Neptune transits. Transiting Neptune Aspect Venus

  • 11.10.2019












Bernadette Brady:


Key principle: loss, confusion, dissolution, disappearance of boundaries. A ship lost at sea.

Rate of passage through the zodiac: 1° to 2° per year. Time of complete revolution around the map: about 165 years.

Use in predictive work: commonly used in the formation of transits and reception of progressions.

Figures: grandmother, old wise woman. Victim or martyr. Dreamer or spiritual person.

The first sign of a Neptune contact is a feeling of loss, despair, hopelessness, or confusion. Many people instinctively use this time to travel, to live on the surface of other cultures, to escape from own world and drift through someone else's world. For others, it may be a period of indecision instead of the usual determination, confusion and daydreaming instead of clarity and logic. This may or may not be a difficult experience.

The dream world can become more vivid and intuition finely tuned. During this period, the boundaries of Saturn are again challenged, not by a frontal attack by Uranus, but rather by slow erosion. The structure collapses - not because of its weakness, but because of extensive damage to the foundation.

The methods designed to cope with the situation (Saturn) no longer work, at this time people usually find themselves inactive. They may not take any action to solve their problem, but wait until the problem goes away on its own.

Neptune-Sun: confusion about one's role in the world; the desire to slip away, go on a trip or retreat while a person reconsiders - perhaps on a subconscious level - his way of being in this world.

Neptune-Moon: dreamy, spiritual, sensitive to medicines the time when a person experiences dissolution of emotional reactions. Time to withdraw from the world to subconsciously reorganize your emotional reality.

Neptune-Mercury: awakening to the metaphysical. Art, poetry, spiritual ideas. Dreams for real. Inability to study, loss or separation from the world of paperwork, etc. Possibility of deception.

Neptune-Venus: illusions in love relationships; romantic love, which can be surprising or can force the person to deal with harsh reality once the contact is complete. Confusion in financial matters; cheating other people.

Neptune-Mars: loss of motivating energy; energy depletion; loss of libido. Ordinarily focused energy becomes unfocused.

Neptune-Jupiter: Idealism, looking for a guru who has all the answers.

Neptune-Saturn: see Saturn.

Neptune-Uranus: see Uranus.

Neptune-Neptune: see cycles.

Neptune-Pluto: A generational combination that should not be interpreted on a personal level, as several million other people will have the same combination at this time. Watch for manifestations of this transit in the media.

Neptune-North Node: finding your spiritual path, finding a group or "clan" on the basis of art; healing; drug abuse; something metaphysical pushes a person in a new life direction.

Neptune-South Node: loss in the "clan" of an old wise woman; reorganization within the "clan" undertaken by the spiritual leader; meeting with a person from the past with whom you feel a spiritual connection.

Neptune Ascendant: dissolution of the image presented by man to the world; change in personality, as seen from the side. The catalyst for these changes can be desperation or escape from reality through travel.

Neptune Descendant: the breakdown of relationships. Loss, separation from one of the parents in youth; a person has a need for a new type of relationship.

Neptune-MC: the disappearance of a career incentive; loss of social status; redirection of social status to the Neptunian sphere. In youth, it can also mean the loss of a parent or grandmother.

Neptune-IC: Confusion about one's role in the family. Departure from home that entails the loss of family, relatives or close friends, such as moving to another country, moving from a city to countryside or vice versa. Also events related to the role of the grandmother in the family.

Neptune-Vertex 1 Anti-Vertex: Encounter with a spiritual, creative or victim-type person who repels or attracts you.

Neptune dissolves our physiological and psychological boundaries through confusion and duality, which allows us to sweep beyond our perceived limitations.

When my friend's Scorpio Ascendant crossed Neptune in the 1950s, the communist government made the decision to give Hungarians passports for the first time. By some miracle, she received a passport and a visa, which allowed her to move to England. It was a terrible and heroic adventure, she could not imagine that such a thing was even possible in her life. Although she did not speak English, she found a family who took advantage and abused her lack of knowledge of the language. They were paying her less than they originally promised, and they found excuses to keep even that. a large number of. It was a situation of deceit/betrayal that always comes with "hard" aspects

to Neptune. Surprisingly, she was able to sail away to another job. One day she was crying in the park. Someone approached her and offered her a good job. And now Anna is her home. She's supposed to be in England - Neptune - by deception - got her here. Her life is very different from what it would have been if she had stayed in Hungary.

strange soreness

I have noticed that there is a state of vulnerability that always accompanies transiting Neptune. These include:

On April 3, 1997, during the transit of Neptune, a friend developed a disease that often manifests itself as a general breakdown, which is currently incurable and the cause of which remains unclear.

Most health problems are vague and undefined. Often, when the transit ends, it leaves you in a state of confusion with your health. Always check with your doctor to make sure it's nothing serious, if not, it's just a transiting Neptune.


Regardless of which sign of the zodiac Neptune passed, I always noticed a pattern of betrayal-disappointment-deceit. A client with Neptune square Sun asked about investing $10,000 with a few friends. He described their whole undertaking, it sounded extremely suspicious, during the transit of Neptune you see what you want, but you do not see any complications/consequences behind it - regardless of relationships, financial affairs or business organization. This man gave me a fake check! A woman with Neptune counter-parallel Saturn in the 6th house believed that her leader should promote her as promised. She felt betrayed when the promotion passed her by. In many cases, long-term friendships end. You are energetically changing with the transit of Neptune, but you do not see how this affects people close to you. It seems impossible to see what is really going on in a relationship. This delusion is based on your expectations of them, your preconceptions about them...but they are not what you imagined them to be!

In 1993, I didn't see the anger around me while I was losing weight and finding new relationships. I just thought that I was doing something wrong, but I had no idea what. The duality of Neptune allowed me to endure what cannot be endured. In various situations, I felt rejected and lack of attention to me. In another situation, I was completely misjudged, misunderstood as something I would not like, during the beginning of the transit of Neptune. At the time, I just couldn't believe how anyone could think of me like that! This was the most painful Neptune transit for me.

The advantage of deception is the dissolution of your boundaries, your relationship to a situation or person, it is a release for you to take new steps in your life. Don't forget ethics! Remember, Neptune dissolves everything that has no real power/meaning in our lives! Astrologer Pat Geisler advises: don't make choices based on a "new" ethic, but make choices based on the standards you've been following all your life.

“Follow the principles you have created for yourself, take responsibility and don't whine. In other words, there is only one way to properly live this transit - you should not deviate from your chosen path and you should ignore any songs of the Sirens that will accompany you. So I made a decision to believe that I did right choice and don't think about it anymore. It really helped me get through these days.”

Through disappointment, we can actually overstep our bounds, it's time to decide what to do with our devotion to obsolete principles. When Neptune was in opposition to my Pluto, I wrote a column for DC-ONE magazine on the sun signs of the zodiac. When they owed me $500, they told me that I didn't have a contract with them... no money! I felt betrayed by them, but this allowed me to soon write what I wanted. It was the best thing that could have happened.

Remember, any betrayal or disappointment helps us, develops us in our lives, which allows us to go beyond the boundaries we have established. During the transit of Neptune, we are always under spiritual guidance. We are not alone!

Means during the transit of Neptune

I feel like “Bach Remedy”/Clematis/Clematis saved my life in 1997. This summer I was sedated that I could easily lose touch with reality. Clematis brought me back to normal, I used it for 4 days. Everyone who started using it said that they did not feel anything, did not feel its effect ... until they finished taking it. lay it down (“Bach Remedy”/Clematis/Clematis) a few pieces under the tongue every morning. Not every Neptune transit works this way, especially if you have Uranus or Pluto transits.

CLEMATIS/Clematis (Bach): Mechthild Scheffer recommends Clematis for people “who wander between worlds. Reality is unattractive for many of them.” They have the following symptoms: confusion in thought, absent-mindedness and inattention, are in uncertainty, react little to external events, blurred sensations, poor memory, poor body sensation - a problem of hearing and vision. These people need more light and the Sun, and yoga will help them strengthen the etheric body.

I myself have personally observed this, during the transit of Neptune, “the etheric web thins” (!?) it is a very thin veil between the physical world and the astral world. Disconnection can be scary, even when you understand what's going on. Clematis gently brings you back to reality.

All transits of Neptune can negatively affect the adrenal glands. In the 1990s Maryland Dr. Bethesda recommended Enzymatic Therapy (enzymatic therapy!?), which is called “RAW ADRENAL”. He recommended taking 2 pills when you just woke up and then 2 more after 11 am. It helps a lot with low body temperature and allergies. Now I recommend .

There is A new book, “ADRENAL FATIGUE” ("adrenal fatigue") written by James Wilson, MD. This book discusses recent advances in the field of "adrenal fatigue". Dr. Bethesda now recommends the supplements mentioned in this book. There is another book that was written in the 1980s "on Hypothyroidism" by Brota Barnes MD. A frequent phenomenon that occurs during our aging process is a decrease in body temperature, which is called "Wilson's syndrome". The basic treatment for this is .

After I dealt with the Epstein Barr virus, I developed chronic fatigue syndrome. My doctor gave me 30 mg. "Armour" (this is a natural thyroid but may not be effective enough in extreme cases). Within 3 days, my energy increased and it boosted my immune system significantly. Blood tests for T levels (thyroid) are a waste of time. Even for a woman who had her thyroid removed many years ago, these tests showed normal levels of T (thyroid). A four day saliva test is much more effective.

Updated app - personal experience

Neptune transiting Capricorn earth sign, especially disorientated me personally. Now Neptune is in Aquarius, I personally do not find it necessary to use Clematis, but I know people who have benefited from its use. However, change by dissolving what no longer works is still feature strong transit Neptune.

In 2003, when Neptune was in the 6th house in opposition to Pluto in the 12th, I wrote columns (articles) for high quality magazines. In writing my monthly email column, my interpretations were tailored to the requirements of the editor. During this time there was a management change and I didn't have a contract and they refused to pay me my few hundred dollars. I felt deceived, but I knew that this is typical of Neptune - it's for the best. Now I can change my column and write what I want. I am no longer limited to a magazine editor. This turned out to be a big boon for my column. I can balance the Virgo-Pisces axis - intuition-method. My column was picked up by an Italian website. I knew that I would leave the old magazine. My personal energy expands and grows. They could no longer contain me within the bounds of their magazine.

In 2007-2008, Neptune was in opposition to my Mercury in the 12th house. I know that my hearing is deteriorating, but it's actually a great encouragement to listen more carefully. Mercury in the 12th house can easily switch off from a conversation that does not stimulate it. I need to listen better!

I worried about losing friendships, but that didn't happen. Of course, I lost them, but in a very unusual way! Several important people have retired from my life, as well as my beloved dentist - he retired. At first, I felt lost without them, but I know Neptune who always works with our long-term interests. My friend and I moved to Arizona, this will allow me to lecture on astrology here and visit my friend. We lost the meeting place when she moved. I thought it was the end, the end of our group (11th house). With the group energy shift, a lot of people have joined our group and we have 2 great places to meet. This change allowed the group to grow and expand!

Regarding retirement, I have noticed that when a client of retirement age has a strong transit of Neptune, this can mean retirement. Neptunian tunes, and he doesn't want to work anymore, it will be very difficult to stay busy with something earthly.

Neptune erases the boundaries and smoothly changes the consciousness of the individual. No other planet is capable of distorting the vision of the human world in such a way, imperceptibly affecting his psyche. Neptune is high grace, compassion and sympathy, a mystical understanding of the world and a manifestation of high love. Transits of Neptune can be magical and exciting, but if a person is little rooted in his existentiality, then the planet can make him admire a field of poisonous mushrooms that wind up sweet dreams, on which he will fall asleep, never knowing that he took delusion for reality. everything goes zodiac signs for about 165 years, unlike the thunderous Uranus, its effect on a person is subtle and subtle.

Transiting Neptune Conjunction with the planets of your horoscope, ASC and MC

Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Sun

Depressive moods and feelings of self-pity are possible. On the other hand, transit stimulates a person to creative activity, enhances the creative impulse, and sharpens the perception of the surrounding world. During this period, excessive idealism is possible.

Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Moon

The transit brings romantic overtones into the life of the individual. Emotional life escalates. Intuitive insights and unforgettable dreams are possible. Increased sensitivity of this period can cause resentment and excessive suspicion.

Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Mercury

For creative people, such a transit can turn into a true gift, if approached rationally. A great time to write a book, a piece of music, or get used to a new role. It is necessary to carefully monitor your promises and current obligations to society, otherwise euphoria can greatly tear a person away from reality.

Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Venus

Do you feel like you have met the love of your life? Perhaps this is true, but still you should not idealize a partner so as not to be disappointed in the future. If the relationship does not work out, the individual may sink into an abyss of sadness and succumb to pessimistic moods. A great time to attend social events.

Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Mars

The time has come not to be afraid of intuition and act under its sensitive guidance. If the energy of Mars is directed to selfish actions, a person will be greatly disappointed. It is worth carefully monitoring everything that is happening around, so as not to miss the right moment for the right action.

Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Jupiter

The person is full of ideas, hopes and plans for the future. Optimism grows. Opportunities for new experiences open up. Perhaps a distortion of the worldview or, conversely, a new understanding of one's place in life. Period sets up for idealism. The individual feels other people better, willingly responds to their problems.

Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Saturn

Perhaps it's time to reconsider your views and habits and replace them with new ones, or pay attention to moments where situations are not being finalized. It is not necessary during this period to produce large financial investments and start a business. Transit teaches a constructive attitude towards life.

Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Uranus

Time for creative ideas and creativity. For many people, transit brings a spiritual awakening. The period of restructuring of consciousness and change of views. It is worth being wary of eccentric acts.

Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Neptune

Such a transit can be either small child or a very old person. The period affects the human psyche, exacerbates sensitivity.

Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Pluto

Generational transition, which you will not witness, because a person at this stage of evolution does not live that long. Spiritual aspirations awaken. Traditional beliefs and goals are being challenged.

Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Ascendant

A period can plunge a person into dreams. It is possible to merge with the world at a deep level. It is difficult for the individual to focus on current circumstances. Careless actions should be avoided. Any undertaking requires careful preparation. Transit promotes creative activity.

Transiting Neptune conjunct natal MC - Midheaven

What happens to your career and social fulfillment? Even if at first glance everything is in perfect order, it is worth carefully studying the situation in order to avoid misunderstandings in the future. Unexpectedly, new opportunities for self-realization may open up.

Opposition of transiting Neptune with the planets of your horoscope, ASC and MC

Transiting Neptune opposition natal Sun

Man deceives himself. Deep illusions about one's own personality are possible. The period distorts the worldview of the individual as a whole, which leads to disappointment in oneself and the people around.

Transiting Neptune Opposition Natal Moon

During this time, you should avoid any alcoholic beverages. The emotional state of a person is very changeable. Persecuted by obsessive states, especially concerning desires. The transit can cause the individual to isolate himself from the outside world for a while. Relationship problems are possible.

Transiting Neptune opposition natal Mercury

If a person thinks that other people understand well what he means, then he is mistaken. The self-expression of the individual is greatly distorted. Transit creates an atmosphere of misperception of the surrounding world and delusions. It is worth directing the unleashed imagination to creativity.

Transiting Neptune opposition natal Venus

Wishful thinking is very easy, much harder to see the real reality. You should not have illusions about a partner and the fulfillment of unrealizable desires. Accept the world as it really is.

Transiting Neptune opposition natal Mars

If an attentive person pays attention to his actions during such a transit, he will notice that all his repressed and suppressed desires are reflected in them. A good transit for psychological work on yourself and getting to know your own shadow.

Transiting Neptune opposition natal Jupiter

An idealistic mood and the desire to learn new things accompany this transit. Beware of grandiose plans. It is better to take a sober look at reality than to bend under the weight of unfulfilled ambitions.

Transiting Neptune Opposition Natal Saturn

Fears repressed into the subconscious can clearly manifest themselves during this transit. The task of a person is to track them, to carry out the necessary inner work and change established programs of action. You can get rid of the problem only by opening the door in front of her to see her face.

Transiting Neptune opposition natal Uranus

This is the time when a person is dissatisfied with himself, the world around him, and other people. Transit forces the individual to reconsider his life attitudes. With strong Uranus in the horoscope, a strong creative impulse is possible, which can completely change the life of an individual.

Transiting Neptune Opposition Natal Neptune

The time of mystical insights and rethinking one's own life path. In some cases, it is possible to refuse communication with outside world. The search for solitude and deepening into the inner world accompany this transit.

Transiting Neptune Opposition Natal Pluto

The transit brings to the surface suppressed desires and ambitions that are hidden in the subconscious of a person. It is worth paying great attention to your dreams and inner feelings.

Transiting Neptune Opposition Natal Ascendant

Transit can bring a person both a manifestation of deep love from a partner and illusions. It is worth being attentive to details and concentrating even on insignificant, at first glance, details.

Transiting Neptune opposing natal MC - Midheaven

The confusion that this transit brings may be related to questions career development and family relationships. You should not take action without understanding the essence of the issue. It is useful to listen to your intuition, which can provide indispensable support.

If incomprehensible situations, chaos, logic turn out to be powerless in any area, then most likely, you are dealing with transiting Neptune. Working with this planet is difficult, especially if you are a pragmatic person, and far from everything unusual. From this article you will learn what transit Neptune brings, as well as ways to work it out.

How do the higher planets work?

All higher planets in their pure form are destructive for our earthly reality, as they are outside of Saturn and denote an alien world, another dimension, perception.

Uranus creates chaos, revolutions, unforeseen situations. Pluto transforms, destroys, renews, and Neptune "blurs" reality, creating confusion, confusion.

How transiting Neptune manifests itself in the House

  • creates confusion
  • there are scams, scams
  • a lot of emotions, first idealization, then a collision with reality, the effect of rose-colored glasses
  • secrets, secrets, gossip

So that transit Neptune does not create problems, then in the House in which it is located, we apply:

  1. visualization
  2. creativity, photography, cinema
  3. any symbols associated with water, fountain
  4. spiritual practices, meditation
  5. migration
  6. charity

Transiting Neptune Ascendant

A person can reveal creative abilities, great sensitivity, susceptibility. The person becomes more charming, attractive, soft.

On a low level, transiting Neptune in the 1st House gives a large number of self-deceptions, illusions in relation to oneself. Strong, painful vulnerability, sensitivity. The rose-colored glasses effect is turned on. Self-destruction through alcohol, drugs, strong drugs, withdrawal into the virtual world.

To not interfere: engage in spiritual practices, meditation, go on a long journey, wear clothes of azure, blue, muted tones. good time for any creative endeavor.

Transiting Neptune II

At its best, transiting Neptune will be played as a good intuition for money, financial sense, income from creativity, cinema. Money comes literally out of thin air.

In a negative manifestation: confusion, chaos in financial terms, from the series: either there is money, or they are not, finances go through their fingers. Scams and deceptions are possible. Income can come from hidden, and not always honest activities.

Advice: at this time, techniques such as visualization on finances, things, the rule works: the more I spend, the more comes back to me. Charity in any form. Put a magic bill in your wallet that brings good luck.

Transiting Neptune in III

Incomprehensible acquaintances, false friends, illusory connections. At this time, you should be extremely careful in communication. Also, the 3rd House is responsible for neighbors and our relatives, brothers and sisters. Therefore, intrigues, deceptions, omissions, gossip are also possible in these areas.

To not interfere: go study photography, meditation, tarot, travel, make connections with creative or extraordinary people. Put the Neptunian symbol in the car: fish, water, azure stones.

Transiting Neptune IV

During this period, family secrets and intrigues can rise or be created. Problems with real estate, housing, from a series: neighbors flooded from above and ruined expensive repairs. Difficulties in relationships with family. Strange personalities can come to a person in his house. Therefore, it is better not to let anyone into your house at all during this period, only those closest to you.

Advice: put in your home fountain, aquarium, image of fish or marine theme. Migration, long distance travel. At home, create a place for spiritual practices or simply set up an altar with icons.

Transiting Neptune in V

Inspiration, I want to do something unusual, magical. The birth of gifted children or adoption. Projects, business in the Neptunian spheres have great chances of success at this time.

At a low level, gambling, withdrawal to virtual reality, alcoholism (if the card confirms it with other indicators). Idealization and then disappointment in love.

Transiting Neptune in VI

Imaginary pains, false diagnoses, taking potent drugs that secretly destroy the body. Obsessive states and fears in relation to one's health. Exaggerating and inflating an elephant out of a fly about diseases.

At work, various intrigues, rumors, deceptions can also begin.

Recommendation: get an aquarium, if it is possible to put it in the office, then great. Active study of psychosomatics, spiritual practices aimed at treatment. It is better not to talk much about your work with other people so that there is an element of mystery.

Transiting Neptune in VII

A person may not see the difference between enemies and friends. Idealization of a partner, other people, and as a result - disappointment. Uncertain personal relationships, from the series: we seem to live together, but it’s hard to say who we are to each other. In a more classical sense, transiting Neptune will bring lies and deceit from other people.

Be careful with other people, from the series: trust, but verify. False or fictitious marriages, self-deceptions and deceptions. Hidden enemies, secret envious people and ill-wishers may appear.

To not interfere: make acquaintances with people from the creative or spiritual sphere. Time for good PR if you are a psychologist, esoteric, showman, politician. Creating a YouTube channel, Instagram with great chances of success. Do not plan anything serious with partners, live for today.

Transiting Neptune in VIII

Illusory dangers arise, it may constantly seem that something negative is about to happen. Self-destruction due to strong psychological and emotional states, obsessions. The fear of death intensifies. There may be an interest in mysticism, esotericism, occult and energy techniques.

Recommendation: if Natal chart allows, then this time is suitable for investing in the areas of resources, oil, the film industry. Deep occupation in psychology, strong immersion in a trance. Be extremely careful with all financial transactions.

Transiting Neptune in IX

Obsessions about ideologies, worldviews, philosophies, etc. In my practice, during this transit, a person had false teachers, spiritual mentors, who in fact were not. During this period, there is a danger of falling into a sect or other false religious organizations. The question of attitude towards God may be raised, from complete atheism to absurd fanaticism.

Transiting Neptune in X

It gives good prospects, career opportunities in the field of art, creativity, cinema, etc. Secret career advancement.

In the negative: illusions, deceptions about work, career, or a deceitful boss who feeds you with promises. Intrigues, gossip that spoil your reputation and your social status.

To not interfere: engage in professional creative activities, marketing. Go to the cinema, theater, music (for example, become an administrator in a film project). Visualize your goals. Embellish your merits (otherwise transit Neptune will embellish you through gossip, intrigue)

Transiting Neptune in XI

Strange situations in the sphere of friends, like-minded people, teams from the series: it seems that there are friends, but it seems that they are not. Lies and betrayals by friends. During this period, a person may have a lot of pseudo-friends, false comrades. It may seem that he always has someone to rely on, but when help is needed, it turns out that there is no one around. Also during this period, friends and comrades come and go without a trace, many good friendships can be destroyed due to trifles.

Advice: as in all Air Houses, we focus on creating connections with people of art or spiritual topics. A good time to start studying astrology, tarot, psychology, active PR in these areas.

Transiting Neptune in XII

Groundless fears, complexes, obsessive states, the illusion of loneliness, a feeling of closeness, inferiority. But at the same time, an interest in mysticism, meditation, and solitary techniques may appear. A period of dreams and illusions. In the inner world, everything is vague and incomprehensible.

Recommendation: as much time as possible to be alone, to help, to do charity work, visit places of power emigrate, engage in spiritual, psychological activities, drawing, analyzing dreams.

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Rate of passage through the Zodiac: 1° to 2° per year.
Time of complete revolution around the map: about 165 years.

Transiting Neptune Conjunct Natal Moon

When transiting Neptune conjuncts your natal Moon, you will experience a feeling of being cut off from your roots, unable to make a serious emotional commitment to others, and unable to get them to make such a commitment to you. Depending on the specific situation, relationships in the family, with relatives, and especially with the mother, may fall apart or become even stronger, filled with new spiritual content. Some mystery or confusion related to your family or your past may come up. During this period, you are not able to determine exactly what you are striving for and what you really need. This may prompt you to daydream - even if you have never had a penchant for baseless fantasies. At the same time, your creative inclinations and spirituality will increase, and your intuition will noticeably develop. Attempts to follow the usual business routine will prove difficult even under the most favorable circumstances. Physical ailments of this period are not amenable to diagnosis. There is a possibility psychosomatic diseases. Your home may be affected by a flood or a gas leak, and you may need to live near a reformatory or hospital, in a secluded area, or near the ocean. Keep a close eye on your property, as theft or loss due to your own negligence is very likely during this period. Do not forget about the troubles that threaten you, so as not to become their victim, and direct your efforts to take advantage of the positive potential.

Transiting Neptune Sextile Natal Moon

When transiting Neptune sextiles your natal Moon, creativity develops in unusual ways, and bodies of water and the aquatic environment in general can be inspired. During this period, events are possible that improve your emotional life, help you achieve what you want, contribute to the growth of consciousness and sensitivity. You can be supported by a woman who plays an important role in your life. A chance meeting or acquaintance will lead to the formation of a family, the acquisition of a new home or improvement in current housing conditions, as well as the formation of stronger emotional bonds and obligations.

Transiting Neptune Square Natal Moon

If you try to fulfill your cherished desire, unexpected obstacles will interfere with you. If you get what you dreamed of, the dream come true will not be at all what you imagined. There may be confusion and misunderstanding in your emotional life, home environment, and family ties. When transiting Neptune squares your natal Moon, it is not easy to remain true to commitments, priorities, and principles, and to maintain unwavering devotion. But if you manage your ever-changing connections and lack of confidence, you will eventually find the success that is truly important to you, the need for stronger emotional bonds, sensitivity and deep understanding. By the time your struggle is over, your desires are unlikely to be fully clarified, but you will have a much better idea of ​​what exactly you do not want.

Trine transiting Neptune natal Moon

When transiting Neptune trines your natal Moon, intuition and instincts come to the fore. Depending on your inclination to develop and pay attention to your inner talents, you may even gain the gift of clairvoyance. Some inner voice or an unconscious whim will lead you to fortunate circumstances. Aesthetic and spiritual sensitivity will increase, but the potential of this period does not indicate that you must necessarily take up religion or art, or choose another way to use these qualities. If you are creative, they will flourish. Deception and pretense will be raised to the rank of art. Desires will come true, emotional satisfaction will be achieved. Your fantasies and ideals related to family and family life will be supported. Inspiration from a mother or other determined woman will play a significant role in your success.

Transit Neptune Opposition Natal Moon

Self-pity, guilt, and deceit will become ubiquitous. Desires and needs will be hindered by physical weaknesses and addictions. It remains to be hoped that you have the maturity and common sense to positively influence your own behavior and attitudes during the turbulent period when transiting Neptune forms an opposition to your natal Moon. This period is unfavorable for the emotional life, home environment, family ties, women and children in your life. You may experience inexplicable and unreasonable outbursts of resentment and bad mood. Emotional commitments will lack enthusiasm and depth. You may be drawn into a secret emotional connection. Your desires these days are not destined to be fulfilled, and if they do come true, they will not bring you the expected satisfaction and happiness. Under the influence of this period, you will learn to more steadfastly endure losses (or threats of losses) in your emotional life and other areas. At this time, there is a danger of water or gas leaks in your home. The current period is clearly unfavorable for the purchase of real estate, especially houses located near the water. Your health will deteriorate: food poisoning, food allergies, swelling or dehydration are possible. You are more susceptible to the negative effects of anesthetics, drugs and alcohol, and you may develop a range of physical ailments that are difficult to diagnose.