Michael Newton past life regression. Michael Newton Regression with Hypnosis

  • 29.06.2020

You can go to America and there, certified members of Michael Newton's LBL Hypnotherapy Institute will give you an LBL session. By the way, they practice not only in America, but also in Europe, Asia, South Africa and Australia. If you don’t have such an opportunity, then you can safely trust our specialists who have completed professional training in the field of Ericksonian hypnosis, for example, IGiSPP (Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy) course by Mikhail Romanovich Ginzburg. The quality of training at Ginzburg surpasses other options at times. In addition, there at the last step of the course (as part of working with age regression), there is a separate block on LBL regression according to the method of M. Newton. Moreover, Ginsburg himself practiced LBL sessions according to the method of M. Newton and willingly transfers this unique experience to young specialists. I was lucky enough to be one of them!

You can also go to esotericists of different worldviews, they have been practicing these journeys for a long time. And if this direction is closer to you, most likely you will be more comfortable there, the same values, beliefs, way of thinking.

My direction is closer to the secular, scientific, with a psychological bias, because psychology is my forte. And if you are interested in your own development in the key of psychological science, then here we have a lot in common, as Mowgli said in the fairy tale of the same name: "We are of the same blood." But this is all a preface, how can you choose a guide for a journey into the world of the soul?

I personally adhere to the following rules in choosing any specialist:

1. Go over the Internet, compare the proposed conditions of different specialists.
2. Look who, where he studied Ericksonian hypnosis and the method of M. Newton, because. this is the base!
3. Look at a photo of a person, video recordings of a specialist, webinars, seminars, etc., LBL sessions (if anyone uploads for viewing). The specialist must himself have good mental and physical health, this can be seen when watching video materials with the participation of a specialist. Any "strangeness" should be taken into account, although this does not mean anything, but for the overall picture, it may even come in handy later.
4. You can look at the reviews on the site, but this is not a 100% guarantee, copywriters will write a bunch of bestsellers for a moderate fee.
5. Look at the reviews on the Internet about the person himself, the negative will always surface if it is predetermined by fate.
6. Talk personally on the phone / Skype with a hypnotherapist or listen to his auto-training (voice is very important for a hypnosis session, it will accompany you throughout the session).
7. Write a letter to the specialist in advance, with numerous questions, see how he answers you. Important characteristics of a person may emerge. Nevertheless, the values ​​of a specialist should be of the highest order - love for people, goodwill, positive thinking, respect for the free will of another person, material interest is far from the first levels of needs. Human energy depends on values, and this is important when working together. At sessions with a specialist in any field, there is an exchange of energy that enriches both with invaluable experience, as in positive side, as in a bad one, yes, alas ... and this happens. At the moment of the session, the merging of two energy fields is so strong that one feels the other as himself, there is a redistribution of energy and information programs, as in communicating vessels. And it is very important that the energy of the hypnotherapist is positive.
The specialist must himself be in good mental and physical health.
The specialist himself should not have global problems in the field of communication with people.
The specialist should easily cope with his emotional state, in order to easily manage the state of the client, if he was absorbed in the session negative memories and feelings, and this is often the case when traveling to past lives.

How to check all this? Very simple!

Check all the info above and look at your feelings, listen to your intuition, ask yourself: “Does this person suit me in terms of energy, values, beliefs, general impressions ..?”.

If there are doubts, some internal incomprehensible contradictions, then he knows something and conveys this information to you, as a rule, through images and symbols. If, after all the checks, trust arises, then this guide to the Spiritual World is definitely yours. In this domain the last word should always remain behind the subconscious - he knows best!

In the early 2000s, I was fascinated by Michael Newton's books about life between lives research using regressive hypnosis. Newton offers a clear, positive, and logical picture of life between lives, as well as a reasonable and reproducible method for investigating life between lives.

M. Newton started as a regressive hypnotherapist. He returned to people the memory of past events in a state of hypnosis. Like many other hypnotherapists, he soon discovered that people "remember" not only real events, but also events that date back to before they were born. That hinted at the possibility of recollection past life.

However, he went further - in order to heal the psychological trauma of people received at the moment of death of a past life, he encouraged them to relive the moment of death in a past life. And people, having described death, also described what they thought they experienced after death. These experiences were similar in structure to the near-death experiences described by Moody - that is, people recalled how they separated from the body, saw dead relatives meeting them, and then angels or spiritual teachers, rushed through the tunnel into the white light, and there they re-experienced all the details their lives, and then gave an account of their actions to their spiritual teachers (that is, there was something like doomsday). Then people described their life in the world of souls - their spiritual family, and how they chose a new incarnation, how new souls are created, what lessons they go through.

The full picture of the structure of the world between lives became clear to Newton after many thousands of sessions. That is, each session opened some separate side of life between lives, which Newton then combined into a single description. And this is the weakest point of the whole method.

Since the method of regressive hypnosis is relatively easy to reproduce, I have mastered it myself. Newton put his clients into a trance state by having them visualize traveling through a certain area for the first hour of a three hour session.

Trance is not something outrageously strange. It is a deep focus on inner images that arise, such as when dreaming about something or reading a very interesting book.

I have repeated Michael Newton's methods with relative ease with over 100 people. Many of them easily "remembered" past lives, and also described life between lives, and these descriptions in their structure generally corresponded to what Newton described. That is, people described historical reconstructions about life in the last century, in the Middle Ages, in ancient Egypt.

Gradually, however, I became more critical of what I observed during the sessions. It is known from the history of hypnosis that people can very easily say anything they want to be asked by the host. In addition, the effect of cryptomnesia is known, when people think that they do not know something, but at the same time they remember it unconsciously and tell it as "new" information during the sessions. This was observed by Jung in 1904, when a girl-medium told about her life on Mars, while reproducing her unknown information, which corresponded to the scientific views of that time. But the debriefing showed that she might actually have known this before.

In the course of my past life regressions, I did not observe that people could bring some new information that they obviously did not know - for example, information about the language, names of rulers, dates. That is, what they were telling was exciting from a fictional point of view, but did not contain such information that they could not glean from historical films, novels or non-fiction books.

The same goes for life between lives. Some have described it as a very fast transition, some have lived on UFOs between lives, some have spoken between teachers.

And here the question arises of how to process this information - to add or subtract, relatively speaking. Newton chose to add it up - that is, to consider all the different stories as small stories about a big whole and reconstruct this big whole from them. But a more skeptical view calls for subtracting information - that is, discarding all differences in the stories, and leaving only what the stories have in common. And this whole turns out to be identical to the request given in advance - to remember the past life and what happened after it, and all other details differ.

From the huge amount of data that Newton collected, you can mold any story. Many common features can be explained by cryptomnesia - everyone has already heard about the studies of Moody, whose book was published in 1974, and could unconsciously adjust their stories to descriptions of near-death experiences (souls, angels, tunnel).

What Newton did could be proof if he had a circle of clients whose past life memories are proven - that is, if they remembered the details being tested, the language, the hidden things. And on the basis of the stories of several such clients, one could try to reconstruct the life between lives.

As a result, the picture of the world drawn by Newton is not a bit scientifically proven, and cannot be considered reliable.

There are many complaints about hypnosis as a method of studying the past. Many patients recalled being raped by their own fathers under hypnosis, and most likely these were their own fantasies.

In addition, it is not clear why hypnosis should be effective method memory retrieval, or where past life memories come from in the brain and neurons of a living person. Already now there are pharmacological preparations that reliably erase memory - why couldn't superhuman souls block it if they really needed it?

Hello, dear readers, Alexander Tsarev is in touch.

Regressive hypnosis is a method of working with the subconscious through a trance located between esoteric teachings and classical hypnotherapy. Specialists use it when they put a person into a trance to search for and resolve negative situations that connect past and present incarnations. Reincarnation researchers receive confirmation of their beliefs in the method. Ordinary people find in it the key to deep self-knowledge and solution internal conflicts and problems. It can also be called "talking with souls".

This material is a combination of my practical knowledge in the topic of regressions, inside the most complete answers about what is regressive hypnosis and past lives, whether it is a tool or a weapon and how to start your practice in it.

Regressive hypnosis - what is it in the simplest words

If you are reading this, then you are already above the philistine level of understanding the structure of the world and the universe. And it's great!

It is not a secret at all that our soul lives and reincarnates dozens of times, from the moment of its appearance to the present moment, it accumulates a significant amount of information, for example, like a flash drive.
And everything is stored in it: knowledge, life experience, skills, joy, pain, trauma, hatred, everything good and bad that happened to a person during his life - these data are stored and overwritten time after time, deeper and deeper forming a permanent informational egregore of the Soul.

And this “flash drive” also has a margin of safety, it can junk and break, sometimes life-ending situations, betrayal or other deep emotional shock, can leave an “information virus” on it in the form of a negative memory, which will eventually strengthen and begin to influence for new incarnations. Failures will begin in normal life programs.

Past life shocks do not necessarily manifest themselves in this life of a person, but our research (and this is more than 4000 hours of regression sessions) shows that most people have such problems in some form.

The “virus”, or genetic memory, or the pain of the soul, at some point will turn out to be strong enough, and then they will be able to get out in real life.
Examples of such exits of the pain of the soul: birthmarks, scars without a situation of occurrence, spontaneous neuroses without the possibility of explanation, panic attacks, nightmares - the list is much wider and each of these phenomena can arise as a result of the tragedies of the past and the soul screaming about them.

Regressive hypnosis works with such problems, past lives are the cause of them.

Benefits of regressive hypnosis

I consider this to be a favorable side effect. At the moment of immersion, our brain activity is greatly activated, we cling to new sensations and emotions, remember everything old and forgotten, so after the session, new talents, abilities for new languages, sports and other forgotten or previously unknown hobbies may begin to unfold.

Directions where regressive hypnosis helps

There are more, but these are the most common:

Diseases internal organs;
Personality complexes;
Almost all phobias;
Neuroses, neurasthenia, anxiety;
Bad habits;
problems in personal life;
Personal conflicts and life difficulties

Traveling to past lives through hypnosis is not dangerous for the immersed, in more than 4000 hours of practice in our project there was not a single case where the session was harmful. Some researchers believe that regressive hypnosis can cause even greater deviations in people with unstable mentality, but I have not heard of this. Let's move on to the basic techniques.

An Overview of Regressive Hypnosis Techniques

Those that are presented and described in full.

The Dolores Cannon Method

Dolores Cannon (1931-2014) regressionist and soul researcher, born in St. Louis on April 15, 1931. Dolores Cannon encountered reincarnation in 1968, through regression hypnosis: “It started when I was watching my hypnotist husband conduct regression experiments. He used traditional methods hypnosis and realized that he was working with reincarnation quite by accident, putting a woman in a trance who wanted to lose weight.

In 1979, Dolores and her family moved to Arkansas, where Cannon began her writing career. Her articles have been successfully published in newspapers and magazines. She later became interested in reincarnation again and learned various methods of the regressive hypnosis technique. Starting in 1979, Dolores developed her own hypnosis technique, which allowed her to extract useful information from the past life of the patient, as well as a lot of new knowledge of the historical and scientific type from the human subconscious, lost by our civilization. Dolores Cannon's technique was a significant success, she healed the mental and psychological trauma of people. Dolores wrote many useful books, based on information extracted from the subconscious of people, thereby confirming the phenomenon of reincarnation and the existence of lives between lives (“Between Life and Death”, “Jesus and the Essenes”).

The Dolores Cannon method works with the human subconscious when the client is immersed in a somnambulistic trance level - theta level: “A person is constantly immersed in one of four states of altered consciousness. Beta level - wakefulness or when the subject thinks he is awake. In fact, when you close your eyes, you are already in an altered state. The alpha level is commonly used by hypnotists for meditation as well. The deepest level of trance, theta, is somnambulistic. At this level, I hold the patient and work with him, between the alpha and delta levels. The delta level is the sleep state. The concept of the method lies in the predominance of figurative-synaesthetic thinking (synaesthetic thinking is the ratio of the conscious and the unconscious in the process of cognition) over rational. The hypnologist, during a client's state of deep trance, gives him necessary instructions for the second to explore the past life experience that has been integrated into his subconscious in the course of individual evolution. The client prepares for the session in advance by identifying questions to the subconscious, thus they appear during the therapy itself.

A similar method of regressive hypnosis technique safely and effectively affects the health of a person's subconscious, renewing it. peace of mind. Dolores Cannon argued that in hypnotic practice the term "subconscious" is not analogous to the "Freudian" concept of the subconscious that is practiced in psychiatry. The regressionist was convinced that it was about something deeper, about superconsciousness.

Michael Newton Method

Michael Newton (1931-2016) - certified hypnotherapist, first president of the Society for Spiritual Regression from 2002 to 2005, member of the American Association of Counseling Psychologists and Ph.D. Psychological Counseling, doctor of philosophical science. Founded the Institute of Hypnotherapy for Life Between Lives. Michael Newton. My private practice Hypnotherapy, which he has been doing for over 50 years, Dr. Newton devoted to correcting various behavioral deviations, helping clients to discover their higher spiritual self.

In 1998, Michael Newton was awarded the "Most Unique Contribution of a Hypnotherapist" by the National Association of Transpersonal Hypnotherapists. Dr. Newton has been researching soul memory and life after death for years.

In the process of developing his own method of age regression, Dr. Newton discovered the phenomenon of an immortal soul that exists in the space between physical incarnations. Michael Newton's method of regressive hypnosis placed subjects in the intermediate periods of their memories between past lives, it was called LBL regression (LifeBetweenLives). Thanks to hypnotic regression, the hypnologist was able to describe the possibility of life after death - the spiritual life. Michael Newton was able to learn what was happening in the spirit world through his clients, who were in a state of deep hypnosis and visualized their journey. The LBL-regression method was aimed at helping people find themselves, their purpose in life, to know themselves by turning to the superconscious.

On the subject of his discoveries, Michael Newton wrote 3 bestsellers: Journey of the Soul, Destiny of the Soul, and Life Between Lives. «.

The world is not limited only by these techniques (there is also Calogero Grifazi’s technique and others, but they are not for this material), everything changes and transforms in movement…

Hypnotrance technique for regressions: in detail

The first goal of the regressologist: to bring the person immersed into a state of altered consciousness is when we are relaxed, immersed in a trance state and ready for hypnotherapy (in general, hypnotized). It is in this state that viewing a past life is real. This requires preliminary preparation for the session (~ 1.5-2 weeks).

And during the dive we go through the stages:
1. Leading questions from the contactee in which there is a search for facts that created a problematic request
2. Correction of the situation in the past incarnation and editing its image in the subconscious
3. Return to the point of reality

The altered state of consciousness activates the hidden mechanisms of the brain, and we can remember things that were never recorded in our lives. Critics and skeptics do not believe in this, however, as well as in the habitability of our Universe. Their right. Look at the end of the material for videos of regressive hypnosis sessions and reviews of them, and draw your own conclusions.

What exactly happens during past life regressions?

We delve into the essence of the phenomenon.
Through regressive hypnosis (on our own or through a regressologist), we plunge into a trance, where additional synchronization of consciousness and subconsciousness is turned on, it must be free from external stimuli, this is important.

We help our brain to relax and begin to receive information, I call this place a "sandbox", it allows the mind to open up to the full on the usual signals of meditation and peace, and then get access to hidden information from the past incarnation, and it is already safe to start working with her.

By the leading questions of the contactee (or by the power of self-hypnosis, if we act independently), we find in it memories of past incarnations that disturb our Soul. Through catharsis (emotional release) and then awareness, we get liberation from problems.
Awareness of the information received will also take some time, usually up to a week, after which the problems worked out in the session recede and a new internal stage begins, which is individual.
There are also difficult cases when one immersion in past lives from regressive hypnosis is not enough.

How to undergo regressive hypnosis?

1. We form a list of problems that, in our opinion, affect our lives
2. We sign up for a regression session or study the immersion technique on our own
3. We prepare according to the instructions, we set up our inner world for the event
4. We carry out immersion in regressive hypnosis, it takes 4-6 hours.

Set aside an evening for the first independent lesson, follow the link with our method of preparing for regressive hypnosis and listen to a test meditation, try to relax, if you immediately feel an inner movement, then everything is great, you will definitely succeed.

If it didn’t work right away, then try to return in a more relaxed state, the result depends on your personal approach. There is no magic pill, without your desire even the most experienced hypnologist will not be able to immerse you in regressive hypnosis and send you to past lives.

The easiest method of immersion is given to those who practice meditation, yoga and other activities aimed at balancing the body and spirit in the moment, it will also be easy for those who are engaged in creative activities in life.
Difficulties are experienced by those who follow exclusively the path of logic and skeptics.

Second option: Start a standalone or centralized .

Regressive hypnosis technique for self-immersion

You can achieve results for free, set yourself goals.

For example:

  • Increasing the level of personal qualities
  • Health Improvement
  • Optimizing Personal Efficiency
  • Getting rid of negative attitudes and own blocks
  • find yourself, discover new areas of creative activity and self-realization
  • Raise vitality, working capacity
  • Elimination of phobias, complexes


To properly conduct an independent hypnotic regression session, you must have a good theoretical background: read the works of Michael Newton and Dolores Cannon, read and study their methods of regressive hypnosis techniques, watch YouTube videos on this topic to explore the process at a visual level.

A simple entry into regressive hypnosis will now be described. The complete training scheme is above.

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, leaning back, do not cross your legs, arms should lie freely along the body;
  2. Relax, free your mind from worries;
  3. Breathe slowly and deeply for 10-15 minutes, at the same pace:
  4. Allow yourself to go into a trance, set yourself in complete control of what is happening, tell yourself that you can exit the hypnotic state on the count of 5.

Introduction to trance

Use a combination of eye movement and countdown. Give yourself the mindset that as you move your eyes left and right during the countdown from 10, you will enter a trance.

Enter the trance process with your eyes open. Starting from 10, slowly raise your eyes up and then to the right, the head is static. Keep going until your eyes get tired. Then lower your eyes and lift them up, and then to the left for a count of 9, hold in position until your eyes get tired. Repeat these movements rhythmically for each count, as if watching a pendulum, while always keeping your eyes up. Gradually your eyes will get tired. On count 1, close your eyes, fix them in the top position. Immerse yourself in a trance with your eyes closed, relax the muscles of your face.

Dive into a trance

  1. To deepen the state of trance, imagine any landscape that is pleasant to you, relax your body completely, starting from the head to the tips of the toes.
  2. Consider the details of your landscape, immerse yourself in its comfort, feel the harmony with nature. You are safe.
  3. Concentrate on the little finger of any of your hands, feel its warmth, heaviness, slight tingling and pulsation, and then release this sensation. Then let him come back again. Let yourself know that you can control and manage your mind in trance.
  4. Imagine a situation from childhood that evokes pleasant feelings. Slowly immerse yourself in events, let the picture open up, become voluminous.
  5. Remind yourself that you are in complete control of the situation and that you can exit the trance state at any time on the count of 5. Tell yourself that you are safe. Also, make sure that when you come out of the trance, you will remember the experience gained in the past life, which will be useful for the present life and future personal growth.

Immersion in the corridor of past lives

  1. Go deeper and deeper into the trance. Repeat this to yourself. Go to the very moment of your birth and beyond. Move towards your corridor of past lives. He is individual.
  2. Examine the corridor of your lives. Inside each door are reflections of the experiences of your past lives, you pass them through again. But at any moment you are able to change the situation, because you are fully aware of your experience.
  3. You can choose any door you want. When entering the space of a certain door, you can move in absolutely any direction. To enter the door you use a count from 1 to 3, if you want to return, then count backwards.
  4. After examining the situation from the past life, leave the space of this reality by leaving its door. It is recommended to limit yourself to only one memory, since a large number of experienced events can weaken the memory of previous experiences.

Ending a regression session

  1. Allow yourself to leave the corridor of past lives and return to childhood, and then to the present.
  2. Return to childhood memories, then to the present
  3. Before coming out of the trance state, remind yourself of all the past life experiences that you managed to see. Tell yourself that you remember in the present everything that happened to you to the extent that you need, that you realize the importance of all the impressions received.
  4. Start slowly counting from 1 to 5.
  5. Slowly open your eyes and be at rest to process the information.
  6. Record your experience in a "past life journal".

Useful literature, films

Friends, this small list will help you better understand regressive hypnosis and past lives, start with any:

Michael Newton:
"Journey of the Soul"
"Destiny of the Soul"
"Memories of Life After Life"
“Life between lives. Past lives and wanderings of the soul

Richard Webster:
"Soul mates"

Dolores Cannon:
“Between life and death. What awaits us on the other side?
"Memory of Past Lives"
"Jesus and the Essenes. Conversations through the Millennium"
"Three Waves of Volunteers and New Earth"

If you want to find more interesting things, then write the following in the YouTube search bar keywords:
channeling, past lives, regressive hypnosis

And be sure to visit my YouTube channel "Alexander Tsarev"- there are more than 300 videos on the topic.

Is past life travel dangerous with regressive hypnosis?

As my grandfather said: “you can break a stone with a fool” (well, almost like that, honestly, honestly)
Keep in mind that there are a lot of parapsychologists, false healers around and communication with them will basically be dangerous only for the pocket.

Do not underestimate the power of incorrect self-hypnosis and suggestion, and regressive hypnosis is partly a work with these concepts. Preparation and immersion must be done methodically and accurately, a charlatan or an unlucky specialist himself, without knowing it, can inspire a couple of extra ideas and only add new problems.

Use the services of only reputable specialists, yes, it will be more expensive, yes, the appointment may take 2 months, but you will get real results. Read reviews, this is the most important indicator of who is in front of you, fake reviews are always visible.

Here's What People Say About Regressive Hypnosis

Regressive hypnosis: session video

Write your thoughts on this topic in the comments! Anyone who needs help can contact the contacts on the site.
See you later!

Regressive hypnosis is surrounded by myths and legends, which are based on a lack of reliable knowledge about this method. Hypnotic regression is called the ability to get into past lives, other dimensions, Parallel Worlds under the influence of hypnosis. If we use the approach of official science, then regressive hypnosis is work with the client's unconscious to search in his past for the causes of current problems and work them out. People who have heard about this technique are interested in where to get regressive hypnosis. Some are driven by curiosity, others would like to use this method to solve life problems. There are even those who want to learn this method.

Hypnotherapists use regressive hypnosis as a tool to find traumatic events in the client's past. The human mind doesn't remember everything. stressful situations who met throughout life. But the subconscious memory bank stores all the information about them, and often traumatic situations from the unconscious give a person a program of action. If it is wrong, psychosomatic disorders, psycho-emotional problems appear, the quality of life decreases.

Offers for teaching regressive hypnosis differ from each other in the duration of training, programs, the number of students in a group, and the form of conducting classes. Training can be theoretical in nature, supplemented by master classes.

There are restrictions on the provision of training. Applicant must be at least 18 years of age. Patients with epilepsy and those with mental disorders are not allowed to study. It is unacceptable to be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, psychotropic drugs.

Training in Regressive Hypnosis Techniques

Materialists and people who prefer a scientific approach can find courses and seminars in which training in regressive hypnosis is structured as the acquisition of correction skills. life situations, healing diseases through regressive hypnotherapy. This training allows you to:

  • learn hypnotherapy;
  • master regression techniques;
  • understand the basics of working with a client;
  • look into the depths of your own memory, ask questions to the subconscious and solve your own problems.

Classes are usually held in groups of up to ten people. The teacher-regressologist has the opportunity to work out practical skills with everyone. Training with different partners allows you to consolidate these skills more effectively. More effective are courses in which the training focuses on practical exercises. Participants of such trainings receive both the necessary theoretical knowledge and achieve practical results. They independently conduct several sessions of regressive hypnosis, undergo sessions of their own immersion in a past life.

Don't expect instant success. You need to have a serious motivation to study the theory of the method and repeatedly work it out empirically. At the beginning of training, hypnotization techniques in regressive hypnosis are mastered and consolidated. We study the settings of interaction between the hypnologist and the client, methods of eliminating his internal resistance (fear, uncertainty). This is followed by the development of the target query in regression, the formation of questions for it and the difficulties that await along the way.

The next stage is the study of the time line in regression, the ways of transition to it and further movement, overcoming the obstacles that arise. The stage of work with memories completes the training, directly age regression. Attention is paid to the question of which situations require work with memories, how relevant the depth of trance is for this process, how to form negative and positive requests. This is followed by work with memories in the regression of the past.

By the way, anyone who is interested in the phenomenon of regressive hypnosis can undergo such training. Such trainings are useful for psychologists, specialists who already use trance techniques in their work. Often they are attended by specialists in the field of esotericism, astrology.

Dive into past lives

There are seminars and courses that are more focused on people with an interest in esotericism, reincarnation, karma, the soul, the other world. The emphasis of such training programs is on traveling to past lives and spiritual space, predicting and modeling the future. The master of regressive hypnosis is seen less as a psychotherapist, but as a guide in space and time between lives.

The goals of learning regressive hypnosis are to know one's mission and purpose, to get acquainted with spiritual mentors, to identify previous karmic incarnations and heal the wounds received in them. Remembering everything that from a past life affects the present, it is necessary to say goodbye to what hinders development. Then take the best from the past, form a scenario for future events and move on.

To achieve these goals, at the first stage it is proposed to study the basics of Ericksonian hypnosis, the methodology for identifying and working through psychological blocks that have arisen since the perinatal period, and to activate memory. The second step is dedicated to memories of past earthly and extraterrestrial life, their system arrangement, metaphorical modeling. At the final third stage, a projection of the future is created, the destination is determined. Self-immersion and the basics of regressive therapy are being practiced.

Teaching Michael Newton

Those who have been fascinated by Newton's work on the space of life between lives can be trained in the LBL method he developed. Such courses and seminars offer the study of techniques for working with space outside of incarnations. Such trainings are popular with specialists dealing with the energy of the spiritual and spatial worlds, people who seek to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world order.

On the initial stage Techniques of trance states, ways of immersing the client into a state of expanded consciousness, methods of managing a hypnotic situation are studied. Then the transition to the line of time and movement along it, the exit into the space of life between lives is considered. The difficulties that may arise along the way are analyzed in detail. The training programs include methods for collecting information in the space between incarnations, working with the energies of the genus in regression. Students learn how to diagnose the problems of the family, align and purify energies, and remove destructive programs. Some trainings include the study and development of extrasensory skills - bodily and energy.

Self-learning regressive hypnosis

You can get training in regressive hypnosis on your own and for free by using They are available on the Internet. There you can also find many stories of people whom life made suffer again and again for no apparent reason. Circumstances of life changed, and difficulties arose regardless of the situation.

By turning to the help of regressive hypnosis, often on their own, they were able to find the source of the problems in their past. Having seen how the situations of the past were born and developed, which continue to spoil life in the present, these people managed to transform their lives. Not only did she begin to be seen in a new light, but others often begin to be perceived differently.

Important! Self-hypnosis for the purpose of regression can be as beneficial as a session with a professional. It is important to achieve a depth of trance sufficient for authentic and strong emotion events from the past. Then there is no doubt about their authenticity and reality of existence.

Hypnotherapists do not agree on how successful the result will be when teaching regressive hypnosis on their own. The most difficult moment in mastering the techniques is achieving a sufficiently deep hypnotic trance. The gradual passage of the phases of entry, stay and exit from the trance state should not only provide a regression into the past, but look far enough, into early childhood and even, possibly, beyond the current incarnation.

People who master yoga, the method of lucid dreaming, often have the experience of diving into a shallow trance. This depth is not enough for hypnotic regression, but such abilities increase the chances of independently mastering regressive hypnosis.

Guided detailed methodology, you need to gradually go through the phases of preparation, initial settings, deepening into a trance, immersing yourself in selected situations from the past, exploring them, living, then exiting. Having mastered this path, you can achieve:

  • raising the level of awareness;
  • improving personal efficiency, strength, creativity;
  • opening up new opportunities;
  • normalization of interpersonal contacts;
  • getting rid of health problems;
  • removing negative blocks and programs.

Hypnotherapists do not view regressive hypnosis as a dangerous method. Practicing this method on their own is not recommended for those who are prone to hypertensive crises, seizures of epilepsy and hysteria, are in a state of exacerbation of a serious illness. Intoxication, high temperature are also contraindications. A person without mental stability cannot reach the depth of immersion.

You can get advice on hypnotic regression from the psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin.

Michael Newton can be called a classic of regressive hypnosis. If someone is interested in this topic, but has not yet read Newton's books, I highly recommend them, they explain and clarify a lot. A chapter from the book "Life Between Lives" is dedicated to the guardians, the author calls them guides.

Chapter 8. Our Guides

Among the Subjects with whom I worked, there was not one who would not have a personal Guide. Some guides are more visible during a hypnotic session, some are less so. I always ask Subjects if they see or feel the presence of a disembodied being in a room. If so, this third person is usually the Guardian Guide. Often the patient feels the presence of a non-embodied being even before he sees his face or hears his voice. People who meditate are naturally more familiar with these visions than those who have never consulted their guide.

Having recognized or recognized his spiritual teacher, a person is immersed in an atmosphere of cordial, loving creative power. Through our guides, we are more acutely aware of the continuity of life and our spiritual identity. Guides represent grace in all aspects of our existence because they are the guides in the process of fulfilling our destiny.

Guides are not simple creatures, especially if they are Masters. The level of consciousness of the soul to some extent determines how advanced a guide is assigned to it. In fact, it also depends on the maturity of individual guides whether these teachers have one or many charges? Guides classified by their level of ability as Senior Teachers usually work with an entire group of souls as in spiritual world, as well as on Earth. These guides have assistants. That is, each soul group usually has one or more teachers to help it learn. Therefore, some people may have more than one guide.

Michael Newton - Journey Between Lives

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