Symbols of amulets for Aquarius. Stones that match the Aquarius zodiac sign

  • 26.09.2019

People born under the sign of Aquarius are quite extraordinary, sociable and differ from other signs of the zodiac in their desire for constant communication. It will not be difficult for them to make a new acquaintance, keep up a conversation, or just call someone. Along with these positive features, there are negative traits- ardent character and impatience. How to balance all the pros and cons of Aquarius? It is very simple - to find your reliable assistant - your talisman.

Women - Aquarius are naturally endowed with such qualities as charm, a good sense of humor and tact, they are graceful and graceful. Representatives of this sign are very bright and interesting natures. It will not be difficult for them to put on something like that and feel at the same time “at ease”. The same applies to their hair or haircut. They are sure to stand out from the crowd.

Women born under this zodiac sign are very changeable. This quality makes them interesting and interesting interlocutors. They are often unpredictable and remain a mystery to others to the end.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are patronized by the planet Uranus. This planet endowed Aquarius with independence, brightness, sociability and a constant desire for ingenuity.

Tree - a talisman for Aquarius

Since ancient times, people have drawn their strength from trees. Like any other sign of the zodiac, the representatives of this sign have trees - talismans.

Those born under the sign of Aquarius are divided into four main time periods.

From January 12 to January 24 - a tree - a talisman born during this period is Elm. These trees, like the representatives of this sign, are naive and trusting. Both from the outside and from the inside, they are quite simple. They are firm and unshakable when it comes to making a serious decision.

Aquarius born from January 25 to February 03, patronizes a beautiful and slender tree Cypress. Such people are very cheerful and emotional. They are very smart and energetic. Relations in the family are very free and trusting. With women born during this period, it is simply pointless to argue and sort things out, to prove anything.

Born in the period from February 04 to February 08, the tree patronizes Poplar. They are very attractive and have a good mind and quick wits. They are soft and at the same time tough and cold-blooded, confidently moving towards their goal.

From February 09 to February 18, Aquarius are born, whose talisman is a tree Kartas. Such people are quite ambiguous and very attractive. They are often listened to by others.

And finally, those who were born between February 19 and 29. A tree - a talisman for such people is Pine. These people clearly know what they want from life, and boldly go to the intended goal. They are very smart and independent.

Stones that are talismans for Aquarius

The talisman of Aquarius is a very beautiful stone of blue, blue or green shades, with dark veins, turquoise. Since ancient times, it was believed that it protects its owner from various failures, attracts success and financial prosperity.

The stone will give representatives of this sign more confidence and determination. He preserves happiness in the family and brings prosperity.

Along with these wonderful qualities, turquoise has the ability to strengthen your immune system and prevent dangerous infectious diseases.

Quite well, such a stone affects the gastrointestinal tract and the hematopoietic system. Men of this sign can also wear turquoise. It has a positive effect on their potency. Such a mineral is very good to wear as an amulet for every day.

Pomegranate amulets, for a woman of this sign, will attract the opposite sex and evoke strong feelings in him. This translucent, very beautiful, stone has a rich red, yellow or green color.

It carries a very powerful energy and a sea of ​​​​positive. Such a mineral has a beneficial effect on pregnant women of Aquarius.

It cures such serious diseases as asthma, tonsillitis and various viral and infectious diseases very well.

This beautiful mineral contributes to success in any endeavors, happiness in family life and material prosperity. Very beautiful and stylish amulets are obtained from this stone.

Zircon stone is very suitable for Aquarius girls. It comes in red, yellow, blue, black and white. Such an amulet has a beneficial effect on a positive attitude in life, treats immune diseases and diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

Girls who wear this mineral never suffer from overweight. Aquarius men and women who wear zircon can discover the gift of clairvoyance. This gem maintains friendly ties and helps in achieving success in work. Various bracelets and pendants are beautiful zircon amulets.

Rose quartz has a very strong energy for representatives of this zodiac sign. He is an excellent talisman for creative natures, he is able to enhance their abilities and keep them inspired. Aquarius is not afraid of depression and despondency with this mineral.

The talisman of Aquarius, which can protect from quarrels in the family, is an amethyst. He amplifies everything positive traits representatives of this zodiac sign. It will help to overcome disappointments, obstacles and give strength.

Sapphire is also very good for Aquarius. He will give him health, vitality and purposefulness. Such stones perfectly develop intuition, add wisdom and restraint. It will also protect against slander and unnecessary conversations.

The talisman of Aquarius is, first of all, his assistant and protector. It will relieve depression, add purposefulness and self-confidence.

Aquarius is an Air sign. The talisman for Aquarius is a porcelain or glass figurine of an angel, which helps to sharpen intuition and increase clairvoyance. It can also be a scapular or an icon. Various strange objects can also serve as a talisman, as well as wings, birds, planes and a zigzag.

Talismans for Aquarius

It is believed that the talisman of the zodiac sign Aquarius relieves its owner of stereotypes, conservatism, orthodoxy and retrograde, and also helps to find a way out of any situation.

Aquarius is a sign of change and mobility. He longs for new sensations, all the time strives for renewal. It is as if he is always on the "razor's edge", and his insightful and original mind is ready to give birth to all new interesting ideas. Even when the time for change has not yet come, Aquarius is already in favor of radical change.

And when there is an internal stimulus, Aquarius can do great things. In this article we will tell you more about the Aquarius sign and its amulet. Its associated planets are Uranus and Saturn. The patron element - air, is characterized as frosty, fresh, healing.

Alloy of Aquarius - silver and cupronickel. Patron plants - gladiolus, chestnut, wild rose, radish, oregano, water lily. Animal patrons - dove, goat. Colors that fit and accompany life - indigo, silver, yellowish.

Pearls, carnelian, moonstone, lapis lazuli are patron stones. The lucky day is Saturday. A key and an icon can also be considered a talisman.

Stones and minerals - talismans of Aquarius

When asked what other stone Aquarius can use as a talisman, one can definitely answer - sapphire. This transparent stone will bring good luck in business, help to achieve power and respect.

Pomegranate will make Aquarius happy in love, protect against colds and headaches. He will always be in a good mood. The pomegranate is a symbol of honesty and always protects its owner.

Chrysoprase can serve as another good helper for Aquarius. This stone is a symbol of good luck and friendship.

A good talisman for Aquarius is hyacinth, which is an orange variety of zircon. This stone especially helps with protracted troubles, as it can transform pain into joy, and failure into success.

Aquarius, who urgently needs change, hyacinth will give hope, help focus on new plans, remove doubts and depression. Hyacinth also helps to cleanse the body, normalizes the mental state.

Another stone talisman for Aquarius can serve as zircon. Aquarians who wear a talisman with zircon can gain high intellectual ability.

A powerful protector from various troubles (gossip, attacks of enemies, slander, envy) for Aquarius is the hawk's eye, which is a type of quartz.

This stone helps to sharpen the intuition of its owner, makes it the most insightful, saves from rash decisions, excessive trust, and protects in an unfamiliar environment. This stone will especially help Aquarius, who are associated with risky and extreme professions.

Fluorite is very suitable for the fluctuating and changeable Aquarius. This stone eliminates illusions, sharpens intuition, promotes mystical revelations, cleanses the soul. For creative people, such a talisman will become a source of inspiration. Fluorite promotes cell regeneration.

AT personal life Aquarius can help mother of pearl. This stone teaches to “feel” and understand a partner, makes it possible to choose the right strategy of behavior. It will bring abundance and material well-being.

magic stone transparent and mysterious amethyst is exactly the stone that can serve as a talisman of Aquarius for any day. Amethyst will protect him from many diseases, make him a sociable and energetic person. Aquarius, who wear amethyst, easily cope with stress.

Although Aquarius has insight, amethyst enhances this ability, allows you to control your thoughts and solve the most complex problems. Amethyst allows you to control your own anger.

Amulets of Aquarius

Astrologers say that Aquarius is the embodiment of impressionability, emotionality, and most importantly, inconsistency. People who gave birth under this sign are characterized by stability and reliability, and at the same time - incomprehensibility and unpredictability.

On the one hand, they are characterized by dreaminess, and on the other, activity, energy and audacity. But in any case, they are friendly people, always ready to help a friend in trouble, and when it comes to themselves, they are modest and reserved.

What other talisman can Aquarius choose for himself? Magical talismans for Aquarius are the key and the icon.

Well, when a person intuitively selects an amulet for himself, this is always done on a subconscious level. Aquarius chooses a talisman for himself, feeling the reflection of his soul in the talisman.

Aquarius as a sign of the zodiac personifies emotionality, impressionability, and the main thing that prevails in this person is inconsistency. It is characterized by stability and reliability in everything, despite the unforeseenness and incomprehensibility.

He is characterized by dreaminess, and the amulet can reinforce Aquarius, adding energy and activity. This person is almost always ready to come to the support of a person in trouble, although he is restrained and modest as soon as the matter touches him personally.

Long-term affairs for Aquarius appear with a partner who shares his free morals and views on love and life. At the same time, he needs confidence in the strength of the basis of his relationship with his partner.

Angel - guardian of Aquarius

Angel is a talisman for Aquarius. Aquarius as a talisman can choose various figures in the form of an angel. An angel is the counterpart of Aquarius, his conscience and protector. He is able to sharpen intuition and endow with a far-sighted mind. The talisman in the form of an angel is a great helper in everything.

Talk to a glass or porcelain figurine of an angel every day, ask him for help. If you are waiting for important news, then get your patron before going to bed, ask him to bring the good news and put him under the pillow or put him on the table.

Amulets for the zodiac sign Aquarius

Amulets of Aquarius endow people who start wearing them with friendliness, attractiveness, magical magnetism inherent in Aquarius talismans.

The owner of this amulet believes that his life is similar to water pouring from a jug, bringing joy and a fresh look at the world to other people.

Aquarians do not tolerate monotony, pedantry, routine. As a subordinate, he has such traits as excellent taste, energy, but also slowness - it can be the result of complexes.

Aquarius lacks patience. Although they have the ability to achieve almost everything, when the matter really interests him. In the case of real interest, Aquarians can give out such thoughts that are decades ahead of their predecessors.

Aquarius- one of the most unusual signs of the zodiac, he is distinguished by unconventional thinking and a rebellious spirit. They also show their extravagance in the choice of personal items, especially for women.

Aquarius Woman will always strive to stand out, to express his individuality through clothes and personal items.

And stones are talismans - The best way do it when it comes to jewelry. They will emphasize her feminine astral nature and will become good helpers on life path, beneficially influencing her character, smoothing and harmonizing it.

Choosing a stone by date of birth

The main stones of Aquarius are garnet, sapphire, and lapis lazuli. They will suit most Aquarians. However, when choosing a stone, it is worth focusing on decades (certain periods of time, each of which is equal to ten days).

The zodiac sign Aquarius has three decades, respectively:

  • January 21-February 1. Aquarius born during this period are under the auspices of Venus, which brings calm to their disposition, makes them prone to romance, more sensitive, subject to mood swings. Despite this combination of romance and modesty, Aquarians born during this period are very attractive to the opposite sex. Stones are suitable for them, giving their character determination and energy.
    These stones include:
    • Garnet;
    • amber;
    • tourmaline;
    • jasper;
    • nephritis;
    • pearl;
    • aquamarine.
  • February 2-Feb 11. During the second decade, Aquarius is born, under the auspices of Mercury. This planet gives them such qualities as energy, determination, a lively sharp mind and a great sense of humor. People born under the sign of Mercury are wise and insightful.
    Stones of a similar nature are suitable for them:
    • lapis lazuli;
    • amber;
    • amethyst;
    • onyx;
    • turquoise;
    • charoite.
  • February 12-February 20. This period is ruled by the Moon, and people born under its auspices cannot stand lies. Without regret, they part with people who have deceived them at least once, since they themselves prefer never to lie. In addition to truthfulness, they have restraint and sensitivity inherent in the Moon.
    They need stones that will smooth out these character traits, making them more liberated:
    • alexandrite;
    • sapphire;
    • tourmaline;
    • Garnet;
    • aquamarine;
    • chrysoprase;
    • zircon;
    • hyacinth.

More specifically, the advantage of choosing a talisman stone can be expressed in its correspondence with the birthday of the Aquarius sign:

  • January 21 - Hyacinth;
  • January 22 - Citrine;
  • January 23 - Amazonite;
  • January 24 - Lapis lazuli;
  • January 25 - Agate;
  • January 26 - Jade;
  • January 27 - Rock crystal;
  • January 28 - Zircon;
  • January 29 - Sapphire;
  • January 30 - Amethyst;
  • January 31 - Chrysoprase;
  • February 1 - Moonstone;
  • February 2 - Turquoise;
  • February 3 - Turquoise;
  • February 4 - Beryl;
  • February 5 - Sardonyx;
  • February 6 - Sapphire;
  • February 7 - Agate;
  • February 8 - Malachite;
  • February 9 - Amber;
  • February 10 - ;
  • February 11 - Heliotrope;
  • February 12 - Sardonyx;
  • February 13 - Cat's eye;
  • February 14 - Chrysoberyl;
  • February 15 - Aventurine;
  • February 16 - Opal;
  • February 17 - Sapphire;
  • February 18 - Obsidian;
  • February 19 - Aventurine.

Aquarius Talisman Stone

Talismans for Aquarius:

  1. Quartz. This Aquarius stone can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, it can be carried with you as a talisman that prevents accidents, protects the life and physical health of Aquarius. To attract love or to develop their creativity, Aquarius can use light shades of quartz. Rose quartz will make it softer, protect against negative thoughts, liberate, give self-confidence and help overcome the creative crisis.
  2. Sapphire. Blue sapphire will be a good talisman stone for Aquarius who want to improve or simply strengthen their health. This stone will help get rid of insomnia, normalize work internal organs. In addition, blue sapphire can be used to protect against slander, lies and envy of others. Sapphires of other shades can be chosen by Aquarians who want to enhance their inner world, increase intuition, mindfulness, gain wisdom, and peace of mind.
  3. Obsidian. Obsidian will help Aquarius in the desire to get rid of bad habits. It can also be used in the process of solving complex problems, in search of a solution to a specific problem.
  4. Amethyst. Aquarius is a complex sign of the zodiac, and, despite all the positive qualities, sometimes he is too malleable to the dark sides of his personality. Amethyst gemstone will help to cope with this problem. It will protect Aquarius from unnecessary waste of energy, quarrels and scandals, and help overcome life's difficulties.
  5. Agate. This stone is designed to protect Aquarius from the evil eye and damage, and is also able to protect him from energy vampirism.
  6. Hyacinth. For lovers of travel, an indispensable stone on the road. It will also come in handy for Aquarius during major changes in his life, upcoming or already taking place; it will help maintain balance and clarity of thought.
  7. Lapis lazuli. Brings success, shelters from negativity. It is believed that he is able to save Aquarius from any unclean intent or evil presence. This stone will help its owner feel safe wherever he is.
  8. Garnet. Red pomegranate is a talisman for Aquarius bright, active, hardworking. It will help them maintain high working capacity, quickly restore their strength, save them from stress and overwork. This stone will also help the sociability of Aquarius: it will make communication with others easier, it will speed up the establishment of contact both with strangers and friends, and with the object of attraction.
  9. Amazonite. It is believed that this stone is able to give the owner youth, endow him with colossal vitality, and preserve beauty for a long time.

Aquarius Women Stones

Good luck stones for an Aquarius woman that can bring her success in her personal life,
self-realization, career and motherhood will be represented by precious and semi-precious (natural) minerals.

Gems for the Aquarius woman:

  1. Topaz. Among other properties, it has the ability to "shelter" Aquarius from unconscious fears and obsessions. Topaz is also suitable for passionate natures, because its main task is to calm, harmonize and purify thoughts, keep passions boiling in the soul, give transparency and clarity to thoughts, protect the mind from negative, depressive thoughts and feelings.
  2. Aquamarine. Definitely, Aquarius women will like this stone, because it has very unusual properties. For example, but it is able to change its color, adjusting to the mood of the hostess: the light blue color of the stone will be evidence of the well-being of the Aquarius woman, and the greenish tint will indicate the opposite. In love, aquamarine will help the Aquarius woman get rid of unnecessary dreams, make Aquarius prone to idealization more practical.
  3. Amber. The stone that gives vitality, cheerfulness, activity, self-confidence and emancipation.
  4. Chrysoprase. A symbol of new beginnings and the successful completion of current affairs. This is a stone for women who want to move up the career ladder: it gives its owner determination, clarity of thinking, the ability to quickly accept right decisions, work capacity.

Natural stones for the Aquarius woman:

  1. Pearl. It is not surprising that pearls have long been perceived by people as the keeper of purity, fidelity, decency and prosperity. And therefore, undoubtedly, it should be present in the box of each married woman Aquarius. It will help save the marriage, protecting it from unnecessary quarrels, scandals and reproaches, will give Aquarius femininity and softness, make it more compliant and gentle.
  2. Garnet. Garnet stone for Aquarius women is a symbol of success. A stone of passion, clairvoyance and love of life. It is believed that it has a beneficial effect on women who are expecting a baby, helps pregnant women during childbirth. It helps unmarried girls to find a betrothed, start a family, attract a man.
  3. Amethyst. A very favorable stone for the Aquarius woman, he will give her insight and sensitivity. In addition, amethyst is able to accumulate and store a certain energy of the owner for a long time, so it will be useful to put it on in connection with happy, joyful events, then after a while the stone will acquire the properties of a real guardian-talisman. There is also an opinion that amethyst can help a young woman get pregnant faster.
  4. Rhinestone. Gives its owner a positive attitude, and also protects her from the evil eye. Among other things, it can be used to purify energy.
  5. Obsidian. Sociable Aquarius, constantly in the center of events, this stone will help protect themselves from the evil thoughts and emotions of other people, as well as gossip and deceit. Taking the blow, he absorbs all the negativity of outsiders, keeping Aquarius calm and at peace.

Stones that are contraindicated for Aquarius

Aquarius should not wear such stones:

  1. Diamond. Diamond makes Aquarius unnecessarily stubborn and arrogant. Women should not wear this stone if they do not want to become cold, hard, contemptuous in relations with other people. This stone develops self-centeredness and narcissism in Aquarius.
  2. Citrine. Citrine has a dual effect on Aquarius. On the one hand, it strengthens in him positive features, makes him more open purposeful, expands the boundaries of his knowledge. On the other hand, it has exactly the same effect on the negative sides of Aquarius, bringing them to the extreme, so the stone should be handled with care, and it is better to completely give preference to a more suitable decoration.

Brief summary

Aquarius stones are recommended to be worn as Jewelry, while choosing silver or platinum as a frame, metals suitable for their water element. Preferred in this case: quartz, sapphire, agate, amazonite, lapis lazuli, garnet and others.

It is not recommended to use stones fire element: diamond and citrine. Unfavorable, but in some cases acceptable for Aquarius, will be stones such as onyx, emerald, carnelian and sardonyx. The colors of the stones that are more suitable for Aquarius are blue, blue, pale pink and other light shades.

Aquarius should choose one stone in case, that is, you should not put on several talisman stones at once, otherwise they will negatively affect each other, and their beneficial effect on a person will be reduced to almost zero.

Sensitivity and emotionality are qualities common to many people born under the sign of Aquarius. They surprisingly combine stability and unpredictability, energy and dreaminess.

When choosing a talisman stone for the Aquarius sign, one should give preference to minerals of “water” shades. Clear your mind and get rid of negative emotions will allow stones-talismans symbolizing water. These are minerals of a wide colors- from dark green to light blue.

Select by decade

Do you want to find a talisman stone for Aquarius by date of birth? In this case, we suggest you use this table:

The best talisman of Aquarius who wants to find his soul mate is this. This stone helps its owner overcome all obstacles and gain self-confidence. Rose quartz will be useful for creative people, as it activates the mental faculties and provides a burst of inspiration. A similar effect is jewelry with zircon.

Amulets for peace of mind

For the emotional Aquarius, the azurite talisman stone will become a talisman against rash acts. This mineral helps to find peace and get rid of someone else's negative impact. Jewelry with azurite can be worn by both women and men.

Aquamarine blue color has a very strong bond with its owner. The mineral helps to direct energy in the right direction, it relieves fatigue, depression and irritation. Aquamarine has a stimulating and restorative effect on the entire body. In addition, he mystically protects his owner from the machinations of ill-wishers.

People who are prone to frequent stress and depression are advised to wear jewelry with amethyst. This Aquarius talisman stone makes it easy to cope with a depressed mood and look at the world in a completely new way. It develops insight in a person, the ability to find an original solution to complex problems.

Amulets for women

Strengthen family relationships allow pearls of natural origin. If an Aquarius woman is prone to frequent colds, then she should purchase a pomegranate ring. Such a charm allows not only to maintain health, but also protects against deception and negatively minded people.

Some minerals should be avoided. Undesirable are turquoise jewelry that can disrupt the emotional stability of its mistress and push her to rash acts. Do not use a diamond as a talisman. He can build an impenetrable wall between the Aquarius woman and the people around her.

What minerals are suitable for men

A workaholic who dreams of making a brilliant career needs to purchase a small jade figurine. This amulet helps to attract success and promotes financial stability. Businessmen and people who need to think flexibly and creatively will suit sapphire. This mineral increases mental concentration, adjusts to the search for non-standard solutions.

Black agate is the talisman of Aquarius for a man who wants to gain a reputation as a womanizer. A stone enclosed in a ring or signet ring helps to attract the attention of the fairer sex.

Aquarius- people who strive to give and be useful, it is important for them to know that the world has improved at least a little bit from their participation. They selflessly can share everything they have: their strength, wisdom, knowledge. Moreover, the universe favors them and usually repays them with success and a good position in society.

Aquarians are great originals - they always strive to have “not like everyone else”, but this desire is not dictated by ostentatious pretentiousness and pathos, but precisely by their own understanding of the state of affairs, they feel and think this way. Therefore, they approach the issue of choosing an individual talisman in a special way - usually these are some kind of mysterious, intricate little things of incomprehensible origin and often incomprehensible purpose, among them you can find - intricate beautiful baubles, a tooth of some animal on a cord, painted feathers, etc. . Often among Aquarius you can see collectors, then the symbol of the thing that they collect can become a talisman.

The main feng shui symbol for the Aquarius zodiac sign is butterfly. Unexpectedly right? But it is the butterfly that will make the atmosphere around Aquarius easier and freer, and will also help bring long-awaited love into the life of Aquarius. (such options as butterflies caught and dried, filled with mica are not suitable for a talisman. It is better to buy a picture, a pendant or a butterfly figurine)

Aquarius is an air sign, among their representatives people with psychic abilities are often observed. To enhance inner strength, hold it and at the same time for safety - porcelain will be a good talisman. white angel figurine a, and also images and icons.

Key- another good talisman for Aquarius - given the inner spiritual depth of the representatives of this sign - the key is a symbol of the discovery of new knowledge and dogmas., new horizons of being ...

Stones mascots for Aquarius:

Zircon - good helper looking for Have a good mood. He will pull the thoughtful Aquarius out of the abyss of deep perception of the world and enliven the atmosphere around them.

Aquamarine- will help Aquarius to establish social relations, it has a fruitful effect on the relationship of Aquarius with other people.

Lapis lazuli- a stone of development and advancement. Under its influence, Aquarians become filled with inspiration, a feeling of fullness, a desire to move forward and achieve their goals.

Olivine- This mysterious stone will help refined Aquarius to strengthen faith in their own strengths, knowledge and talents. Will strengthen the current status and give the achievements of Aquarius a true and well-deserved position.