Space Forces Aerospace Forces of Russia: tasks, composition, command, armament

  • 10.10.2019

March 24, 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of the Space Forces Russian Federation. They were created in accordance with Decree No. 337 of March 24, 2001 of the President of Russia "On ensuring the construction and development of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, improving their structure." And by the decision of the Security Council of the Russian Federation of February 6, 2001.


space troops - a separate branch of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, responsible for the defense of Russia in space. October 4 is Space Forces Day. The holiday is timed to the day of the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth, which opened the annals of astronautics, including military.

The first parts (institutions) for space purposes were formed in 1955, when a decision was made by the Government of the USSR to build a research site, which later became the world-famous Baikonur Cosmodrome. Until 1981, responsibility for the creation, development and use of space facilities was assigned to the Central Directorate of Space Facilities (TSUKOS) of the Strategic Missile Forces Armed Forces THE USSR.

In 1981, it was decided to withdraw the Main Directorate of Space Facilities (GUKOS) from the Strategic Missile Forces and subordinate it directly to the General Staff. In 1986, GUKOS was transformed into the Office of the Chief of Space Facilities (UNKS). In 1992, the UNCS was transformed into a military branch of central subordination - the Military Space Forces (VKS), which included the Baikonur, Plesetsk, Svobodny cosmodromes (in 1996), as well as the Main Center for Testing and Control of Spacecraft (SC) of the military and civil appointment named after German Titov.

In 1997, the VKS became part of the Strategic Missile Forces. Taking into account the growing role of space assets in the system of military and national security of Russia, in 2001 the country's top political leadership decided to create, on the basis of formations, formations and launch units and RKOs, an independent branch of the military - the Space Forces - based on the formations and launch units allocated from the Strategic Missile Forces.

The main tasks of the videoconferencing:

- timely warning of the top military-political leadership of the country about the beginning of a nuclear missile attack;

— creation, deployment and control of orbital constellations of spacecraft for military, dual and socio-economic purposes;

— control of the developed near-Earth outer space, constant reconnaissance of the territories of a potential enemy using satellites;

- missile defense of Moscow, the destruction of attacking enemy ballistic missiles.

Composition of troops:

- Command of the Space Forces;

- Main Missile Attack Warning Center (MC PRN);

- Main Space Control Center (MCC KKP);

- State test cosmodromes of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - Baikonur, Plesetsk, Svobodny;

— Main test center for testing and control of space facilities named after G.S.Titov;

- Connection of anti-missile defense (ABM);

- Office for the introduction of new systems and complexes of the Space Forces;

- Military educational institutions and support units.

population military space forces- more than 100 thousand people.

VKS armament:

surveillance satellites(optical-electronic and radar reconnaissance);

electronic monitoring satellites(radio and electronic intelligence);

communications satellites and a global satellite navigation system for the troops, in total there are approximately 100 vehicles in the orbital group;

- the launch of satellites into a given orbit is provided light launch vehicles("Start 1", "Cosmos 3M", "Cyclone 2", "Cyclone 3", "Roar"), middle("Soyuz U", "Soyuz 2", "Lightning M") and heavy("Proton K", "Proton M") classes;

means of ground-based automated spacecraft control complex(NACU KA): command and measurement systems "Taman Baza", "Pheasant", radar station "Kama", quantum optical system "Sazhen T", ground receiving and recording station "Nauka M-04";

detection systems, radar stations"DON 2N", "Daryal", "Volga", "Voronezh M", radio-optical complex for recognition of space objects "KRONA", optical-electronic complex "OKNO";

PRO Moscow A-135- the anti-missile defense system of the city of Moscow. Designed to "repel a limited nuclear strike on the Russian capital and the central industrial region." Radar "Don-2N" near Moscow, near the village of Sofrino. 68 missiles 53Т6 ("Gazelle"), designed for interception in the atmosphere, are located in five positional areas. Command post - the city of Solnechnogorsk.

The objects of the Space Forces are located throughout the territory of Russia and beyond its borders. Abroad, they are deployed in Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan.

/Based on materials and /

Space Forces of the Armed Forces

Years of existence:

the Russian Federation


Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Defense of Russia)

Included in:

Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (AF of Russia)


150,000 people

Participation in:

cold war

space troops- a separate branch of the armed forces of the Russian Federation responsible for military operations in space. On June 1, 2001, the Space Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation were formed and began to carry out their tasks. According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 3, 2002, October 4 is celebrated as the Day of Space Forces. The holiday is timed to the day of the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth, which opened the annals of astronautics, including military.


The main tasks of the Space Forces are:

  • timely warning of the top military-political leadership of the country about the beginning of a nuclear missile attack.
  • creation, deployment and control of orbital constellations of spacecraft for military, dual and socio-economic purposes;
  • control of the developed near-Earth space, constant reconnaissance of the territories of a potential enemy with the help of satellites;
  • missile defense of Moscow, destruction of attacking enemy ballistic missiles.


Until 1981, responsibility for the creation, development and use of space facilities was assigned to the Central Directorate of Space Facilities (TSUKOS) of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Armed Forces of the USSR. At the end of the 1970s, a contradiction objectively arose and began to aggravate between the interspecific nature of the tasks being solved and the specific subordination of military space.

Under these conditions, the leadership of the USSR Ministry of Defense (MO USSR) in 1981 decided to withdraw the Main Directorate of Space Facilities (GUKOS) from the Strategic Missile Forces and subordinate it directly to the General Staff. In 1986, GUKOS was transformed into the Office of the Chief of Space Facilities (UNKS). In 1992, the UNCS was transformed into a military branch of central subordination - the Military Space Forces (VKS), which included the Baikonur, Plesetsk, Svobodny cosmodromes (in 1966), as well as the Main Center for Testing and Control of Spacecraft (SC) military and civil destination named after German Titov, located 40 kilometers from Moscow, Golitsino-2, aka Object 413, aka Krasnoznamensk. In 1997, the VKS became part of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Taking into account the increasing role of space assets in the system of military and national security of Russia, in 2001 the top political leadership of the country decided to create on the basis of formations, formations and units of launch and RKO of a new type of troops - Space Forces, allocated from the Strategic Missile Forces. At the same time, it was taken into account that the space forces and means, the forces and means of the RKO have a single sphere for solving problems - space, as well as close cooperation between industrial enterprises, which ensures the creation and development of weapons.

Now the main divisions space troops RF are located in Olenegorsk and the village. Lekhtusi (Leningrad region)

Orbital constellation

The orbital constellation of the Russian Federation consists of 100 spacecraft. Of these, 40 are defense satellites, 21 are dual-purpose and 39 are spacecraft for scientific and socio-economic purposes.

For comparison, the United States has the largest orbital constellation, which owns 413 artificial satellites. In third place is China with 34 satellites.

India maintains 7 active earth imagery satellites in polar orbits.


  • 1992-1997 - Vladimir Leontievich Ivanov
  • 2001-2004 - Anatoly Nikolaevich Perminov
  • 2004-2008 - Vladimir Alexandrovich Popovkin
  • Since July 4, 2008, the commander of the Space Forces has been Lieutenant General Oleg Nikolayevich Ostapenko; Chief of Staff - Major General Alexander Nikolaevich Yakushin.

Educational establishments

The training of officers for the space forces is carried out by:

  • A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Academy (former A. F. Mozhaisky Military Space Engineering University)
  • Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov
  • Moscow Military Institute of Radio Electronics of the Space Forces

Secondary complete general education provides:

  • Military Space Cadet Corps of Peter the Great
Editorial response

On October 4, Russia celebrates the Day of the Space Forces. The holiday is timed to coincide with the day of the launch of the first artificial earth satellite PS-1 (the simplest satellite-1). It was launched into orbit on October 4, 1957 by the R-7 launch vehicle from the 5th research site of the USSR Ministry of Defense, which later became known as the Baikonur cosmodrome. The spacecraft was a ball with a diameter of 58 centimeters, weighed 83.6 kilograms, and was equipped with four pin antennas 2.4 and 2.9 meters long. The successful launch of the world's first satellite was the discovery of the annals of astronautics, including military.

Emblem of the Aerospace Defense Forces. Photo: tells about what the space troops are doing, their composition and history of origin.


Space Forces - a branch of the Russian Aerospace Forces. Their main tasks are:

  • warning the top military-political leadership of the country about a missile attack;
  • missile defense of the city of Moscow;
  • control of outer space;
  • creation, deployment, maintenance of the national orbital constellation and control of military, dual, socio-economic and scientific spacecraft.

The composition of the space forces:

  • Command of the Space Forces;
  • Main Missile Warning Center;
  • The main center for reconnaissance of the space situation;
  • Directorate for the introduction of new systems and complexes of the Space Forces;
  • Missile defense formations;
  • Main test center named after German Titov;
  • State test cosmodrome Plesetsk.

The number of personnel of the Aerospace Defense Forces of the Russian Federation is 165,000 people.

Orbital constellation

The orbital satellite constellation of Russia for September, 2015 is the second in the world and consists of 149 vehicles. Together with the orbital groups of the CIS countries - 167 vehicles.

For comparison, the United States has the largest orbital constellation, which owns 446 artificial satellites. In third place is China with 120+ satellites. India maintains 40+ operational Earth imagery satellites in polar orbits.

Pilots during an exercise to check the combat readiness of the Aerospace Defense Forces, the 1st Air Force and Air Defense Command of the Western Military District at the Baltimore airfield in Voronezh. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexander Utkin


  • Central Directorate of Space Facilities (TSUKOS) of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) (1964-1970),
  • Main Directorate of Space Facilities (GUKOS) of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) (1970-1981),
  • Main Directorate of Space Facilities (GUKOS) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (1981-1986),
  • Office of the Chief of Space Facilities (UNKS) of the USSR Ministry of Defense (1986-1992),
  • Military Space Forces (VKS) (1992-1997),
  • as part of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) (1997-2001),
  • Space Forces (KV) (2001-2011),
  • Aerospace Defense Troops (VVKO) (from December 1, 2011 - August 1, 2015),
  • Space Forces (KV) of the Aerospace Forces (since August 1, 2015).

Major General, Commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces (VKO) Alexander Golovko. Photo: RIA Novosti / Mikhail Klimentiev


1964-1965 — K. A.-A. Kerimov
1965-1979 — A. G. Karas
1979-1989 — A. A. Maksimov
1989-1996 — V. L. Ivanov
2001-2004 — A. N. Perminov
2004-2008 — V. A. Popovkin
2008-2011 — O. N. Ostapenko
2012 — V. M. Ivanov- interim officer
from December 2012 — A. V. Golovko

Educational establishments

The training of officers for the space forces is carried out by:

  • Military Space Academy named after A. F. Mozhaisky,
  • Military Academy of Aerospace Defense named after Marshal of the Soviet Union G.K. Zhukov.


The first space units were formed in 1955 as part of the artillery of the Reserve of the Supreme High Command (RVGK), when a decision was made by the USSR Government to build a research site.

In 1964, in order to centralize work on the creation of new means, as well as to quickly resolve the issues of using space means, the Central Directorate of Space Facilities (TSUKOS) of the Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) was created. In 1970, it was reorganized into the Main Directorate of Space Facilities (GUKOS) of the Strategic Missile Forces.

In 1986, GUKOS was transformed into the Office of the Chief of Space Facilities of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

Military personnel of the Aerospace Defense Forces greet Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu during the parade dedicated to the 68th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, on the Red Square. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Ostapkovich

In 1992, the Office of the Chief of Space Facilities was transformed into a branch of forces of central subordination - the Military Space Forces (VKS).

In 1997, the Military Space Forces, in order to increase the efficiency of command and control of troops and save the defense budget, were included in the Strategic Missile Forces.

In connection with the growing role of space assets in the system of military and national security of Russia, by a Presidential Decree in 2001, on the basis of formations, formations and units of launch and RKO allocated from the Strategic Missile Forces, an independent branch of forces was created - the Space Forces. At the same time, it was taken into account that the space forces and means, the forces and means of the RKO have a single sphere for solving problems - space, as well as close cooperation between industrial enterprises, which ensures the creation and development of weapons.

March 24, 2011 marks the 10th anniversary of the Space Forces of the Russian Federation. They were created in accordance with Decree No. 337 of March 24, 2001 of the President of Russia "On ensuring the construction and development of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, improving their structure." And by the decision of the Security Council of the Russian Federation of February 6, 2001.


The Space Forces are a separate branch of the armed forces of the Russian Federation responsible for the defense of Russia in space. October 4 is Space Forces Day. The holiday is timed to the day of the launch of the first artificial satellite of the Earth, which opened the annals of astronautics, including military.

The first parts (institutions) for space purposes were formed in 1955, when a decision was made by the Government of the USSR to build a research site, which later became the world-famous Baikonur Cosmodrome. Until 1981, responsibility for the creation, development and use of space facilities was assigned to the Central Directorate of Space Facilities (TSUKOS) of the Strategic Missile Forces of the Armed Forces of the USSR.

In 1981, it was decided to withdraw the Main Directorate of Space Facilities (GUKOS) from the Strategic Missile Forces and subordinate it directly to the General Staff. In 1986, GUKOS was transformed into the Office of the Chief of Space Facilities (UNKS). In 1992, the UNCS was transformed into a military branch of central subordination - the Military Space Forces (VKS), which included the Baikonur, Plesetsk, Svobodny cosmodromes (in 1996), as well as the Main Center for Testing and Control of Spacecraft (SC) of the military and civil appointment named after German Titov.

In 1997, the VKS became part of the Strategic Missile Forces. Taking into account the growing role of space assets in the system of military and national security of Russia, in 2001 the country's top political leadership decided to create, on the basis of formations, formations and launch units and RKOs, an independent branch of the military - the Space Forces - based on the formations and launch units allocated from the Strategic Missile Forces.

The main tasks of the HQS:

Timely warning of the top military-political leadership of the country about the beginning of a nuclear missile attack;

Creation, deployment and management of orbital constellations of spacecraft for military, dual and socio-economic purposes;

Control of the developed near-Earth space, constant reconnaissance of the territories of a potential enemy with the help of satellites;

Anti-missile defense of Moscow, the destruction of attacking enemy ballistic missiles.

The composition of the troops:

Command of the Space Forces;

Main Missile Attack Warning Center (MC PRN);

Main Control Center for Outer Space (MCC KKP);

State test cosmodromes of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - Baikonur, Plesetsk, Svobodny;

Main test center for testing and control of space facilities named after G.S.Titov;

Missile Defense Compound (ABM);

Directorate for the introduction of new systems and complexes of the Space Forces;

Military educational institutions and support units.

The number of the Military Space Forces is more than 100 thousand people.

VKS armament:

Species reconnaissance satellites (optical-electronic and radar reconnaissance);

Electronic control satellites (radio and electronic intelligence);

Communications satellites and a global satellite navigation system for the troops, in total there are approximately 100 satellites in the orbital group;

The launch of satellites into a given orbit is provided by light carrier rockets (" Start 1», « Cosmos 3M», « Cyclone 2», « Cyclone 3», « roar”), medium (“ Soyuz U», « Soyuz 2», « Lightning M"") and heavy (" Proton K», « Proton M"") classes;

Means of the ground-based automated spacecraft control complex (NACU KA): command and measurement systems "Taman Baza", "Pheasant", radar station "Kama", quantum optical system "Sazhen T", ground receiving and recording station "Nauka M-04";

Detection systems, radar stations " DON 2N», « Daryal», « Volga», « Voronezh M", radio-optical complex for recognition of space objects" CROWN", optoelectronic complex " WINDOW»;

PRO Moscow A-135 - anti-missile defense system of the city of Moscow. Designed to "repel a limited nuclear strike on the Russian capital and the central industrial region." radar " Don-2N» near Moscow, near the village of Sofrino. 68 missiles 53Т6("Gazelle"), designed to intercept in the atmosphere, are located in five positional areas. Command post - the city of Solnechnogorsk.

The objects of the Space Forces are located throughout the territory of Russia and beyond its borders. Abroad, they are deployed in Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan.

December 1 of this year saw the birth of a new branch of the Aerospace Defense Forces of Russia. Also, this day will be remembered by the complete curtailment of such troops as the space troops.

The new branch of the military has already begun to control the orbit and airspace, the first duty shift of three thousand people solemnly took up combat duty.

creation of aerospace defense
The first attempts to create a system for monitoring air and airless space were made back in 2001. But due to lack Money and other political priorities, the implementation of the program for the creation of the aerospace defense was constantly delayed. And only the threat of Western missile defense systems approaching Russian borders forced the Russian leadership to recall the adequate counteraction to emerging threats.

East Kazakhstan region management
The former commander of the space forces, Lieutenant-General O. Ostapenko, has been appointed head of the aerospace defense.
General V. Ivanov was appointed first deputy.
The space direction is commanded by Major General O. Maidanovich.
The air direction is commanded by Major General S. Popov.

Tasks of aerospace defense
The main purpose of the new type of troops is to warn of a missile attack and repel a missile and air attack from the aerospace environment on the territory of the Russian Federation. After the discovery of the attack and the report to the top leadership, apply all measures to destroy the threat, suppress the attack control centers and cover important objects on Russian territory.
- instant informing the military-political leadership of the country about the detection of a missile launch from the territory controlled by the troops of the aerospace defense;
-destruction of detected missiles and warheads fired on the territory of the Russian Federation;
- ensuring the protection of the main points of control of the country and the Armed Forces, the protection of strategic facilities of the fatherland;
-constant monitoring of all spacecraft, prevention of threats from outer space, creation of parity of forces;
- launching new space objects into orbits, constant control of satellites and orbital and space vehicles, control of civilian satellites to collect the necessary information.

Composition of the EKR

The structure of the divisions of the space direction includes:
- a missile attack warning system, consisting of an orbital constellation of three satellites, one US-KMO and 2 US-KS;
- the main center for testing and control of the orbital constellation;
- Plesetsk cosmodrome;
- space control system, consisting of:
Command post of PKO and KKP;
Complex "Krona", located in the North Caucasus;
Complex "Window", located in Tajikistan;
Complex "Moment", located in the Moscow region;
Complex "Krona-N", located in the Far East;
Overflight warning system of special CO;
All radars "Dnepr";
All radar "Daryal";
Station "Volga", located in Baranovichi;
Dunay-ZU stations, Don-2N missile defense stations located in the Moscow region;
Station "Azov", located in Kamchatka;
Stations "Sazhen-T and -S";
Stations "Voronezh-M and -DM";
The control system can use the NSOS network in the CIS, and the system also takes data from COSPAR, OOH and NASA.
The anti-missile and anti-aircraft units include:
- anti-missile defense division located in the Moscow region;
- 3 S-400 anti-aircraft missile brigades located in the Moscow region;
- several S-500 anti-aircraft missile brigades are expected until 2020;
In addition to these areas, radio engineering troops will support the aerospace defense.

The aerospace defense troops will be directly connected to the General Staff, and the General Staff will also manage the structure.

So far, the VKO control system has not been fully calibrated. Yes, and what is possible, because the new branch of the army is not even a month old. Almost all stations consist of old equipment, many open uncontrolled areas and obsolete weapons. But let's hope that everything will settle down and the aerospace defense will be overgrown with the latest complexes, stations and weapons. In the meantime, technology is working on two fronts: in the East Kazakhstan region and its own districts.

Additional Information
Judging by the reaction of Western countries to the creation of the aerospace defense, they reliably know the capabilities of these troops, they learn any information on domestic defense capabilities faster than some commanders of our military units. And they can begin to worry no sooner than they get into service with the S-500.
It is a pity that the time wasted on the creation of the aerospace defense, for ten years, enormous opportunities have been lost, at least to take the surrender of a military base in Cuba.