimes bring confusion, or a desire to quickly realize their ideas, which can cause problems, or a person has a great desire for his ideas to be recognized, appreciated, and this pursuit of authority makes it difficult to concentrate, etc. Jupiter in tense aspects always gives excess, inflates - in this case, it inflates Mercury, which is primarily under the strong influence of Saturn - i.e. the desire for accuracy, planning is inflated - too grandiose, large-scale plans that are difficult to implement. Also, the opposition of Mercury with Jupiter in Cancer may indicate that a person’s opinion can often differ from the opinion of people authoritative for him, which will cause discomfort to the person himself. Here it is also important to take into account the orbis of aspects - the most accurate ones will have a more significant effect on Mercury.

In general, it can be seen from this example that if we have an aspect of opposition (or a square), then in the description we use the union “but”. We also use opposition in the conjunction of planets, the principles of which are not related to each other.- Mercury is loyal to other planets, but in this example it is in Capricorn, and I repeat once again - the energy of Saturn does not combine harmoniously with the energy of Neptune and Jupiter (especially in a tense interaction).

Also when analyzing one specific aspect, its description should not stand out from the general context of the map. Those. if such Mercury, as in the example above, is in a person who has the Sun in Sagittarius, then impatience and difficulty with concentration in his character will be more pronounced than, for example, in a person with the Sun in Capricorn. Because The Sun in Sagittarius will enhance the qualities of Jupiter and Neptune (i.e. the action of the Mercury-Jupiter opposition and Mercury-Neptune conjunctions will be stronger), and if the Sun is in Capricorn, this will enhance the qualities of Saturn in this aspect.

Now consider an example with two personal planets in aspect and one social. Mars conjunct Venus in Virgo, and both planets square Jupiter in Gemini.

Let's start with Mars and Venus in Virgo. Venus in Virgo has patience, shows her feelings with restraint, is critical of others. Mars, as a mode of action, also expresses itself carefully, thoughtfully. In itself, the conjunction of Mars and Venus suggests that the principles of these planets are merged together. Those. if we take the sphere of relations, how a person positions himself during courtship (Venus), so he will be in more intimate communication (Mars) - in this case, a person will be restrained in feelings (Venus in Virgo) and moderate in sex (Mars in Virgo). If we consider this connection in general, then its behavior, its actions (Mars) correspond to its ethical and aesthetic values ​​​​(Venus). In this example, such a person can be said to be modest, or even ascetic. In general, this combination does not introduce disharmony as such, but makes a person a critical perfectionist, i.e. striving to do everything perfectly, to take into account all the details. This situation in terms of work and household affairs is not bad, because. a responsible and diligent person, he is guided in all his affairs (both in behavior and in ethical assessments) by logic, reason, and not feelings. Although he himself, and the people around him, can torment him with his tediousness, nit-picking, obsession with minor trifles. In terms of relationships, this connection can be considered disharmonious, in contrast to the sphere of work. The mind is not the best adviser in love, and nit-picking in a relationship and constant evaluation of a partner definitely does not strengthen the union.

Next, we move on to the square from Jupiter to this conjunction. Jupiter is always "expanding", and here he will inflate the little things, the details of Virgo. The concern of such a person can be obsessive (especially if we consider the horoscope of a woman). By itself, Venus in Virgo is prone to practical help, i.e. not only advice, but also deed, because Virgo is the sign of service. A square with Jupiter increases these qualities. caring person, but excessively. Mars in Virgo is obsessed with small things, and Jupiter square can increase the amount of these small things. And because Jupiter makes a square of Gemini, then such a person can, in the course of doing his work, go into ever smaller details or grab onto many things at once at once. Those. man is planning but it is difficult for him to keep within the framework of his plan. Also using the union "but", we can construct such a phrase in relation to this aspect: a person strives to do his job very well, but laziness (square from Jupiter) or fear that he will not be able to take into account a large number little things, cover the entire scope of work at once. And in the end, he may not take on the work that he planned, or he takes on it, but is too sprayed. In this aspect, there are difficulties with an objective assessment of one's physical (Mars) and mental (Venus) capabilities. Personal planets in Virgo here are in conflict with the influence of Jupiter in Gemini - i.e. precision is in conflict with the desire to do many things at once (Mars square Jupiter), and the desire to be useful is heightened excessively (Venus square Jupiter). Again, I repeat that only consideration of the aspect in the context of the entire natal chart can give a more accurate description of it.

Next, consider an example with two personal planets in aspect and one higher. Venus in Capricorn square Moon in Libra, Moon in conjunction with Pluto (respectively Pluto square Venus). The Moon and Venus are related, passive planets that are responsible for the emotions and feelings of a person, also Venus is aesthetic assessments and attitudes towards love, and the Moon is the subconscious needs and affections of a person. We begin the interpretation of this aspect from the very fast planet, i.e. from the Moon in Libra. This position of the Moon sets up partnerships, compromises, the desire to please others and the ease of being, attachments can be shallow (the air element of the Moon).

But since The moon has a connection with Pluto, then we will further consider this connection. The conjunction of Pluto with the Moon in Libra distorts the manifestations of the Moon, from compliant and soft - it turns into demanding, and at times perhaps even cruel. Here, manipulations on their weakness or helplessness are likely - the Moon in Libra is so sweet, charming and dependent, and so needs the support of a partner, but the connection with Pluto dictates its own conditions - the partner must do everything as the Moon in Libra wants, otherwise the partner will not be good.

Venus in Capricorn, on the contrary, seeks stability in relationships, strength, reliability and duration, i.e. such Venus is very serious about love. The Moon in Libra could be content with such a union in which it would be simple and easy for her (and fewer problems), but Venus in Capricorn (and + conjunction of the Moon with Pluto) would “tie” your love stronger with oaths and seals. Those. on the one hand, there is a subconscious desire to have a relationship of trust, easy and not burdensome, but on the other hand, the attitude towards love is very cautious and distrustful (both the sign of Capricorn for Venus and the influence of Pluto give fear and a desire to hold on).

Pluto amplifies Negative influence this aspect as a whole. Pluto is directly related to power, in this aspect - to power in feelings (Moon) and in relationships (Venus). There may be manipulations on the partner's feelings, or on the sexual side of the relationship (Pluto enhances sexuality) in order to bind the partner to himself. Pluto always gives extremes, and the Moon in conjunction with Pluto and Venus square with Pluto can either talk about jealousy, the desire to humiliate a partner, or such a person will humiliate himself, obey his partner (other indicators of the natal chart can tell about this). Pluto in a tense aspect with Venus and the Moon inclines a person to look for complex relationships, emotionally filled, heated, and if a partner comes across a simple one, then a person with such an aspect will either not get involved in the relationship at all, or will begin to “heat up” the relationship himself.

It is also worth considering that in aspects where Mars, Venus and the Moon are involved, the sex of a person matters. With the aspects of Venus and the Moon in the male chart, these characteristics not only describe the sphere of affections and feelings of a man, but also the type of women that a man likes. And in the female chart, Venus and the Moon and their aspects characterize the woman's attitude towards herself, i.e. whether a woman accepts her femininity in herself, whether she is satisfied with herself. In the above example, if this female card, then a woman may not be satisfied with herself, and she may be negatively disposed towards people of her gender, i.e. such an aspect may indicate difficulties in the women's team.

I will be very grateful to you if you leave comments - describing in detail any aspects of your natal chart, but especially multiple aspects where personal and higher planets, personal and social planets are involved!


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