My mother prefers young ones. Real mother-in-law: Timati's mom showed true attitude towards Anastasia Reshetova

  • 02.07.2020

We so want everything to be perfect with us: both our appearance and healthy baby who never cries and is not naughty. But adjusted for reality, everything is not at all like that, and there are moments that no new mother talks about out loud. "I'm Your Baby" learned about three terrible sins young mothers, in which they will never admit to anyone ... But today the brave Lyuba Gasanova decided on this.

From the outside, all moms look perfect. In general, before the birth of a baby, it seems that motherhood is a complete joy, only then it turns out that everything is not so simple. There are some nuances that mothers prefer to keep secret. If you talk frankly about them, everyone will think that you are not a caring and loving mother, but an evil stepmother. Yes, it's embarrassing to have such conversations. All this seems abnormal, unworthy of a real mother. So we decide not to admit our weaknesses, sometimes even to ourselves. And yet I decided to talk about them.

1. Irritation

It so happened that it is not customary for us to show emotions. Rather, a strict ban has been imposed on the publication of some of them. Advertising only fuels the stereotype that an ideal mother should look perfect, be active, smile radiantly and glow with inner light. She has so much strength and patience that she even meets the cries of a child at night with a gentle smile, easily fluttering from her bed to the crib and back.

This idyllic picture is only possible on a TV screen. In the real world, a mother is also a person who can get tired, offended, cry, want to rest, whine and feel sorry for herself, get angry. All this is not happening because she is bad or does not love her child. She's just alive.

You can't openly say, "I'm annoyed." You have to keep your emotions to yourself, it irritates even more, all the negativity accumulates, and as a result falls on the head of the most dear, dear and completely defenseless child. Then a sense of shame inevitably rolls over, you begin to blame yourself for being a bad mother, not loving your baby enough. Because you are ashamed, you pretend that everything is fine, nothing special has happened. Only this silence is depressing. Shame is followed by guilt, which presses on the chest like a huge concrete slab, which specifically covered you. With this burden, the young mother tries to live, love her little one, and conform to stereotypes.

I will not hide, sometimes I am irritated. This is due to fatigue, the oppressive monotony of life, some monotony of actions, and even because of the banal PMS. At such moments, it is difficult for me to find enough patience in myself to put on a diaper to an endlessly spinning, pulling something and at the same time indignant son, to remain completely calm and unperturbed. I can shout “Saaaaaaaa, but in the ass!”, I can just squeal “aaaaa”. So far, I manage to restrain myself and shout as if in jest, but only in the depths of my soul do I realize that I am starting to get annoyed. At such moments, I immediately apologize to the baby, say that I love him, and explain that my mother is tired, broke down, but he is absolutely not to blame for anything.

“Forgive me, sonny. Mom is just very tired today and therefore annoyed. But it's not entirely your fault. And I love you".

I doubt that a one-year-old child understands all this. However, I would like to hope that he perceives and accepts my apologies on an emotional level.

Dear mothers, be open and do not be afraid to express what is boiling over, do not be shy about your emotions: if you are angry, annoyed, admit it to yourself, share it with your loved ones, but do not keep the negative deep inside yourself. Of course, I do not advise pouring out all my irritation and discontent on the household, spoiling their mood. You can always go up to your husband and say: “Honey, I’m very tired and irritated right now. Please sit with your son for 15 minutes, and I need to lie down in the bathroom and relax.”. The spouse will clearly respond to such a request better and more adequately than to your cries.

Remember that you absolutely do not have to be a robot (I wanted to say “ideal”, but ideals are also alive). You will not turn into a stepmother if you confess what you really feel. Allow yourself to be a living person with weaknesses.

2. Longing for a past life

The image of an ideal mother that you want to match is a woman who does not remember herself from happiness after the birth of a child. I was really, really looking forward to my son. For many years I dreamed of a child, begged God for this treasure. At one point, a miracle happened. I had an easy pregnancy, I felt good, I was active. True, the last couple of months have been hard: I had a huge belly, so I became clumsy, and my back ached, my legs hurt and swelled. However, in general, everything went well. Finally my son was born. The dream came true.

What's next? The first 1.5-2 months after the birth passed as if in a fog: night and day, weekdays and weekends - everything merged into one. I no longer distinguish between the time of day and the days of the week. For me, everything turned into one endless and exhausting day with a baby crying or hanging in my arms, on my chest. Frankly, then I began to miss the life that I led before I became a mother. Now, when my little one no longer wants to sit even on his hands, but prefers to rush around the apartment, holding my hands, or crawl on the floor, licking him, when I lost the opportunity to retire in the bath or in the toilet (which is to hide) - because through a couple of minutes the door opens and I see this contented face ... I sometimes yearn for my carefree past. This is my truth.

Yes, sometimes I start to miss my past, which now seems completely carefree. I miss the times when I could sit back and just watch a movie or read a book, lying on the couch, I miss going to the cinema and the theater, cafes ... And yet there is one huge “BUT” that overshadows all this ... 🙂 If only now I had a real chance to return to the past and not give birth to my miracle, I would not have agreed to this for anything in the world. I just love my child. The moments when my little one cuddles up to me, trusting unconditionally, when he sleeps sweetly and smacks his lips when he laughs, are the most dear and valuable to my heart. They fully compensate for the absence of all those joys that were in my past life.

3. Do not do what is right, but what is convenient

For the first 2-3 weeks of his life, my baby was constantly crying / screaming, then sleeping in my arms, I began to seriously think about a pacifier. Often, after all, a child suckles at the breast not because of hunger, but simply because of a developed sucking reflex. I so wanted to get at least a couple of free minutes to drink a cup of tea in silence. How I suffered then, I thought whether it was necessary to give a pacifier, because the baby can then refuse to breastfeed, and this is a bad habit, and indeed, where is my maternal patience and love. One of my girlfriends and part-time mother of many children then uttered a phrase that saved me from worries: “Just calm down, this is not the first and not the last time you can feel like a stepmother”. It helped me relax, and the pacifier became our salvation.

My son has already grown up, he is almost a year old, but I am sure that it is too early to litter his head with cartoons. By “clutter” I mean long viewing, more than 20-30 minutes. I think that nervous system the crumbs have not yet grown stronger and are not ready for such loads and will be very tired of the visual and noise flow. Still, when it becomes necessary to do something urgent, I sometimes sit the child in front of the TV, turn on the cartoons and do my own thing. Is it good? Unlikely. Does my conscience bother me? It hurts. But ... nevertheless, sometimes I do what is not quite convenient and right for the child, but it is convenient for me. The consolation is that such actions are not caused by my personal whim, but by the fact that there are no other options. I believe this is not the last such situation.

Live in love!

In fact, if you delve well into the depths of your soul, you can still find a lot of interesting things that prevent you from living and enjoying. Most often, we are talking about established restrictions on the manifestation of feelings and emotions or the desire to conform to stereotypes about an ideal mother.

Please forget about it. Allow yourself to be a living person, admit to yourself that sometimes you buy food in jars to save time. Yes, a young mother sometimes gets angry and cries, like everyone else, she also wants to be lazy from time to time, lie on the couch in front of the TV or just be left alone. Allow yourself to be yourself and not adapt to the stereotypes and opinions imposed by someone. Then you will retain the ability to love your little angel as strongly and sincerely as he deserves.


Lilia Boyko's video: What are mothers silent about? Frankly about intimate life, chest, stomach, body and psyche

Pregnancy not only gives appetizing shape body curves. After the birth of a child, milk begins to form, and the breasts become fuller, attracting male gazes. Personal happiness makes women's eyes glow, and the flow of powerful energy will not leave the opposite sex indifferent.

Responsibility for the baby gives self-confidence, willpower, determination, and a man wants to feel like a part of the life of a young mother.

There is a softness of character, smoothness in movements, mystery, as if there is a secret that only a young mother knows about.

Excess weight will soon not bother a woman, since the excitement for the child, his upbringing requires a lot of strength and energy, which will correct the figure better than any simulator. And the redistribution of the hormonal background will only help to cheer up and feel the power of your attractiveness.

A possible reason for the attractiveness of young mothers

In addition, a young mother can be called a girl who already has enough grown-up children. In this case, we mean the age of the mother herself. Some men at the level of psychology may have a desire to own one. Possible reasons such desires are reduced to the psychological awareness of the solidity, adulthood of the girl. She can be an object of higher desire because she shows the world not only her bodily beauty, but also the fulfillment of her destiny. This cannot but inspire respect. And some men have desires for closer acquaintance.

A young mother can also cause attraction in men because the latter, on a subconscious level, can look for dating options that may have already been left by a man. The psychology of the stronger sex is different. Others may have the idea of ​​lusting for the "forbidden fruit" if they mistake a young pretty mother for someone's spouse.

I had an offer to move to work in Germany. And I didn't see the point in staying with the person who treated me so badly.

Did he cheat on you?

What are you, girls, I personally do not know a single man who would not cheat on his wife, - Samira smiled sadly. But the question is how do they do it. Some try not to offend their wife at the same time, pay equal attention to her and the other woman. But Mustafa did not suffer from such gallantry. Could bring his woman to our house. Introduce her to me. And I still had to smile and make them coffee!

Yes, the friends looked at each other. - It is strange that you yourself did not kill him back then.

Sometimes I was so angry that I really thought about it, - Samira admitted to her friends. - That's what I told the police. Either Mustafa was killed by one of his women in a fit of jealousy, or he suffered for his drug dealings. There is no third.

And what did the police say?

They said that the nature of the murder is such that it could not be a woman, - Samira answered. - Or a very strong, athletic woman.

Mustafa had none of those.

That's right, Samira nodded in surprise. - Mustafa preferred young girls. Young, slim and fragile. The last of his mistresses I saw was twenty years younger than Mustafa.

Could not one of Mustafa's relatives have killed him so as not to dishonor the good name of the family? Kira asked.

No, Samira shook her head. Mustafa's father passed away last year. And the rest ... they did not take so close to their hearts what their relative was doing. It was quite enough for them that Mustafa disappeared from their family. They didn't know anything about him and didn't want to know. Right now I have to pack Mustafa's things and go to his mother. My mother helps her prepare everything for the funeral. Mustafa's mother insisted that her son rest in the same cemetery where she would later be buried.

And the rest of the relatives weren't against it?

Mustafa will be placed separately, - said Samira. - So the order of the father will be observed. But the mother will be able to visit her son's grave.

Whatever person he may be, but for a loving mother, he will forever remain her dear boy.

And she began to absentmindedly put things in an open suitcase. The friends looked at each other. The same thought came to their mind. Of course, Mustafa's room had already been searched by the police. But who knows, suddenly they didn’t notice something here. Or noticed, but did not attach much importance to it. After all, they were probably looking for weapons, drugs or contraband.

We will help you with things, - Kira volunteered. - Can?

It seems that Samira was delighted with her proposal.

I'm glad you came by, she said. - Of course, Mustafa and I have been living for a long time different lives. But all the same... Once he was my husband. I loved him. And now... Now it's very hard for me.

And as she said this, Samira grimaced. Then her eyes filled with tears and she hurried to the bathroom. Lesya followed her to console her. And Kira, without interference, began to inspect Mustafa's room. All things killed, as Kira involuntarily noted to herself, were of high quality. It seems that Mustafa really was rich and could afford not to use cheap stuff.

Among the items of men's wardrobe there were quite a lot of women's things. And they all clearly belonged different women. Because bright scarlet lipstick wouldn't suit a blonde. A pale pink would look unprofitable on a brunette.

The same was true of underwear, which was in excess. Kira was even glad that Samira did not see all this abundance of women's panties and bras of different sizes.

Jokes about the deceitfulness of mothers-in-law will never lose their relevance. Even the wisest woman will be jealous of every passion of her beloved son, which will sooner or later be known to everyone around.

Timati has been dating Anastasia Reshetova for more than three years. Such a long relationship is not typical for people from show business. However, despite various rumors, Timur and Nastya are together.

And if earlier lovers preferred to hide their relationship, now more and more often joint romantic photos adorn their microblogs on Instagram.

Anastasia especially loves to post her selfies taken in the musician's apartment online. Subscribers know this background well, and therefore every time they are convinced of the seriousness of the couple's relationship.

Anastasia Reshetova showed a ring on her right hand, and Timati's mother said that her son was not married

Anastasia Reshetova posted another photo with the rapper on her blog a few days ago. In the picture, the model poses in such a way that the ring on the right hand. Of course, Reshetova's fans immediately drew attention to the expensive accessory and suggested that Timati still married Anastasia.

Of course, the ex-vice-miss did not comment on the talk about her own wedding, preferring to intrigue Internet users. But Timati's mother, Simona Yunusova, spoke about her son's family life. Moreover, the woman was not even asked about her eldest son.

Under a recent video with the youngest son Artyom on Simona Yunusova's Instagram, the followers asked if the young man was married. Simone said no, and immediately added that the eldest son Timur was also not married:

Interestingly, none of the commentators were interested in Timati's marital status, but his mother emphasized that the rapper was free. What do you think, friends, did it happen spontaneously, or was not a very good relationship established between Anastasia Reshetova and Timati's mother? ?

Ramzan Kadyrov came to the defense of Timati and Anastasia Reshetova

Timati has prepared a musical gift for Ramzan Kadyrov. The artist performed with a new composition "Akhmat-power!". Anastasia Reshetova also entered the stage with Timati, demonstrating her vocal skills for the first time.

Scottish Tressa Middleton became the youngest mother in the UK. The girl became pregnant by her 16-year-old brother Jason in 2006.

She had been sexually abused by her brother since the age of seven, but was afraid to confess to anyone.

Her mother had enough problems without her, the girl thought. Tracey Tallons was then struggling with alcohol and drug addiction and had no time for her children.

At the age of 11, Tressa became pregnant and gave birth to a girl.

The baby was taken to an orphanage, and James was put behind bars for four years. The fact that the father of the child's brother, Tressa was able to tell only after 2 years. A DNA test confirmed James' paternity.

After these terrible events, Tressa could not recover for a long time. She suffered from depression, used alcohol and drugs.

In 2011, the Girl met her love and future husband Darren.

Tressa resorted to the help of a specialist and adjusted her life. She had a miscarriage a year later. Three days later, her mother died of pneumonia.

Having survived these tragic moments, Tressa found strength in herself and again thought about the child.

Arianna was born four years later. Tressa regrets that her mother did not see her granddaughter.

After all, at the birth of her first child, Tracy supported her daughter.

It was hard to lose a child and a mother in one week. It's also hard to think that my mom will never meet Arianna. I know that she would love her granddaughter and be proud of her. She was with me when I gave birth to my first daughter, and when Arianna was born, I was sad that my mother was no longer around. I think about her all the time, and there are many moments that I wish I could share with my mom, like when Arianna laughed for the first time.

Arianna admitted that she is very happy with the birth of her daughter, but the thought of her first child haunts her.

I felt pure joy the moment Arianna was born. There were times when I thought I would never have a baby again, as if it wasn't meant to be. But I also feel guilty, because Arianna is with me, but my eldest daughter is not. My morning begins with the thought of her, and the last thing I think about when I go to bed is how she is there. I love her and I will always be her mother. I cannot be happy without her. It pains me to think that Arianna will grow up without an older sister.

Tressa hopes that someday the sisters will meet and be together. In the meantime, the mother had only memories and some things of the baby. Tressa left her daughter's handprint, her clothes and a lock of hair as a keepsake.

Arianna will always know what she has elder sister. I am already talking about this with her, although she still does not understand anything. They are complete opposites. Arianna is smiling and calm, and the first daughter was so noisy. I tell Arianna that if her sister were here, they would play together. I joke that Arianna would tail her and they would most likely piss each other off. I really hope that one day they can meet. It means a lot to me.

Tressa will try to provide her daughter Arianna with a happy childhood, which she herself lacked. But the girl does not condemn her mother.

I want Arianna to have a normal childhood where she knows she is loved and safe. I loved my mom and she tried her best, but she was losing the fight. From time to time I just wanted to have a routine, watch TV and go to bed on time like other families. I could not talk to her about everything that happened to me, because she had enough problems of her own. God forbid Arianna had to go through what I had to go through. I wish she didn't keep secrets from me.

Tressa will always remember her first daughter. The last time she saw her was when she was three years old.

I didn't realize that was the last time I would see her. She didn't recognize me and was scared. I couldn't hug her, I had to move away to talk to her. Worst of all, when she cried and called for her mother, she did not mean me, but her foster mother. I was not even allowed to say “mother loves you” so as not to embarrass her.

Now the girl is 11 years old. Tressa sends her birthday and Christmas presents every year, but there has been no response for three years. The girl hopes that the adoptive parents did not tell the child scary story mother.

I hope her adoptive parents don't tell her I got pregnant because Jason raped me. I don't want her to read about it in the paper. I think I should tell her myself. I want to explain everything to her when she is old enough to understand. As for Arianna, I'd rather she didn't know the details of my past. She must have her own life and she is my new beginning.

We hope that Tressa will someday be able to see her first child. Share this story with your friends.